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Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1561699


Introdução: A segurança e eficácia do uso de medicamentos durante a lactação são preocupações para mães e profissionais de saúde. Esta pesquisa analisa as orientações das bulas de medicamentos comumente prescritos para dispepsia e constipação, que visa fornecer informações essenciais para orientar as decisões terapêuticas durante esse período crucial da maternidade. Objetivos: Analisar as informações das bulas sobre contraindicações de medicamentos para dispepsia e constipação durante a amamentação, verificando se estão de acordo com as evidências científicas. Métodos: Medicamentos para dispepsia e constipação foram selecionados de acordo com a classificação da Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical (ATC) e o registro ativo no Brasil. A presença de contraindicações para o uso de medicamentos nas bulas do profissional de saúde e do paciente foi comparada com as informações contidas no manual técnico do Ministério da Saúde, Medicamentos e Leite Materno, LactMed, UptoDate, Micromedex, Documento Científico da Sociedade Brasileira de Pediatria e Reprotox. Resultados: Nenhuma informação sobre o uso durante a amamentação foi encontrada em 20,0 e 24,3% das bulas para dispepsia e constipação, respectivamente. A concordância entre as bulas dos medicamentos para dispepsia e as fontes consultadas foi baixa (27,2% das bulas contraindicavam o medicamento na lactação, enquanto nas fontes o percentual de contraindicação variou de 0 a 8,3%). Com relação a medicamentos para constipação, 26,3% das bulas os contraindicavam, enquanto nas fontes o percentual variou de 0 a 4,8%. Conclusões: O estudo mostrou que pelo menos duas em cada dez bulas para dispepsia e constipação não fornecem informações adequadas sobre o uso desses medicamentos em lactentes, e também que houve baixa concordância entre o texto das bulas e as fontes de referência quanto à compatibilidade do medicamento com a amamentação.

Introduction: The safety and effectiveness of medication use during lactation are concerns for mothers and healthcare professionals. This research analyzes the instructions on the leaflets of medications commonly prescribed for dyspepsia and constipation, which aims to provide essential information to guide therapeutic decisions during this crucial period of motherhood. Objectives: To analyze the information in package inserts about contraindications of drugs for dyspepsia and constipation during breastfeeding, verifying whether these are consistent with scientific evidence. Methods: Drugs for dyspepsia and constipation were selected according to the Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical (ATC) classification and active registry in Brazil. The presence of contraindications for the use of medications in the health professional's and patient's package inserts was compared with the information in the technical manual of the Ministry of Health, Medications and Mothers' Milk, LactMed, UptoDate, Micromedex, Documento Científico da Sociedade Brasileira de Pediatria and Reprotox. Results: No information about use during breastfeeding was found in 20.0 and 24.3% of leaflets for dyspepsia and constipation, respectively. The agreement between the leaflets of medications for dyspepsia and the sources consulted was low (27.2% of the leaflets contraindicated the medication during lactation, while in the sources the percentage of contraindication varied from 0 to 8.3%). In relation to medicines for constipation, 26.3% of the leaflets contraindicated them, while in the sources the percentage ranged from 0 to 4.8%. Conclusions: The study pointed out that at least two out of every ten package inserts for dyspepsia and constipation do not provide adequate information on the use of these drugs in infants, and also shows low concordance between the text of the package inserts and the reference sources regarding compatibility of the drug with breastfeeding.

Introducción: La seguridad y eficacia del uso de medicamentos durante la lactancia son preocupaciones para las madres y los profesionales de la salud. Esta investigación analiza las instrucciones contenidas en los prospectos de medicamentos comúnmente recetados para la dispepsia y el estreñimiento, con el objetivo de proporcionar información esencial para guiar las decisiones terapéuticas durante este período crucial de la maternidad. Objetivos: Analizar la información contenida en los prospectos sobre las contraindicaciones de los medicamentos para la dispepsia y el estreñimiento durante la lactancia, verificando si estas son consistentes con la evidencia científica. Métodos: Se seleccionaron medicamentos para la dispepsia y el estreñimiento de acuerdo con la clasificación ATC y el registro activo en Brasil. Se comparó la presencia de contraindicaciones para el uso de medicamentos en los prospectos del profesional de la salud y del paciente con la información del manual técnico del Ministerio de Salud, Medicamentos y Leche Materna, LactMed, UptoDate, Micromedex, Documento Científico da Sociedade Brasileira de Pediatria y Reprotox. Resultados: No se encontró información sobre su uso durante la lactancia en el 20% y el 24,3% de los prospectos para dispepsia y estreñimiento, respectivamente. La concordancia entre los prospectos de los medicamentos para la dispepsia y las fuentes consultadas fue baja (el 27,2% de los prospectos contraindicaba el medicamento durante la lactancia, mientras que en las fuentes el porcentaje de contraindicación variaba del 0% al 8,3%). Con relación a los medicamentos para el estreñimiento, el 26,3% de los prospectos los contraindicaba, mientras que en las fuentes el porcentaje osciló entre el 0% y el 4,8%. Conclusiones: El estudio señaló que al menos dos de cada diez prospectos para dispepsia y estreñimiento no brindan información adecuada sobre el uso de estos medicamentos en lactantes, y también muestra la baja concordancia entre el texto de los prospectos y la referencia. fuentes sobre la compatibilidad del fármaco con la lactancia.

