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Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1040146


Objectives: Common mental disorders (CMDs), including depression, anxiety, and somatoform disorders, affect all stages of life and impact individuals, families, and communities. This study aimed to determine the magnitude of CMDs and their sociodemographic determinants in the adult population of a rural block in North India.Material and Methods: A cross-sectional, quantitative, community-based study was conducted among adult residents of a rural block in Haryana, North India, using a multistage random sampling technique. The Hindi version of the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12), a well-validated tool, was used to screen participants for CMDs. Scores of 4 or above denoted the presence of CMDs. Bivariate analyses were performed to determine the associations between CMDs and sociodemographic characteristics.Results: Of the 180 residents selected for the study, most were women (60.0%) and aged between 31 and 50 years (52.3%). The prevalence of CMDs symptoms in the study population was 20.0%. The presence of CMDs symptoms was significantly higher among those who were aged 60 years or older [OR=12.33, 95% CI 3.21–47.38], widowed, divorced or separated [OR=7.50, 95% CI 1.09–51.52], illiterate [OR= 6.25, 95% CI 2.84–13.77], had monthly family income below 10,000 INR [OR=3.33, 95% CI 1.54–7.20], had any chronic physical illness [OR=8.28, 95% CI 3.70–18.56] and had a family history of any psychiatric illness [OR=5.56, 95% CI 1.52–19.42].Conclusion: The burden of CMDs was quite high among adults in rural North India. The presence of CMDs was closely associated with sociodemographic characteristics. Primary care and community-based settings need to screen for, diagnose, and manage CMDs to address this growing problem.

Suma psicol ; 30(1)jun. 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536895


Introduction: Internet addiction results in intense and frequent use. There is a gap in the literature in relation to the unawareness of problematic Internet use (PIU) in predicting Internet use time (IUT). Objective: To identify sociodemographic/psychological variables contributing and moderating IUT. Participants: 1,270 participants of the European Social Survey (EES), Round 8. Instruments: EES variables assessing Internet use (IU), health perception, well-being, social life, and sociodemographic variables, underlying the construct. Results: Age, education, sources of household income, social activities compared to others of the same age and subjective general health explain IU per day; and age, years of education, domicile and socially meeting with other people with whom to discuss intimate matters explain IU per week. Education was found to be a significant moderator in the relationship between subjective general health and IU per week; and in the relationship between socially meeting with other people and IU per day. Discussion: Maladaptive IU, when the perception of health is worse, and adaptive IU, when the perception of social life is better, are both suggested, depending on education. Conclusions: These findings point to the need to study IUT involving educational level, keeping in mind that what may be PIU at one educational level may not be the case at another.

Introdução: O vício da Internet traduz-se numa utilização intensa e frequente. Existe uma lacuna na literatura sobre o desconhecimento dos preditores do uso problemático da Internet (PIU) do tempo de utilização da Internet (IUT). Objetivo: Identificar as variáveis sociodemográficas/psicológicas que contribuem e moderam o IUT. Participantes: 1270 participantes da European Social Survey (EES), Round 8. Instrumentos: Variáveis ESS que avaliam a utilização da Internet (IU), perceção de saúde, bem-estar, vida social e variáveis sociodemográficas, sub jacentes ao construto. Resultados: Idade, escolaridade, fontes de renda familiar, atividades sociais em comparação com outras da mesma idade e saúde geral subjetiva explicam IU por dia e idade, anos de escolaridade, domicílio, convívio social com outras pessoas e quem para discutir assuntos íntimos explicam IU por semana. A escolaridade mostrou-se um moderador significativo na relação entre saúde geral subjetiva e IU por semana; e na relação entre encontro social com outras pessoas e IU por dia. Discussão: IU desadaptativa, quando a perceção de saúde é pior, e IU adaptativa, quando a perceção de vida social é melhor, dependem da escolaridade. Conclusões: Os resultados sugerem o estudo do IUT de acordo com o nível educacional, pois o que pode ser um PIU num nível educacional pode não ser noutro.

Indian J Cancer ; 2023 Mar; 60(1): 92-99
Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-221760


