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Rev. Nac. (Itauguá) ; 16(2)May-Aug. 2024.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1559128


Introducción: la yerba mate (Ilex paraguariensis) constituye un recurso alimentario autóctono, formando parte de la tradición y cultura alimentaria del Paraguay. Sin embargo, existen pocos estudios locales sobre los hábitos de consumo y preferencias por los paraguayos. Objetivo: describir los hábitos de consumo de la yerba mate (Ilex paraguariensis) en el Departamento Central en el 2022. Metodología: estudio descriptivo, transversal, con datos primarios, realizado en el Departamento Central de Paraguay. Muestreo no probabilístico en racimos. Instrumento de elaboración propia, diseñado como encuesta digital en la plataforma Google Form® (EE.UU.). Las variables fueron agrupadas en datos demográficos, relacionados al consumo de mate, tereré y cocido, procesados en Microsoft Excel® (EE.UU.) y EPI INFO® 7.0 (EE.UU.). Resultados: participaron 207 personas, la mayoría contaban entre 18 a 40 años, sexo femenino (83,22 %, 119), solteros, universitarios. El consumo más frecuente fue mate+ tereré+ cocido (43,96 %, 91) y tereré + cocido (14,01 %, 29). Todos los encuestados percibían más de dos salarios mínimos, y eran trabajadores de tiempo completo. El 81,64 % (169) consumían tereré, 69,08 % (143) mate, 80,23 % (138) cocido. El tipo de yerba más consumido fue la "compuesta con hierbas medicinales", con un promedio de 1,5 Litros diarios. Conclusión: las formas más consumidas son tereré, cocido y mate, el tipo de yerba es la compuesta con el agregado de hierbas medicinales. Se sugieren realizar estudios poblacionales más amplios sobre el consumo de bebidas a base de yerba mate en Paraguay, así como ampliar estudios sobre las posibles interacciones e inocuidad entre la yerba mate con hierbas medicinales.

Introduction: yerba mate (Ilex paraguariensis) constitutes a native food resource, forming part of the food tradition and culture of Paraguay. However, there are few local studies on the consumption habits and preferences of Paraguayans. Objective: to describe the consumption habits of yerba mate (Ilex paraguariensis) in the Departamento Central in 2022. Methodology: descriptive, cross-sectional study, with primary data, carried out in the Departamento Central of Paraguay. Non-probability cluster sampling. Self-developed instrument, designed as a digital survey on the Google Form® platform (USA). The variables were grouped into demographic data, related to the consumption of mate, tereré and cocido, processed in Microsoft Excel® (USA) and EPI INFO® 7.0 (USA). Results: people participated was 207, the majority were between 18 and 40 years old, female (83.22 %, 119), single, university students. The most frequent consumption was mate + tereré + cooked (43.96 %, 91) and tereré + cooked (14.01 %, 29). All respondents received more than two minimum wages, and were full-time workers. 81.64 % (169) consumed tereré, 69.08 % (143) consumed mate, 80.23 % (138) cooked. The most consumed type of herb was "composed with medicinal herbs", with an average of 1.5 Liters per day. Conclusion: the most consumed forms are tereré, cooked and mate, the type of yerba is the one composed with the addition of medicinal herbs. It is suggested to carry out larger population studies on the consumption of yerba mate-based drinks in Paraguay, as well as expand studies on the possible interactions and safety between yerba mate and medicinal herbs.

J. pediatr. (Rio J.) ; 100(supl.1): S82-S87, Mar.-Apr. 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558338


Abstract Objective To investigate the relationship between the biopsychosocial environment and eating habits and behaviors that lead to the selection and consumption of certain food from the earliest stages of life. To clarify whether there is an interaction between genetic and epigenetic factors, and how they shape eating habits. Data source A narrative review based on research in PubMed and Web of Science electronic databases was carried out over the last 10 years, searching the title and summary fields using the keywords Children OR adolescents Feeding Behavior eating OR Dietary Habits OR Eating Behavior OR Eating Habits OR Children obesity. Data synthesis The generational transmission of eating habits is related to the home, community, and school environments, mainly during the first years of life, and can exert the modulation of habits during all stages of life. During childhood, the family's role in consolidating eating habits is very broad and ranges from choosing foods to prioritizing family meals, including the lifestyle. Conclusions Eating habits are transmitted from parents to children in different ways: environmental, emotional, social, and educational. In cases of obesity, a greater association of genetic influence can be observed.

Arch. latinoam. nutr ; 74(1): 51-57, mar. 2024. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1555095


Introduction: The confinement due to COVID-19 significantly affected people's food consumption, especially university students who had to adapt to virtual education. Objective: To determine the perception and food consumption frequency due to the COVID-19 pandemic among Peruvian students from a private university in Trujillo City, Peru. Materials and method: The research design was non-experimental, descriptive, and cross- sectional. The non-probabilistic sample consisted of 169 students and the instrument used was a virtual survey (Cronbach's alpha = 0.846). Results: It is shown that there is a higher frequency of young people (n = 116) and adolescents (n = 45) who participated in the study, and that the average age was 22.15 ± 3.77 years. Likewise, the Frequency of Consumption dimension, it showed a higher frequency in the "Sometimes" scale, where it is related to whether it exceeded the number of meals per day (34.9%), eating out of control (38.5%), desires to eat unhealthy food (32.0%) and whether it influenced eating (30.8%). Similarly, it was shown that the majority of respondents consumed fruits (68.6%) and vegetables (58.0%) and considered water consumption essential (98.3%). On the other hand, there was a higher frequency regarding the consumption of ultra-processed foods (n = 95, 56.2%). Conclusion: The population of a private university made up mostly of young people and adolescents perceives that there was a change in their diet during the COVID-19 pandemic(AU)

