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Journal of Medical Biomechanics ; (6): E510-E518, 2021.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-904431


Objective To explore characteristics of flow field around the athletes, change of net flow force, and influences of hip flexion angles at the end of extension kick on the submerged dolphin kick stroke. Methods The body shape data of a swimmer were obtained by three-dimensional (3D) scanning, and the data were reversely reconstructed to obtain the swimmer model. The joints of the swimmer model were separated, and each segment of the athlete was divided into independent rigid body, and simulation of the submerged dolphin kick stroke was realized by controlling movement of each independent rigid body. The computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software package ANSYS Fluent was used as the solver for calculation and solution. Results The vortex structures were shed off from the surface of the swimmer’s body in the area with a large velocity gradient in flow field, and the shedding of vortex structures was different at the stage of extension kick and flexion kick. Propulsion was mainly generated during extension kick phase. At the end of extension kick, the drag decreased as the hip flexion angle increased from 20° to 30°. Conclusions To some extent, increasing flexion angle of the hip joint at the end of extension kick will reduce the drag force and increase the swimming speed in process of the submerged dolphin kick stroke.

J Environ Biol ; 2020 Jul; 41(4): 776-781
Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-214542


Aim: The present study was conducted to investigate the length-weight relationship, food and feeding behaviour and proximate composition of an oceanic epipelagic fish, Coryphaena hippurus landed along Karnataka, south-eastern Arabian SeaMethodology: Length-weight relationship, feeding and proximate composition of C. hippurus was studied for a period of one year. The size composition, feeding intensity, frequency, occurrence and index of relative importance (IRI) was determined for each diet component in the stomach. Monthly proximate composition in the dolphin fish was estimated. Results: The fork length of the specimens of C. hippurus collected along Karnataka coast ranged from 30- 123 cm and fishes having length range from 33-73 cm represented 79% of the total fish sampled. The estimated b values of C. hippurus for both males and females were less than 3 which indicated negative allometric growth; the fish grows faster in length than weight. The most dominant item recorded in the gut of C. hippurus was pelagic and mesopelagic teleosts. Cephalopods (squids, cuttlefish and octopus) were the second important food constituent while crustaceans consisting of crabs and shrimps formed very less quantity. Interpretation: Information on length-weight relationship, feeding behaviour and proximate composition of mahi mahi would be useful for developing suitable management plans for the conservation and judicious exploitation of this commercially important resource.

Int. j. morphol ; 38(1): 7-12, Feb. 2020. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1056388


The Commerson's dolphin (Cephalorhynchus commersonii) is an odontocete cetacean specie that lies in the waters of the southern hemisphere. With the aim of studying the course and distribution of Cephalorhynchus commersonii's coronary arteries, an exhaustive heart dissection was performed on one specimen. To the extent of our knowledge, and basing upon an extensive bibliographic research on the commersonii species, this is the first reported description of a Commerson's dolphin heart anatomy. Despite the fact that the analysis of a unique specimen does not allow to establish final conclusions, comparisons reveal broad similarities between Cephalorhynchus commersonii's coronary distribution and previous anatomical studies describing the heart of various marine diving mammals and the human fetus circulation. Diving mammals have developed an anastomotic system along evolution, in order to adjust their bodies to diving imposed conditions, and minimize the oxygen demand of the heart muscle. The present work begins with the identification of the patterns and similarities between Commerson's dolphin heart anatomy when compared to other odontecete species, to continue with an exhaustive description of the Commerson's dolphin coronary anatomy.

La tonina overa (Cephalorhynchus commersonii) es una especie de cetáceo odontoceto que se encuentra en las aguas del hemisferio sur. Con el objetivo de estudiar el curso y la distribución de las arterias coronarias de Cephalorhynchus commersonii, se realizó una disección exhaustiva del corazón de un ejemplar. Hasta donde sabemos, y basándonos en una extensa investigación bibliográfica sobre la especie, esta es la primera descripción informada de la anatomía de un corazón de este ejemplar. A pesar de que el análisis de una sola muestra no permite establecer conclusiones finales, las comparaciones revelan amplias similitudes entre la distribución coronaria de Cephalorhynchus commersonii, los estudios anatómicos previos que describen el corazón de varios mamíferos marinos buceadores, y la circulación del feto humano. Los mamíferos buceadores han desarrollado un sistema anastomótico a lo largo de la evolución para ajustar sus cuerpos a las condiciones impuestas por el buceo y minimizar la demanda de oxígeno del músculo cardíaco. El presente trabajo comienza con la identificación de los patrones y similitudes entre la anatomía del corazón de tonina overa en comparación con otras especies odontecetas, continuando con una descripción exhaustiva de la anatomía coronaria.