Background: Heathcare professionals (HCPs) in the field of oncology face challenging clinical situations, difficult conversations, and death. This can seriously affect their physical and psychological health. Methods: One hundred and eighty doctors and nurses participated in this descriptive study. The primary objective was to determine the proportion of burnout in HCPs in a tertiary care cancer hospital. The secondary objectives included assessment of psychological morbidity, correlation of burnout with demographic factors and years of experience, and resilience and its correlation with burnout. Data were collected using Maslach Burnout Inventory, General Health Questionnaire� (GHQ-28), and a Resilience scale (Dr. Vijaya Lakshmi and Dr. Shruti Narain). Descriptive statistics correlation and regression analysis were used to analyze the data. Results: One hundred and twenty-six (70%) respondents were young adults. Thirty-two (17.78%) respondents had a high Emotional Exhaustion (EE) score. A high Depersonalization score (DP) was seen in 24 (13.33%) and a low sense of Personal Accomplishment (PA) was perceived by 22 (12.22%). More nurses (55, 52.4%) had high resilience scores compared with doctors (21, 28%). Doctors (21, 28%) experienced more psychological morbidity than nurses (15, 14%). Among the domains of GHQ-28, high scores were observed in Somatic, Anxiety/Insomnia, and Social Dysfunction (mean 4.44 � 3.92, 4.61 � 3.85, and 4.54 � 3.16, respectively) and low scores in the severe depression domain (mean 2.48/�29). Conclusion: Fifteen to eighteen percent of HCPs scored high levels of EE, DP, and low PA. Burnout was more common in doctors who had worked in the cancer center for longer. However, the converse was true for nurses. HCPs with high resilience scores had less burnout. Age and resilience protect from burnout.

rev. psicogente ; 24(46): 20-35, ene.-dic. 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1366077


Resumen Introducción: La pandemia de la COVID-19 ha venido a cambiar de forma abrupta las formas de vida de buena parte de la población mundial. Conocer la presencia de psicopatología en este contexto se hace relevante para generar políticas públicas de promoción y prevención en salud mental. Objetivo: Establecer la presencia de psicopatología en habitantes de Copiapó, Chile, y determinar su relación con las variables sexo, edad, ocupación y apoyo social percibido. Método: El estudio, de tipo transversal, se efectuó en una muestra de 523 personas, habitantes de la ciudad de Copiapó, Chile. Se aplicaron la Escala de Salud General, GHQ-12, la Escala de Apoyo Social percibido, MSPSS, y un cuestionario de caracterización sociodemográfica. Las técnicas de análisis de datos fueron estadísticos descriptivos de frecuencia, tendencia central y variabilidad, y estadígrafos de asociación no paramétricos, chi-cuadrado y Eta. También se utilizó t de Student y Anova, para los datos de nivel escalar. Resultados: Se evidencia que un 51,82 % de los evaluados presenta sospecha o presencia de psicopatología, asociada a sintomatología de depresión, ansiedad y/o disfunción social. Se constatan diferencias significativas según sexo, edad y ocupación de los sujetos. Junto a ello, se aprecian niveles estadísticamente significativos de apoyo social entre quienes tienen ausencia y presencia de psicopatología. Conclusiones: El estudio logra describir los niveles de psicopatología en el grupo estudiado en tiempos de la COVID 19, evidenciándose su relación con variables de género, edad y ocupación, lo cual tiene implicancias para la focalización de intervenciones considerando los grupos más afectados: mujeres, jóvenes y estudiantes. Además, se destaca el apoyo social como un factor protector de la salud mental.

Abstract Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic has come to abruptly change the ways of life of a large part of the world population. Knowing the presence of psychopathology in this context becomes relevant to generate public politics to promote and prevent mental health. Objective: To establish the presence of psychopathology in the inhabitants of Copiapó, Chile, and determine its relationship with the variables sex, age, occupation and perceived social support. Method: The cross-sectional study was carried out on a sample of 523 people, inhabitants of the city of Copiapó, Chile. The General Health Scale, GHQ-12, the Perceived Social Support Scale, MSPSS, and a questionnaire of sociodemographic characterization were applied. Data analysis techniques were descriptive statistics of frequency, central tendency and variability, and non-parametric association statistic, chi-square, and Eta. T Student and Anova were also used for the scalar level data. Results: It is evident that 51,82% of those evaluated show suspicion or presence of psychopathology, associated with symptoms of depression, anxiety and/or social dysfunction. Significant differences were found according to sex, age, and occupation subjects' occupation. Along with this, there are statistically significant levels of social support among those who have absence and presence of psychopathology. Conclusions: The study achieve to describe the levels of psychopathology in the group studied at time of COVID-19, evidencing its relationship with variables of gender, age and occupation, which has implications for targeting interventions considering the most affected groups: women, youth and students. In addition, social support is highlighted as a protective factor of mental health.

rev. psicogente ; 24(45): 23-38, ene.-jun. 2021. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1366067


Resumen Objetivo: Describir la prevalencia de la salud general percibida y su asociación al síndrome de burnout académico e ideación suicida en universitarios de una institución pública de la ciudad de Santa Marta. Método: Se realizó un estudio observacional de corte transversal con componente analítico, en una muestra de 807 estudiantes de una universidad pública, quienes respondieron la escala de salud general (GHQ), el inventario de burnout académico (MBI-SS) y la escala de ideación suicida (CES-D-IS). Resultados: Mostraron el 60 % de los participantes eran mujeres con edades entre 18 a 47 años. El 28 % informa malestar en su salud general percibida. La ideación suicida (OR = 3,16; IC 95 % 1,82 5,49), el agotamiento (OR = 2,22; IC 95 % 1,51 3,25), el cinismo (OR = 1,61; IC 95 % 1,14 2,28), y la ineficacia académica (OR = 1,60; IC 95 % 1,122,28) se asociaron a malestar general percibido. Conclusiones: La ideación suicida y las dimensiones del burnout (agotamiento, cinismo e ineficacia académica) son factores de riesgo para la salud general percibida en los estudiantes universitarios. Se necesita más investigación acerca del papel de variables contextuales en la salud general de los estudiantes universitarios.

