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Braz. j. biol ; 842024.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1469278


Abstract The red fox (Vulpes vulpes) is a medium-sized carnivore that occurs in different regions of Pakistan, however, still lacks scientific data on its ecology and distribution. The current study investigated the phylogenetic status and diet of the red fox (V.v. griffithii) occurring in Ayubia National Park, Pakistan. Through camera trapping and molecular analysis, we confirmed the occurrence of red fox in the study area. Based on mitochondrial cytochrome B (304 bp) and limited sampling, nearly all red foxes of Ayubia National Park and surrounding Himalayan ranges fall within Holarctic maternal lineage, whereas red foxes found in plains of Pakistan are part of the basal Palearctic maternal lineage. Using 32 scats, we found that red fox diet comprises of 80% animal-based prey species (both wild and domestic) and 19% plant matter. The wild animal prey species included Cape hare (Lepus capensis) and flying squirrel (Pteromyini sp.), which constituted 17% and 15% of diet, respectively. Red foxes infrequently consumed House mouse (Mus musculus), Himalayan Palm civet (Paguma larvata) and sheep (Ovis aries), each comprising around 6% to 9% of red fox diet. The fox species also scavenged on domestic donkey opportunistically. Based on our sampling, our study suggests that the red fox (V.v. griffithii) that occurs in Ayubia National Park and across the lesser Himalayan ranges belongs to Holarctic maternal lineage. The study also highlights consumption of plant seeds by red foxes, indicating it may play an important ecological role in seed dispersal in Ayubia National Park.

Resumo A raposa-vermelha (Vulpes vulpes) é um carnívoro de médio porte que ocorre em diferentes regiões do Paquistão, porém ainda carece de dados científicos sobre sua ecologia e distribuição. O presente estudo investigou o status filogenético e a dieta da raposa-vermelha (V.v. griffithii) que ocorre no Parque Nacional de Ayubia, Paquistão. Por meio de armadilhas fotográficas e análises moleculares, confirmamos a ocorrência de raposa-vermelha na área de estudo. Com base no citocromo B mitocondrial (304 bp) e amostragem limitada, quase todas as raposas-vermelhas do Parque Nacional de Ayubia e áreas circundantes do Himalaia se enquadram na linhagem materna holártica, enquanto as raposas-vermelhas encontradas nas planícies do Paquistão fazem parte da linhagem materna basal paleártica. Usando 32 fezes, descobrimos que a dieta da raposa-vermelha compreende 80% de espécies de presas de origem animal (selvagens e domésticas) e 19% de matéria vegetal. As espécies de presas de animais selvagens incluíram a lebre-do-cabo (Lepus capensis) e o esquilo-voador (Pteromyini sp.), que constituíram 17% e 15% da dieta, respectivamente. As raposas-vermelhas consumiam raramente ratos domésticos (Mus musculus), algas do Himalaia (Paguma larvata) e ovelhas (Ovis aries), cada um compreendendo cerca de 6% a 9% da dieta da raposa-vermelha. A espécie de raposa também se alimentava de burros domésticos de forma oportunista. Com base em nossa amostragem, nosso estudo sugere que a raposa-vermelha (V.v. griffithii) que ocorre no Parque Nacional de Ayubia e nas cordilheiras menores do Himalaia pertence à linhagem materna holártica. O estudo também destaca o consumo de sementes de plantas por raposas-vermelhas, indicando que pode desempenhar um papel ecológico importante na dispersão de sementes no Parque Nacional de Ayubia.

Rev. argent. dermatol ; 104: 61-70, ene. 2023. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1529614


Resumen La enfermedad de Fox-Fordyce (EFF) es un trastorno inflamatorio crónicopoco frecuente de las glándulas apocrinas. Afecta comúnmente a mujeres entre los 13-35 años. Su etiopatogenia es multifactorial. Se caracteriza por pápulas foliculares pruriginosas dispuestas en zonas que contienen las glándulas mencionadas. Se presenta el caso clínico de una paciente de 30 años, con pápulas foliculares en axilas compatibles con enfermedad de Fox-Fordyce. El propósito deeste trabajo es presentar una entidad infrecuente y brindar una revisión bibliográfica repasando los diagnósticos diferenciales y las opciones terapéuticas disponibles.

Abstract Fox-Fordyce disease (FFD) is a rare chronic inflammatory disorder of the apocrine glands. It commonly affects women between 13-35 years. Its etiopathogenesis is multifactorial. This disorder is characterized by pruritic follicular papules arranged in areas containing the aforementioned glands. We reporta clinical case of a 30-year-old female patient, with follicular papules on armpits compatible with Fox-Fordyce disease. The purpose of this paper is to report a uncommon entity while providing a bibliographical revision highlighting the differential diagnoses and their available therapeutic options.

Arch. pediatr. Urug ; 93(1): e306, jun. 2022. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, UY-BNMED, BNUY | ID: biblio-1383647


La hiperplasia de glándulas sebáceas es un hallazgo benigno y transitorio, común en el período neonatal. Secundariamente al estímulo hormonal androgénico se produce un hipercrecimiento de las glándulas, con mayor frecuencia en nariz y mejillas, donde existen en mayor densidad. La hiperplasia de glándulas en una localización ectópica, llamada gránulos de Fordyce (GF), es excepcional en el período neonatal. Se han reportado en aproximadamente 1% de los recién nacidos, y con frecuencia se localizan en la mucosa oral. Los GF se describen como lesiones papulares de aspecto vesiculoso blanco amarillentas de 1-3 mm2, que podrían confundir al neonatólogo o al pediatra con entidades infecciosas, dando lugar a pruebas invasivas y tratamientos innecesarios. Se describen tres casos clínicos de neonatos con diagnóstico de hiperplasia sebácea ectópica localizada en mucosa oral, con el objetivo de revisar la etiología, las características clínicas, los diagnósticos diferenciales y la evolución de esta entidad benigna. Conclusiones: la hiperplasia sebácea ectópica en mucosa oral de neonatos es un hallazgo benigno autolimitado que se presenta con baja frecuencia. El reconocimiento clínico de esta entidad es importante para evitar diagnósticos incorrectos y tratamientos innecesarios.

