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Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1528855


El fibroma ameloblástico (FA) es una neoplasia benigna con potencial de recurrencia y transformación maligna que afecta los huesos maxilofaciales. Se analizaron casos recientes de FA para describir sus características clínicas y opciones de tratamiento. El objetivo de este estudio es mejorar la comprensión de esta enfermedad poco común y brindar información relevante para el diagnóstico y manejo de los pacientes. Se realizó una revisión de la literatura en busca de reportes de caso de FA publicados en los últimos 5 años. Después de eliminar duplicados, se seleccionaron 16 estudios para su análisis. Se recopilaron datos sociodemográficos, ubicación de la lesión, signos clínicos, hallazgos radiográficos y opciones de tratamiento. Los estudios incluidos en el análisis reportaron casos de FA en pacientes con edades entre 4 y 21 años. Se observó una ligera predominancia en hombres. La ubicación más común de la lesión fue la mandíbula posterior. Los signos clínicos más frecuentes fueron el aumento de volumen óseo y el dolor. Radiográficamente, se encontraron principalmente lesiones radiolúcidas multiloculares. El tratamiento más común fue la enucleación de la lesión. No se observaron recurrencias durante el seguimiento de los casos reportados. Los resultados coinciden con la literatura reciente, proporcionando información actualizada sobre el perfil clínico y radiográfico del FA. La enucleación se muestra como una opción efectiva de tratamiento. Estos hallazgos contribuyen al diagnóstico preciso y al manejo adecuado de los pacientes con FA, resaltando la importancia de comprender las características clínicas de esta neoplasia.

Ameloblastic fibroma (AF) is a benign neoplasm with the potential for recurrence and malignant transformation that affects the maxillofacial bones. Recent cases of AF were analyzed to describe their clinical characteristics and treatment options. The objective of this study is to enhance understanding of this rare disease and provide relevant information for the diagnosis and management of patients. A literature review was conducted to identify case reports of AF published in the past 5 years. After removing duplicates, 16 studies were selected for analysis. Sociodemographic data, lesion location, clinical signs, radiographic findings, and treatment options were collected. The included studies reported cases of AF in patients aged between 4 and 21 years. There was a slight male predominance. The most common location of the lesion was the posterior mandible. The most frequent clinical signs were increased bone volume and pain. Radiographically, predominantly multilocular radiolucent lesions were found. The most common treatment was lesion enucleation. No recurrences were observed during the follow-up of the reported cases. The results align with recent literature, providing updated information on the clinical and radiographic profile of AF. Enucleation emerges as an effective treatment option. These findings contribute to accurate diagnosis and appropriate management of patients with AF, highlighting the importance of understanding the clinical characteristics of this neoplasm.

Femina ; 51(8): 491-496, 20230830. ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1512462


O objetivo deste estudo é descrever o caso de mulher com síndrome de Meigs e apresentar a revisão narrativa sobre o tema. Paciente do sexo feminino, 30 anos, nulípara, encaminhada ao hospital por massa anexial e história prévia de drenagem de derrame pleural. Evoluiu com instabilidade hemodinâmica por derrame pleural hipertensivo à direita, sendo submetida a drenagem torácica, com citologia do líquido negativa. Após, foi submetida a laparotomia: realizada salpingo-ooforectomia esquerda. A congelação e a análise histopatológica diagnosticaram fibroma ovariano. A citologia ascítica foi negativa. CA-125 elevado, presença de derrames cavitários e exame de imagem suspeito podem mimetizar um cenário de neoplasia maligna de ovário em estágio avançado. Entretanto, na síndrome de Meigs clássica, o tratamento é cirúrgico, sendo o diagnóstico obtido por meio da análise histopatológica do tumor ovariano. O manejo da síndrome de Meigs clássica é cirúrgico e, após a remoção do tumor, o derrame pleural e a ascite desaparecem.

To describe a case of Meigs syndrome and present a narrative review of the condition. Female patient, 30 years old, nulliparous, referred to the hospital due to an adnexal mass and a previous drainage of pleural effusion. She developed hemodynamic instability due to a hypertensive right pleural effusion being submitted to chest drainage, with negative cytology of the fluid. She underwent laparotomy: Left salpingo-oophorectomy was performed and frozen section and histopathological analysis diagnosed an ovarian fibroma. Ascites cytology was negative. Elevated CA-125, presence of cavitary effusions, suspicious imaging exam can mimic a scenario of ovarian cancer at an advanced stage. However, in classical Meigs syndrome, treatment is surgical, and the diagnosis is obtained through histopathological analysis of the ovarian tumor. Classical Meigs syndrome' management is surgical. After tumor removal, pleural effusion and ascites resolve.