Abstract Objective: To describe the prevalence of perceived general health and its association to academic burnout syndrome and suicide ideation in university students of a public institution in the city of Santa Marta. Method: A cross-sectional observational study with analytical component was conducted in a sample of 807 students from a public university, who answered the general health scale (GHQ), the academic burnout inventory (MBI-SS) and the suicide ideation scale (CES-D-IS). Results: They showed 60 % of the participants were women between the ages of 18 and 47,28 % reported an impairment in their perceived general health. Suicidal ideation (OR = 3,16; IC 95 % 1,82 5,49), exhaustion (OR = 2,22; IC 95 % 1,51-3,25), cynicism (OR = 1,61; IC 95 % 1,142,28), and academic inefficacy (OR = 1,60; IC 95 % 1,122,28) were associated with perceived general malaise. Conclusions: Suicidal ideation, and burnout dimensions (exhaustion, cynicism and academic inefficiency) are risk factors for perceived general health in university students. More research is needed on the role of contextual variables in the general health of university students.

Journal of Rural Medicine ; : 191-199, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-906911


Objective: To study the improvement of the mental health of Japanese male registered nurses, we investigated the predictors associated with the Japanese version of the 12-item General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12). For those predictors, we focused on environments with many female registered nurses and female patients’ refusal to accept nursing services from male registered nurses.Materials and Methods: This study was conducted in 93 hospitals in the Aichi, Gifu, and Mie prefectures of Japan. The analyzed subjects were 1,216 full-time male registered nurses. The average age (standard deviation) was 34.5 (9.2) years. Multiple logistic regression analysis was conducted. A GHQ-12 score of ≤3 indicated good mental health, and a score of ≥4 indicated poor mental health. “Mental health” was a dependent variable. The independent variables were: “Age”, “Male registered nurses as important partners on the job”, “Female registered nurses’ good manners toward male registered nurses”, “Fairness regarding male registered nurses’ promotions”, and “Female patients’ refusal to accept nursing services from male registered nurses”.Results: There were 728 (59.9%) full-time male registered nurses with good mental health and 488 (40.1%) with poor mental health. The mental health of the male registered nurses who had negative feelings regarding, “Male registered nurses as important partners on the job” was significantly worse, and that of those who had negative feelings regarding, “Female registered nurses’ good manners toward male registered nurses” was also significantly worse.Conclusion: Female registered nurses must recognize that their attitudes toward male registered nurses influence the mental health of male registered nurses. Hospital managers should provide male registered nurses who cannot establish appropriate relations with female registered nurses with consultation opportunities. Such organizational action by managers is necessary.

Rev. Esc. Enferm. USP ; 55: e03752, 2021. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1279623


ABSTRACT Objective The aim of this study was to investigate the association between chronotype, general health status and sleep quality in a sample of Spanish nurses. Method An observational study assessing morningness-eveningness predisposition, general health status and quality of sleep was conducted between January and April 2018. Univariate and multivariate analyses were performed. A linear regression model was carried out to determine the influence of the variables on the morningness-eveningness type. Results Morning-type was associated with aging (β = 0.249, p = 0.005), being married (β = 3.970, p = 0.033), and with a self-assessed low daily sleepiness (β = -0.311, p = 0.152). Good quality of sleep was moderately correlated with high values of general health (r = 0.337) and perceived quality of life (r = 0.426). Conclusion Anomalies of the circadian rhythm together with the features of shift workers may play an important role in predicting self-assessed general health status or the quality of sleep in nurses.

RESUMEN Objetivo Este estudio tuvo como objetivo investigar la asociación entre el cronotipo, el estado general de salud y la calidad del sueño en una muestra de enfermeras españolas. Método Desde enero a abril de 2018, se realizó un estudio observacional para evaluar la predisposición matutina-vespertina, el estado de salud general y la calidad del sueño. Se realizaron análisis univariante y multivariante. Se efectuó un modelo de regresión lineal para determinar la influencia de las variables en el tipo matutino-vespertino. Resultados El tipo matutino se asoció con el envejecimiento (β = 0,249; p = 0,005), estar casado (β = 3,970; p = 0,033) y con un bajo nivel de somnolencia diaria autoevaluada (β = -0,311; p = 0,152). La buena calidad del sueño se correlacionó moderadamente con valores altos de salud general (r = 0,337) y de calidad de vida percibida (r = 0,426). Conclusión Las anomalías del ritmo circadiano junto con las características de los trabajadores por turnos pueden desempeñar un papel importante en la predicción del estado de salud general autoevaluado o la calidad del sueño de las enfermeras.

