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Fractal rev. psicol ; 34: e5887, 2022.
Artigo em Português | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1384964


A formação em Psicologia é alvo de discussões desde a sua regulamentação como profissão. O presente estudo teve como objetivo identificar a percepção dos egressos de um curso de graduação em Psicologia, numa universidade federal nordestina, acerca da formação generalista, considerando a sua história "recente" junto à expansão universitária no Brasil e a conformidade com as Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa, cujos dados foram obtidos por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas individuais, com oito psicólogos egressos, atuantes no mercado de trabalho. A análise dos resultados ocorreu com base na Análise de Conteúdo de Bardin (1977), pela qual se observou uma compreensão pouco assertiva quanto ao conceito de formação generalista e certa dificuldade em nomear-se um profissional como generalista, ainda que essa postura faça parte da prática diária. Além disso, percebeu-se a existência de críticas referentes à matriz curricular e ao relacionamento com os docentes. No entanto, sobressai uma avaliação positiva.(AU)

The formation in Psychology has been the subject of discussions since its regulation as a profession. The present study aimed to identify the perception of graduates of a Psychology undergraduate course at a federal university in the northeast, about the generalist formation, considering your "recent" history with the university expansion in Brazil and the compliance with the National Curricular Guidelines. This is a qualitative study, whose data were obtained through individual semi-structured interviews, with eight graduates psychologists inserted in the labor market. The analysis of the results occurred based on Bardin's Content Analysis (1977), where it was observed a little assertive understanding about the concept of generalist formation, and a certain difficulty in naming itself as a generalist professional, even though this posture is part of daily practice. Besides that, there were criticisms about the curriculum and the relationship with the teachers. However, a positive evaluation stands out.(AU)

Desde su regulación como profesión, la Psicología ha sido objeto de discusiones. El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo identificar la percepción de los egresados de un curso de graduación en Psicología de una universidad federal de la región del nordeste, sobre la formación general, considerando su historia "reciente" así como la expansión universitaria en Brasil y el cumplimiento de la Orientaciones Curriculares Nacionales (DCN). Se trata de una investigación cualitativa, cuyos datos se obtuvieron a través de entrevistas individuales semi-estructuradas realizadas a ocho (8) graduados en Psicología y activos en el mercado laboral. El análisis de los resultados se basó en el Content Analysis de Bardin (1977), donde se constató una comprensión menos asertiva del concepto de formación general y cierta dificultad para reconocerse como profesional generalista a pesar que esta postura forma parte de la práctica diaria. Además se observaron ciertas críticas con respecto a la matriz curricular y a la relación con los profesores. Sin embargo, lo que se destaca es una crítica positiva.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Psicologia/educação , Ensino , Currículo
Rev. biol. trop ; 69(2)jun. 2021.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1387646


Resumen Introducción: El café es una planta altamente micotrófica, por lo que la interacción con los hongos micorrízicos arbusculares (HMA) se ha estudiado en distintos países tropicales. La mayoría de los trabajos publicados indican que el café se beneficia de la asociación micorrízica, donde los HMA confieren protección ante patógenos y enfermedades, incrementa la absorción de agua, así como la adaptación de la planta durante el trasplante de vivero al campo. Objetivo: Se realizó una revisión donde se resumieron y analizaron trabajos reportados por la asociación de HMA y café de los últimos 10 años, enfocada en la distribución global de especies de HMA, beneficio nutricional de la asociación y su interacción con patógenos. Métodos: Se revisaron diferentes bases de datos que reportaron trabajos realizados en los principales países productores de café. La revisión se centró principalmente en los trabajos publicados entre el 2000 y el 2019, sin embargo, en algunos casos se incluyeron artículos clásicos en el tema, que no corresponden al periodo señalado, principalmente los realizados en Brasil desde 1986. Se organizó el número de especies reportadas por país, se buscaron sinonimias y agruparon por familia, género y especie. Los trabajos donde solo se reportan géneros o las especies presentaron ambigüedad, se usaron como referencia, pero no se incluyeron en el análisis final. Se resumieron los reportes de los beneficios de la interacción de HMA con café, así como la tolerancia a patógenos. Resultados: Los datos recabados muestran que hay más de 100 especies de HMA asociadas con el café, lo cual representa más de la tercera parte del total de las especies reportadas en el mundo. En Colombia se reportó la mayor riqueza de especies de HMA, lo cual puede deberse a que es el país con más reportes en el tema. Conclusiones: Esta información muestra los beneficios de la incorporación de HMA en los programas de replantación de fincas de café, pues estos hongos son un elemento clave en la nutrición de los cafetos, sin embargo, se debe considerar la variedad de café cultivada y la introducción de HMA, pues no en todas hay una asociación exitosa.

