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Arch. argent. pediatr ; 117(5): 477-484, oct. 2019. ilus, tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês, Espanhol | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1054966


Objetivo. Evaluar aspectos de la percepción sobre sexualidad de los estudiantes antes y después de un taller. Población y métodos. Estudio descriptivo cualicuantitativo de intervención antes-después sin grupo control. Se analizó año escolar, condición percibida en relación con la sexualidad, dispositivos preferidos para recibir información y percepción sobre el cuidado de su sexualidad. Resultados. Se completaron 272 encuestas pretaller y 259 postaller. Aumentó la percepción acerca de un mejor nivel de información (el 72,3 % vs. el 90,7 %) y disminuyeron las dudas, miedos y vergüenza. Aumentó la preferencia por el dispositivo taller (el 49,1 % vs. el 69,9 %), mejoró la percepción del uso adecuado del preservativo (el 66,8 % vs. el 81,1 %), pastillas anticonceptivas (el 20,3 % vs. el 42,5 %) y anticoncepción de emergencia (el 18,5 % vs. el 40,9 %). Conclusión. Los estudiantes aumentaron la información y percepción sobre el cuidado de su sexualidad.

Objective. To assess different aspects of the perception of sexuality among students before and after a workshop. Population and methods. Descriptive, qualitative, and quantitative before and after intervention study without a control group. School year, status in relation to sexuality, preferred sources of information, and perception of self-care in relation to sexuality care were analyzed. Results. A total of 272 surveys were completed before the workshop and 259, after the workshop. The perception about a better level of information increased (72.3 % versus 90.7 %), and doubts, fears, and embarrassment decreased. The preference for the workshop as an information source increased (49.1 % versus 69.9 %), and an improvement was observed in the perception of a correct use of condoms (66.8 % versus 81.1 %), birth control pills (20.3 % versus 42.5 %), and emergency contraception (18.5 % versus 40.9 %). Conclusion. Students' information and perception of self-care in relation to sexuality increased.

Humanos , Adolescente , Estudantes , Adolescente , Sexualidade , Educação
Int. j. morphol ; 36(3): 785-791, Sept. 2018. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-954186


Chilean science education curriculum is standardized and issued by the Ministry of Education (MINEDUC). This study contributes to science education analyzing a government implemented high school biology curriculum and its adherence to the Federative International Programme for Anatomical Terminology (FIPAT). The purpose of this study was to assess the use of International anatomical terminology (IAT) in Chilean national biology education programs. The sample consisted of biology programs for 9th to 12th grades obtained from the MINEDUC website, in force since 2009. An analysis of terms used in MINEDUC high school programs (9th to 12th grade) was carried out. Terms were identified using Atlas.ti text analysis software. Subsequently, the identified terms were tabulated as follows: frequency, Latin term, Spanish translation, use of the term according to FIPAT and type of error. Our results showed that 11.43 % of the terminology used in the high school biology curriculum did not adhere to the IAT in FIPAT. 11th grade's biology education curriculum showed the highest use of FIPAT terminology and also the same grade showed the highest prevalence of misused terms. These results can serve as an important basic resource for the revision and standardization of terminology used in biomedical fields. Collaboration between anatomists, biologists and high school teachers is a requirement necessary to make changes in the curricula in order to improve the use of IAT in teacher training and in Biology and Natural sciences classes.

Instituições Acadêmicas , Biologia/educação , Anatomia/educação , Terminologia como Assunto , Chile , Currículo
An. Fac. Cienc. Méd. (Asunción) ; 50(2): 17-22, may-ago. 2017.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-884504


Introducción: En este estudio interesa investigar los niveles de estrés, ansiedad y depresión que tiene una población de estudiantes secundarios. Creemos importante estudiar esta temática, en particular porque al tratarse de preuniversitarios debe darse especial énfasis a la detección e intervención precoz sobre situaciones que podrían afectar su desarrollo personal, académico, familiar y social. Materiales y métodos: Estudio observacional, descriptivo, con corte transversal y muestreo no probabilístico a criterio, realizado en estudiantes de educación media del Colegio Nacional "Santa Rosa", del Departamento de San Pedro. Para medir estrés, ansiedad y depresión, se utilizó el DASS-21, que consta de 21 ítems. Resultados: Se evidenció la existencia de al menos cierto nivel del estrés en el 43,5% de los estudiantes entrevistados, siendo de nivel extremo en 8,7% de los participantes. Se reportó algún grado de ansiedad en por lo menos el 71,7%, y algún grado de depresión en al menos 52,2% de los participantes. Discusión: Si bien los niveles de estrés encontrados en la presente investigación son menores a los reportados en la bibliografía, los valores de ansiedad y depresión superan los reportados por otros estudios en población similar. La investigación sobre los niveles de estrés, ansiedad y depresión en estudiantes preuniversitarios es un tema actual e innovador, que busca encontrar soluciones efectivas para hacer frente a estas condiciones que repercuten negativamente en la vida de los estudiantes.

