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MHSalud ; 21(1): 1-34, ene.-jun. 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558383


Resumen Objetivo: Explorar y discutir literatura científica teórica y práctica para comparar la diversificación y la especialización deportivas tempranas como un enfoque deportivo y educativo. Métodos: Se realizó una revisión sistemática siguiendo las pautas PRISMA, se incluyó un total de 61 estudios. Resultados: Entrenadores, padres e hijos consideran que la mejor forma de desarrollar el talento deportivo y alcanzar la élite en el deporte es participar en una sola disciplina y hacerlo lo antes posible para lograr la especialización y las máximas habilidades técnicas, físicas y psicológicas. Los caminos de especialización deportiva pueden conducir a una situación física, social y mental que comprometa su desarrollo integral. Conclusión: Se puede plantear, en primer lugar, la diversificación deportiva en edades tempranas y luego la especialización; una vez alcanzadas las bases de la fuerza, el acondicionamiento y el entrenamiento neuromuscular, así como una maduración psicomotora específica, para que su rendimiento deportivo y su salud no se vean comprometidos en el mediano o largo plazo. Es necesario considerar que pocos niños logran obtener un lugar en los deportes de élite, por lo que, para muchos de ellos, la educación en torno al deporte será la base para el ejercicio de su ciudadanía como personas activas.

Abstract Purpose: To explore and discuss theoretical and practical scientific literature to compare sports diversification and early sports specialization as a sport and educational approach. Methods: A systematic review was conducted following PRISMA guidelines, and 61 studies were included. Results: Coaches, parents, and children consider that the best way to develop sports talent and enter the elite in sports is to practice a single discipline as early as possible to achieve specialization and maximum technical skills and physical and psychological conditions. Sports specialization paths may lead to a physical, social, and mental state that compromises their integral development. Conclusion: Sports diversification should be considered first at an early age and, afterward, the specialization once the bases of strength, conditioning, neuromuscular training, and a specific psychomotor maturation have been achieved, so that sports performance and health are not compromised in the medium or long term. It is necessary to consider that few children enter elite sports, so for many of them, sports education will be the basis for exercising their citizenship as active people.

Resumo Objetivos: Explorar e discutir literatura científica teórica e prática para comparar a diversificação e especialização esportiva precoce como uma abordagem esportiva e educacional. Métodos: uma revisão sistemática foi realizada seguindo as diretrizes do PRISMA, um total de 61 estudos foram incluídos Resultados: Treinadores, pais e crianças acreditam que a melhor maneira de desenvolver talentos esportivos e ingressar na elite do esporte é participar de uma única disciplina e fazer o mais cedo possível para alcançar a especialização e o máximo de habilidades técnicas, físicas e psicológicas. Os caminhos da especialização esportiva podem levar a uma situação física, social e mental que comprometa seu desenvolvimento integral. Conclusão: Primeiro, a diversificação esportiva pode ser considerada em uma idade precoce e depois a especialização, uma vez que os princípios básicos de força, condicionamento e treinamento neuromuscular tenham sido alcançados, bem como a maturação psicomotora específica para que seu desempenho esportivo e saúde não sejam comprometidos a médio ou longo prazo. É necessário considerar que poucas crianças conseguem obter um lugar nos esportes de elite, de modo que, para muitas delas, a educação em torno do esporte será a base para o exercício de sua cidadania como pessoas ativas.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1023233


In order to cultivate qualified oral clinicians, strengthen examination management, and strictly implement process assessment, Special Training Base of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology in West China Hospital of Stomatology, Sichuan University, has implemented a whole-process and diversified assessment reform. In the part of process assessment, firstly the students were asked to fill in the workload form to give timely feedback on training and truly reflect attendance records; secondly, the performance of trainees in class was comprehensively evaluated in clinical training and theoretical teaching to improve their ability of comprehensive thinking of clinical problems. In the part of result assessment, the traditional theoretical assessment method was weakened, and the ability of comprehensive clinical research was strengthened. Trainees were guided to choose the topic flexibly and use standardized PPT format, and a comprehensive score was determined after assessment. Experts were invited to give their advice, so as to enhance the clinical confidence and scientific research confidence of trainees and help them expand their learning depth and breadth within the limited training time. The analysis of examination methods and assessment results shows that the "whole-process and diversified" assessment mode can truly reflect the training results of trainees and lay a solid foundation for further improvement and implementation of standardized training.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-991393