Introducción: El confinamiento por COVID-19 afectó notablemente el consumo de alimentos de las personas, sobre todo de los universitarios quienes tuvieron que adaptarse a una educación virtual. Objetivo: Determinar la percepción y la frecuencia del consumo de alimentos a causa de la pandemia por COVID-19 en estudiantes de una universidad privada de la ciudad de Trujillo (Perú). Materiales y métodos: El diseño de la investigación fue no experimental de tipo descriptivo, y de corte transversal. La muestra no probabilística estuvo conformada por 169 estudiantes y el instrumento utilizado fue una encuesta virtual (Alfa de Cronbach = 0,846). Resultados: Se muestra que hay una mayor frecuencia de jóvenes (n = 116) y adolescentes (n = 45) que participaron en el estudio, y que la edad promedio fue de 22,15 ± 3,77 años. Así mismo, en la dimensión Frecuencia de Consumo, tuvo una mayor frecuencia en la escala "A veces", donde se relaciona a si excedió el número de comidas al día (34,9%), comer fuera de control (38,5%), deseos de comer comida poco saludable (32,0%) y si influenció en la alimentación (30,8%). De la misma manera, se mostró que la mayoría de encuestados consumió frutas (68,6%) y verduras (58,0) y consideró imprescindible el consumo de agua (98,3%), por otro lado, hubo una mayor frecuencia respecto al consumo de alimentos ultraprocesados (n = 95, 56,2%). Conclusiones: La población de una universidad privada conformada mayoritariamente por jóvenes y adolescentes percibe que si hubo un cambio en su alimentación durante la pandemia del COVID-19(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Criança , Adolescente , Adulto , Qualidade de Vida , Estudantes , Nutrientes , Ingestão de Alimentos , Comportamento Alimentar , COVID-19 , Universidades , Verduras , Quarentena , Frutas , Alimento Processado
Rev. colomb. gastroenterol ; 38(3)sept. 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535921


Aim: To establish the relationship between consuming foods considered risk factors for gastric cancer and trophic changes in gastric mucosa. Materials and methods: Cross-sectional study. We included patients older than 18 admitted for upper GI endoscopy with biopsies who adequately answered a survey of personal history and eating habits. Those with a history of gastric cancer or gastric surgical resection for any reason were excluded. The association between feeding variables and trophic changes in the gastric mucosa was estimated. Results: In a population of 1,096 patients, the average age was 51 years (standard deviation [SD]: 15.5), and 59% were women. Trophic changes in the gastric mucosa were identified in 173 patients (15.8%). No statistical association was found between the independent variables of eating habits, obesity, and positive Helicobacter pylori versus the variable "trophic changes," unlike the variable "family history of gastric cancer" (odds ratio [OR]: 1.49 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.03-2.17, p = 0.036). One case of high-grade dysplasia was detected in the study population (0.91 cases in 1,000 patients). Conclusions: No association was established between eating habits and trophic changes in the gastric mucosa in the studied population. A family history of gastric cancer is a statistically significant risk factor for developing atrophy, metaplasia, or dysplasia changes.

Objetivo: establecer la relación entre el consumo de alimentos considerados como factores de riesgo para cáncer gástrico y la presencia de cambios tróficos de la mucosa gástrica. Materiales y métodos: estudio de corte transversal. Se incluyeron los pacientes mayores de 18 años admitidos para realización de endoscopia digestiva superior con toma de biopsias que respondieron adecuadamente una encuesta de antecedentes personales y hábitos de alimentación. Se excluyeron aquellos con antecedente de cáncer gástrico o resección quirúrgica gástrica por cualquier motivo. Se estimó la asociación entre las variables de alimentación y la presencia de cambios tróficos de la mucosa gástrica. Resultados: en una población de 1096 pacientes, el promedio de la edad fue 51 años (desviación estándar [DE]: 15,5), y correspondió en un 59% a mujeres. Se identificaron cambios tróficos de la mucosa gástrica en 173 pacientes (15,8%). No se obtuvo asociación estadística entre las variables independientes de hábitos de alimentación, obesidad y Helicobacter pylori positivo frente a la variable "cambios tróficos", a diferencia de la variable "antecedente familiar de cáncer gástrico" (odds ratio [OR]: 1,49; intervalo de confianza [IC] 95%: 1,03-2,17; p = 0,036). Se obtuvo 1 caso de displasia de alto grado en la población estudiada (0,91 casos en 1000 pacientes). Conclusiones: no se estableció una asociación entre los hábitos de alimentación y la presencia de cambios tróficos de la mucosa gástrica en la población estudiada. El antecedente familiar de cáncer gástrico se muestra como un factor de riesgo estadísticamente significativo para el desarrollo de cambios de atrofia, metaplasia o displasia.

Rev. chil. nutr ; 50(4)ago. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1515190


La malnutrición por exceso es un problema de salud pública en Panamá. En bomberos, la malnutrición tiene graves implicaciones en la salud. El objetivo del presente estudio fue evaluar el estado nutricional, los hábitos alimentarios y el riesgo cardiovascular de unidades del Benemérito Cuerpo de Bomberos de la Región de Panamá Oeste en Panamá. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo y transversal de marzo a diciembre 2022. Para la recopilación de hábitos alimentarios se utilizó el formulario de frecuencia de consumo. Para la evaluación nutricional se midió peso, talla y circunferencia de la cintura. El riesgo cardiovascular fue estimado a partir de la razón cintura-altura (WHtR, por su acrónimo en inglés). Se evaluaron 100 participantes (79% son hombres) con edad entre 18 a 60 años. El exceso de peso se observó en el 88%, la obesidad en el 58%. El 97% consume frituras y 94% consume bebidas azucaradas. Solo el 20% y 16% consume vegetales y frutas diariamente. El 51% presenta riesgo cardiovascular por WHtR, siendo 39.2% en hombres y 95% en mujeres (p= 0.000). Se observa una alta proporción de exceso de peso, obesidad, obesidad abdominal y riesgo cardiovascular entre los bomberos evaluados. Bajo consumo de frutas y vegetales junto con un alto consumo de bebidas azucaradas y frituras. Es necesario implementar programas de prevención y control de la obesidad, así como brindar educación en alimentación y nutrición para abordar estos problemas de salud.

Malnutrition is a public health problem in Panama. In firefighters, malnutrition has serious health implications. We aim to evaluate the nutritional status, eating habits, and cardiovascular risk of units of the Fire Department of the West Panama Region in Panama. A descriptive and cross-sectional study was carried out from March to December 2022. For the collection of eating habits, a food frequency questionnaire was used. Weight, height, and waist circumference were used for the nutritional status evaluation. Cardiovascular risk was estimated from the waist-height ratio (WHtR). 100 participants (79% are men) aged between 18 and 60 years were evaluated. Excess weight was observed in 88%, and obesity in 58%. Cardiovascular risk by WHtR was presented in 51%, 39.2% of males, and 95% of females (p= 0.000). 97% consume fried foods and 94% consume sugary drinks. Only 20% and 16% consume vegetables and fruits daily. A high proportion of excess weight, obesity, abdominal obesity, and cardiovascular risk among the evaluated firefighters was observed. Low consumption of fruits and vegetables along with a high consumption of sugary drinks and fried foods. It is necessary to implement obesity prevention and control programs, as well as provide food and nutrition education to address these health problems.

