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Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-221291


Purpose: The purpose of the research in this context of the remarkable development of the Shirva area due to jasmine cultivation is to define, challenge, and overcome the various problems faced by farmers so that farmers can better shape their life's. The paper describes the jasmine crop's contribution to the development of rural areas. The growers of the jasmine crop have realised impressive economic benefits and increased their income as a result. This article also discover that the same procedures should have to be followed. This study based on primary data collected by 100 sample respondents from t Design/Methodology/Approach: he cultivators of jasmine and marketing people of Shirva. Secondary data was collected from journal papers, books, web pages, and other scholarly writings. Finding/Result: The study helps us to understand the involvement of jasmine growers in the economic growth of the area, thereby attaining allaround development. Achivement of economic growth, free flow of funds, and other challenges to jasmine and its marketing. Originality/Value: This study is an attempt to trace the role of jasmine farmers in the development of the rural area and the factors responsible for the economic growth and development of the farmers. case study-based research analysis.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-218642


Economic experts all over the world have regarded Entrepreneurship as the fourth factor, next to land, labour and capital; for the production of goods as well as services. Entrepreneurs are said to be the steering wheel for the economic development of a Nation. The contributions of an Entrepreneur for the Country as a whole and the society in particular is enormous. In this context, it is important to study about Entrepreneurship and explore in detail about its significance. This paper aims to draw special attention to the importance of Entrepreneurship. Further, the need of Entrepreneurial Intention and its scope taking students into consideration has also been highlighted.

Saúde debate ; 46(spe8): 171-186, 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1432399


RESUMO Objetivou-se apontar os elementos essenciais da logística que contribuem para a promoção do acesso no contexto do sistema produtivo da saúde, visando articular a produção nacional, reduzir a dependência externa para viabilizar o acesso universal e o fortalecimento do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) em um contexto de pandemia e crise sanitária. Utilizou-se como estratégia metodológica uma pesquisa qualitativa de base bibliográfica sobre os conceitos de sistemas de saúde, saúde pública e acesso a medicamentos e vacinas, somados ao perfil dos operadores logísticos nacionais e à operacionalização do plano nacional de imunização contra a Covid-19 do Ministério da Saúde. Concluiu-se que a logística desempenha papel fundamental na promoção do acesso às tecnologias em saúde, sendo necessário empreender esforços em pesquisas que incluam os atores do setor produtivo capazes de contribuir com a elaboração de políticas públicas na área da saúde. Os elementos centrais da logística precisam ser ressaltados para o fortalecimento de uma agenda que articule o Complexo Econômico-Industrial da Saúde com o acesso universal, pensando nos fatores logísticos como elementos críticos sem os quais o acesso não se materializa. É necessário que os sistemas logísticos sejam pensados como recurso dos sistemas de saúde para viabilizar sua integralidade e sustentabilidade.

ABSTRACT The objective was to point out the essential elements of logistics that contribute to the promotion of access in the context of the health production system to articulate national production, reduce external dependence to enable universal access and the strengthening of the Unified Health System (SUS) in the context of the pandemic and health crisis. Qualitative bibliographic-based research was used as a methodological strategy on the concepts of health system, public health, access to medicines, added to the profile of national logistics operators and the operationalization of the Ministry of Health's national immunization plan against COVID-19. It was concluded that logistics plays a fundamental role in promoting access to health technologies and it is necessary to undertake research efforts that include the actors of the productive sector capable of contributing to the elaboration of public policies in the field of health. The central elements of logistics need to be highlighted in order to strengthen an agenda that articulates the Health Economic-Industrial Complex with universal access, considering logistical factors as critical elements without which access does not materialize. Logistical systems should be thought of as a resource of universal health systems to enable their integrality and sustainability.

Rev. biol. trop ; 69(2)jun. 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1387656


Abstract Introduction: Cambodia is a small agricultural tropical country for which only two small scientometric studies, published five years ago, were available until now. Objective: To identify, for Cambodian research, subjects, outlets, authors, institutions, citations and recommendations. Methods: The data were retrieved from the Science Citation Index Expanded (January 04, 2021) using the word "Cambodia" for the period 1972 to 2019. Results: We retrieved 3 689 documents: for the half century covered, the yearly presence of Cambodia in the index has grown strongly, to 325 articles and 6 555 authors in 2019 alone. Most documents are articles in English about health, particularly infectious and tropical diseases. Most international collaboration is done, by country, with the USA, France, and Thailand; and by institution, with Mahidol University, the Pasteur Institute and Oxford University. The most productive institutions are the Cambodian Ministry of Health and the Cambodian National Center for Parasitology. The main outlets are PLoS One, Malaria and PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases. Cambodian articles are cited for up to 33 years, with a peak of 4.5 citations within the first two years. Those in English, or from well-funded foreign projects, have more citations in this particular index; especially if they are about malaria, hepatitis or influenza. Conclusions: The nature and impact of Cambodian science outside the SCI-EXPANDED remain unknown, but publications in that index have increased, concentrate on solving local problems, and depend heavily on international collaboration, following a well-known pattern of science in tropical countries. We suggest a funding system based on international peers who assign funds to the most productive researchers with minimal bureaucracy, so that local research is done on a greater variety of topics and with less participation of Cambodian researchers as low-level members in foreign projects.