Humanos , Fármacos Gastrointestinais , Aleitamento Materno , Constipação Intestinal , Dispepsia , Bulas de Medicamentos
Rev. colomb. cir ; 39(4): 627-632, Julio 5, 2024. fig
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1566025


Introducción. La neumatosis quística intestinal se describe como la presencia de gas dentro de la pared intestinal. Es una entidad poco frecuente, con una incidencia del 0,03 % en la población global. Aparece con predilección en el género masculino después de los 45 años yse localiza principalmente en el intestino delgado (42 %) y el colon. Se puede asociar a varias condiciones que en ocasiones requieren manejo quirúrgico. Caso clínico. Se presenta el caso de un hombre 75 años, con antecedente de hipertensión arterial, quien consultó por un cuadro de 15 días de evolución consistente en distensión abdominal, dolor y estreñimiento. En urgencias se solicitó una radiografía de tórax que mostró neumoperitoneo y varios niveles hidroaéreos, por lo que el cirujano de turno consideró una posible ruptura de víscera hueca. Resultados. Fue llevado a laparotomía exploratoria, donde se identificó neumatosis quística intestinal y estómago muy aumentado de tamaño, compatible con gastroparesia. Como resultado del tratamiento brindado, el paciente tuvo un desenlace satisfactorio logrando alta médica, apoyado con cuidados básicos de enfermería. Conclusiones. Si bien los casos de neumatosis quística intestinal son de presentación inusual, se puede encontrar en pacientes con hallazgos imagenológicos de neumoperitoneo. Por eso, se debe realizar un análisis concienzudo de cada paciente e individualizar el caso para el correcto diagnóstico.

Introduction. Cystic pneumatosis intestinalis is described as the presence of gas within the intestinal wall. It is a rare entity, with an incidence of 0.03% in the global population. It appears with a predilection in the male gender after 45 years of age and is located mainly in the small intestine (42%) and the colon. It can be associated with several conditions that sometimes require surgical management. Clinical case. The case of a 75-year-old man with a history of high blood pressure is presented, who consulted for a 15-day history consisting of abdominal distention, pain and constipation. In the emergency room, a chest x-ray was requested, which showed pneumoperitoneum and several air-fluid levels. The surgeon on call considered a possible rupture of the hollow viscus. Results. The patient was taken to exploratory laparotomy, where intestinal cystic pneumatosis and a greatly enlarged stomach were identified, compatible with gastroparesis. As a result of the treatment provided, the patient had a satisfactory outcome, achieving medical discharge, supported with basic nursing care. Conclusions. Although cases of intestinal cystic pneumatosis have an unusual presentation, it can be found in patients with imaging findings of pneumoperitoneum. Therefore, a thorough analysis of each patient must be carried out and the case individualized for the correct diagnosis.

Humanos , Pneumatose Cistoide Intestinal , Pneumoperitônio , Gastroparesia , Gastroenteropatias , Intestino Delgado , Laparotomia
Arch. argent. pediatr ; 122(3): e202310123, jun. 2024. ilus
Artigo em Inglês, Espanhol | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1554997


Las duplicaciones del tracto alimentario son un conjunto heterogéneo de anomalías congénitas del tubo digestivo. Su forma de presentación es variada, y pueden desarrollar distintas complicaciones libradas a su evolución natural. La infección es una complicación poco frecuente, pero que no puede desconocerse por la gravedad que implica. Se presenta el caso de una paciente de 2 años de edad, previamente sana, con una complicación atípica de una duplicación del tracto alimentario: un shock séptico. Consultó inicialmente por distensión y dolor abdominal asociado a una masa abdominal palpable. Los estudios imagenológicos evidenciaron una formación líquida parcialmente tabicada en el hemiabdomen derecho. Durante la internación, se presentó una infección intratumoral, que evolucionó al shock séptico. Respondió favorablemente al tratamiento médico del shock, y se realizó la exéresis quirúrgica posteriormente. La anatomía patológica confirmó la duplicación del tracto alimentario.

Alimentary tract duplications are heterogenous congenital anomalies of the digestive tract. Their form of presentation is varied, and they may lead to different complications, depending on their natural course. Infection is a rare complication, but it cannot be ignored because of its severity. Here we describe the case of an otherwise healthy 2-year-old girl with an atypical complication of alimentary tract duplication: septic shock. She initially consulted due to abdominal distension and pain associated with a palpable abdominal mass. The imaging studies showed a partial fluid septation in the right side of the abdomen. During hospitalization, an intratumoral infection developed, which progressed to septic shock. The patient responded favorably to medical treatment for shock, and surgical resection was subsequently performed. The pathology report confirmed the presence of alimentary tract duplication.

Humanos , Feminino , Pré-Escolar , Choque Séptico/etiologia , Anormalidades do Sistema Digestório/cirurgia , Anormalidades do Sistema Digestório/complicações , Anormalidades do Sistema Digestório/diagnóstico , Dor , Trato Gastrointestinal , Íleo
Hepatología ; 5(2): 172-173, mayo-ago. 2024. fig, tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1556418


Las várices gástricas (VG) son un complejo de colaterales vasculares entre la circulación portal y sistémica, condición que se desarrolla como resultado de la presión elevada en el sistema venoso portal. Se encuentran en el 20 % de los pacientes con cirrosis, y son menos frecuentes que las várices esofágicas. Según la clasificación de Sarin, las VG se dividen en cuatro tipos según su ubicación en el estómago y su relación con las várices esofágicas (GOV1, GOV2, IGV1 e IGV2). Entender su hemodinámica con respecto a las rutas de drenaje de las VG es importante para guiar su tratamiento.

Gastric varices (GV) are a complex of vascular collaterals between portal and systemic circulation, a condition that develops as a result of elevated pressure in the portal venous system. They are found in 20% of patients with cirrhosis, and are less common than esophageal varices. According to the Sarin classification, GV are divided into four types based on their location in the stomach and their relationship with esophageal varices (GOV1, GOV2, IGV1, and IGV2). Understanding their hemodynamics with respect to GV drainage routes is important to guide their treatment.