Arq. gastroenterol ; 60(2): 178-187, Apr.-June 2023. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1447382


ABSTRACT Background: Celiac disease is defined as a chronic autoimmune disease that affects the small intestine in genetically predisposed people, triggered by exposure to gluten. The only treatment for celiac disease to date is a lifelong gluten-free diet. Eating habits of celiacs play an important role in their nutritional status. Objective: To evaluate the eating habits and nutritional status of patients with celiac disease in Rio Grande do Sul. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study with patients diagnosed with celiac disease residing in Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil) over 18 years of age. An online questionnaire was applied with calls through social networks and also by the Associação dos Celíacos do Brasil - Rio Grande do Sul Section. Sociodemographic data, history of celiac disease, general medical history, reported weight and height and food consumption data (SISVAN food frequency questionnaire and general questions) were collected. Results: The sample consisted of 142 individuals with a mean age of 39.75±11.5 years, 94.4% were women and 93% were white. The patients showed care regarding a gluten-free diet, with the majority not ingesting gluten (82.2%) and being careful regarding cross-contamination by gluten in their homes (85.9%) and in restaurants (62, 4%). Most patients also had good eating habits, with frequent consumption of fruits, vegetables, meats, eggs and low frequency of processed foods and fats. Body weight before and after the diagnosis of celiac disease did not show significant changes (62.3±13.8 versus 63.6±11.7 kg; P=0.147); however, there was an improvement in the classification of nutritional status by body mass index (malnourished: 11.6% before versus 2.3% after; P=0.016). Conclusion: Most celiac disease patients in this study have good eating habits with a balanced gluten-free diet and improved nutritional status after diagnosis according to body mass index classification.

RESUMO Contexto: A doença celíaca é definida como uma doença crônica autoimune que afeta o intestino delgado em pessoas geneticamente predispostas, desencadeada pela exposição ao glúten. O único tratamento para doença celíaca até o momento é uma dieta isenta de glúten por toda a vida, levando em consideração que os hábitos alimentares de celíacos desempenham um papel importante em seu estado nutricional. Objetivo: Avaliar os hábitos alimentares e o estado nutricional de pacientes com doença celíaca do Rio Grande do Sul. Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo transversal com 142 pacientes com diagnóstico de doença celíaca residentes no Rio Grande do Sul (Brasil) e maiores de 18 anos. Para realização deste estudo, foi aplicado um questionário on-line com divulgação através de redes sociais e também pela Associação dos Celíacos do Brasil - Seção Rio Grande do Sul. Foram coletados dados sociodemográficos, histórico da doença celíaca, história clínica geral, peso e altura referidos e dados de consumo alimentar através de questionário de frequência alimentar do SISVAN e questões gerais. Resultados: A amostra foi constituída por 142 indivíduos com idade média de 39,75±11,5 anos, sendo 94,4% mulheres e 93% de etnia branca. Os participantes apresentaram cuidados em relação a dieta isenta de glúten, sendo que a maioria não ingere glúten (82,2%) e possuem cuidados em relação a contaminação cruzada por glúten em suas casas (85,9%) e em restaurantes (62,4%). A maioria da amostra também apresentou bons hábitos alimentares, com o consumo frequente de frutas, legumes, verduras, carnes, ovos e pouco frequente de industrializados e gorduras. O peso corporal antes e após o diagnóstico de doença celíaca não apresentou mudanças significativas (62,3±13,8 versus 63,6±11,7 kg; P=0,147); entretanto, houve melhora na classificação do estado nutricional pelo índice de massa corporal (11,6% versus 2,3% de desnutridos; P=0,016). Conclusão: A maioria dos pacientes com doença celíaca deste estudo apresentam bons hábitos alimentares com uma dieta isenta de glúten balanceada e com melhora do estado nutricional após o diagnóstico de acordo com a classificação do índice de massa corporal.

Rev. Arbitr. Interdiscip. Cienc. Salud ; 7(13): 4-14, jun. 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535064


RESUMEN Objetivo: Describir el Sobrepeso y obesidad autopercibidos en estudiantes universitarios. Caso: Medicina-Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo, Ecuador. Metodología: Se empleó el paradigma positivista desde la perspectiva cuantitativa, con un diseño no experimental, el tipo de investigación es de campo y el nivel descriptivo, con aplicación de un cuestionario a un grupo de estudiantes universitarios de Medicina, Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo, Riobamba, Ecuador; se estructuró un cuestionario con la herramienta Kobotoolbox, misma que contó con un total de 27 preguntas que contenían temas socio demográficos y temas específicos para analizar la presencia de obesidad y sobrepeso. Resultados: Mientras más tiempo de clases más tiempo de pantalla y esto da menos actividad física. Conclusión: Se demuestra que ser sedentario aumenta en 2,8 veces la probabilidad de sufrir sobrepeso, aunque no es determinante, se convierte en un factor de riesgo a ser considerado.

ABSTRACT Objective: To describe self-perceived overweight and obesity in university students. Case Medical School, Ecuador. Methodology: The positivist paradigm was used from the quantitative perspective, with a non-experimental design, the type of research is field and descriptive level application of a questionnaire to a group of university students, a questionnaire was structured with the Kobotoolbox tool, which had a total of 27 questions containing socio demographic issues and specific topics to analyze the presence of obesity and overweight. Results: The more class time, the more screen time, the less physical activity. Conclusion: It is shown that being sedentary increases in 2.8 times the probability of being overweight, although it is not significantly significant, it becomes a risk factor to be considered.

Rev. Fac. Med. Hum ; 23(2)abr. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1514785


Introducción: El exceso de peso corporal afecta la calidad de vida de millones de jóvenes alrededor del mundo. Objetivo : Determinar los factores asociados a la prevalencia del sobrepeso y obesidad en estudiantes universitarios en tiempos de covid-19, durante octubre a diciembre del 2020. Método : Investigación de tipo analítica, transversal. Se contó con una población de 325 estudiantes de la carrera profesional de tecnología médica y una muestra de 169 estudiantes de ambos sexos. Para calcular el sobrepeso y obesidad se empleó el índice de masa corporal y diámetro de la circunferencia de la cintura. Los factores asociados se determinaron mediante una encuesta validada por juicio de expertos. Resultados : El 49,1% de estudiantes tenían sobrepeso u obesidad, siendo las mujeres las más afectadas. El 59,0% de estudiantes con sobrepeso u obesidad presentaron riesgo elevado de obesidad abdominal. Según los hábitos alimenticios, el 97,6% de jóvenes ingería tres o más comidas diarias, 81,9% consumía alimentos ricos en carbohidratos y 54,2% comida chatarra de 1 -2 veces por semana. En relación al sedentarismo, el 71,0% de estudiantes permanecía sentado entre 5 y 8 horas al día, 67,4% dormía menos de 7 horas diarias y 57,8% no realizaba ninguna actividad física. Conclusiones: La ingesta de alimentos con alto contenido en carbohidratos, comida chatarra, horas destinadas al sueño y que permanecen sentados diariamente son los factores asociados a la alta prevalencia de sobrepeso y obesidad de los estudiantes en los tiempos de la Covid-19.