Resumen Introducción: Camboya es un país tropical asiático pequeño y "subdesarrollado", con una economía basada en la agricultura, para el que hasta ahora solo estaban disponibles dos pequeños estudios cienciométricos, publicados hace cinco años. Objetivo: Identificar, para la investigación camboyana, qué se estudia; quién hizo la investigación; dónde y cuándo se publicó; y los factores que afectan su citación. Métodos: Usamos el Science Citation Index Expanded (4 de enero de 2021) utilizando la palabra "Camboya" y se limitaron al período 1972 a 2019. Resultados: Hallamos 3 689 documentos; durante el medio siglo cubierto, la presencia anual de Camboya en el índice ha aumentado considerablemente, con 325 artículos y 6 555 autores incorporados tan solo en 2019. La mayoría son artículos en inglés sobre salud, particularmente enfermedades infecciosas y tropicales. La mayor parte de la colaboración internacional se realiza, por país, con EE. UU., Francia y Tailandia; y por institución, con la Universidad Mahidol, el Instituto Pasteur y la Universidad de Oxford. Las instituciones más productivas son el Ministerio de Salud de Camboya y el Centro Nacional de Parasitología de Camboya. Las principales revistas son PLoS One, Malaria y PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases. Los artículos camboyanos se citan hasta por 33 años, con un máximo de 4.5 citas en los dos primeros años. Los que son en inglés, o de proyectos dirigidos por el extranjero, tienen más citas en esta base de datos; particularmente si se trata de malaria, hepatitis o influenza. Conclusiones: La naturaleza y el impacto de la ciencia camboyana fuera del SCI-EXPANDED siguen sin conocerse, pero las publicaciones en ese índice han aumentado, se concentran en resolver problemas locales y dependen en gran medida de la colaboración internacional, siguiendo un patrón bien conocido en los países tropicales. Sugerimos un sistema de financiación basado en pares internacionales que asignen, con burocracia mínima, fondos a los investigadores más productivos, de modo que la investigación local se realice en una mayor variedad de temas y con una menor participación de investigadores camboyanos como miembros de bajo nivel en proyectos extranjeros.

Pesquisa , Bibliometria , Povo Asiático
Rev. bras. med. esporte ; 27(spe): 105-107, Mar. 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1156139


ABSTRACT As an important part of human capital, healthy human capital plays a great role in promoting economic development. Based on the overlapping generations (OLG) model, this study establishes a correlation analysis model between healthy human capital and economic growth. This model takes utility maximization as the theoretical carrier to study how individuals promote economic growth while pursuing the maximization of their own health capital accumulation. The model can analyze the promotion mechanism of healthy human capital on economic growth, so as to provide decision support for relevant personnel. Taking the panel data of 11 provinces and cities in China as samples, this paper makes an empirical analysis of the model. The results show that healthy human capital investment in coastal areas is generally high, and the relationship between healthy human capital and economic growth conforms to the inverted U-shaped development model, so we should pay attention to the reasonable proportion of healthy human capital investment. In addition, from the fitting effect of the regression model, the F-statistic values of model 1 and model 2 are 672.6327 and 1240.188, which shows that the fitting accuracy of the two regression models is higher.

RESUMO Como parte importante do capital humano, o capital humano saudável desempenha um grande papel na promoção do desenvolvimento econômico. Com base no modelo de gerações gerações sobrepostas (OLG), este estudo estabelece um modelo de análise de correlação entre o capital humano saudável e o crescimento econômico. Este modelo leva à maximização da utilidade como suporte teórico para estudar como os indivíduos promovem o crescimento econômico, enquanto procedem à maximização de sua própria acumulação de capital saudável. O modelo pode analisar o mecanismo de promoção de capital humano saudável em crescimento econômico, de modo a fornecer suporte de decisão para os profissionais. Tomando os dados do painel de 11 províncias e cidades da China como amostra, o presente estudo faz uma análise empírica do modelo. Os resultados mostram que o investimento em capital humano para a saúde nas zonas costeiras é geralmente elevado, e a relação entre o capital humano saudável e o crescimento econômico está em conformidade com o modelo de desenvolvimento invertido em forma de U, pelo que devemos prestar atenção à proporção razoável de investimento em capital humano saudável. Além disso, a partir do efeito de ajuste do modelo de regressão, os valores F-estatísticos do modelo 1 e do modelo 2 são 672.6327 e 1240.188, o que mostra que a precisão de ajuste dos dois modelos de regressão é maior.

RESUMEN Como parte importante del capital humano, la salud juega un papel importante en la promoción del desarrollo económico. Basado en el modelo de generaciones superpuestas (OLG), este estudio establece un modelo de análisis de correlación entre capital humano saludable y crecimiento económico. Este modelo toma la maximización de la utilidad como portador teórico para estudiar cómo los individuos promueven el crecimiento económico mientras persiguen la maximización de su propia acumulación de capital en salud. El modelo puede analizar el mecanismo de promoción del capital humano saludable sobre el crecimiento económico, a fin de brindar apoyo a las decisiones del personal relevante. Tomando como muestra los datos de panel de 11 provincias y ciudades de China, este artículo realiza un análisis empírico del modelo. Los resultados muestran que la inversión de capital humano saludable en las áreas costeras es generalmente alta, y la relación entre capital humano saludable y crecimiento económico se ajusta al modelo de desarrollo en forma de U invertida, por lo que debemos prestar atención a la proporción razonable de inversión de capital humano saludable. Además, del efecto de ajuste del modelo de regresión, los valores del estadístico F del modelo 1 y del modelo 2 son 672,6327 y 1240,188, lo que muestra que la precisión de ajuste de los dos modelos de regresión es mayor.

