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Rev. chil. nutr ; 51(1)feb. 2024.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550802


La literatura ha hecho hincapié en la centralidad que cumplen los entornos alimentarios en las elecciones alimentarias y en el estado nutricional de la población. Objetivo: identificar las percepciones de padres, madres y apoderados, profesionales de establecimientos educacionales, funcionarios municipales, y feriantes pertenecientes a la zona sur de Santiago de Chile, respecto a las barreras y limitaciones de la puesta en práctica de una alimentación saludable en el ambiente alimentario escolar. Método: se realizaron seis grupos focales agrupando a 50 actores claves vinculados a los establecimientos educacionales de Ciudad Sur utilizando una muestra no probabilística. Se aplicó un análisis de contenido mediante la técnica de codificación temática buscando relevar los universos semánticos emergentes. Resultados: se identificaron nueve barreras, o semánticas, que caracterizan limitantes a la realización de la alimentación saludable en los entornos escolares desde la perspectiva de los participantes: la familia, kioscos escolares, la salida de los establecimientos escolares, gusto, determinantes socioeconómicos, política pública, falta de conocimiento, publicidad y disponibilidad de productos sin sellos. Conclusiones: las limitaciones asociadas al ambiente alimentario doméstico tienen una representación significativamente alta (47,9%) y contienen un carácter de responsabilización individual en su enunciación. Esta cultura explicativa es opuesta a la evidencia científica y académica respecto al funcionamiento de la conducta alimentaria, y a la centralidad de los ambientes alimentarios respecto a la facilitación u obstaculización del consumo de alimentos saludables o adecuados.

Literature has emphasized on food environments centrality in food choices and nutritional status. Objective: identify social perceptions of fathers, mothers and guardians, professionals from educational establishments, municipal officials, and stallholders belonging to the southern area of Santiago de Chile, regarding limitations of healthy diet implementation on school environments. Method: six focus groups were carried out grouping 50 key actors linked to educational establishments using a non-probabilistic sample. A content analysis was applied through thematic coding technique seeking to reveal emerging semantic universes. Results: Nine barriers, or semantics, were identified characterizing limitations to healthy eating habits in school environments: family, school kiosks, leaving school establishments, taste, socioeconomic determinants, public policy, lack of knowledge, publicity, and availability of products without seals. Conclusions: limitations associated with domestic food environment have a significantly high representation (47,9%) and contain an individualized responsibility feature. This explanatory culture is opposed to scientific and academic evidence regarding the functioning of eating behavior, and the centrality of food environments facilitating or hindering healthy food consumption.

Military Medical Sciences ; (12): 1-6, 2024.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1018866


This article reviews the research progress in military operational medicine of the U.S.Armed Forces in 2023 in terms of improved capabilities of health care in extreme natural environments,intervention strategies to improve nutrition and water security,assessment and monitoring of sleep quality,beeter hearing protection and optimization of physical fitness training.These measures are intended to improve the all-round and multifaceted level of operational performance of soldiers.This article is expected to provide useful reference for related research.

Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535308


ABSTRACT Currently, there are some concerns about the situation and, in particular, about the future of the COVID-19 pandemic and the new emerging variants of SARS-CoV-2. Rodents are an example of synanthropic animals in urban environments that harbor important zoonoses. Although the molecular identification of SARS-CoV-2 in Rattus norvegicus from New York City had been reported, in other studies, urban wild rodents infected with this virus have not been found. This study aimed to molecularly identify the presence of SARS-CoV-2 in urban wild rodents from Mexico City, trapped along a water channel of a public park as part of a pest control program, at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, during the fall and winter of 2020. Up to 33 Mus musculus and 52 R. norvegicus were captured and euthanized, large intestine samples with feces from the animals were obtained. RNAs were obtained and subjected to qRT-PCR for SARS-CoV-2 identification and threshold cycle (Ct) values were obtained. Four mice (12.1%) and three rats (5.8%) were positive, three rodents exhibited Ct<30. Our results on the frequency of SARS-CoV-2 in urban rats are in line with other previous reports. Thus, similar to other authors, we suggest that surveillance for the detection of SARS-CoV-2 in urban wild rodents, as sentinel animals, should be maintained.

Rev. colomb. biotecnol ; 25(2)dic. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535729


El ciclo del nitrógeno representa uno de los procesos biogeoquímicos más importantes para los ecosistemas terrestres y acuáticos. Las comunidades microbianas desempeñan un papel crucial en los procesos de transformación del nitrógeno en el suelo, ya que participan en diversas etapas como la nitrificación, de gran importancia para la producción agrícola. Dentro de los marcadores moleculares más utilizados para evaluar la actividad de poblaciones microbianas oxidantes de amonio se han considerado ampliamente los genes que codifican enzimas claves como la subunidad A de la actividad amonio monooxigenasa (AMO). Sin embargo, no se comprende completamente si la expresión de esta enzima tiene relación directa con el rendimiento de los cultivos. En este contexto, se evaluó la expresión del gen amo-A de comunidades bacterianas y archaeales presentes en un lote arrocero previamente caracterizado por ambientes. Para cuantificar la abundancia de arqueas y bacterias oxidantes de amonio, (AOA y AOB, respectivamente) se emplearon las técnicas de PCR en tiempo real (RT-qPCR) y PCR digital (RT-dPCR). En este trabajo se encontró a través del análisis de datos metagenómicos que hubo una mayor presencia de AOB en las muestras de suelo rizosférico mientras que las AOA fueron predominantes en las muestras de suelo de soporte "bulk", sin embargo, no se detectó la expresión del gen amo-A asociada a la comunidad de bacterias en las muestras de suelo analizadas. Por otra parte, no se presentaron diferencias entre los transcritos del gen amo-A asociados a la comunidad de AOA de los ambientes caracterizados. Además, la expresión de transcritos no estuvo relacionada con alguna de las propiedades químicas evaluadas. Finalmente, las estrategias de cuantificación para RT-qPCR (plásmido y templete) resultaron ser homólogas y funcionales para identificar la expresión del gen amo-A de AOA, mientras que la técnica de RT-dPCR fue más precisa para el análisis de la comunidad de AOB y AOA.