Rev. colomb. cir ; 39(3): 430-440, 2024-04-24. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1554114


Introducción. El intestino primitivo rota durante la vida embrionaria. Cuando ocurre de forma inadecuada aparece la malrotación intestinal que puede llevar a la obstrucción o al vólvulo del intestino medio. La incidencia disminuye con el aumento de la edad. La malrotación intestinal es una de las principales causas de complicaciones del tracto gastrointestinal en la edad pediátrica. Métodos. Estudio retrospectivo, observacional, transversal y analítico, de la experiencia durante 10 años en pacientes menores de 15 años con diagnóstico de malrotación intestinal, tratados en el Hospital Infantil de San Vicente Fundación, en Medellín, Colombia. Se buscó la asociación entre variables demográficas, clínicas e imagenológicas con los desenlaces. Resultados. Se obtuvieron 58 pacientes con malrotación intestinal, 65 % menores de 1 año. En 29,3 % de los pacientes se hizo el diagnóstico con la presentación clínica; los síntomas predominantes fueron distensión abdominal y emesis. En el 24,1 % se confirmó el diagnóstico con imágenes. Las variables con una diferencia estadísticamente significativa a favor de encontrar una malrotación complicada fueron choque séptico (OR=11,7), síndrome de respuesta inflamatoria sistémica (OR=8,4) y deshidratación (OR=5,18). Conclusiones. La malrotación intestinal tiene complicaciones como perforación, peritonitis, vólvulo e intestino corto. El vólvulo se acompaña de shock y sepsis, con mortalidad hasta del 50 %. Las imágenes diagnósticas son una ayuda, pero no se puede basar la conducta médica en estas porque ninguna imagen garantiza el diagnóstico definitivo. Los signos de alarma son poco específicos. En menores de un año con emesis, distensión y dolor abdominal se debe sospechar malrotación intestinal.

Introduction. The primitive intestine rotates during embryonic life. When it occurs inappropriately, intestinal malrotation appears, which can lead to obstruction or midgut volvulus. The incidence decreases when age increases. Intestinal malrotation is one of the main causes of complications of the gastrointestinal tract in pediatric age. Method. Retrospective, observational, cross-sectional and analytical study of the experience over 10 years in patients under 15 years of age with a diagnosis of intestinal malrotation, treated at Hospital Infantil of San Vicente Fundación, in Medellín, Colombia. The association between demographic, clinical and imaging variables with the outcomes was sought. Results. There were 58 patients with intestinal malrotation, 65% under one year of age. In 29.3% of patients, intestinal malrotation was diagnosed clinically. The predominant symptoms were abdominal distension and emesis. In 24.1% the diagnosis was confirmed with imaging. The variables with a statistically significant difference in favor of finding a complicated malrotation were septic shock (OR=11.7), systemic inflammatory response syndrome (OR-8.4), and dehydration (OR=5.18). Conclusions. Malrotation has complications such as perforation, peritonitis, volvulus, and short bowel. Volvulus is accompanied by shock and sepsis, with mortality of up to 50%. Diagnostic images are helpful, but medical conduct cannot be based on them because no image guarantees a definitive diagnosis. The warning signs are not very specific. In children under one year of age with emesis, distension and abdominal pain, intestinal malrotation should be suspected.

Humanos , Trato Gastrointestinal , Volvo Intestinal , Enteropatias , Síndrome do Intestino Curto , Obstrução Intestinal , Perfuração Intestinal
Rev. colomb. cir ; 39(3): 470-478, 2024-04-24. fig
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1554119


Introducción. Las duplicaciones gástricas son entidades congénitas poco frecuentes que se diagnostican principalmente en las etapas tempranas de la vida, y rara vez en pacientes adultos. El objetivo de este artículo fue presentar el caso de un adulto con esta patología, tratado exitosamente mediante cirugía. Caso clínico. Mujer de 26 años de edad con epigastralgia crónica refractaria a manejo médico, a quien durante endoscopia digestiva superior se le identificó una lesión quística sugestiva de tumor estromal gastrointestinal, confirmada por ultrasonido endoscópico. Resultados. Se realizó una resección quirúrgica laparoscópica asistida por endoscopia, con buena evolución postoperatoria. El estudio anatomo-patológico informó la presencia de un quiste de duplicación gástrica. Conclusiones. A pesar de las ayudas diagnósticas disponibles en la actualidad, esta patología representa un reto diagnóstico importante que, en muchas ocasiones solo puede ser confirmado mediante el estudio anatomo-patológico. En paciente asintomático, continúa la controversia entre observarlo o llevarlo a cirugía, por el riesgo de malignidad. Actualmente, el manejo de las duplicaciones gástricas en adultos se considera eminentemente quirúrgico. Las resecciones laparoscópicas y el uso de endoscopia intraoperatoria permiten garantizar la resección completa de la lesión, preservando la mayor cantidad de tejido sano adyacente y previniendo estenosis o deformidades gástricas que afecten su adecuado funcionamiento.

Introduction. Gastric duplications are rare congenital entities that are diagnosed primarily in early life, and rarely in adult patients. The objective of this article was to present the case of an adult with this pathology, successfully treated by surgery. Clinical case. A 26-year-old woman with chronic epigastralgia refractory to medical management, who during upper digestive endoscopy was identified with a cystic lesion suggestive of gastro-intestinal stromal tumor, confirmed by endoscopic ultrasound. Results. A laparoscopic surgical resection assisted by endoscopy was performed, with good postoperative evolution. The anatomopathological study reported the presence of a gastric duplication cyst. Conclusions. Despite the diagnostic adjuncts currently available, this pathology represents an important diagnostic challenge that, in many cases, can only be confirmed through pathology. In asymptomatic patients, the controversy continues between observing them or taking them to surgery due to the risk of malignancy. Currently, the management of gastric duplications in adults is considered eminently surgical. Laparoscopic resections and the use of intraoperative endoscopy ensure complete resection of the lesion, preserving the greatest amount of adjacent healthy tissue and preventing gastric stenosis or deformities that affect its proper functioning.

