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Rev. colomb. reumatol ; 27(4): 303-307, oct.-dic. 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1289335


ABSTRACT Introduction: Ergotism is a vasospasm that affects visceral and peripheral muscle arteries. Classically, symmetrical involvement of lower limb arteries is described, and is often associated with a history of chronic consumption of ergotamine derived medications (Cafergot). Case report: A 22 year-old healthy man with infectious mononucleosis syndrome, who presented with a sudden onset of paraesthesias in the lower limbs, as well as livedo reticularis. The initial diagnosis was a medium-sized vessel vasculitis (polyarteritis nodosa). The symptoms were preceded by the administration of Cafergot for headache treatment, and resolved spontaneously. The magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) of the lower limbs showed occlusion of peroneal arteries, with filiform distal flow. Other infectious, autoimmune and cardiovascular origins were ruled out. Discussion: Ergotism is an important differential diagnosis in the study of the patient with vasculitis, especially in acute onset presentations. Its treatment is the suspension of the causal drug, with vasodilator and surgical vascular procedures, if necessary. Conclusions: Ergotism is an imitator of vasculitis, especially in young patients with a history of difficult to control migraine. The concomitant administration of CYP3A4 inhibitors (mainly, protease inhibitors and macrolides) enhances the toxic effects of ergot.

RESUMEN Introducción: El ergotismo es un vasoespasmo que afecta las arterias musculares periféricas y viscerales. Clásicamente se describe la afectación simétrica de las arterias de las extremidades inferiores, a menudo asociada con el consumo crónico de medicamentos derivados de ergotamina (Cafergot®). Caso clínico: Varón sano de 22 anos con síndrome de mononucleosis, presentó parestesias en las extremidades inferiores y livedo reticularis de forma súbita, el diagnóstico inicial fue una vasculitis de mediano vaso (poliarteritis nodosa). Los síntomas fueron precedidos por la administración de Cafergot® para el tratamiento de cefalea, y se resolvieron espontáneamente. La angiografía por resonancia magnética (ARM) de las extremidades inferiores mostró oclusión de las arterias peroneas, con flujo distal filiforme. Se descartaron otras etiologías infecciosas, autoinmunes y cardiovasculares. Discusión: Los ergotismos son un diagnóstico diferencial importante en el estudio del paciente con vasculitis, especialmente en presentaciones de inicio agudo. Su tratamiento es la suspensión del fármaco causal, vasodilatadores y procedimientos vasculares quirúrgicos, si es necesario. Conclusiones: El ergotismo es un imitador de vasculitis, especialmente en pacientes jóvenes con antecedentes de migrana de difícil control. La administración concomitante de inhibidores del CYP3A4 (principalmente, inhibidores de proteasa y macrólidos) potencia los efectos tóxicos del ergot.

Humanos , Adulto , Vasculite , Ergotismo , Artérias , Diagnóstico , Ergotamina
Acta méd. colomb ; 43(3): 156-160, jul.-set. 2018.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-983698


Resumen El ergotismo es el resultado de la intoxicación con alcaloides derivados del ergot. Durante la edad media y hasta el siglo XIX fue el responsable de grandes epidemias en Europa por el consumo de granos contaminados con el cornezuelo del centeno provocando manifestaciones isquémicas características y afección del sistema nervioso. El ergotismo como se conoció en el Medioevo ha desaparecido, pero aún hoy en día se reportan casos en el marco de uso terapéutico de ergotamínicos. Se pretenden describir algunos de sus aspectos históricos y clínicos distintivos.

Abstract Ergotism is the result of intoxication with alkaloids derived from ergot. During the middle ages and until the nineteenth century it was responsible for major epidemics in Europe for the consumption of grains contaminated with ergot, causing characteristic ischemic manifestations and nervous system involvement. Ergotism as it was known in the Middle Ages has disappeared, but even today cases are reported in the therapeutic use of ergotamine. Some of its distinctive historical and clinical aspects are intended to be described.