Animais , Vasos Coronários/anatomia & histologia , Golfinhos/anatomia & histologia , Coração/anatomia & histologia
Biota Neotrop. (Online, Ed. ingl.) ; 20(3): e20201028, 2020. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1131929


Abstract: The solitary behavior is an unusual and peculiar behavior reported in a few sociable dolphin species. This study presents the solitary behavior of an adult rough-toothed dolphin, Steno bredanensis, in the Açu Superport (21º49'S; 041º00'W), northern Rio de Janeiro State, SE Brazil. Data about the dolphin were obtained from mobile phone videos and reports by local professionals. Probably, the same dolphin was there since 2017-2018 up to April 2020 (at least). In general, the solitary dolphin swims next to supply boats navigating along the port internal channel, and it rarely continues towards open sea. The dolphin plays with buoys and containment barriers, rubs itself against hulls, and bow-rides and jumps. There is no report of people swimming with this solitary dolphin, touching it, or offering it food in the Açu Superport. Thus, there seems to be no threats to the animal's integrity locally.

Resumo: O comportamento solitário é um comportamento incomum e peculiar relatado em poucas espécies sociáveis de golfinhos. Este estudo apresenta o comportamento solitário de um golfinho de dentes-rugosos adulto, Steno bredanensis, no Superporto do Açu (21º49'S; 041º00'W), norte do estado do Rio de Janeiro, SE Brasil. Os dados sobre o golfinho foram obtidos a partir de vídeos de telefones móveis e relatos de profissionais locais. Provavelmente, o mesmo golfinho estava lá desde 2017-2018 até abril de 2020 (pelo menos). Em geral, o golfinho solitário nada próximo aos barcos de apoio enquanto eles navegam pelo canal interno do porto, e raramente continua em direção ao mar aberto. O golfinho brinca com boias e barreiras de contenção, esfrega-se contra os cascos e executa comportamentos de saltos. Não há relato de pessoas nadando com esse golfinho solitário, tocando nele ou oferecendo comida a ele no Superporto do Açu. Dessa forma, parece que não há ameaças à integridade do animal localmente.

Rev. biol. trop ; 67(4)sept. 2019.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1507554


Una comunidad residente de bufeos costeros Tursiops truncatus ha sido estudiada de manera intermitente entre 2005 y 2018 en la punta de la península de Santa Elena, Ecuador (2°11' S & 81°0.7' W). Avistamientos oportunistas y dirigidos desde la playa y abordo de un bote con motor fuera de borda se realizaron a lo largo de 40 km de costa, contabilizándose un esfuerzo de 917.2 km de seguimiento en automóvil desde tierra y 707.4 km en bote por mar. El tamaño grupal promedio fue 5.31 delfines/grupo (SD = 1.97, rango 1-10), sin cambios significativos a lo largo del estudio. Desde tierra el tamaño grupal fue subestimado en promedio en 32 %. Esta comunidad de bufeos tiene actualmente solo nueve individuos, incluyendo seis adultos, un inmaduro y dos crías, siendo la comunidad más pequeña encontrada en el golfo de Guayaquil. La tasa de encuentro varió entre 0.03 delfines/km en la parte noroeste y 0.31 delfines/km en la parte sur, donde los delfines concentran sus actividades, posiblemente porque las actividades humanas ahí son menos intensas. Los delfines se distribuyeron generalmente entre los primeros 200 m de la orilla llegando hasta 1 200 m en la parte norte donde la profundidad es menor y las actividades portuaria y turística más intensas. La velocidad de los delfines fue significativamente más alta cuando fueron seguidos desde un bote a corta distancia (5.87 km/h) que cuando fueron monitoreados desde tierra (2.9 km/h) (P < 0.01), lo cual sugiere que el seguimiento en bote tuvo un impacto sobre el movimiento de los delfines. Un análisis clúster jerárquico mostró que los delfines tienen altos índices de asociación entre ellos (promedio 0.67, rango 0.01-1.0), indicando que es una comunidad altamente cohesionada. Adicionalmente muestran un alto nivel de residencia (índice de ocurrencia promedio de 0.62). Durante el estudio se identificaron dos amenazas principales, una pesquería con redes agalleras en la parte suroeste y un intenso tráfico de botes pesqueros en la parte noroeste. La mayoría del área de estudio actualmente es parte de un área costero-marina protegida creada en 2008, lo cual ofrece una oportunidad para la recuperación de esta comunidad de delfines. Debido a su fragilidad, se recomienda a las autoridades ambientales, entre otras cosas, eliminar potenciales fuentes de amenaza para los delfines como las redes de pesca, implementar un área de exclusión para artes de pesca y tráfico de botes pesqueros de 1 km de ancho desde la orilla y limitar la velocidad de todo tipo de embarcación a 10 nudos dentro del área protegida.