RESUMO Objetivo O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar a associação entre cronótipo, estado geral de saúde e qualidade do sono em uma amostra de enfermeiras espanholas. Método Foi realizado um estudo observacional entre janeiro e abril de 2018 que avaliou a predisposição matutina-vespertina, o estado geral de saúde e a qualidade do sono. Foram realizadas análises univariadas e multivariadas. Um modelo de regressão linear foi realizado para determinar a influência das variáveis sobre o tipo matutino-vespertino. Resultados O tipo matinal foi associado ao envelhecimento (β = 0,249, p = 0,005), ser casado (β = 3,970, p = 0,033) e com baixa sonolência diária autoavaliada (β = -0,311, p = 0,152). Boa qualidade de sono foi moderadamente correlacionada com altos valores de saúde geral (r = 0,337) e qualidade de vida percebida (r = 0,426). Conclusão Anomalias do ritmo circadiano em conjunto com as características dos trabalhadores em turnos podem desempenhar um papel importante na previsão do estado geral de saúde autoavaliado ou da qualidade do sono em enfermeiras.

Sono , Saúde Ocupacional , Enfermeiras e Enfermeiros , Nível de Saúde
Psicol. rev ; 29(2): 375-403, dez.2020. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | INDEXPSI, LILACS | ID: biblio-1396196


Os constructos do Capital Psicológico e Suporte Organizacional são áreas do conhecimento que propõem o resgate do valor das pessoas e suas implicações no ambiente das empresas. O presente estudo tem como objetivo analisar a relação entre suporte organizacional, capital psicológico positivo no trabalho e saúde geral em enfermeiros de um hospital público na cidade de Natal-RN. Tratou-se de uma pesquisa quantitativa, e, para coleta de dados, foram utilizados 04 instrumentos: Questionário de caracterização sociodemográfico e laboral; Escala de Percepção de Suporte Organizacional, Escala de Capital Psicológico Positivo no Trabalho e o Questionário de Saúde Geral, aplicados a 101 enfermeiros. Por meio do pacote estatístico SPSSWIN 24.0 e AMOS 22, realizaram-se as análises estatísticas descritivas, correlação de Pearson, teste t de Student, alfas e verificação do modelo teórico. Observou-se que a associação entre o suporte organizacional e questionário de saúde geral não foi significativa, refutando a hipótese inicial. Gerou-se um modelo alternativo, hipotetizando uma perspectiva mediacional. Nesta, a variável suporte organizacional associou-se positivamente ao capital psicológico, e este ao QSG. Conclui-se que o modelo alternativo apresentou melhores resultados, demonstrando que, quando o capital psicológico atua como mediador entre o suporte organizacional e a saúde geral dos enfermeiros, é possível obter melhores níveis de saúde.

The Psychological Capital and Organizational Support constructs are areas of knowledge which suggest the redemption of people's value and their implica-tions over the companies' environment. The present study aims to analyze the relationship between organizational support, positive psychological capital and general health in nurses from a public hospital in the city of Natal, state of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. The study quantitative field research, data collection used 04 instruments: a social-demographic and labor characteriza-tion questionnaire; the Perceived Organizational Support Scale; the Positive Psychological Capital Scale at Work, and the General Health Questionnaire, applied to 101 nurses. Through the SPSSWIN 24.0 and AMOS 22 statistical package, descriptive statistical analysis was carried out, the Pearson corre-lation, the Student's t-test, alphas and the theoretical model validation. It was observed that the association between organizational support and QSG was not significant, refuting the initial hypothesis. An alternative model was generated, hypothesizing a mediation perspective, in this, the organizational support variable was positively associated with psychological capital, and this with QSG. The research concludes that the the alternative model presented better results, shows that when the psychological capital acts as a mediator between the organizational support and the nurses' general health, it is possible to reach better health levels.