Abstract Introduction: Coffee is a highly mycotrophic plant, its interaction with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi has been studied among different tropical countries. The majority of the published works indicates that coffee is benefited from the mycorrhizal association, where the AMF confers protection against pathogens and diseases, increases water absorption, as well as it increases the adaptation of the plant at transplant from nurseries to the main plantation. Objective: A review was made where we summarized and analyze the research reports of AMF with coffee from at least the past 10 years, focused on AMF global species distribution, nutritional benefits of the association and interaction with pathogens. Methods: We retrieved available bibliographic data from coffee producer countries in public databases. We considered published works from 2000 to 2019, nevertheless, we included classic papers on the topic, outside that period, mainly the ones performed in Brazil since 1986. We organized the number of reported species per country, we look for synonyms, grouped them by family, genera and species. The reports that only reported genera or where ambiguous were used as reference but not considered for the final analysis. We summarized the reports of the benefits of the AMF interaction in coffee, as well as pathogen tolerance. Results: The collected data shows that there are more than 100 AMF species associated with coffee, which represents more than a third part of the total of reported species worldwide. We found that Colombia has the highest richness, but it also has the highest number of published reports. Conclusions: This information shows the benefits of the incorporation of AMF to coffee plantation programs, because these fungi are a key element in coffee plant nutrition, nevertheless, the coffee variety should be considered when introducing AMF, as not all associations has been efficient.

Café , Micorrizas , Fungos , México
Acta sci., Biol. sci ; 41: e47720, 20190000. map, tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1460897


The reproductive process promotes morphophysiological and behavioral changes in fish species throughout their life cycle. Its success is vital to define their resilience in the environment. This study aimed to evaluate the reproductive biology of the endemic fish species Astyanax bifasciatusin a tributary of the Lower Iguaçu River Basin, Paraná, Brazil. Fish were collected monthly at four sites along the Jirau Alto River in the city of Dois Vizinhos from October 2015 to September 2016. A standardized catch effort with gill nets and fish traps was used. In the laboratory, standard length and total weight were recorded. After anesthesia, the animals were sectioned to macroscopically determine the sex, sexual maturity stage, and presence of celomatic fat. The gonads and liver were removed to determine the gonadosomatic and hepatosomatic indexes, respectively. A total of 160 individuals (104 femalesand 56 males) were used. The gonadosomatic index, frequency of the gonadal maturation stages, and condition factor showed a long reproductive period with two investment cycles for both sex. Length at first sexual maturity was 4.57 cm for females and 3.56 cm for males. The reproductive data corroborate the generalist profile of the species and demonstrate a high degree of adaptive capacity, even in smaller tributaries.

Animais , Characidae/anatomia & histologia , Estágios do Ciclo de Vida , Saúde Reprodutiva
Neotrop. ichthyol ; 16(4): [e170167], out. 2018. mapas, ilus, graf, tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-964046