A resident community of bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) has been studied irregularly between 2005 and 2018 around the tip of the Santa Elena Peninsula, Ecuador (2°11' S & 81°0.7' W). Opportunistic sightings and systematic surveys from the beach and at sea were carried out along 40 km of coast, accounting for 917.2 km of tracking by car from land and 707.4 km of boat tracking by sea. Average group size was 5.31 dolphins/group (SD = 1.97, range 1-10), with no significant changes throughout the study period. From land, however, the group size was underestimated 32 % on the average. This small bottlenose dolphin community currently has only nine individuals, including six adults, one immature and two calves, and is the smallest community within the Gulf of Guayaquil. The encounter rate ranged between 0.03 dolphins/km in the northwestern part and 0.32 dolphins/km in the South, where dolphins concentrate their activities, possibly because human activities are less intense there. Dolphins were generally distributed in the first 200 m from the shore, reaching up to 1 200 m in the Northern shallower part and where port and tourist activities concentrate. The dolphins' speed was significantly higher when they were followed from a boat at close range (5.87 km/h) than when they were monitored from the beach (2.9 km/h) (P < 0.01), which suggests that boat tracking had an effect on dolphin´s movements. Pairwise cluster analysis showed that animals from this community show high rates of association among each other (average 0.67, range 0.01-1.0), indicating that is a highly cohesive community. Dolphins also showed high level of residence (average occurrence index = 0.62). During the study, two main threats were identified, a gillnet fishery in the Southwestern part and an intense fishing boat traffic in the Northwestern. Most of the study area is currently part of a coastal-marine protected area created in 2008, which offers an opportunity for the recovery and conservation of this dolphin community. Given its fragility, we recommend the environmental authorities to address potential threats for this dolphin community by eliminating gillnets, implementing an exclusion zone for fishing gear and boat traffic of 1 km width from the shore and limit the speed of any type of vessel to 10 knots within the reserve.

Int. j. morphol ; 35(4): 1582-1589, Dec. 2017. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-893172


SUMMARY: This study aimed to characterize the structures of the posterior respiratory system of two species of river dolphins: Inia geoffrensis and Sotalia fluviatilis. The respiratory tract of both species was evaluated using macro and microscopic techniques. Four macroscopic anatomical structures were identified: Trachea, main bronchus, tracheal bronchus and lung. The presence of the exuberant tracheal bronchus suggested ease of gas exchanges. Histological analysis revealed the presence of alveolar ducts and myoelastic sphincter in these Amazonian cetaceans. The posterior respiratory portion of the Amazonian dolphins presents similarity with other odontocetes and the knowledge of this structure can also help contribute to the understanding of the physiology of diving and how these species are adapted to their habitat.

RESUMEN: Este estudio tuvo como objetivo caracterizar las estructuras del flujo respiratorio de dos especies de delfines de agua dulce: Inia geoffrensis y Sotalia fluviatilis. Los tractos respiratorios fueron estudiados con las técnicas de evaluación macroscópica y microscópica. En ambas especies se identificaron cuatro estructuras anatómicas macroscópicas: tráquea, bronquios principales, bronquio traqueal y los pulmones. La presencia de un bronquio traqueal exuberante sugiere un aumento en el intercambio de gases y el aumento de tiempo de inmersión de las especies. El análisis histológico reveló la presencia de los conductos alveolares, y del esfínter mioelástico en los cetáceos amazónicos. La porción respiratoria posterior de los delfines del Amazonas tiene similitud con otras ballenas dentadas y su conocimiento puede contribuir a la comprensión de la fisiología del buceo y a como estas especies están adaptadas a su hábitat.

