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Interaçao psicol ; 26(1): 69-78, jan.-abr. 2022.
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1512329


A criatividade é um fenômeno multidimensional que envolve elementos individuais e ambientais. O ambiente cultural no qual o indivíduo se insere e a forma como ele se acultura podem influenciar seu desempenho criativo. Neste estudo foram investigadas criatividade, aculturação e vivência internacional de jovens multiculturais. Participaram 39 crianças e adolescentes, que já haviam vivido em pelo menos dois países, sendo 22 (56%) do gênero feminino e 17 (44%) masculino, com idade entre 6 e 15 anos (M= 11,07, DP= 2,56), além de seus responsáveis (23 mães, sete pais e nove casais). Empregou-se três instrumentos: Curta Escala de Aculturação, Teste de Criatividade Figural Infantil e questionário sobre a experiência em outras culturas. Os multiculturais obtiveram índice de criatividade superior à média, impulsionado pelos fatores de Emotividade e Aspectos Cognitivos. A maioria teve altos índices de aculturação e adotou estratégia aculturativa de integração. Foram mais criativos os participantes com altos índices de aculturação e que haviam regressado ao país de origem após a experiência no exterior. Crianças e adolescentes que haviam vivido em mais de quatro países tiveram melhor aculturação. A escola, a família, os relacionamentos sociais e o idioma foram os aspectos mais indicados como facilitadores na vivência internacional.

Creativity is a multidimensional phenomenon that involves both individual and environmental elements. The cultural environment in which an individual is immersed and the way in which he becomes acculturated can influence his creative performance. In this study creativity, acculturation and international experience of multicultural youth were investigated. Participants were thirty-nine children and adolescents who had lived in at least two countries, being 22 (56%) females and 17 (44%) males, aged between 6 and 15 years (M = 11.07, SD = 2.56), and their guardians (23 mothers, seven fathers and nine couples). Three instruments were used: Short Acculturation Scale, Children's Figural Creativity Test and questionnaire on experience in other cultures. The results indicated that multicultural children had higher than average creativity index, boosted by Emotivity and Cognitive Aspects factors. Most had high levels of acculturation and adopted acculturative integration strategy. Participants with higher levels of acculturation and who had returned to their home country, after their experience abroad were more creative. Children and adolescents who had lived in more than four countries had higher level of acculturation. School, family, social relationships, and language were the aspects most indicated as facilitators in the international experience.

Rev. bras. ciênc. mov ; 16(1): 47-55, jan.-mar. 2008. ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-727544


Incursão na área dos jogos de tabuleiro sob olhares antropológico, educacional e da educação física, em duas etnias do Mato Grosso do Sul. Metodologia – busca literária caracterizando a origens do jogo de tabuleiro; levantamento da presença do jogo em algumasetnias brasileiras e cruzamento com dados empíricos obtidos em uma aldeia da etnia Kadiwéu e duas aldeias Terena. Resultado – entendendo os jogos de tabuleiro como uma das riquezas lúdicas das civilizações e sociedades, os dados contribuíram para fundamentar a ideia de ‘prevenção da identidade’, fator capturado no bojo das reflexões sobre o jogo de tabuleiro entre as etnias.

Aim – make an inroad into the fi eld of board games from the anthropological, educational and physical educational points of view of, in two ethnic groups in South Mato Grosso. Methodology – bibliographical research for the characterization of the origins of board games; a survey of the presence of games in some Brazilian ethnic groups and the comparing of this data with empirical data obtained in one Kadiwéu village and two Terena villages. Result – understanding that board games form one of the amusement riches of civilizations and societies, the data contribute to justifying the idea of the ‘prevention of identity’, a factor perceived in the refl ections on the board game within ethnic groups. Discussion – games continue in the memory of older Kadiwéu, but not in the daily life of the village or in school; there are indications of the presence of games among the Terena. Mimesis of the games symbolizes persecutions linked to elements of nature and to social organizations, challenging power relationships. Results - the apparent absence of games in Terena villages indicates the necessity of amplifying studies within this ethnic group, as it is possible that a loss of signifi cance has taken place. The presence of the board game in the Kadiwéu memory indicates that educational intervention should take place in the community. Conclusions – it is understood that the maintenance of the healthy identity of these two groups should consider preventive action, with the intention of reestablishing processes of loss of meaning. Additional studies should be carried out seeking to recuperate memory and revitalize this type of game.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Criança , Adulto , Cultura , Educação , Povos Indígenas , Jogos e Brinquedos , Antropologia Cultural , Diversidade Cultural , Educação Física e Treinamento