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CoDAS ; 35(5): e20220164, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1514007


ABSTRACT Purpose Sentence Repetition Tasks (SRT) have been widely used to assess early language abilities in different languages and populations. In addition, it has been proved that performance in SRTs serve as a clinical marker to detect language difficulties. However, most of the research has been conducted in English language and with children older than 4 years of age. Despite this scarcity, [1] developed a SRT for monolingual Spanish-speaking children between 2 and 4 years of age. Initial findings showed that it is a useful tool for discriminating children with different linguistic levels. In addition, the task showed concurrent validity with a nonword repetition task. In the current study we want to explore the predictive validity of this task. Methods We conducted a longitudinal study including 20 monolingual Spanish-Speaking children who were tested twice, at 33 months of age and six months later. In addition to the SRT, participants completed a nonword repetition task [2] and the Spanish version of the Merrill-Palmer-R Developmental Scales [3]. Results showed strong and positive relationships between the different tests when first assessed. We also found strong and predictive relationships between the SRT at time 1 and SRT and the Merrill-Palmer-R at time 2. Conclusion We conclude that the SRT developed [1] is a valid tool for examining early language abilities and its changes over time.

Interdisciplinaria ; 37(2): 143-158, dic. 2020. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1149369


Resumen Se examinaron datos provenientes de la evaluación del lenguaje de 104 niños con edades entre 16 y 30 meses residentes en Lima con una versión preliminar de la adaptación de la Forma II de los reportes parentales MacArthur-Bates Communicative Development Inventories (CDI) al español del Perú. Se analizó el léxico productivo a partir de la lista de palabras del reporte y se realizaron análisis de regresión para evaluar si el nivel de vocabulario contribuía a predecir el desarrollo gramatical de los niños, empleando como variables de control la edad del niño y el nivel de escolarización materna (como indicador del nivel socioeconómico) y como variables dependientes la longitud media de los tres enunciados más largos (LME3) y la complejidad morfosintáctica (CM), obtenidas con el CDI. Los sustantivos fueron la clase de palabras más frecuente y que más aumentó con la edad, como en el italiano (Caselli et al., 1995; D'Odorico y Fasolo, 2007) y el español mexicano (Jackson-Maldonado et al., 1993). Además, el nivel de vocabulario predijo el nivel de desarrollo gramatical, como en el español peninsular (Mariscal y Gallego, 2012) y en el mexicano (Thal, Jackson-Maldonado y Acosta, 2000): una vez controlados los efectos de la edad y la escolarización materna, el vocabulario explicó el 20 % de la variabilidad de la LME3 y el 37 % de la variabilidad de la CM. Este estudio ofrece información sobre el desarrollo temprano del vocabulario y la gramática en el español del Perú, una etapa escasamente estudiada en esta variedad.

