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Braz. dent. j ; 34(4): 54-61, July-Aug. 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1520342


Abstract This study compared the pH and calcium ion release of calcium silicate- (Bio-C Temp) and calcium hydroxide-based (Ultracal XS) medications. Intracanal remnants of both medications were also evaluated using SEM-EDS after the removal protocol. Thirty-five bovine teeth were prepared. Fifteen were filled with Bio-C Temp and 15 with Ultracal XS. Five remained without intracanal medication (control group). Five samples from each experimental time (i.e.. 24, 72, and 168 hours) were used to measure pH and calcium ions release using a digital pH meter and microplate reader, respectively. Afterward, the peaks of the chemical elements composing both medications were analyzed in SEM-EDS. One-way ANOVA and Tukey's post hoc test analyzed the pH and calcium ion release data. Student's t-test compared the medications in each experimental time. SEM-EDS described the percentage of chemical elements in the samples. Bio-C Temp and Ultracal XS showed a significant pH increase from 24 to 168 hours (p<0.05). Ultracal XS showed a higher pH value at 24 hours than Bio-C Temp (p<0.05) but were similar at 72 and 168h (p > 0.05). Calcium ion release did not depend on the experimental period (p > 0.05). Bio-C Temp showed lower calcium ions release than Ultracal XS at 24 hours (p<0.05). SEM-EDS analyses showed the remains of both medications, but the concentration of Si, Al, and W ions was present only in the calcium silicate-based medication. Bio-C Temp presented alkaline pH and a satisfactory calcium ion release over the time. The remaining of both medications were present after the protocols for paste removal.

Resumo Este estudo comparou o pH e a liberação de íons cálcio de medicações intracanais a à base de silicato de cálcio (Bio-C Temp) e à base de hidróxido de cálcio (Ultracal XS). Remanescentes de ambas as medicações também foram avaliados usando microscopia eletrônica de varredura e espectroscopia de dispersão de energia após o protocolo de remoção. Trinta e cinco dentes bovinos foram preparados. Quinze dentes foram preenchidos com Bio-C Temp e 15 com Ultracal XS. Cinco permaneceram sem medicação intracanal (grupo controle). Cinco amostras de cada tempo experimental (ou seja, 24, 72 e 168 horas) foram usadas para medir o pH e a liberação de íons de cálcio usando um medidor de pH digital e um leitor de microplacas, respectivamente. Em seguida, os picos dos elementos químicos que compõem os dois medicamentos foram analisados ​​em microscopia eletrônica de varredura e por espectroscopia de dispersão de energia. Os testes One-way ANOVA e post hoc de Tukey analisaram os dados de pH e liberação de íons cálcio. O teste t de Student comparou as medicações em cada tempo experimental. A microscopia eletrônica de varredura e a espectroscopia de dispersão de energia descreveu a porcentagem de elementos químicos nas amostras. O Bio-C Temp e o Ultracal XS mostraram um aumento significativo de pH de 24 a 168 horas (p<0,05). O Ultracal XS apresentou um valor de pH mais alto em 24 horas do que o Bio-C Temp (p<0,05), mas foi semelhante em 72 e 168h (p > 0,05). A liberação de íons cálcio não dependeu do período experimental (p> 0,05). O Bio-C Temp apresentou menor liberação de íons de cálcio do que Ultracal XS em 24 horas (p<0,05). As análises de microscopia eletrônica de varredura e espectroscopia de dispersão de energia mostraram remanescentes de ambas as medicações, mas a concentração de íons Si, Al e W estavam presentes apenas na medicação à base de silicato de cálcio. O Bio-C Temp apresentou pH alcalino e maior liberação de íons cálcio. Remanescentes de ambas as medicações estiveram presentes após os protocolos de remoção da pasta.