Humanos , Procedimentos Cirúrgicos do Sistema Digestório , Endoscopia Gastrointestinal , Gastroenteropatias , Estômago , Laparoscopia , Endossonografia
Rev. chil. infectol ; 41(2): 212-217, abr. 2024. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1559675


INTRODUCCIÓN: Helicobacter pylori afecta a más de 50% de la población mundial, siendo más prevalente en poblaciones de nivel socioeconómico bajo; esta bacteria constituye la principal causa de cáncer gástrico a nivel global. OBJETIVO: Determinar la frecuencia y los factores asociados a la infección por H. pylori en personas adultas que viven en el centro histórico de la ciudad de Cajamarca, en el norte del Perú. MATERIAL Y MÉTODO: Estudio descriptivo que incluyó 124 personas encuestadas mediante un cuestionario y evaluadas mediante endoscopía y cultivo de biopsia gástrica. Una biopsia por persona fue sometida a prueba de ureasa y los cultivos se confirmaron por reacción de polimerasa en cadena (RPC). RESULTADOS: La frecuencia de infección fue de 60,5 % (IC 95% 51,3 - 69,2). El análisis univariado demostró asociación significativa entre la infección y la edad (p = 0,002), y entre la infección y el antecedente de patología gástrica (p = 0,015). El análisis multivariado reveló dos factores asociados: edad (OR = 0,94; IC95% 0,90-0,97) y antecedente de infección por H. pylori (OR = 0,23; IC95% 0,08 - 0,67). CONCLUSIONES: Existe alta frecuencia de infección por H. pylori en esta población; la edad y el antecedente de infección constituyen factores asociados que deben evaluarse con mayor profundidad.

BACKGROUND: Helicobacter pylori affects more than 50% of the world's population, being more prevalent in populations of low socioeconomic status. H. pylori is the main cause of gastric cancer globally. AIM: To establish the frequency and factors associated with H. pylori infection in adults living in the historic center of Cajamarca City, in northern Peru. METHODS: This was a descriptive study that included 124 individuals surveyed through a questionnaire and evaluated through endoscopy and gastric biopsy culture. One biopsy per person underwent the urease test, and the cultures were confirmed by PCR. RESULTS: The frequency of infection was 60.5% (95% CI 51.3 - 69.2). In the univariate analysis, there was a significant association between the infection and age (p = 0.002), and between the infection and a history of gastric pathology (p = 0.015). The multivariate analysis revealed two associated factors: age (OR = 0.94; 95% CI 0.90 - 0.97), and history of H. pylori infection (OR = 0.23; 95% CI 0.08 - 0.67). CONCLUSIONS: There is a high frequency of H. pylori infection in this population, and the age and history of H. pylori infection are factors that should be further evaluated.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Infecções por Helicobacter/diagnóstico , Infecções por Helicobacter/epidemiologia , Peru/epidemiologia , Urease/análise , Biópsia , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase , Estudos Transversais , Análise Multivariada , Inquéritos e Questionários , Fatores de Risco , Endoscopia Gastrointestinal , Helicobacter pylori/isolamento & purificação , Helicobacter pylori/genética , Infecções por Helicobacter/microbiologia , Mucosa Gástrica/microbiologia , Mucosa Gástrica/patologia
Rev. chil. nutr ; 51(2)abr. 2024.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1559707


Introducción: La desnutrición es una condición frecuente en pacientes oncológicos y puede estar presente en un 40-80% de éstos. En cirugía gastrointestinal, es ampliamente conocida la relación entre la desnutrición preoperatoria y las complicaciones. El objetivo de este estudio es conocer la asociación entre el estado nutricional preoperatorio según el índice de masa corporal (IMC), la valoración global subjetiva (VGS) y la frecuencia de complicaciones postoperatorias en pacientes sometidos a cirugía oncodigestiva electiva. Metodología: Estudio observacional de cohorte retrospectiva. Se incluyeron pacientes sometidos a cirugía digestiva entre abril de 2019 y abril de 2020. Se excluyeron aquellos pacientes con enfermedad fuera de alcance terapéutico curativo. Los pacientes fueron categorizados según el tipo de cáncer, la cirugía realizada, el tratamiento neoadyuvante, los parámetros nutricionales (IMC y VGS) y la albumina preoperatoria. Se registraron las complicaciones postoperatorias de acuerdo con la clasificación de Clavien-Dindo (III-V). Resultados: Se incluyeron 201 pacientes sometidos a cirugía digestiva. El 83,6% calificó en la categoría B o C según VGS. Diecinueve pacientes (9,5%) presentaron complicaciones postoperatorias. Tener una VGS de categoría C se asoció con un mayor riesgo de complicaciones postoperatorias. Otras variables significativas para desarrollar complicaciones fueron recibir tratamiento neoadyuvante combinado (QT + RT) y ser intervenido por una cirugía de alto riesgo nutricional. Conclusión: Tener un estado nutricional deteriorado previo a una cirugía oncológica según VGS, someterse a una cirugía de alto riesgo nutricional y/o someterse a un tratamiento neoadyuvante combinado presentan un mayor riesgo de desarrollar complicaciones postoperatorias. Se destaca la importancia de incorporar protocolos de evaluación y soporte nutricional como parte del tratamiento multimodal impartido desde el diagnóstico oncológico.

Introduction: Malnutrition is a frequent condition in cancer patients and may be present in 40-80% of them. In gastrointestinal surgery, the relationship between preoperative malnutrition and complications has been widely studied, due to the increased risk of postoperative complications. The aim of this study is to determine the association between preoperative nutritional status, according to body mass index (BMI), subjective global assessment (SGA) and the frequency of postoperative complications in patients undergoing elective oncological digestive surgery. Methodology: Observational retrospective cohort study. Patients undergoing elective surgery between April 2019 and April 2020 were included. Patients with disease outside the curative therapeutic scope were excluded. Patients were categorized by type of cancer, surgery performed, neoadjuvant treatment, nutritional parameters (BMI and SGA) and albumin prior to surgery. Postoperative complications were recorded according to the Clavien-Dindo classification (III-V). Results: A total of 201 patients undergoing digestive surgery were included. 83.6% qualified in category B or C according to VGS. Nineteen patients (9.5%) presented postoperative complications. Having a SGA category C is associated with a higher risk of postoperative complications. Other significant variables for developing complications were receiving combined neoadjuvant treatment (CT + RT) and undergoing high nutritional risk surgery. Conclusion: Having a deteriorated nutritional status prior to oncological surgery according to SGA, undergoing high nutritional risk surgery, and/or undergoing combined neoadjuvant treatment significantly increases the risk of developing postoperative complications. The importance of incorporating nutritional assessment and support protocols as part of the multimodal treatment given to the patient from the moment of cancer diagnosis stands out.

