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J. bras. psiquiatr ; 65(1): 17-21, jan.-mar. 2016. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-777344


ABSTRACT Objective The aim of this study is to validate the adult version of “Faux Pas Recognition Test” created by Stone and colleagues (1998) as a reliable instrument assess and discriminate social cognition among schizophrenia patients and healthy controls. Methods This is a cross-sectional study with a total of 196 participants (mean age = 26.45; CI (95%) [25.10; 27.83]) 51% male. From those, 44 (22.4%) patients with schizophrenia and 152 (77.6%) healthy controls. The participants answered a short version of the Faux Pas Recognition Test, composed by 10 stories. Results Significant differences were found between both groups regarding their scores on Faux Pas Recognition Test (p = 0.003). Patients with schizophrenia had lower score, compared to healthy controls. Story 14 was the best to distinguish both groups, and Story 16, the worst. Among the questions of Faux Pas stories, the one related to intuition presented the most significant difference between the groups (p = 0.001), followed by the one related to understanding (p = 0.003). Conclusion The Brazilian version of the Faux Pas Recognition Test is a valid test to assess social cognition in schizophrenia and can be an important instrument to be used on the clinical practice.

RESUMO Objetivo O objetivo deste estudo é validar a versão brasileira da versão adulta do Teste de Reconhecimento de Faux pas criado por Stone e colaboradores (1998) como um instrumento confiável para avaliar e discriminar a cognição social entre pessoas com esquizofrenia e controles saudáveis. Métodos Trata-se de um estudo transversal com um total de 196 participantes (idade média = 26,45; IC (95%) [25,10; 27,83]), sendo 51% homens; destes, 44 (22,4%) eram pessoas com esquizofrenia e 152 (77,6%), controles saudáveis. Os participantes responderam a uma versão reduzida do Teste de Reconhecimento de Faux Pas, contendo 10 histórias. Resultados Foram encontradas diferenças significativas entre grupos no Teste de Reconhecimento de Faux Pas (p = 0,003). Pessoas com esquizofrenia obtiveram menor pontuação comparadas com o grupo controle. A história 14 foi a mais eficiente para distinguir os grupos, ao passo que a história 16 foi a pior. Quanto às questões das histórias Faux Pas, aquela referente à intuição foi a que apresentou maior diferença entre grupos (p = 0,001) seguida por compreensão (p = 0,003). Conclusão A versão brasileira do Teste de Reconhecimento de Faux Pas é um instrumento válido para avaliar a cognição social em esquizofrenia e pode ser um instrumento importante a ser usado na prática clínica.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-469429


Objective To explore the cognitive function of the theory of mind(TOM) in early-onset schizophrenia from faux pas recognition and belief understanding dimensions.Methods 41 early-onset schizophrenias (EOS) and 40 normal adolescents were interviewed by the Chinese version of faux pas recognition task and theory of mind picture-sequencing task(ToM-PST),then early-onset schizophrenias cognitive features were analyzed.Results ①In faux pas recognition task,compared with healthy subjects,EOS showed significantly less total scores (16.11±6.34 vs 20.86±7.79,P<0.05)and subscores of understanding faux pas questions (9.88±4.11 vs 13.27± 6.07,P<0.05).In faux pas recognition scores(6.72±2.60vs 7.58±2.20) and control questions(9.83±0.44vs 9.97± 0.16) had no statistically significant difference (P>0.05).②In ToM-PST task,early-onset schizophrenic patients also had significantly less total score(17.29±3.38 vs 21.48± 1.73,P<0.01),subscores of understanding first order belief,first order error belief,second order belief,second order error belief,third order error belief,sense of reality,reciprocity,fraud,detecting fraud compared to normal controls had significant difference (all P< 0.05 or 0.01).③ The correlation between clinical course time and PANSS score and its subscores of the theory of mind picture-sequencing and faux pas task was non-significant(P>0.05)except the subscores of understanding the first order belief (P<0.01).Conclusion The theory of mind is apparent damage in early onset schizophrenia and non-significant correlation is found with psychiatric symptoms.