Int. j. high dilution res ; 21: 67-84, June 20, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, HomeoIndex | ID: biblio-1396376


Homeopathy is highly controversial. The main reason for this is its use of very highly dilute medicines (high homeopathic potencies, HHP), diluted beyond the Avogadro/Loschmidt limit. Research using Nano Tracking Analysis has demonstrated the presence of particles in HHPs. This study aims to verify the results of a previous publication that identified the ionic composition of these particles in all dilutions. We used Scanning Electron Microscopy & Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectroscopy (SEM-EDX) to examine dilutions of a commonly used homeopathic medicine, an insoluble metal, Cuprum metallicum, for the presence of particles (NPs). The homeopathic medicines tested were specially prepared according to the European pharmacopoeia standards. We compared the homeopathic dilutions/dynamizations of copper with simple dilutions and dynamized lactose controls. We observed an ionic diversity common to all preparations including HHPs but also significant differences in the relative quantity of each ion between manufacturing lines of homeopathic copper and lactose controls. The probability that the observed differences could have occurred chance alone (especially above Avogadro limit) can be rejected at p < 0.001. The essential component of these homeopathic medicines is sodium hydrogen carbonate, modulated by some other elements and by its quantity, size and shape. Homeopathic medicines made of Cuprum metallicum do contain material with a specific ionic composition even in HHPs diluted beyond the Avogadro/Loschmidt limit. This specificity can be attributed to the manufacturing process. This material demonstrates that the step-by-step process (dynamized or not) does not match the theoretical expectations of a dilution process. The starting material and dilution/dynamization method influences the nature of these NPs. Further measurements are needed on other raw materials using the same controls (solvent and simply diluted manufacturing lines) to support these findings. The role of sodium bicarbonate must be carefully studied in the future.

Dinamização , Farmacotécnica Homeopática , Nanopartículas , Espectrometria por Raios X , Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura , Cuprum , Bicarbonato de Sódio , Cobre , Lactose
Int. j. high dilution res ; 21(2): 2-3, May 6, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, HomeoIndex | ID: biblio-1396754


Homeopathy is controversial because using highly dilute medicines (high homeopathic potencies, HHP) beyond the Avogadro/Loschmidt limit. Previous publications [1,2] using NMR relaxation revealed the involvement of nanobubbles and/or nanoparticles and/or nanometric superstructures in high potentizations. Nano Tracking Analyse (NTA) demonstrated the presence of particles in HHPs [3,4]. WithSEM-EDX [5] we observed an ionic diversity common to all preparations including HHPs and significant differences in the relative quantity of each ion between different homeopathic manufacturing lines and controls. FTIR spectroscopy [6] shows that the molecular composition is that of carbonates, primarily sodium bicarbonate.Methods:To observe the materiality of homeopathic medicines a multidisciplinary approach is necessary. In collaboration with several universities,we canobserve these medications with NMR, NTA, SEM-EDX, FTIR, pH,and EPA. Results:The essential component of all already studied homeopathic medicines is sodium hydrogen carbonate modulated by some other elements in a specific quantity, size,and shape. The probability that the observed results could have occurred just by random chance can be rejected(significantlyabove the Avogadro limit) p < 0,001.Conclusions:The homeopathic medicines do contain material with a specific ionic composition even in HHPs diluted beyond the Avogadro/Loschmidt limit. This specificity can be attributed to the manufacturing process. These results demonstrate that the step-by-step process (dynamized or not) does not match the theoretical expectations in a dilution process. The starting material and dilution/dynamization method influencethe nature of these NPs. The role of carbonates and sodium bicarbonate must be carefully studied in the future. Its aqueous solution is alkaline in nature but itis an amphoteric compound, which means that the compound has both acidic as well as alkaline character. The reaction with acids results in sodium salts and carbonic acid and the reaction with the basic solution producescarbonates and water. Specific electric fields are indeed detectable.