Ergotismo , Claviceps , Convulsões , Gangrena , Isquemia
Rev. méd. Urug ; 34(2): 115-119, jun. 2018.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-914559


El ergotismo es un síndrome clínico poco frecuente pero potencialmente letal vinculado a la intoxicación aguda o crónica con el uso de alcaloides del ergot en el tratamiento de la migraña. Se caracteriza por un vasoespasmo severo generalizado que puede generar isquemia periférica o visceral y conducir a disfunción orgánica múltiple y muerte. Existen numerosos fármacos de metabolismo hepático que pueden alterar la metabolización de la ergotamina pudiendo alcanzar concentraciones tóxicas incluso a bajas dosis. Presentamos el caso de un paciente infectado con virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana bajo tratamiento antirretroviral que incluía inhibidores de la proteasa y que se había automedicado con ergotamina. El paciente presentó posteriormente sintomatología sensitivo motora deficitaria de miembros superiores e inferiores, acompañada de elementos de hipoperfusión distal severa. Se solicitó Doppler arterial que evidenció vasoespasmo de ejes arteriales de miembros. Se realizó diagnóstico de ergotismo secundario a la asociación de ergotamina - ritonavir, ingresando a cuidados intensivos. Se inició tratamiento en base a suspensión de ambos fármacos, vasodilatación arterial con nitroprusiato y antiagregación con ácido acetilsalicílico. En relación con este caso se presenta una revisión del mecanismo de toxicidad de la ergotamina, sus interacciones farmacológicas, así como diagnóstico y tratamiento disponibles para esta patología. (AU)

Ergotism is a rare but potentially lethal clinical syndrome linked to acute or chronic poisoning with the use of ergot alkaloids in the treatment of migraine. It is characterized by a severe generalized vasospasm that can generate peripheral or visceral ischemia and lead to multiple organ dysfunction and death. There are numerous drugs of hepatic metabolism that can alter the metabolism of ergotamine and can reach toxic concentrations even at low doses. We present the case of a patient infected with human immunodeficiency virus under antiretroviral treatment that included protease inhibitors and who had self-administered with ergotamine. The patient subsequently presented motor sensory deficit symptoms of upper and lower limbs, accompanied by elements of severe distal hypoperfusion. Arterial Doppler was requested, which showed vasospasm of the arterial axis of the limbs. A diagnosis of ergotism secondary to the ergotamine-ritonavir association was made, entering intensive care. Treatment was started based on suspension of both drugs, arterial vasodilatation with nitroprusside and antiaggregation with acetylsalicylic acid. In relation to this case, we present a review of the ergotamine toxicity mechanism, its pharmacological interactions, as well as the diagnosis and treatment available for this pathology. (AU)

O ergotismo é uma síndrome clínica pouco frequente, porém potencialmente letal vinculado à intoxicação aguda ou crônica pelo uso de alcalóides do Ergot no tratamento da enxaqueca. Caracteriza-se por um vaso espasmo severo generalizado que pode gerar isquemia periférica ou visceral e levar a disfunção orgânica múltipla e morte. Existem múltiplos fármacos de metabolismo hepático que podem alterar a metabolização da ergotamina podendo alcançar concentrações tóxicas inclusive em doses baixas. Apresentamos o caso de um paciente infectado com vírus da imunodeficiência humana recebendo tratamento antirretroviral que incluía inibidores da protease e que se automedicou com ergotamina. O paciente apresentou posteriormente sintomatologia sensitiva motora deficitária de membros superiores e inferiores, acompanhada de elementos de hipoperfusao distal severa. Solicitou-se Doppler arterial que mostrou vaso espasmo dos eixos arteriais de membros. Realizou-se diagnóstico de ergotismo secundário à associação ergotamina - ritonavir, e transferiu-se o paciente a cuidados intensivos. Iniciou-se tratamento com a suspensão de ambos os fármacos, vasodilatação arterial com nitroprussiato e antiagregaçao com ácido acetilsalicílico. Apresenta-se uma revisão do mecanismo de toxicidade da ergotamina, suas interações farmacológicas, seu diagnóstico e os tratamentos disponíveis para esta patologia. (AU)