The nitrogen cycle represents one the most important biogeochemical process for terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. Microbial communities play a crucial role in the processes of transformation of soil nitrogen in the, since they participate in various stages such as nitrification, which is of great importance for agricultural production. Among the most used molecular markers to assess ammonium oxidizing microbial populations activity have been considered widely the genes encoding key enzymes such as ammonium monooxygenase (AMO) subunit A. However, it is not fully understood whether the expression of this enzyme is directly related to the crop yield. In this context, this research work evaluated the expression of the amo-A gene of bacterial and archaeal communities present in a rice field previously characterized by environments. Real-time PCR (RT-qPCR) and digital PCR (RT-dPCR) techniques were used to quantify the abundance of archaea and ammonium-oxidizing bacteria (AOA and AOB, respectively). In this work it was found that in the analysis of metagenomic data there was a greater presence of AOB in rhizospheric soil samples while AOA were predominant in bulk soil samples, however, the expression of the amo-A gene was not detected. associated with the community of bacteria in the soil samples analyzed. On the other hand, it was found that the transcripts of the amo-A gene of the AOA community did not present differences between the characterized environments. Furthermore, the expression of transcripts is not related to any of the chemical properties evaluated. Finally, the quantification strategies for RT-qPCR (plasmid and quenching) turned out to be homologous and functional to identify the expression of the AOA amo-A gene, while the RT-dPCR technique was more precise for the analysis of the community of AOB and AOA.

Rev. chil. nutr ; 50(4)ago. 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1515197


There is an increasing interest in having validated instruments that can classify food environments due to their influence on eating behavior and nutritional status. In Chile, it is not known how people perceive food environments and only a few studies have adapted instruments to the Chilean context, all of which use objective measures. The aim of this study is to present the adaptation and validation of the Perceived Nutrition Environment Measures Survey (NEMS-P-Ch) for Chile using a cross-sectional, non-probability study. First, the NEMS-P was adapted in 3 stages: cultural translation and adaptation, expert judgment (focus groups), and cognitive interviews with a population similar to the target audience. Then, the adapted questionnaire (NEMS-P for Chile, NEMS-P-Ch) was tested on people responsible for buying food in their homes in the Metropolitan Region, Chile, for statistical validation. After 200 people completed the questionnaire a final version of the NEMS-P-Ch was generated with 48 questions and seven sections that measure food environments: home, food supply, restaurants and street. NEMS-P-Ch had acceptable reliability in more than half of the questions analyzed, with Cronbach's alpha values between 0.44 and 0.82. Acceptable values were also obtained for most of the questions when the consistency of the instrument was evaluated after applying it for the second time (n= 167). The NEMS-P-Ch adapted to the Chilean context showed acceptable validity and reliability. Having instruments adapted and validated to the national reality will promote their use and adaptation in other countries of the region and thus deepen the study of food environments in various territories and populations.

El creciente interés por contar con instrumentos validados que clasifiquen los ambientes alimentarios se debe a la influencia que estos tienen en la conducta alimentaria y el estado nutricional. En Chile, se desconoce cómo las personas perciben los ambientes alimentarios y son pocos los estudios que han adaptado instrumentos al contexto chileno, todos utilizando medidas objetivas. En este estudio se presenta la adaptación y validación para Chile de la Encuesta de Medición del Entorno Nutricional Percibido (NEMS-P-Ch). Estudio transversal, no probabilístico. Inicialmente, NEMS-P fue adaptado siguiendo 3 etapas: traducción y adaptación cultural, juicio de expertos (grupos focales) y entrevistas cognitivas con población similar a la audiencia objetivo. Luego, el cuestionario adaptado (NEMS-P-Ch) fue testeado en personas responsables de la compra de alimentos del hogar, Región Metropolitana, Chile, para finalmente validarlo estadísticamente. Tras su aplicación a 200 personas, se generó la última versión de NEMS-PCh, instrumento con 48 preguntas y 7 secciones que mide los ambientes alimentarios: doméstico, de abastecimiento, restauración y vía pública. NEMS-P-Ch mostró una confiabilidad aceptable en más de la mitad de las preguntas analizadas, con valores alfa de Cronbach entre 0,44 y 0,82. También se obtuvieron valores aceptables en la mayoría de las preguntas cuando se evaluó su consistencia al aplicarlo por segunda vez (n= 167). NEMS-P-Ch adaptado al contexto chileno mostró una validez y confiabilidad aceptables. Contar con instrumentos validados a la realidad nacional promoverá su uso, su adaptación en otros países de la región y la profundización del estudio de los ambientes alimentarios en diversos territorios y poblaciones.