Introduction: excess body weight affects the quality of life of millions of young people around the world. Objective: to determine the factors associated with the prevalence of overweight and obesity in university students during COVID-19, from october to december 2020. Methods: analytical, cross-sectional research with non-experimental design. There was a population of 325 students of the professional career of medical technology and a sample of 169 students of both sexes. Body mass index and waist circumference diameter were used to calculate overweight and obesity. The associated factors were determined by means of a survey validated by expert judgment. Results: 49.1% of the students were overweight or obese, with females being the most affected. Of overweight or obese students, 59.0% were at high risk of abdominal obesity. According to eating habits, 97.6% of young people ate three or more meals per day, 81.9% consumed foods rich in carbohydrates and 54.2% consumed junk food 1 -2 times per week. In relation to sedentary lifestyle, 71.0% of students remained seated between 5 and 8 hours a day, 67.4% slept less than 7 hours a day and 57.8% did not perform any physical activity. Conclusions: the intake of food with high carbohydrate content, junk food, hours spent sleeping and sitting daily are the factors associated with the high prevalence of overweight and obesity among students during the COVID-19 period.

Rev. Fac. Med. Hum ; 23(2)abr. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1514792


Antecedentes: Este estudio tuvo como objetivo determinar la relación entre la calidad de la dieta y el conocimiento sobre nutrición (CN) y las prácticas de nutrición (PN) de las personas que realizan actividad física (AF) con regularidad. Métodos: Se estudiaron 200 individuos sanos que acudían al gimnasio al menos tres veces por semana. La calidad de la dieta se calculó utilizando el Índice de Alimentación Saludable-2015 (HEI-2015). Se utilizaron modelos de regresión lineal múltiple para evaluar las asociaciones entre las puntuaciones de CN y PN y las variables de la dieta. Resultados: De los participantes, el 47,0 % tenía CN deficiente y el 48,0 % tenía PN pobre. Se determinó que las puntuaciones de PN se asociaron significativamente con los granos integrales, los mariscos y las proteínas a base de hierbas y la calidad total de la dieta (p0,05). Un aumento en una unidad en la puntuación CN resultó en un aumento del 26,7 % en el consumo de refrigerios ajustado por edad, sexo, nivel educativo, índice de masa corporal (IMC), tabaquismo, consumo de alcohol y actividad física (AF)(p<0,001). La evaluación del puntaje PN se relacionó con las comidas principales (β=0,065±0,013; IC 95% 0,04-0,09; p<0,001), consumo de refrigerios (β=0,029±0,014, IC 95% 0,01-0,06; p<0,05) y la calidad total de la dieta (β=0,894±0,329; IC95% 0,24-1,54; p<0,05). Además, alrededor del 17% de la variabilidad en la puntuación PN podría explicarse por las puntuaciones CN. Conclusiones: CN elevada se asoció con un aumento en las puntuaciones de PN e indirectamente con un aumento en la calidad de la dieta. Para ver los efectos beneficiosos de la AF en la salud, las personas deben apoyarse en una dieta saludable, aumentando su CN.

Background: This study aimed to determine the relationship between diet quality and nutrition knowledge (CN) and nutrition practices (NP) of people who perform physical activity (PA) regularly. Methods: Two hundred healthy individuals who attended the gym at least three times a week were studied. The quality of the diet is calculated using the Healthy Eating Index-2015 (HEI-2015). Linear regression models were used multiplex to assess associations between NC and PN scores and dietary variables. Results: Of the participants, 47.0% had poor NK and 48.0% were found to have poor NPs.It was determined that NP scores were significantly associated with whole grains, seafood, and herbal proteins and total diet quality (p0.05). A one-unit increase in the NK score resulted in a 26.7% increase in the consumption of snack meals adjusted for age, gender, educational level, body mass index(BMI), smoking status, alcohol consumption, and physical activity(PA)(p< 0.001). Assessment of the NP score was related to the main meals (β=0.065±0.013; 95%CI 0.04-0.09; p<0.001), consumption of snack meals (β=0.029±0.014, 95%CI 0.01-0.06; p<0.05), and total diet quality(β=0.894±0.329; 95%CI 0.24-1.54; p<0.05). Moreover, about 17% of the variability in the NP score could be explained by the NK scores. Conclusions: Elevated NK was associated with an increase in the NP scores and indirectly with an increase in diet quality. In order to see the beneficial effects of PA on health, individuals should be supported by a healthy diet, by increasing their NK.

Rev. chil. nutr ; 50(1)feb. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1431739


Introducción: La etapa universitaria es un período de modificación en los estilos de vida. Los estudiantes de carreras de pedagogía y de la salud, adicionalmente, asumirán un rol de guías y modelos respecto a conductas saludables hacia sus estudiantes y pacientes respectivamente. Objetivo: Evaluar la relación entre las características antropométricas, la autopercepción del índice de masa corporal (IMC), la condición física y los hábitos alimentarios en estudiantes universitarios de carreras de pedagogía y de la salud. Materiales y método: Estudio descriptivo y correlacional. La muestra fue conformada por 158 estudiantes universitarios (edad, 22,5±2,5 años). Se evaluó las características antropométricas, autopercepción del IMC, condición física y hábitos alimentarios. Resultados: El IMC se correlacionó positivamente con el IMC percibido (r= 0.46, p= 0.012). El perímetro de cintura se correlacionó positivamente con el IMC percibido y la fuerza de prensión manual. El porcentaje de grasa corporal se correlacionó positivamente con el IMC percibido y negativamente con la condición física (potencia, prensión manual y flexibilidad). El área muscular del brazo se correlacionó con el IMC percibido, puntaje de IMC percibido y condición física. Los hábitos alimentarios presentaron una correlación negativa con el IMC percibido, pero no así con las características antropométricas. Conclusión: Los estudiantes universitarios de las carreras de salud y educación con mejor características antropométricas (menor IMC, perímetro de cintura y porcentaje de grasa y mayor área muscular del brazo), presentan una autopercepción mayor del IMC y un mejor rendimiento en las pruebas de condición física.