Artérias/patologia , Ergotismo , Ergotamina/efeitos adversos , Ergotamina/toxicidade , Relatos de Casos
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 38(5): 875-882, May 2018. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-955407


Claviceps purpurea é o fungo associado ao ergotismo. Esta é uma enfermidade causada pela ingestão de escleródios chamados de ergot, que contém alcalóides que atuam em receptores adrenérgicos, dopaminérgicos e seratoninérgicos causando efeito direto em vasos sanguíneos, musculatura lisa e sistema nervoso central e autônomo. Descrevem-se dados epidemiológicos, sinais clínicos e lesões de uma enfermidade de bovinos caracterizada por hipertermia, taquicardia, taquipneia e ulcerações na coroa do casco de bovinos. Entre 2000 e 2014 foram diagnosticados 13 surtos, três da forma distérmica, sete da forma gangrenosa e três da forma convulsiva. Porém, em cinco destes sete surtos, nos locais onde esses animais pastoreavam havia alta incidência de inflorescências de Sporobolus indicus conhecido como "capim-mourão", infectadas por um fungo com coloração enegrecida, identificado como Bipolaris sp. A enfermidade foi reproduzida experimentalmente em cinco bovinos com a administração destas inflorescências. Os bovinos em experimentação receberam inflorescências de S. indicus respectivamente nas doses diárias de 0,1g/kg, 0,2g/kg, 0,2g/kg, 0,26g/kg e 0,34g/kg por um período de 4, 7, 9 e 30 dias. Após três a sete dias de ingestão das inflorescências infectadas, quatro dos cinco bovinos apresentaram diarreia e manifestaram taquicardia, taquipneia e hipertermia em algum período durante a ingestão. Estes sinais coincidiram com os dias mais quentes deste período. Um bovino manifestou hiperemia na coroa do casco e perda de pêlos da extremidade da cauda. Baseado na reprodução experimental é possível afirmar que o capim Sporobolus indicus infectado pelo fungo Bipolaris sp é capaz de causar diarreia, hipertermia, taquicardia, taquipneia, hiperemia na coroa do casco e perda de pêlos da extremidade da cauda.(AU)

Claviceps purpurea is the fungus associated with ergotism. Ergotism is a disease caused by the ingestion of esclerodios called ergot, which contains alkaloids that act on dopaminergic and adrenergic receptors, causing seratoninergic effect on blood vessels, smooth muscles and central nervous and autonomic system. The present study describes epidemiological data, clinical signs and lesions of a bovine cattle disease characterized by hyperthermia, tachycardia, tachypnea and injuries in the coronary band of the hooves. Initially the cause was attributed to the fungus Claviceps purpurea. Between 2000 and 2014, 13 outbreaks were described, being three of distermic form, seven of gangrenous and three of the convulsive form. However, in five out of the seven of the gangrenous form outbreaks, it has been observed a high incidence of smut grass (Sporobolus indicus) inflorescences infected by a blackened fungus, classified as Bipolaris sp., in the places where the bovine grazed. The disease was reproduced experimentally by administration of inflorescences of smut grass contaminated by Bipolaris sp. Five bovine received daily doses of 0.1g/kg, 0.2g/kg, 0.2g/kg, 0.26g/kg and 0.34g/kg during 4, 7, 9, 30 and 30 days respectively. After three to seven days of eating contaminated inflorescences four cattle had diarrhea, tachycardia, tachypnea and intermittent hyperthermia. These clinical signs happened on the warmest days and during the warmest temperatures of the day. A bovine showed hyperemia in the coronary band of the hoof and loss of tail tip hair. According to data obtained during the experimental reproduction, smut grass contaminated by Bipolaris sp. can cause hyperthermia, tachycardia, tachypnea, injuries in the coronary band of the hoof and loss of the tail tip hair in bovine cattle.(AU)

