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Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-221166


Anita Desai is one of the best-known contemporary women writers of Indian fiction in English. She has gained distinction in exploring the human psyche and the emotional feelings of her protagonists. She has added a new dimension and marvelous favour to the contemporary Indian English fiction and has a significant place due to her innovative thematic concerns and deals in her fiction with feminine sensibility. She examines the deep psyche of her characters, especially women characters. Anita Desai is a keen observer of the society and the position of the women in the contemporary society draws her special attention. This article explores feminism ideology in the selected works of Anita Desai.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-956212


Objective:To explore the chain mediating effect of relatedness need-frustration and self-control between family function and fear of missing out (FoMO) in college students.Methods:A sample of 409 college students from five universities in Guangdong province was surveyed with family assessment device (FAD), relatedness need-satisfaction and frustration scale, self-control scale (SCS), and fear of missing out scale.Common method bias test, Pearson correlation analysis and Hierarchical regression analysis were conducted to analyze the data using SPSS 26.0 software, and PROCESS V3.5 macro program was used to test the mediating effect.Results:(1) The total scores of family function, relatedness need-frustration, self-control and FoMO were(166.01±16.08), (9.39±2.51), (37.88±6.27)and(56.38±6.59), respectively. (2) Family function was negatively correlated with relatedness need-frustration ( r =-0.43, P<0.01), positively correlated with self-control( r =0.43, P<0.01), and negatively correlated with FoMO ( r =-0.39, P<0.01). Relatedness need-frustration was negatively correlated with self-control ( r =-0.37, P<0.01), and positively correlated with FoMO( r =0.38, P<0.01). Self-control was negatively correlated with FoMO( r =-0.42, P<0.01). (3)The direct effect of family function on FoMO was -0.17(95% CI =-0.27--0.07). Family function affected FoMO through three paths. The separate mediation effect of relatedness need-frustration was -0.09(95% CI =-0.14--0.05), the separate mediation effect of self-control was -0.09(95% CI =-0.14--0.05), and the chain mediation effect of relatedness need-frustration and self-control was -0.03(95% CI =-0.04--0.01). Conclusion:Family function not only directly affects FoMO, but also indirectly affects FoMO through relatedness need-frustration and self-control.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-931947


Objective:To explore the influence mechanism of frustration situation and attribution style on adolescents' implicit and explicit aggression under the framework of general aggression model.Methods:Using the multi-dimensional attribution scale, thirty adolescents with internal attribution and thirty with external attribution tendencies were selected as research objects.A mixed experimental design of 2(frustration vs no frustration) × 2(internal attribution vs external attribution)was adopted.And the frustration situation task, Buss-Perry aggressive questionnaire and single category implicit association test were used for the research.The experimental program of SC-IAT was rendered with E-prime 1.0.SPSS 17.0 software was used for descriptive statistics, double facter variance analysis, simple effect analysis and post-test. Results:The effects of frustration situation on individuals' explicit and implicit aggression were statistically significant ( F(1, 58)=6.78, P<0.05, η2 = 0.11 and F(1, 58)= 17.59, P<0.01, η2 = 0.23). The explicit aggression (83.43±15.05) and implicit aggression (-0.06±0.35) in the situation of frustration were higher than those in the condition of no frustration (80.54±12.40) and implicit aggression (-0.33±0.49). The effects of frustration situation on explicit and implicit aggression of subjects with different attribution styles were statistically significant ( F(1, 58)=4.90, P<0.05, η2 = 0.08 and F(1, 58)= 8.68, P<0.01, η2 =0.13). The frustration situation had a great influence on explicit aggression of the subjects with internal attribution ( D<0) (frustration: (82.90±12.98), no frustration: (77.56±10.16), while significant influence was observed on the implicit aggression of the subjects with external attribution ( D>0) (frustration: (0.07±0.35), no frustration: (-0.40±0.45)). Conclusion:Frustration situation influences explicit and implicit aggression of adolescents, and attribution style plays a moderating role in it.Both explicit aggression and implicit aggression can be explained by the general aggression model.

aSEPHallus ; 16(32): 78-97, maio2021-out.2021.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1342527


Resumo: A psicanálise sustenta a falta como estrutural e essencial ao processo de subjetivação e à constituição do laço social. Tal postulação está presente ao longo de toda obra de Freud, bem como na de Lacan, o qual avança postulando três modalidades da falta: privação, frustração e castração. Da fundação da psicanálise aos dias atuais, porém, os contextos sociais se modificaram e autores de diversos campos da ciência vêm apontando um movimento dos sujeitos de rechaço à falta e nomeando-os como narcisistas. Tais autores, porém, talvez pela falta de um conhecimento rigoroso da teoria psicanalítica, não se aprofundam no esclarecimento de que registro da falta tratam e como de fato isso tem efeitos no campo da subjetivação. É, portanto, a esta investigação que nos dedicaremos neste artigo através de uma revisão bibliográfica de autores clássicos e contemporâneos da psicanálise. Veremos que o sujeito contemporâneo desmente a privação e, com isso, não avança consistentemente ao campo da castração, recuando e fixando-se na frustração, de modo que o narcisismo apontado por autores sociais se refere a um movimento defensivo de rejeição da condição subjetiva de falta-a-ser, a qual, porém, por estar inerentemente posta, gera efeitos de ressentimento