Objective:To improve the clinical skills of medical students, and explore the implementation plan and effect of diversified laboratory open training.Methods:A total of 808 undergraduate students of clinical medicine in Batch 2015 were selected for diversified laboratory open training in the 5th, 6th and 7th semesters. Multiple reservation methods were adopted including: personal independent network reservation, written reservation, "registered" network reservation; diversified open model: students practice independently, "workshop" special operation training, team make-up lessons; diversified practice modules: basic skills, specialist skills, and comprehensive skills. The results of the questionnaire survey on the two stages of students' diversified laboratory open training and the end of the internship were analyzed; and the Batch 2015 and Batch 2014 graduation skills test scores were compared. SPSS 20.0 software was used for t-test. Results:After the opening of the diversified laboratory: 92.61% (664/717) of the students were satisfied with the open model; 93.58% (671/717) of the students were satisfied with the reservation method; 94.42% (677/717) of the students thought that it could promote learning motivation; 97.35% (698/717) of the students thought that it could stimulate learning interest; 96.51% (692/717) of the students thought that it could help knowledge and skills grasp. After the internship and the return to the school, the questionnaire showed that 98.02% (741/756) of the students thought it could improve clinical skills; 92.33% (698/756) of the students thought it could cultivate clinical thinking; 95.63% (723/756) of the students thought it could enhance self-confidence in the internship; 94.18% (712/756) of the students thought it could increase a sense of professional belonging. The students' graduation skills (90.33±5.59) and single skill exam scores of Batch 2015 were better than Batch 2014 (82.22±7.19), with a statistically significant difference ( P<0.001). Conclusion:The opening of diversified laboratory could stimulate the interest and motivation of learning, help to improve clinical skills and clinical thinking, and enhance confidence in internship and sense of professional belonging.

Rev. cient. cult ; 30(1)11 de septiembre 2021.
Artigo em Espanhol, Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1293340


: El conocimiento de la biodiversidad de una región es fundamental para dirigir su conservación y manejo. La biogeografía y la evolución nos guían conceptualmente para estudiar la vida en un continuo espacial y temporal. El continuo espacial y temporal del que forma parte la biodiversidad de Guatemala, al ser parte del Istmo Centroamericano, determina características únicas. Asimismo, la historia geológica y climática de Guatemala ha generado una topografía compleja con múltiples tipos de ambientes, los cuales han sido dinámicos a lo largo del tiempo. Todo esto resulta en la presencia de un ensamble de linajes con ancestros que provinieron del norte o del sur, además de clados que han diversificado in situ. Aunque la biodiversidad del país aún es extensamente desconocida, el auge de la aplicación de herramientas moleculares abre las puertas para descubrir la rica diversidad genética de la biota de Guatemala. Nos permite también conocer más de su historia biogeográfica y evolutiva y avanzar del estudio de patrones al estudio de los procesos que generan y mantienen la biodiversidad local y regional. La investigación científica en estos temas es indispensable para que nos demos cuenta que la biodiversidad de Guatemala y del norte de Centroamérica es más rica de lo que podemos imaginar.

Knowledge of the biodiversity of a region is essential to guide its conservation and management. Biogeography and evolution guide us conceptually to study life in a spatial and temporal continuum. The spatial and temporal continuum that the biodiversity of Guatemala is embedded in, as part of the Central American Isthmus, determines unique characteristics. Likewise, the geological and climatic history of Guatemala has generated a complex topography with multiple types of environments, which have been dynamic over time. The result is an assemblage of lineages with ancestors that came from the north or the south, as well as clades that diversified in in situ conditions. Although the biodiversity of the country is still largely unknown, the rise of the application of molecular tools opens the doors to discover the rich genetic diversity of the biota of Guatemala. It also allows us to learn more about its biogeographic and evolutionary history and move from the study of patterns to the study of processes that generate and maintain local and regional biodiversity. Scientific research on these topicsis essential for us to realize that the biodiversity of Guatemala and northern Central America is richer than we can imagine.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-912708


This paper aims to push health scientific popular knowledge and carry out targeted patient health education for certain patients, based on the demand of health education for specific diseases and population. Taking the female climacteric health scientific popularization as an example, the authors summarized the practice of popularizing scientific education in a tertiary specialized hospital based on the cognitive level and health education needs of outpatients and the general public. A multidisciplinary health scientific popularization team was set up to communicate popular science knowledge to patients and other menopausal women in need through multi-channel and multi-platform forms. Such means include online ones, offline ones, and cooperation with various social organizations. The implementation of health scientific popularization mode meets the needs of patients and the general public. The implementation of this mode of health popularization could improve their self-health management ability and health accomplishment. It provides a good reference for public hospitals to carry out health science popularization.