Animais , Bovinos , Secale Cornutum/efeitos adversos , Ergotismo/microbiologia , Bovinos/microbiologia
Rev. colomb. obstet. ginecol ; 67(3): 231-236, jul.-set. 2016. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-830349


Objetivo: presentar dos casos de muerte materna asociados al uso de medicamentos derivados del ergot (ergotismo agudo severo), y realizar una revisión de la literatura de la presentación de eventos adversos en el sistema nervioso central en puérperas expuestas a estos medicamentos. Materiales y métodos: se presentan dos casos de muerte materna posparto, el primero se asoció al uso de bromocriptina para supresión de lactancia y el segundo al uso metilergometrina para controlar hemorragia poscesárea. Las pacientes fueron atendidas en instituciones de tercer nivel de complejidad en la ciudad de Medellín, Colombia. Se realizó revisión de la literatura, registrada en la base de datos Medline vía PubMed. Los términos empleados para la búsqueda fueron: derivados del ergot, bromocriptina, angeítis cerebral posparto, ergotismo, enfermedad vascular cerebral posparto. Se buscaron, sin límite de tiempo, reportes de caso, reportes de series de caso y revisiones de tema. Se buscaron informes o alertas de seguridad de agencias reguladoras tales como: la Federal Drugs Administration (FDA), la European Medicines Agency (EMA) y del Instituto Nacional de Vigilancia de Medicamentos y Alimentos (Invima). Se consultaron artículos en inglés, francés y español. Resultados: se incluyeron 16 publicaciones que cumplieron con los criterios de búsqueda. Se lograron identificar 33 casos. Dos fueron fatales, uno asociado al uso de metilergonovina venosa para el alumbramiento y el otro a ergometrina oral usado como abortivo en la semana 20 de gestación. En las neuroimágenes predominan los hallazgos isquémicos (sugestivos de vasoespasmo cerebral). En tres casos se reportó hemorragia intracerebral, uno de estos fue un caso fatal. Los síntomas más frecuentes de presentación fueron la cefalea intensa, seguida de la convulsión. Solo en nueve casos se logró identificar el antecedente de hipertensión o preeclampsia, y en cuatro migraña. La indicación para el uso de bromocriptina en todos los casos fue suprimir la lactancia. En los tres casos reportados en que se usó metilergonovina fue para realizar alumbramiento. En el sistema de farmacovigilancia colombiano no se encontraron reportes de eventos adversos serios asociados a estos medicamentos. Conclusión: se debe reconocer el ergotismo del sistema nervioso central en el puerperio por el uso de medicamentos tales como la bromocriptina y la metilergonovina, como una entidad potencialmente fatal. Es importante crear una cultura de reporte de eventos adversos serios de estos medicamentos en nuestro país.