Humanos , Feminino , Adulto , Síndrome de Meigs/cirurgia , Síndrome de Meigs/diagnóstico , Relatos de Casos , Redução de Peso , Anorexia/complicações , Saúde da Mulher , Dor Pélvica , Tosse/complicações , Dispneia/complicações , Fadiga/complicações , Abdome/fisiopatologia
Femina ; 51(8): 502-504, 20230830. ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1512464


Fibroma mole, ou pólipo fibroepitelial, é uma lesão de proporções geralmente reduzidas, de cor hiperpigmentada ou igual à da pele, localizando-se frequentemente na face, pescoço, tronco e regiões intertriginosas. É um tumor classificado como benigno e pode acometer tanto homens quanto mulheres em idade reprodutiva e depois da quarta década de vida. Ocorre principalmente em obesos, diabéticos e durante a gestação. Com menor frequência, podem alcançar dimensões que excedem 5 cm. Seu crescimento pode ser lento ou rápido e comumente são assintomáticos, mas podem promover sangramentos por conta de ulcerações decorrentes de traumas repetidos. Apresentamos neste relato um fibroma mole, gigante, de localização vulvar, com 11 cm de comprimento, 11 cm de largura e 5 cm de espessura, pesando 500 g.

Giant soft vulvar fibroma is a fibroepithelial polyp lesion with generally reduced proportions, with a hyperpigmented color or similar to that of the skin, frequently located on the face, neck, trunk and intertriginous regions. It is a tumor classified as benign, can affect both men and women, of reproductive age and after the fourth decade, mainly obese, diabetic and during pregnancy. However, less frequently, they can reach dimensions that exceed 5 cm, may have a slow or accelerated evolution. They are commonly asymptomatic, but bleeding may be present due to ulcerations resulting from repeated trauma. In the current study, we describe a giant soft fibroma with a vulvar location measuring 11 cm in length, 11 cm in width, 5 cm in thickness and weighing 500 grams.

Humanos , Feminino , Adulto , Fibroma/cirurgia , Fibroma/etiologia , Procedimentos Cirúrgicos em Ginecologia , Vulva/patologia , Doenças da Vulva/complicações , Neoplasias Vulvares , Ferimentos e Lesões/complicações , Relatos de Casos , Células Estromais/patologia , Neoplasias Fibroepiteliais/reabilitação
RFO UPF ; 28(1): 14-19, 20230808. ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1509404


Objetivo: O objetivo deste estudo foi relatar o caso clínico de uma paciente do sexo feminino, 40 anos, feoderma, ASA I, com lesão nodular na região papilar entre os elementos incisivo lateral e canino inferiores apresentando características de base séssil, sólida e fibrosa. Materiais e Métodos: Foi realizada uma biópsia excisional da lesão, e a peça cirúrgica foi coletada em um recipiente contendo formol 10% para exame histopatológico e confirmação para o diagnóstico de fibroma. Resultados: O exame histopatológico confirmou o diagnóstico de fibroma. No pós-operatório, a região cirúrgica foi de início acompanhada semanalmente e, posteriormente, em intervalos mensais a partir da quarta semana, com prognóstico favorável. Conclusão: O diagnóstico preciso do fibroma é fundamental para garantir o melhor tratamento possível. Este caso clínico destaca a importância da biópsia excecional e do acompanhamento pós-operatório adequado para assegurar uma recuperação satisfatória do paciente.(AU)

Objective: The objective of this study was to report a clinical case of a 40-year-old female patient with a nodular lesion in the papillary region between elements lower lateral incisor and canine presenting features of a sessile, solid, and fibrous base. Materials and Methods: An excisional biopsy of the lesion was performed, and the surgical specimen was collected in a container containing 10% formalin for histopathological examination and confirmation of the fibroma diagnosis. Results: The histopathological examination confirmed the diagnosis of fibroma. In the postoperative period, the surgical region was initially monitored weekly and subsequently at monthly intervals from the fourth week, with a favorable prognosis. Conclusion: Accurate diagnosis of fibroma is essential to ensure the best possible treatment. This clinical case highlights the importance of excisional biopsy and appropriate postoperative follow-up to ensure a satisfactory patient recovery.(AU)