Materia Medica , Dinamização , Nanopartículas , Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura , Bicarbonato de Sódio/análise
Rev. biol. trop ; 69(supl. 2)mar. 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1507768


Introduction: Echinoderm coelomocytes have traditionally been investigated through a morphological approach using light microscopy, which relies on the idea of constant cell shape as a stable character. However, this can be affected by biotic or abiotic conditions. Objective: To analyze if the consistency in cell morphology offered by the cytocentrifugation method, might be used as a convenient tool to study echinoderm coelomocytes. Methods: Cells of Echinaster (Othilia) brasiliensis (Asteroidea), Holothuria (Holothuria) tubulosa (Holothuroidea), Eucidaris tribuloides, Arbacia lixula, Lytechinus variegatus, and Echinometra lucunter (Echinoidea) were spread on microscope slides by cytocentrifugation, stained, and analyzed through light microscopy. Additionally, fluorescence microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, and energy-dispersive x-ray spectroscopy were applied to cytospin preparations, to complement the analysis of granular and colorless spherulocytes of Eucidaris tribuloides. Results: Altogether, 11 cell types, including phagocytes, spherulocytes, vibratile cells, and progenitor cells were identified in the samples analyzed. The granular spherulocyte, a newly-described cell type, was observed in all Echinoidea and was very similar to the acidophilic spherulocytes of Holothuria (Holothuria) tubulosa. Conclusions: Cytocentrifugation proved to be versatile, either as the main method of investigation in stained preparations, or as a framework on which other procedures may be performed. Its ability to maintain a constant morphology allowed accurate correspondence between live and fixed/stained cells, differentiation among similar spherulocytes as well as comparisons between similar cells of Holothuroidea and Echinoidea.

Introducción: Los celomocitos de equinodermos se han investigado tradicionalmente a través de un enfoque morfológico utilizando microscopía óptica, que se basa en la idea de la forma celular constante como un carácter estable. Sin embargo, esto puede verse afectado por condiciones bióticas o abióticas. Objetivo: Analizar si la consistencia en la morfología celular que ofrece el método de citocentrifugación podría utilizarse como una herramienta conveniente para estudiar los celomocitos de equinodermos. Métodos: Células de Echinaster (Othilia) brasiliensis (Asteroidea), Holothuria (Holothuria) tubulosa (Holothuroidea), Eucidaris tribuloides, Arbacia lixula, Lytechinus variegatus y Echinometra lucunter (Echinoidea) se esparcieron en portaobjetos de microscopio por citocentrifugación, se tiñeron y analizaron mediante microscopía óptica. Adicionalmente, se aplicó microscopía de fluorescencia, microscopía electrónica de barrido y espectroscopía de rayos X con dispersión de energía a las preparaciones de citoespina, para complementar el análisis de los esferulocitos granulares e incoloros de Eucidaris tribuloides. Resultados: En total, se identificaron en las muestras analizadas 11 tipos de células, incluidos fagocitos, esferulocitos, células vibrátiles y células progenitoras. El esferulocito granular, un tipo de célula recién descrito, se observó en todos los Echinoidea y fue muy similar a los esferulocitos acidófilos de Holothuria (Holothuria) tubulosa. Conclusiones: La citocentrifugación demostró ser un método bastante versátil, ya sea como el método principal de investigación en preparaciones teñidas o como un marco en el que se pueden realizar otros procedimientos. Su capacidad para mantener una morfología constante permitió una correspondencia precisa entre las células vivas y las células fijas/teñidas, la diferenciación entre esferulocitos similares, así como comparaciones entre células similares de Holothuroidea y Echinoidea.

Animais , Espectrometria por Raios X/métodos , Equinodermos/microbiologia , Centrifugação/instrumentação , Forma do Núcleo Celular
Braz. dent. sci ; 24(1): 1-10, 2021. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | BBO, LILACS | ID: biblio-1145375