Humanos , Desenvolvimento Econômico , Setor Público , Setor Privado , Investimentos em Saúde , Análise de Regressão , Modelos Econômicos
Global Health Journal ; (4): 24-30, 2021.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1036092


Background: The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) became a global pandemic within several months after it was first reported at the end of December,2019.Countries in the Northern Hemisphere have been affected the most,including the United States and European countries.Contrary to the common knowledge that infectious diseases are more prevalent in low-and middle-income countries,COVID-19 appears to affect wealthy countries more.This paper attempts to quantify the relationship between COVID-19 infections and levels of economic development with data from the U.S.and Europe.Methods: Public domain data on the confirmed COVID-19 cases during January 1 and May 31,2020 by states and territories in the U.S.and by countries in Europe were included.Incidence rate was estimated using the 2019 total population.COVID-19 cases were associated with 2019 gross domestic product (GDP) using regression models after a logarithmic transformation of the data.The and European data were analyzed separately,considering significant heterogeneity between the two.Results: A total of 2 451 691 COVID-19 cases during a 5-month period were analyzed,including 1 787 414 from 50 U.S.states and territories and 664 277 from 28 European countries.The overall incidence rate was 5.393/1000 for the U.S.and 1.411/1 000 for European countries with large variations.Lg (total cases) was significantly associated with lg (GDP) for U.S.states (=1.2579,P < 0.001) and European countries (=0.7156,P < 0.001),respectively.Conclusion: This study demonstrated a positive correlation between COVID-19 case incidence and GDP in the United States and 28 European countries.Study findings suggest a potential role of high-level development in facilitating infectious disease spread,such as more advanced transportation system,large metropolitan cities with high population density,better domestic and international travel for businesses,leisure,and more group activities.These factors must be considered in controlling the COVID-19 epidemic.This study focuses on the impact of economic development,many other factors might also have contributed to the rapid spread of COVID-19 in these countries and states,such as differences in national and statewide anti-epidemic strategies,people's behavior,and healthcare systems.Besides,low-and middle-income countries may have an artificially low COVID-19 case count just due to lack of diagnostic capabilities.Findings of this study also encourage future research with individual-level data to detect risk factors at the personal level to understand the risk of COVID-19.

Rev. bras. cir. cardiovasc ; 35(6): 918-926, Nov.-Dec. 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, SES-SP | ID: biblio-1144004


Abstract Introduction: In any country, the development and growth of open-heart surgery parallel stable political climate, economic growth, good leadership, and prudent fiscal management. These were lacking in Nigeria, which was under a military rule. The enthronement of democratic rule, in 1999, has caused desirable changes. The objective of this study is to report our experience with foreign cardiac teams that visited the National Cardiothoracic Center of Excellence, University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital, for seven years, in order to restart its open-heart surgery program. Methods: To achieve the desired open-heart surgery training, our center received regular and frequent visits from foreign cardiac teams who would perform open-heart surgery with the local team. Results: During the period of seven years, a total of 266 open-heart operations involving both adults and children were performed, with a mean of 38 cases per year; 150 (54.4%) males and 116 (43.6%) females were treated, with a ratio of 1.0:0.8. Six different teams visited the center at different periods. Conclusion: After these years of cardiac missions to our center, the experience of the local team, especially the surgeons, is far from desirable because each team visit usually lasted about a week or two and each team, with exception of the CardioStart International/William Novick Global Cardiac Alliance, adopted the surgical 'safari' method.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Criança , Adulto , Cirurgiões , Procedimentos Cirúrgicos Cardíacos , Missões Médicas , Nigéria
Saúde debate ; 44(spe1): 100-108, Aug. 2020.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, SES-SP | ID: biblio-1139585


ABSTRACT Natural resources are essential to health and are global commons. Recognizing the devastating damage posed by extraction to health and the environment, as well as the erosion of the sovereignty of our governments that have increasingly conceded people's health in the interest of profit and development, is important in framing our resistance. Our communities experience growing displacement, the loss of social services, of land, water and livelihood, heightened militarization, violence and repression, and increased incidence of communicable diseases and health problems resulting from exposure to toxics. All of these are linked to an extractivist project driven by global financial capital promoting an unsustainable and inequitable development model that threatens people's health and the health of the planet. Is it compatible with the right to health to finance national health systems with revenues of activities that intrinsically destroy life? The essay portrays the inconsistency of development policies that fund health/right to health with extractivism and depicts examples of resistance to extractive industries tied to the People's Health Movement (Canada,Turkey, India and Ecuador) in different types of governments. The need to strengthen the link between the right to health struggles and anti-extractive resistance is highlighted.

RESUMO Os recursos naturais são essenciais para a saúde e são bens comuns globais. Reconhecer os danos devastadores causados pelo extrativismo à saúde e ao meio ambiente, bem como a erosão da soberania de nossos governos, que cada vez mais têm subordinado a saúde das pessoas ao interesse do lucro e do desenvolvimento, é importante para enquadrar nossa resistência. Nossas comunidades sofrem deslocamentos crescentes, a perda de serviços sociais, de terra, água e meios de subsistência, militarização aumentada, violência e repressão e aumento da incidência de doenças transmissíveis e problemas de saúde resultantes da exposição a substâncias tóxicas. Tudo isso está vinculado a um projeto extrativista impulsionado pelo capital financeiro global que promove um modelo de desenvolvimento insustentável e desigual que ameaça a saúde das pessoas e a saúde do planeta. É compatível com o direito à saúde financiar sistemas nacionais de saúde com receitas de atividades que destroem intrinsecamente a vida? Este ensaio retrata a inconsistência das políticas de desenvolvimento que financiam a saúde/direito à saúde com o extrativismo e descreve exemplos de resistência às indústrias extrativas ligadas ao Movimento pela Saúde dos Povos (Canadá, Turquia, Índia e Equador) em diferentes tipos de governo. Destaca-se a necessidade de fortalecer o vínculo entre o direito à saúde e a resistência antiextrativa.