Le manque dans l'empire de la revendication: La psychanalyse soutient le manque comme structurel et essentiel au processus de subjectivation et à la constitution du lien social. Une telle postulation est présente tout au long de l'œuvre de Freud, ainsi que chez Lacan, qui avance en postulant trois modalités du manque : la privation, la frustration et la castration. Depuis la fondation de la psychanalyse jusqu'à nos jours, cependant, les contextes sociaux ont changé et les auteurs de différents domaines de la science ont résulté d'un mouvement de rejet du manque et de les nommer narcissiques. De tels auteurs, cependant, peut-être en raison du manque de connaissances rigoureuses de la théorie psychanalytique, n'entrent pas en profondeur dans la clarification de quel dossier de manque ils traitent et comment il a réellement des effets dans le domaine de la subjectivation. C'est donc à cette enquête que nous nous consacrerons dans cet article à travers une revue bibliographique des auteurs classiques et contemporains de la psychanalyse. Nous verrons que le sujet contemporain nie la privation et, par conséquent, n'avance pas systématiquement sur le terrain de la castration, reculant et se fixant sur la frustration, de sorte que le narcissisme pointé par les auteurs sociaux renvoie à un mouvement défensif de rejet de la condition de manque. -à-être, qui, cependant, parce qu'il est intrinsèquement fixé, génère des effets de ressentiment.

The lack in the claim's empire: Psychoanalysis supports the lack as structural and essential to the process of subjectivation and the constitution of the social bond. Such postulation is present throughout Freud's work, as well as in Lacan's, who advances postulating three modalities of lack: deprivation, frustration and castration. From the foundation of psychoanalysis to the present day, however, social contexts have changed and authors from different fields of science have resulted from a movement of rejecting the lack and naming them as narcissists. Such authors, however, perhaps due to the lack of a rigorous knowledge of psychoanalytic theory, do not go deep into clarifying what record of lack they deal with and how it actually has effects in the field of subjectivation. It is, therefore, to this investigation that we will dedicate ourselves in this article through a bibliographical review of classic and contemporary authors of psychoanalysis. We will see that the contemporary subject denies deprivation and, therefore, does not consistently advance to the field of castration, retreating and fixating on frustration, so that the narcissism pointed out by social authors refers to a defensive movement of rejection of the lack condition. -to-be, which, however, because it is inherently set, generates resentment effects.

Psicanálise , Teoria Psicanalítica , Frustração , Narcisismo
Av. psicol. latinoam ; 39(2): 1-13, may.-ago. 2021. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1367020


A Escala de Frustração e Desconforto (efd) avalia as crenças de intolerância à frustração. Este trabalho objeti-vou: adaptar esse instrumento para o contexto brasileiro; buscar evidências de validade de conteúdo, de estrutura interna e com base na relação com variáveis externas e, por fim, verificar a relação entre os níveis de intolerância à frustração com gênero e idade dos participantes. A amostra foi composta por 293 indivíduos, com idade média de 21.6 anos (dp= 3.57). Foram aplicados a efd, o Patient Health Questionnaire-4 (phq-4) e um questionário sociodemográfico. Os resultados da análise fatorial exploratória indicaram a pertinência de so-lução fatorial composta por duas dimensões. Quanto a consistência interna, foram verificados bons índices para ambos os fatores e para a escala. Observou-se associação positiva e estatisticamente significativa entre a efd e o phq-4, atestando a validade baseada na relação com variáveis externas. Não foram identificadas diferenças estatisticamente significativas nos níveis de intolerância à frustração em razão do gênero e idade. Baseado nes-ses achados, conclui-se que a versão adaptada da efdapresentou propriedades psicométricas satisfatórias, sendo adequada para investigação da intolerância à frustração, possibilitando que pesquisadores e profis-sionais investiguem como esse construto se manifesta na população brasileira e como ele se relaciona com variáveis associadas à saúde mental

La Escala de Frustración y Malestar (efm) evalúa las creencias de intolerancia a la frustración. Este trabajo tuvo como objetivo adaptar este instrumento al contexto brasileño; buscar evidencias de validez de contenido, de estructura interna, y en función de la relación con variables externas y, finalmente, verificar la relación entre los niveles de intolerancia a la frustración con el género y la edad de los participantes. La muestra estuvo formada por 293 individuos, con una edad promedio de 21.6 años (de = 3.57). Se aplicó el efm, el Patient Health Questionnaire-4 (phq-4) y un cuestionario sociodemográfico. Los resultados del análisis factorial exploratorio indicaron la relevancia de una solución factorial compuesta por dos dimensiones. En cuanto a la consistencia interna, se encontraron buenos índices para ambos factores y para la escala. Hubo asociación positiva y estadísticamente significativa entre el efmy el phq-4, lo que da fe de la validez en función de la relación con variables externas. No se identificaron diferencias estadísticamente significativas en los niveles de intolerancia a la frustración por género y edad. Con base en estos hallazgos, se concluye que la versión adaptada del efm tuvo propiedades psicométricas satisfactorias, apta para la investigación de la intolerancia a la frustración, permitiendo a investigadores y profesionales investigar cómo este constructo se manifiesta en la población brasileña y cómo se relaciona con las variables asociadas con la salud mental