Objectives: This study aimed to assess the effect of the polishing procedure and surface sealant application on the fluoride release of restorative materials. Material and Methods: The groups were consisted of using five different restorative materials were employed: Beautifil II, GCP Glass Fill, Amalgomer CR, Zirconomer and Fuji IX GP. 30 disk-shaped specimens (8x2 mm) were prepared from each material. Each group was subdivided into three groups considering finishing procedures: Mylar strip, polishing with Super-Snap discs, G-Coat Plus application after polishing with Super-Snap discs. The amount of fluoride released into distilled water was measured using a fluoride ion-selective electrode and ion analyzer after 24 hours, followed by measurement on days 3, 7, 15, 21, and 28. Surface analysis of the materials was performed with SEM (Scanning Electron Microscopy) and EDS (Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy). The data were statistically analyzed using two-way repeated measure ANOVA and LSD test (p=0.05). Results: The highest amount of fluoride released was measured after the first 24 h for all materials. Beautifil II released less fluoride than other materials in all measurement periods (p<0.05). After polishing, the amount of fluoride released from all materials except Beautifil II increased (p<0.05). The application of G-Coat Plus did not impact the amount of fluoride release of any materials (p>0.05). EDS analysis showed the most percentage of oxygen in all materials. Conclusion: The polishing procedure might induce an increase in fluoride release of glass ionomer-based materials, and the application of G-Coat Plus cannot affect the amount of fluoride release. (AU)

Objetivos: Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito do procedimento de polimento e aplicação de selante superficial na liberação de flúor de materiais restauradores. Material e Métodos: Os grupos consistiram na utilização de cinco materiais restauradores diferentes: Beautifil II, GCP Glass Fill, Amalgomer CR, Zirconomer e Fuji IX GP. Trinta espécimes em forma de disco (8x2 mm) foram preparados a partir de cada material. Cada grupo foi subdividido em três grupos considerando os procedimentos de acabamento: tira Mylar, polimento com discos Super-Snap, aplicação de G-Coat Plus após polimento com discos Super-Snap. A quantidade de flúor liberada na água destilada foi medida usando um eletrodo íon-seletivo de fluoreto e analisador de íons após 24 horas, seguido pela medição nos dias 3, 7, 15, 21 e 28. A análise da superfície dos materiais foi realizada com MEV (Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura) e EDS (Espectroscopia de Energia Dispersiva de Raios-X). Os dados foram analisados estatisticamente usando ANOVA de dois fatores com medidas repetidas e teste LSD (p = 0,05). Resultados: A maior quantidade de flúor liberado foi medida após as primeiras 24 horas para todos os materiais. O Beautifil II liberou menos flúor do que outros materiais em todos os períodos avaliados (p <0,05). Após o polimento, a quantidade de flúor liberada de todos os materiais, exceto Beautifil II, aumentou (p <0,05). A aplicação de G-Coat Plus não afetou a quantidade de liberação de flúor de nenhum material (p> 0,05). A análise por EDS revelou a maior porcentagem de oxigênio em todos os materiais. Conclusão: O procedimento de polimento pode induzir um aumento na liberação de flúor de materiais à base de ionômero de vidro, e a aplicação de G-Coat Plus não pode afetar a quantidade de liberação de flúor (AU)

Espectrometria por Raios X , Fluoretos , Cimentos de Ionômeros de Vidro
Odovtos (En línea) ; 20(2): 81-89, May.-Aug. 2018. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1091449


Abstract Trans-endodontic implants are an artificial extension through root apex anchored in periradicular bone tissue. The aim is to improve the crown-root ratio and to provide stability to dental organ present. Zirconium oxide (ZrO2) is a material of great technological importance, having good natural color, high strength, high toughness, high chemical stability, does not suffer any corrosion, chemical and microbial resistance and excellent esthetic properties. Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate chemical and microscopy of surface conditions of ZrO2 trans-endodontic implant. Materials and Methods: A blocks of ZrO2 were manufactured for produce trans-endodontic implants and divided in two groups: monoclinic and tetragonal phase. They were evaluated using Scanning Electroning Microscope (SEM), EnergyDispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDS), and Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) and Vickers Micro hardness. Results: The Monoclinic phase through AFM analysis showed roughness Ra = 0.320μm, whereas in the Tetragonal phase was 0.126μm, SEM/EDX indicated that the phases are not properly uniform and the addition of the Yttrium to favor the stabilization of the Tetragonal phase. The Vickers hardness analysis showed a value of 1500HV. Conclusion: The characterization of the surface of trans-endodontic zirconium oxide implants provides a guideline to know the surface characteristics of the material, since a greater roughness on the surface of the implant will favor the Osseo-integration capacity.