RESUMEN Los recursos naturales son bienes comunes a escala global esenciales para la salud. Reconocer la devastación que produce el extractivismo en la salud y el ambiente, así como la erosión de la soberanía de nuestros gobiernos que han cedido en favor del desarrollo y el lucro es importante para estructurar nuestras resistencias. Nuestras comunidades sufren un creciente desplazamiento, la pérdida de servicios sociales, tierras, agua, medios de subsistencia, militarización, violencia y represión. A la par vemos una mayor incidencia de enfermedades transmisibles y problemas de salud derivados de la exposición a sustancias tóxicas, todo ello vinculado a un proyecto extractivista impulsado por el capital financiero global que promueve un modelo de desarrollo insostenible e injusto, amenazando la salud de las personas y del planeta. ¿Es compatible con el derecho a la salud financiar los sistemas nacionales de salud con ingresos de actividades que destruyen la vida intrínsecamente? El ensayo reflexiona sobre la inconsistencia del modelo de desarrollo que financia el derecho a la salud con extractivismo y coloca historias de resistencia a las industrias extractivas ligadas al Movimiento para la Salud de los Pueblos (Canadá, Turquía, India, Ecuador) y en diferentes tipos de gobiernos. Destaca la necesidad de fortalecer el vínculo entre las luchas por el derecho a la salud y la resistencia contra el extractivismo.

Saúde debate ; 44(spe1): 100-108, Aug. 2020.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1127476


ABSTRACT Natural resources are essential to health and are global commons. Recognizing the devastating damage posed by extraction to health and the environment, as well as the erosion of the sovereignty of our governments that have increasingly conceded people's health in the interest of profit and development, is important in framing our resistance. Our communities experience growing displacement, the loss of social services, of land, water and livelihood, heightened militarization, violence and repression, and increased incidence of communicable diseases and health problems resulting from exposure to toxics. All of these are linked to an extractivist project driven by global financial capital promoting an unsustainable and inequitable development model that threatens people's health and the health of the planet. Is it compatible with the right to health to finance national health systems with revenues of activities that intrinsically destroy life? The essay portrays the inconsistency of development policies that fund health/right to health with extractivism and depicts examples of resistance to extractive industries tied to the People's Health Movement (Canada,Turkey, India and Ecuador) in different types of governments. The need to strengthen the link between the right to health struggles and anti-extractive resistance is highlighted.

RESUMO Os recursos naturais são essenciais para a saúde e são bens comuns globais. Reconhecer os danos devastadores causados pelo extrativismo à saúde e ao meio ambiente, bem como a erosão da soberania de nossos governos, que cada vez mais têm subordinado a saúde das pessoas ao interesse do lucro e do desenvolvimento, é importante para enquadrar nossa resistência. Nossas comunidades sofrem deslocamentos crescentes, a perda de serviços sociais, de terra, água e meios de subsistência, militarização aumentada, violência e repressão e aumento da incidência de doenças transmissíveis e problemas de saúde resultantes da exposição a substâncias tóxicas. Tudo isso está vinculado a um projeto extrativista impulsionado pelo capital financeiro global que promove um modelo de desenvolvimento insustentável e desigual que ameaça a saúde das pessoas e a saúde do planeta. É compatível com o direito à saúde financiar sistemas nacionais de saúde com receitas de atividades que destroem intrinsecamente a vida? Este ensaio retrata a inconsistência das políticas de desenvolvimento que financiam a saúde/direito à saúde com o extrativismo e descreve exemplos de resistência às indústrias extrativas ligadas ao Movimento pela Saúde dos Povos (Canadá, Turquia, Índia e Equador) em diferentes tipos de governo. Destaca-se a necessidade de fortalecer o vínculo entre o direito à saúde e a resistência antiextrativa.

RESUMEN Los recursos naturales son bienes comunes a escala global esenciales para la salud. Reconocer la devastación que produce el extractivismo en la salud y el ambiente, así como la erosión de la soberanía de nuestros gobiernos que han cedido en favor del desarrollo y el lucro es importante para estructurar nuestras resistencias. Nuestras comunidades sufren un creciente desplazamiento, la pérdida de servicios sociales, tierras, agua, medios de subsistencia, militarización, violencia y represión. A la par vemos una mayor incidencia de enfermedades transmisibles y problemas de salud derivados de la exposición a sustancias tóxicas, todo ello vinculado a un proyecto extractivista impulsado por el capital financiero global que promueve un modelo de desarrollo insostenible e injusto, amenazando la salud de las personas y del planeta. ¿Es compatible con el derecho a la salud financiar los sistemas nacionales de salud con ingresos de actividades que destruyen la vida intrínsecamente? El ensayo reflexiona sobre la inconsistencia del modelo de desarrollo que financia el derecho a la salud con extractivismo y coloca historias de resistencia a las industrias extractivas ligadas al Movimiento para la Salud de los Pueblos (Canadá, Turquía, India, Ecuador) y en diferentes tipos de gobiernos. Destaca la necesidad de fortalecer el vínculo entre las luchas por el derecho a la salud y la resistencia contra el extractivismo.