The Frustration Discomfort Scale (fds) assesses beliefs about frustration intolerance. This study aimed at adap-ting this instrument to the Brazilian context, providing evidence for content validity of internal structure, and based on the relationship with external variables. In addition, we verified the relationship of the level of frustration intolerance with the gender and age of the participants. The sample consisted of 293 individuals, with an average age of 21.6 years(SD = 3.57). The fds, the Patient Health Questionnaire-4 (phq-4), and a so-ciodemographic questionnaire were applied. The explo-ratory factor analysis results indicated the best solution to be a structure with two dimensions. Good indexes of internal confidence were found for both factors and the whole scale. A positive and statistically significant association was observed between the fds and phG-4, which attests to the validity based on its relationship to external variables. No statistically significant differen-ces of frustration tolerance were identified for gender or age. Based on these findings, we conclude that the adapted version of the fds has satisfactory psychometric properties and is suitable for investigating intolerance to frustration, enabling researchers and professionals to investigate how this construct is manifested in the Brazilian population and how it relates to variables as-sociated with mental health

Humanos , Psicometria , Saúde Mental , Inquéritos e Questionários , Análise Fatorial , Adaptação a Desastres , Questionário de Saúde do Paciente , Frustração
Liberabit ; 27(1): e403, ene.-jun. 2021.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1356461


Resumen Antecedentes: la frustración se define como las respuestas del organismo que se desencadenan cuando existe una discrepancia negativa entre un incentivo esperado con el que realmente se recibe. Estas situaciones provocan respuestas conductuales, emocionales y neurofisiológicas análogas a las que ocurren con la presentación de estímulos aversivos o su anticipación. Existen investigaciones en bebés, pero pocos sobre sus asociaciones con diferencias individuales y ambientales y ninguno en población argentina. Objetivos: asociar la frustración, el temperamento y la vulnerabilidad social en una muestra de infantes. Metodología: se realizó un estudio asociativo-comparativo con una situación observacional estructurada donde se evaluaron a 22 bebés de 10 a 14 meses durante una tarea de frustración y su relación con el temperamento a través del Cuestionario de Conducta Infantil (IBQ-VSF) pertenecientes a dos extractos sociales evaluados con una ficha sociodemográfica. Resultados: se halló que a mayor extroversión, menor manipulación del objeto; y a mayor esfuerzo de control, menor fue la respuesta de morder, y viceversa. No se encontraron diferencias significativas en función del nivel socioeconómico. Conclusiones: se discutieron los resultados en función de la teoría de la frustración y las limitaciones del estudio, incluyendo recomendaciones para futuras investigaciones.

Abstract Background: Frustration is defined as the body's responses that are triggered when there is a negative discrepancy between an expected incentive and the one actually received. These situations elicit behavioral, emotional and neurophysiological responses analogous to those that occur with aversive stimuli or their anticipation. There is research on babies, but few on the associations with individual and environmental differences and none on the Argentine population. Objectives: To associate frustration, temperament and social vulnerability in a sample of infants. Method: A comparative associative study was carried out using a structured observation technique where frustration and its relationship with temperament were evaluated in 22 babies aged 10 to 14 months through the infant behavior questionnaire-revised very short form (IBQ-R VSF). The study population belonged to two social strata according to a sociodemographic record. Results: An inverse correlation was found between extroversion and manipulation of objects, and between effortful control and biting response. No significant differences were identified based on the socioeconomic level. Conclusions: The results were discussed taking into account the frustration theory, the study limitations and the recommendations for future research.

Subj. procesos cogn ; 23(2): 115-139, jul.-dic. 2019.
Artigo em Espanhol | BINACIS, UNISALUD, LILACS | ID: biblio-1117613


Las emociones son consideradas como mecanismos que se configuran a largo del tiempo para adaptarse a las demandas del medio ambiente, procurando de esta forma la supervivencia. Una de ellas es la frustración que se define como las respuestas del organismo que se desencadenan cuando existe una discrepancia negativa entre un incentivo esperado con el que realmente recibe. Estas situaciones provocan respuestas conductuales, emocionales y neurofisiológicas análogas a las que ocurren con la presentación de estímulos aversivos o su anticipación, tales como la ansiedad, el miedo, el estrés y el dolor nocioceptivo. El objetivo del presente artículo es: a) presentar los principales modelos teóricos de la emoción y frustración, su desarrollo y sus relaciones con factores individuales (temperamento) y ambientales (pobreza), y b) hacer un relevamiento de la bibliografía existente sobre los efectos de la frustración en bebés de hasta un año. Se encontró que el temperamento contribuye a los niveles de emoción y frustración expresados por los infantes. Son necesarios más trabajos para evaluar la influencia del ambiente y en un segundo momento, realizar intervenciones que puedan aumentar la tolerancias a la frustración(AU)

