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Rev. obstet. ginecol. Venezuela ; 84(2): 204-211, jun. 2024. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1568547


El secuestro broncopulmonar es una malformación del aparato respiratorio que consiste en tejido bronquial y pulmonar no funcionante, separado del árbol tráqueo-bronquial y alimentado por un vaso sanguíneo proveniente de la circulación sistémica. La incidencia es de 1 por cada 5000 nacimientos, comprende entre 0,15 % y 6,45 % de las patologías pulmonares. El pronóstico es, generalmente, favorable, reportándose regresión espontánea de la lesión en 50 % a 75 % de los pacientes. Puede ocasionar efecto de masa, comprimiendo el corazón y el pulmón hasta generar cambios hemodinámicos y falla cardíaca. Hay múltiples procedimientos para el tratamiento y manejo, principalmente en casos de gran tamaño y fetos hidrópicos, para mejorar el pronóstico perinatal. Se presentan los dos primeros casos de secuestro broncopulmonar tratados en Venezuela mediante fotocoagulación láser del vaso nutricio y su evolución perinatal, con sobrevida del 100 % y sin ninguna complicación registrada en el periodo perinatal(AU)

Bronchopulmonary sequestration is a malformation of the respiratory system consisting of non-functioning bronchial and pulmonary tissue, separated from the tracheo-bronchial tree and fed by a blood vessel from the systemic circulation. The incidence is 1 in 5000 births, ranging from 0.15% to 6.45% of pulmonary pathologies. The prognosis is generally favorable, with spontaneous regression of the lesion reported in 50% to 75% of patients. It can cause mass effect, compressing the heart and lung to the point of generating hemodynamic changes and heart failure. There are multiple procedures for treatment and management, mainly in large cases and hydropic fetuses, to improve perinatal prognosis. We present the first two cases of bronchopulmonary sequestration treated in Venezuela by laser photocoagulation of the nutrient vessel and their perinatal evolution, with 100% survival and without any complications recorded in the perinatal period(AU)

Humanos , Feminino , Gravidez , Adulto , Ultrassom , Sequestro Broncopulmonar , Fotocoagulação a Laser , Perinatologia , Sistema Respiratório
São Paulo med. j ; 142(5): e2023159, 2024. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1565908


ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: Concerns regarding high open surgery-related maternal morbidity have led to improvements in minimally invasive fetal surgeries. OBJECTIVE: To analyze the perinatal and maternal outcomes of minimally invasive fetal surgery performed in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. DESIGN AND SETTING: Retrospective cohort study conducted in two tertiary reference centers. METHODS: This retrospective descriptive study was conducted using medical records from 2011 to 2019. The outcomes included maternal and pregnancy complications, neonatal morbidity, and mortality from the intrauterine period to hospital discharge. RESULTS: Fifty mothers and 70 fetuses were included in this study. The pathologies included twin-twin transfusion syndrome, congenital diaphragmatic hernia, myelomeningocele, lower urinary tract obstruction, pleural effusion, congenital upper airway obstruction syndrome, and amniotic band syndrome. Regarding maternal complications, 8% had anesthetic complications, 12% had infectious complications, and 6% required blood transfusions. The mean gestational age at surgery was 25 weeks, the mean gestational age at delivery was 33 weeks, 83% of fetuses undergoing surgery were born alive, and 69% were discharged from the neonatal intensive care unit. CONCLUSION: Despite the small sample size, we demonstrated that minimally invasive fetal surgeries are safe for pregnant women. Perinatal mortality and prematurity rates in this study were comparable to those previously. Prematurity remains the most significant problem associated with fetal surgery.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-221350


Fetal surgery, an integral part of fetal therapy has undergone evolution since is conception, which was possible due to continuous refinements in surgical as well as anesthetic techniques The fetal surgery can be done in various stages of the gestation for corrective treatment. Time tested criteria have been laid down for patient selection which help improve the outcome of the whole exercise. The anesthesia concerns and considerations are unique as are the ethical issues involved in this treatment modality involving two patients with contrasting physiological needs. This article reviews salient aspects of fetal physiology in detail. Anesthesia for the fetal interventions is curated as per the invasive nature of surgical interventions. The type of fetal interventions are classified as minimally invasive procedures, Open mid gestation procedures and Ex-utero intrapartum treatment (EXIT) procedures. Preoperative evaluation is dictated by extent of gestation, and invasiveness of the surgical procedure apart from medical status of mother and fetus. This review also tries to enumerate number of clinically useful pharmacological agents in fetal anesthesia including essential tocolytic agents, in addition to management of common fetal complications with a separate section on fetal bradycardia

Ginecol. obstet. Méx ; 91(3): 166-174, ene. 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1448329


Resumen OBJETIVO: Determinar la prevalencia de afecciones susceptibles de ser tratadas mediante un procedimiento intrauterino en una unidad de Medicina Materno Fetal de un hospital de tercer nivel del Occidente de México, en un periodo de nueve años. MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS: Estudio transversal y descriptivo, con revisión de los reportes de ultrasonidos obstétricos practicados en la Unidad de Medicina Materno Fetal del Hospital Civil de Guadalajara Dr. Juan I. Menchaca del 2013 al 2021, con selección de los casos de pacientes con diagnóstico de alguna afectación susceptible de ser intervenida de manera intrauterina. RESULTADOS: Durante el periodo de estudio se practicaron y registraron 103,721 ultrasonidos obstétricos, de éstos se integraron al estudio aquí publicado 257 pacientes con diagnóstico de alguna afectación susceptible de ser intervenida in útero. La prevalencia de afectaciones con posibilidad de ser intervenidas por vía intrauterina fue del 0.47% de la totalidad de pacientes valoradas. La media de edad de las pacientes fue de 24.6 años; 162 (63%) multigestas y 95 (37%) primigestas. Embarazos únicos 193 (75%) y 64 (25%) múltiples. Las semanas promedio de gestación al diagnóstico de la afectación fueron 25.6. CONCLUSIONES: En este ensayo se estimó una prevalencia de 0.47 padecimientos que pueden ser intervenidos in útero, dejando de lado muchas otros en los que los estudios no han demostrado beneficio de una cirugía fetal, ni los beneficios superan los riesgos, si se practica la cirugía de manera prenatal o posnatal.