Introduction: The university stage is a period of modification in lifestyles. Pedagogy and health career students, additionally, will assume the role of guides and models regarding healthy behaviours towards their students and patients, respectively. Objective: To evaluate the relationship between anthropometric characteristics, self-perception of body mass index (BMI), physical condition and eating habits among pedagogy and health career university students. Materials and method: Descriptive and correlational study. The sample consisted of 158 university students (age 22.5 ± 2.5 years). Anthropometric characteristics, self-perception of BMI, physical condition and eating habits were evaluated. Results: BMI was positively correlated with perceived BMI (r= 0.46, p= 0.012). Waist circumference was positively correlated with perceived BMI and handgrip strength. The percentage of body fat was positively correlated with the perceived BMI and negatively with the physical condition (power, handgrip and flexibility). Arm muscle area was correlated with perceived BMI, perceived BMI score, and physical condition. Eating habits were negatively correlated with perceived BMI but not with anthropometric characteristics. Conclusion: University students from health and education careers with better anthropometric characteristics (lower BMI, waist circumference and fat percentage, and greater muscle area of the arm), have a higher self-perception of BMI and better performance in fitness tests physical.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-217098


Introduction: Gastro-esophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a condition characterized by the reflux of stomach contents into the esophagus, causing unpleasant symptoms and/or consequences like heartburn and acid regurgitation. GERD in the student stages can hurt their quality of life, college attendance, everyday activities, and overall well- being of the individual. Materials and Methods: This is a cross-sectional study that was conducted among medical students of a tertiary care setting from August 2021 to October 2021 for a three-month duration. A convenient sample of 458 participants from all the years of MBBS was included in this study. Results: A total of 458 medical students were made part of this study of which most of them (58.9%) were females and 41.1% were males. The average age among the study participants was 22 ± 2.3 years (range of 18–27 years). The average BMI of the individuals was 23.48 (range 14.58–32.41), with the majority (54.8%) of them having a normal BMI. Discussion: In our study, we found that the prevalence of GERD in the medical students of a rural Indian tertiary care setting was 24.2%, and was observed that irregular meal timings and consuming coffee and soft drinks are the crucial risk factors for developing GERD in the medical students in comparison to the general population. Conclusion: Medical students should be trained on proper eating habits, maintaining ideal body weight, good sleep hygiene, and avoiding drinking alcohol and smoking to lessen the burden of GERD.

Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 28(1): 243-255, jan. 2023. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1421148


Resumo O consumo excessivo de carnes, em especial as vermelhas e processadas, está associado ao aumento da morbi-mortalidade. O padrão de consumo de carnes varia no Brasil e no mundo influenciado por fatores econômicos e culturais. O estudo buscou analisar o consumo de carnes por adultos e idosos de uma cidade de colonização alemã do sul do Brasil. Trata-se de estudo populacional seccional. Foram coletados dados sociodemográficas e de consumo de carne por Questionário de Frequência Alimentar previamente validado. Foram analisadas as frequências, e as quantidades por tipo de carne e processamento. A associação entre o consumo excessivo de carne e as variáveis de estudo foi estimada por Razão de Prevalência. Entre os 1.941 participantes, a média de carne consumida foi de 250 g/dia, sendo a carne não processada branca (138 g/dia) a mais consumida, com destaque para as aves (80 g/dia). A prevalência de consumo excessivo de carne vermelha e processada (mais que 500 g/semana) foi de 63%, principalmente entre os homens (RP=1,6; IC95% 1,5-1,8), de 20 a 29 anos (RP=1,4; IC95% 1,2-1,5), e mais alta classe econômica (RP=1,2; IC95% 1,0-1,3). O consumo excessivo de carne vermelha e processada entre homens jovens de classe econômica alta deve ser alvo de ações de saúde pública para a adequação no consumo alimentar.

Abstract Excessive meat consumption, especially red and processed meats, is associated with increased morbidity and mortality. The pattern of meat consumption varies in Brazil and is influenced by economic and cultural factors in the world. The study aimed to analyze the consumption of meat by adults and the elderly in a city colonized by Germans in the south of Brazil. It involved a cross-sectional population study. Sociodemographic and meat consumption data were collected using a previously validated Food Frequency Questionnaire. Frequencies and amounts were analyzed by type of meat and processing. The association between excessive meat consumption and the study variables was estimated by Prevalence Ratio. Among the 1,941 participants, the average amount of meat consumed was 250 g/day, the most consumed being white unprocessed meat (138 g/day), especially poultry (80 g/day). The prevalence of excessive consumption of red and processed meat (more than 500 g/week) was 63%, mainly among men (PR=1.6; 95%CI 1.5-1.8), aged 20 to 29 years (PR=1.4; 95%CI 1.2-1.5), and higher economic class (PR=1.2; 95%CI 1.0-1.3). Excessive consumption of red and processed meat among young men of upper economic class should be the target of public health actions for the adequacy of food consumption.

Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1428981


Describir el Sobrepeso y obesidad autopercibidos en estudiantes universitarios. Caso: Medicina-Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo, Ecuador. Metodología: Se empleó el paradigma positivista desde la perspectiva cuantitativa, con un diseño no experimental, el tipo de investigación es de campo y nivel descriptivo aplicación de un cuestionario a un grupo de estudiantes universitarios de medicina, Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo, Riobamba, Ecuador; se estructuró un cuestionario con la herramienta Kobotoolbox, misma que contó con un total de 27 preguntas que contenían temas socio demográficos y temas específicos para analizar la presencia de obesidad y sobrepeso. Resultados: Mientras más tiempo de clases más tiempo de pantalla y esto da menos actividad física. Conclusión: Se demuestra que ser sedentario aumenta en 2,8 veces la probabilidad de sufrir sobrepeso, aunque significativamente no es significativo se convierte en un factor de riesgo a ser considerado.

To describe self-perceived overweight and obesity in university students. Case Medical School, Ecuador. Methodology: The positivist paradigm was used from the quantitative perspective, with a non-experimental design, the type of research is field and descriptive level application of a questionnaire to a group of university students, a questionnaire was structured with the Kobotoolbox tool, which had a total of 27 questions containing socio demographic issues and specific topics to analyze the presence of obesity and overweight. Results: The more class time, the more screen time, the less physical activity. Conclusion: It is shown that being sedentary increases in 2.8 times the probability of being overweight, although it is not significantly significant, it becomes a risk factor to be considered.