Los constructos del Capital Psicológico y Soporte Organizacional son áreas del conocimiento que proponen el rescate del valor de las personas y sus implicaciones en el ambiente de las empresas. El presente estudio tiene como objetivo analizar la relación entre soporte organizacional, capital psicológico positivo en el trabajo y salud general en los enfermeros de un hospital público en la ciudad de Natal-RN. Se trata de una investigación cuantitativa, para la recolección de datos se utilizaron 04 instrumentos: Cuestionario de caracte-rización sociodemográfica y laboral; Escala de percepción de soporte orga-nizacional; Escala de capital psicológico positivo en el trabajo y Cuestionario de salud general, aplicados a 101 enfermeros. A través del paquete estadístico SPSSWIN 24.0 y AMOS 22, se llevaron a cabo los análisis estadísticos descrip-tivos, correlación de Pearson, prueba t de Student, alphas y verificación del modelo teórico. Se observó que la asociación entre apoyo organizacional y CSG no fue significativa, refutando la hipótesis inicial. Se generó un modelo alternativo, hipotetizando una perspectiva mediacional, en este, la variable de apoyo organizacional se asoció positivamente con el capital psicológico, y este con CSG. Se concluye que el modelo alternativo mostró mejores resultados, demostrando que cuando el capital psicológico actúa como mediador entre el apoyo organizacional y la salud general de las enfermeras, es posible obtener mejores niveles de salud.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Poder Psicológico , Saúde Mental , Fortalecimento Institucional , Correlação de Dados , Análise de Mediação , Hospitais Públicos , Enfermeiros/psicologia
Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-214854


Serious psychiatric conditions like schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, alcohol dependence syndrome lead to a great burden in care givers who adopt a variety of styles to cope with their family member’s illness. Burden perceived and coping styles used by spouses is quite different from other care givers given their close relationship with the patient. Little research is focused on spouses as an exclusive group for their assessment of burden & coping. The aim was to compare the burden and coping in spouses across three patient groups with schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and alcohol dependence syndrome.METHODSThis was conducted at Institute of Mental Health, Hyderabad with 180 spouses (30 male & 30 female) from patients of above three illnesses. After IEC approval and a written informed consent, the patient and spouse were interviewed with the semi-structured intake pro-forma to capture socio-demographic details of spouse, illness, marital, family & treatment history. After initial assessment of patient’s functional status using GAF scale; BAS, CCL, GHQ-12 instruments were administered on spouses to assess the burden of illness, coping styles and general health status. Data was analysed with SPSS 17.RESULTSAlcohol use and mental illness is high in families of patients with alcohol dependence reaching statistical significance. Nuclear families are high in schizophrenia group and in alcohol dependence group, substance use in spouses is high at 25 (52.1%) along with abuse of spouses at 19 (67.9%) which is statistically significant. On ANOVA & post hoc analysis, means of GHQ-12 in alcohol dependence group is higher than other groups while means of BAS is higher in alcohol dependence group showing high scores on BAS factor analysis.CONCLUSIONSBurden perceived by spouses of these three patient groups is significant. The coping styles used by spouses to handle the distress due to patient’s illness are many. A high global functioning score of the patient corresponds to good general health in the spouse. Proper psychosocial interventions when employed can help spouses deal better with burden and enhance coping styles.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-214814


Serious mental illnesses like schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, alcohol dependence syndrome lead to great burden in care givers who adopt a variety of methods to cope with their family member’s illness. Burden perceived and coping styles used by spouses is quite different from other care givers given their close relationship with the patient. Little research is focused on spouses as an exclusive group for the assessment of burden & coping. The aim was to study the socio-demographic profile, the burden and coping in the spouses of patients with schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and alcohol dependence syndrome.METHODSThis study was conducted at the Institute of Mental Health, Hyderabad, among 180 study participants including spouses (30 male & 30 female) from patient groups of the above three illnesses. After obtaining written informed consent, patient and spouse were interviewed with a semi-structured intake pro-forma to capture the socio-demographic details of spouse, illness, marital, family & treatment history. After initial assessment of patient’s functional status using GAF scale; BAS, CCL, GHQ-12 instruments were administered on spouses to assess the burden of illness, coping styles and general health status. SPSS 17 was applied to the data.RESULTSAlcohol use and mental illness is high in families of patients with alcohol dependence reaching statistical significance. Nuclear families are high in schizophrenia group and in alcohol dependence group, substance use in spouses is high at 25 (52.1%) along with abuse of spouses at 19 (67.9%) with statistical significance. Also, means of GHQ-12 in alcohol dependence group is higher than other groups while means of BAS is higher in alcohol dependence group.CONCLUSIONSBurden perceived by spouses of these three patient groups is significant. The coping styles used by spouses to handle the distress due to patient’s illness are many. A high global functioning score of the patient corresponds to good general health in the spouse. Proper psychosocial interventions when employed can help spouses deal better with burden and enhance coping styles.