Sebaceous gland hyperplasia is a common transient and benign finding in neonates. After androgenic hormonal stimulation, there is a gland overgrowth mainly in the nose and cheeks where there is a greater density of glands. Ectopic sebaceous gland hyperplasia, called Fordyce's Granules (FG), is exceptional in neonates and it is reported in approximately 1% of newborns and frequently located in the oral mucosa. FGs are described as 1-3mm2 yellowish-white papular and vesicular lesions. Neonatologists or pediatricians may confuse these clinical features with infectious diseases, leading to invasive tests and unnecessary treatment. We describe three clinical cases of neonates with diagnosis of ectopic sebaceous gland hyperplasia located in the oral mucosa, with the aim of reviewing the etiology, clinical characteristics, differential diagnoses and evolution of this benign entity. Conclusions: ectopic sebaceous gland hyperplasia of the lips is a self-limited benign finding occurring infrequently in newborns. The clinical recognition of this entity is important to avoid inaccurate diagnoses or unnecessary treatment.

A hiperplasia das glândulas sebáceas é um achado benigno e transitório comum nos neonatos. Secundário ao estímulo hormonal androgênico, há um hipercrescimento das glândulas com mais frequência no nariz e nas bochechas onde há uma maior densidade das glândulas. A hiperplasia das glândulas num local ectópico, chamado Fordyce Granules (FG), é excepcional no período neonatal, e ela é relatada em aproximadamente 1% dos recém-nascidos e muitas vezes está localizada na mucosa oral. Os FGs são descritos como lesões vesiculares brancas amareladas de 1-3mm2, o que poderia confundir o neonatologista ou pediatra com entidades infecciosas, levando a testes invasivos e tratamentos desnecessários. Descrevemos três relatos clínicos de recém-nascidos com diagnóstico de hiperplasia sebácea ectópica localizada na mucosa oral, com o objetivo de rever a etiologia, características clínicas, diagnósticos diferenciais e evolução desta entidade benigna. Conclusões: hiperplasia sebácea ectópica na mucosa oral de recém-nascidos é um achado benigno autolimitante que ocorre com baixa frequência. O reconhecimento clínico desta entidade é importante para evitar diagnósticos incorretos e tratamentos desnecessários.

Humanos , Masculino , Recém-Nascido , Infecções Estreptocócicas/diagnóstico , Streptococcus agalactiae , Herpes Simples/diagnóstico , Hiperplasia/diagnóstico , Mucosa Bucal/patologia , Diagnóstico Diferencial
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-986645


Objective To explore the expression levels of YBX1 and FOXA1 in gastric cancer tissues and determine their relationship with prognosis. Methods A total of 131 patients with gastric cancer were studied, and the corresponding adjacent normal tissues of each patient were selected as the control. qRT-PCR and immunohistochemistry were used to detect the expression levels of YBX1 and FOXA1 in cancer tissues and adjacent tissues. The correlation between YBX1 and FOXA1 protein expression in gastric cancer tissues was expressed by Crammer's V coefficient, and the correlation between YBX1 mRNA and FOXA1 mRNA was analyzed by Pearson method. Kaplan-Meier method was used to analyze the relationship between YBX1, FOXA1 protein expression in gastric cancer tissues and the 5-year overall survival rate of patients. Univariate and multivariate Cox regression analyses were used to analyze the factors affecting the prognosis of patients with gastric cancer. Results Compared with paracancerous tissue, the levels of FOXA1 and YBX1 in cancer tissues were lower and higher, respectively (P < 0.05). A negative correlation was observed between YBX1 mRNA and FOXA1 mRNA in gastric cancer (r=-0.675, P < 0.05). The expression of YBX1 and FOXA1 proteins in gastric cancer tissues was negatively correlated (Crammer's V=-0.497, P < 0.001). The expression of YBX1 and FOXA1 proteins in gastric cancer tissue was related to the degree of differentiation, lymph node metastasis, and TNM staging (P < 0.05). The 5-year survival rate of the YBX1 negative expression group and the FOXA1 positive expression group were higher than those of the YBX1 positive expression group, and the FOXA1 negative expression group both P < 0.05). TNM staging and YBX1 were independent risk factors for death in patients with gastric cancer (P < 0.05), and FOXA1 was a protective factor (P < 0.05). Conclusion YBX1 is highly expressed and FOXA1 is lowly expressed in gastric cancer tissues; they are closely related to the disease progression and prognosis of patients with gastric cancer.

Braz. j. biol ; 81(3): 584-591, July-Sept. 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1153386


Abstract The flying fox (Pteropus giganteus) also familiar with the name of the greater Indian fruit Bat belongs to the order Chiroptera and family Pteropodidae. Current research emphasis on the DNA barcoding of P. giganteus in Azad Jammu Kashmir. Bat sequences were amplified and PCR products were sequenced and examined by bioinformatics software. Congeneric and conspecific, nucleotide composition and K2P nucleotide deviation, haplotype diversity and the number of haplotypes were estimated. The analysis showed that all of the five studied samples of P. giganteus had low G contents (G 19.8%) than C (27.8%), A (25.1%) and T (27.3%) contents. The calculated haplotype diversity was 0.60% and the mean intraspecific K2P distance was 0.001% having a high number of transitional substitutions. The study suggested that P. giganteus (R=0.00) do not deviate from the neutral evolution. It was determined from the conclusion that this mtDNA gene is a better marker for identification of Bat species than nuclear genes due to its distinctive characteristics and may serve as a landmark for the identification of interconnected species at the molecular level and in the determination of population genetics.