Abstract OBJECTIVE: To determine the prevalence of conditions amenable to treatment by an intrauterine procedure in a Maternal-Fetal Medicine unit of a tertiary hospital in western Mexico over a nine-year period. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Cross-sectional and descriptive study, with review of obstetric ultrasound reports performed in the Maternal-Fetal Medicine Unit of the Civil Hospital of Guadalajara Dr. Juan I. Menchaca from 2013 to 2021, with selection of cases of patients diagnosed with any condition susceptible to intrauterine intervention. RESULTS: During the study period 103,721 obstetric ultrasounds were performed and recorded, of which 257 patients were included in the study published here with a diagnosis of a condition that could be treated in utero. The prevalence of conditions that could be treated in utero was 0.47% of all patients assessed. The mean age of the patients was 24.6 years; 162 (63%) were multigestational and 95 (37%) primigravid. Singleton pregnancies 193 (75%) and 64 (25%) multiple pregnancies. Mean weeks of gestation at diagnosis of involvement was 25.6. CONCLUSIONS: This trial estimated a prevalence of 0.47% of conditions that can be intervened in utero, leaving aside many others where studies have not demonstrated benefit of fetal surgery, nor do the benefits outweigh the risks, whether surgery is performed prenatally or postnatally.

Rev. bras. ginecol. obstet ; 44(3): 238-244, Mar. 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1387883


Abstract Objective To analyze the historical clinical outcomes of children with myelomeningocele (MMC) meeting the criteria for fetal surgery, but who underwent postnatal primary repair. Methods Data from children undergoing postnatal MMC repair between January 1995 and January 2015 were collected from the Neurosurgery Outpatient Clinic's medical records. Children were included if they had ≥1 year of postoperative follow-up andmet the criteria for fetal surgery. The children's data were then stratified according to whether they received a shunt or not. The primary outcome was mortality, and secondary outcomes were educational delays, hospitalization, recurrent urinary tract infections (UTIs), and renal failure. Results Over the 20-year period, 231 children with MMC were followed up. Based on clinical data recorded at the time of birth, 165 (71.4%) qualify of fetal surgery. Of the 165 patients, 136 (82.4%) underwent shunt placement. The mortality rate was 5.1% in the group with shunt and 0% in the group without, relative risk (RR) 3.28 (95% confidence interval, 95% CI, 0.19-55.9). The statistically significant RRs for adverse outcomes in the shunted group were 1.86 (95% CI, 1.01-3.44) for UTI, 30 (95% CI, 1.01-537) for renal failure, and 1.77 (95% CI, 1.09-2.87) for hospitalizations. Conclusion Children with MMC qualifying for fetal surgery who underwent shunt placement were more likely to have recurrent UTIs, develop renal failure, and be hospitalized. Since approximately half of the shunt procedures could be avoided by fetal surgery, there is a clinical benefit and a possible financial benefit to the implementation of this technology in our setting.

Resumo Objetivo Analisar os resultados clínicos históricos de crianças commielomeningocele (MMC) com critérios para cirurgia fetal,mas que foram submetidas a cirurgia pós-natal. Métodos Dados de crianças submetidas à correção deMMCpós-natal entre janeiro de 1995 e janeiro de 2015 foram coletados nos prontuários do Ambulatório de Neurocirurgia. Foram incluídas crianças se tivessem ≥ 1 ano de acompanhamento pósoperatório e atendessem os critérios para cirurgia fetal. As informações dessas crianças foram então estratificadas de acordo com se receberam ou não derivação do líquido cefalorraquidiano. O desfecho primário foi a mortalidade e os desfechos secundários foram atrasos educacionais, hospitalização, infecções recorrentes do trato urinário einsuficiência renal. Resultados Durante o período de 20 anos, 231 crianças com MMC foram acompanhadas. Com base nos dados clínicos registrados no momento do nascimento, 165 (71,4%) atendiam critérios para a cirurgia fetal. Dos 165 pacientes, 136 (82,4%) foram submetidos à colocação de derivação do líquido cefalorraquidiano. A taxa de mortalidade foi de 5,1% no grupo com derivação do líquido cefalorraquidiano e 0% no grupo sem risco relativo (RR) 3,28 (intervalo de confiança 95%, IC 95%, 0,19-55,9). Os RRs estatisticamente significativos para resultados adversos no grupo com derivação do líquido cefalorraquidiano foram 1,86 (IC 95%, 1,01-3,44) para infecção do trato urinário, 30 (IC 95%, 1,01-537) para insuficiência renal e 1,77 (IC 95%, 1,09-2,87) para hospitalizações. Conclusão Crianças com MMC com critérios para cirurgia fetal submetidas à colocação de derivação do líquido cefalorraquidiano eram mais propensas a ter infecções recorrentes do trato urinário, desenvolver insuficiência renal e serem hospitalizadas. Como aproximadamente metade dos procedimentos de derivação poderiam ser evitados por cirurgia fetal, há um benefício clínico e um possível benefício financeiro com a implementação dessa tecnologia em nosso meio.