Rev. argent. coloproctología ; 35(1): 45-48, mar. 2024. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1551689


El tumor neuroectodérmico maligno del tracto gastrointestinal es una neoplasia rara con pocos casos reportados en la literatura, especialmente en América Latina. Descrito por primera vez en 2003, se trata de una entidad sin tratamiento estandarizado y de pobre pronóstico. Se presenta el caso de una paciente de 22 años de edad que acude a la consulta por dolor abdominal, anemia y masa abdominal palpable. Luego de estudios pertinentes se decide la conducta resectiva y el posterior tratamiento oncológico. (AU)

Malignant gastrointestinal neuroectodermal tumor (GNET), formerly known as clear cell sarcoma of the gastrointestinal tract, is an extremely rare tumor of mesenchymal origin, which presents great microscopic and molecular similarity to clear cell sarcoma found in other parts of the body, such as tendons and aponeurosis. It is characterized by its rapid evolution, high recurrence rate and frequent diagnosis as metastatic disease.1,2 (AU)

Humanos , Feminino , Adulto Jovem , Sarcoma de Células Claras/patologia , Tumores Neuroectodérmicos/patologia , Neoplasias Gastrointestinais/diagnóstico , Procedimentos Cirúrgicos do Sistema Digestório/métodos , Imuno-Histoquímica , Proteínas S100/análise , Neoplasias Gastrointestinais/cirurgia , Íleo/cirurgia
Rev. argent. cir ; 116(1): 56-59, mar. 2024. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1559266


RESUMEN Los lipomas yeyunales son tumores gastrointestinales benignos e infrecuentes, de origen mesenquimático, compuestos por adipocitos que suelen estar confinados a la submucosa. Generalmente son asintomáticos y se descubren de manera incidental al realizar estudios por imágenes o endoscópicos. Sin embargo, aquellos mayores de 2 cm pueden presentar síntomas como resultado de complicaciones, como intususcepción intestinal, obstrucción o rara vez, hemorragias. Presentamos un caso infrecuente de intususcepción de un lipoma yeyunal ulcerado en un adulto, diagnosticado en el contexto de un cuadro de hemorragia digestiva.

ABSTRACT Jejunal lipomas are rare benign mesenchymal tumors made up of adipocytes confined to the submucosa layer. They are usually asymptomatic and are incidentally found during imaging or endoscopic tests. Those measuring > 2 cm may become symptomatic as a result of complications as intestinal intussusception, obstruction and bleeding. We herein report a rare case of intussusception of an ulcerated jejunal lipoma in an adult patient, that was diagnosticated in the setting of an intestinal hemorrhage.

Braz. j. med. biol. res ; 57: e13344, fev.2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1557312


Reminiscence therapy (RT) attenuates psychological disorders in cancer patients. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of RT on anxiety, depression, spiritual well-being, and quality of life in elderly patients with unresectable, metastatic gastrointestinal cancer. A total of 222 elderly patients with unresectable, metastatic gastrointestinal cancer were randomized into RT group (RT plus usual care, n=112) or control group (usual care, n=110) with a 6-month intervention. Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale for Anxiety (HADS-A) and Depression (HADS-D), Functional Assessment of Chronic Illness Therapy-Spiritual Well-Being Scale (FACIT-Sp), and Quality of Life Questionnaire-Core 30 (QLQ-C30) were evaluated at month (M)0, M1, M3, and M6. Concerning the primary outcome, HADS-A score at M6 decreased in the RT group compared to the control group (P=0.005). As to secondary outcomes, the RT group showed decreased HADS-A scores at M3, anxiety rate at M3, HADS-D scores at M3 and M6, depression rate at M6, as well as greater FACIT-Sp scores at M1, M3, and M6 vs the control group (all P<0.050). Additionally, QLQ-C30 global health score was elevated at M1 (P=0.046) and M6 (P=0.005), functions score was greater at M6 (P=0.038), and symptoms score was lower at M3 (P=0.019) in the RT group than in the control group. Subgroup analysis revealed that the addition of RT was more effective for patients with anxiety or depression at baseline. In summary, RT alleviated anxiety and depression, and improved the spiritual well-being and quality of life within 6 months in elderly patients with unresectable, metastatic gastrointestinal cancer.

Braz. j. med. biol. res ; 57: e13452, fev.2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1564165


The misuse of anabolic androgenic steroid associated or not with physical workouts disrupts gastrointestinal (GI) function homeostasis. Our goal was to investigate the effects of nandrolone decanoate (ND) and moderate swimming on the GI transit of solid meals, GI motor contractility, and intestinal histology in rats. Male Wistar rats were allocated to four groups that received intramuscular injections of ND (5.0 mg/kg) or vehicle (60.0 µL) and were submitted or not to swimming sessions (60 min, 5% body weight overload) for 4 weeks. Gastric emptying, intestinal transit, in vitro GI contractility, intestinal morphometry, and duodenal mucosal mast cells were evaluated in all experimental groups. ND treatment accelerated gastric emptying, slowed small intestine transit time, enhanced gastric carbachol-mediated reactivity, decreased crypt depth and villus height, reduced mucosal thickness, and increased the circular and longitudinal muscle layer thickness of the duodenum in sedentary rats. Moderate exercise accelerated intestinal transit time and reduced submucosa thickness. In vehicle-treated animals, a strong negative correlation was found between intestinal transit and mucosal mast cells, which was reversed by ND treatment. Combining ND treatment and swimming accelerated gastric emptying, increased duodenal cholinergic reactivity, inhibited the sodium nitroprusside relaxing response, increased the number of duodenal mast cells, decreased villus height, and increased the thickness of all muscle layers. ND changed the morphological and functional properties of the GI tract over time, with intense dysmotility, especially in sedentary animals, but moderate exercise seemed to have played a compensatory role in these harmful effects in the gut.