CienciaUAT ; 17(2): 112-129, ene.-jun. 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1447824


RESUMEN Hoy en día, un problema latente en el proceso de aprendizaje de una lengua extranjera es la comprensión lectora. Ante este panorama, es menester identificar estrategias o medios que permitan abatirlo. Los círculos literarios mejoran ampliamente las experiencias y conocimientos de lectura de los estudiantes, dado que permiten enriquecer su bagaje léxico con uso correcto de estructuras gramaticales. El objetivo del presente estudio fue identificar la influencia de los círculos literarios en el desarrollo de la lectura en extenso (LE) en ambientes virtuales, con la intención de contribuir al mejoramiento de la comprensión lectora del inglés de manera autónoma y fuera de las aulas ordinarias. Para analizar este fenómeno se realizó un estudio cuantitativo longitudinal con alcance correlacional que permitió a los investigadores identificar tres elementos principales en el proceso de aprendizaje con círculos literarios para la lectura extensiva: pedagógico, social, y técnico, así como cuatro formas de aproximación a la lectura: gráfica, oral, asociativa y analítica, donde subyacen recorridos cognitivos mediados por tecnología y procesos de internalización en un aprendizaje ubicuo que detona leer en grandes cantidades con placer, precisión, velocidad, motivación y confianza. Los hallazgos confirman la influencia de los círculos literarios en la LE aportando un modelo tecno-pedagógico para su implementación y una forma innovadora de desarrollar la LE en modalidades virtuales que contribuye a mejorar los niveles de proficiencia en la comprensión lectora.

ABSTRACT Today, a latent problem in foreign language learning is reading comprehension. Given this scenario, it is necessary to identify strategies or means to bring it down. Literary circles improve students' reading experiences and knowledge since they allow them to enrich their lexical baggage with the correct use of grammatical structures. The objective of the present study was to identify the influence of literary circles to foster extensive reading (ER) in virtual environments to improve English reading comprehension autonomously and outside ordinary classrooms. For analyzing this phenomenon, a quantitative longitudinal study with a correlational design was carried out, which helped researchers to identify three essential elements during the learning process with literary circles for extensive reading: pedagogical, social, and technical. Additionally, four ways of approaching reading were identified: graphic, oral, associative, and analytical, where technoloy-mediated cognitive pathways and internalization processes underlie ubiquitous learning that triggers reading in large quantities with pleasure, accuracy, speed, motivation, and confidence. The findings confirm the influence of literary circles in ER, providing a techno-pedagogical model for its implementation and an innovative way of developing it in virtual modalities that contributes to improving proficiency levels in reading comprehension.

Rev. cuba. inform. méd ; 15(1)jun. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1521936


Introducción: Los modelos educativos inclusivos forman parte actualmente de las políticas educacionales; estos modelos presuponen la utilización de métodos y procedimientos factibles para un aula heterogénea y están en el centro de los proyectos de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Educación, la Ciencia y la Cultura y en los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible para 2030. Objetivo: Describir algunas de las barreras existentes y las ventajas de la implementación del aula heterogénea a favor de una educación más inclusiva. Material y método: Se realiza un estudio descriptivo longitudinal retrospectivo sobre la relación de la educación inclusiva y los entornos virtuales de aprendizaje. Resultados: Las plataformas virtuales propician el avance de los sistemas educativos con flexibilidad en la aplicación de métodos y procedimientos que los hacen adaptables a diferentes individualidades y por tanto más inclusivos. Ello se percibe como visión de futuro donde todos gocen de los mismos derechos y oportunidades en igualdad de condiciones. Conclusiones: El desarrollo alcanzado por las Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones proporciona la base para que, a través de la virtualidad, se concrete y perfeccione la educación inclusiva.

Introduction: Inclusive educational models are currently part of educational policies; these models presuppose the use of feasible methods and procedures for a heterogeneous classroom and are at the core of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization projects and in the Sustainable Development Goals 2030. Objective: To describe some of the existing barriers and the advantages of implementing the heterogeneous classroom in favor of a more inclusive education. Method: A retrospective longitudinal descriptive study was conducted on the relationship between inclusive education and virtual learning environments. Results: Virtual platforms promote the advancement of educational systems with flexibility in the application of methods and procedures that make them adaptable to different individualities and, therefore, more inclusive. This is perceived as a vision of the future where everyone enjoys the same rights and opportunities under equal conditions. Conclusions: The development achieved by Information and Communication Technologies provides the basis so that, through virtual platforms, inclusive education can be concretized and perfected.

Biota Neotrop. (Online, Ed. ingl.) ; 23(2): 1-12, 2023-05-16.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1436874


: Despite its small area, Araçá Bay (AB) holds cultural, historical, and economic value and displays great benthic biodiversity. Thus, it is crucial to monitor its environmental health, including knowing the main groups of phytoplankton and their temporal variability. The shallow waters of Araçá Bay are continuously modified by the complex hydrography of the adjacent São Sebastião channel (SSC), challenging standard experimental designs for phytoplankton collection. Here we report changes in phytoplankton composition at intervals of five to six weeks from September 2013 to August 2014 in both Araçá Bay and SSC. Samples were collected twice daily for three consecutive days to increase taxonomic resolution. Our goal was to provide an inventory of species occurrences to aid future public policies and environmental management of the area. Analyses revealed high species richness and 166 different phytoplankton taxa. Diatoms and dinoflagellates were always numerically dominant, but taxa occurrence changed markedly. Diatoms of the genera Pseudo-nitzschia were abundant during spring and summer concurrently to signatures of South Atlantic Central Water in the SSC, while Thalassiosira occurred when waters displayed relatively lower salinity. The inventory demonstrated several potentially harmful species of microalgae and cyanobacteria, strongly suggesting investments in monitoring programs in this area that currently experience an increase in population.