Humanos , Pré-Escolar , Derivações do Líquido Cefalorraquidiano , Disrafismo Espinal , Meningomielocele , Feto/cirurgia
Rev. chil. anest ; 50(5): 720-723, 2021. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1533043


This is the case of a 26 year old patient, at week 27 of gestational age and with a prenatal diagnosis of myelomeningocele. It was decided to enter the clinic to perform the first correction of the spina bifida defect in Ecuador, with the support of a multidisciplinary team of national and foreign professionals. This procedure was carried out within international parameters and standards for the management of this pathology, with the equipment, supplies and trained personnel to carry this surgery to a successful outcome, both for the fetus and its mother. It is demonstrated that our country has the capacity of both human resources and equipment to solve highly complex pathologies.

Se trata del caso de una paciente de 26 años, en la semana 27 de edad gestacional y con un diagnóstico prenatal de mielome- ningocele. Se decide ingresar a la clínica para realizar la primera corrección de defecto de espina bífida del Ecuador, con apoyo de un equipo multidisciplinario de profesionales nacionales y extranjeros. Este procedimiento se llevó a cabo dentro de parámetros y estándares internacionales de manejo de esta patología, contando con los equipos, insumos y el personal capacitado para llevar esta cirugía a un desenlace exitoso, tanto para el feto como su madre. Queda demostrado que en nuestro país se cuenta con la capacidad tanto de recursos humanos y equipos para resolver patologías de gran complejidad.

Humanos , Feminino , Gravidez , Adulto , Meningomielocele/cirurgia , Feto/cirurgia , Anestesia Geral , Monitorização Intraoperatória , Disrafismo Espinal/cirurgia , Hidratação
An. Fac. Cienc. Méd. (Asunción) ; 52(3): 17-24, 20191201.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1026611


Describimos un caso de teratoma sacro-coxígeo gigante diagnosticado a las 21 semanas de gestación. Debido a los signos de robo vascular y de insuficiencia cardíaca fetal a las 24 semanas de gestación, se planteó la esclerosis del vaso nutricio por medio de laser Diodo. El procedimiento se realizó mediante punción percutánea guiada por ecografía en tres oportunidades, a las 25 semanas, a las 27 y a las 30 semanas. No hubo efecto secundario inmediato post tratamiento. La desvascularización fue parcial, debido a la híper-vascularización periférica de la masa. Los signos de insuficiencia cardíaca fetal se normalizaron después de 1 semana con disminución de crecimiento del tumor. El parto se realizó por cesárea a las 34 semanas, por rotura prematura de membranas y trabajo de parto avanzado en presentación pelviana. Tras 6 horas posteriores a su nacimiento se realizó cirugía de exceresis tumoral por técnica convencional, donde se extirpó por completo el teratoma sacrocoxígeo con un peso total de 630 gramos, material que se envió a anatomía patológica, cuyo diagnóstico final fue teratoma inmaduro grado III. Conclusión: La cirugía mínimamente invasiva con esclerosis del vaso nutricio parece mejorar el resultado perinatal en casos de teratoma sacro-coxígeo (TSC) fetal de alto riesgo. La identificación y el tratamiento temprano nos pueden dar resultado exitoso

We describe a case of giant sacrococcygeal teratoma (SCT) diagnosed at 21 weeks of gestation. Due to the signs of vascular steal and fetal heart failure at 24 weeks of gestation, sclerosis of the nutrient vessel was proposed by a laser diode. The procedure was performed by percutaneous puncture guided by ultrasound on three occasions, at 25 weeks, at 27 and at 30 weeks. There was no immediate side effect after treatment. The devascularization was partial, due to the peripheral hypervascularization of the mass. Signs of fetal heart failure normalized after 1 week with decreased tumor growth. Delivery was performed by cesarean at 34 weeks, due to premature rupture of the membranes and advanced labor in pelvic presentation. Six hours after birth, tumor excision was performed using a conventional technique, in which SCT with a total weight of 630 grs was completely removed, material that was sent to the pathological anatomy. Final diagnosis was immature teratoma grade III. Conclusions: Minimally invasive surgery with sclerosis of the nutrient vessel seems to improve the perinatal outcome in cases of high-risk fetal SCT. Identification and early treatment can give us a successful outcome

Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1508953


The first fetal procedures considered as surgical interventions were performed by Liley in 1961, and consisted in whole blood transfusions to fetuses with anemia due to Rh isoimmunization. In 1974, the first diagnostic fetoscopy was performed at the University of Yale, USA. In a historic milestone in 1981, Harrison performed the first drainage in a case of fetal megacystis caused by urethral valve at the University of California. Using ultrasound guidance, he placed a catheter from the bladder to the amniotic cavity. Thus, he is recognized as the "father of fetal surgery". In 1982, fetal surgery specialists from five countries led by Harrison published the first rules governing this new field of medicine. Later, European collaborative groups reviewed the applications of fetal surgery, and ethical and safety standards to be prioritized in centers offering these techniques. In 2011, American academic and ethics institutions reaffirmed the acclaimed principles, which high quality new centers in fetal surgery should be based on. In 2015, rules for technological innovation and research in this field were established, highlighting the need to create ethics committees. In 2017, experts convened by American academic organizations issued opinion on the global context of fetal surgery, ethical implications, infrastructure and technology deployment, collaborative research, and comprehensive team training. They emphasized the need to create specialized committees in these centers. According to current reports, the development of fetal surgery in Latin America is intermediate. The first cases of prenatal surgery have been published in Peru.