China Pharmacy ; (12): 1921-1926, 2020.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-825002


OBJECTIVE:To provide refer ence for improving the innovation efficiency of Chinese pharmaceutical industry and promoting the high-quality development of the pharmaceutical industry. METHODS :Using local economic development ,policy support,industrial foundation and innovation foundation as environmental variables ,three-stage data envelopment analysis (DEA) was used to explore the change regularity of innovation efficiency of the pharmaceutical industry by collecting related data such as input,output and invironment of 31 provinces(autonomous regions ,municipalities)in China during 2012-2016 and in 2018 from China Statistical Yearbook and China High-tech Industry Statistical Yearbook . RESULTS & CONCLUSIONS :The innovation efficiency of the pharmaceutical industry in 18 provinces(autonomous regions ,municipalities)were overestimated ,and other 13 provinces(autonomous regions ,municipalities)was underestimated. The innovation efficiency of Fujian ,Heilongjiang,Jilin, Jiangxi,Yunnan,Liaoning and Chongqing before adjustment were overestimated 0-0.1,Shaanxi,Hainan,Gansu and Shanxi were overestimated 0.1-0.3,Inner Mongolia ,Guizhou,Guangxi,Xinjiang and Ningxia were overestimated 0.3-0.5;while the innovation efficiency of Anhui ,Hunan,Shanghai,Beijing,Hebei,Sichuan,Tianjin and Henan were underestimation 0.1-0.3,Hubei, Jiangsu,Zhejiang,Shandong and Guangdong had an underestimation of 0.3-0.5 before adjustment. Tibet ,Qinghai and Guangdong were greatly affected by environmental factors. The innovation efficiency in Tibet and Qinghai before adjustment were overestimated by 0.603 and 0.538 compared with after adjustment ,while Guangdong was underestimated by 0.470. The innovation efficiency value of the eastern and central regions of China before adjustment was underestimated ,while the northeastern and western regions were overestimated overall. B efore the adjustment,the order of innovation efficiency in descending order was the central , western, eastern and northeastern regions,and after the adjustment ,it became the eastern ,central, northeastern and western regions. The innovation efficiency of Chinese pharmaceutical industry is greatly affected by the environment ,so all localities shou ld pay attention to the po licy support for the pharmaceutical industry and strengthen the policy guiding role for the pharmaceutical industry ;improve the industrial chain and supporting measures to create a good innovation environment ;promote the flow of innovation resources in different regions ,strengthen the cooperation and exchange among regions ,so as to improve the innovation efficiency of Chinese pharmaceutical industry and promote the high-quality development of the pharmaceutical industry.

Medical Education ; : 15-28, 2020.
Artigo em Japonês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-825965


Introduction: Currently, there is confusion about what constitutes medical professionalism in Japan. Method: We compared the histories of the development professionalism in western countries and Japan based on the stage theory of economic development and a literature review. Using the information we gathered, we discuss the reasons why the confusion occurred. Result: In most of western countries, medical professionalism was affected by the industrial revolution and Protestantism. As Weber noted, for Protestants, working industriously and using the gift of one’s talent to earn much money was consistent with the teachings of God. Thus, reward was an important proof of their faith. Meanwhile, the Japanese social system and professionalism were developed independently from the industrial revolution. Since Japan was less influenced by the industrial revolution, knowledge was not subdivided. This resulted in undeveloped specialist jobs and the continuation of classical education based on Buddhism and Confucianism. Japanese professionalism, which included sacrificial altruism, differed from western professionalism, particularly with regard to the concept of reward. Discussion: Due to globalization, Japanese society now has two types of professionalism: one from western ideals and another from classical Japanese ideals. Because these two types of professionalism conflict on certain points, such as the concept of reward, there is confusion about what constitutes Japanese professionalism.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-942028


OBJECTIVE@#To analyze the inequality of early marriage and adolescent fertility with respect to local economic development among Chinese females aged 15-19 years from 1990 to 2010.@*METHODS@#Aggregated data were extracted from the Chinese National Census from 1990 to 2010. We calculated the ever-married rate and fertility rate of female adolescents aged 15-19 years. Using gross domestic product (GDP) per capita as an indicator for socio-economic status of a province, we calculated the slope index of inequality (SII) and the concentration index (CI) to analyze the subnational inequalities of early marriage and adolescent fertility. Weighted linear regression models were also established to assess the associations between GDP per capita and the ever-married rate/fertility rate.@*RESULTS@#The ever-married rate for Chinese female adolescents aged 15-19 years decreased from 4.7% in 1990 to 1.2% in 2000, and rebounded to 2.1% in 2010. From 1990 to 2000, the fertility rate decreased from 22.0 per 1 000 to 6.0 per 1 000, and further decreased to 5.9 per 1 000 in 2010. In 1990, the socio-economic inequalities of the ever-married rate and fertility rate for female adolescents aged 15-19 years were not statistically significant (P for SII or CI>0.05). The values of SII revealed that, in 2000 and 2010, female adolescents with the lowest GDP per capita had an ever-married rate 2.4% (95%CI: 0.4-4.4) and 2.3% (95%CI: 0.3-4.2) higher than those with the highest GDP per capita, respectively. In the meantime, in 2000 and 2010, female adolescents with the lowest GDP per capita had a fertility rate 12.9 per 1 000 (95%CI: 5.4-20.5) and 9.3 per 1 000 (95%CI: 4.6-14.0) higher than those with the highest, respectively. In 2000 and 2010, the CIs for marriage were -0.32 (P=0.02) and -0.17 (P=0.03), respectively, and the CIs for childbirth were -0.37 (P<0.01) and -0.26 (P<0.01), respectively. In 2000, the ever-married rate and the fertility rate were estimated to increase by 1.4% (95%CI: 0.1-2.7) and 7.9 per 1 000 (95%CI: 2.9-12.8) with 100% increase in GDP per capita, respectively; in 2010, the numbers were 1.5% (95%CI: 0.1-2.9) and 6.7 per 1 000 (95%CI: 3.2-10.1), respectively.@*CONCLUSION@#Subnational socio-economic inequality of early marriage and adolescent fertility existed in 2000 and 2010. Female adolescents residing in less-developed areas were more likely to engage in early marriage and childbirth. Reducing income inequality and increasing education investment for poverty-stricken areas seem to be effective measures to reduce this inequality.