Emotions are considered as mechanisms that are configured over time for conflicts to the demands of the environment, thus seeking survival. Frustration is defined as an organism response that is triggered when there is a negative discrepancy between an expected incentive and the one that actually receives. These situations provoke behavioral, emotional and neurophysiological responses analogous to those that occur with the presentation of aversive stimuli or their anticipation, stories such as anxiety, fear, stress and nocioceptive pain. The objective of this article is: a) to present the main theoretical models of emotion and frustration, their development and their relationships with individual (temperament) and environmental (poverty) factors, and b) to survey the existing bibliography on the effects of frustration in babies up to one year old. Temperament and vulnerability were found to have the levels of emotion and frustration expressed by infants. However, it will be necessary to carry out more studies to decrease the contradictory results and generate, in a second moment, those that can increase the levels of this ability(AU)

Humanos , Lactente , Emoções , Meio Ambiente , Frustração
Rev. Subj. (Impr.) ; 19(3): 1-11, set.-dez. 2019. ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1092252


Em tempos de um capitalismo fluido e que se retroalimenta ideologicamente, em que a pretensa necessidade do consumo desenfreado de objetos de desejo aponta para a promessa da conquista de um gozo irrestrito, a herança do ensino e da clínica de Lacan, sustentada por seu retorno a Freud, reafirma-se como um poderoso instrumento de análise, crítica e desalienação social. A partir disso, o presente artigo pretende analisar criticamente, por meio da proposição lacaniana dos discursos e do laço social, a recente cultura do consumo e o papel planejado da frustração do gozo nas relações sociais e de mercado, além da influência desses elementos como produtores de subjetividade. O fenômeno do consumo excessivo se torna altamente relevante por tomar grandes proporções na constituição do sujeito da pós-modernidade, fazendo-se indispensável para uma análise das relações sociais, econômicas e culturais na contemporaneidade.

In times of fluid and ideologically feedback capitalism, where the alleged need for unbridled consumption of objects of desire points to the promise of unrestricted enjoyment, the inheritance of Lacan's teaching and clinic, sustained by his return to Freud, reaffirms itself as a powerful instrument of analysis, criticism, and social dislocation. From this, the present article intends to critically analyze, through the Lacanian proposition of discourses and social bonds, the recent culture of consumption and the planned role of the frustrating of enjoyment in social and market relations, besides the influence of these elements as producers of subjectivity. The phenomenon of excessive consumption becomes highly relevant because it takes great proportions in the constitution of the subject of post-modernity, making it indispensable for an analysis of contemporary social, economic and cultural relations.

En tiempos de capitalismo fluido y que se retroalimenta ideológicamente, en que la supuesta necesidad del consumo desenfrenado de objetos de deseo apunta para la promesa de la conquista de un gozo irrestricto, la herencia de la enseñanza y de la clínica de Lacan, sostenida por su retorno a Freud, se reafirma como un poderoso instrumento de análisis, crítica y desalienación social. A partir de eso, este trabajo pretende analizar críticamente, por medio de la proposición lacaniana de los discursos y del lazo social, la recién cultura del consumo y el papel planeado de la frustración del gozo en las relaciones sociales y de mercado, además del poder de estos elementos como productores de subjetividad. El fenómeno del consumo excesivo se pone altamente relevante por tomar grandes proporciones en la constitución del sujeto de la post-modernidad, siendo indispensable para un análisis de las relaciones sociales, económicas y culturales en la contemporaneidad.

En temps de capitalisme fluide et idéologique, où le besoin allégué d›une intense consommation d›objets de désir indique une jouissance sans restriction, l›héritage de l›enseignement et de la clinique de Lacan, soutenu par son retour au Freud, se réaffirme comme un puissant instrument d›analyse, de critique et de dislocation sociale. À partir de là, le présent article propose d'analyser de manière critique, à travers la proposition lacanienne de discours et de lien social, la récente culture de consommation et le rôle planifié de la frustration de jouissance dans les relations sociales et d›échange. On propose d›analyser aussi l'influence de ces éléments en tant que producteurs de subjectivité. Le phénomène de la consommation excessive devient très pertinent, car il prend de grandes proportions dans la constitution du sujet de la postmodernité. Cela le rende indispensable pour une analyse des relations sociales, économiques et culturelles contemporaines.

Capitalismo , Prazer , Frustração
Ter. psicol ; 37(3): 241-254, dic. 2019. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1059121


Resumen Las variables familiares y emocionales están relacionadas con el desarrollo y mantenimiento de distintos trastornos psicopatológicos. El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar la relación entre variables emocionales (regulación de emociones, optimismo y tolerancia a la frustración) y familiares (estilos parentales percibidos) con respuestas obsesivo-compulsivas. En cuanto al método, los participantes fueron 473 adolescentes (249 chicos y 224 chicas) con edades comprendidas entre los 12 y 18 años (M = 14.84, DT = 1.83) que cursaban estudios de Educación Secundaria y Bachillerato. En resultados, la variable optimismo alcanzó el mayor peso explicativo de obsesión-compulsión, seguida de la atención a los síntomas, revelación del padre y tolerancia a la frustración. Las puntuaciones en ansiedad y depresión presentaron un alto porcentaje de varianza explicada. Se concluye que el optimismo, la atención adecuada a los síntomas, la tolerancia a la frustración y las relaciones de confianza entre padres e hijos podrían ser factores protectores en la aparición de pensamientos obsesivo-compulsivos.

