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Rev. biol. trop ; 66(3): 1223-1231, jul.-sep. 2018. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-977379


Abstract Lotic ecosystems are altered at various spatial scales leading to the simplification of water bodies and the dominance or exclusion of certain organisms. In streams, species may have limitations generated by the environment that result in a more abundant or rare occurrence. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of water physical-chemical variables and land use in the drainage basin on the composition of Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera (EPT) assemblages in the streams of Atlantic Forest. We collected water samples and aquatic insects from 18 streams in Atlantic Forest in southern Brazil. We evaluated the relationship between physical-chemical variables of water and land use and the dissimilarity of EPT assemblages in three different situations: (i) matrix with all organisms collected, (ii) matrix containing only common genera and (iii) matrix containing only the rare genera. We collected 6 023 EPT larvae from 41 genera; 62 % of the individuals belonged to the order Trichoptera, 32 % to the order Ephemeroptera and 6 % to the order Plecoptera. The most common organisms (10 genera) accounted for 86 % of the total abundance of identified individuals. On the other hand, rare genera corresponded to 76 % of the total richness, but only 6 % of the total abundance. For the three matrices studied, the pH, electrical conductivity and riparian vegetation were correlated with the dissimilarity matrix of the three biological datasets used. In our study, we observed that the pH, electric conductivity, exposed soil and riparian vegetation variables were the most important for the dissimilarity of the EPT assemblages. In addition, our results demonstrated that variables at different scales (stream and riparian zone) structure stream insect assemblages. Rev. Biol. Trop. 66(3): 1223-1231. Epub 2018 September 01.

Resumen Los ecosistemas lóticos se alteran a diversas escalas espaciales que conducen a la simplificación de los cuerpos de agua y a la dominancia o exclusión de ciertos organismos. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la influencia de las variables físico-químicas del agua y el uso del suelo en la porción alta de la cuenca del Río Uruguay sobre la composición de los órdenes Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera y Trichoptera (EPT), en los arroyos del bosque atlántico. Se recogieron muestras de agua e insectos acuáticos de 18 arroyos en el bosque atlántico del sur de Brasil. Se evaluó la relación entre las variables físico-químicas del agua y uso del suelo así como la disimilitud de las agrupaciones de EPT en tres situaciones diferentes: (i) matriz con todos los organismos, (ii) matriz que contiene solo géneros comunes y (iii) géneros raros. Se recolectaron 6 023 larvas EPT de 41 géneros; 62 % de los individuos pertenecían al orden Trichoptera, 32 % a Ephemeroptera y 6 % Plecoptera. Los organismos más comunes (10 géneros) representaron el 86 % de la abundancia total de individuos identificados. Por otro lado, la riqueza de géneros raros correspondía al 76 % de la riqueza total, pero sólo al 6 % de la abundancia total. Para las tres matrices estudiadas, el pH, la conductividad eléctrica y la vegetación ribereña se correlacionaron con la matriz de disimilitud de los tres conjuntos de datos biológicos utilizados. En nuestro caso observamos que las variables de pH, conductividad eléctrica, suelo expuesto y vegetación de ribera fueron las más importantes por la disimilitud de los ensamblajes de EPT. Además, nuestros resultados demostraron que las variables a diferente escala (arroyo y zona ribereña) pueden estructurar insectos acuáticos en los arroyos.

Limnologia , Ambiente Aquático , Alteração Ambiental , Biodiversidade , Avaliação Rápida da Integridade Ambiental , Variação Biológica da População
An. venez. nutr ; 31(1): 27-36, 2018.
Artigo em Espanhol | LIVECS, LILACS | ID: biblio-1021823