Arq. ciências saúde UNIPAR ; 27(5): 2198-2216, 2023.
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1434022


Objetivo: Avaliar a autopercepção das alterações alimentares, imagem corporal e nível de atividade física de estudantes que migraram para estudar em outra cidade. Métodos: Perfrmou-se um estudo transversal com 28 universitários que responderam 25 questões de um formulário online sobre as alterações alimentares, imagem corporal e nível de atividade física decorrentes da mudança de residência. Resultados: Para o fator quantidade alimentar verificou-se relatos de mudar boa parte ou quase tudo, contudo a qualidade das alterações foram ambíguas como mudar para pior e para melhor, bem como aumetar e diminuir a quantidade de comida por refeição. Estudantes reduziram o número de refeições por dia para 3 a 4, e informaram consumir fast food de 2 a 4x/mês. Avaliados exibiram alto índice de insatifação corporal por sobrepeso, serem fisicamente ativos e elevado tempo sentado. Não observou-se diferença estatística entre os sexos nos parâmetros estudados, todavia, o percentual de homens que diminiuram o número de refeições, insatisfeitos por sobrepeso e ativos fisicamente foi maior. Conclusão: Residir em outra cidade para estudar pode alterar os padrões alimentares de universitários, como também estar assodiada à insatisfação corporal e a comportamentos sedentários apesar de serem fisicamente ativos. Baixo consumo de fast food foi justificado à predominância dos estudantes ter formação acadêmica na área de saúde.

Objective: To evaluate the self-perception of dietary changes, body image and physical activity level of students who migrated to study in another city. Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out with 28 university students who answered 25 questions on an online form about dietary changes, body image and physical activity level resulting from the change of residence. Results: For the food quantity factor, there were reports of changing most or almost everything, however the quality of the changes were ambiguous, such as changing for worse and for better, as well as increasing and decreasing the amount of food per meal. Students reduced the number of meals per day to 3 to 4, and reported consuming fast food 2 to 4 times/month. Evaluators exhibited a high rate of body dissatisfaction due to being overweight, being physically active and sitting for a long time. There was no statistical difference between genders in the studied parameters, however, the percentage of men who reduced the number of meals, dissatisfied with being overweight and physically active was higher. Conclusion: Living in another city to study can change the eating patterns of university students, as well as being associated with body dissatisfaction and sedentary behavior despite being physically active. Low consumption of fast food was justified by the predominance of students with academic training in the health area.

Objetivo: Evaluar la autopercepción de cambios alimentarios, la imagen corporal y el nivel de actividad física de estudiantes que emigraron para estudiar en otra ciudad. Método: Se realizó un estudio transversal con 28 estudiantes universitarios que respondieron 25 preguntas en un formulario online sobre cambios dietéticos, imagen corporal y nivel de actividad física derivados del cambio de residencia. Resultados: Para el factor cantidad de alimentos, hubo informes de cambiar casi todo o casi todo, sin embargo la calidad de los cambios fue ambigua, como cambiar para peor y para mejor, así como aumentar y disminuir la cantidad de alimentos por comida. Los estudiantes redujeron el número de comidas al día a 3 ó 4, e informaron de que consumían comida rápida entre 2 y 4 veces al mes. Los evaluadores mostraron un alto índice de insatisfacción corporal debido al sobrepeso, a la falta de actividad física y a permanecer mucho tiempo sentados. No hubo diferencias estadísticas entre géneros en los parámetros estudiados, sin embargo, fue mayor el porcentaje de hombres que redujeron el número de comidas, insatisfechos con el sobrepeso y físicamente activos. Conclusiones: Vivir en otra ciudad para estudiar puede cambiar los patrones alimentarios de los universitarios, además de estar asociado a la insatisfacción corporal y al sedentarismo a pesar de ser físicamente activos. El bajo consumo de comida rápida se justificó por el predominio de estudiantes con formación académica en el área de la salud.

Rev. bras. enferm ; 76(4): e20220393, 2023. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1515000


ABSTRACT Objective: to identify toddlers' eating habits. Method: a cross-sectional study of quantitative analysis, with a sample of 808 toddlers who attended day care centers in the district of Viseu, Portugal, between November 2018 and September 2019. Data were collected using a questionnaire directed at parents. Results: the prevalence of children who ate six meals a day was 42.8%, and 42.5%, those who ate five meals. It was found that 2.0% of children consumed chocolates, 1.0%, desserts, and 0.4%, carbonated beverages, daily. On average, dairy product (M=5.61; SD=2.62) and meat/fish/egg (M=4.80; SD=3.57) consumption was higher than recommended, while fat (M=0.48; SD=0.40), legume (M=0.49; SD=0.45), vegetable (M=1.18; SD=0.87) and water (M=0 .51; SD=0.29) consumption was lower. Conclusions: there was a higher or lower consumption than recommended for some foods, highlighting the need to implement nursing intervention programs aimed at promoting healthy eating habits in toddlers and families.

RESUMEN Objetivo: identificar los hábitos alimentarios de los niños pequeños. Método: estudio transversal con análisis cuantitativo, con una muestra de 808 niños pequeños que asistieron a guarderías en el distrito de Viseu, Portugal, entre noviembre de 2018 y septiembre de 2019. La recopilación de datos utilizó un cuestionario dirigido a los padres. Resultados: la prevalencia de niños que hacían seis comidas al día fue de 42,8%, y de 42,5%, los que hacían cinco comidas. Se encontró que el 2,0% de los niños consumía chocolates, el 1,0% postres dulces y el 0,4% bebidas carbonatadas diariamente. En promedio, el consumo de productos lácteos (M=5,61; DE=2,62) y carne/pescado/huevos (M=4,80; DE=3,57) fue superior al recomendado, mientras que el consumo de grasas (M=0,48; DE=0,40), legumbres (M=0,49; DE=0,45), hortalizas (M=1,18; DE=0,87) y agua (M=0,51; DE=0,29) fue menor. Conclusiones: hubo un consumo superior o inferior al recomendado para algunos alimentos, destacando la necesidad de implementar programas de intervención de enfermería dirigidos a promover hábitos alimentarios saludables en los toddles y las familias.