Abstract Family and emotional variables are related to the development and maintenance of different psychopathological disorders. The aim of this study was to analyze differences between emotional variables (emotion regulation, optimism and tolerance to frustration) and family variables (perceived educational styles) with obsessive-compulsive responses. Method: Participants were 473 adolescents (249 boys and 224 girls) aged between 12 and 18 years old (M = 14.84, SD = 1.83) who were studying Secondary Education. Results: The optimism variable reached the highest explanatory weight of obsession-compulsion, followed by attention to symptoms, sharing of feeling with father and tolerance to frustration. The scores in anxiety and depression showed a high percentage of variance explained. Conclusions: Optimism, adequate attention to symptoms, tolerance to frustration and relationships of trust between parents and children could be protective factors of obsessive-compulsive thoughts.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Criança , Adolescente , Ansiedade , Pais , Emoções , Regulação Emocional , Comportamento Obsessivo
Suma psicol ; 26(1): 19-27, ene.-jun. 2019. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1043418


Resumen La conducta agresiva constituye un problema que afecta a los individuos y a la so ciedad. El Modelo de Agresión General integra un conjunto de variables que influyen en la pro babilidad de exhibir una conducta agresiva entre las cuales está la regulación emocional y la frustración. Esta investigación evalúa las relaciones entre la regulación emocional cognitiva y la intolerancia a la frustración. A 419 sujetos adultos se les administraron la Escala de Intoleran cia a la Frustración, la Escala de Regulación Emocional Cognitiva y el Cuestionario de Agresión. Se hallaron relaciones positivas en la mayoría de las estrategias desadaptativas cognitivas de regulación emocional y relaciones negativas entre la mayoría de las estrategias cognitivas adap tativas de regulación emocional con la conducta agresiva, y relaciones positivas entre todas las dimensiones de la intolerancia a la frustración y la conducta agresiva. El Análisis de Regresión Múltiple muestra que las variables que producen un cambio significativo en la agresividad son la catastrofización y culpar a otros, así como la intolerancia a la frustración referida a derechos. Mediante path análisis se verificó que estas tres variables mencionadas permiten explicar un 41% de la variabilidad en la agresividad.

Abstract Aggressive behavior is a problem that affects individuals and society. The General Aggression Model integrates a set of variables that influence the probability of exhibiting aggressive behavior, among which is emotional regulation and frustration. This research assesses the relationships between cognitive emotional regulation and frustration intolerance. A total of 419 adult subjects were administered the Frustration Intolerance Scale, the Cognitive Emotional Regulation Scale and the Aggression Questionnaire. Positive relationships were found in most of the maladaptive cognitive emotional regulation strategies and negative re lationships between most of the adaptive cognitive emotional regulation strategies with the aggressive behavior, and positive relationships between all the dimensions of the frustration intolerance and the aggressive behavior. The Multiple Regression Analysis shows that the vari ables that produce a significant change in aggressiveness are catastrophization and blaming others, as well as the frustration intolerance referring to rights. By means of path analysis, it was verified that these three variables can explain 41% of the variability in aggressiveness.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-772081


OBJECTIVE@#To explore the direct relationship between personality (PN) and sub-health status (SHS) and their indirect association mediated by frustration quotient (FQ) and stress event (SE).@*METHODS@#A multiple-stage stratified sampling method was used to choose the participants, and a total of 4517 eligible urban residents were selected.ANCOVA was used to analyze the independent association between personality and SHS after adjusting the demographic characteristics and lifestyle.A structural equation model was used to analyze the associations among personality, FQ, SE and SHS.Bootstrap method was used to test the direct and indirect association between personality and SHS.@*RESULTS@#Personality was independently associated with total sub-health (=75.913, < 0.001), physical sub-health (=23.618, < 0.001), mental sub-health (=101.993, < 0.001) and social sub-health (=48.757, < 0.001).The urban residents with the personalities characterized by anger suppression, anxiety and irritability, and impatience and competitiveness had significantly lower health scores than those with a mature and steady personality ( < 0.05).Personality was associated with FQ and SE, and the indirect association between personality and physical sub-health was mainly mediated by FQ and SE (β=-0.110).Personality showed more a direct association (β=-0.172) with mental sub-health and a slightly less indirect association (β=-0.126) with mental sub-health.Personality showed a more indirect association (β=-0.113) with social SHS and slightly less direct association (β=-0.082) with social sub-health.@*CONCLUSIONS@#A mature and steady personality may help to promote the general health level, while the personalities of anger suppression, anxiety and irritability, impatience and competitiveness can be associated with the occurrence of sub-health.Building a mature and steady personality has positive effects on the health in general of an individual.