Rev. chil. infectol ; 40(1): 35-41, feb. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1441395


INTRODUCCIÓN: Chlamydophila psittaci es una bacteria zoonótica e intracelular estricta, que provoca la psitacosis humana y su principal hospedero son las aves psitácidas. La cotorra argentina es un ave psitácida nativa de Sudamérica y actualmente considerada una especie invasora en 19 países, incluyendo Chile. OBJETIVO: Determinar positividad contra C. psittaci en muestras de suero y torulados de cotorras argentinas de vida libre capturadas en la Región Metropolitana de Chile. MÉTODOS: Se analizaron 95 muestras de suero de pichones e individuos adultos de cotorras argentinas, a través de una prueba de ELISA indirecto utilizando un kit comercial. Posteriormente, se analizaron 40 tórulas nasotraqueales y cloacales de individuos adultos a través de una RPC en tiempo real específica para C. psittaci. RESULTADOS: Se detectaron anticuerpos en muestras de suero de cinco individuos adultos de cotorras argentinas (n = 68), mientras que ninguno de los pichones analizados fue seropositivo (n = 27). Todas las muestras analizadas a través de RPC en tiempo real fueron negativas. CONCLUSIÓN: Estos resultados demuestran por primera vez en Chile la exposición a C. psittaci en cotorras argentinas de vida libre, lo cual puede representar un riesgo importante para la transmisión de este patógeno a poblaciones humanas y animales.

BACKGROUND: Chlamydophila psittaci is a zoonotic obligate intracellular bacterium that causes the human psittacosis, and its main host are psittacine birds. The monk parakeet is a psittacine bird native to South America, currently being considered an invasive species in 19 countries, including Chile. AIM: To determine positivity to C. psittaci in serum samples and swabs from free-ranging monk parakeets captured in the Metropolitan Region of Chile. METHODS: Ninety-five serum samples from nestling chicks and adult monk parakeets were tested using an indirect ELISA test kit. Cloacal and nasotracheal swabs from 40 adult parakeets were further analyzed by C. psittaci-specific real-time PCR. RESULTS: We found antibody titers in sera of five adult monk parakeets (n = 68) while none of the nestlings were seropositive (n = 27). All samples tested with real-time PCR were negative. CONCLUSIONS: Our results demónstrate for the first time in Chile the exposure to C. psittaci in free-ranging monk parakeets which may represent a significant risk of pathogen transmission to human and animal populations.

Animais , Psitacose/veterinária , Psitacose/epidemiologia , Periquitos/microbiologia , Chlamydophila psittaci/isolamento & purificação , Psitacose/sangue , Ensaio de Imunoadsorção Enzimática , Zoonoses , Estudos Soroepidemiológicos , Chile , Área Urbana , Espécies Introduzidas , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase em Tempo Real
China Tropical Medicine ; (12): 720-2023.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-979793


@#Abstract: Objective To observe the phenotypic characteristics of 3 wild-type plague phages under different experimental environments, providing scientific evidence for the identification of phage biological characteristics and the study of their interaction with host bacteria in the future. Methods The sensitivity of 3 wild-type plague phages were detected by using liquid culture method, emisolid medium method and micro-liquid culture method based on OmniLog TM microbial identification system. Results The growth result based on LB liquid medium showed that the growth of plague phage 476 for 20-24 hours at both 28 ℃ and 37 ℃was better than that of plague phages 087 and 072204 at 37 ℃, and the growth of plague phages 087 was better than that of plague phages 072204 at 37 ℃. With the attenuated plague bacterium EV76 as the host bacterium, phage 476 was able to form visible plaque on double-layer agar medium for 20-20 hours at both 28 ℃ and 37 ℃, phages 087 and 072204 were only able to form opaque plaque on double-layer agar medium for 20-24 hours at 37 ℃. The growth results based on OmniLogTM system showed that when plague phage was lysed in EV76 strain at 33 ℃, the first row appeared as a straight line with a peak of no more than 100 in the 96-well microplate curve chart. As the phage quantity decreased, the dilution plate appeared with growth curve similar to EV76 strain in turn, and the color of tetrazolium dyes in the experimental wells gradually deepened as the phage number decreased and the host bacteria number increased. Therefore, it indicates that phage 476 was sensitively at both 28 ℃ and 37 ℃, while phage 087 and 072204 were temperature-dependent only at 37 ℃ to attenuated plague bacterium EV76. Conclusions The lysing ability of 3 wild-type plague phages are temperature-dependent, and the growth results are consistent under the three experimental conditions.

Military Medical Sciences ; (12): 947-950, 2023.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1018863


Sleep disorders are abnormalities in sleep duration or quality caused by factors that range from insomnia,circadian rhythm sleep disorders to abnormal behavioral disorders during sleep.Long-term sleep disorders may affect the emotions and physical strength of soldiers,impair their learning and cognitive ability,and even increase the prevalence of physical and mental diseases,which may be detrimental to their physical and mental health and combat effectiveness.This article is intended to review the current research progress in sleep disorders in military personal at home and abroad.