Resumen Los implantes trans-endodónticos son una extensión artificial a través del ápice radicular anclado en el tejido óseo periradicular. El objetivo es mejorar la relación corona-raíz y proporcionar estabilidad al órgano dental presente. El óxido de zirconio (ZrO2) es un material de gran importancia tecnológica, con buen color natural, alta resistencia, alta tenacidad, alta estabilidad química, no sufre corrosión, resistencia química y microbiana y excelentes propiedades estéticas. Objetivo: El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar las condiciones superficiales de ZrO2 para su aplicación clínica a los implantes transendodónticos. Materiales y Métodos: se trituraron bloques de ZrO2 en implantes trans-endodónticos y se dividieron en: monoclínico y tetragonal. Luego se evaluaron mediante microscopía electrónica de barrido (SEM), espectroscopia de rayos X de energía dispersiva (EDS) y microscopio de fuerza atómica (AFM) y microdureza vickers. Resultados: La fase monoclínica a través del análisis AFM presenta Ra = 0.320 μm, mientras que en la fase Tetragonal es 0.126 μm, SEM / EDS muestra que las fases no son adecuadamente uniformes y la adición del Ytrio para favorecer la estabilización de la fase tetragonal. El análisis de microdureza mostro un valor de 1500HV. Conclusión: La caracterización de la superficie de los implantes trans-endodónticos de óxido de zirconio, brinda una pauta para conocer las características superficiales del material, ya que al haber una mayor rugosidad en la superficie del implante se verá favorecida la capacidad de oseointegración.

Espectrometria por Raios X , Zircônio/uso terapêutico , Implantes Dentários/microbiologia
Rev. bras. farmacogn ; 28(3): 273-281, May-June 2018. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-958877


ABSTRACT The present work provides a comparative account of the morpho-anatomy of six species of Eucalyptus, namely E. badjensis Beuzev. & Welch, E. benthamii Maiden & Cambage, E. dunnii Maiden, E. grandis W.Hill, E. globulus Labill. and E. saligna Sm., Myrtaceae. Leaf samples of these six species were investigated by light and scanning electron microscopy. The observed microscopic features that can be useful in the identification and quality control of the studied species include the morphology of epicuticular waxes, presence of prismatic crystals on the leaf surface, leaf midrib shape and arrangement of its vascular system, and the presence or absence of the sclerenchymatous fiber caps in the vascular bundle.

Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-741561


BACKGROUND: Calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate deposition disease (CPDD) is a rare disease in the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) space. It forms a calcified crystal mass and induces a limitation of joint movement. CASE PRESENTATION: The calcified mass in our case was occupied in the left TMJ area and extended to the infratemporal and middle cranial fossa. For a complete excision of this mass, we performed a vertical ramus osteotomy and resected the mass around the mandibular condyle. The calcified mass in the infratemporal fossa was carefully excised, and the segmented mandible was anatomically repositioned. Scanning electronic microscopy (SEM)/energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) microanalysis was performed to evaluate the calcified mass. The result of SEM/EDS showed that the crystal mass was completely composed of calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate. This result strongly suggested that the calcified mass was CPDD in the TMJ area. CONCLUSIONS: CPDD in the TMJ is a rare disease and is difficult to differentially diagnose from other neoplasms. A histological examination and quantitative microanalysis are required to confirm the diagnosis. In our patient, CPDD in the TMJ was successfully removed via the extracorporeal approach. SEM/EDS microanalysis was used for the differential diagnosis.