Animais , Golfinhos/anatomia & histologia , Sistema Respiratório/anatomia & histologia , Sistema Respiratório/ultraestrutura
Braz. j. biol ; 77(3): 437-443, July-Sept. 2017. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-888783


Abstract Variations of age and total length of Sotalia guianensis from the state of Espírito Santo, Brazil, were evaluated. Specimens were found stranded. Age and total length of 44 Guiana dolphins were assessed based on tooth analysis. Age varied between 0.5 year and 33 years (mean = 8.23 years). Most specimens were between zero and 6 years old (47%). Total length varied from 119 cm to 198 cm, with mean of 172.52 cm. Asymptotic length was reached at 185 cm and approximately 5-6 years of age. Mean total length and age were higher than in other regions of the distribution range of the species. Nevertheless, more studies have to be carried out to evaluate the morphological variations in S. guianensis populations in the study area and Brazil.

Resumo Foram avaliadas variações de comprimento total e etárias de Sotalia guianensis provenientes do estado do Espírito Santo. Os espécimes foram encontrados encalhados. Idade e comprimento total de 44 S. guianensis foram avaliados com base na análise dentária. A idade variou entre 0,5 e 33 anos (média = 8,23 anos). A maioria dos exemplares tinha entre zero e seis anos de idade (47%). O comprimento total variou de 119 a 198 centímetros, com média de 172,52 centímetros. O comprimento assintótico foi atingido com 185 cm, aproximadamente entre 5-6 anos de idade. O comprimento total médio e a idade foram maiores que outras regiões de distribuição da espécie. No entanto, mais estudos devem ser realizados para avaliar as variações morfológicas em populações de S. guianensis na região e no Brasil.

Animais , Tamanho Corporal , Golfinhos , Longevidade , Dente , Brasil
Artigo em Inglês | IMSEAR | ID: sea-178132


Aim: To find the correlation between nasal airway volume and the craniofacial morphology using cone beam computed tomography (CBCT). Materials and Methods: This study consisted of preorthodontic anonymized CBCT scans of 34 healthy adults in the age span of 18–28 years. The volume was calculated using Dolphin 3DR software 11.5 version using semiautomatic segmentation method to calculate nasal volume after determining the nasal airway boundary. The subjects were grouped according to sagittal skeletal relation, craniofacial width, facial index, and facial form. Results: There was statistically significant correlation between nasal volume and craniofacial width (P = 0.009). Conclusion: Nasal volume was correlated only with width of the face and not with width/length ratio of face that could have affected the nasal volume.

Artigo em Inglês | IMSEAR | ID: sea-177508


Objective:The purpose of the study was to evaluate and compare hand tracings on conventional lateral cephalograms with different calibration techniques available in dolphin imaging on digital lateral cephalogram. Materials and Methods:50 Conventional lateral cephalogram and 50 digital lateral cephalogram were taken in (NHP) at same period of timeon the same patient. Two angular measurements Facial Axis Angle and ANB angle two linear measurements Sella to Nasion and Sella to articulare have been taken. The digital images were traced by calibration 3 techniques Ruler, DPI and Land mark available in Dolphin Imaging Software Version 11.5.The conventional were traced on lead acetate paper and data has been collected.Results: In measurement of Facial Axis Angle conventional when compared with different calibration techniques Ruler Land Mark technique show <0.001significantvalue. In measurement of ANB angle shows no significant values. In measurement of S-N length Ruler compared with DPI has shown significant p value <0.001. DPI compared with conventional shows 0.001. S-AR length has shown significant value p value 0.006, DPI compared with Landmark shows 0.007,Landmark compared with conventional shows 0.003. Conclusion: According to our study conventional when compared with calibration techniques ruler has show only one significant value DPI and land mark has shown two significant values so our study conclude that using ruler is the better option for calibration of digital radiograph. As ruler is more accurate to conventional we compare DPI and Landmark techniques to ruler, landmark shows less variation with ruler so according to our study the second option for calibration of digital radiograph is landmark and last option comes DPI.