Motriz (Online) ; 27: e1021020030, 2021. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1287348


Abstract Aim: The aim of this study was to characterize the developmental pathway undertaken by Portuguese expert track and field athletes considering the quantity and type of structured and unstructured activities. Methods: The sample was composed of 24 experts and 35 non-expert athletes who completed a questionnaire designed to gather information about their previous experiences in sports. Results: Results reveal key factors which distinguished expert from non-expert athletes' developmental pathway were related to a greater commitment within track and field in relation to years (U = 251.000, p < 0.01) and hours (U = 212.500, p < .01), as well as with the number of years spent in unstructured activities (U = 284.500, p < .05). Furthermore, a significant association (χ2 = 27.131, p < 0.01) was found between the number of unstructured activities practiced and an expert performance attainment. Conclusions: These findings revealed that more successfully track and field athletes had an early diversified pathway with greater involvement in structured and unstructured activities. Overall, the study provides an insight into the developmental pathway of Portuguese track and field athletes.

Humanos , Atletismo , Atletas , Desempenho Físico Funcional , Portugal , Inquéritos e Questionários
Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-204863


Climate change and its variability are posing the major challenges influencing the performance of agriculture including annual and perennial horticulture crops. Reduction in production of fruits is likely to be caused by short growing period, which will have negative impact on growth and development particularly due to terminal heat stress and decreased water availability. Hence, crop-based adaptation strategies are needed keeping in view the nature of crop, its sensitivity level and the agro-ecological region. The present investigation was conducted for major sub temperate fruit crops such as apricot, peach and plum in Himachal Pradesh. The investigation was carried out at different altitudinal gradients in fruit growing pockets of Solan district the state. The study was conducted to work out the relationship of weather parameters with phenological stages of major fruit crops and assessment of their vulnerability to climate change under selected altitudinal gradients. The average maximum and minimum temperature showed an increase since last thirty years at all major fruit growing areas, whereas, annual rainfall revealed an erratic trend. The fruit growing areas at 1000-1200 m amsl of Solan district obtained highest score (0.56) and were most vulnerable for stone fruit crops production while those at 1400-1600 m above mean sea level (amsl) were least vulnerable amongst the selected altitudes. To cope with climatic changes farmers have adopted various adaptation and mitigation strategies such as improved water conservation techniques, varietal shifts and crop diversification with other fruits like kiwi, pomegranate and vegetables in the region.

Braz. j. biol ; 79(4): 603-611, Nov. 2019. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1001485


Abstract The sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) is one of the most important crops in Brazilian farming. Many insect are related to this crop, compromising the quantity and quality of the fruit, representing a production problem. Vegetable diversification is one of the main elements that can be managed for suppressing undesirable insect populations in organic production, once that supports the presence of natural enemies. The basil Ocimum basilicum L. and the marigold Tagetes erecta L. are attractive and nutritious plants for parasitoids, being important candidates for diversified crops. This study evaluated the parasitoids attracted by the association of basil and marigold to organic sweet pepper crop. The experiment comprised three treatments: a) sweet pepper monoculture; b) sweet pepper and basil intercropping; c) sweet pepper and marigold intercropping. Hymenopteran parasitoids were collected over 14 weeks. 268 individuals from 12 families and 41 taxa were collected. Sweet pepper monoculture, sweet pepper-basil intercropping, and sweet pepper-marigold intercropping hosted 40, 98, and 130 individuals and richness of 24, 24, and 23, respectively. Furthermore, the insects of greater abundance in the basil and marigold were different to those collected in the monoculture. The number of parasitoids increased in the associations of sweet pepper with basil and marigold, providing advantages in the use of vegetable diversification for the organic pepper crops management.