Humanos , Pirofosfato de Cálcio , Cálcio , Condrocalcinose , Fossa Craniana Média , Diagnóstico , Diagnóstico Diferencial , Articulações , Mandíbula , Côndilo Mandibular , Microscopia , Osteotomia , Doenças Raras , Análise Espectral , Articulação Temporomandibular
Braz. j. oral sci ; 17: e18371, 2018. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-963971


Aim: This study characterized the implant surfaces available on the Brazilian market in terms of topography, chemical composition, and roughness. Methods: The following brands were selected according to their surfaces: Kopp (Ko), Signo Vinces (Sv), Neodent (Ne), Osseotite (Os) NanoTite (Nt), SIN (Si), Titanium Fix (Tf), conventional Straumann (Str), Active SLA (SLA). The morphological analysis and the alloy impurities and implant surface contaminants were analyzed by SEM-EDS. Surface roughness parameters and 3-D reconstructions were obtained by laser microscopy (20x). Two distinct areas were evaluated: i) the cervical portion (no surface treatment), and ii) the middle third (treated surface). Results: The characterization of the implant surfaces by SEM showed morphological differences between the thread geometries and surface morphology at 800x and 2000x magnification. The EDS elemental analysis showed a predominance of titanium (Ti) for all implants. The SLA surface showed only peaks of Ti while other implants brands showed traces of impurities and contaminants including Al, C, PR, F, Mg, Na, Ni, O, P, and SR. The implant surface roughness in the cervical portion did not exceed Ra 0.5­1.0 µm, constituting a minimally rough surface and obtaining acceptable standards for this region. Only Nt, Str, and SLA presented Ra above 2 µm in the middle third area showing a rough surface favorable for osseointegration. Conclusion: This study concluded that there is no established standard for morphology, chemical composition and implant surface roughness that allows a safe comparison between the available dental implant surfaces. National implant brands generally contain more impurities and surface contaminants than their international counterparts and were consequently more sensitive to the surface treatment techniques

Espectrometria por Raios X , Propriedades de Superfície , Implantes Dentários
Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-17205


PURPOSE: The current gold standard for clinical jawbone formation involves autogenous bone as a graft material. In addition, demineralized dentin can be an effective graft material. Although demineralized dentin readily induces heterotopic bone formation, conventional decalcification takes three to five days, so, immediate bone grafting after extraction is impossible. This study evaluated the effect of vacuum ultrasonic power on the demineralization and processing of autogenous tooth material and documented the clinical results of rapidly processed autogenous demineralized dentin (ADD) in an alveolar defects patient. METHODS: The method involves the demineralization of extracted teeth with detached soft tissues and pulp in 0.6 N HCl for 90 minutes using a heat controlled vacuum-ultrasonic accelerator. The characteristics of processed teeth were evaluated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS). Bone grafting using ADD was performed for narrow ridges augmentation in the mandibular area. RESULTS: The new processing method was completed within two hours regardless of form (powder or block). EDS and SEM uniformly demineralized autotooth biomaterial. After six months, bone remodeling was observed in augmented sites and histological examination showed that ADD particles were well united with new bone. No unusual complications were encountered. CONCLUSION: This study demonstrates the possibility of preparing autogenous tooth graft materials within two hours, allowing immediate one-day grafting after extraction.

Humanos , Aceleração , Remodelação Óssea , Transplante Ósseo , Dentina , Temperatura Alta , Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura , Osteogênese , Espectrometria por Raios X , Dente , Transplantes , Ultrassom , Vácuo
Braz. dent. j ; 24(6): 610-618, Nov-Dec/2013. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-697657


This study evaluated structural and molecular issues of dentin caries-like lesions produced by different artificial models (ACL) compared with natural caries lesions (NCL). One hundred twenty-four sound occlusal dentin blocks and 47 carious blocks were obtained and surface hardness was analyzed (SH1). They were assigned to groups according to ACL: GB: Biological; GC: Chemical; GIS: In situ; GNC: natural caries (control). Blocks from groups 1, 2 and 3 were submitted to caries lesion induction. NCL and ACL blocks were submitted to surface hardness (SH 2), FT-Raman and µEDXRF analysis. All blocks were longitudinally sectioned and one of the halves was submitted to cross-sectional hardness (CSH) and the other to SEM analysis. SH1 and SH2 data were submitted to t test (unpaired and paired, respectively), CSH and SEM data to two-way and one-way ANOVA respectively, and Tukey and t tests, respectively (p<0.05). Data from FT-Raman/µEDXRF were submitted to one-way ANOVA and Dunnett multiple-comparisons test (a=0.05). GB and GNC showed lowest SH2 values that were significantly different from GC and GIS. Regarding CSH, GB and GNC showed no significant difference between them. SEM showed similar caries lesion depth for GB and GNC, being significantly higher than for GC and GIS. µEDXRF showed similar values of calcium and phosphate for GB and GNC; GNC values were significantly different from GIS. No significant difference was found among the groups concerning phosphate, carbonate and CH bonds values. For collagen type I, GC values were significantly different compared to other groups. It may be concluded that caries-like lesions produced by GB were the closest model to NCL.