Rev. biol. trop ; 60(supl.2): 133-142, abr. 2012. graf, mapas, tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: lil-657840


The coastal spotted dolphin (Stenella attenuata graffmani) is one of the most common species of dolphin in inshore Pacific waters of Costa Rica. We conducted surveys in protected waters of the Papagayo Gulf, Costa Rica, to determine relative abundance of dolphins in relation to environmental variables. We used Generalized Additive Models to investigate the influence of a particular set of environmental factors and determine inter-annual trends in relative abundance. School sizes ranged from 1 to 50 individuals ( mean 9.95, SD=10.28). The number of dolphins increased linearly with water depth and transparency, and non-linearly with the dissolved oxygen concentration. High variability in the relative abundance occurred during the dry season (January-April). A previous study on this population found that high number of groups are involved in foraging activities during the dry season. Seasonal changes in relative abundance probably are associated with food availability, a variable that we did not measure. Understanding local resident populations may have important implications for conservation and management strategies. Large-scale studies may overlook variables affecting the abundance of local resident populations that may be detected with studies on a smaller scale such as this one.

El delfín manchado costero (Stenella attenuata graffmani) es una de las especies de delfines mas comunes de las aguas costeras del Pacifico de Costa Rica. En este estudio realizamos muestreos dentro de las aguas protegidas del Golfo de Papagayo para determinar su abundancia relativa en relación a características físico-químicas de su hábitat. Usamos modelos aditivos generalizados para investigar la influencia de un juego de variables ambientales y determinar tendencias inter-anuales en la abundancia relativa. El tamaño de los grupos varió de 1 a 50 individuos (promedio 9.95, SD=10.28). La cantidad de delfines aumentó linealmente con la profundidad y claridad del agua, y de forma no lineal con el oxígeno disuelto. Durante la época seca (enero-abril) encontramos la mayor variabilidad en la abundancia relativa. Un estudio anterior sugiere que una cantidad importante de delfines se alimenta aquí en la época seca. Ello sugiere que los cambios estacionales en la abundancia relativa de delfines manchados costeros podría estar asociada con la disponibilidad de alimento, una variable que no medimos pero que podría explicar la variación observada debido a la naturaleza productiva estacional del área. Los estudios de poblaciones locales y residentes pueden tener un mayor impacto en estrategias de conservación y manejo. Por lo general, los estudios a mayor escala geográfica pueden pasar por alto variables importantes que afectan la abundancia local de poblaciones residentes, las cuales pueden ser detectadas en estudios de menor escala como el presente.

Ecossistema , Stenella/anatomia & histologia , Mudança Climática , Costa Rica
Biota neotrop. (Online, Ed. port.) ; 10(2)abr.-jun. 2010. graf, mapas
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-556930


We analyzed the influence of time, tide and water depth on the activity and spatial distribution of estuarine dolphins Sotalia guianensis in Pontal Bay, Ilhéus, Brazil. Direct observations were carried out at four fixed points from January to December of 2006. Estuarine dolphins were sighted in 11 out of 12 months and in 30 percent of 181 sampling periods. The average group size, which was 3.75 ± 1.59 (n = 64), did not vary significantly by month (Kruskal-Wallis, H = 10.6729; p = 0.3836). Infants and adults represented 18 and 82 percent of the individuals whose age we were able to determine, respectively. Estuarine dolphins were more frequently present than expected in areas deeper than 3 m (regression GLM, z = 3.773; p = 0.0002). The animals were more frequently observed between 7:00 and 8:00 AM and between 3:00 and 5:00 PM (X² = 83.815; p < 0.0001). Their presence in the bay tripled between the fourth hour of the flood and high tide, remaining elevated during the ebb tide (X² = 22.152; p = 0.02). The tide also influenced the animals' feeding and travelling direction, mainly toward the open see during the flood and to the back of the bay during others stages. Further studies are necessary to analyze the influence of the hydrographic characteristics of Pontal Bay on the spatio-temporal distribution of estuarine dolphins and their prey.