Adolescente , Adulto , Feminino , Humanos , Adulto Jovem , Desenvolvimento Econômico , Fertilidade , Renda , Casamento , Fatores Socioeconômicos
Rev. Soc. Bras. Med. Trop ; 53: e20200522, 2020. graf
Artigo em Inglês | SES-SP, ColecionaSUS, LILACS | ID: biblio-1136854


Abstract INTRODUCTION: This study investigated the role of early public research funding regarding the COVID-19 pandemic in Brazil. METHODS: We examined the budget for research projects relating to the number of cases and deaths and the relationship between each federal unit, gross domestic product (GDP) per capita, and the national GDP per capita. RESULTS: Using data from the websites of official funding agencies and the Brazilian government, we found that, in the first four months since the first case in Wuhan, China (December 31, 2019), around US$ 38.3 million were directed to public funding for scientific investigations against the COVID-19 pandemic. However, only 11 out of 27 federal units provided funding during the initial stages of the outbreak, and those that did provide financing were not necessarily the units having the most inhabitants, highest GDP, or the greatest number of cases. The areas of research interest were also identified in the funding documents; the most common topic was "diagnosis" and the least common was "equipment for treatment." CONCLUSIONS: Brazilian researchers had access to funding opportunities for projects against COVID-19. However, strategies to minimize the economic impacts of COVID-19 are crucial in mitigating or avoiding substantial financial and social shortcomings, particularly in terms of an emerging market such as Brazil.

Humanos , Pneumonia Viral/economia , Apoio Financeiro , Infecções por Coronavirus/economia , Pesquisa Biomédica/economia , Pandemias/economia , Brasil , Infecções por Coronavirus , Betacoronavirus
Agora USB ; 19(2): 404-423, jul.-dic. 2019. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1054785


Resumen Los expertos como los empresarios no perciben de manera optimista la innovación y la competitividad, en tanto las condiciones actuales no permitirán al empresariado responder a las expectativas nacionales del desarrollo en el contexto del postconflicto. De esta manera, no es suficiente con una baja absorción tecnológica y uso de computadores, es preocupante la baja percepción que se tiene de la ética del gobierno y de las firmas y la propiedad intelectual, así como la calidad de los puertos y aeropuertos, es baja la percepción del comercio exterior, así como de la sofisticación del mercado financiero, la protección al inversionista y la regulación de intercambios. Puede decirse que en este panorama las pymes colombianas no podrán responder a los desafíos del postconflicto como se propone a partir de la política pública y de los programas gubernamentales. Clasificación JEL: D41, O32, O14, D74

Abstract Experts such as entrepreneurs do not optimistically perceive innovation and competitiveness, while the current conditions will not allow entrepreneurs to respond to national development expectations in the post-conflict context. In this way, it is not enough with a low technological absorption and use of computers. It is worrying the low perception of the ethics of government and signatures, and the intellectual property, as well as the quality of ports and airports, the perception foreign trade is low, as well as the financial market sophistication, investor protection, and trade regulation. It can be said that in this Colombian context, SMEs will not be able to respond to the challenges of post-conflict as it is proposed, based on public policy and government programs. JEL Classification Codes: D41, O32, O14, D74

Chinese Journal of Endemiology ; (12): 758-763, 2019.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-790923


Objective Based on health economics,the influencing factors on prevalence rate of drinking-water-borne dental fluorosis were studied.Methods Collect panel data on the prevalence and influencing factors of dental fluorosis in drinking water-type endemic fluorosis (referred to as fluorosis) in 26 provinces (municipalities and autonomous regions) from 2005 to 2015.The theoretical hypothesis model of influencing factors on the prevalence of drinking-water-borne dental fluorosis was constructed from six aspects:economic operation status (electricity consumption),urbanization status (urban population ratio),natural environmental protection (per capita public green space area),urban water supply capacity (urban water population),health expenditure,and fixed assets investment of health institutions.And then Eviews 7.2 was used for panel data regression analysis.Results From 2005 to 2015,the prevalence rate of drinking-water-borne dental fluorosis in China showed a downward trend (r =-0.881,P <0.05).The electricity consumption,urban population ratio,per capita public green space area,urban water population and health expenditure had significant impacts on the prevalence rate of drinking-water-borne dental fluorosis (P < 0.05).In this model,per capita public green space area and urban population ratio had the greatest impacts on the prevalence of drinking-water-borne dental fluorosis (absolute value of the standard coefficient > 1).Then,the absolute value of standard coefficient on urban water population was 0.750,and that of electricity consumption and health expenditure were the lowest (absolute value of the standard coefficient =0.266).Conclusion Favorable natural environment,urbanization,construction of urban water supply facilities,reasonable increase of health expenditure and sustainable development of regional economy are powerful impetus to reduce the prevalence rate of drinking-water-borne dental fluorosis and to promote public health development.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-797025