Humanos , Feminino , Adulto , Neoplasias Mandibulares/cirurgia , Fibroma/cirurgia , Biópsia , Neoplasias Mandibulares/patologia , Resultado do Tratamento , Fibroma/patologia
Rev. cuba. oftalmol ; 36(2)jun. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550926


El fibroma osificante es un tumor óseo benigno poco común, cuya localización más frecuente son los huesos maxilofaciales, pero su origen en el seno etmoidal es raro. La mayor incidencia se describe entre la segunda y la cuarta décadas de la vida. Se efectuó una revisión en la literatura nacional sobre fibromas osificantes etmoidales con extensión orbitaria, y no se encontraron reportes publicados. Se presenta el caso de una paciente de 10 años de edad que fue remitida a consulta de Oculoplastia por notar protrusión ocular izquierda desde hacía tres meses. Se le realizó ultrasonido, tomografía computarizada y resonancia magnética en los que se evidenció una lesión tumoral de seno etmoidal con compromiso de órbita izquierda que ocasionaba proptosis, con características imagenológicas sugestivas de un probable fibroma osificante. La biopsia endoscópica nasal confirmó el diagnóstico.

Ossifying fibroma is an uncommon benign bone tumor, whose most frequent location is the maxillofacial bones, but its origin in the ethmoid sinus is rare. The highest incidence is described between the second and fourth decades of life. A review of the national literature on ethmoid ossifying fibromas with orbital extension was carried out, and no published reports were found. We present the case of a 10-year old female patient who was referred to Oculoplasty consultation for noticing left ocular protrusion for three months. Ultrasound, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging showed a tumor lesion of the ethmoidal sinus with involvement of the left orbit causing proptosis, with imaging characteristics suggestive of a probable ossifying fibroma. Nasal endoscopic biopsy confirmed the diagnosis.

Int. j. odontostomatol. (Print) ; 17(2): 196-199, jun. 2023. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1440358


Las lesiones fibro-óseas son consideradas benignas y componen un grupo de patologías de desórdenes que se caracterizan por el reemplazo de un hueso normal por un tejido compuesto de fibras colágenas, fibroblastos y tejido mineralizado. Presentamos un hallazgo radiográfico obtenido de un paciente de sexo masculino de 41 años de edad que asiste a un centro de radiología para realizarse una radiografía panorámica, el examen revela un interesante hallazgo radiográfico en la hemi mandíbula izquierda, donde se observa una lesión fibro-ósea con expansión ósea a nivel de reborde marginal y cortical basal mandibular, desplazamiento de canal mandibular, desplazamiento dentario, compromiso de cortical alveolar y rizálisis en diferentes niveles en los dientes adyacentes a la lesión. De acuerdo a los antecedentes anteriores se establece una hipótesis diagnóstica de Fibroma Osificante de larga data debido a su radiopacidad. La Organización Mundial de la Salud lo clasifica como una neoplasia ósea benigna con afección al esqueleto craneofacial, de mayor incidencia en mandíbula, se presenta generalmente entre la 3º y 4º década de vida. Concluimos que las lesiones fibro-óseas pueden ser detectadas como un hallazgo radiográfico, esto es relevante para un tratamiento precoz, sin embargo, el diagnóstico debe realizarse complementando los antecedentes clínicos e histopatológicos de la lesión, poniendo especial atención en el diagnóstico diferencial.

Fibro-osseous lesions are considered benign and make up a group of disorder pathologies that are characterized by the replacement of normal bone by tissue composed of collagen fibers, fibroblasts, and mineralized tissue. We present a radiographic finding obtained from a 41-year-old male patient who attended a radiology center for a panoramic radiograph. The examination revealed an interesting radiographic finding in the left hemi-mandible, where a fibro-osseous lesion was observed. with bone expansion at the level of the marginal ridge and basal mandibular cortex, displacement of the mandibular canal, dental displacement, compromise of the alveolar cortex and rizalysis at different levels in the teeth adjacent to the lesion. According to the previous antecedents, a long-standing diagnostic hypothesis of Ossifying Fibroma is established due to its radiopacity. The World Health Organization classifies it as a benign bone neoplasm affecting the craniofacial skeleton, with the highest incidence in the jaw, generally presenting between the 3rd and 4th decade of life. We conclude that fibro-osseous lesions can be detected as a radiographic finding, this is relevant for early treatment, however the diagnosis must be made by complementing the clinical and histopathological history of the lesion, paying special attention to the differential diagnosis.