Resumo A raposa-voadora (Pteropus giganteus), também conhecida como morcego indiano, pertence à ordem dos Chiroptera e à família Pteropodidae. A presente pesquisa dá ênfase ao código de barras de DNA de P. giganteus em Azad Jammu e Caxemira. Sequências genéticas dos morcegos foram amplificadas, e os produtos de PCR foram sequenciados e examinados por software de bioinformática. De espécies congenérica e coespecífica, foram estimados composição nucleotídica e desvio de nucleotídeos K2P, diversidade de haplótipos e número de haplótipos. A análise mostrou que todas as cinco amostras estudadas de P. giganteus apresentaram baixos teores de G (19,8%) em comparação com C (27,8%), A (25,1%) e T (27,3%). A diversidade de haplótipos calculada foi de 0,60%, e a distância média intraespecífica de K2P foi de 0,001%, com um elevado número de substituições transicionais. O estudo sugeriu que P. giganteus (R = 0,00) não se desviou da evolução neutra. É possível concluir que o gene mtDNA é um marcador favorável para identificação de espécies de morcegos do que genes nucleares por causa de suas características distintivas e pode servir como um marco para a identificação de espécies interconectadas em nível molecular e para a determinação genética de populações.

Animais , Quirópteros/genética , Paquistão , Haplótipos/genética , DNA Mitocondrial , Código de Barras de DNA Taxonômico
Chinese Pharmacological Bulletin ; (12): 1028-1034, 2021.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1014477


Aim To explore whether Huaqizeren, an experienced prescription for the treatment of IR, could improve IR by interfering with KDSR expressionfrom the perspective of KDSR gene. Methods The KDSR gene was overexpressed in normal HepG2 cells, and the IR cell model was established at the same time. The expression level of KDSR was detected by QRT PCR and Western blot; the content of ceramide was detected by HPLC-MS; the expression level of KDSR was detected by Western blot. The phosphorylation level of PKC£/Akt/Fox01 was detected by Western blot, and the glucose content was detected by GOD-POD assay before and after administration. Results After administration, the expression level of KDSR and ceramide in IR cells and KDSR overexpression cells significantly decreased, and the abnormal expression of PKC£/Akt/ FoxOl signaling pathway was improved. Meanwhile, the glucose content in IR cells and KDSR overexpres-sion cells significantly decreased after administration, and the differences were statistically significant (P < 0. 01). Conclusions One of the mechanisms of Huaqizeren in improving IR may be down-regulating the expression of KDSR, decreasing the content of ceramide , and then regulating the expression of key proteins in PKC£/Akt/Fox01 signaling pathway, thus reducing the glucose content in cells and improving IR.

Rev. peru. biol. (Impr.) ; 27(2): 233-236, abr.-jun 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1144953


Resumen En este trabajo, informamos Mesocestoides sp. parasitando a un individuo de Lycalopex culpaeus (zorro andino) procedente del Abra la Raya, departamento de Cusco, Perú. El individuo fue necropsiado en el Instituto Veterinario de Investigaciones Tropicales y de Altura (IVITA), sede de Maranganí. Numerosos cestodos se recolectaron del intestino delgado y se analizaron morfológicamente. Se proporciona una breve descripción morfológica de los especímenes de Mesocestoides, así como una discusión con respecto de especies anteriormente registradas para Perú.

Abstract In this work, we report Mesocestoides sp. parasiting one individual of Lycalopex culpaeus (Andean fox) captured from the Abra la Raya, Department of Cusco, Peru. The individual was necropsed in the Instituto Veterinario de Investigaciones Tropicales y de Altura (IVITA), Maranganí Headquarters. Numerous cestodes collected from the small intestine and morphologically analyzed. We provided a brief morphological description of Mesocestoides specimenes, and discuss concerning previous Mesocestoides species registered in Peru.

Rev. MVZ Córdoba ; 25(1): 98-102, ene.-abr. 2020. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1279660


RESUMEN Objetivo. El propósito de este estudio fue explorar la duplicidad de la arteria renal en un espécimen de Cerdocyon thous, centrándose en las posibilidades de la implicación clínico-quirúrgica de esta variación anatómica. Materiales y Métodos. Fueron disecados 32 especímenes de Cerdocyon thous, obtenidos de las colecciones del Laboratorio de Enseñanza e Investigación en Morfología de los Animales Domésticos y Salvajes del Departamento de Anatomía Animal y Humana, de la Universidad Federal Rural del Rio de Janeiro y del Laboratorio de Anatomía Animal de la Universidad Federal del Pampa. Resultados. Fue observada una variación numérica en la arteria renal izquierda en un cadáver hembra adulto. El riñón izquierdo tenía dos arterias renales, una craneal y otra caudal. La primera arteria renal del riñón izquierdo, midiendo 2,25 cm de longitud, se ha originado lateralmente desde la aorta abdominal a nivel de la tercera vértebra lumbar. Además, emanaba dos ramas prehiliares, una dorsal y otra ventral, con la rama ventral suministrando también a la glándula suprarrenal. La segunda arteria renal también se ha originado lateralmente desde la aorta abdominal a nivel de la tercera vértebra lumbar, midiendo 2,36 cm de longitud. También ha emitido dos ramas prehiliares, una craneal y otra caudal, las cuales emitieron la rama uretral. Conclusiones. Las variaciones numéricas de las arterias renales deben ser consideradas en la ejecución de procedimientos quirúrgicos, radiológicos y experimentales, con los fines de evitar errores ocasionados por la falta de conocimiento de la posibilidad de estas variaciones tanto en animales domésticos como salvajes.