Analisamos a influência do horário, da maré e da profundidade de água sobre a atividade e a distribuição espacial do boto-cinza Sotalia guianensis na Baía do Pontal, Ilhéus, Brasil. Observações diretas foram realizadas de quatro pontos fixos de janeiro a dezembro de 2006. Botos-cinza foram avistados em 11 dos 12 meses de observação e em 30 por cento dos períodos de amostragem. O tamanho médio dos grupos foi de 3,75 ± 1,59; (n = 64) e não variou significativamente em função do mês (Kruskal-Wallis, H = 10,6729; p = 0,3836). Infantes e adultos representaram respectivamente 18 e 82 por cento dos indivíduos cuja idade foi determinada. Os botos-cinza foram mais freqüentes em áreas com profundidade superior a 3 m do que esperado (regressão GLM, z = 3,773; p = 0,0002). Os animais foram mais observados entre 7 e 8 horas e entre 15 e 17 horas (X² = 83,815; p < 0.0001). A frequência do boto-cinza na baía triplicou entre a quarta hora de maré enchente e a preamar e sua presença se manteve alta durante a maré de vazante (X² = 22,152; p = 0,02). A maré influenciou também a direção de forrageamento e deslocamento dos botos-cinza, principalmente para o mar aberto durante o preamar e o fundo da baía em outras fases da maré. É necessário estudar a influência das características hidrográficas da Baía do Pontal sobre a distribuição spatio-temporal de S. guianensis e suas presas.

Braz. j. biol ; 70(1): 111-120, Feb. 2010. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-539739


The aim of the present study was to describe the characteristics of Guiana dolphins (S. guianensis) group size and composition in the Paranaguá Estuarine Complex (25° 15' -25° 36' S and 48° 02'-48° 45' W), Paraná State, as well as to verify the existence of relationships between a given environmental variable (water depth, salinity, transparency and temperature) and group size. An area of around 124 km² was surveyed by boat from April 2006 to February 2008 in the following subsets of the estuary: Canal do Superagui (~28 km²), Pinheiros bay (~34 km²), part of Laranjeiras bay, which included the Guaraqueçaba sub-estuary (~38 km²), and part of the Mixture Section of the Paranaguá Estuarine Complex (~24 km²). In 45 survey days, a total of 147 hours were spent observing 286 groups of S. guianensis. Groups varied from two individuals to aggregations of up to 90 individuals (mean ± SD: 11.5 ± 14.4 individuals). Solitary individuals were seen only on five occasions (1.7 percent of all observations). Groups with calves (n = 247) represented 86.4 percent overall and were more common in all sub-areas when compared to groups without calves. Groups without calves were found in all sub-areas and were usually smaller and composed of up to 12 individuals. A usual group composition of 70 percent of adults and 30 percent of calves was observed considering all sub-areas and seasons. No correlations were found between group size and water temperature (Spearman's rank test, r = 0.0059, p = 0.9338), transparency (Spearman's rank test, r = 0.0597, p = 0.9333), depth (Spearman's rank test, r = 0.1421, p = 0.4698), and salinity (Spearman's rank test, r = -0.1938, p = 0.0665). While Guiana dolphin groups were seen in the entire surveyed area, group size varied significantly among the three main surveyed sub-areas (Kruskal Wallis, H2,196 = 29.85, p = 0.0000). Groups were larger in Laranjeiras bay and smaller in Canal do Superagui. The physical environment, risk ...

O objetivo do presente estudo foi descrever as características do tamanho e da composição de grupos do boto-cinza (S. guianensis) no Complexo Estuarino de Paranaguá (25° 15'-25° 36' S and 48° 02'-48° 45' O), Estado do Paraná, assim como de verificar a possível existência de relações entre uma dada variável ambiental (profundidade, salinidade, transparência e temperatura da água) e o tamanho de grupo. Uma área de aproximadamente 124 km² foi investigada com uso de barco a motor entre abril de 2006 e fevereiro de 2008 nas seguintes sub-áreas do estuário: Canal do Superagui (~28 km²), baía dos Pinheiros (~34 km²), parte da baía das Laranjeiras que incluiu o sub-estuário de Guaraqueçaba (~38 km²), e parte da Seção de Mistura do Complexo Estuarino de Paranaguá (~24 km²). Em 45 dias de investigação, um total de 147 horas foi empregado na observação de 286 grupos de S. guianensis. Numericamente os grupos variaram entre dois e 90 indivíduos (média ± DP: 11,5 ± 14,4 indivíduos). Indivíduos solitários foram observados em apenas cinco ocasiões (1,7 por cento de todas as observações). Grupos com filhotes (n = 247) representaram 86,4 por cento de todos os observados e foram mais comuns em todas as sub-áreas quando comparados com grupos sem filhotes. Grupos sem filhotes foram geralmente compostos por até 12 indivíduos e encontrados em todas as sub-áreas. Uma comum composição de grupo de cerca de 70 por cento de adultos e 30 por cento de filhotes foi observada considerando todas as sub-áreas e estações do ano. Não foram apontados correlações entre o tamanho de grupo e a temperatura (Teste de Rank de Spearman, r = 0,0059; p = 0,9338), a transparência (Teste de Rank de Spearman, r = 0,0597; p = 0,9333), a profundidade (Teste de Rank de Spearman, r = 0,1421; p = 0,4698), e a salinidade da água (Teste de Rank de Spearman, r = -0,1938; p = 0,0665). Enquanto grupos de botos-cinza foram observados ao largo de todo o estuário, seus tamanhos variaram significativamente ...