La variabilidad del crecimiento y la maduración física de los venezolanos entre 1939 y 2016 es el producto de una revisión histórica-antropológica, no-sistemática ni exhaustiva, que se focaliza en la auxología epidemiológica. Como marco conceptual, se presentan los aspectos fundamentales de la variabilidad genética-biológica del crecimiento: dimorfismo sexual, variabilidad de acuerdo al ritmo de maduración y los grupos étnicos en Venezuela, país de mestizaje. En el aspecto fundamental de la variabilidad ambiental se incluye el crecimiento y desarrollo en las alturas, pero la visión se focaliza en las diferencias urbano-rurales, de acuerdo al estrato social y en los procesos dinámicos poblacionales tal como la tendencia secular en crecimiento y maduración, indicador del progreso o retroceso de una población y la transición alimentaria y nutricional y sus consecuencias, tal como la doble carga nutricional. El mestizaje, de amerindio, descendientes de africanos y de europeos, no es homogéneo, existen diferencias significativas entre regiones y entre estratos sociales. El área metropolitana de Caracas resultó diferente al resto del país, debido a: composición genética distinta, estructura demográfica y social urbana y predominio de estratos altos y medio altos. Las diferencias urbano rurales en crecimiento fueron menores que entre estratos sociales, debido a ritmos de maduración distintas. La crisis alimentaria actual puede modificar la tendencia secular, disminuir la obesidad y aumentar el déficit nutricional. Se recomienda sistematizar la información documental la cual se encuentra dispersa y no digitalizada y utilizar cualquier estudio de población para realizar proyecciones y analizar tendencias con métodos estadísticos apropiados(AU)

Variability in growth and development in Venezuela between 1939 and 2016 is the result of an historic-anthropological non-systematic, non-exhaustive review, with a focus on auxologic epidemiology. As a conceptual framework, the fundamental aspects of biological and genetic variability of growth are discussed: sexual dimorphism, variability according to the tempo of growth, the worldwide variation according to the different ethnic groups and their admixture in Venezuela. The fundamental aspects of the environment include growth differences according to altitude, yet the focus lies in auxologic epidemiology : urban-rural differences, differences according to social strata, as well as the dynamic processes such as the secular trend in growth and maturation-an indicator of the progress or recession of a population--and the Food and Nutrition Transition and its consequences, specially the double burden of nutrition. The latter could be modified by the actual food crisis: diminishing overweight and obesity and increasing current and past malnutrition, eventually affecting negatively the secular trend. Documents and sources of information should be systematized and made available in digital formats and any growth and development survey could be used in analyzing trends and outcomes if the proper statistical methods are used(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Criança , Adolescente , Adulto , Mudança Social , Desenvolvimento Ósseo , Crescimento e Desenvolvimento , Obesidade/etiologia , Estatísticas de Saúde , Alimentos, Dieta e Nutrição
Rev. peru. biol. (Impr.) ; 20(1)sept. 2013.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS, LIPECS | ID: biblio-1522303


Se analiza información de diversas variables ambientales de macroescala disponibles desde 1876 para el Pacífico Sudoriental y datos más recientes de desembarques y biomasas de jurel Trachurus murphyi Nichols 1920 en el mar peruano en relación con áreas probables de masas de agua equivalentes a Aguas Costeras Frías (ACF) y Aguas Subtropicales Superficiales (ASS). Se concluye que el Índice de Oscilación Decadal del Pacífico (PDO) presenta expresiones de variabilidad coherentes con las encontradas para el Índice de Oscilación del Sur (SOI) y que los cambios observados en las biomasas de T. murphyi en el mar peruano reflejan cambios en la disponibilidad del recurso asociado a patrones de variabilidad seculares (SOI) y decadales (PDO). Tales fluctuaciones en la disponibilidad del recurso afectan las pesquerías de Ecuador, Perú y norte de Chile, las que muestran variaciones importantes en sus desembarques y habrían dado una imagen sesgada de la abundancia conduciendo a diagnósticos errados de la real situación del recurso. Estos patrones de variabilidad afectarían también las manifestaciones de El Niño, haciendo que se inicien en otoños o primaveras australes dependiendo de si el PDO imperante es negativo o positivo. Por otro lado, en función a la distancia euclidiana de las varianzas del SOI se identifican periodos de alta (1876 - 1925 y 1976 - 2012) y baja (1926 - 1975) variabilidad; y con el PDO se diferencian periodos cálidos (1925 - 1944 y 1975 - 1994), frio (1945 - 1974) y templados o interfaces (1895 - 1924 y 1995 - 2012), siendo estos últimos producto de la interacción con los momentos de alta variabilidad