ABSTRACT Objective. The aim of this study was explored the duplicity of renal artery in a specimen of Cerdocyon thous, focusing on the possibilities of clinical-surgical implication of this anatomical variation. Materials and methods. Were dissected 32 specimens of Cerdocyon thous, obtained from the collections of the Laboratório de Ensino e Pesquisa em Morfologia dos Animais Domésticos e Selvagens do Departamento de Anatomia Animal e Humana, da Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro e Laboratório de Anatomia Animal da Universidade Federal do Pampa. Results. Were observed a numerical variation in the left renal artery in an adult female cadaver. The left kidney had two renal arteries, one cranial and another caudal. The first renal artery of the left kidney, measuring 2.25 cm in length, originated laterally from the abdominal aorta at the level of the third lumbar vertebra. Moreover, it emanated two pre-hilar branches, one dorsal and one ventral, with the ventral branch supplying also to the adrenal gland. The second renal artery also originated laterally from the abdominal aorta at the level of the third lumbar vertebra and measured 2.36 cm in length. It also emitted two pre-hilar branches, one cranial and another caudal, which emitted the ureteral branch. Conclusions. Numerical variations of the renal arteries should be considered in the execution of surgical, radiological and experimental procedures in order to avoid mistakes made due to lack of knowledge of the possibility these variations both in domestic and wild animals.

Animais , Suínos , Artéria Renal , Sistema Urogenital
Rev. Fac. Med. Hum ; 20(2): 319-321, abr.- jun. 2020.
Artigo em Inglês, Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1120784


Se presenta un caso infrecuente de enfermedad de Fox-Fordyce en región vulvar, una dermatosis inflamatoria no infecciosa, infrecuente, de glándulas apocrinas, caracterizada por una erupción papular pruriginosa que involucra vulva, axila y región perianal, a predominio del sexo femenino, del cual no hay reportes nacionales. Se presenta una paciente de 53 años de edad, evaluada en consulta de ginecobstetricia, por presentar desde hace 5 meses, erupción papular en zona vulvar, asociado a prurito intermitente. Se tomó una biopsia de la lesión, y se envió al servicio de anatomía patológica, recibiéndose un fragmento de tejido de color pardo oscuro, de 0,3 x 0,2 x 0,1cm, en la cual se evidenció glándulas apocrinas dilatadas, con secreción espesa constituida por mucina, en su luz. Cumpliendo con los criterios histopatológicos, se estableció el diagnóstico de Enfermedad de Fox ­ Fordyce. Se consideró importante la presentación de este caso debido a la naturaleza infrecuente de esta enfermedad.

Fox-Fordyce disease is a non-infectious, infrequent inflammatory dermatosis of apocrine glands, isolated by a pruritic papular rash that usually begins frequently at puberty, and which may involve vulva, armpit and perianal region. It affects women more frequently, approximately in a 9 to 1 ratio, compared to men. In the presentation of the case of a female patient, 53 years old, in consultation of Gynecology-Obstetrics, of the General Maria Auxiliadora Hospital, for presenting for 5 months, papular eruption in vulvar area, associated with intermittent pruritus. A biopsy of the lesion was requested, and it was sent to the Pathological Anatomy Service, receiving a fragment of dark brown tissue, 0.3 x 0.2 x 0.1cm, which was automatically processed, obtaining a histological sheet, in which evidence dilated apocrine glands, which show a thick secretion made up of mucin, in its light. The patient met the histopathological criteria for the diagnosis of Fox - Fordyce disease. Consider the case presentation because of the infrequent nature of this disease.

Rev. bras. parasitol. vet ; 29(3): e006220, 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1138107


Abstract Native foxes face serious threats related to anthropic activities and the uncontrolled pets. However, the transmission of several pathogens such as parasites by domestic dogs is an important conservation issue with limited attention in Chile. The lack of a proper identification of the helminths of wild canids in the country, based mostly in coprological studies, limited our knowledge in potential interspecific transmission. Thus, the aim of the present survey was to identify the parasitic fauna of two native canids, the Andean fox (Lycalopex culpaeus) (n=49) and Chilla (Lycalopex griseus) (n=17), from several localities in Chile through a complete parasitological survey. Sixteen different species were identified, 9 of which are new host records for Andean fox and two for Chilla fox in South America, and three are recorded for first time in Chile. Also, five of them are of zoonotic concern and six are known to use domestic dogs as their principal hosts. These findings have implications for public health and the conservation of canids whose interspecific transmission of parasites with domestic dogs is confirmed through these findings. The need for an exhaustive surveillance of wild carnivores is emphasized considering these hosts as important sources of micro- and macroparasites.

Resumo As raposas nativas enfrentam sérias ameaças devido às atividades antrópicas e contato com animais de estimação sem controle. Entretanto, a transmissão de patógenos, tais como parasitas de cães domésticos, é uma questão importante na conservação das raposas que têm sido pouco abordadas no Chile. A falta de uma identificação adequada dos helmintos de canídeos silvestres no país, que se baseia principalmente, em estudos coprológicos, limita o conhecimento sobre uma potencial transmissão interespecífica de parasitas. Assim, o objetivo do presente estudo foi identificar a fauna parasitária em dois canídeos nativos: a raposa andina (Lycalopex culpaeus) (n = 49) e a raposa chilla (Lycalopex griseus) (n = 17), provenientes de várias localidades do Chile, por meio de um levantamento parasitológico completo. Foram identificadas 16 espécies de parasitas, nove correspondem a novos registros de hospedeiros para a raposa andina e dois para a raposa chilla na América do Sul. Três espécies de parasitas são registrados pela primeira vez no Chile, cinco são motivo de preocupação zoonótica e seis são conhecidos por usar cães domésticos como seus principais hospedeiros. Esses achados têm implicações em saúde pública e na conservação de canídeos, pois confirmam a transmissão interespecífica de parasitas desde cães domésticos. A necessidade de vigilância exaustiva dos carnívoros selvagens é enfatizada considerando-se esses hospedeiros como importantes fontes de micro e macroparasitas.