Objective@#To analyze the urban-rural disparity of childhood stunting and its association with subnational economic growth among Chinese Han students aged 7-18 years.@*Methods@#We used the data from 2014 Chinese National Survey on Students′ Constitution and Health. 213 940 Chinese Han students aged 7-18 years with complete height records were included in this study. Stunting was defined according to the Screening Criteria of Malnutrition for School-age Children and Adolescents(2014 version, in Chinese). We divided students into two groups (economically developed and underdeveloped areas) according to the provincial GDP per capita. Spearman correlation coefficient was used to explore the association between the difference of urban-rural stunting prevalence and the provincial GDP per capita. Logistic regression models were established to assess the risk of stunting in rural children compared with urban children.@*Results@#Among 213 940 students, 107 033 (50.0%) were from urban areas. The average height of 7-18 years old and 18 years old [(152.9±15.7) and (166.1±8.7) cm] of urban students were both higher than those of rural students [(150.7±16.0) and (165.1±8.6) cm] (P<0.001). The stunting prevalence of Chinese urban students (0.4%) was statistically significant lower than that of rural students (1.1%) (P<0.001), which was consistent in all age groups (P<0.05). The urban-rural disparity was found in 60% (18/30) of Chinese provinces. The difference of urban-rural stunting prevalence was negatively associated with provincial GDP per capita (r=-0.62, P<0.001). In economically underdeveloped areas, the risk of stunting for rural students aged 7-9 years was 4.69 (95%CI: 2.93-7.52) times that for urban children, while for students aged 10-18 years, the odds ratio was 2.44 (95%CI: 2.02-2.96). In economically developed areas, the risk of stunting for rural students aged 7-9 years was 5.43 (95%CI: 3.67-8.03) times that for urban children, while for students aged 10-18 years, the odds ratio was 2.15 (95%CI: 1.85-2.49).@*Conclusions@#The urban-rural disparity of childhood stunting existed in most places in China. The difference of growth retardation between urban and rural areas was related to regional economic development.

Chinese Journal of Endemiology ; (12): 348-350, 2019.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-753501


With the huge advances in rural China since 1980s,rampant Keshan disease (KD)has been fading away,and therefore we set an ultimate goal at overall elimination.In recent years,the evaluation results showed that there were still some obstacles in achieving this goal.By explaining the pathogenesis and epidemic mechanism of KD and the factors regulating the fluctuation of the disease,as a kind of local lifestyle disease induced by poverty,the author think,it will be of very low possibility in breaking out again thanks to the long-term exchange of cereal commodities and current poverty relief program.And the next move is to revise the existing criteria for KD elimination and to maintain the state of elimination primarily through health education and social economic improvement in all affected areas.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-805304


Objective@#To explore the effect of the level of city development on quality control indicators of health management centers.@*Methods@#We conducted this study on the health management centers of 42 tertiary public hospitals in Shandong Province. We collected data on their basic situation and quality control indicators, such as number of health examinations, construction area, number of employees, number of electrocardiographs and ultrasonic machines, rate of real name examination, and rate of timely notification of class A and class B abnormal positive results. We also collected data on the socioeconomic indicator of cities, including GDP, resident population, financial expenditure, and physician ownership per thousand population. Spearman rank correlation analysis was used to explore the relationship between the situation of health management centers and cities' development indicators.@*Results@#In 2017, the number of health examinations of the 42 health management centers ranged from 9 200 to 120 149, and the median was 39 326. Medians of number of electrocardiographs, ultrasound machines, X-ray machines, and CT machines were 3(2), 5(4), 2(1), and 1(2), respectively. Medians of rate of real name examination and pre-test questionnaire were 100(2%)% and 30%(63%), respectively. The resource and equipment of the health management centers were related to the GDP, financial expenditure and number of doctors in the city. It was also related to the number of health examinations, number of employees, the construction area, and the number of years since health management center establishment. The quality control indicators of the health management centers were related to factors such as GDP, population size, and financial expenditure. Rate of real name examination positively correlated with GDP (r=0.419, P=0.007), resident population (r=0.361, P=0.022), financial expenditure (r=0.430, P=0.006), and medical and health expenditure (r=0.430, P=0.006). Rate of timely notification of class A abnormal positive results positively correlated with GDP (r=0.602, P<0.001), resident population (r=0.570, P<0.001), medical and health expenditure (r=0.553, P<0.001), and physician ownership per thousand population (r=0.433, P=0.008).@*Conclusion@#The development of quality control indicators of health management centers is related to the regional social and economic development and medical investment. Therefore, increasing funds and personnel investment is conducive to the improvement of the quality of health examination and health management.

Rev. adm. pública (Online) ; 52(3): 527-553, May-June 2018. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-957548


Abstract This article aims to interpret the most well-known theories of economic development based on the assumption that these theories are contemporary mythological tales and, consequently, the Brazilian 2000's neo-developmentalism agenda as an inexact unique blend of them all. The study uses Roland Barthes' semiotic interpretation on the social structure and roles of myths to argue that theories of development are rather a compound of ideologies than a scientific field of inquiry. In addition, the article draws a parallel between Joseph Campbell's hero's journey and the five widely known narratives of development: Protectionist, Keynesian, Institutional, Entrepreneurial and Neoclassical.