This paper analyses information on various macro environmental variables available since 1876 for the Southeast Pacific and more recent data on Jack mackerel Trachurus murphyi (Nichols, 1920) landings and biomass in the Peruvian sea, relating them to probable areas of water masses equivalent to Cold Coastal Waters (CCW) and Subtropical Surface Waters (SSW). It is concluded that the index of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) presents expressions of variability that are consistent with those found for the Southern Oscillation Index (SOI) and that the detected changes in biomass of Jack mackerel T. murphyi in the Peruvian sea reflect changes in the availability of the fish stock associated with secular (SOI) and decadal (PDO) variability patterns. These fluctuations in stock availability impact fisheries in Ecuador, Peru and northern Chile, which show significant variations in their landings and would have given a biased picture of the state of abundance, leading to wrong diagnoses of the real situation of the exploited stocks. These patterns of variability would also affect the appearance of El Niño, making them start in the southern hemisphere autumn or spring depending on whether the current PDO is positive or negative. Periods of high (1876 - 1925 and 1976 - 2012) and low (1926 - 1975) variability are also identified in relation to the Euclidean distance of the variances of the SOI; and in relation to the PDO a distinction is made between warm (1925 - 1944 and 1975 - 1994), cold (1945 - 1974) and tempered or interface periods (1895 - 1924 and 1995 - 2012), the latter being explained by the interaction between periods of high variability

Neotrop. entomol ; 36(5): 662-669, Sept.-Oct. 2007. graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-468097


São propostas três causas principais para sincronia de populações: fatores exógenos, dispersão e interações interespecíficas. O presente trabalho teve por objetivo testar a influência dos fatores exógenos na sincronia de populações de Sitophilus zeamais (Mots.) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), isoladas espacialmente (sem dispersão), em microcosmos com diferentes condições ambientais (umidade e temperatura). Doze populações com 20 indivíduos cada, foram divididas, aleatoriamente, em dois tratamentos: com lâmpada e sem lâmpada. O censo dos indivíduos adultos foi realizado semanalmente, durante sete meses. A tendência de crescimento da abundância ao longo do tempo foi eliminada através do ajuste de modelos autoregressivos. A sincronia entre as populações, detectada por meio dos coeficientes de correlação de Pearson e Spearman, foi maior dentro do que entre tratamentos, embora as populações mantidas sem lâmpada tenham sido mais sincrônicas do que as populações com lâmpada. Além de evidenciarem a influência do ambiente nas flutuações populacionais, esses resultados sugerem que o metabolismo e as interações intraespecíficas são fatores importantes na dinâmica populacional. Organismos em ambientes desfavoráveis podem apresentar taxas metabólicas anormais, contribuindo pouco para o crescimento populacional. Logo, populações pequenas sofrem maior influência da estocasticidade demográfica, reduzindo a probabilidade de sincronia entre elas. Nos ambientes mais favoráveis, espera-se que os indivíduos desenvolvam funções metabólicas normais, levando as populações a apresentar taxas de crescimento mais elevadas. Nesse caso, a estocasticidade demográfica tem menor influência, levando as populações sem lâmpada a flutuar de forma mais sincrônica.

Three main causes to population synchrony are proposed: exogenous factors, dispersal and inter-specific interactions. This paper had as main goal to test the influence of the exogenous factors in the synchrony in spatially isolated (i.e., no dispersal) populations of Sitophilus zeamais (Mots.) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), in microcosms with different environmental conditions (humidity, temperature and light intensity). Twelve populations of 20 individuals each, were randomly assigned between two treatment conditions: with or without light. Population size and environmental factors (temperature and relative humidity) were weekly assessed for seven months. Temporal trend in populations increase was eliminated adjusting autoregressive models. Population synchrony, detected by means of Pearson’s and Spearman’s correlation coefficients, was higher within than between treatments, although the populations kept without lamp were more synchronized than populations with lamp. Besides demonstrating the influence of environment on population fluctuations, these results suggest that metabolism and intra-specific interactions are important factors in population dynamic. Organisms exposed to unsuitable environmental conditions may have abnormal metabolic rates, which negatively influences the population grow. Thus, small populations are more likely to suffer from demographic stochasticity, decreasing the probability of the synchrony among populations. On the other hand, in more suitable environments, individuals are expected to have normal metabolic functions, and so, to achieve higher rates of population grow. In this case, the demographic stochasticity has smaller influence, leading populations without lamp to fluctuate synchronously.

Animais , Besouros , Brasil , Meio Ambiente , Dinâmica Populacional , Processos Estocásticos