Objective: To report two cases of maternal death associated with ergot-derived drugs (acute sever ergotism), and to conduct and review of the literature on central nervous system adverse events during the postpartum period in women exposed to these medications. Materials and methods: Two cases of maternal death during the postpartum period. The first was associated with the use of bromocriptine for breast milk suppression, and the second was associated with the use of methylergometrine for the control of bleeding after Cesarean section. The patients received care at Level III institutions in the city of Medellín, Colombia. A review of the literature was conducted in the Medline database through Pubmed. The terms used for the search were: ergot derivatives, bromocriptine, postpartum cerebralangiitis, ergotism, postpartum cerebral vascular disease. The search was conducted without a time limitation and included, case reports, case series reports, and reviews. The search also included safety reports or alerts from regulatory agencies such as the FDA, the European Medicines Agency (EMA), and Invima. Articles in English, French and Spanish were reviewed. Results: Overall, 16 publications that met the search criteria were included, and 33 cases were identified. Two of the cases were fatal, one associated with the use of intravenous methylergonovine for delivery and the second one was associated with the use of oral ergometrine to induce abortion at 20 weeks of gestation. Neuroimaging studies show, predominantly, ischemic findings (suggestive of cerebral vasospasm). In three cases, intracranial haemorrhage was reported, and one of the three cases was fatal. The most frequent presenting symptoms were intense headache, followed by seizures. It was possible to identify a history of hypertension and/or preeclampsia only in nine cases, and a history of migraine in four. The vast majority of patients were otherwise healthy. In all the cases, the indication for using bromocriptine was breast milk suppression. In the three reported cases in which methylergonovine was used, the indication was to assist delivery. No reports of serious adverse events associated with these drugs were found in the Colombian pharmacovigilance system. Conclusion: Ergotism of the central nervous system due to the use of drugs such as bromocriptine and methylergonovine must be recognised during the postpartum period because it is life-threatening. It is important to create a culture of reporting of serious adverse events associated with these medications in our country.

Ergotismo , Mortalidade Materna , Período Pós-Parto , Vasoespasmo Intracraniano
Rev. méd. Chile ; 144(6): 807-812, jun. 2016. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-793989


High activity antiretroviral therapy may exacerbate the activity of ergot alkaloids due to an inhibition of cytochrome P450. We report a 57 years old female with AIDS treated with lamivudine, zidovudine, atazanavir, ritonavir and cotrimoxazole presenting with ischemic signs in the four limbs. There was acrocyanosis and weak radial and ulnar pulses. A family member referred that the patient used ergot alkaloids for headaches. An ergotism due to the simultaneous use of ergot alkaloids and antiretroviral therapy was suspected. The latter was discontinued and intravenous nitroglycerin, nifedipine and pentoxifyline were started with good results.

Humanos , Feminino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Ergotismo/etiologia , Terapia Antirretroviral de Alta Atividade , Alcaloides de Claviceps/efeitos adversos , Infecções por HIV/tratamento farmacológico , Ergotismo/diagnóstico , Ergotismo/terapia
Medicina (B.Aires) ; 73(4): 346-348, jul.-ago. 2013.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-694794


El ergotismo es una complicación de la intoxicación aguda y/o el abuso crónico de los derivados del ergot. Se manifiesta por síndrome vasomotor con enfermedad vascular periférica que frecuentemente compromete extremidades. Presentamos cuatro casos de pacientes infectados con el virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana 1 (HIV-1), en tratamiento con antirretrovirales que incluyen inhibidores de la proteasa reforzados con ritonavir, y que habían recibido ergotamina como automedicación. Ellos desarrollaron síntomas de enfermedad vascular periférica y al examen físico sus pulsos estaban disminuidos o ausentes. El Doppler arterial confirmó signos de espasmo arterial difuso en dos de ellos. Se hizo diagnóstico de ergotismo secundario a la asociación de ergotamina-inhibidores de la proteasa. Los pacientes fueron tratados con la discontinuación de las drogas involucradas (inhibidores de la proteasa y ergotamina), bloqueantes cálcicos, profilaxis antitrombótica con enoxaparina, antiagregación con ácido acetil salicílico y uno ellos recibió pentoxifilina e infusión de prostaglandinas vasodilatadoras con mejoría de los síntomas. Discutimos la presentación clínica de esta interacción medicamentosa, difícil de diagnosticar correctamente sin una fuerte sospecha de su existencia.