Chinese Pharmacological Bulletin ; (12): 812-817, 2023.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1013909


Allergic diseases are diseases caused by abnormal immune responses to antigens. Recently the prevalence of allergic diseases in children is on the rise, which has become one of the urgent public health problems to date. Recent clinical data and research show that the susceptibility of allergic diseases in offspring is inextricably associated with intergenerational transmission factors. Some unfavorable factors suffered by mothers before or during pregnancy may increase the allergic disease susceptibility in offspring. Therefore, it is of great significance to identify early risk factors (mother's generation) for the prevention of allergic diseases in children. At present, under the background of intergenerational transmission, some progress has been made in the research on the susceptibility of allergic diseases in offspring, and some researches have elucidated the potential molecular biological mechanisms. The current review summarizes the effects of maternal pregestational and prenatal unfavorable factors on the susceptibility of allergic diseases in offspring.

Biota Neotrop. (Online, Ed. ingl.) ; 23(4): e20231545, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1533963


Abstract The present work describes 11 new species of the genus Trichorhina from Brazilian caves in the states of Bahia, Mato Grosso do Sul, Minas Gerais, Pará, and São Paulo. Moreover, the distribution of T. tomentosa has been expanded to include the states of Mato Grosso and Minas Gerais. Additionally, a distribution map and a key for all Brazilian species of Trichorhina, including epigean ones, are provided.

Resumo O presente trabalho descreve 11 novas espécies do gênero Trichorhina de cavernas brasileiras nos estados da Bahia, Mato Grosso do Sul, Minas Gerais, Pará e São Paulo. Além disso, a distribuição de T. tomentosa foi ampliada para incluir os estados de Mato Grosso e Minas Gerais. Adicionalmente, são fornecidos um mapa de distribuição e uma chave para todas as espécies brasileiras de Trichorhina, incluindo as epígeas.

Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 43: e255684, 2023. tab, graf, ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1529232


Os estudos sobre as relações mútuas entre as pessoas e o ambiente buscam subsidiar melhorias no contexto urbano a partir de métodos e técnicas pautados na compreensão do uso de espaços públicos e privados. A crescente demanda pela promoção de ambientes amigáveis para idosos e crianças nos cenários urbanos direcionou esta pesquisa e elencou dois componentes: o panorama relativo à população local e o arcabouço teórico da psicologia ambiental. Para tanto, buscou-se identificar as principais atividades realizadas por crianças e idosos em seus respectivos locais de moradia. Foram avaliados os principais usos e atividades desses dois grupos, em duas vizinhanças, diferenciando-os de acordo com suas especificidades em termos de demandas individuais e ambientais. As observações sistemáticas a partir da técnica de mapeamento comportamental centrado no lugar (MCCL) ocorreram na cidade de Brasília, Distrito Federal (DF) e permitiram compreender o processo de apropriação dos espaços na infância e na velhice e suas repercussões em termos da congruência pessoa-ambiente. Cada um destes setores organizados a partir de elementos específicos direciona as ações dos participantes para determinados tipos de comportamentos, observados de maneira a compor um roteiro em que a brincadeira (lazer ativo) surge como central na infância e a caminhada (circulação) como mais potente para a população idosa. Os resultados demonstram que o diálogo entre a psicologia ambiental e a ciência do desenvolvimento humano tem sido bastante profícuo e tem contribuído para a compreensão de aspectos da relação pessoa-ambiente em diferentes momentos do ciclo de vida.(AU)

Studies on the mutual relations between people and the environment seek to support improvements in the urban context from methods and techniques based on understanding the use of public and private spaces. The growing demand for the promotion of friendly urban environments for older people and children guided this research, with two notable components: the panorama related to the local population and the theoretical framework of Environmental Psychology. Therefore, we sought to identify the main activities carried out by children and older people in their respective dwellings. The main uses and activities of these two groups were evaluated in two neighborhoods, differentiating them according to their specificities in terms of individual and environmental demands. Systematic observations using the place-centered behavioral mapping technique took place in the city of Brasília, Federal District, and allowed us to understand the process of appropriation of spaces in childhood and old age and its repercussions in terms of person-environment congruence. Each of these sectors, organized from specific elements, directs the participants' actions towards certain types of behavior, observed in order to compose a script in which playing (active leisure) emerges as central in childhood and walking (circulation) as more potent for the older people. The results demonstrated that the dialogue between environmental psychology and the science of human development has been very fruitful and has contributed to the understanding of aspects of the person-environment relationship at different times in the life cycle.(AU)