Animais , Cães , Doenças Parasitárias em Animais/parasitologia , Doenças Parasitárias em Animais/epidemiologia , Biodiversidade , Raposas/parasitologia , Chile/epidemiologia , Doenças do Cão/parasitologia , Doenças do Cão/epidemiologia
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 39(4): 278-285, Apr. 2019. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX, LILACS | ID: biblio-1002811


Great part of the veterinary care in wild carnivores is intended to treat the dental disorders, and oral cavity disorders may generally affect the animal health as a whole. It is factual that knowing the location of the mandibular foramen is vital for local anesthetic block of the inferior alveolar nerve, however, there is still no data on the morphometry of the hoary fox mandibular foramen. The aim was describing morphometry of the mandibular foramen of this species and associating its position with anatomic reference points in the mandible, thus providing support for more effective local anesthetic block of the inferior alveolar nerve in such species. Four adult jaws of Lycalopex vetulus were used. Radiography and biometrics of the hemimandibulas were performed. The rostral third of the jaw body in a lateral view presented three mental foramens, being a rostral, a medium and a caudal. Each hemimandibula presented I3/C1/PM4/M3. The angle of the mandible was marked by the masseteric fossa, the angular incisure, the angular process and the mandibular foramen, and this last one located perpendicularly to the dorsal edge of the angular incisures in medial view. In this view, the crevice to the milohyoid nerve, projected in the caudodorso rostral direction, was also evidenced. The ramus of the mandible was characterized by the presence of the condylar and coronoid processes, and by the dorsal and ventral mandibular incisions. Statistical analyzes did not present significant differences between the antimeres of the studied animals, and the penetration of the needle perpendicularly to the dorsal end of the angular incision on average 8.79mm, overlapped to the medial face of the angle of the mandible could be indicated. Alternatively, the access may also be achieved by inserting the needle in an average of 17.69mm perpendicular to the dorsal end of the angular process, in contact with the medial aspect of the angle of the mandible, and in caudo-rostral projection, also allowing a better anesthetic blockade of the inferior alveolar nerve in L. vetulus. It can also be concluded that the masseteric fossa, the dorsal and ventral mandibular angles, the crevice to the milohyoid nerve, the ramus of the mandible and the mandibular foramen presented differences in their topographic descriptions when compared to the other canids.(AU)

A maior parte dos atendimentos veterinários em carnívoros silvestres destina-se ao tratamento das afecções dentárias, sendo que doenças de cavidade oral podem afetar a saúde do animal como um todo. É factível que o conhecimento da localização do forame mandibular é essencial para o bloqueio anestésico local do nervo alveolar inferior, entretanto, ainda são inexistentes dados sobre a morfometria do forame mandibular de raposa-do-campo. Objetivou-se descrever a morfometria do forame mandibular desta espécie, e correlacionar sua posição com pontos de referência anatômica na mandíbula, oferecendo subsídio para um bloqueio anestésico local mais efetivo do nervo alveolar inferior nesta espécie. Foram utilizadas quatro mandíbulas de cadáveres adultos de Lycalopex vetulus. Realizou-se a radiografia e as biometrias das hemimandíbulas. O terço rostral do corpo da mandíbula em uma vista lateral apresentou três forames mentuais, sendo um rostral, um médio e um caudal. Cada hemimandíbula apresentou I3/C1/PM4/M3. O ângulo da mandíbula foi marcado pela fossa massetérica, pela incisura angular, pelo processo angular e pelo forame mandibular, e este último localizado perpendicularmente ao extremo dorsal da incisura angular em vista medial. Nesta vista, também se evidenciou o sulco para o nervo milohióideo, projetado em sentido caudodorsorostral. O ramo da mandíbula foi caracterizado pela presença dos processos condilar e coronóide, e pelas incisuras mandibulares dorsal e ventral. As análises estatísticas não apresentaram diferenças significantes entre os antímeros dos animais estudados, podendo-se indicar a penetração da agulha perpendicularmente ao extremo dorsal da incisura angular em média 8,79mm, justaposto à face medial do ângulo da mandíbula. Alternativamente, o acesso também poderá ser realizado introduzindo a agulha em média 17,69mm de forma perpendicular ao extremo dorsal do processo angular, em contato com a face medial do ângulo da mandíbula, e em projeção caudorostral, permitindo também um melhor bloqueio anestésico do nervo alveolar inferior na L. vetulus. Também se pode concluir que a fossa massetérica, as incisuras angular, mandibulares dorsal e ventral, o sulco para o nervo milohióideo, o ramo da mandíbula e o forame mandibular apresentaram diferenças em suas descrições topográficas quando comparados aos demais canídeos.(AU)

Animais , Raposas/anatomia & histologia , Anestesia Dentária/veterinária , Mandíbula/anatomia & histologia , Reabilitação Bucal/veterinária
Chinese Journal of Biotechnology ; (12): 1469-1477, 2019.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-771782


The aim of this study was to screen the active regions and transcription factor binding sites in the promoter of the CBD103 gene related to Arctic fox coat color, and to provide a basis for revealing the molecular genetic mechanism of CBD103 gene regulating the coat color formation. The 5'-flanking region fragment 2 123 bp of Arctic fox CBD103 gene was cloned, and 4 truncated promoter reporter vectors of different lengths were constructed. The promoter activity was detected by the dual-luciferase reporter assay system. Point mutations were performed on the 3 predicted specificity protein 1 (Sp1) transcription factor binding sites in the highest promoter active region, and 3 mutant vectors were constructed. The activity was then detected by the dual-luciferase reporter assay system. The results showed that the region 1 656 (-1 604/+51) had the highest activity in the 4 truncated promoters of different lengths, and the promoter activity of the three mutant vectors constructed in this region were significantly lower than that of the wild type (fragment 1 656). The region of -1 604 /+51 was the core promoter region of CBD103 gene in Arctic fox and -1 552/-1 564, -1 439/-1 454 and -329/-339 regions were positive regulatory regions. This study successfully obtained the core promoter region and positive regulation regions of the Arctic fox CBD103 gene, which laid a foundation for further study on the molecular genetic mechanism of this gene regulating Arctic fox coat color.