Adolescente , Humanos , Povo Asiático , Nível de Saúde , Estilo de Vida , Personalidade
Psicol. reflex. crit ; 32: 11, 2019. tab
Artigo em Inglês | INDEXPSI, LILACS | ID: biblio-1002879


Background: The study of intimate partner violence has historically focused on violence perpetrated on females by males, but recent research suggests that, at least in teenage couples, the difference between genders is decreasing or even reversing. The objective of this study is to analyze the personality characteristics of adolescents who are violent with their partners. The sample consisted of 430 subjects (229 girls and 201 boys), between 14 and 19 years (M =16.18, SD = 1.81), middle or high school students, which completed the Personality Assessment Inventory-Adolescents and the Conflict in Adolescent Dating Relationships Inventory. Results: The results show that girls have higher personality scores on the scales that show problems of internal behavior (depression and anxiety), while boys show higher scores on the scales of external behavior problems (antisocial behavior and drug use). Through a regression analysis, the results show predictive weights in the aggression traits (ß= .331, p < .001), antisocial characteristics (ß = .202, p < .001), and mania (ß = .185, p < .05), as the scores on the scale of violence perpetrated increase in girls. For boys, personality variables do not seem to have such a decisive weight to explain the violence committed, since only heat and alcohol problems represent 5.4% of the variance found. These differences between boys and girls should be analyzed in future studies and, if the findings are maintained, taken into account when developing programs to prevent gender-based violence in adolescents. Conclusions: The results of this study show how the personality characteristics have a differential weight in the explanation of the teen dating aggression according to the gender of the aggressors, with a greater relevance in the prediction of the aggressive behaviors committed by the girls.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adolescente , Adulto , Personalidade , Violência/psicologia , Corte/psicologia , Violência de Gênero
Chinese Journal of Surgery ; (12): 813-816, 2018.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-807609


There are many shortcomings in the existing strategy for the treatment of resectable pancreatic cancer by surgery combined with postoperative adjuvant chemotherapy.Neoadjuvant chemotherapy has the effects of clearing micrometastases, improving the margins, and assessing chemosensitivity of resectable pancreatic cancer.Currently, neoadjuvant chemotherapy is still mainly used for borderline resectable pancreatic cancer and unresectable pancreatic cancer.However, resectability assessment, patients selection, choice of chemotherapy regimens, assessment of chemotherapy response, chemotherapy cycles, and timing for surgery are still undetermined.At the same time, the mainstream regimens are highly toxic, expensive, and have a long course of treatment.It is still a small number of patients that can successfully pass the chemotherapy screening to undergo resection.It should be recognized that pancreatic cancer is still a chemotherapy-insensitive tumor.There are many unreasonable ways to use neoadjuvant chemotherapy in pancreatic cancer like chemotherapy-sensitive tumors.We need to explore more scientific, economical and applicable approaches for neoadjuvant chemotherapy on resectable pancreatic cancer.

Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-980302


El presente artículo enumera una serie de procesos psicológicos vinculados con la respuesta que se ocasiona en los individuos frente a una omisión o supresión de un refuerzo esperado. Se discute la relevancia y complejidad de dicho proceso a la luz de las posibles áreas de estudio que involucra la conducta de frustración en humanos.

The present article mentions a serie of psychological processes related to the response that occurs in individuals against an omission or suppression of an expected reinforcement. The relevance and complexity of this process are discussed in light of the possible areas that are involved in the frustration behavior in humans.

Humanos , Humanos , Frustração , Personalidade , Emoções
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-980331


En el Contraste Sucesivo Negativo consumatorio (CSNc) se evalúan las respuestas emocionales de frustración ante la devaluación de un refuerzo esperado. El contraste negativo se observa por una supresión abrupta y transitoria de la respuesta consumatoria del refuerzo devaluado. La Extinción consumatoria (Ec) consiste en exponer a los animales a la omisión de la recompensa esperada. Antecedentes: Las respuestas ante situaciones de contraste de incentivos podrían verse afectadas por la jaula hogar en la que son alojados los animales. Objetivo: Evaluar el efecto del tipo de alojamiento en el CSNc y Ec. Metodología: Se evaluaron ratas Wistar macho adultas en el CSNc y Ec, que diferían en su condición de alojamiento: jaulas de policarbonato o de acero inoxidable. Resultados: Se observó efecto de CSNc y Ec en ambas condiciones de alojamiento por igual. Conclusión: El CSNc y la Ec son fenómenos robustos, presentes en un amplio rango de condiciones experimentales.