Introduction: In this study it is interesting to investigate the levels of stress, anxiety and depression in a population of high school students. We believe that it is important to study this issue, particularly as they are pre-university students. Special emphasis should be placed on early detection and intervention on situations that could affect personal, academic, family and social development of high school students. Materials and methods: Observational, descriptive and cross-sectional study, with non-probabilistic and at criterion sampling, of students of the "Santa Rosa" National School, Department of San Pedro, enrolled in secondary education. To measure stress, anxiety and depression, we used the DASS-21, which consists of 21 items. Results: There was evidence of at least a certain level of stress in 43,5% of the students interviewed. Extreme level of stress was found in 8,7% of the participants. Some degree of anxiety was reported in at least 71,7% of the population, and some degree of depression in at least 52,2% of the participants. Discussion: Although the levels of stress found in the present study are lower than those reported in the literature, the values of anxiety and depression exceed those reported by other studies in a similar population. Research on the levels of stress, anxiety and depression in pre-university students is a current and innovative topic, which seeks to find effective solutions to address these conditions that have a negative impact on the lives of students.

Educ. revEduc. rev ; 33: e158258, 2017. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-891248


RESUMEN: Este artículo analiza las aspiraciones y los proyectos educativos postsecundarios de jóvenes estudiantes chilenos, considerando el rol y la incidencia del soporte familiar en este proceso. Las aspiraciones de cursar estudios superiores es una realidad extendida entre los jóvenes, aunque es posible identificar racionalidades diversas asociadas a las opciones formativas y los itinerarios previstos para alcanzar estos objetivos. El entorno familiar juega un rol importante en la construcción del proyecto personal de los estudiantes, existiendo una alta valoración del soporte que estos brindan para el logro de las metas educacionales. Con todo, la experiencia varía en relación a las características de este apoyo para la toma de decisiones individuales, como también en las estrategias de presión o exigencias para el cumplimiento de obligaciones y objetivos en la educación superior, evidenciándose diferencias importantes de acuerdo al nivel socioeconómico de las familias.

RESUMO: Este artigo analisa as aspirações e os projetos educativos pós-ensino médio de jovens estudantes chilenos, considerando o papel e a incidência do suporte familiar nesse processo. O desejo de cursar o ensino superior é uma realidade presente entre os jovens, ainda que seja possível identificar diversas lógicas associadas às opções formativas e aos itinerários previstos para alcançar esse objetivo. O entorno familiar tem um papel importante na construção do projeto pessoal dos estudantes, havendo uma grande valorização do apoio existente para se conquistar as metas educacionais. Contudo, a experiência varia em relação às características de tal apoio para a tomada de decisões individuais, como também em relação às estratégias de pressão ou exigências para o cumprimento de obrigações e objetivos na educação superior, evidenciando-se, assim, diferenças importantes de acordo com o nível socioeconômico das famílias.

ABSTRACT: This article analyzes the aspirations and post -secondary educational projects of Chilean students, considering the role and impact of family support in this process. The aspirations of continuing higher education is a widespread reality among young people, although it is possible to identify various rationalities associated with education options and itineraries foreseen to achieve these objectives. The family environment plays an important role in building the personal project of students, demonstrating a high evaluation of family support for achieving educational goals. However, experience varies in relation to the characteristics of such support for individual decision and the pressure strategies or requirements for the achievement of obligations in higher education, showing significant differences according to socio-economic level of the families.

Eureka (Asunción, En línea) ; 9(1): 47-57, 2012. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-692660


El estudio se propuso determinar el bienestar psicológico de estudiantes de dos instituciones educativas (pública y privada) de Gran Asunción. Se empleó un diseño descriptivo, comparativo y de corte transversal. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 189 estudiantes secundarios de dos instituciones educativas de la ciudad de Asunción, seleccionados a través de una técnica no probabilística de muestreo intencional y de participación voluntaria. El instrumento empleado fue la Escala de Bienestar Psicológico de José Sánchez-Cánovas (2007). Los datos fueron analizados a través de estadísticos descriptivos y la aplicación de la prueba t de Student de comparación de medias para muestras independientes. Se utilizó el programa estadístico SPSS versión 20, para Windows. Se hallo en el nivel alto de bienestar subjetivo el mayor porcentaje de estudiantes de colegio público, y en bienestar material a participantes del colegio privado.