Los estudios sobre las relaciones mutuas entre las personas y el medio ambiente buscan aportar mejoras en el contexto urbano mediante métodos y técnicas basados en la comprensión del uso de los espacios públicos y privados. La creciente demanda de la promoción de ambientes amigables para las personas mayores y los niños en entornos urbanos guio esta investigación y enumeró dos componentes: el panorama relacionado con la población local y el marco teórico de la Psicología Ambiental. En este contexto, buscamos identificar las principales actividades que realizan los niños y las personas mayores en sus respectivas viviendas. Se evaluaron los principales usos y actividades de estos dos grupos en dos barrios, diferenciándolos según sus especificidades en cuanto a las demandas individuales y ambientales. Las observaciones sistemáticas utilizando la técnica de mapeo conductual centrado en el lugar (MCCL) ocurrieron en la ciudad de Brasília, Distrito Federal (Brasil) y nos permitieron comprender el proceso de apropiación de espacios en la infancia y la vejez y sus repercusiones en la congruencia persona-ambiente. Cada uno de estos sectores, organizados a partir de elementos específicos, orienta las acciones de los participantes hacia determinados comportamientos, observados para componer un guion en el que el juego (ocio activo) emerge como central en la infancia y el caminar (circulación) como el más potente para las personas mayores. Los resultados demuestran que el diálogo entre la Psicología Ambiental y la ciencia del desarrollo humano ha sido muy fructífero y ha contribuido a la comprensión de aspectos de la relación persona-entorno en diferentes momentos del ciclo de vida.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Idoso , Criança , Proteção da Criança , Área Urbana , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Desenvolvimento Ecológico , Meio Ambiente , Psicologia Ambiental , Parques Recreativos , Estacionamentos , Satisfação Pessoal , Fisiologia , Arte , Psicologia , Qualidade de Vida , Leitura , Recreação , Segurança , Autocuidado , Autoimagem , Futebol , Alienação Social , Comportamento Social , Desejabilidade Social , Isolamento Social , Ciências Sociais , Apoio Social , Seguridade Social , Socialização , Esportes , Piscinas , População Urbana , Políticas, Planejamento e Administração em Saúde , Direitos dos Idosos , Brasil , Atividades Cotidianas , Exercício Físico , Comportamento Infantil , Educação Infantil , Indicadores de Qualidade de Vida , Saúde Ambiental , Saúde Mental , Saúde da Criança , Saúde do Idoso , Exposições Educativas , Doença Crônica , Transporte de Pacientes , Terapia de Relaxamento , Desenvolvimento de Pessoal , Cidades , Planejamento de Cidades , Direitos Civis , Desequilíbrio Ecológico , Ecologia Humana , Natureza , Vida , Acesso Universal aos Serviços de Saúde , Cuidados Médicos , Autonomia Pessoal , Espiritualidade , Valor da Vida , Amigos , Populações Vulneráveis , Educação Continuada , Planejamento Ambiental , Funções Essenciais da Saúde Pública , Prevenção de Doenças , Desenvolvimento Industrial , Recuperação e Remediação Ambiental , Relações Familiares , Resiliência Psicológica , Prazer , Comportamento Sedentário , Vida Independente , Política Ambiental , Participação Social , Pandemias , Integração Comunitária , Habilidades Sociais , Avós , Envelhecimento Cognitivo , Anúncio de Utilidade Pública , Dieta Saudável , Sistemas de Apoio Psicossocial , Instalações de Transporte , Uso do Telefone Celular , Direitos Culturais , Acesso a Medicamentos Essenciais e Tecnologias em Saúde , Análise de Dados , Respeito , Inclusão Digital , Direito à Saúde , Empoderamento , Estado Funcional , Liberdade de Circulação , COVID-19 , Expectativa de Vida Saudável , Qualidade do Sono , Enquadramento Interseccional , Cidadania , Geriatria , Diversidade, Equidade, Inclusão , Apoio Familiar , Ginástica , Hábitos , Escrita Manual , Física Médica , Planejamento em Saúde , Promoção da Saúde , Habitação , Direitos Humanos , Relações Interpessoais , Solidão , Longevidade , Métodos , Motivação , Ruído
Psico (Porto Alegre) ; 54(1): 39397, 2023.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1554776


O conceito de Identidade Social Urbana busca compreender o modo como as pessoas se identificam, se apropriam e constroem afetos e memórias associadas aos lugares que percorrem. Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo investigar como se desenvolve a identidade social urbana dos moradores nos Serviços Residenciais Terapêuticos (SRT) das cidades em que vivem. Quatorze participantes responderam à técnica de Autobiografia Ambiental, combinada a uma entrevista semiestruturada, analisadas à luz da Análise Temática. Os fatores culturais das cidades desempenharam um papel singular, mediando a aproximação dos participantes com o entorno urbano. Por fim, destaca-se a logística como escolha essencial à estruturação dos SRT, na medida que ela favorece ou retrai incursões autônomas dos moradores nas cidades

The concept of Urban Social Identity seeks to understand how people identify and appropriate, build affections and memories associated with the places they travel. This research aims to reflect on this process by using the symbologies of the inclusion of residents of Therapeutic Residential Services in the cities they inhabit, in order to understand how they constitute their identifications. Fourteen participants answered the environmental autobiography technique combined with a semi-structured interview, analyzed in the light of thematic analysis. Cultural factors of the cities were unique, mediating the approximation of participants with the urban environment. Finally, logistics is highlighted as an essential choice for the structuring of the Service, as it favors or retracts autonomous incursions in cities

El concepto de Identidad Social Urbana busca entender cómo las personas se identifican y se apropian, construyen afectos y recuerdos asociados con los lugares que viajan. Esta investigación tiene como objetivo reflexionar sobre este proceso mediante el uso de las simbologías de la inclusión de los residentes de los Servicios Residenciales Terapéuticos en las ciudades que habitan, con el fin de entender cómo constituyen sus identificaciones. Catorce participantes respondieron a la técnica de autobiografía ambiental combinada con una entrevista semiestructurada, analizada a la luz del análisis temático. Los factores culturales de las ciudades fueron únicos, mediando la aproximación de los participantes con el entorno urbano. Por último, la logística se destaca como una opción esencial para la estructuración del Servicio, ya que favorece o retrae incursiones autónomas en las ciudades

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Idoso , Identificação Social , Saúde Mental , Psicologia Ambiental , Serviços de Assistência Domiciliar
J. Appl. Cogn. Neurosci. (Barranquilla) ; 4(2): 00424527, 2023. tab, ilus, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1566849


This research investigates astronaut performance under simulated space conditions, using THOR, an analog astronaut training protocol, during a week-long confinement in an Analog Astronaut Training Center in Poland. Materials and Five participants, including four military and one civilian, underwent a week of isolation. Tests were conducted to assess heart rate variability ­HRV­, psychological health, and sleep patterns. Data collection and analysis were standardized, with an alpha level of p < 0.05 and power of 80%. The study found reductions in fat percentage and weight, while muscle mass and water content remained stable. HRV showed significant changes. Increased sleep and state anxiety levels were noted, along with decreased cognitive abilities. Personality traits exhibited heightened hostility and social anxiety, culminating in psychological discomfort. HRV values were normal with variations likely due to stress. A significant correlation was found between mental performance and HRV, indicating potential influence of sleep on cognitive function during isolation. The study highlights the need for more research on the psycho-logical and physiological implications of long-duration space missions and similar high-demand environments.