Ergotism is a complication of acute intoxication and/or chronic abuse of ergot derivatives. It expresses itself through a vasomotor syndrome with peripheral vascular disease which frequently involves extremities. We report four cases of HIV-1 infected patients treated with antiretroviral drugs including boosted-protease inhibitors who had self-treated themselves with ergotamine. They developed peripheral vascular disease symptoms and their pulses where diminished or absent in the physical examination. Arterial Doppler confirmed diffused arterial spasm in two of them. Ergotism following ergotamine-protease inhibitors association was diagnosed. Patients were treated through the discontinuity of involved drugs (protease inhibitors and ergotamine), calcium blockers; antithrombotic prophylaxis with enoxaparine, antiaggregant therapy with acetylsalicylic acid, and one of them received pentoxifylline and vasodilator prostaglandins infusion, with amelioration of the symptoms. We discuss the clinical presentation of this drug interaction, difficult to diagnose properly without a strong suspicion of its existence.

Adulto , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Agonistas de Receptores Adrenérgicos alfa 1/efeitos adversos , Ergotamina/efeitos adversos , Ergotismo/etiologia , Infecções por HIV/tratamento farmacológico , Inibidores da Protease de HIV/efeitos adversos , Ritonavir/efeitos adversos , Interações Medicamentosas , Quimioterapia Combinada/efeitos adversos
Medicina (B.Aires) ; 72(6): 475-477, dic. 2012. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-662155


El ergotismo es una enfermedad conocida desde la antigüedad, que se caracteriza por isquemia y, en algunos casos, gangrena de las extremidades. Muchas drogas de uso corriente tienen la capacidad de interactuar con los ergotamínicos desarrollando ergotismo como efecto adverso. Un ejemplo de ello es el ritonavir, un inhibidor de la proteasa utilizado en pacientes con el virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana (HIV). Presentamos un caso de ergotismo en un varón de 39 años con infección por HIV en tratamiento con ritonavir que, después de ingerir 1 mg de tartrato de ergotamina, además de presentar manifestaciones clásicas de la enfermedad, desarrolló un infarto esplénico. Por lo tanto, consideramos importante advertir a los pacientes sobre la posible interacción farmacológica entre los ergotamínicos y otras drogas de uso frecuente y, en particular, el ritonavir en pacientes portadores de HIV.

Ergotism is a clinical condition known since old times and whose main characteristics are ischemia and even limb gangrene. Some drugs have the capacity of interacting with small amounts of ergotamine or its derivatives producing ergotism as a side effect. This is the case of ritonavir, a widely used anti-HIV drug. Here we present a case of ergotism that developed in an HIV positive 39 year old male under treatment with ritonavir, after taking 1 mg of ergotamine tartrate. His clinical picture, apart from showing the basic manifestations of the disease, was associated with splenic infarction. For this reason, we consider important to advise patients about the potential pharmacological interaction between ergotamines and others common drugs and, in particular, ritonavir in HIV positive patients.

Adulto , Humanos , Masculino , Ergotamina/efeitos adversos , Ergotismo/etiologia , Inibidores da Protease de HIV/efeitos adversos , Ritonavir/efeitos adversos , Infarto do Baço/induzido quimicamente , Vasoconstritores/efeitos adversos , Interações Medicamentosas , Infecções por HIV/tratamento farmacológico , Tomografia Computadorizada por Raios X
Rev. méd. Chile ; 139(12): 1597-1600, dic. 2011. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-627595


Ergotism is a complication of the acute intoxication or chronic abuse of ergot derivatives. It may be manifested by a vasomotor syndrome with peripheral vascular disease frequently involving extremities. We report three patients infected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), in antiretroviral treatment (ART) that included a protease inhibitor as ritonavir, and had received self-medicated ergotamine. They developed symptoms of peripheral vascular disease and the physical examination showed no arterial pulses in the affected vessels. Arterial Doppler confirmed signs of diffuse arterial spasm in all of them. An arteriography was performed to the second patient and it showed obliteration of the distal sector of the ulnar and radial arteries. Ergotism secondary to ergotamine-ritonavir association was diagnosed. Patients were treated discontinuing the administration of involved drugs, arterial vasodilators and prophylactic anticoagulation, with marked improvement of symptoms.