Animais , Sítios de Ligação , Raposas , Luciferases , Regiões Promotoras Genéticas , Fator de Transcrição Sp1 , beta-Defensinas
Braz. J. Vet. Res. Anim. Sci. (Online) ; 55(4): e146491, Dezembro 21, 2018. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-969284


The hoary fox (Lycalopex vetulus,Lund, 1842) is the smallest Brazilian canid, whose weight varies between 2 and 4 kg, has a slender body, a small head, and a short and blackened snout. Despite being considered an endemic species, little is known about the hoary fox as it is one of the seven less studied canids in the world. Thus, this study aimed to describe the anatomy of the abdominal aorta artery of the hoary fox and to compare it with the pre-established literature data in domestic canids. For this purpose, we used two adult hoary foxes without definite age. We collected the corpses of these animals along roadsides of Catalão-GO, being later fixed and conserved in a 10% formalin solution. The results showed that the abdominal aorta in hoary fox is at the ventral face of the lumbar region vertebral bodies, being slightly displaced to the left of the median plane. The first branch is visceral, named celiac artery, followed by a paired parietal branch: the phrenic abdominal arteries. The third and fourth branches are the cranial mesenteric arteries and the right and left are the renal arteries, respectively. The posterior branches of the renal arteries are equally visceral, paired, being called testicular arteries. Distal to the latter, both the caudal mesenteric artery and deep circumflex iliac arteries originate. Finally, two large external iliac arteries and its terminal branches composed of internal iliac arteries and the median sacral artery originate. In addition, five pairs of lumbar arteries originate alongside the abdominal segment of the aorta. Considering these findings, it is possible to conclude that despite the hoary fox being a wild animal, the anatomy of its abdominal aorta is very similar to that of domestic canids.(AU)

A raposa-do-campo (Lycalopex vetulus,Lund, 1842) é o menor canídeo brasileiro, cujo peso varia entre 2 e 4 quilos, possui corpo esguio, a cabeça é pequena, focinho curto e enegrecido. Considerada uma espécie endêmica, pouco se sabe a seu respeito, e é um dos sete canídeos menos estudados no mundo. Assim, o presente estudo teve o objetivo de descrever a anatomia da parte abdominal da artéria aorta em raposa-do-campo e comparar com dados literários pré-estabelecidos de canídeos domésticos. Para a realização deste estudo foram utilizados dois exemplares de raposa-do-campo, adultos, sem idade definida. Os cadáveres dos animais foram recolhidos às margens de rodovias no entorno da Catalão-Goiás, fixados em solução aquosa de formol a 10% e conservados na mesma solução. Os resultados mostraram que a aorta abdominal da raposa-do-campo está localizada sobre a face ventral dos corpos vertebrais da região lombar, levemente deslocada para a esquerda do plano mediano. O primeiro ramo é visceral, denominado artéria celíaca, seguido por um ramo parietal, pareado, as artérias frênico-abdominais. O terceiro e quarto ramos são a artéria mesentérica caudal e as artérias renais direita e esquerda, respectivamente. Os ramos posteriores das artérias renais são igualmente viscerais, pareados, denominados artérias testiculares. Distal à essas últimas, originam-se a artéria mesentérica caudal e as artérias circunflexas ilíacas profundas. Finalmente surgem duas grandes artérias ilíacas externas e os ramos terminais compostos pelas artérias ilíacas internas e artéria sacral mediana. Ao longo do trajeto da aorta abdominal, cinco pares de artérias lombares se originam da face dorsal. Considerando esses achados, pode ser concluído que a anatomia da aorta abdominal da raposa-do-campo é muito similar àquela de canídeos domésticos, embora ela seja um animal silvestre. (AU)

Animais , Aorta Abdominal/anatomia & histologia , Cardiologia , Raposas/anatomia & histologia
An. bras. dermatol ; 93(4): 562-565, July-Aug. 2018. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-949904


Abstract: Fox-Fordyce disease is a relatively infrequent pathology of the apocrine glands that affects almost exclusively young women. The disease is characterized by the presence of pruritic follicular papules mainly in the armpits that respond poorly to treatment and severely affect the patient's quality of life. We report two cases with clinical diagnosis and histopathological confirmation, presenting perifollicular xanthomatosis on histological examination, recently described as a distinctive, consistent, and specific feature of this disease.

Humanos , Feminino , Adulto , Adulto Jovem , Xantomatose/patologia , Doença de Fox-Fordyce/patologia , Imuno-Histoquímica , Xantomatose/etiologia , Doença de Fox-Fordyce/complicações
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 38(1): 195-221, Jan. 2018. tab, graf, ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-895555


O membro torácico é a parte do esqueleto pós-craniano que mais informações oferece sobre a locomoção e hábitos de vida de uma espécie. Objetivou-se realizar uma descrição macroscópica, comparativa, radiográfica e osteométrica do esqueleto do membro torácico de Lycalopex gymnocercus. Para tal foram analisados ossos de 24 espécimes adultos coletados mortos em rodovias. Foram realizadas descrições macroscópicas e comparadas com as de outros canídeos, imagens radiográficas para reconhecimento dos padrões de trabeculação e topografia óssea, mensurações lineares e tridimensionais e avaliações histológicas das clavículas. O esqueleto do membro torácico de L. gymnocercus apresentou adaptações morfofuncionais em todos os segmentos para a locomoção cursorial especializada e alguma capacidade de pronação e supinação para captura de presas de porte menor. Houve uma tendência de os ossos serem maiores nos machos, especialmente na região distal do úmero, presumivelmente para a fixação de músculos antebraquiais mais fortes. A clavícula vestigial foi encontrada em todos os espécimes, teve natureza predominantemente cartilagínea e foi significativamente maior nos machos. A conformação básica do esqueleto do membro torácico foi semelhante à dos canídeos domésticos e silvestres descritos na literatura, ainda que particularidades de L. gymnocercus sejam encontradas.(AU)