RESUMO Objetivo: identificar os hábitos alimentares dos toddlers. Método: estudo transversal de análise quantitativa, com amostra de 808 toddlers que frequentavam creches do distrito de Viseu, Portugal, entre novembro de 2018 e setembro de 2019. Realizou-se coleta de dados com um questionário direcionado aos pais. Resultados: a prevalência de crianças que diariamente realizavam seis refeições era de 42,8%, e 42,5%, as que realizavam cinco refeições. Constatou-se que 2,0% das crianças consumia chocolates, 1,0%, sobremesas doces, e 0,4%, bebidas gaseificadas, diariamente. Em média, o consumo de laticínios (M=5,61; DP=2,62) e de carnes/peixes/ovos (M=4,80; DP=3,57) era superior ao recomendado, enquanto o consumo de gorduras (M=0,48; DP=0,40), leguminosas (M=0,49; DP=0,45), vegetais (M=1,18; DP=0,87) e de água (M=0,51; DP=0,29) era inferior. Conclusões: verificou-se um consumo superior ou inferior ao recomendado para alguns alimentos, salientando a necessidade de implementação de programas de intervenção de enfermagem que visam promover hábitos alimentares saudáveis nos toddlers e famílias.

Rev. Nutr. (Online) ; 36: e230028, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1521588


ABSTRACT Objective This study aimed to determine the effects of the attitudes of mothers as health care professionals and their sociodemographic characteristics on their children's eating habits. Methods The data of this descriptive and cross-sectional study were collected between January and March 2022, using a web-based survey of 386 mothers. Results The mean age of the mothers was 32.88±4.96 years, and the mean age of the children was 38.78±18.24 months. Regarding educational status, 62.7% of the mothers were university graduates, while 54.4% were nurses. A significant and positive correlation was found between the sub-dimensions of the Mother's Attitudes towards the Feeding Process Scale and the Behavioral Pediatric Feeding Assessment scale (p=0.000). According to the multiple regression analysis, the main determinant of the picky eaters sub-dimension of the Behavioral Pediatric Feeding Assessment scale was the mother's occupation (β=0.28; 95% Cl: 3.07, 6.50), the main determinant of the toddler refusal-general sub-dimension was negative affect during the meal (β=0.38; 95% Cl: 0.19, 0.32), the main determinant of the older children refusal - general sub-dimension was negative affect during the meal (β=0.30; 95% Cl: 0.16, 0.33), and the main determinant of the toddler refusal - textured foods sub-dimension was forced feeding (β=0.48; 95% Cl: 0.41, 0.63). Conclusion The study found that problems related to mothers' attitudes toward the nutrition process were moderate and that these problems were mainly caused by mothers' attitudes toward inadequate/unbalanced nutrition. It was also found that the children had moderate problematic eating behavior and eating habits.

RESUMO Objetivo Este estudo teve como objetivo determinar os efeitos das atitudes das mães enquanto profissionais de saúde e das suas características sociodemográficas nos hábitos alimentares dos seus filhos. Métodos Os dados deste estudo descritivo e transversal foram recolhidos entre janeiro e março de 2022, através de um inquérito online aplicado a 386 mães. Resultados A média de idade das mães foi de 32,88±4,96 anos, e a média de idade das crianças foi de 38,78±18,24 meses. Relativamente ao nível de escolaridade, 62,7% das mães tinham formação universitária, enquanto 54,4% eram enfermeiras. Foi encontrada uma correlação significativa e positiva entre as subdimensões da Escala de Atitudes das Mães em relação ao Processo de Alimentação e a escala de Avaliação Comportamental da Alimentação Pediátrica (p=0,000). De acordo com a análise de regressão múltipla, o principal determinante da subdimensão "comedor exigente" da escala Avaliação Comportamental da Alimentação Pediátrica foi a ocupação da mãe (β=0,28; 95% Cl: 3,07, 6,50), o principal determinante da subdimensão "recusa geral de bebês" foi a falta de afetividade durante a refeição (β=0. 38; IC 95%: 0,19, 0,32), o principal determinante da subdimensão "recusa geral de crianças mais velhas" foi a falta de afetividade durante a refeição (β=0,30; IC 95%: 0,16, 0,33), e o principal determinante da subdimensão recusa de crianças mais velhas - alimentos texturizados foi a alimentação forçada (β=0,48; IC 95%: 0,41, 0,63). Conclusão O estudo concluiu que os problemas relacionados com as atitudes das mães em relação ao processo de alimentação eram moderados e que esses problemas eram causados principalmente pelas atitudes das mães em relação a uma alimentação inadequada/desbalanceada. Verificou-se também que as crianças tinham um comportamento alimentar e hábitos alimentares problemáticos moderados.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Lactente , Pré-Escolar , Adulto , Adulto Jovem , Pessoal de Saúde/psicologia , Comportamento Alimentar/psicologia , Mães/psicologia , Estudos Transversais , Fatores Sociodemográficos
Rev. colomb. gastroenterol ; 37(4): 369-382, oct.-dic. 2022. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1423833


Resumen El síndrome de intestino irritable (SII) es un trastorno caracterizado por cambios en el hábito intestinal y afecta al 30% de la población mundial. Aunque se ha encontrado una conexión entre el eje cerebro-microbiota intestinal, el desarrollo del SII y su asociación con la prevalencia de trastornos mentales, las posibles implicaciones que tienen en el hábito alimentario de las personas no son claras. Este artículo tuvo como objetivo explorar la relación entre el estrés, depresión, ansiedad, trastornos mentales y hábitos alimentarios en pacientes con SII. Se realizó una exploración bibliográfica en los motores de búsqueda PubMed, ScienceDirect y BVS. Se encontró que las personas con SII pueden presentar anormalidades en la microestructura cerebral y alteraciones en la red cerebro-intestino asociadas a una mayor duración de los síntomas gastrointestinales y el aumento de la comorbilidad afectiva. También se sugiere una relación en distintas vías entre el estrés, depresión y ansiedad, síntomas de SIII y cambios en los hábitos de alimentación. Todo lo anterior puede motivar prácticas de alimentación restrictivas, cambios en el apetito, subadecuación de nutrientes incluso en algunos casos por el mismo manejo nutricional y, en general, deterioro de la calidad de vida de las personas con SII. Se sugiere un manejo integral que no solo implique un manejo farmacológico para los síntomas de SII y los estados de ansiedad y depresión, sino que también incluya un manejo psicológico, manejo nutricional personalizado y recomendaciones de mejora de los estilos de vida como la práctica de actividad física y manejo del estrés.