Humanos , Masculino , Adulto , Radiografia Panorâmica/métodos , Fibroma Ossificante/diagnóstico por imagem , Mandíbula/patologia
Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-220213


Case?Presentation Chondromyxoid fibroma (CMF) is a relatively rare bone tumor of cartilaginous origin and it comprises less than 1% of all primary bony tumors. Clavicle is an unusual site of involvement for any bone tumor and may produce diagnostic dilemma. Approximately only 1% of all primary bone tumors may involve the clavicle. The literature on clinical features and outcome of CMF clavicle remains sparse. Conclusion?We present an unusual case of CMF clavicle in which the medial aspect of the clavicle gradually disappeared on radiographs. CMF should be included in the differential diagnoses of disappearing bone disease.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-218787


INTRODUCTION: Ovarian fibroma is a solid tumor that belongs to sex-cord stromal cell tumor of ovary commonest benign tumor of ovarian stroma. A 43-year-old female admitted in obstetric and gynecologyCASE REPORT: department with complain of abdominal pain for 2 months and heavy menses. Ovarian fibroma areDISCUSSION: common benign ovarian tumor accounts for approximately 1-4% of ovarian tumor usually unilateral but bilateral ovarian fibroma is rare entity. Large ovarian fibroma can be associated with ascites and right sided pleural effusion (Meigs syndrome)

Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1508216


Introduction: Histopathological characterisation of benign and malignant lesions of the head and neck in a systematic and coherent way is an essential part of Oral Pathology and Oral Medicine. Objective: To describe the frequency and histopathological profile of connective tissue tumours in the head and neck region reported in an Indian institute. Methods: A retrospective analysis was made of the 10-year records of reports of biopsy samples of patients maintained by the department of oral pathology showing histopathological diagnosis of connective tissue neoplasms. The data obtained was compiled for age, gender, site and histopathology of the lesions. Results: Majority of the tumours were benign and patients were found to be in the 2nd or 4th decade of life with female preponderance. The most common benign tumour was fibroma where buccal mucosa was the commonest location and malignant tumour was osteosarcoma where mandible was the commonest site. While fibromas were seen among general adult population, osteosarcomas were more in the males (7.2 percent) and in the younger population (< 20 years). The uncommon tumours among benign variety were leiomyoma and teratoma while in malignant category 1 case of undifferentiated sarcoma was reported. Conclusion: The findings in this study may be of help to oral and maxillofacial surgeons and general dentists in formulating diagnosis and rendering patient care in the existing local population(AU)

Introducción: La caracterización histopatológica de las lesiones benignas y malignas de cabeza y cuello de forma sistemática y coherente es una parte esencial de la Patología Oral y la Medicina Oral. Objetivo: Describir la frecuencia y el perfil histopatológico de los tumores del tejido conjuntivo de la región de cabeza y cuello notificados en un instituto indio. Métodos: Se realizó un análisis retrospectivo de los registros de 10 años de informes de muestras de biopsia de pacientes mantenidos por el departamento de patología oral que mostraban diagnóstico histopatológico de neoplasias del tejido conectivo. Se recopilaron los datos obtenidos en cuanto a edad, sexo, localización e histopatología de las lesiones. Resultados: La mayoría de los tumores eran benignos y los pacientes se encontraban en la 2ª o 4ª década de la vida, con preponderancia del sexo femenino. El tumor benigno más frecuente fue el fibroma, cuya localización más frecuente fue la mucosa bucal, y el tumor maligno fue el osteosarcoma, cuya localización más frecuente fue la mandíbula. Mientras que los fibromas se observaron entre la población adulta general, los osteosarcomas fueron más frecuentes en los varones (7,2 por ciento) y en la población más joven (< 20 años). Los tumores menos frecuentes en la variedad benigna fueron el leiomioma y el teratoma, mientras que en la categoría maligna se registró un caso de sarcoma indiferenciado. Conclusiones: Los hallazgos de este estudio pueden ser de ayuda para los cirujanos orales y maxilofaciales y los odontólogos generales en la formulación de diagnósticos y la prestación de atención al paciente en la población local existente (AU)

Humanos , Neoplasias de Cabeça e Pescoço , Neoplasias de Tecido Conjuntivo , Estudos Retrospectivos
Rev. bras. ortop ; 58(6): 957-959, 2023. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535620


Abstract The authors present a case of fibroma of the tendon sheath with intra-articular location in the knee, more specifically in the infrapatellar fat; with this specific location, this is the fourth case described of an entity that rarely affects large joints. Clinical and epidemiologi-cal aspects, but especially the imaging findings on magnetic resonance imaging scans, are essential for the differential and definitive diagnosis, which was nevertheless established only after a histological study of the excised mass by miniarthrotomy.