Esta investigación examina el rendimiento de los astronautas análogos bajo condiciones espaciales simuladas durante una semana de confina-miento en un Centro de Entrenamiento de Astronautas Análogos en Polonia. Cinco participantes, incluyendo cuatro militares y un civil, fueron sometidos a una semana de aislamiento. Se realizaron pruebas para evaluar la variabilidad de la frecuencia cardíaca ­HRV­, la salud psicológica y los patrones de sueño. La recolección y análisis de datos fueron estandarizados, con un nivel alfa de p < 0.05 y una potencia del 80%. El estudio encontró reducciones en el porcentaje de grasa y peso, mientras que la masa muscular y el contenido de agua permanecieron estables. La HRV mostró cambios significativos. Se observaron niveles elevados de sueño y ansiedad estado, junto con disminuciones en las habilidades cognitivas. Los rasgos de personalidad mostraron una hostilidad y ansiedad social aumentada, culminando en incomodidad psicológica. Los valores de HRV fueron normales con variaciones probablemente debidas al estrés. Se encontró una correlación significativa entre el rendimiento mental y la HRV, indicando la posible influencia del sueño en la función cognitiva durante el aislamiento. El estudio resalta la necesidad de más investigaciones sobre las implicaciones psicológicas y fisiológicas de las misiones espaciales de larga duración y entornos similares de alta demanda.

Rev. cuba. inform. méd ; 14(2)jul.-dic. 2022.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1441625


Introducción: En ocasiones los docentes tienen falta de motivación por la incorporación de nuevas técnicas de enseñanza, presentan una preparación mínima o desactualizada de las ventajas de las tecnologías. En otras, poseen habilidades instrumentales para el uso de las TIC, pero no para su uso reflexivo y crítico, para recibir, procesar, producir y compartir información que favorezca la gestión del conocimiento. Objetivo: Determinar las necesidades de aprendizaje y/o actualización de los docentes de la facultad en el uso de los entornos virtuales de enseñanza aprendizaje. Método: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, de corte transversal, desde septiembre a diciembre del 2021. En el estudio participaron 132 profesores del universo la Facultad de Ciencias Médicas " Calixto García". Se aplicó a cada profesor un cuestionario, creado por los autores. El tratamiento de los datos se realizó mediante el sistema SPSS. Resultados: Acerca del nivel de Habilidades en Entornos Virtuales de Aprendizaje, hay que destacar que en el grupo de estudio no se encontró el nivel Muy Alto. Según categoría docente el nivel Poco de habilidades se manifestaron en Profesor Titular con un 81,82 %, Profesor Auxiliar de 66,67 %, Profesor Asistente con 56,25 % y en la categoría docente de Instructor predominó el nivel Bajo con el 64 %. Conclusiones: Promover capacitaciones para la adquisición de destrezas y habilidades en el uso de herramientas tecnológicas que apoyen los procesos educativos, elevando la calidad de la educación.

Introduction: Sometimes teachers lack motivation for the incorporation of new teaching techniques, they have minimal or outdated preparation of the advantages of technology. In others, they have instrumental skills for the use of ICTs, but not for their reflective and critical use, receive, process, produce and share information that favors knowledge management. Objective: To determine the learning and/or updating needs of faculty teachers in the use of virtual teaching-learning environments. Method: A descriptive, cross-sectional study was carried out from September to December 2021. 132 professors from the "Calixto García" Faculty of Medical Sciences participated in the study. A questionnaire created by the authors was applied to each professor. The treatment of the data was carried out using the SPSS system. Results: Analyzing the level of Skills in Virtual Learning Environments, it should be noted that the Very High level was not found in our study group. According to the teaching category, we should highlight that the Little level of skills was manifested in Full Professor with 81.82%, Assistant Professor with 66.67%, Assistant Professor with 56.25% and in the teaching category of Instructor the Low level prevailed with 64%. Conclusions: Promote training for the acquisition of skills and abilities in the use of technological tools that support educational processes, raising the quality of education.

Rev. latinoam. psicol ; 54: 120-129, ene.-dic. 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1424057


Resumen Introducción: El objetivo del estudio fue validar el Cuestionario de Climas Motivacionales Empowering y Disempowering (Empowering and Disempowering Motivational Climate Questionnaire-Coach, EDMCQ-C) en jóvenes deportistas mexicanos a través del análisis de sus propiedades psicométricas, fiabilidad, validez convergente-discriminante, concurrente y factorial (de primero y segundo orden). Método: Participaron un total de 1243 jóvenes deportistas mexicanos de 12 a 17 años. Resultados: Los análisis mostraron adecuadas propiedades psicométricas, tanto de fiabilidad por dimensiones y factores, como de validez, convergente-discriminante, concurrente, factorial, de dos dimensiones (AFC de primer orden) y de cinco factores con sus respectivas dos dimensiones (AFC de segundo orden). Conclusión: Estos datos sugieren que la versión adaptada al contexto mexicano es un instrumento válido y fiable para evaluar la percepción de los climas motivacionales que generan los entrenadores en jóvenes deportistas mexicanos.