Resumo O pimentão (Capsicum annuum L.) é um dos vegetais mais importantes dentre os cultivados no Brasil. Muitos insetos pragas estão relacionados a esta cultura, comprometendo a quantidade e a qualidade do pimentão, tornando-se um grande problema para a produção. A diversificação vegetal é um dos principais componentes a serem manejados para suprimir as populações de pragas na produção orgânica, devido ao apoio a inimigos naturais das pragas. O manjericão ( Ocimum basilicum L.) e cravo amarelo (Tagetes erecta L.) são plantas atrativas e nutritivas para parasitoides, importantes candidatas em cultivos diversificados. Este trabalho avaliou os parasitoides atraídos pela associação de manjericão e cravo amarelo em cultivo de pimentão orgânico. O experimento foi composto por três tratamentos: a) monocultura de pimentão; B) pimentão consorciado com manjericão; C) pimentão consorciado com cravo amarelo. Foram coletadas amostras de parasitoides himenópteros durante 14 semanas. Os espécimes foram identificados até o menor nível de taxonomia possível. Foram coletados 268 indivíduos ao longo de 12 famílias e 41 táxons. Os tratamentos de monocultura, pimentão consorciado com manjericão e pimentão consorciado com cravo amarelo resultaram em 40, 98 e 130 indivíduos e riqueza de espécies de 24, 24 e 23, respectivamente. Além disso, os insetos de maior abundância coletados no manjericão e cravo amarelo, foram diferentes daqueles coletados na monocultura. Houve um aumento na abundância de parasitoides nas associações de pimentão com manjericão e cravo amarelo, proporcionando vantagens no uso da diversificação vegetal, podendo ser usada no manejo do pimentão orgânico.

Animais , Vespas/fisiologia , Capsicum/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Ocimum basilicum/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Tagetes/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Biodiversidade , Brasil , Interações Hospedeiro-Parasita
Indian Pediatr ; 2019 Jul; 56(7): 571-575
Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-199341


Objectives: To report efficacy and outcome of mechanical thrombectomy for treatment ofpediatric acute ischemic stroke with large vessel occlusion using stent retrievers. Methods:Retrospective record review of institutional database for patients <18 years of age. Results:Five boys aged between 6 to 17 years received reperfusion therapy using mechanicalthrombectomy for acute ischemic stroke with large vessel occlusion (2 basilar, 2 middlecerebral and 1 internal carotid artery). Pediatric National Institute of Health Stroke Scale(PedNIHSS) at onset ranged from 12 to 21. Complete recanalization as defined by themodified Treatment In Cerebral Infarction scale (mTICI 3 or 2b) was achieved in all, usingstent retreivers. Favorable outcome as per the modified Rankin scale (mRS 0-1) wasachieved in all with no peri-procedural complications. Conclusions: Mechanicalthrombectomy using retrievable stents is a safe and effective therapy for pediatric ischemicstroke due to large vessel occlusion, and may be offered in carefully selected patients.

Rev. biol. trop ; 67(3)jun. 2019.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1507521


Speciation is a multifactorial process with factors acting at different scales of space and time. Trophic niche segregation has promoted the diversification of cichlids fishes in lentic (lacustrine) environments, whether this is also the case in lotic (riverine) systems remains unknown. Herichthys is the genus of cichlids with the most boreal distribution in the Americas comprising 12 currently recognized species, most micro-endemic and only two with a wide distribution. In the present work, we analyzed the stomach content and lower pharyngeal jaw morphologies of the species of the genus to evaluate the possible role of feeding ecology in the diversification of the group. Trophic strategies varied widely, including omnivores, piscivores, invertivores, molluskivores, detritivores, herbivores and algivores. Low values of Pianka's index of niche overlap were found in the sympatric micro-endemic species, while in the widely distributed species the indices ranged from low to very high. The analysis of lower pharyngeal jaw morphologies allowed discriminating a shape associated with piscivorous species from other foraging groups. The results of this study suggest that trophic niche segregation is a factor that could promotes diversification within the genus Herichthys although additional studies need to be performed to fully understand the speciation process in this group of Neotropical cichlid fishes.

