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Rev. Fac. Med. UNAM ; 58(4): 14-24, jul.-ago. 2015. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-957052


Resumen: El virus del Ébola es el agente causal de una de las enfermedades infecciosas más temidas por el humano: la fiebre hemorrágica del Ébola o enfermedad por el virus del Ébola (EVE). Este filovirus puede llegar a causar hasta un 90% de mortalidad. Tiene su origen en África con brotes epidémicos registrados desde 1976. El más reciente se presentó durante el primer trimestre de 2014 en 3 países de África Occidental, Liberia, Sierra Leona y Nigeria. Es considerado el brote más grave y el que se ha mantenido por más tiempo. En 2014, la Organización Mundial de la Salud consideró el brote como una emergencia de salud pública de importancia internacional. Un aspecto preocupante ha sido la mortalidad generada en el personal médico de los países afectados y personal infectado de las brigadas internacionales que participaron en esta contención. Una de las causas que originaron esta mortalidad fue probablemente el uso inadecuado del Equipo de Protección Personal (EPP). En este artículo se muestran al lector los componentes del EPP con algunos detalles técnicos para su uso como fue requerido al personal médico calificado participante en la contención de la EVE en África. En México es muy baja la probabilidad de la aparición del virus del Ébola. Actualmente se presenta mayor riesgo en el país ante brotes como el virus de chikungunya. El objetivo de esta publicación es presentar el uso apropiado del EPP para el personal médico en alto riesgo de contagio al participar en la contención de brotes causados por agentes infecciosos.

Abstract: The Ebola virus is the causative agent of the most feared human infectious disease, the Ebola virus disease (EVD) or Ebola hemorrhagic fever. This filovirus may reach up to 90% in mortality. The virus was originated in Africa and the outbreaks have been recorded since 1976. The most recent occurred in 2014 in three countries of Western Africa, Liberia, Sierra Leone and Nigeria. Was the outbreak with a highest mortality and long time. The World Health Organization in 2014 mentioned this outbreak as public health emergency of international concern. One point of interest was mortality in medical staff of African countries and the infection in members of international brigades who participated in this containment. The reason that caused this mortality was probably the inappropriate use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). In Mexico the risk of an EVD outbreak is very low however a high risk exists in the spread of virus chikungunya. The purpose of this article is showing the components of this equipment with some technical details to the reader. This is an example of the use of personal protective equipment by qualified personnel in outbreaks and necessary in the containment of other outbreaks due to infectious agents.

Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine ; (12): 841-844, 2014.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-951853


The current outbreak of Ebola virus in West Africa has become a devastating problem, with a mortality rate around 51%; over 3 132 deaths have been confirmed and even more are expected in this case. The virus causes a characteristic disease known as hemorrhagic fever. Its symptoms range from nonspecific signs such as fever, to more specific problems such as serious bleeding. Transmission occurs easily when a person comes in contact with contaminated fluids. Treatment is supportive because there are still no specific drugs for use. The present review focuses on the main features related to the Ebola virus, its transmission, pathogenesis, treatment and control forms. There is little in-depth knowledge about this disease, but its severity requires attention and information to prevent a worse scenario than the current.

Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine ; (12): 841-844, 2014.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-672577


The current outbreak of Ebola virus in West Africa has become a devastating problem, with a mortality rate around 51%; over 3132 deaths have been confirmed and even more are expected in this case. The virus causes a characteristic disease known as hemorrhagic fever. Its symptoms range from nonspecific signs such as fever, to more specific problems such as serious bleeding. Transmission occurs easily when a person comes in contact with contaminated fluids. Treatment is supportive because there are still no specific drugs for use. The present review focuses on the main features related to the Ebola virus, its transmission, pathogenesis, treatment and control forms. There is little in-depth knowledge about this disease, but its severity requires attention and information to prevent a worse scenario than the current.