Rev. gastroenterol. Perú ; 44(1): 14-20, ene.-mar. 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1560044


RESUMEN Latinoamérica presenta una alta prevalencia de infección por Helicobacter pylori (Hp). Entre 1996-2003 la prevalencia en Santiago de Chile fue del 70%; estudios recientes presentan una disminución en esta infección. Actualizar la frecuencia de Hp es fundamental debido a su impacto en la salud asociado. Objetivo: Nuestro objetivo fue describir la tendencia de la infección por Hp en pacientes que asisten a endoscopía digestiva alta (EDA) ambulatoria en una población chilena. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un estudio observacional retrospectivo de pacientes mayores de 18 años que asistieron a una primera EDA con test rápido de ureasa entre 2010-2020. La tendencia en el tiempo fue descrita mediante análisis de series de tiempo. Se construyó un modelo Poisson para estimar el riesgo de infección, ajustado por edad y sexo. Resultados: Se incluyeron 11 355 pacientes [66,9% mujeres; edad media 52 años; Hp 41,6%]. El sexo masculino presentó una mayor frecuencia de infección por Hp [RR 1,13; (IC95%:1,08-1,18)]. La frecuencia de Hp disminuyó significativamente desde 45,1% en 2010 hasta 29% en 2020, con 36% menor probabilidad de presentar infección por Hp en 2020 con respecto al 2010 [RR 0,64; (IC95%:0,55-0,74)]. Se proyectó un descenso progresivo en la tendencia de infección por Hp hasta valores cercanos al 25% para el año 2025. Conclusión: Se observó una reducción significativa en la infección por Hp entre los años 2010-2020. Esta disminución pudiese ser explicada mediante la incorporación de políticas públicas de salud en la última década asociadas a cambios sociosanitarios.

ABSTRACT Latin America presents a high prevalence of Helicobacter pylori (Hp) infection. Between 1996-2003, the prevalence in Santiago, Chile, was 70%; recent studies indicate a decrease in this infection. Updating the frequency of Hp is crucial due to its associated health impact. Objective: Our objective was to describe the trend in Hp infection in patients undergoing ambulatory esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD) in a Chilean population. Materials and methods: A retrospective observational study was conducted on patients over 18 years old who attended a first EGD with a rapid urease test between 2010-2020. Time trends were described through time series analysis. A Poisson model was constructed to estimate the risk of infection, adjusted for age and gender. Results: 11,355 patients were included [66.9% females; mean age 52 years; Hp 41.6%]. Male gender presented a higher frequency of Hp infection [RR 1.13; (95% CI: 1.08-1.18)]. Hp frequency infection decreased significantly from 45.1% in 2010 to 29% in 2020, with a 36% lower probability of Hp infection in 2020 compared to 2010 [RR 0.64; (95% CI: 0.55-0.74)]. A progressive decline in Hp infection trend was projected, reaching values close to 25% by year 2025. Conclusion: A significant reduction in Hp infection was observed between 2010-2020. This decrease could be explained by the implementation of public health policies in the last decade associated with socio-sanitary changes.

Rev. gastroenterol. Perú ; 44(1): 63-66, ene.-mar. 2024. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1560050


ABSTRACT After bariatric surgery one of the most common complications is dysphagia. The etiology of this disease has not been fully elucidated but it is known that it may be due to structural changes due to surgery. This case describes a 65-year-old female with early and severe onset of dysphagia following laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy. The patient's final diagnosis was postobesity surgery esophageal dysfunction and laparoscopic proximal gastrectomy with esophagojejunal Roux-en-Y anastomosis was performed. Physicians should be aware of this condition in order to offer early diagnosis and treatment.

RESUMEN Después de una cirugía bariátrica una de las complicaciones más comunes es la disfagia. La etiología de esta enfermedad no ha sido completamente dilucidada, pero se sabe que puede deberse a cambios estructurales debidos a la cirugía. En este reporte se describe el caso de una mujer de 65 años con disfagia severa de aparición temprana después de una en manga gástrica laparoscópica. El diagnóstico final del paciente fue de una disfunción esofágica posterior a una cirugía de obesidad y se planteó como manejo una gastrectomía proximal laparoscópica con anastomosis esofagoyeyunal en Y de Roux. Hay que tener en cuenta las complicaciones a corto y largo plazo que se pueden presentar luego de cirugías de obesidad para poder realizar un diagnóstico temprano y poder ofrecer un tratamiento adecuado.

Hepatología ; 5(1): 87-96, ene 2, 2024. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1532862


Introducción. La hipertensión portal (HTP) se define como una elevación anormal de la presión venosa en el sistema portal que lleva al desarrollo de vías colaterales para desviar el flujo sanguíneo de la zona. Dentro de su etiología están las relacionadas con la cirrosis hepática y otras causas denominadas no cirróticas. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar los principales hallazgos demográficos, clínicos y paraclínicos en un grupo de pacientes con HTP, y determinar el uso de ayudas invasivas y no invasivas, y su disponibilidad para el diagnóstico y seguimiento de los pacientes en los centros que no cuentan con laboratorio de hemodinamia hepática, reflejando la dinámica de múltiples escenarios en Colombia. Metodología. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo de corte transversal, retrospectivo, en pacientes atendidos en una institución de tercer nivel del sur de Colombia, entre enero del año 2015 y diciembre del año 2020. Resultados. Se obtuvo una muestra de 61 pacientes en donde la mayoría de casos correspondían a hombres en la séptima década de la vida, procedentes del área urbana. La principal causa de consulta fue el sangrado digestivo (39,3 %), asociado a la presencia de telangiectasias (arañas vasculares) en el 37,2 %, seguido de circulación colateral (31,3 %) e ictericia (19,7 %). En la ecografía abdominal (realizada en el 57,4 % de los pacientes) predominaron la cirrosis (68 %) y la presencia de esplenomegalia (14,2 %), y en lospacientes con Doppler portal (realizado en el 16,4 %) se encontró hígado cirrótico (80 %) y dilatación portal (40 %). Con respecto a los hallazgos en la esofagogastroduodenoscopia predominó la presencia de várices esofágicas y gastritis crónica. Conclusión. El principal motivo de consulta fue el sangrado digestivo, en tanto que la cirrosis fue el antecedente y el hallazgo imagenológico más frecuente, seguido de las várices esofágicas. Se encontró que el uso de paraclínicos, ecografía abdominal, ecografía con Doppler portal y esofagogastroduodenoscopia fueron los más utilizados en el contexto clínico de los pacientes con el diagnóstico de HTP.