Abstract Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a disorder characterized by changes in bowel habits and affects 30% of the world's population. Although a connection has been found between the brain-gut microbiota axis, the development of IBS, and its association with the prevalence of mental disorders, the possible implications for people's eating habits are unclear. This article aimed to explore the relationship between stress, depression, anxiety, mental disorders, and eating habits in patients with IBS. A literature search was conducted in the PubMed, ScienceDirect, and VHL search engines. We found that people with IBS may have abnormalities in the brain microstructure and alterations in the brain-gut network associated with a longer duration of gastrointestinal symptoms and increased affective comorbidity. A relationship between stress, depression and anxiety, IBS symptoms, and changes in eating habits in different pathways is also suggested. All these may lead to restrictive eating practices, changes in appetite, nutrient inadequacy, even due to the same nutritional management in some cases, and, generally, deterioration in the quality of life of people with IBS. We recommend comprehensive management that involves not only pharmacological treatment for IBS symptoms and states of anxiety and depression but also psychological therapy, personalized nutrition, and improving lifestyles, such as physical activity and stress management.

Horiz. sanitario (en linea) ; 21(3): 423-431, Sep.-Dec. 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1506353


Resumen Objetivo: Realizar una intervención temprana educativa, para fortalecer el conocimiento sobre hábitos alimentarios saludables en amas de casa de la Zona Centro de Nuevo Padilla, Tamaulipas, México. Materiales y Métodos: Para poder llegar a la intervención se requirió previamente de un diagnóstico de salud, en el cual se identificaron los factores determinantes, daños, servicios y recursos para la salud. Posteriormente, se propuso realizar una intervención temprana educativa mediante un programa dirigido a amas de casa, impartiendo 3 exposiciones con tópicos selectos de alimentación y nutrición, y 2 talleres prácticos donde participaron 50 amas de casa dentro de la zona de intervención, cuya duración fue de abril a junio 2021. El nivel de conocimiento adquirido previo y posterior de la intervención fue analizado a través una prueba no paramétrica Man-Whitney (P˂0.01), para el análisis de las variables de los conocimientos de hábitos alimentarios saludables del cuestionario, se utilizó un análisis de varianza (ANOVA) (P˂0.0318). Resultados: En el diagnóstico de salud, se identificaron 14 problemas de salud, siendo la dieta inadecuada uno de los principales problemas detectados. Durante la intervención temprana educativa se observó que en el total de las participantes el conocimiento adquirido sobre hábitos alimentarios saludables se incrementó en un 14%. Por su parte, en la aplicación del cuestionario sobre el conocimiento de hábitos alimentarios saludables aumentó principalmente sobre los siguientes puntos: la definición de dieta (72%), grupos de alimentos (14%), propiedades organolépticas (78%), ingesta correcta de agua (30%), la combinación de leguminosas con cereales (6%), consumo moderado de grasas (12%) y alimentos industrializados (26%). Conclusiones: Con la intervención temprana educativa aplicada a las amas de casa se logró aumentar el grado de conocimientos sobre hábitos alimentarios saludables, lo cual contribuirá a llevar un estilo de vida más saludable.

Abstract Objective: To carry out an early educational intervention to strengthen the knowledge about healthy eating habits in homemakers of the Central Zone of Nuevo Padilla, Tamaulipas, Mexico. Materials and Methods: A health diagnosis was required previously applied early educational intervention, in which the determining factors, damages, services and resources for health were identified. Subsequently, it was proposed to carry out an educational intervention through a program aimed at homemakers, giving three presentations with selected topics of food and nutrition and two practical workshops where 50 housewives participated within the intervention area, whose duration was from April to June 2021. The level of knowledge acquired before and after the intervention was analyzed using a Man-Whitney non-parametric test (P˂0.01) for the analysis of the variables of the healthy eating habits knowledge of the questionnaire, an analysis of variance (ANOVA) (P˂0.0318). Results: In the health diagnosis, 14 health problems were identified, being the inadequate diet one of the main problems detected. During the early educational intervention, it was observed that the knowledge acquired about healthy eating habits increased by 14% in all the participants. For its part, in the application of the questionnaire on the knowledge of healthy eating habits, it increased mainly on the following points: the definition of diet (72%), food groups (14%), organoleptic properties (78%), correct intake of water (30%), the combination of legumes with cereals (6%), moderate fat consumption (12%) and industrialized foods (26%). Conclusions: With the early educational intervention applied to homemakers, it was possible to increase the degree of knowledge about healthy eating habits, contributing to leading a healthier lifestyle.

Rev. chil. nutr ; 49(5)oct. 2022.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1407835


RESUMEN El objetivo del estudio fue identificar los hábitos alimentarios relacionados al nivel de estrés de los estudiantes de la Universidad Nacional de Caaguazú durante la pandemia del COVID-19. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, observacional, de corte transversal donde se seleccionaron 353 estudiantes de las diferentes facultades. Se estudiaron las variables demográficas, los hábitos alimentarios y el estrés académico. Se incluyeron en el estudio 353 estudiantes universitarios, 64,9% del sexo femenino, 59,5% menores de 23 años. El 36,5% pertenecía a la facultad de ciencias de la producción mientras que el 29,7% fue del tercer año. En total el 64,8% (229 estudiantes) tuvieron nivel de estrés alto. El nivel de estrés alto estuvo relacionado a un alto consumo de dulces (AOR= 2,94, 1,57-5,51), alto consumo de comida rápida (AOR= 2,23, 1,14-4,32), bajo consumo de frutas (AOR= 1,66, 0,99-2,79), saltarse el almuerzo (AOR= 2,94, 1,55-5,60) y el aumento de las colaciones diarias (AOR= 3,36, 1,74- 6,47). Los resultados de nuestro estudio visibilizaron la problemática de que el estrés académico durante la pandemia del COVID-19 influyó en la adquisición de malos hábitos alimentarios.

ABSTRACT The objective of the study was to identify the eating habits related to the level of stress among students of the National University of Caaguazú during the COVID-19 pandemic. A descriptive, observational, cross-sectional study was carried out with 353 students selected from different faculties. Demographic variables, eating habits and academic stress were studied. A total of 353 university students were included in the study, 64.9% female, and 59.5% under 23 years of age. 36.5% belonged to the Faculty of Production Sciences while 30% were from the third year. In total, 64.8% (229 students) had a high level of stress. High stress level was related to high consumption of sweets (AOR= 2.94, 1.57-5.51), high consumption of fast food (AOR= 2.23, 1.14-4.32), low consumption of fruits (AOR= 1.66, 0.99-2.79), skipping lunch (AOR= 2.94, 1.55-5.60), and increased daily snacks (AOR= 3.36, 1.74-6.47). The results of our study made visible the problem that academic stress during the Covid-19 pandemic influenced the acquisition of bad eating habits.