La especiación es un proceso con múltiples factores que actúan a diferentes escalas de espacio y tiempo. La segregación de nichos tróficos es un proceso que ha promovido la diversificación en cíclidos en entornos lacustres, pero en el caso de los ríos no está claro. Herichthys es un género de cíclidos cuya distribución es la más boreal en América, el cual comprende 12 especies actualmente reconocidas, la mayoría microendémicas y solo dos con una amplia distribución. En el presente trabajo, se analizó el contenido estomacal y las morfologías de la mandíbula faríngea inferior de las especies del género para compararlas y evaluar su posible papel en la diversificación del grupo. La dieta en dichas especies es muy variada e incluyó tanto especies que pueden ser consideradas omnívoras como especialistas. Se encontraron valores bajos del índice de solapamiento alimentario (índice de Pianka) en las especies simpátricas microendémicas, mientras que en las especies ampliamente distribuidas el índice fue muy variable. El análisis de morfometría geométrica de la mandíbula faríngea inferior permite discriminar dos formas principales, una que incluye la especie piscívora y otra que incluye a los otros grupos alimentarios. Los resultados encontrados en este estudio sugieren que la segregación de nicho trófico es un factor que promueve claramente la diversificación dentro del género Herichthys, aunque se deben realizar estudios adicionales para comprender completamente el proceso de especiación en este grupo de peces neotropicales.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-204839


Globally, addressing poverty levels and inequality remained one of the topmost priorities and has been accorded the first position in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Although Ghana as a whole is faring well in poverty reduction over the past decades, poverty levels and inequalities remains high in the northern parts. This study analysed the gendered welfare gap and the effects of climate change and livelihood diversification on the welfare gap. Through multistage sampling, 432 households were selected and interviewed using a questionnaire. A selectivity bias corrected Oaxaca Blinder model was estimated using household per capita consumption expenditure as a measure of households’ welfare. The result shows that there is a significant welfare gap of $45.85 (GH₵211.85), an equivalent of 11.4% between male headed and female headed households. Controlling for selectivity bias revealed that the observed gender welfare gap was underestimated. Livelihood diversification had positive significant effect on the explained component of gender welfare gap. Climate change/variability had positive significant effect on welfare gap through the explained component and a negative significant effect through the unexplained component. Therefore, observed climate change and variability led to an increase in gender welfare gap by 64.62%, while the unobservable returns from climate factors contributed to a reduction in gender welfare gap by 193.26%. Since addressing unobservable climate factors is limited, there is the need to improve the climate characteristics of women. Although livelihood diversification is a necessary condition, policies such as training and education that would ensure that females also have higher returns from such strategies are sufficient to address gender welfare gaps. To improve the welfare of farmers in the midst of climate change, animal rearing should be promoted among maize crop farmers. Similarly, government’s policy of one district one factory should consider improving agro-processing opportunities in the region into commercial activities.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-187795


Citrus fruits are an excellent source vitamin C, of a nutrient that strengthens the immune system and keeps the skin smooth, elastic and has a great socio-economic importance at the national level. Seedlessness is a desirable characteristic in citrus fruit sold for fresh consumption. This work is part of a genetic diversification program of citrus. The aim of this research is to study the variability of selection criteria related to the quality of the fruit. Ninety-six clones were obtained by bud irradiation from Sidi aissa clementine with two different ionizing radiation doses (30 and 50 Gy). The buds were grafted onto macrophylla and planted with a spacing of 3x5 m2. The evaluation focused on the organoleptic and pomological criteria. Statistical analysis showed that fruit quality was affected differently by gamma irradiation. Some clones presented no changes compared to the control ‘Sidi Aissa’ clementine, while other clones showed significant differences. They showed either higher or lower levels of the researched characteristics. From the 96 clones, 60 showed a juice content higher than the average of 52.12%, in the sugar levels, 29 clones showed a higher level than the control Sidi Aissa with 9.09 %, 70 clones resulted in a lower number of acidity with a percentage of 0.79%, in weight, 72 clones were heavier with an average of 85,38g and lastly 34 clones were too late with a mean of 10,14 for the maturity index. Two irradiated clones of clementine 50 M85 and 30 M68 were selected because of their highest fruit quality for all criteria and seedlessness compared to the control Sidi Aissa that has 7 seeds per fruit. Gamma-irradiated varieties were slightly or significantly preferable to that of unirradiated Sidi Aissa.