Los primeros procedimientos fetales considerados quirúrgicos fueron realizados en 1961, por Liley, al transfundir sangre a fetos con anemia por isoinmunización Rh. En 1974, se realizó la primera fetoscopia diagnóstica, en la Universidad de Yale, EE. UU. Un hito histórico sucede en 1981, cuando Harrison en la Universidad de California realizó por primera vez drenaje en un caso de mega vejiga causado por valva uretral; colocó, bajo control ecográfico, un catéter desde la vejiga a la cavidad amniótica. Por este hecho, se le reconoce como el 'padre de la cirugía fetal'. En 1982, se reunieron especialistas de 5 países, vinculados a la cirugía fetal, y liderados por Harrison publicaron las primeras normas a regir en este campo nuevo de la medicina. Posteriormente, grupos colaborativos europeos revisaron las aplicaciones de esta cirugía, así como las normas éticas y de seguridad que debían ser prioritarias en estas técnicas. En el 2011, instituciones académicas y de ética de los EE. UU. reafirmaron los principios, ya reconocidos, en los que debían basarse los nuevos centros de alta calidad en cirugía fetal. En 2015, se establecieron las reglas para la innovación tecnológica y la investigación en este campo, remarcando la necesidad de crear los comités de ética. En el 2017, los especialistas involucrados, nuevamente convocados por organizaciones académicas de los EE. UU., emitieron opinión sobre el contexto global de esta cirugía, las obligaciones éticas, de infraestructura, implementación tecnológica, investigación conjunta y capacitación integral del equipo; remarcaron la necesidad de crear los comités de supervisión en estos centros. En América Latina, el desarrollo de la cirugía fetal se encuentra en una etapa intermedia, de acuerdo a los reportes actuales. En el Perú, se ha publicado artículos sobre los primeros casos de cirugía prenatal.

Rev. chil. anest ; 48(4): 324-330, 2019. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1452404


Fetal surgery is a field that has experienced great progress in recent decades. Advances in prenatal imaging techniques have allowed treatment of in-utero fetal pathologies during the prenatal period, so that it is currently possible to intervene in the natural history of certain alterations in the development of the fetus, avoiding sequelae in the newborn and in its subsequent development in extrauterine life. The perioperative management of fetal surgery requires a multidisciplinary team, constituting a challenge for the anesthesiologist to maintain the homeostasis of the mother and the fetus. The understanding of the maternal-fetal physiology together with an adequate management of the anesthetic techniques constitute the cornerstone for the success of the surgery.

La cirugía fetal es un campo que ha experimentado gran progreso en las últimas décadas. El avance en las técnicas de diagnóstico prenatal por imágenes ha permitido tratamiento de patologías fetales in utero durante el período prenatal, de modo que actualmente es posible modificar la historia natural de determinadas alteraciones en el desarrollo del feto evitando secuelas en el recién nacido y en su posterior desarrollo en la vida extrauterina. El manejo perioperatorio de la cirugía fetal precisa de un equipo multidisciplinario, constituyendo un desafío para el anestesiólogo mantener la homeostasis de la madre y el feto. El entendimiento de la fisiología materno-fetal junto con un adecuado manejo de las técnicas anestésicas constituyen un factor fundamental para el éxito de la cirugía.

Humanos , Feminino , Gravidez , Doenças Fetais/cirurgia , Feto/cirurgia , Cuidados Pré-Operatórios , Anestesia Obstétrica/métodos
Ginecol. obstet. Méx ; 87(2): 116-124, ene. 2019. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1154281


Resumen ANTECEDENTES: El secuestro broncopulmonar suele diagnosticarse antes del nacimiento como una masa sólida intratorácica, homogénea e hiperecogénica, casi siempre localizada en el lóbulo inferior pulmonar. Su signo patognomónico es la demostración con Doppler color de la arteria nutricia sistémica dentro de la masa pulmonar. La historia natural de la enfermedad ha demostrado que durante la vida fetal en la mayoría de los casos la masa puede tener regresión espontánea. Una proporción importante de casos tiene rápido crecimiento de la masa con hidrotórax, compresión pulmonar e hidrops. Estos casos son de mal pronóstico y elevada mortalidad perinatal y, en estas circunstancias, la cirugía fetal es la única opción que puede mejorar el pronóstico. Para este propósito se han intentado varias técnicas de cirugía fetal pero la ideal sigue siendo un tema de controversia. OBJETIVO: Describir los métodos diagnósticos, factores pronóstico y discutir las repercusiones perinatales de cada una de las diferentes técnicas de cirugía fetal descritas en la bibliografía para el tratamiento de fetos complicados con secuestro broncopulmonar. METODOLOGÍA: La búsqueda se efectuó en Medline y PubMed de todos los artículos en inglés y español publicados entre 1990 y 2019 que tuvieran las palabras clave "bronchopulmonary sequestration", "secuestro broncopulmonar", "fetal surgery" y "cirugía fetal". Se eligieron los que describían casos de secuestro broncopulmonar tratados con alguna técnica de cirugía fetal. RESULTADOS: Se encontraron 150 artículos pero solo se seleccionaron 29 estudios que describían casos con diagnóstico prenatal de secuestro broncopulmonar tratados con alguna técnica de cirugía fetal. Para tratar el secuestro broncopulmonar grave se describieron varias técnicas de intervención fetal, entre ellas: cirugía fetal abierta, colocación de catéter de derivación toraco-amniótica, oclusión del vaso nutricio sistémico mediante guía ecográfica con láser, radiofrecuencia, embolización o escleroterapia con inyección de alcohol intravascular e, incluso, broncoscopia fetal. CONCLUSIONES: Al parecer la coagulación láser del vaso nutricio es la técnica con mejores resultados perinatales que evita la muerte fetal, la morbilidad pulmonar y la necesidad de cirugía posnatal en prácticamente todos los casos tratados; se propone como el único tratamiento potencialmente curativo.