Consummatory Successive Negative Contrast (cSNC) evaluates the frustration responses triggered by a devaluation of an expected reward. This phenomenon is observed as an abrupt and transitory suppression of the consummatory response after a reinforcement devaluation. Consummation Extinction (cE) consists in the exposition of the animals to an omission of an expected reward. Background: Responses to situations that involve incentive contrast could be affected by caging conditions of the animals. Objective: Evaluating the housing effect on cSNC and cE. Methodology: Adult male Wistar rats were evaluated in cSNC and cE, which differed in their housing condition: polycarbonate or stainless steel cages. Results: cSNC and cE were similar in spite of the housing condition. Conclusion: cSNC and cE are robust phenomena present in a wide range of experimental conditions

Ratos , Modelos Animais , Frustração , Ratos , Esquema de Reforço
Rev. Eugenio Espejo ; 10(2): 13-22, dic.-2016.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-980758


La ira se origina en la frustración de las expectativas y la decepción al no conseguir lo que se desea. Al respecto, se realizó una investigación de tipo correlacional, descriptiva; con el propósito de relacionar la tolerancia a la frustración con las distorsiones cognitivas en estudiantes que presentan problemas con el consumo de alcohol, matriculados en la unidad educativa "Pedro Vicente Maldonado", de la ciudad de Riobamba, durante el período febrero-julio de 2016. La población estuvo constituida por los 217 alumnos de segundo de bachillerato, de la cual se seleccionó una muestra compuesta por 44, a través de un muestreo intencional en base a criterios. Los datos fueron obtenidos mediante la aplicación de dos instrumentos internacionalmente validados. Los resultados obtenidos permitieron observar que el 77,27 % de los jóvenes evaluados se catalogaron con baja tolerancia a la frustración, así como que el que el 68,18 % presentó alguna distorsión cognitiva. Por lo que, los autores concluyeron que existió una correlación lineal directa y una determinación fuerte entre la variable de tolerancia a la frustración y la referida a las distorsiones cognitivas.

Anger originates in the frustration of expectations and disappointment at not getting what you want. In this regard, a correlational, descriptive research was carried out; With the purpose of relating frustration tolerance to cognitive distortions in students who present problems with alcohol consumption enrolled in the "Pedro Vicente Maldonado" educational unit in the city of Riobamba during the period of February to July 2016. The population consisted of the 217 students of second year of high school, from which a sample composed of 44 adolescents was selected, through an intentional sampling based on criteria. The data were obtained through the application of two internationally validated instruments. The results obtained showed that 77.27% of the evaluated young people were classified with low tolerance to frustration, and that 68.18% presented some cognitive distortion. Therefore, the authors concluded that there was a direct linear correlation and a strong determination between the frustration tolerance variable and that related to cognitive distortions.

Humanos , Adolescente , Permissividade , Disfunção Cognitiva , Consumo de Álcool por Menores
Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-186054


It was found by the social researcher after reading some of the journals magazines and textbooks that women or girls according to our ancient texts are considered equivalent to Gods. But the actual scenario is really pathetic as the industrialisation, modernisation, urbanisation There are again different opinions about the advantages and disadvantages of the joint families as well as the nuclear families and especially widows, and the problems faced by them involving economic, social, family, practical, sexual and residential problems (health). In addition, all these problems lead to psychological problems like anxiety, frustration, stress depression and others in the course of grief which they undergo or experience. It was also noticed that, the problems for where to live is a thorny one for many widowers, and in most cases, adjustment is one of their major problems. The study reveals that many of them who attained the status of widowhood are females. Majority of them are above 60 years of age. Many of them are staying with their families, and one third of them are in homes. Majority of them are suffering with the health problems, and at the same time, pressures of the family create adjustment problems which are leading to the deteriorating conditions of both the widows and widowers, psychosocial health conditions.

Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-948582


El presente escrito se desprende del proyecto de beca de culminación de doctorado que se propone identificar la relación entre la cultura organizacional de los Centros Socioeducativos de Régimen Cerrado y el desgaste profesional de sus miembros. Estas instituciones son Dispositivos Penales Juveniles que alojan a los jóvenes que han infringido la ley penal. En esta oportunidad se presenta la indagación de los orígenes de las mismas. Se propone la consideración teórica de los Centros como heterotopías de desviación (Foucault, 1967). Asimismo se exponen los resultados obtenidos hasta el momento respecto al sentimiento de frustración encontrado en los trabajadores que conforman estas instituciones y se articulan con la noción de desgaste mental producido por la insatisfacción en el trabajo (Dejours, 1992). Por último se señala la incidencia de los atravesamientos jurídico e institucional en ésta particular institución concebida como la respuesta estatal para los jóvenes que han cometido un delito.

This letter follows the draft grant doctoral culmination aims to identify the relationship between organizational culture Socioeducativos closed centers and professional wear of its members. These institutions are hosting Youth Criminal Devices young people who have broken the law. This time the investigation of the origins of these presents. the theoretical consideration of the Centers as heterotopias of deviation (Foucault, 1967) is proposed. The results obtained so far regarding the feeling of frustration found in workers who make up these institutions also exposed, articulate with the notion of mental exhaustion caused by dissatisfaction at work (Dejours, 1992). Finally the impact of legal and institutional atravesamientos in this particular state institution designed as a response to young people who have committed a crime noted.