Animais , Comportamento Animal/fisiologia , Golfinhos/fisiologia , Ecossistema , Brasil , Golfinhos/classificação , Densidade Demográfica , Estações do Ano
Rev. etol. (Online) ; 9(1): 17-28, jan. 2010. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-703204


Com este estudo procurou-se obter informações sobre o comportamento, dieta e área de ocorrência do boto-cinza (Sotalia guianensis) presente na costa dos Estados da Bahia, do Espírito Santo, Rio de Janeiro e São Paulo, de acordo com as informações relatadas por pescadores locais. Foram feitas 100 entrevistas etnográficas com os pescadores residentes nos quatro Estados. Os resultados indicam que os pescadores artesanais (n=77) têm boa percepção a respeito do comportamento, hábitat e dieta do boto e que também diferenciam os indivíduos juvenis dos adultos. Os resultados fornecem informações etnobiológicas que podem auxiliar na elaboração de propostas voltadas para a conservação da espécie com a participação das populações tradicionais

This study investigated the behavior, diet and occurrence area of the estuarine dolphin (Sotalia guianensis) as reported by fishermen living on the coast of the states of Bahia, Espírito Santo, Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo, Brazil. One hundred ethnographic interviews were conducted with fishermen. Results showed that artisanal fishermen (n=77) correctly perceive the behavior, occurrence area and diet of the estuarine dolphin, and are also able to recognize an individual as being a juvenile or an adult animal, and provide ethnobiological information that may be put to good use in projects for the conservation of estuarine dolphins with local fishermen participation.

Animais , Comportamento Animal , Dieta , Golfinhos , Ecossistema
Rev. cuba. pediatr ; 80(4)oct.-dic. 2008. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-576575


El síndrome Down continúa siendo la enfermedad genética por alteración cromosómica más frecuente en el mundo y en Cuba, por lo que se buscan procedimientos que mejoran la atención integral a estos niños, entre los cuales se encuentra la delfinoterapia. El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo constatar el conocimiento de padres y profesores sobre esta terapia, conocer las habilidades alcanzadas por los niños y el grado de satisfacción de las familias. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo sobre el conocimiento y características de la delfinoterapia en niños con síndrome Down, tratados de esta forma desde octubre del 2004. A los tres años, en septiembre de 2007, se encuestaron 18 padres o madres y 8 profesores, y se incluyó la valoración logopédica y psicométrica cada 20 semanas y una evaluación anual por el Centro de Diagnóstico y Orientación. Los datos obtenidos se tabularon mediante conteo simple y se expresaron en porcentajes. Se siguieron los principios éticos de respeto a los niños discapacitados y del consentimiento de los padres. El 87,5 por ciento de los profesores y el 33,4 por ciento de los padres conocían de esta terapia. Todos los profesores y el 77,7 por ciento de los padres reconocieron nuevas habilidades en los niños, más importantes en el aprendizaje y la socialización de aquellos. El 100 por ciento de los profesores y el 88,8 por ciento de los padres desearon incorporar esta terapia en la educación especial. El conocimiento de los padres es menor que el de los profesores. Esta terapia propicia avance en diferentes áreas del desarrollo psicomotor y es un método eficaz para la estimulación de los niños con síndrome de Down, que puede contribuir a su integración social.