This study was aimed to determine the psychological well-being in students from two educational institutions in Asuncion (public and private). It was used a descriptive, comparative and transversal design. The sample consisted of 189 high school students from two educational institutions in the city of Asuncion, selected through a probability sampling technique using a not intentional technique based on voluntary participation. The instrument used was the Psychological Well-being Scale of José Sánchez-Canova (2007). Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and the application of the Student t test for comparison of means for independent samples. the statistical program SPSS version 20 for Windows was used. It was found in the high level of subjective well-highest percentage of public school students in material welfare to private school participants.

Rev. psiquiatr. clín. (Santiago de Chile) ; 49(1): 9-17, ene.-jun.2011. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-654601


Objetivo: Informar los resultados de un estudio piloto que probó la aplicabilidad, eficacia y aceptabilidad de un programa diseñado para prevenir la depresión en estudiantes secundarios. Metodología: El estudio se llevó a cabo en la comuna de San Bernardo. Se usó una metodología mixta: cualitativa y cuantitativa. Se llevó a cabo un ensayo clínico controlado con dos ramas y grupos focales. La muestra estuvo constituida por tres colegios municipales, cuatro clases de 1º Medio en el grupo activo y tres en el grupo control. La intervención de la rama activa consistió en un programa de 11 sesiones, liderado por dos profesionales jóvenes. Resultados: La muestra estuvo constituida por 277 escolares de 1º Medio, 163 en el grupo activo y 114 en el grupo control. La edad promedio de la muestra fue de 14,5 años (DE=0,6). En el diagnóstico basal, el grupo activo no se diferenció significativamente del grupo control en relación a la edad ni al nivel de sintomatología depresiva. En el grupo activo, el puntaje del BDI-II inicialmente fue de 10,7 (IC 95%=9,0 a 12,4), aumentó al término de la intervención a 11,5 (IC 95%=9,7 a 13,4) y a los 6 meses fue de 9,2 (IC 95 por ciento =7,5 a 10,9). En el grupo control, el promedio en el BDI-II fue de 9,2 (IC 95 por ciento =7,6-10,8); 8,0 (IC 95 por ciento =6,3 a 9,6) y 8,6 (IC 95 por ciento =6,1 a 11,1), respectivamente. No hubo diferencias estadísticamente significativas en los resultados entre ambos grupos en la sintomatología depresiva. Sin embargo, la intervención actuó como un factor protector para depresión (OR=0,39; IC 95%=0,19 a 0,79). En la evaluación cualitativa, los participantes calificaron positivamente el taller. Conclusiones: El estudio piloto demostró que es posible aplicar programas de este tipo en los colegios con buena aceptabilidad de los adolescentes. La resultados hasta el seguimiento a 6 meses sugieren que la intervención podría reducir la aparición de nuevos casos de depresión.

Objective: To report the results of a pilot study that tested the applicability, efficacy and acceptability of a program designed to prevent depression among secondary school students. Methodology: The study was conducted in the borough of San Bernardo. A mixed methodology was used: qualitative and quantitative. A randomized controlled trial was carried out with two arms and focus groups. The sample included three state funded schools, four 9th grade classes and three in the control group. The intervention in the active arm was an 11-session program led by two young professionals. Results: The sample constituted 277 students, 163 in the active group and 114 in the control group. The mean age of the sample was 14.5 years (SD=0.6). In the baseline diagnosis, the active group did not differ significantly from the control group regarding age and level of depressive symptoms. In the active group, the BDI-II score was initially 10.7 (95 percent CI=9.0 to 12.4) which increased at the end of the intervention to 11.5 (95 percent CI=9.7 to 13.4) and at the 6 months assessment was 9.2 (95 percent CI=7.5 to 10.9). In the control group, the BDI-II mean score was 9.2 (95 percent CI=7.6 to 10.8); 8.0 (95 percent CI=6.3 to 9.6) and 8.6 (95 percent CI=6.1 to 11.1), respectively. There were no statistically significant differences in the depressive symptoms measured between the control and active groups. However, the intervention acted as a protective factor for depression (OR=0.39; CI 95 percent =0.19 to 0.79). In the qualitative evaluation, participants appraised the program positively. They expressed greater interest in the sessions related to problem-solving strategies. Conclusions: This pilot study demonstrated that it is possible to implement programs like this in schools with good acceptance. The results reached at the time of the 6-month follow-up appear to suggest that the intervention could reduce new cases of depression.

Humanos , Masculino , Adolescente , Feminino , Depressão/prevenção & controle , Estudantes