Resumo Os autores apresentam um caso de um fibroma da bainha de tendão com localização intra-articular no joelho e origem na gordura infrapatelar. Esta localização específica é extremamente rara, sendo este o quarto caso descrito de uma entidade que raramente afeta grandes articulações. Para o seu diagnóstico aspetos clínicos, epidemiológicos e sobretudo achados imagiológicos da ressonância magnética são fundamentais. Neste caso o diagnóstico definitvo foi apenas estabelecido após estudo histológico da massa excisada por mini-artrotomia.

Humanos , Masculino , Adulto , Ligamento Patelar/cirurgia , Fibroma/diagnóstico por imagem , Tumor de Células Gigantes de Bainha Tendinosa , Traumatismos do Joelho
Clinical Medicine of China ; (12): 1-7, 2023.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-992455


Objective:To investigate the clinical features, diagnostic methods and treatments of left ventricular apical fibroma.Methods:The clinical manifestations, ECG, imaging features and treatment plans of 2 patients with giant fibroma of left ventricular apex diagnosed in September 2020 and May 2022 were analyzed retrospectively, and the related literature was reviewed.Results:Both patients had slight chest distress and discomfort after activities. The ECG showed T-wave inversion of different degrees, which were misdiagnosed as “myocarditis” and “coronary heart disease” respectively. The cardiac magnetic resonance imaging and echocardiography showed left ventricular apical mass. Coronary artery stenosis was not found in coronary angiography. One patient required conservative treatment, and there was no significant change in clinical symptoms and tumor size in the follow-up for half a year; Another patient underwent cardiac mass removal, and the pathological examination after operation confirmed that it was cardiac fibroma, and there was no recurrence in the follow-up 2 years.Conclusion:Fibroma of left ventricular apex is a rare cardiac tumor, which is easy to be missed and misdiagnosed, and is one of the rare causes of T-wave inversion. Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging, CT and echocardiography are commonly used imaging methods to diagnose cardiac fibroma, and surgical resection is an effective treatment.

Chinese Medical Sciences Journal ; (4): 138-146, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-981595


Central granular cell odontogenic tumors (CGCOTs) are rare, benign, slowly growing odontogenic neoplasms. Due to their uncertain histogenesis, CGCOTs are still not included as a distinct entity in the WHO classification (2017) of odontogenic tumors. We report a case of CGCOT involving the right side of maxillary anterior region of a 39-year-old white female. Immunohistochemical staining showed that granular cells positively expressed CD68 and vimentin, and negatively expressed S-100 protein. Meanwhile, we searched PubMed, Google Scholar, and Scopus databases to summary the clinico-pathological features of 51 reported cases of CGCOT. The results showed that the granular cells of 28.6% cases were immunopositive for vimentin and CD68, and odontogenic epithelial cells were positive immunoreactivity for cytokeratin. These findings reinforced the mesenchymal origin of granular cells and the odontogenic nature of epithelium islands.

Humanos , Feminino , Adulto , Vimentina , Tumores Odontogênicos/patologia , Células Epiteliais/patologia , Queratinas
Odontoestomatol ; 24(40)dic. 2022.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1431003


Las lesiones orales de tejido blando son infrecuentes en los recién nacidos, pueden conducir a una alimentación, crecimiento, y desarrollo cognitivo inapropiados. El fibroma osificante periférico es una lesión reactiva de la encía, con solo cinco casos reportados en recién nacidos. Objetivo: Reportar un caso de fibroma osificante periférico en un recién nacido, y discutir las complicaciones asociadas a dientes natales/neonatales. Caso clínico: Masculino de 4 meses de edad, mexicano, presentó dos dientes natales que fueron extraídos a los quince días de nacimiento. Posteriormente, se observó un crecimiento de tejido blando en esta área, con dos zonas radiopacas identificadas radiográficamente. Con el diagnóstico presuntivo de lesión reactiva, se procedió a la biopsia excisional, con evolución satisfactoria durante el seguimiento. Conclusiones: El fibroma osificante periférico debe considerarse como una potencial complicación por la presencia o extracción de dientes natales/neonatales, y debe tratarse oportunamente debido a sus repercusiones clínicas.