Genet. mol. biol ; 41(1,supl.1): 341-354, 2018. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-892490


Abstract Alcohol dehydrogenases belong to the large superfamily of medium-chain dehydrogenases/reductases, which occur throughout the biological world and are involved with many important metabolic routes. We considered the phylogeny of 190 ADH sequences of animals, fungi, and plants. Non-class III Caenorhabditis elegans ADHs were seen closely related to tetrameric fungal ADHs. ADH3 forms a sister group to amphibian, reptilian, avian and mammalian non-class III ADHs. In fishes, two main forms are identified: ADH1 and ADH3, whereas in amphibians there is a new ADH form (ADH8). ADH2 is found in Mammalia and Aves, and they formed a monophyletic group. Additionally, mammalian ADH4 seems to result from an ADH1 duplication, while in Fungi, ADH formed clusters based on types and genera. The plant ADH isoforms constitute a basal clade in relation to ADHs from animals. We identified amino acid residues responsible for functional divergence between ADH types in fungi, mammals, and fishes. In mammals, these differences occur mainly between ADH1/ADH4 and ADH3/ADH5, whereas functional divergence occurred in fungi between ADH1/ADH5, ADH5/ADH4, and ADH5/ADH3. In fishes, the forms also seem to be functionally divergent. The ADH family expansion exemplifies a neofunctionalization process where reiterative duplication events are related to new activities.

Neotrop. ichthyol ; 16(3): [e180095], out. 2018. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-963814


Clupeiformes (herring, sardines, shad, anchovies and allies) are a globally distributed clade with nearly 400 marine, freshwater, and diadromous species. Although best known as filter feeding fishes that form large schools, this group occupies a diverse array of trophic guilds and habitats. Theory suggests that species richness in clades is modulated by ecological limits, which results in diversity-dependent clade growth, a pattern that most clades exhibit. As a trans-marine/freshwater clade that has undergone repeated transitions between marine and freshwaters, Clupeiformes are an excellent system for investigating the interplay between ecological diversity and macroevolutionary dynamics. In this study we review the systematics of Clupeiformes and explore discordance in phylogenetic relationships and divergence times between mitochondrial and nuclear loci. We then use comparative methods to test whether ecological limits regulate diversity in Clupeiformes. We find discordance in phylogenetic relationships at various taxonomic scales, but also considerable agreement between genomes. Our results suggest that trans-marine/freshwater clades are able to circumvent ecological limits on clade growth at regional, but not on local scales. Our study demonstrates that phylogenies are a critical link between ecology and macroevolutionary dynamics, and suggests habitat transitions can play a key role in shaping diversity patterns, particularly in the neotropics.(AU)

Clupeiformes (apapás, sardinhas e manjubas) são um clado globalmente distribuído com quase 400 espécies marinhas, de água doce e diádromas. Embora mais conhecida pela presença de peixes filtradores formadores de cardumes, este grupo apresenta uma diversidade de guilda e habitats tróficos. A teoria sugere que a riqueza de espécies em clados é modulada por limites ecológicos, o que resulta em um crescimento dependente da diversidade, um padrão que a maioria dos clados exibem. Como um clado que sofreu repetidas transições entre águas marinhas e as águas doces, os clupeiformes são um excelente grupo para investigar a interação entre a diversidade ecológica e a dinâmica macroevolutiva. Neste estudo, revisamos a sistemática de Clupeiformes e exploramos a discordância nas relações filogenéticas e os tempos de divergência entre loci mitocondriais e nucleares. Em seguida, utilizamos métodos comparativos para testar se os limites ecológicos regulam a diversidade em Clupeiformes. Encontramos discordância nas relações filogenéticas em várias escalas taxonômicas, mas também considerável concordância entre os genomas. Nossos resultados sugerem que clados que sofreram sucessivas transições entre águas marinhas e águas doces são capazes de contornar os limites ecológicos do crescimento durante a sua diversificação em escala global, mas não localmente. Nosso estudo demonstra que as filogenias apresentam um vínculo crítico entre a ecologia e a dinâmica macroevolutiva, e sugere que as transições de hábitats podem desempenhar um papel fundamental na modelagem dos padrões de diversidade, particularmente no neotrópico.(AU)