Abstract BACKGROUND: The bronchopulmonary sequestration (BPS) is usually diagnosed prenatally as an intrathoracic hyperechoic, homogeneous, solid mass usually located in the lower pulmonary lobe. The pathognomonic sign is the demonstration of its systemic feeding artery into the lung mass by using color Doppler ultrasound. Natural history data reports that a significant proportion of BPS cases usually regress in the intrauterine period. However, a proportion of cases showed a rapid and progressive growth with development of massive pleural effusion and hydrops. Such cases present the poorest prognosis and high perinatal mortality and therefore, fetal intervention should be considered to improve prognosis. Different fetal surgery procedures have been attempted for such purposes. However, the optimal fetal therapeutica strategy remains controversial. OBJECTIVE: In the present manuscript, we describe and discuss the perinatal outcome of the different published fetal interventions in fetuses complicated with BPS. METHODOLOGY: We search in the English and Spanish literature (Medline and PubMed) for cases complicated with BPS and treated with any fetal surgical intervention including the key words "broncopulmonary sequestration" and "fetal surgery" from 1990 to 2019. RESULTS: A total of 150 references were reviewed including only 26 studies describing pregnancies with prenatal diagnosis of bronchopulmonary sequestration that were treated with any fetal surgical intervention. Several fetal surgery procedures have been attempted for the management of complicated fetuses with severe BPS. These include open fetal surgery, placement of thoracoamniotic shunts, and occlusion of the feeding blood vessel by ultrasound-guided intrafetal laser coagulation, radiofrequency ablation, coil embolization, sclerotherapy with intravascular alcohol injection and fetal bronchoscopy. CONCLUSIONS: Laser coagulation of the feeding artery appears to be the best intervention, avoiding fetal death, neonatal pulmonary morbidity and the need for postnatal surgery in virtually all cases postulating itself as the only potential curative management.

Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1508917


Brasilia is the capital of Brazil. There are currently two public hospitals in the city that are able to perform fetal surgery: Hospital Materno-Infantil de Brasília (HMIB) and Hospital Universitário de Brasília (HUB). In this paper, we present the data from HUB. Ten patients underwent invasive procedures during pregnancy in the last five years. There was one intrauterine transfusion (cordocentesis) and zero laser ablation for monochorionic diamniotic pregnancy or fetal endotracheal occlusion for diaphragmatic hernia. The paucity of cases is mainly due to a failure in the diagnosis and a delay in the reference to tertiary centers.

Brasilia es la capital de Brasil. Existen en la actualidad dos hospitales públicos en la ciudad que tienen la posibilidad de realizar cirugía fetal: el Hospital Materno-Infantil de Brasília (HMIB) y el Hospital Universitário de Brasília (HUB). En el presente artículo presentamos la información del HUB. En los últimos cinco años, diez pacientes fueron sometidos a procedimientos invasivos durante la gestación. Hubo una transfusión intrauterina (cordocentesis) y ninguna ablación láser por embarazo diamniótico monocoriónico u oclusión endotraqueal del feto por hernia diafragmática. La escasez de casos se debe principalmente a la falla en los diagnósticos y la demora en la referencia a los centros terciarios.

Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1508919


Fetal surgery is an alternative to improve patient outcomes for diseases such as twin to twin transfusion syndrome, myelomeningocele and many others. This review highlights an issue unknown in our country, even when these procedures have been successfully performed in our setting. The application of ultrasound has allowed the correct, timely identification of patients potentially treatable with those techniques. We reviewed the available evidence supporting the benefits of those procedures on both the fetuses and their mothers. We conclude that fetal surgery represents a multidisciplinary specialty that requires the participation of the obstetrician, neonatologist and anesthesiologist, among many other specialists.

La cirugía fetal es una alternativa para mejorar los resultados del paciente para enfermedades como el síndrome de transfusión feto-feto y el mielomeningocele, entre muchas otras. Esta revisión pretende dar a conocer un tema que en nuestro país era desconocido, a pesar de que estos procedimientos ya se han empezado a realizar con éxito en nuestro medio. La aplicación del ultrasonido ha permitido la identificación prenatal oportuna y adecuada del paciente potencialmente tratable mediante estas técnicas. Se revisó la evidencia existente de los beneficios que estas terapias aportan tanto al feto como a la madre. Se concluye que la cirugía fetal es una especialidad multidisciplinaria donde participan el perinatólogo, el obstetra, el neonatólogo, el anestesiólogo, entre otros especialistas.

Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1508922


Sacrococcygeal teratoma is the most common neonatal tumor. In a large number of cases, fetuses are born at term and the teratoma can be resected without complications. However, in another group, prematurity, hydrops and cardiac failure do not allow pregnancy interruption without consequences for the fetus. Here is where fetal surgery has a place. We conducted a search of the literature related to sacrococcygeal teratoma and case reports where surgery was performed, including those with details on the patient's preparation, surgery, and the postoperative period. The average gestational age of presentation in ultrasound is 23 weeks. There is more literature on open surgery, and the main indication is hydrops or imminent cardiac failure. The reported cases with minimally invasive therapy are the least, with controversial results. Sacrococcygeal teratoma in the newborn is an entity with very good prognosis depending on the case, time of diagnosis, type of tumor, and malignancy potential. However, those of prenatal diagnosis are at high risk of complications and death. There are several reports of open surgery and EXIT procedure (special delivery technique where the sacrococcygeal teratoma is exposed through a limited incision in the uterus) with good surgical results but with high maternal and fetal comorbidity. Therefore, minimally invasive techniques have emerged to reduce the potential risks of open surgery; nevertheless, there are contradictory results.

El teratoma sacrococcígeo es el tumor neonatal más común. En un gran número de los casos los fetos llegan al término y pueden ser resecados sin complicaciones. Sin embargo, en otro grupo de pacientes, su prematuridad, el hidrops y la falla cardiaca no permiten interrumpir el embarazo sin consecuencias para el feto. Aquí es donde la cirugía fetal tiene cabida. Se realizó una búsqueda de la literatura relacionada al teratoma sacrococcígeo y reportes de casos donde se practicó cirugía. Se incluyeron también aquellos en donde se detallaba la preparación de la paciente, el transoperatorio y postoperatorio. La edad gestacional de la presentación usualmente fue durante la ecografía estructural, con una media de las 23 semanas. Se encuentra más literatura acerca de cirugías abiertas y la principal indicación es el hidrops y/o la falla cardiaca inminente. Los casos reportados realizados con mínima invasión son los menos, con resultados controversiales. El teratoma sacrococcígeo en el recién nacido es una entidad con muy buen pronóstico dependiendo del caso, tiempo del diagnóstico, tipo del tumor y potencial de malignidad del mismo. Sin embargo, el diagnosticado prenatalmente, cursa con alto riesgo de complicaciones y muerte. Hay varios casos reportados de cirugía abierta y procedimiento EXIT (técnica especial en la que el tumor es expuesto a través de una pequeña incisión) con buenos resultados quirúrgicos, pero con alta comorbilidad materna y fetal. Por ende, han surgido técnicas mínimamente invasivas para disminuir los riesgos potenciales de la cirugía abierta; a pesar de esto hay resultados contradictorios.

Rev. argent. neurocir ; 32(2): 58-70, jun. 2018. ilus, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1223419


Objetivo: Describir la técnica quirúrgica, evolución obstétrica y resultados perinatales de una cohorte de pacientes sometidas a cirugía intrauterina para reparación de una disrafia fetal abierta (DFA). Métodos: Análisis prospectivo de 21 casos consecutivos de DFA con diagnóstico y tratamiento quirúrgico prenatal en nuestra institución entre 2015 y 2017. La técnica de la cirugía fetal (QF) fue similar a la descripta en el estudio MOMS, excepto que se utilizó histerotomía con asa bipolar. Los cuidados postoperatorios, nacimiento y cuidados neonatales se realizaron en la misma institución. Se analizaron complicaciones perioperatorias de la QF, la evolución obstétrica y los resultados perinatales. Resultados: La QF se realizó a una edad gestacional media de 25.8 semanas (24.1-27.6). La edad gestacional media al nacer fue 34.2 semanas (29.2-37.1). El tiempo quirúrgico medio fue 138 min (101-187) con tendencia descendente y el tiempo de internación medio, 7.1 días (4-32). El 52% (11/21) de las pacientes experimentó rotura prematura de membranas (RPM). Ninguna paciente requirió transfusiones postcesárea. No hubo casos de desprendimiento placentario, rotura uterina ni muertes maternas. La cicatrización de la histerorafia fue normal en 95% de las pacientes. La sobrevida perinatal fue del 95% (20/21, una muerte intrauterina secundaria a banda amniótica). La necesidad de cierre cutáneo postnatal (CCP) fue del 5%. Ninguno de los casos (20) reparados con tejidos fetales requirió CCP. El 70% (14/20) de los pacientes no requirió ningún tratamiento para hidrocefalia. Cuatro pacientes (20%) requirieron una derivación ventriculoperitoneal (DVP) y dos más fueron sometidos adicionalmente, a una tercer ventriculostomía endoscópica (ETV) (10%). El nivel funcional motor neonatal (NFN) fue mejor que el nivel anatómico prenatal (NAP) en 45% (9/20), igual en 50% (10/20) y peor en 5% (1/20). Conclusiones: El presente estudio confirma que la cirugía fetal de disrafias abiertas se asocia a un mayor riesgo de parto prematuro y rotura prematura de membranas, pero reduce significativamente la necesidad de tratamiento postnatal de hidrocefalia y mejora la función motora a corto plazo. Nuestros resultados son similares a los publicados en el ensayo aleatorizado MOMS.

Objective: To describe the surgical technique, obstetrical evolution and perinatal outcomes of a cohort of fetuses undergoing intrauterine surgery to repair open spina bifida (OSB). Methods: We performed a prospective analysis of 21 consecutive fetuses with OSB at our institution between 2015 and 2017. The surgical technique was similar to that described in the MOMS trial, except that the hysterotomy was performed using a bipolar dissector. Post-operative maternal and infant care both were provided at the same institution. There were no losses to follow-up. Surgical and obstetrical complications and perinatal outcomes were analyzed. Results: Fetal surgery was performed at a mean gestation of 25.8 weeks (24.1-27.6). The mean gestational age at birth was 34.2 weeks (29.2-37.1). The mean surgical time was 138 min (101-187), the duration of surgery trending downward over time; while the average admission length was 7.1 days (4-32). Fifty two percent (11/21) of the patients experienced pre-term premature rupture of membranes (pPROM). No patient required any post-cesarean transfusions. There were no instances of placental abruption, uterine rupture, or maternal death. Uterine scar healing was normal in 95% of the patients. All but one of the 21 fetuses (95%) survived, the one fetal death due to an amniotic band. The need for postnatal skin closure (PSC) was 5%, with one of 20 repaired prenatally with a synthetic skin patch. No case (19) repaired with fetal tissues required PSC. Seventy percent (14/20) of the infants required no further treatment for hydrocephalus over their first year of life; four patients (20%) required a ventriculoperitoneal shunt (VPS), while two others underwent an endoscopic third ventriculostomy (ETV) (10%). Neonatal motor function (NMF) was better than the prenatal anatomical level (PAL) in 45% (9/20), equal in 50% (10/20), and worse in 5% (1/20). Conclusions: Our data confirm that fetal surgery for OSB is associated with an increased risk of preterm delivery and PROM, but significantly reduces the need for postnatal treatment of hydrocephalus and improves short-term motor outcomes. Our results are similar to those published for the randomized MOMS trial.

Humanos , Meningomielocele , Cirurgia Geral , Idade Gestacional , Feto
Rev. peru. ginecol. obstet. (En línea) ; 64(1): 91-97, ene.-mar. 2018. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1014452


Se reporta una serie de 3 casos con diagnóstico prenatal de malformación adenomatoide quística pulmonar variedad macroquística sometida a terapia intraútero con derivación tóraco-amniótica. Se muestra que esta intervención intrauterina altamente especializada puede ser realizada con éxito en nuestro país. Los tres casos sobrevivieron. Se presenta una revisión corta de esta patología y se propone un flujograma de manejo.

We report a series of three cases with prenatal diagnosis of congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation of the lung, macrocystic type, treated in utero with thoraco-amniotic shunting. This highly specialized intervention is feasible in our local setting. The three cases survived. A mini-review of this condition is presented and an algorithm of prenatal management is proposed.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-699955


Development and current problems of fetal surgery were introduced. Application and research frontiers of new minimally-invasive techniques were elaborated from the aspects of intraoperative imaging diagnosis and navigation, new-type minimally-invasive instrument,energy therapy and robot technique for diagnosis and treatment.Current bottlenecks and future outlooks of new minimally-invasive techniques in fetal surgery were analyzed. Great clinical potential of new minimally-invasive techniques in fetal surgery was stated.It's pointed out that how to integrate diagnosis and therapy and apply them to real clinical treatment would be the focus of future research.

Rev. peru. ginecol. obstet. (En línea) ; 63(4): 627-633, oct.-dic. 2017. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-991588


Se presenta el caso de una primigesta de 22 semanas de edad gestacional referida a nuestro servicio con el diagnóstico prenatal de espina bífida abierta. Se coordinó un equipo multidisciplinario nacional e internacional en el lapso de tres semanas para llevar a cabo la primera cirugía intrauterina de corrección de espina bífida. La operación se realizó a las 25 semanas y el parto por cesárea se produjo a las 37 semanas, obteniéndose buenos resultados a corto plazo. Demostramos que esta cirugía, altamente especializada y que involucra un gran equipo multidisciplinario, se puede realizar exitosamente en nuestro país.

We report the first successful case of fetal surgery for spina bifida repair in Peru. A pregnant woman was referred to our center at 23 weeks' gestation because of prenatal diagnosis of spina bifida. We formed a multidisciplinary international team with the goal of performing the first open intrauterine surgery in Peru. We performed a successful intrauterine surgery at 25 weeks of gestation and a healthy infant was born by cesarean section at 37 weeks of gestation. We demonstrated the feasibility of this complex intrauterine surgery in our local setting.

Rev. bras. anestesiol ; 67(4): 331-336, July-aug. 2017.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-897731


Abstract Background and objectives: The temporary fetal tracheal occlusion performed by fetoscopy accelerates lung development and reduces neonatal mortality. The aim of this paper is to present an anesthetic experience in pregnant women, whose fetuses have diaphragmatic hernia, undergoing fetoscopic tracheal occlusion (FETO). Method: Retrospective, descriptive study, approved by the Institutional Ethics Committee. Data were obtained from medical and anesthetic records. Results: FETO was performed in 28 pregnant women. Demographic characteristics: age 29.8 ± 6.5; weight 68.64 ± 12.26; ASA I and II. Obstetric: IG 26.1 ± 1.10 weeks (in FETO); 32.86 ± 1.58 (reversal of occlusion); 34.96 ± 2.78 (delivery). Delivery: cesarean section, vaginal delivery. Fetal data: Weight (g) in the occlusion and delivery times, respectively (1045.82 ± 222.2 and 2294 ± 553); RPC in FETO and reversal of occlusion: 0.7 ± 0.15 and 1.32 ± 0.34, respectively. Preoperative maternal anesthesia included ranitidine and metoclopramide, nifedipine (VO) and indomethacin (rectal). Preanesthetic medication with midazolam IV. Anesthetic techniques: combination of 0.5% hyperbaric bupivacaine (5-10 mg) and sufentanil; continuous epidural predominantly with 0.5% bupivacaine associated with sufentanil, fentanyl, or morphine; general. In 8 cases, there was need to complement via catheter, with 5 submitted to PC and 3 to BC. Thirteen patients required intraoperative sedation; ephedrine was used in 15 patients. Fetal anesthesia: fentanyl 10-20 and pancuronium 0.1-0.2 (IM). Neonatal survival rate was 60.7%. Conclusion: FETO is a minimally invasive technique for severe congenital diaphragmatic hernia repair. Combined blockade associated with sedation and fetal anesthesia proved safe and effective for tracheal occlusion.

Resumo Justificativa e objetivos: A oclusão traqueal fetal temporária feita por meio da fetoscopia acelera o desenvolvimento pulmonar e reduz a mortalidade neonatal. O objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar experiência anestésica em gestantes cujos fetos eram portadores de hérnia diafragmática e foram submetidos à oclusão traqueal por fetoscopia (FETO). Método: Estudo retrospectivo, descritivo, aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética da Instituição. Os dados foram obtidos das fichas anestésicas e dos prontuários. Resultados: A FETO foi feita em 28 gestantes. Características demográficos: idade 29,8 ± 6,5; peso 68,64 ± 12,26; ASA I e II. Obstétricas: IG 26,1 ± 1,10 semana (na FETO); 32,86 ± 1,58 (desoclusão); 34,96 ± 2,78 (parto). Via de parto: cesárea, parto vaginal. Dados fetais: peso (g) nos momentos da oclusão e nascimento, respectivamente (1.045,82 ± 222,2 e 2294 ± 553); RPC na FETO e desoclusão: 0,7 ± 0,15 e 1,32 ± 0,34, respectivamente. Anestesia materna: pré-operatório incluiu ranitidina e metoclopramida; nifedipina (VO) e indometacina (retal). Medicação pré-anestésica com midazolam EV. Técnicas anestésicas: bloqueio combinado com bupivacaína 0,5% hiperbárica 5-10 mg associada ao sufentanil; peridural contínua predominantemente com bupivacaína 0,5% associada a sufentanil, fentanil ou morfina; geral. Em oito casos houve necessidade de complementação pelo cateter, cinco nas submetidas a PC e três a BC. No intraoperatório 13 pacientes necessitaram de sedação; efedrina foi usada em 15 pacientes. Anestesia fetal: fentanil 10 a 20 e pancurônio 0,1-0,2 (IM). A taxa de sobrevida neonatal foi de 60,7%. Conclusão: A FETO constitui técnica minimamente invasiva para correção de hérnia diafragmática congênita grave. O bloqueio combinado associado à sedação e anestesia fetal se mostrou seguro e eficaz para a oclusão traqueal.

Humanos , Feminino , Gravidez , Adolescente , Adulto , Adulto Jovem , Fetoscopia , Hérnias Diafragmáticas Congênitas/cirurgia , Anestesia Obstétrica , Traqueia , Índice de Gravidade de Doença , Estudos Retrospectivos
Rev. peru. ginecol. obstet. (En línea) ; 63(2): 247-252, abr.-jun. 2017. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-991561


Twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS) is thought to result from an unbalanced exchange of blood through inter-twin vascular anastomoses. Laser photocoagulation of communicating vessels has been used to prevent the development of the syndrome. Some authors have proposed that vessels crossing the membrane are "suspicious" to participate in the development of the syndrome and the laser photocoagulation of these vessels would reverse the syndrome. We present two cases of TTTS where the communicating vessels did not cross the dividing membrane, which were successfully treated with laser.

El síndrome de transfusión intergemelar (STIG) resulta de un intercambio desbalanceado de sangre a través de anastomosis vasculares entre las circulaciones de ambos fetos en embarazos monocoriales. La fotocoagulación láser de vasos comunicantes se ha utilizado para detener el desarrollo del síndrome. Algunos autores han propuesto que los vasos que cruzan la membrana divisoria son 'sospechosos' de participar en el desarrollo del síndrome y que la fotocoagulación láser de estos es capaz de revertirlo. Presentamos dos casos de STIG tratados exitosamente con fotocoagulación láser de anastomosis intergemelares, en los cuales los vasos comunicantes no cruzaban la membrana divisoria.

Rev. peru. ginecol. obstet. (En línea) ; 62(4): 439-442, oct. 2016. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-991525


El teratoma sacrococcígeo es una enfermedad rara en el feto, pero con alta mortalidad perinatal debido al secuestro de flujo sanguíneo y consiguiente desarrollo de anemia fetal severa. Presentamos el caso de una gestante de 27 semanas referida a nuestro servicio para manejo prenatal de un feto con teratoma sacrococcígeo gigante, que desarrolló anemia fetal severa y fue sometido a una transfusión intrauterina intravascular, la cual pudo prolongar el embarazo y mejorar los resultados perinatales.

Sacrococcygeal teratoma is a rare fetal disease but with high perinatal mortality due to sequestration of blood flow and consequent development of severe fetal anemia. We present the case of a 27 weeks pregnant woman referred to our service for prenatal management of a fetus with giant sacrococcygeal teratoma and severe anemia and who was subjected to intrauterine intravascular transfusion that could permit prolongation of the pregnancy and improve perinatal results.