Introduction. Portal hypertension (PHT) is defined as an abnormal elevation of venous pressure in the portal system that leads to the development of collateral pathways to divert blood flow from the area. Within its etiology are those related to liver cirrhosis and other so-called non cirrhotic causes. The aim of this study was to evaluate the main demographic, clinical and paraclinical findings in a group of patients with PHT, and to determine the use of invasive and non-invasive aids, and their availability for the diagnosis and follow-up of patients in centers that do not have a hepatic hemodynamics laboratory, reflecting the dynamics of multiple scenarios in Colombia. Methodology. A descriptive, retrospective, cross-sectional, retrospective study was conducted in patients attended in a third level institution in Southern Colombia, between January 2015 and December 2020. Results. A sample of 61 patients was obtained where the majority of cases corresponded to men in the seventh decade of life, from the urban area. The main cause of consultation was digestive bleeding (39.3%), associated with the presence of telangiectasias (spider veins) in 37.2%, followed by collateral circulation (31.3%) and jaundice (19.7%). In abdominal ultrasound (performed in 57.4% of the patients), cirrhosis (68%) and the presence of splenomegaly (14.2%) predominated, and in patients with portal Doppler (performed in 16.4%), cirrhotic liver (80%) and portal dilatation (40%) were found. With respect to the findings in the esophagogastroduodenoscopy, esophageal varices and chronic gastritis were predominant. Conclusion. The main reason for consultation was gastrointestinal bleeding, while cirrhosis was the most frequent history and imaging finding, followed by esophageal varices. It was found that the use of paraclinics, abdominal ultrasound, ultrasound with portal Doppler and esophagogastroduodenoscopy were the most used in the clinical context of patients diagnosed with PHT.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1005916


Objective To retrospectively analyze the epidemiological trend of children with lower gastrointestinal bleeding in recent 10 years,and investigate the change of their disease burden,so as to provide a theoretical basis for the accurate prevention and control of children's lower gastrointestinal bleeding. Methods A total of 671 children with "lower gastrointestinal bleeding" who were diagnosed in our hospital from 2012 to 2021 were collected as research subjects. To analyze the microscopic examination rate and common etiology of lower gastrointestinal bleeding in children in the past 10 years,as well as the epidemiological characteristics of different age groups, different regions and different basic diseases; Calculate and compare the rate of disability life lost (YLD), early death life lost (YLL) and disability adjusted life year (DALY) of children with lower gastrointestinal bleeding within 10 years, and calculate the annual change percentage (AAPC) to analyze the change trend of disease burden. Results The microscopic examination rate of children with lower gastrointestinal bleeding showed a trend of increasing in the past 10 years (P18 years old, hypertension and gastroenteritis. The DALY rate, YLL rate and YLD rate caused by lower gastrointestinal bleeding in the past 10 years showed an upward trend (P<0.05). Conclusion The microscopic examination rate of lower gastrointestinal bleeding in children was graduallyincreasing,and the prevalence rate of basic diseases such as boys,hypertension and gastroenteritis was increasing;in addition,the disease burden caused by children's lower gastrointestinal bleeding was also increasing year by year and should be protected.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1005917


Objective To analyze the spatial distribution of Helicobacter Pylori (Hp) infection and its correlation with gastrointestinal tumors in the physical examination population of Xi'an city, and to provide reference for the prevention of gastrointestinal tumors in this area. Methods A total of 23 200 subjects who underwent physical examination in 25 public hospitals in Xi'an from January 2019 to January 2023 were selected as the research objects. The basic Information of the patients was derived through the Hospital Information System (HIS), and all subjects underwent 13C-breath test and gastroenterological endoscope. ArcGIS 10.6 software was used to draw a statistical map of Hp infection in Xi 'an for spatial autocorrelation analysis. Hp infection in patients with different gastrointestinal tumors was analyzed. Results In this study population, there were 10 858 cases of Hp infection , with an infection rate of 46.80% ; among them , 5 491 cases were male, with an infection rate of 46.60% , and 5,367 cases were female, with an infection rate of 47.01% , and there was no significant difference in the infection rate between genders (P>0.05). The prevalence of HP infection was higher in the 30-year-old and 20-year-old groups, 55.62% and 42.71%, respectively, and the infection rate showed a first increase and then a decreasing trend with age (χ2trend = 6201.21, 6945.22 , P2=13.49, 16.16, 17.27, 24.66, P<0.05 for all). Conclusion The distribution of Hp infection in the physical examination population of Xi'an city has the characteristics of spatial aggregation and is related to gastrointestinal tumor diseases. It is suggested to carry out Hp infection education for the population in key areas to prevent the occurrence of gastrointestinal tumor diseases.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1006431