Abstract Abstract Introduction: The aim of the study was to validate the Empowering and Disempowering Motivational Climate Questionnaire-Coach (EDMCQ-C) in young Mexican athletes through the analysis of its psychometric properties, reliability, convergent-discriminant, concurrent and factorial (first and second order) validity. Method: A total of 1243 young Mexican athletes aged 12 to 17 years participated. Results: Analysis showed adequate psychometric properties, both reliability by dimensions and factors, as well as convergent-discriminant, concurrent, factorial, two-dimensional (first-order CFA) and five-factor validity with their respective two dimensions (second-order CFA). Conclusion: These data suggest that the version adapted to the Mexican context is a valid and reliable instrument to assess the perception of motivational climates generated by coaches in young Mexican athletes.

Rev. medica electron ; 44(5): 850-863, sept.-oct. 2022. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1409772


RESUMEN Introducción: la utilización del entorno virtual de aprendizaje en la asignatura Sistema Nervioso, Endocrino y Reproductor, por parte de los estudiantes de primer año de la carrera de Medicina, constituye una meta a lograr en el contexto cubano. Esto requiere de tareas que permitan modular el manejo de los entornos virtuales de aprendizaje al perfeccionamiento de las asignaturas presenciales. Objetivo: diseñar un entorno virtual como espacio de aprendizaje en la asignatura Sistema Nervioso, Endocrino y Reproductor. Materiales y métodos : se realizó un estudio observacional descriptivo transversal. La población estuvo constituida por 285 estudiantes. Se le aplicó la encuesta a una muestra de 165 estudiantes, para un nivel de confianza del 95 % y un margen de error del 5. Los individuos se escogieron a través del método de muestreo probabilístico aleatorio simple. Resultados: de modo general, se observó un alto grado de satisfacción en todos los indicadores, destacándose el 3, el 7 y el 9. Conclusiones: el entorno virtual descrito constituye un espacio de aprendizaje importante para los estudiantes -como soporte al proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje-, valorado con alto grado de satisfacción por los participantes.

ABSTRACT Introduction: the use of a virtual learning environment in the subject Nervous, Endocrine and Reproductive System by first-year students of Medicine, is a goal to be achieved in the Cuban context. This requires tasks which will allow modulating the management of virtual learning environments to the classroom subjects' improvement. Objective: to design a virtual environment as learning space in the subject Nervous, Endocrine and Reproductive System. Materials and methods: a cross-sectional, descriptive, observational study was performed. The population was constituted by 285 students. The survey was applied to a sample of 165 students, for a confidence level of 95 % and an error margin of 5. Individuals were chosen through simple random probabilistic sampling. Results: in general, a high degree of satisfaction was found in all indicators, standing out indicators 3, 7 and 9. Conclusions: the described virtual environment is an important learning space for students-as support to the teaching learning process-, valued with high satisfaction degree by the participants.

Rev. chil. nutr ; 49(5)oct. 2022.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1407837


RESUMEN La aparición de los productos ultra-procesados y su incremento en las ventas, ha propiciado modificaciones en los entornos alimentarios, condiciones que se han asociado con repercusiones negativas en la salud de las personas. El objetivo de este ensayo fue analizar las implicancias del consumo de ultra-procesados, avances y retos en América Latina para la salud pública en adultos. Para ello, se buscó información en diferentes bases de datos lo que llevó a la revisión de documentos que presentaron datos sobre el consumo, implicancias, acciones y retos de políticas públicas en torno a los productos ultra-procesados. México y Chile registraron las ventas per cápita más altas de América Latina. Las altas ventas de estos productos, el incremento de establecimientos de comida rápida, así como de supermercados, se ha asociado con el aumento de la prevalencia de sobrepeso, obesidad y DM2 en la región; asimismo se detectaron avances en materia de políticas públicas y fiscales que han sido emitidas por los Estados para la mejora de la información la cual advierte de los riesgos a la salud de estos productos así como el incremento de impuestos a productos con perfiles nutrimentales inadecuados. Si bien, estas acciones han comenzado a evidenciar efectos positivos al registrarse decrementos en los consumos de productos ultra-procesados, es importante generar políticas y acciones que ofrezcan alternativas de consumo de alimentos mínimamente procesados, con perfiles nutrimentales adecuados y, económicamente asequibles que permitan a la población tener alternativas de consumo distintas a los ultra-procesados.

ABSTRACT The appearance of ultra-processed foods (UPF) and their increase in sales has led to changes in food environments; these conditions are associated with negative repercussions on people's health. Therefore, this essay aimed to analyze the implications of the consumption of UPF, advances, and challenges in Latin America for public health in adults. The information was collected in different databases, which led to the review of documents that revealed data on consumption, implications, actions, and public policy challenges around UPF. Mexico and Chile were the countries with the highest per capita sales in Latin America. In the region, the prevalence of overweight, obesity, and type 2 diabetes mellitus was associated with high sales of UPF and an increase in fast-food establishments and supermarkets. Several countries in the region have issued advances in public and fiscal policies as improving the information that warns of the health risks of these products and an increase in taxes on products with inadequate nutritional profiles. Although these actions have begun to show positive effects by registering decreases in the consumption of UPF, it is essential to generate policies and actions that offer alternatives for the consumption of minimally processed foods, with adequate nutritional profiles that are affordable and allow the population to have consumption alternatives to UPF.