Down's syndrome is still the most common genetic disease by chromosomic alteration in the world and in Cuba. That's why, procedures improving the comprehensive attention to these children, such as dolphin therapy, are searched. The objective of this study was to confirm the knowledge of parents and professors about this therapy, to know the abilities attained by the children and the satisfaction degree of the families. A descriptive study on the knowledge and characteristics of dolphin therapy in children with Down's syndrome treated this way from October 2004 on was conducted. Three years later, 18 fathers or mothers and 8 professors were surveyed, and a logopedic and psychometric evaluation was included every 20 weeks, as well as an annual assessment made by the Center of Diagnosis and Guidance. The data obtained were tabulated by simple count and they were expressed in percentages. The ethical principles of respect to the disabled children and to parents' consent were followed . 87,5 percent of the professors and 33,4 percent of the parents knew about this therapy. All the professors and 77,7 percent of the parents recognized new abilities in the children, which were more important for their learning and socialization process. 100 percent of the professors and 88 percent of the parents wished to incorporate this therapy to special education. the knowledge of the parents is lower than that of the professors. This therapy propitiates the advance in different areas of psychomotor development and it is an efficient method for stimulating those children with Down's syndrome, since it may contribute to their social integration.

Humanos , Golfinhos Comuns , Síndrome de Down/terapia
Biota neotrop. (Online, Ed. port.) ; 8(4): 225-229, Oct.-Dec. 2008. ilus, graf, tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-509802


A ecologia do golfinho-nariz-de-garrafa (Tursiops truncatus) é pouco documentada no Brasil. O objetivo deste trabalho é fornecer dados sobre a distribuição, tamanho de grupo e comportamento de T. truncatus a partir de avistagens oportunistas realizadas nas adjacências da Ilha de Santa Catarina, sul do Brasil. Em cada observação de grupos da espécie foram registrados: localidade, data e hora, tamanho de grupo e comportamento. Foram observados 71 grupos entre 1989 e 2005, em todos os meses do ano. A espécie foi observada em toda região costeira da Ilha de Santa Catarina, utilizando uma grande variedade de hábitats. O tamanho de grupo variou entre 1 e 200 indivíduos, com uma média de aproximadamente 8 indivíduos (moda = 2). Interações com pelo menos três espécies de aves marinhas também foram observadas, além de outros comportamentos. Os dados obtidos sugerem que a espécie é comum ao longo da costa da Ilha de Santa Catarina, possui uma grande plasticidade no uso de hábitats, além de um conjunto variado de comportamentos.

The ecology of the bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) is scarcely documented in Brazil. The objective of this article is to present information about the distribution, group size and behavior of T. truncatus collected oportunistically around the Island of Santa Catarina. Locality, date and time, group size and behavior were registered after each opportunistic sighting. Seventy-one groups were observed between 1989 and 2005, in all months of the year. The species was sighted along all the coast of the island, using a great variety of habitats including protected bays and exposed beaches. Group size varied from 1 to 200 individuals, with a mean group size of approximately 8 individuals (mode = 2). Interactions with three species of sea birds were also documented. Data presented here suggest that the species is common around the Island of Santa Catarina, has a great plasticity in habitat use, and a varied behavior repertoire.

Biodiversidade , Comportamento/classificação , Coleta de Dados , Ecossistema , Golfinho Nariz-de-Garrafa/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Golfinhos/classificação , Mamíferos
Artigo em Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-655980


The purpose of this study was to compare the differences in measurements between cephalometric radiographs an digigraphs of Dolphin Imaging System. 26 Korean adult male and 24 adult female with normal occlusion were selected. For each subject lateral cephalogram was taken. Digitizing with Digigraph Work Station of Dolphin Imaging System was performed as well. 50 tracings and 50 digigraphs were analyzed with Yonsei, Ricketts, Burstone analyses. The comparable measurements between tracing group and digigraph group were statistically analyzed. The results were as follows: 1. 13 of 64 comparable measurements did not show any statistically significant difference (P>0.05) between tracing group and digigraph group. 2. Three of the measurements with FH plane as a reference plane did not show any statistically insignificant difference. All measurement with SN plane as a reference plane showed statistically significant difference(p<0.05) 3. The measurements which showed no statistically significant difference were mostly short distance linear measurements while most of the angular measurements showed statistically significant difference(p<0.05).

Adulto , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Golfinhos