Biodiversidade , Peixes/classificação , Modelos Teóricos
Ciênc. rural ; 47(2): e20160007, 2017. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-828447


ABSTRACT: The pesticide industry has undergone a diversification process led by six leading companies (Monsanto, Syngenta, Bayer, Dow, DuPont, BASF) that control roughly 68% of the world market. This growth, initiated in the second half of the 1990s, occurred through deals and acquisitions of companies from the seed and biopesticide markets. This paper analyzes these diversification strategies, which have involved a capital mobilization process based on the exploitation of economies of scope and management of complementary assets. This aims to minimize the risks of investment in consolidated markets as well as in new ones.

RESUMO: A indústria de agrotóxicos tem passado por um processo de diversificação, desencadeado pelas seis empresas líderes (Monsanto, Syngenta, Bayer, Dow, Dupont, BASF), que detêm cerca de 68% das vendas mundiais de agrotóxicos. Esse crescimento, iniciado na segunda metade do ano de 1990, tem ocorrido por meio de aquisições e acordos que envolvem empresas do ramo de sementes e do segmento de biopesticidas. Este artigo analisa essas estratégias de diversificação nas quais constata-se um processo de mobilização de capitais, baseado na exploração de economias de escopo e na gestão de ativos complementares. Isto permite minimizar o risco de investimentos, tanto em mercados já consolidados quanto em novas áreas de atuação.

Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1467251


Abstract The sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) is one of the most important crops in Brazilian farming. Many insect are related to this crop, compromising the quantity and quality of the fruit, representing a production problem. Vegetable diversification is one of the main elements that can be managed for suppressing undesirable insect populations in organic production, once that supports the presence of natural enemies. The basil Ocimum basilicum L. and the marigold Tagetes erecta L. are attractive and nutritious plants for parasitoids, being important candidates for diversified crops. This study evaluated the parasitoids attracted by the association of basil and marigold to organic sweet pepper crop. The experiment comprised three treatments: a) sweet pepper monoculture; b) sweet pepper and basil intercropping; c) sweet pepper and marigold intercropping. Hymenopteran parasitoids were collected over 14 weeks. 268 individuals from 12 families and 41 taxa were collected. Sweet pepper monoculture, sweet pepper-basil intercropping, and sweet pepper-marigold intercropping hosted 40, 98, and 130 individuals and richness of 24, 24, and 23, respectively. Furthermore, the insects of greater abundance in the basil and marigold were different to those collected in the monoculture. The number of parasitoids increased in the associations of sweet pepper with basil and marigold, providing advantages in the use of vegetable diversification for the organic pepper crops management.

Resumo O pimentão (Capsicum annuum L.) é um dos vegetais mais importantes dentre os cultivados no Brasil. Muitos insetos pragas estão relacionados a esta cultura, comprometendo a quantidade e a qualidade do pimentão, tornando-se um grande problema para a produção. A diversificação vegetal é um dos principais componentes a serem manejados para suprimir as populações de pragas na produção orgânica, devido ao apoio a inimigos naturais das pragas. O manjericão ( Ocimum basilicum L.) e cravo amarelo (Tagetes erecta L.) são plantas atrativas e nutritivas para parasitoides, importantes candidatas em cultivos diversificados. Este trabalho avaliou os parasitoides atraídos pela associação de manjericão e cravo amarelo em cultivo de pimentão orgânico. O experimento foi composto por três tratamentos: a) monocultura de pimentão; B) pimentão consorciado com manjericão; C) pimentão consorciado com cravo amarelo. Foram coletadas amostras de parasitoides himenópteros durante 14 semanas. Os espécimes foram identificados até o menor nível de taxonomia possível. Foram coletados 268 indivíduos ao longo de 12 famílias e 41 táxons. Os tratamentos de monocultura, pimentão consorciado com manjericão e pimentão consorciado com cravo amarelo resultaram em 40, 98 e 130 indivíduos e riqueza de espécies de 24, 24 e 23, respectivamente. Além disso, os insetos de maior abundância coletados no manjericão e cravo amarelo, foram diferentes daqueles coletados na monocultura. Houve um aumento na abundância de parasitoides nas associações de pimentão com manjericão e cravo amarelo, proporcionando vantagens no uso da diversificação vegetal, podendo ser usada no manejo do pimentão orgânico.