J. pediatr. (Rio J.) ; 96(1): 76-83, Jan.-Feb. 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1090994


Abstract Objectives The purpose of this study was to evaluate the agreement and risk factors for underestimation and overestimation between nutritional status and self-perceived body image and to assess the prevalence and associated factors for dissatisfaction with body weight among Brazilian adolescents. Methods Students aged 12-17 years participating in the Study of Cardiovascular Risk in Adolescents ("ERICA"), a multicenter, cross-sectional, school-based country-wide study, were included (n = 71,740). Variables assessed as covariates were sex, age, skin color, socioeconomic status, and common mental disorders (screened by the General Health Questionnaire, GHQ-12). Multinomial logistic regression was used to explore the association between covariates and combinations between self-perceived body image and body mass index (agreement, underestimation and overestimation). The associations between dissatisfaction with body weight and exposure variables were investigated using multivariable Poisson regression models. Results Approximately 66% students rightly matched their body mass index with self-perceived weight (kappa coefficient was 0.38 for boys and 0.35 for girls). Agreement was higher among younger students and adolescents from low income households. Male sex, older age, and GHQ-12 score ≥3 were associated with weight overestimation. Prevalence of dissatisfaction with body weight was 45.0% (95% CI: 44.0-46.0), and higher among girls, older adolescents, those with underweight or overweight/obesity, as well as those who were physically inactive and with GHQ-12 ≥3. Conclusions Most of the sample rightly self-perceived their body image according to body mass index. Students with body image misperception and those dissatisfied with their weight were more likely to present a positive screening for common mental disorders.

Resumo Objetivos A finalidade deste estudo foi avaliar a concordância e os fatores de risco para subestimação e superestimação entre o estado nutricional e a autoimagem corporal e para avaliar a prevalência e os fatores associados à insatisfação com o peso corporal entre adolescentes brasileiros. Métodos Foram incluídos estudantes entre 12 e 17 anos que participavam do Estudo de Riscos Cardiovasculares em Adolescentes ("ERICA"), um estudo multicêntrico, transversal, nacional e de base escolar (n = 71.740). As variáveis analisadas como covariáveis foram sexo, idade, cor da pele, situação socioeconômica e transtornos mentais comuns (triados pelo Questionário de Saúde Geral, QSG-12). A regressão logística multinomial foi usada para explorar a associação entre as covariáveis e as combinações entre a autoimagem corporal e o índice de massa corporal (concordância, subestimação e superestimação). As associações entre a insatisfação com o peso corporal e as variáveis de exposição foram investigadas com os modelos multivariáveis de regressão de Poisson. Resultados Aproximadamente 66% dos estudantes associaram corretamente seu índice de massa corporal com o peso autopercebido (o coeficiente kappa foi 0,38 para meninos e 0,35 para meninas). A concordância foi maior entre jovens e adolescentes de baixa renda. Sexo masculino, adolescentes mais velhos e um escore QSG 12 ≥ 3 foram associados à superestimação do peso. A prevalência de insatisfação com o peso corporal foi 45,0% (IC de 95%: 44,0-46,0), maior entre meninas, adolescentes mais velhos, aqueles abaixo do peso ou com sobrepeso/obesidade, fisicamente inativos e com QSG-12 ≥ 3. Conclusões A maior parte da amostra associou corretamente sua imagem corporal de acordo com o índice de massa corporal. Estudantes com distorção da autoimagem corporal e aqueles insatisfeitos com seu peso foram mais propensos a apresentar rastreamento positivo para transtornos mentais comuns.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Criança , Adolescente , Imagem Corporal , Estado Nutricional , Autoimagem , Peso Corporal , Brasil , Índice de Massa Corporal , Estudos Transversais
Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-205170


Objectives: To investigate the impact of Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) on the quality of life (QOL) of parents of the affected child and identify predictors of deteriorating QOL. Subjects and methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out at the Autistic Center, Ministry of Health, Tabuk city included a sample of parents or caregivers of autistic children (aged ≤ 14 years) throughout the study period (August-November, 2019). A self-administered questionnaire was used consisted of socio-demographic variables of the parent/caregiver, autistic child`s data and the different items of the WHOQOL-BREF questionnaire. Results: The study included 100 parents/caregivers. The age of more than half of them (54%) ranged between 31 and 40 years. More than half (58%) were females. The second level of autism was observed among 47% of the affected children while levels one and three were observed among 40% and 13% of them, respectively. Concerning the different domains of QOL, 11%, 21%, 8% and 15% of the parents/caregivers had poor physical, psychological, social and environmental domains of QOL. Overall, 7% of parents/caregivers had poor QOL. Parents/caregivers aged between 31-40 years, unmarried, low income, whose autistic children aged 3 years, had duration of the disease of 3 years were more likely to have poor overall QOL compared to their counterparts. Conclusion: Overall quality of life of parents/caregivers of autistic children in Tabuk was good. The most affected domains were the psychological and environmental domains. The majority of them have self-perceived their quality of life as neutral and were satisfied with their general health.

Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-876780


@#Aim of this study is to determine levels of general health, occupational stress and burnout in nurses who are working in Shohadaye Kargar Hospital of Yazd. A cross- sectional study was conducted among nurses who are working in Shohadaye Kargar Hospital of Yazd in 2017-2018 years. The sample was randomly selected and total 200 nurses were enrolled to the study. The study instruments included Occupational stress questionnaire, Maslach Burnout Inventory and General Health Questionnaire. Collected Data were analyzed by using descriptive test and Pearson correlation coefficient and multivariate regression in SPSS. The findings of research indicated that total levels of occupational stress were high among 58.85 % of nurses. Regarding burnout, 35.93% of nurses had reported high levels of burnout. Less than one percent (0.37 %) of nurses have high mental health problems and 0.44 percent reported mid mental health problem. There was a statistically significant correlation between occupational stress with mental health (p<.001) and job burnout with mental health (p<.001). Occupational stress and job burnout may have undesired influences on nursing mental health and general function.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-201301


Background: Perceived health (PH) is a subjective assessment of the health and it is a strong, independent and reliable predictor of morbidity, mortality. It includes so many aspects that are difficult to capture clinically such as incipient disease, physiological, psychological reserves. We assessed the impact of diabetes mellitus (DM), hypertension (HTN), co-morbidity and other associated factors on the general health (GH) dimension of the PH of the patients attending the outpatient department (OPD), Inpatient department (IPD), rural health training centre (RHTC) and urban health training centre (UHTC) of Shri Ram Murti Smarak Institute of Medical Sciences (SRMS, IMS), Bareilly.Methods: PH status of the patients was assessed by the GH dimension of the physical component summary of PH using the 36-Items short form health survey (SF-36).Results: The impact of morbidity deteriorate the GH score but hypertensive patients scored poor results as compared to those with DM and comorbid patients (p>0.05). Age was inversely related with GH scores but male gender, higher education (p<0.05) and good occupation were all associated with higher GH score. There was not much influence of geographical area on the GH scores but urban score slightly better and the association was insignificant (p>0.05).Conclusions: Male young patients from urban area, educated and good job performed better score for GH and association was significant for education and occupation. The presence of morbidity and co-morbid condition deteriorate the GH of the patients. The impact of various socio-demographic factors on the PH status was also evident in the study.

Psychiatry Investigation ; : 808-815, 2019.
Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-786543


OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to examine the factor structures of the a priori alternative models of the 12-items General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12), its psychometric characteristics and gender measurement invariance in a sample of non-clinical Nigerian adolescents (n=1326; M(age)=15.16).METHODS: The sample consisted of 606 (45.7%) males, who completed the GHQ-12 in addition to the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS), the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSES) and the Suicidal Behaviors Questionnaire-Revised (SBQ-R). We compared 21 models to identify which has the best fit indices applying confirmatory factor analysis. Gender measurement invariance was examined with nested multiple-group confirmatory factor analysis (MGCFA).RESULTS: The model that best captures psychological distress was a three-factor model that was initially described among the Australian general population (CFI=0.952, SRMR=0.0310, RMSEA=0.042) (90%CI=0.035–0.049). The internal consistencies (ω) of this model and its dimensions were modestly satisfactory. The criterion validity of this model was supported via significant correlations with the other study measures. MGCFA supported the configural, metric and scalar gender invariances of this model.CONCLUSION: A three-factor GHQ-12 model (anhedonia/sleep disturbances; social performance and Loss of confidence) is useful as a psychological distress assessment tool among Nigerian adolescents.

Adolescente , Humanos , Masculino , Ansiedade , Depressão , Psicometria
Chinese Journal of Stomatology ; (12): 145-150, 2019.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-804805


Oral microecosystem comprises the different anatomic microniches of the oral cavity, oral microbiome living in them and the bathing fluid, saliva. Dynamic balance of the ecosystem plays an important role in keeping human health whereas disease conditions supervene when the microbial equilibrium is broken. Hence, the researchers have focused more attention on it recently. In this paper, the relationship between oral microecological homeostasis and general health was systematically reviewed from such aspects as the composition of oral microecosystem, the effects of its imbalance on oral and general health, and the methods currently used to modulate the oral microecology.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-781667