ObjectiveTo investigate the characteristics of the composition of intestinal flora and the serum level of endotoxin in cirrhotic patients with malnutrition, and to provide new diagnosis and treatment ideas for improving the nutritional status of patients with liver cirrhosis. MethodsA total of 58 patients with liver cirrhosis who were hospitalized in Department of Gastroenterology, People’s Hospital of Zhengzhou, from March 2021 to November 2022 were enrolled as experimental group (LC group), and according to the Royal Free Hospital-Nutritional Prioritizing Tool, they were divided into low malnutrition risk group (LC-A group with 28 patients) and moderate/high malnutrition risk group (LC-B group with 30 patients); 25 individuals who underwent physical examination during the same period of time were enrolled as control group (HC group). Peripheral blood and feces samples were collected from all subjects. The limulus amebocyte lysate gel method was used to measure the concentration of endotoxin in peripheral blood, and high-throughput sequencing and bioinformatics analysis were used to investigate the characteristics of intestinal flora. The independent-samples t test was used for comparison of normally distributed continuous data between two groups; a one-way analysis of variance was used for comparison between multiple groups, and the least significant difference t-test were used for further comparison between two groups. The Mann-Whitney U test was used for comparison of non-normally distributed continuous data between two groups, and the Kruskal-Wallis H test was used for comparison between multiple groups. The chi-square test was used for comparison of categorical data between groups. The Spearman test was used for correlation analysis. ResultsThere were significant differences between the three groups in the levels of alanine aminotransferase (H=7.054, P<0.05), gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase (H=9.644, P<0.05), albumin (Alb) (F=32.768, P<0.05), total bilirubin (TBil) (H=20.980, P<0.05), and serum endotoxin (F=108.672, P<0.05). There was a significant difference in Chao1 index between the three groups (F=5.110, P=0.008) and between the HC group and the LC-B group (P<0.05). Compared with the HC group, the LC-A group and the LC-B group had significant reductions in Chao1 index and Shannon index, and there was a significant difference in Chao1 index between the HC group and the LC-B group (P<0.05). At the phylum level, the intestinal flora in each group was mainly composed of Bacteroidota, Firmicutes, Proteobacteria, and Actinobacteriota, accounting for more than 95% of all phyla, and there was a significant difference in the relative abundance of Firmicutes between the HC group and the LC-B group (P<0.05). Serum endotoxin was significantly negatively correlated with Ruminococcaceae (r=-0.420, P=0.007), and spirochete was significantly positively correlated with TBil (r=0.419, P=0.007) and was significantly negatively correlated with Alb (r=-0.492, P=0.001). ConclusionThere are unique changes in intestinal flora in cirrhotic patients with malnutrition, and differentially expressed flora are associated with endotoxemia. Improving intestinal microecology in liver cirrhosis may help to improve nutritional status.

China Pharmacy ; (12): 257-270, 2024.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1006608


@#OBJECTIVE To provide reference for guiding the individualized drug therapy management of imatinib for gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST), with the goal of enhancing patient survival rates and improving their quality of life. METHODS Using a nominal group technique, a multidisciplinary (clinical, pharmaceutical and evidence-based) expert panel was formed to create the Consensus of Chinese Experts on Individualized Medication Management of Imatinib for Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors outline through joint discussions. The expert panel conducted systematic retrieval, analysis, and summarization of the outline’s content, and reached relevant consensus based on China’s current situation, clinical needs, and research evidence. An external expert panel was also formed, comprising experienced multidisciplinary experts in clinical practice. Delphi method questionnaire was employed to openly collect the external experts’ opinions, which were then organized, summarized, analyzed, provided with feedback, revised, and finally formed into a consensus. RESULTS & CONCLUSIONS The drafting of this consensus included the clinical application of imatinib in neoadjuvant therapy for GIST patients, adjuvant therapy for adult patients with significant risk of recurrence after surgical resection, and drug therapy for patients with recurrent, metastatic, or unresectable tumors; pharmaceutical monitoring and long-term medication management. This consensus provides standardized processes and methods for medical institutions in individualized drug therapy management for GIST patients and holds significant importance in improving the clinical efficacy of imatinib and ensuring drug safety.

Acta Medica Philippina ; : 54-72, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1016812


Background@#Children with COVID-19 may present with gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms and liver dysfunction.@*Objective@#To determine the type and prevalence of gastrointestinal (GI) and hepatic manifestations of COVID-19 in children and its association with severity of illness.@*Methods@#A systematic literature search was done from inception until January 4, 2021 using PubMed, Cochrane Library, Google Scholar and prepublication repositories with no language restrictions. Studies that reported the demographic and clinical features of children with COVID-19 and provided data on their GI and hepatic signs and symptoms were included. Prevalence of GI and hepatic manifestations were pooled using Stata14.@*Results@#We included 58 studies with total of 4497 participants. Overall, one-third of children with COVID-19 presented with at least one GI symptom (33.8%; 95% confidence interval (CI) 23.0, 45.4; I2 97.5%; 42 studies, 3327 participants) with abdominal pain, nausea or vomiting, and diarrhea each occurring in approximately 20%. Children with severe COVID-19 were more likely to present with GI symptoms (odds ratio 2.59; 95% CI 1.35, 4.99; I2 24%; 4 studies, 773 participants). The pooled prevalence of elevated transaminases was 11% for both AST (11.3%, 95% CI 4.9, 19.3; I2 74.7%; 11 studies, 447 participants) and ALT (11.2%, 95% CI 7.1, 16.0; I2 40.8%; 15 studies, 513 participants). Hepatic findings such as jaundice (2-17%), hepatomegaly (2%) or behavioral changes (2%) from hepatic encephalopathy were variably reported by a few studies. The degree of heterogeneity was not improved on exclusion of studies with poor quality, but markedly improved on subgroup analysis according to geographical region and presence of MIS-C. Studies from China showed that children with COVID-19 had significantly lower pooled prevalence for any of the GI symptoms with low degree of heterogeneity, particularly for diarrhea, nausea/vomiting, and abdominal pain, all of which had I2 of 0%. Those with multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C) had significantly more common GI symptoms and increased transaminases than those without.@*Conclusion@#One-third of children with COVID-19 exhibit at least one GI symptom and more likely present in those with severe disease. Elevated transaminases were present in 10%. Prevalence of GI and hepatic manifestations were higher among children with MIS-C.

COVID-19 , Hepatopatias