Resumo El objectivo de este ensayo es interpretar las más conocidas teorías del desarrollo económico bajo la premisa de que son relatos míticos contemporáneos y, en consecuencia, el neo-desarrollismo brasileño solamente una mezcla no necesariamente creativa de estos cuentos. Se hace uso de la interpretación semiótica de Roland Barthes acerca de la estructura y las funciones sociales del mito para asegurar que las teorías del desarrollo funcionan mucho más como un sustrato ideológico que como un campo científico. Hace también un paralelo entre la noción de la viaje del héroe de Joseph Campbell y los cinco relatos típicos de desarrollo: proteccionista, keynesiano, institucionalista, emprendedor y neoclásico.

Resumo O objetivo deste artigo é o de interpretar as mais conhecidas teorias do desenvolvimento econômico a partir da premissa de que se trata de narrativas míticas contemporâneas e, consequentemente, o neodesenvolvimentismo como uma mistura não necessariamente original dessas estórias. Faz-se uso da interpretação semiótica realizada por Roland Barthes acerca da estrutura e dos papéis sociais dos mitos para sugerir que as teorias do desenvolvimento funcionam muito mais como um arranjo ideológico do que como um campo científico. É também realizado um paralelo entre a noção de jornada do herói de Joseph Campbell e as cinco narrativas de desenvolvimento mais conhecidas: protecionista, keynesiana, institucionalista, empreendedorismo e neoclássica.

Desenvolvimento Econômico , Capitalismo , Crescimento e Desenvolvimento
Rev. Fac. Nac. Salud Pública ; 36(1): 5-16, ene.-abr. 2018. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-957191


Resumen Objetivo: sistematizar las publicaciones científicas que describen la relación del índice de desarrollo humano con indicadores de morbilidad y mortalidad por enfermedades transmisibles y no transmisibles. Metodología: revisión sistemática en siete bases de datos multidisciplinarias de las investigaciones que reportan coeficientes de correlación, regresión o determinación entre el índice de desarrollo humano del Programa de Naciones unidas para el Desarrollo y la morbilidad o mortalidad por eventos en salud. Resultados: Se identificaron 21 investigaciones que evaluaron la relación entre desarrollo humano y más de 35 eventos de interés en salud pública. Las enfermedades neoplásicas (con excepción del cáncer de mama y ovario) y transmisibles presentaron correlaciones inversas con el índice que van desde -0,85 hasta -0,40. El suicidio, el sedentarismo, el consumo de drogas, el cáncer de mama y ovario presentaron correlaciones directas que van desde 0,27 hasta 0,89. Se identificó que el índice constituye un excelente predictor en la ocurrencia de tuberculosis, suicidio y malaria. Conclusión: Se evidencia que el desarrollo humano discurre en paralelo con mejores condiciones de salud representadas por la reducción en la morbilidad y mortalidad por cáncer y enfermedades transmisibles; lo que da luces para que los países con bajo índice de desarrollo no aplacen inversiones socialmente importantes por ausencia de recursos, sino que inviertan simultáneamente en dimensiones económicas y servicios sociales, particularmente la promoción y atención de salud y educación básica.

Abstract Objective: Systematize scientific publications that describe the relationship of the human development index and morbidity and mortality indicators caused by communicable and non-communicable diseases. Methodology: A systematic review of 6 multidisciplinary databases research studies that report correlation, regression or determination coefficients in the human development index of the United Nations program for development and morbidity or mortality for healthcare events. Results: 21 studies that evaluated the relation between human development and more than 35 events of interest in public health were identified. Neoplastic diseases (except breast and ovarian cancer) and communicable diseases presented inverted correlations with an index ranging from -0.85 to -0.40. Suicide, physical inactivity, drug use, breast cancer and ovarian cancer presented direct correlations ranging from 0.27 to 0.89. This study identified that the index constitutes an excellent predictor regarding the occurrence of tuberculosis, suicide and malaria. Conclusion: The study evidenced that human development paralleled the best health conditions represented by a decrease in morbidity and mortality resulting from cancer and communicable diseases; this shed a light so that countries with a low development index do not delay socially important Investments because of a lack of resources. They should invest simultaneously in economic dimensions and social services, particularly promoting health care and basic education.

Resumo Objetivo: Sistematizar publicações científicas que descrevem a relação do índice de desenvolvimento humano com indicadores de morbidade e mortalidade por doenças transmissíveis e não transmissíveis. Metodologia: Revisão sistemática em sete bases de dados multidisciplinares de pesquisa que reportam coeficientes de correlação, regressão ou determinação entre o índice de desenvolvimento humano do Programa para o Desenvolvimento das Nações Unidas e morbidade ou mortalidade devido a eventos de saúde. Resultados: Foram identificadas 21 pesquisas que avaliaram a relação entre desenvolvimento humano e mais de 35 eventos de interesse em saúde pública. As doenças neoplásicas (com exceção do câncer de mama e ovário) e doenças transmissíveis apresentaram correlações inversas com o índice variando de -0,85 para -0,40. Suicídio, sedentarismo, uso de drogas, câncer de mama e ovário apresentaram correlações diretas entre 0,27 e 0,89. Identificou-se que o índice constitui um excelente preditor na ocorrência de tuberculose, suicídio e malária. Conclusão: Evidenciou-se que o desenvolvimento humano é paralelo com melhores condições de saúde representadas pela redução da morbimortalidade por câncer e doenças transmissíveis; o que dá luzes para que os países com baixo índice de desenvolvimento não adiem investimentos socialmente importantes por falta de recursos, que invistam simultaneamente em dimensões econômicas e serviços sociais, particularmente na promoção, atenção da saúde e educação básica.