Lesões de tecidos moles orais são raras em recém-nascidos e podem levar a alimentação inadequada, crescimento e desenvolvimento cognitivo. O fibroma ossificante periférico é uma lesão reativa da gengiva, com apenas cinco casos relatados em recém-nascidos. Objetivo: Relatar um caso de fibroma ossificante periférico em recém-nascido e discutir as complicações associadas aos dentes natais/neonatais. Caso clínico: Um menino mexicano de 4 meses de idade apresentou dois dentes natais que foram extraídos quinze dias após o nascimento. Posteriormente, observou-se crescimento de tecidos moles nesta área, com duas zonas radiopacas identificadas radiograficamente. Com o diagnóstico presuntivo de lesão reativa, foi realizada biópsia excisional, com evolução satisfatória durante o seguimento. Conclusões: O fibroma ossificante periférico deve ser considerado como uma complicação potencial devido à presença ou extração de dentes natais/neonatais, devendo ser tratado prontamente devido às suas repercussões clínicas.

Oral soft tissue injuries are rare in newborns and can lead to inappropriate feeding, growth, and cognitive development. Peripheral ossifying fibroma is a reactive lesion of the gingiva, with only five cases reported in newborns. Objective: To report a case of peripheral ossifying fibroma in a newborn, and to discuss the complications associated with natal/neonatal teeth. Clinical case: A 4-month-old Mexican male presented two natal teeth that were extracted fifteen days after birth. Subsequently, soft tissue growth was observed in this area, with two radiopaque zones radiographically identified. With the presumptive diagnosis of reactive lesion, an excisional biopsy was performed, with satisfactory evolution during follow-up. Conclusions: Peripheral ossifying fibroma should be considered as a potential complication due to the presence or extraction of natal/neonatal teeth, and should be treated promptly due to its clinical repercussions.

Rev. cir. traumatol. buco-maxilo-fac ; 22(3): 51-57, jul.-set. 2022. ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1400145


O fibroma ossificante juvenil trabecular (FOJTr) é uma lesão fibro-óssea benigna rara de comportamento agressivo, alto potencial de recorrência, e acometimento no esqueleto craniofacial de crianças e adolescentes. Uma paciente do gênero feminino, 8 anos de idade, compareceu ao ambulatório de Patologia Oral e Maxilofacial da Universidade de Gurupi ­ UNIRG para avaliação clínica de um aumento de volume na região de corpo da mandíbula do lado esquerdo. Não havia sintomatologia dolorosa e sequer desconforto. Nos exames de imagem (radiografia panorâmica e tomografia computadorizada) foram observados uma extensa área radiolúcida que se estendia desde o primeiro molar permanente com rizogênese incompleta até o incisivo central do lado oposto. Após a realização da biópsia incisional e laudos histopatológicos realizou-se a remoção completa da lesão incluindo os remanescentes decíduos sobrejacentes ao fibroma. Nas imagens de controle pós-operatório aos 90 dias (radiografia panorâmica e tomografia computadorizada), notou-se sinais de neoformação óssea com espessamento basilar e os germes dos dentes permanentes em franco desenvolvimento. Diante disso, ressalta-se a importância do conhecimento dos aspectos clínicos, radiográficos e histopatológicos para a realização de um correto diagnóstico e tratamento adequado afim de reduzir as altas taxas de recidivas... (AU)

Trabecular juvenile ossifying fibroma (TrJOF) is a rare benign fibro-osseous lesion, with aggressive behavior, high recurrence potential, which affects the craniofacial skeleton of children and adolescents. This paper aims to describe a clinical case in a female patient, 8 years old, who attended the Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology outpatient clinic ­ Faculty of Dentistry ­ University of Gurupi - UNIRG, city of Gurupi - TOCANTINS - BRAZIL for clinical evaluation of an increased in volume in the region of the mandible body, on the left side. There was no painful symptomatology or even discomfort. Imaging examinations (panoramic radiography and computed tomography (CT) showed an extensive radiolucent area that extended from the first permanent molar with incomplete root formation to the central incisor on the opposite side. After performing an incisional biopsy and histopathological examination, the lesion was completely removed included the remainder deciduous teeth overlying the tumor. In the postoperative control images at 90 days (panoramic radiography and CT), signs of bone neoformation with basilar thickening and the germs of the permanent teeth in full development were noted. In view, this importance of knowledge of clinical, radiographic and histopathological aspects is emphasized for the realization of a correct diagnosis and adequate treatment in order to reduce the high rates of relapses... (AU)