The forelimb is the part of the post-cranial skeleton that provides more information about locomotion and life habits of a species. The objective of this study was to perform a detailed macroscopic, comparative, radiographic and osteometric investigation of the thoracic limb of Lycalopex gymnocercus. Twenty-four adult specimens collected dead from roadkill were studied. Analysis included macroscopic and comparative descriptions to other canids, radiographic images for recognition of trabeculation patterns and topographical arrangement of bones, linear and three-dimensional measurements, and histological evaluation of the clavicles. The forelimb skeleton of L. gymnocercus presented morphological and functional adaptations in every segment for a specialized cursorial locomotion and some ability to pronation and supination for capture of small vertebrates. There was a tendency for the bones to be longer in males, especially in the distal end of humerus, presumably to fixation of stronger antebrachial muscles. The vestigial clavicle bone was found in all the specimens, had a predominantly cartilaginous nature and was significantly larger in males. The basic conformation of the forelimb skeleton was similar to that of domestic and wild canids described in the literature, although peculiar characteristics of L. gymnocercus have been found.(AU)

Animais , Osso e Ossos/anatomia & histologia , Canidae/anatomia & histologia , Extremidade Superior/anatomia & histologia , Sistema Musculoesquelético/anatomia & histologia , Radiografia Torácica/veterinária
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-712375


Objective To analyze the clinical efficacy of patients with lower eyelid entropion after the treatment of Fox surgery,modified Fox surgery and modified orbicularis oculi muscle fold surgery.Methods 250 patients with lower eyelid entropion were retrospectively analyzed.The modified orbicularis oculi muscle fold surgery (group A),Fox surgery (group B),and modified Fox surgery (group C) were used for lower eyelid entropion.Results Postoperatively,No skin redness and swelling occured in group A,and mild skin redness appeared in 8 and 2 cases in groups B and C,respectively;the difference was statistically significant between the three groups (P<0.05);No eyelid hyperemia was found in groups A and C,but 6 cases presented with eyelid margin hyperemia in group B;the difference was statistically significant between the three groups (P < 0.05).Long term follow-up showed that the satisfaction score of group A was (8.23±1.08),B group was (7.54±1.09),C group was (9.26± 1.94),and the difference between three groups was statistically significant (P<0.05).In addition,the long-term recurrence rate showed that the recurrence rate in group C was the lowest,followed by group A,and the recurrence rate in group B was the highest,and the differences between various groups were statistically significant (P<0.05).Conclusions The improved Fox surgery has better satisfaction and lower recurrence rate in patients with lower eyelid entropion,and especially the long-term effect is more definite.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-821276


@#[Abstract] Objective: To evaluate the expression level of FOXD1 in glioma tissues of different grades, and to investigate the correlation between the expression of FOXD1 and the prognosis of glioma patients. Methods: The tumor tissues were collected from 40 glioma patients, who received surgical treatment in the neurosurgery department of the First Hospital of China Medical University from September 2014 to February 2015; Seven non-tumor tissues obtained from patients underwent internal decompression for traumatic brain injury were used as controls. The FOXD1 expression in glioma and non-tumor brain tissues was analyzed by qRT-PCR and IHC, and the correlations between clinical pathological features of glioma patients and FOXD1 expression level were analyzed. Furthermore, the Kaplan-Meier method was used to analyze the relationship between FOXD1 expression and survival time of patients. In addition, the expression of FOXD1 in glioma tissues and its relationship with patients’prognosis were confirmed by the data from GEO (GSE4290, GSE2223) and Rembrandt database. Results: qRT-PCR showed that the FOXD1 mRNA expression in glioma tissues of WHO grade IV was significantly higher than that of non-tumor brain tissues and glioma tissues of WHO grade II (P<0.01). German immunohistochemical score (GIS) was used to evaluate the immunohistochemical staining intensity, and the relationship between FOXD1 expression and clinical pathological features was analyzed. The results showed that FOXD1 in glioma tissues was related to WHO phathological grade level (χ2=11.73, P<0.01). There was statistically significant difference between the survival time of FOXD1 high expression group and FOXD1 low expression group (P=0.043). The data from GEO data base (GSE4290, GSE2223) and Rembrandt datasets showed that glioma tissues have a higher FOXD1 mRNA expression level than normal brain tissues, and the elevated expression of FOXD1 mRNA was negatively associated with the survival time of glioma patients. Conclusion: FOXD1 was highly expressed in glioma tissues, and the expression level of FOXD1 was increased as the pathological grade increases. The elevated expression of FOXD1 was related with the poor survival of glioma patients.