Adulto , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Ergotamina/intoxicação , Ergotismo/etiologia , Infecções por HIV/tratamento farmacológico , Inibidores da Protease de HIV/efeitos adversos , Doença Arterial Periférica/induzido quimicamente , Ritonavir/efeitos adversos , Interações Medicamentosas , Quimioterapia Combinada/efeitos adversos , Vasoconstritores/intoxicação
Rev. colomb. cardiol ; 18(6): 350-352, nov.-dic. 2011.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-647263


Paciente de género femenino, de 21 años de edad, quien ingresó por dolor progresivo e intenso en miembros inferiores, y refirió antecedente reciente de ingestión de derivados del ergot. Al examen físico se observó ausencia de pulsos en ambos miembros inferiores. Por angiotomografia se documentó disminución severa, generalizada y bilateral, del calibre de los vasos arteriales de miembros inferiores. Se diagnosticó isquemia arterial aguda secundaria a ergotismo y se inició tratamiento con vasodilatadores y calcio-antagonistas, que resolvió los síntomas en su totalidad.

21 years old female patient admitted for progressive and intense pain in lower limbs, that narrated a recent history of ergot ingestion. On physical examination there was absence of pulses in both lower limbs. Severe, generalized and bilateral decrease of caliber of arterial vessels of the lower limbs was documented by angiotomography. Acute arterial ischemia of lower limbs secondary to ergotism was diagnosed and treatment with vasodilators and calcium antagonists was initiated, resolving entirely the symptoms.

Ergotismo , Isquemia , Nitroglicerina
J. vasc. bras ; 8(3): 281-284, set. 2009. ilus
Artigo em Inglês, Português | LILACS | ID: lil-535595


Os derivados da ergotamina compõem diversas drogas amplamente utilizadas no tratamento de ataques agudos de migrânea. A intoxicação por estas substâncias resulta geralmente de sua administração crônica, promovendo sintomas secundários ao espasmo arterial e à consequente isquemia distal. Neste artigo, é relatado o caso de uma paciente de 47 anos com diagnóstico de oclusão arterial aguda em membros inferiores secundária ao uso de derivados da ergotamina. Após a suspensão da droga e a prescrição de anticoagulantes, vasodilatadores e antiagregante plaquetário, a paciente evoluiu com melhora da dor, da parestesia e com o retorno da coloração normal e dos pulsos distais em membros inferiores.

Ergotamine derivatives include several drugs widely used in the treatment of acute migraine attacks. Intoxication by these substances generally results from chronic administration, promoting symptoms secondary to arterial spasm and the consequent distal ischemia. The authors report the case of a 47-year old patient with acute arterial occlusion in lower limbs secondary to the use of ergotamine derivatives. After drugs were suspended and anticoagulants, vasodilators and antiplatelet drugs were prescribed, the patient progressed with improvement of pain, paresthesia and return of normal skin color and distal pulses in lower limbs.

Humanos , Feminino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Ergotamina/administração & dosagem , Ergotismo/complicações , Isquemia/induzido quimicamente , Extremidade Superior
Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-224879


Here we describe a case of ergotism that presented with ischemia in all four extremities. A 48-year-old man was admitted for pain and weakness in both upper extremities. He had a long history of migraine and had taken 3 mg of ergotamine daily for more than 21 years. Angiography demonstrated vasospasm involving all four extremities, which resolved partially following intra-arterial prostaglandin infusion. Intravenous nitroprusside was administered, and the patient stopped smoking and stopped taking ergotamine in an attempt to counteract the vasospasm. Follow-up computed tomography angiogram revealed that both brachial arteries had normalized. Thus, in this case of ergotism, severe vasospasm in all of the extremities was resolved with appropriate management.

Humanos , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Angiografia , Artéria Braquial , Ergotamina , Ergotismo , Extremidades , Seguimentos , Isquemia , Transtornos de Enxaqueca , Nitroprussiato , Fumaça , Fumar , Extremidade Superior