El fibroma osificante trabecular juvenil (TRFOJ) es una lesión fibroósea benigna rara con comportamiento agresivo, alto potencial de recurrencia y afectación del esqueleto craneofacial de niños y adolescentes. Paciente femenina de 8 años de edad que acude al ambulatorio de Patología Oral y Maxilofacial de la Universidad de Gurupi - UNIRG para evaluación clínica de aumento de volumen en la región del cuerpo mandibular del lado izquierdo. No presentaba sintomatología dolorosa ni molestias. Los exámenes de imagen (radiografía panorámica y tomografía computarizada) mostraron una extensa área radiolúcida que se extendía desde el primer molar permanente con formación radicular incompleta hasta el incisivo central del lado opuesto. Tras realizar la biopsia incisional y los informes histopatológicos, se procedió a la extirpación total de la lesión, incluidos los remanentes caducos que recubrían el fibroma. En las imágenes de control postoperatorio a los 90 días (radiografía panorámica y tomografía computarizada), se observaron signos de neoformación ósea con engrosamiento basilar y los gérmenes de los dientes permanentes en pleno desarrollo. Por tanto, es importante conocer los aspectos clínicos, radiográficos e histopatológicos para la realización de un diagnóstico correcto y un tratamiento adecuado con el fin de reducir las altas tasas de recaídas... (AU)

Humanos , Feminino , Criança , Neoplasias Ósseas/diagnóstico , Fibroma Ossificante/diagnóstico , Osso Esponjoso/patologia , Biópsia , Radiografia Panorâmica , Neoplasias Mandibulares/diagnóstico , Tomografia Computadorizada por Raios X
Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-219089


Calcified aponeurotic fibroma is a rare benign fibroblastic tumor. The lesion has property of local invasion and high recurrence. Because of this property, tumor should be accurately diagnosed pre-operatively. We report a case of 29 years old male, with a palpable painful mass on the anterior chest wall near left pectoral region, describes radiographic and MR findings. No skin defect was detected but patient feels discomfort. An excision procedure was done. The excised tissue was sent for biopsy and calcified aponeurotic fibroma was diagnosed

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-222243


Peripheral odontogenic tumors (POTs) are one of the rare neoplasms to occur on the gingiva. Peripheral odontogenic fibroma (POdF) is the most common POT constituting a prevalence of 1.2%. A plethora of lesions sharing similar clinical features makes the diagnosis difficult. Histopathological examination plays a key role in these types of cases. Here, we present a rare case of POdF in a 36-year-old female patient with a lobulated pebbled-like exophytic growth on the right gingiva. Histopathological investigation showed the presence of odontogenic epithelium and dystrophic calcification which are the pathognomonic features of POdF. After surgical removal, POdF is seen to recur, but the exact recurrence rate cannot be estimated due to the scarcity of reported cases. In this case, follow-up of the patient showed no recurrence at 6, 12, and 18 months post-surgery.

Medicentro (Villa Clara) ; 26(2)jun. 2022.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1405630


RESUMEN Con relativa frecuencia, en la mucosa bucal se observan agrandamientos gingivales como el fibroma osificante periférico, que es una lesión reactiva inflamatoria del tejido blando. Clínicamente se trata de una tumefacción deformante, de crecimiento lento, sin una causa clara, aunque su formación está asociada a traumatismos o irritaciones crónicas a nivel gingival. Usualmente su aparición es a nivel de la papila interdental en la zona anterior del maxilar, aunque se puede observar en otras regiones de la cavidad bucal. El tratamiento es quirúrgico y consiste en la enucleación total de la lesión, retirando además los factores irritativos. En las radiografías, la imagen frecuentemente observada, aparece como un área radiolúcida, unilocular, bien definida y delimitada por un halo radiopaco (esclerótico); ocasionalmente puede presentarse como una imagen radiopaca.