Pesqui. vet. bras ; 37(5): 531-535, maio 2017. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-895436


The massive agricultural expansion converted the Cerdocyon thous, a South American native predator, in vulnerable specie. Basic data, such as histological description, are important to raise awareness on animal species, helping on preservation strategies. Considering the difficult in obtain samples, as the euthanasia of wild animals for this purpose is not allowed, data on histology are very scarce or inexistent. The objective of this paper was to provide a detailed histological description of the trachea and bronchial tree of the crab-eating fox Cerdocyon thous (Linnaeus, 1766). The specimens (one adult male and one adult female) used were provided by the Federal University of Pelotas (Pelotas, RS, Brazil) Rehabilitation Center of Wild Fauna (NURFS). Tissue samples were fixed in 10% formalin and included in paraffin. After slicing, samples were stained with HE (hematoxylin and eosin), PAS (periodic acid-Schiff) and resorcin fuchsin. Trachea had an average diameter of 7.87mm, and approximately 57% of the mucosa ciliated pseudo-stratified columnar epithelium was composed of goblet cells, mostly in the dorsal region. Bronchia and bronchioles had a mucosal fold with higher number of goblet cells. Using all these techniques there is no great remarkable differences from C. thous trachea and lung, when compared with the previous described structures for carnivores and most mammals, except for the goblet cells "regionalization". Described results are important to understand the animal physiological and behavioral habits, allowing the development of preservation and protection strategies.(AU)

A expansão agrícola maciça tornou o Cerdocyon thous, um predador nativo sul-americano, vulnerável. Dados básicos, tais como descrição histológica, são importantes para aumentar o conhecimento sobre as espécies, ajudando nas estratégias de preservação. A eutanásia de animais selvagens para a coleta de amostras não é permitida, por isso os dados sobre a histologia são muito escassos ou inexistentes. O objetivo deste trabalho foi de fornecer uma descrição histológica detalhada da traqueia e árvore brônquica do cachorro do mato Cerdocyon thous (Linnaeus 1766). Os espécimes (um macho e uma fêmea adultos) utilizados foram fornecidos pela Universidade Federal de Pelotas (Pelotas, RS, Brasil), Centro de Reabilitação da Fauna (NURFS). As amostras de tecido foram fixadas em formalina a 10% e incluídas em parafina. Após o corte, as amostras foram coradas com HE (hematoxilina e eosina), PAS (ácido periódico de Schiff) e resorcina fucsina. A traqueia tinha um diâmetro médio de 7,87 milímetros e aproximadamente 57% do diâmetro do epitélio colunar pseudo-estratificado ciliado da mucosa composto por células caliciformes, principalmente na região dorsal do órgão. Os brônquios e bronquíolos apresentaram cararísticas similares aos outros animais, contudo aparenta ter maior número de células caliciformes. Usando distintas técnicas de coloração, observou-se que não há diferenças notáveis da traqueia e do pulmão de C. thous quando comparados com os dados para carnívoros e para a maioria dos mamíferos, exceto a regionalização de células caliciformes. Os resultados descritos são importantes para compreender a fisiologia dos animais e hábitos comportamentais, permitindo o desenvolvimento de estratégias de preservação e proteção.(AU)

Animais , Sistema Respiratório/anatomia & histologia , Traqueia/anatomia & histologia , Canidae/anatomia & histologia , Bronquíolos/anatomia & histologia , Animais Selvagens/anatomia & histologia
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-666579


Chondrocyte dysfunction has been demonstrated to be a major inducer of osteoarthritis(OA). The pathological mechanism of chondrocyte dysfunction is definitely multifactoral, but oxidative stressis regarded as one of the leading causes of apoptosis, autophagy, senescence, and mitochondrial dysfunctionin chondrocytes. Strategies for arresting oxidative stress- induced chondrocyte dysfunction have been considered as potential therapeutic targets for OA. Recently, fork head box O (FoxO) transcription factors have been determined to play a protective role in chondrocytes through the regulation of autophagy and defense against oxidative stress; they also regulate growth, maturation, and matrix synthesis. To explore FoxO' s potential role in the treatment of OA, we first discussed the recent advances in the field of oxidative stress- induced chondrocyte dysfunction and then emphasized the protective role of fox otranscription factors as a potential molecular target for the treatment of OA. Understanding the function of fox otranscription factors will be important in designing next- generation therapies to prevent or reverse the development of OA.

Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1467449


Abstract The flying fox (Pteropus giganteus) also familiar with the name of the greater Indian fruit Bat belongs to the order Chiroptera and family Pteropodidae. Current research emphasis on the DNA barcoding of P. giganteus in Azad Jammu Kashmir. Bat sequences were amplified and PCR products were sequenced and examined by bioinformatics software. Congeneric and conspecific, nucleotide composition and K2P nucleotide deviation, haplotype diversity and the number of haplotypes were estimated. The analysis showed that all of the five studied samples of P. giganteus had low G contents (G 19.8%) than C (27.8%), A (25.1%) and T (27.3%) contents. The calculated haplotype diversity was 0.60% and the mean intraspecific K2P distance was 0.001% having a high number of transitional substitutions. The study suggested that P. giganteus (R=0.00) do not deviate from the neutral evolution. It was determined from the conclusion that this mtDNA gene is a better marker for identification of Bat species than nuclear genes due to its distinctive characteristics and may serve as a landmark for the identification of interconnected species at the molecular level and in the determination of population genetics.

Resumo A raposa-voadora (Pteropus giganteus), também conhecida como morcego indiano, pertence à ordem dos Chiroptera e à família Pteropodidae. A presente pesquisa dá ênfase ao código de barras de DNA de P. giganteus em Azad Jammu e Caxemira. Sequências genéticas dos morcegos foram amplificadas, e os produtos de PCR foram sequenciados e examinados por software de bioinformática. De espécies congenérica e coespecífica, foram estimados composição nucleotídica e desvio de nucleotídeos K2P, diversidade de haplótipos e número de haplótipos. A análise mostrou que todas as cinco amostras estudadas de P. giganteus apresentaram baixos teores de G (19,8%) em comparação com C (27,8%), A (25,1%) e T (27,3%). A diversidade de haplótipos calculada foi de 0,60%, e a distância média intraespecífica de K2P foi de 0,001%, com um elevado número de substituições transicionais. O estudo sugeriu que P. giganteus (R = 0,00) não se desviou da evolução neutra. É possível concluir que o gene mtDNA é um marcador favorável para identificação de espécies de morcegos do que genes nucleares por causa de suas características distintivas e pode servir como um marco para a identificação de espécies interconectadas em nível molecular e para a determinação genética de populações.