Abstract We present results from the analysis of data from 104 children with ages ranging from 16 to 30 months, living in Lima, Peru. The data was collected using a preliminary version of the MacArthur-Bates Communicative Development Inventories (CDI), Form II, adapted to Peruvian Spanish. The CDIs are parental reports that assess language through the presentation of a series of items to the parents, mainly in the form of a checklist. We aimed to (1) describe the composition of Peruvian children's productive lexicon at this age, (2) identify whether nouns were the most frequent class in their vocabulary, and also the class which increased the most with age, as is the case in Italian (Caselli et al., 1995; D'Odorico y Fasolo, 2007) and Mexican Spanish (Jackson-Maldonado et al., 1993); and (3) assess whether vocabulary size explained the level of grammatical development as in Peninsular and Mexican Spanish (Mariscal & Gallego, 2012; Thal, Jackson-Maldonado & Acosta, 2000). In order to do so, we analyzed the following data: age; maternal education level (as an indicator of socioeconomic status); vocabulary (represented by a list of more than 500 words that parents recognized as produced or not by their children); the mean length of the three longest utterances produced by the child as reported by parents; and sentence complexity, a measure of the level of structures produced by the child based on the parent's report. To achieve the first and second goals, words in the vocabulary list were classified according to grammatical class. Then, the percentage of production of each class of words was calculated, as well as the correlation between this percentage and age. Children's vocabulary was composed mainly of nouns, which represented 57 % of the production, followed by predicates (verbs and adjectives) and function words (pronouns, determiners, prepositions, conjunctions and connectives). Noun was the class of words that increased the most with age, showing the highest correlation with such variable (r = .72). Correlations between other types of words and age varied: it was also high for adjectives; but moderate for some classes and low for others. This showed that each type of word increased at different rates. Regarding the third goal, to assess the relationship between vocabulary size and level of grammatical development, two regression analyses were conducted to predict the variables mean-length-of-the-three-longest-utterances and sentence-complexity. For both analyses, age and maternal education level were entered in the first step, in order to control for their effect; and vocabulary was entered in the second step. Both models accounted for substantial amounts of variance and showed an important effect on vocabulary. The model with the mean-length-of-the-three-longest-utterances as the dependent variable accounted for 56 % of the variance. The first step explained 37 % of the variance (due to the contribution of both age and maternal education level), and the second step explained an additional 20 %. The model with sentence-complexity accounted for a higher percentage of the variance, 75 %. The first step explained 38 % of the variance, exclusively due to age; while the second step explained an additional 37 %. These results suggest a strong relationship between vocabulary and grammar. Further research is needed to confirm these results with direct measures of child production and more representative samples of children acquiring Peruvian Spanish, including speakers of dialects of other parts of the country. However, these results, preliminary as they are, shed light on the composition of vocabulary and its relationship with grammar in a variety of Spanish scarcely studied during early stages of development.

Actual. psicol. (Impr.) ; 31(122)jun. 2017.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1505579


Con la participación de niños de sectores medios de Argentina, se presenta un estudio longitudinal acerca de la construcción del mundo ficcional y de la trama narrativa en situaciones de juego. Investigaciones previas evidenciaron las relaciones entre el juego y las habilidades narrativas. Son escasos los estudios que analizaron los recursos que contribuyen a elaborar el mundo ficcional del juego, así como las características de su trama narrativa. Se analizaron 60 situaciones de juego simbólico en las que participaron 12 niños y sus madres cuando los primeros tenían 2.6 y 3.6 años. Los participantes emplean diversos recursos para la construcción del mundo ficcional. Se observaron variaciones longitudinales respecto del uso de enunciados metalúdicos, el tipo de mundo ficcional y la complejidad de la trama narrativa del juego.

The paper presents a longitudinal analysis of the construction of the fictional world and the narrative discourse in play situations registered in the homes of middle-income children from Argentina. Previous research has shown the relations between play and narrative abilities. There are few studies focused on the characteristics of the interaction and the language that contribute to the narrative represented in the play. Sixty play situations were analyzed and registered in the homes of 12 children when they were 2.6 and 3.6 years old respectively. The participants used several resources for the construction of the fictional world of the play. Longitudinal variations were observed regarding the use of metaplay utterances, the types of fictional worlds constructed and the complexity of the narratives.

Malaysian Journal of Health Sciences ; : 11-18, 2015.
Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-626699


“Following the child’s lead” and “collaborative consultation with parents” are solidly grounded in the best practice of early language intervention. However, the success of these two practices are based on assumptions that they are valued by families and that they can be feasibly implemented by the attending speech-language pathologist (SLP). Such assumptions can be unjustified in cultures that value the use of “adult-guided instructions” over following the child’s lead and when the work setting of the SLP does not readily accommodate those practices. This article takes the form of a position paper. Through review of the literature, the paper (1) identifies the research-cultural practice gap in early language intervention in Malaysia; (2) positions the two research-informed practices – following the child’s lead and collaborative consultation with parents, on the continuum of intrusiveness in early language intervention; and (3) proposes the techniques of Milieu Teaching as an approach to bridge the research-cultural practice gap in Malaysia.

Patologia da Fala e Linguagem