Rev. bras. entomol ; 60(4): 275-283, Oct.-Dec. 2016. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-829868


ABSTRACT Gracillariidae (Lepidoptera) are commonly known by the leaf miner habit found in the larval stage of most species. By using worldwide, public databases on species diversity and DNA sequences available for extant gracillariid species, we determined changes in the rate of taxonomic species descriptions through time, mapped their spatial distributions, examined their phylogenetic diversification, and estimated the number of species yet to be described for the family in the Neotropics. We recovered 185 species, a number that is smaller than that found in any other biogeographic region. However, it was estimated that at least 3875 additional species remain to be described in the region. Phylogenetic diversification showed a pattern of expanding diversity. A few entomologists have been involved with gracillariid taxonomy in the Neotropics, having 39% of the species been described by a single taxonomist. In most of such cases, descriptions were based on the adults only. A few species have been described from biomes known to have some of the greatest diversity on earth, such as the Atlantic Forest. Thus, such a scenario results from low sampling and scarce taxonomic activity that has prevailed for this family of moths in the Neotropics. It may also be associated with their small body size and to the fact that gracillariids do not seem to be attracted to light traps as much as other moths, which make their collection and identification by non experts difficult. We also suggested scientific and political actions that could be adopted to overcome such an unfavorable scenario.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-456361


In order to make the experimental teaching adapt to the development of modern teaching idea and to meet the needs of the pharmaceutical industry for high quality talents, pharma-cology experiment teaching method has been reformed. Single teaching method has turned to diversi-fied teaching method according to the experimental contents, difficulty and characteristics of teaching situation, such as leading method of using theory after experiment in validation experiments and single blind method in multidrug efficacy experiment in the early stage, case-based teaching in comprehensive experiments in the middle stage , and student teaching method in designing experiments in the later stage. The study results show that students' interest in learning has been inspired,their experimental enthusiasm has been mobilized,and their operation, analysis and problem-solving ability has been improved, which is advantageous to the comprehensive quality education.

Braz. j. microbiol ; 45(1): 313-321, 2014. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-709491


Biosynthesis of active secondary metabolites by fungi occurs as a specific response to the different growing environments. Changes in this environment alter the chemical and biological profiles leading to metabolites diversification and consequently to novel pharmacological applications. In this work, it was studied the influence of three parameters (fermentation length, medium composition and aeration) in the biosyntheses of antimicrobial metabolites by the fungus Aspergillus parasiticus in 10 distinct fermentation periods. Metabolism modulation in two culturing media, CYA and YES was evaluated by a 2² full factorial planning (ANOVA) and on a 2³ factorial planning, role of aeration, medium composition and carbohydrate concentration were also evaluated. In overall, 120 different extracts were prepared, their HPLC profiles were obtained and the antimicrobial activity against A. flavus, C. albicans, E. coli and S. aureus of all extracts was evaluated by microdilution bioassay. Yield of kojic acid, a fine chemical produced by the fungus A. parasiticus was determined in all extracts. Statistical analyses pointed thirteen conditions able to modulate the production of bioactive metabolites by A. parasiticus. Effect of carbon source in metabolites diversification was significant as shown by the changes in the HPLC profiles of the extracts. Most of the extracts presented inhibition rates higher than that of kojic acid as for the extract obtained after 6 days of fermentation in YES medium under stirring. Kojic acid was not the only metabolite responsible for the activity since some highly active extracts showed to possess low amounts of this compound, as determined by HPLC.

Anti-Infecciosos/metabolismo , Aspergillus/metabolismo , Aspergillus/efeitos dos fármacos , Aspergillus/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Candida albicans/efeitos dos fármacos , Meios de Cultura/química , Escherichia coli/efeitos dos fármacos , Fermentação , Testes de Sensibilidade Microbiana , Staphylococcus aureus/efeitos dos fármacos
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-434146


Discipline of medical imaging has developed very quickly,which play an increasingly important role in the diagnosis and treatment of clinical disease.According to the characteristics of medical imaging disciplines,we launched reform on teaching management,teaching methods,course content,teacher training and modes of teaching,examing and researching in an aim to improve medical imaging education standards.