Este estudo avaliou as características estruturais e moleculares da lesão de cárie artificial em dentina produzidas por diferentes modelos artificiais (LCA) comparados à lesão de cárie natural (LCN). Cento e vinte e quatro blocos de dentina oclusal hígida e 47 blocos cariados foram obtidos e a dureza superficial foi analisada (SH1). Eles foram divididos em grupos de acordo com os modelos de LCA: GB: Biológico; GQ: Químico; GIS: In situ; GCN: lesão de cárie natural (controle). Blocos dos grupos 1, 2 e 3 foram submetidos à produção da lesão de cárie. Blocos de dente contendo LCA e LCN foram submetidos à análise de dureza superficial (SH2), análise FT-Raman e µEDXRF. Em seguida, todos os blocos foram seccionados longitudinalmente e uma das metades foi submetida à análise da dureza transversal (CSH) e outra à análise em microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV). Dados da SH1 e SH2 foram submetidos ao teste t (não-pareado e pareado, respectivamente). Dados do CSH e MEV foram submetidos à ANOVA a um fator e teste Tukey e ANOVA a um fator e teste t, respectivamente (p<0,05). Dados do FT-raman/µEDXRF foram submetidos a ANOVA a um fator e teste de Dunnett para múltiplas comparações (p<0,05). GB e GCN apresentaram os menores valores de SH2 que foram significativamente diferentes de GC e GIS. Quanto a CSH, GB e GCN mostraram nenhuma diferença significativa entre eles. SEM mostrou profundidade de lesão de cárie semelhante para GB e GCN, sendo significativamente maior que para GC e GIS. µEDXRF mostrou valores similares de cálcio e fosfato para GB e GCN, enquanto os valores do GCN foram significativamente diferentes em relação ao GIS. Nenhuma diferença significativa foi encontrada entre os grupos em relação aos valores de fosfato, carbonato e ligações CH. Para o colágeno tipo I, os valores do GC foram significativamente diferentes em comparação aos outros grupos. Pode-se concluir que a cárie artificial produzida pelo GB foi o mais próximo da LCN.

Humanos , Cárie Dentária/patologia , Dentina/patologia , Esmalte Dentário/patologia , Dureza , Técnicas In Vitro , Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura , Dente Serotino , Espectrometria por Raios X , Espectroscopia de Infravermelho com Transformada de Fourier , Propriedades de Superfície
Artigo em Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-63508


This study was undertaken to investigate mineral changes in weathered scalp hair after burial. EDX (energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy) analysis was performed to measure the presence of minerals on the hair surface. Twelve scalp hairs, buried for 5-40 years, were chosen from deceased individuals buried in tombs in Soha-Ri, Kyonggi-Do, and other regions in Korea. Three normal hairs were used as the control group. EDX data showed that carbon, oxygen, and sulfur were detected in hair collected from all three burial grounds. In contrast, calcium was only detected in hair collected from tombs in Soha-ri. The amounts of calcium and sulfur were found to decrease with time for hair collected from tombs in Soha-ri. Similar results were observed with sodium for hair collected from other regions. These results show region specific mineral detection and a decrease in the concentration of minerals with time. Consequently, it is suggested that changes in minerals concentration in weathered hair could be used as basic data in the field of forensic medicine.

Humanos , Sepultamento , Cálcio , Carbono , Medicina Legal , Ciências Forenses , Cabelo , Coreia (Geográfico) , Minerais , Oxigênio , Couro Cabeludo , Sódio , Espectrometria por Raios X , Enxofre , Tempo (Meteorologia)