ABSTRACT In the buccal mucosa are observed, with relative frequency, gingival enlargements such as the peripheral ossifying fibroma, which is considered a reactive inflammatory soft tissue lesion. It is clinically characterized by a slow-growing, disfiguring swelling with no clear cause, although its formation is associated with trauma or chronic irritation at the gingival level. Its appearance is usually at the level of the interdental papilla in the anterior region of the maxilla, although it can be seen in other regions of the oral cavity. The treatment is surgical consisting of the total enucleation of the lesion and removing the irritating factors. On radiographs, the frequently observed image appears as a well-defined, unilocular, radiolucent area delimited by a radiopaque halo (sclerotic); it can be occasionally presented as a radiopaque image.

Neoplasias Ósseas , Fibroma Ossificante/cirurgia
Rev. cuba. med. mil ; 51(2): e1650, abr.-jun. 2022. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1408832


RESUMEN Introducción: Los leiomiomas uterinos son los tumores ginecológicos benignos más comunes; son causa de anemia, infertilidad, alteración en la implantación embrionaria, pérdida gestacional recurrente, parto prematuro e incontinencia urinaria. Su transformación maligna es excepcional. La afectación a la fertilidad, se asocia con miomas entre el 3 % y el 31 % y depende de su ubicación y tamaño, sobre todo en los que distorsionan la cavidad uterina. Objetivo: Describir las opciones terapéuticas para una joven nulípara con un mioma uterino intramural gigante. Caso Clínico: Paciente de 30 años de edad, con antecedentes de mioma uterino intramural, de 5 años de evolución, además anemia ferripriva. Aqueja menstruaciones abundantes y dolorosas, incontinencia urinaria y constipación. El tratamiento fue escalonado, mediante el uso de acetato de goserelina, embolización selectiva de las arterias uterinas y posterior miomectomía. Conclusiones: El tratamiento del mioma uterino en la mujer joven, nulípara, depende del tamaño, localización, sintomatología asociada, edad de la paciente y deseo de engendrar descendencia.

ABSTRACT Introduction: Uterine leiomyomas are the most common benign gynecological tumors; they are a cause of anemia, infertility, altered embryo implantation, recurrent gestational loss, premature delivery and urinary incontinence. Their malignant transformation is exceptional. Fertility impairment is associated with myomas in between 3 % and 31 % and depends on their location and size, especially in those that distort the uterine cavity. Objective: To describe the therapeutic options for a nulliparous girl with a giant intramural uterine fibroid. Clinical Case: A 30-year-old patient with a 5-year history of intramural uterine fibroid, in addition to iron deficiency anemia. She complains of heavy and painful periods, urinary incontinence and constipation. Treatment was staggered, using goserelin acetate, selective embolization of the uterine arteries, and subsequent myomectomy. Conclusions: The treatment of uterine fibroid in young, nulliparous women depends on the size, location, associated symptoms, age of the patient and desire to have offspring.

Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1385870


RESUMEN: El fibroma desmoplasico (FD) es una neoplasia intraósea benigna, localmente agresiva, de muy baja frecuencia - especialmente en niños pequeños - y es considerada la contraparte ósea de la fibromatosis tipo desmoide. Se han descrito tratamientos que van desde la enucleación y legrado hasta la resección del segmento óseo afectado, debido a su alta tasa de recidiva. Sin embargo, se ha establecido un consenso para evitar dichas recidivas, que consiste en realizar una resección segmentaria con márgenes de seguridad. En este reporte de caso se decidió realizar un tratamiento conservador debido a la edad de la paciente, siendo el caso más joven reportado en la literatura con un FD maxilar y, de esta manera, evitar mutilaciones y necesidad de reconstrucción ósea a tan corta edad, considerando también su estado de crecimiento, generación de potenciales asimetrías o desarrollo facial anormal que podría generar secuelas estéticas y funcionales, alterando su calidad de vida.

ABSTRACT: Desmoplastic fibroma (DF) is a benign, locally aggressive, intraosseous neoplasm of very low frequency - especially in young children - and is considered the bony counterpart of desmoid-type fibromatosis. Treatments ranging from enucleation and curettage to resection of the affected bone segment have been described, due to its high recurrence rate. However, a consensus has been established to avoid such recurrences, which consists in performing a segmental resection with safety margins. In this case report, it was decided to carry out a conservative treatment due to the age of the patient, being the youngest case reported in the literature with a maxillary DF and, in this way, avoiding mutilations and the need for bone reconstruction at such a young age. Also considering their growth status, generation of potential asymmetries or abnormal facial development that could generate aesthetic and functional sequelae, altering their quality of life.