To investigate the mental health status of the floating population in Chengdu and explore its influencing factors. A questionnaire-based survey was conducted on non-Chengdu household workers over 16 years old in four directions(east,south,west,and north)of Chengdu from June 2017 to June 2018 to collect their social demographic characteristics and mental health status information through respondent driven sampling method.The 12-item general health questionnaire(GHQ-12) was used to assess the mental health status of the respondents,and a multivariate logistic regression model was used to analyze the influencing factors of mental health. The average score of GHQ-12 was(1.09±1.61)and the detection rate of mental problems was 7.11%.The main mental problems were anxiety and nervousness.Multivariate unconditional logistic regression analysis showed that over 55 years old(=0.425,95%=0.213-0.847),junior middle school education(=0.541,95%=0.356-0.824),length of residence ≥5 years(5-9 years:=0.603,95%=0.394-0.923;≥10 years:=0.534,95%=0.346-0.823),annual income ≥18 000 yuan(18 000-35 999 yuan:=0.524,95%=0.328-0.836;36 000-59 999 yuan:=0.327,95%=0.190-0.565;≥60 000 yuan: =0.356,95%=0.192-0.662),and a good relationship with employers(=0.519,95%=0.363-0.742)were the protective factors for the mental health.Divorce/widowhood(=2.351,95%=1.341-4.124),plan to return hometown after 5 years(=1.805,95%=1.084-3.006)and not yet consideration of leaving Chengdu(=1.844,95%=1.269-2.681)were the risk factors. The mental health of the floating population in Chengdu is generally good.However,floating individuals with poor marital status and/or poor sense of belonging to Chengdu are at higher risk of mental problems.The local government should formulate and improve the policies and measures related to social welfare and public services for the floating population and try to enhance their urban integration and sense of belonging,thus improving their mental health.

Adolescente , Humanos , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Estudos Transversais , Nível de Saúde , Saúde Mental , Fatores de Risco , Inquéritos e Questionários
Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-821350


@#Dual competing responsibilities between work and family are the challenges faced by most of the healthcare staff. Ineffective handling of these responsibilities may contribute to absenteeism which further disrupt the quality of work and reduce customer satisfaction. The aims of this study were to determine the prevalence of job absenteeism and to identify the association between family responsibilities and job absenteeism among nurses in teaching hospital. This was a cross sectional study targeted to nurses working in medical and surgical field based in a hospital. Questionnaires were distributed using stratified random sampling. Those with working services of less than one year were excluded. The mean age was 35.9 (SD=6.44) years old. Majority were female (94.0%) and Malay (96.0%). The one-year prevalence of absenteeism was 78.0% and majority were due to emergency leaves. Taking care of elderly and no help obtained for taking care of child showed significant associations with job absenteeism which both yielded four times higher odds for being absent. Employees with additional family responsibilities should receive support by the organisation to prevent further job absenteeism among nurses.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-184141


Background: Managers' leadership styles have negative and positive impacts on affairs of governmental organizations and in this regard influences psychological variables, such as psychological variables influencing general health which are studied in this paper. So, the present study aims at investigating managers' leadership styles on general health of Cheram City Health network personnel. Materials & Methods: This study is descriptive and of correlation type that the statistical population incudes all managers and personnel of Cheram City health network managers and personnel. The number of managers is 54 and personnel are 218 persons. For sampling, Morgan table was used that randomly 45 managers and 135 employees were selected as sample. The research instrument in this study is questionnaire of Salesman and Anderkolc (1982) managers' leadership styles and Goldberg & Hiller (1979) general health questionnaires. The statistical analysis was performed with SPSS software and statistical tests of multivariate variance and correlation factor. Results: : findings showed that there is a significant and positive relation between leadership styles and personnel general health (p<0.05). There is a significant and negative relation between authoritative - exploitative leadership style and personnel general health (p<0.05). There is a significant and positive relation between authoritative - benevolent, participative and consultative style and personnel general health (p<0.05). Conclusion: Discussion and conclusion: managers' leadership styles impact personnel general health and the more flexibility the managers in the organization have, the personnel psychological indicators are more and the organization status becomes better.

Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-780810


@# The identification of psychosocial burden and general health among women with abnormal Pap smear results was fundamentally important because women play the significant role in the family and community. The purpose of this study was to determine the level of psychosocial burden, level of general health and relationship between psychosocial burden with general health among women with abnormal Pap smear after colposcopy. This crosssectional study was done towards 218 women with abnormal Pap smear after colposcopy. Universal sampling at gynecology clinic from three tertiary hospitals in the East Coast of Malaysia was conducted. Respondents selfanswered the validated Malay version of Psychosocial Effect of Abnormal Pap smear Questionnaire and General Health Questionnaire-12 in Malay version. Data were analyzed by using statistical software IBM-SPSS version 22, descriptive statistical method, Pearson and Spearman Correlation coefficient analysis were used. The results revealed that 43.1% and 16.5% of women with psychosocial burden were having distress due to abnormal Pap smear after colposcopy. The correlation coefficient showed a significant moderate correlation between psychosocial burden and general health (r = 0.41 and p=0.000). The women are facing psychosocial burden and distress in life after being diagnosed with abnormal Pap smear, because it is related to physical and psychological aspects. This shown that psychological aspect is important in health, therefore health care needs to perform the assessment of the psychosocial burden and general health among women with abnormal Pap smear in Malaysia.

Nível de Saúde