Adolescente , Prisões , Cultura Organizacional , Adolescente , Frustração
Psicol. teor. pesqui ; 32(spe): e32ne224, 2016. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-842296


Resumo O objetivo deste artigo é apresentar o processo de construção e evidências iniciais de validade do Teste de Reação à Frustração Objetivo (TRFO). Construído a partir de uma versão projetiva da mesma medida, o instrumento consta de 31 situações pictóricas, consideradas frustrantes. Cada situação possui 11 possíveis respostas, que representam diferentes possibilidades de reação à frustração. Os itens foram construídos a partir da análise de respostas livres de 112 participantes. Essas respostas foram transformadas em frases que representam cada uma das 11 possíveis reações à frustração. Para análise de evidência de validade, baseado na estrutura interna, o TRFO foi aplicado em 1.766 participantes, de diferentes estados brasileiros. Todas as reações foram correlacionadas entre si, com variações de baixas a moderadas, corroborando os achados na literatura. Os dados sugerem que o TRFO é um instrumento promissor na avaliação de reações a frustração.

Abstract The aim of this article is to present the process of construction and initial validity evidence of the Brazilian Objective Test of Reaction to Frustation - TRFO. Constructed from a projective version, the instrument consists of 31 situations that pictorially portray different reactions to frustration. Each situation has 11 possible answers, which represent different possibilities of reactions to frustration. The items were constructed from the analysis of free responses of 112 participants. These responses were transformed into phrases that represent each of the 11 possible reactions to frustration. For the validity evidence analysis, based on the internal structure, the TRFO was applied to 1766 participants from different Brazilian states. All the reactions were co-related to each other with low to moderate variations, corroborating the findings in the literature. The data suggest that the TRFO is a promising instrument in the evaluation of reactions to frustration.

Enferm. univ ; 12(4): 188-196, oct.-dic. 2015. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BDENF | ID: lil-785655


Objetivo: Determinar el efecto de la labor tanatológica de enfermería a través de la relación interpersonal en el nivel de frustración de la persona con diabetes mellitus tipo 2. Métodos: Estudio de intervención con evaluación pre y post, realizada en Yucatán, México. Las variables fueron: Edad, género, escolaridad, ocupación, estado civil, tiempo con la enfermedad y nivel de frustración. El programa de intervención constó de 6 módulos, implementado durante 4 meses. Para la prueba de hipótesis del estudio se aplicó la estadística de Wilcoxon para muestras pareadas. Resultados: Se observó que el 87% de las personas obtuvo un nivel de frustración medio previo a la intervención de enfermería, y el 13% restante un nivel de frustración alto. Posterior a la intervención, se observó que el 69.6% obtuvo un nivel de frustración bajo, el 26.1% un nivel de frustración medio y solo el 4.3% un nivel alto. De acuerdo a la prueba de hipótesis, se observó un valor de p menor a 0.000, lo cual indicó que existe diferencia significativa entre los niveles de frustración antes y después de la intervención. Conclusiones: La labor tanatológica de enfermería a través de la relación interpersonal disminuye el nivel de frustración de la persona frente a la diabetes mellitus tipo 2.

Objective: To determine the effect of the nursing thanatological activity through interpersonal relationships on the levels of frustration in the person with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Methods: Intervention study with pre and post assessment carried out in Yucatan, Mexico. Variables were age, gender, school level, occupation, civil status, time suffering the illness, and level of frustration. The intervention program consisted of 6 modules implemented during 4 months. A paired-samples Wilcoxon hypothesis test was performed. Results: 87% of the participants showed a medium level of frustration prior to the intervention, and the remaining 13% showed a high one. After the intervention, it was observed that 69% showed a low level of frustration, 26.1% showed a medium one, and only 4.3% showed a high one. The hypothesis test returned p less than 0.000 indicating that there is a significant difference between the levels of frustration before and after the intervention. Conclusions: Nursing thanatological activity through interpersonal relationships decreases the level of frustration of the person with type 2 diabetes mellitus.

Objetivo: Determinar o efeito do trabalho tanatológico de enfermagem a través da relação interpessoal no nível de frustração da pessoa com diabetes mellitus tipo 2. Métodos Estudo de intervenção com avaliação pré e post, realizada em Yucatán, México. As variáveis foram: Idade, gênero, escolaridade, ocupação, estado civil, tempo com a doença e nível de frustração. O programa de intervenção teve 6 módulos, implementado durante 4 meses. Para a prova de hipótese do estudo aplicou-se a estatística de Wilcoxon para amostras em pares. Resultados: Observou-se que 87% das pessoas obteve um nível de frustração médio, prévio à intervenção de enfermagem e o 13% restante, um nível de frustração alto. Posterior à intervenção, observou-se que 69% obteve um nível de frustração baixo, o 26.1% um nível de frustração médio e só 4.3% um nível alto. Em referência à prova de hipótese, observou-se um valor p menor a 0.000, o qual indicou que existe diferença significativa entre os níveis de frustração antes e depois da intervenção. Conclusões O trabalho tanatológico de enfermagem a través da relação interpessoal diminui o nível de frustração da pessoa perante à diabetes mellitus tipo 2.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Idoso , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais