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Pesqui. vet. bras ; 40(12): 955-962, Dec. 2020. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1155039


The present study aimed to evaluate and diagnose pathologies of the reproductive system of slaughtered sheep in slaughterhouses in the state of Bahia since there are few data on the subject as well as it is important to note the diagnosis of these diseases to apply appropriate control and prophylaxis measures. The research was carried out in slaughterhouses in the state of Bahia according to the "Serviço de Inspeção Federal" and "Serviço de Inspeção Estadual" for sheep slaughter. From July 2018 to February 2019, visits and monitoring of 1,072 slaughtered sheep were carried out. The animals came from 22 municipalities in the state of Bahia, aged from six to 18 months. During slaughter, the sheep reproductive systems were sectioned for evisceration and lesion collection. Additionally, epidemiological surveys related to origin, age, and race were obtained. For bacteriological examination, collections were performed with sterile scalpel slides and swabs in Stuart medium sterile tubes and refrigerated in a thermal box. For histopathological analysis, fragments were fixed in 10% formaldehyde and routinely processed for histology, stained with Hematoxylin and Eosin (HE). A study of the sheep's main pathological changes in slaughterhouses in the state of Bahia was carried out, in which 1.072 genital systems were evaluated, and 211 alterations were identified. The most affected reproductive organs were the ovaries (65.3%), followed by the uterus (29.4%) and uterine tubes (5.3%). In the ovaries, the most frequent lesion was a follicular cyst (34.1%); in the fallopian tubes, the cysts represented 3.3% of the lesions, and in the womb, endometritis was observed in 9% of the animals. Other pathologies identified in the ovaries were: luteinized cyst (2.3%); cystic granulosa cell tumor (0.5%); benign lesion (0.5%); agenesis unilateral (0.5%), in addition to other changes of little clinical significance, such as corpus luteum cysts (11.8%) and paraovarian cysts (15.6%). In the fallopian tubes, hydrosalpinx was observed (1%), as well as adenoma (0.5%), agenesis (0.5%), and cysts (3.3%). Uterine lesions included hydrometra (2.3%); Cystic Endometrial Hyperplasia (CEH), abscess, and pyometra (1.4% each); adenomyosis, womb sera petechiae, and total segmental aplasia (1% each); two pregnant uterus, in early pregnancy, presented pyometra (0.9%), however, no change was observed in the fetuses; and uterine polyp (0.5%). Ectopic pregnancy with fetal maceration (0.5%) was observed; vaginitis occurred in 0.5% of the animals, and endometrial melanosis in 8.5%. The high incidence of follicular cysts and endometritis are characterized as diseases that reduce the reproductive efficiency in herds, causing infertility and economic losses in production.(AU)

O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar e diagnosticar alterações do sistema reprodutor de ovelhas abatidas em abatedouros frigoríficos no estado da Bahia. A pesquisa foi realizada em abatedouros frigoríficos do estado da Bahia com Serviços de Inspeção Federal e Estadual no abate de ovinos. No período de julho de 2018 a fevereiro de 2019 foram realizadas visitas e acompanhamento do abate de 1.072 ovelhas. Os animais eram provenientes de 22 municípios do estado da Bahia, com idade entre 6 a 18 meses. Durante o abate, na evisceração foram seccionados os sistemas reprodutores das ovelhas para avaliação e coleta das lesões. Adicionalmente foram obtidos inquéritos epidemiológicos relacionados à procedência, idade e raça. Para o exame bacteriológico, as coletas foram realizadas com lâminas de bisturi estéreis e swabs em tubos estéreis com meio Stuart e refrigeradas em caixa térmica. Para análise histopatológica, os fragmentos foram fixados em formol a 10% e processados de forma rotineira para histologia e corados pela hematoxilina e eosina (HE). Entre 1.072 sistemas genitais avaliados, identificou-se 211 alterações. Os órgãos do sistema reprodutor mais acometidos foram os ovários (65,3%), útero (29,4%) e tubas uterinas (5,3%). Nos ovários, a lesão mais frequente foi o cisto folicular (34,1%); no útero a endometrite (9%) e nas tubas uterinas, os cistos representaram (3,3%). Outras lesões identificadas nos ovários foram: cisto luteinizado (2,3%); tumor de células da granulosa (0,5%); adenoma (0,5%); agenesia unilateral (0,5%), além de outras alterações de pouco significado clínico, como cistos paraovarianos (15,6%) e corpo lúteo cístico (11,8%). Nas tubas uterinas observou-se, além dos cistos tubo-ovarianos (3,3%), hidrossalpinge (1%), adenoma (0,5%) e agenesia (0,5%). As lesões uterinas foram endometrite (9%), hidrometra (2,3%); hiperplasia endometrial cística, abscesso e piometra (1,4% cada); adenomiose, petéquias na serosa do útero e aplasia segmentar (1% cada); dois úteros gravídicos, em início de gestação, apresentaram piometra (0,9%), porém os fetos não apresentaram alterações; e pólipo uterino (0,5%). Observou-se uma gestação ectópica com maceração fetal (0,5%); a vaginite ocorreu em 0,5%, e melanose endometrial em 8,5%. Destaca-se a elevada incidência de cistos foliculares e endometrite que são doenças que reduzem a eficiência reprodutiva dos rebanhos, provocando infertilidade e perdas econômicas na produção.(AU)

Animais , Ovinos/anatomia & histologia , Endometrite/patologia , Genitália Feminina/fisiopatologia , Genitália Feminina/lesões , Inquéritos e Questionários , Matadouros
Rev. argent. dermatol ; 98(3): 0-0, set. 2017. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-897382


Los quistes foliculares pigmentados son quistes epiteliales muy infrecuentes. Se describen como lesiones papulares pigmentadas, de carácter benigno, que generalmente se ubican en la cabeza o cuello. Surgen de manera única, siendo la variante múltiple aún menos frecuente. A continuación, se presenta el caso de un hombre joven, con antecedentes de VIH en terapia antiretroviral, quien consultó por la presencia de múltiples lesiones perianales, asintomáticas, de larga data, cuyo resultado histológico resultó compatible con: quistes pigmentados foliculares múltiples.

Pigmented follicular cysts are a very rare epithelial cysts. They are described as a benign papular lesion, that is usually located in the head or neck. They arise as unique, being the multiple variant even less frequent. We present the case of a young man with a history of HIV in antiretroviral therapy, who consulted for the presence of multiple, long-term asymptomatic perianal lesions whose histological result was: compatible with multiple follicular pigmented cysts.

Rev. habanera cienc. méd ; 16(4): 604-611, jul.-ago. 2017. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-901753


Introducción: El quiste dentígero o folicular es un quiste odontogénico desarrollado frecuentemente en relación con la corona de dientes no erupcionados, con mayor porcentaje de incidencia en terceros molares inferiores. Su gran potencial de crecimiento conduce a asimetrías, parestesia, desplazamiento dentario y hasta transformación neoplásica. Por este motivo, la actitud terapéutica ante el mismo reviste singular importancia. Objetivo: Mostrar el tratamiento por enucleación, en un solo tiempo quirúrgico, con evolución favorable, de un quiste dentígero mandibular de grandes proporciones y con elevado riesgo de fractura mandibular. Presentación del caso: Paciente masculino de 45 años, que acude al Servicio de Cirugía Maxilofacial por aumento de volumen en la región mandibular izquierda; en radiografía panorámica presentaba área radiolúcida unilocular de gran tamaño, que comprometía cuerpo mandibular desde el 33 hasta alcanzar 2/3 de la rama ascendente, asociada a tercer molar retenido desplazado hacia el borde inferior mandibular. Existía además reabsorción de las raíces del 34 y 35. El paciente fue tratado en un solo tiempo quirúrgico con extracciones de dientes afectados, bloqueo intermaxilar previa colocación de férulas Gunning y enucleación del quiste por abordaje cervical, conjuntamente con exéresis del diente asociado. El diagnóstico histopatológico arrojó quiste dentígero. El paciente no sufrió complicaciones y tuvo evolución favorable. Conclusiones: Los quistes dentígeros de no ser diagnosticados a tiempo, pueden ocasionar serias alteraciones. La enucleación en un mismo tiempo quirúrgico, resulta de elección como tratamiento para garantizar la no recurrencia, siempre que se adopten todas las medidas que eviten complicaciones trans y postquirúrgicas(AU)

Introduction: The dentigerous or follicular cyst is an odontogenic cyst that frequently develops in relation to a not erupted tooth crown, with a greater percentage of incidence in the lower third molars. Its great potential growth leads to asymmetries, paresthesia, dental displacement, and even neoplastic transformation. For this reason, the therapeutic behavior with regard to this problem is of great importance. Objective: To show the treatment by enucleation of a mandibular dentigerous cyst of great proportions and elevated risk of mandibular fracture, followed in a single surgical time with a favorable evolution. Case presentation: 45 years old male patient that came to Service of Maxillofacial Surgery presenting an increase in the volume of the left mandibular zone; the panoramic radiography showed an unilocular radiolucent area of a great size, which compromised the mandibular body from tooth 33 up to reaching 2/3 of the ascending branch, associated to a retained third molar displaced to the lower mandibular edge. There was reabsorption of the roots of the 34 and 35 teeth, too. The patient was treated in a single surgical time with removals of the affected teeth, intermaxillary blocking with previous placement of Gunning splints, cyst enucleation by cervical approach, and exerecis of the associated tooth. The histopathological diagnosis showed a dentigerous cyst. The patient presented no complications, and had a favorable evolution. Conclusions: The dentigerous cysts can cause serious alterations when they are not diagnosed on time. The enucleation in a single surgical time is considered an election treatment to guarantee non-recurrence, whether all measures are taken to avoid trans and post-surgical complications(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Cisto Dentígero/cirurgia , Cisto Dentígero/patologia