Alterations in natural landscapes, mainly caused by anthropic pressures, have been threatening the world's biomes, including aquatic environments and its biota. This study describes the diet of Bryconamericus iheringii, and how its body shape relates to environmental variables in populations of 22 streams. A wide array of food items were found, mainly composed of allochthonous plants (50.5%) and autochthonous invertebrates (25.2%). Even though food items remained almost the same, the predominant food group significantly differed among streams, mainly in relation to environmental characteristics. There was variation in body shape primarily associated with body depth and length of the pre-dorsal region; however, these differences did not correspond with streams. PLS-CA analyses indicated that environmental characteristics, such as substrate type, percentage of marginal vegetation have some influence over food items availability but not on body shape. This may be because B. iheringii is a non-specialist species capable of prey switching based on availability due to an intermediate body shape suited for generalist feeding habits.(AU)

Alterações em paisagens naturais, principalmente as causadas por pressão antrópica, tem ameaçado os biomas mundiais, incluindo ambientes aquáticos e sua biota. Este estudo descreve a dieta de B. iheringii e como seu formato corporal se relaciona com variáveis ambientais, em populações de 22 riachos. Uma grande variedade de itens alimentares foi encontrada, principalmente compostos por plantas alóctones (50,5%) e invertebrados autóctones (25,2%). Ainda que os itens alimentares tenham permanecido quase os mesmos, o grupo alimentar predominante diferiu significativamente entre riachos, principalmente devido a características ambientais. Ocorreu variação no formato corporal principalmente associado com profundidade do corpo e comprimento da região pré-dorsal; entretanto, tais diferenças não corresponderam aos agrupamentos por riacho. A análise PLS-CA indicou que as características ambientais, tais como tipo de substrato, porcentagem de vegetação marginal exercem alguma influência sobre a disponibilidade dos itens alimentares, mas não sobre o formato corporal. Isso pode ocorrer por B. iheringii ser uma espécie não especialista com capacidade de mudar suas presas de acordo a com disponibilidade das mesmas, isto, devido ao seu formato corporal intermediário adequado a hábitos generalistas.(AU)

Animais , Composição Corporal/genética , Characidae/anatomia & histologia , Ecossistema
Ter. psicol ; 35(1): 95-110, Apr. 2017. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-846335


La acreditación de la actividad en Psicología Clínica en España tiene una corta historia, aunque pueden encontrarse precedentes lejanos. En la actualidad, los alumnos que superan el Grado en Psicología pueden optar por dos titulaciones para ejercer dentro del sistema sanitario español: Máster en Psicología General Sanitaria y Psicólogo Especialista en Psicología Clínica. Se describe no solo la habilitación profesional que comportan, sino también las formas de acceso, objetivos, contenidos y modelos de formación de ambas titulaciones. Además, se compara la acreditación española en ese ámbito profesional con la europea, y se hace mención de las acreditaciones no oficiales sin repercusión en la regulación profesional. Por último, se enumeran los problemas aún existentes en este campo de acreditación profesional, y se sugieren vías de solución para los mismos.

The accreditation of training in clinical psychology in Spain has a short history, although distant precedents can be found. At present, students who obtain an honour's degree in psychology can choose between two qualifications in order to practice within the Spanish health system: a master's degree in General Health Psychology or the qualification of Specialist Psychologist in Clinical Psychology. We describe the scope for which each of these titles qualifies the individual within the profession, and also the access routes, objectives, contents and training models of the two qualifications. Additionally, we compare the Spanish accreditation in this professional field with the European accreditation, and we mention the unofficial qualifications that have no repercussion in the professional regulation. Finally, we list the problems that still exist in this field of professional accreditation, and we suggest ways of solving them.

Acreditação , Psicologia Clínica , Espanha
Rev. peru. biol. (Impr.) ; 23(1): 61-66, Jan.-Apr. 2016. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1094247


There have been numerous studies about Spectacled bear´s diet, however little is known about the small vertebrates it consumes. This study present nine vertebrate species (seven rodent and two birds) as preys of the Spectacled bear, based on the analysis of six feces collected from two locations Upa (Amazonas) and Lagunas Arreviatadas (Cajamarca) in northern Peru. Six of these records were new food items and a new family Caviidae. Vertebrates were found only in the Upa location. Additionally a sampling of small non flying mammals was conducted in there. Our results suggest that the Spectacled bear would be a generalist species. It prefers plants, however if it finds vertebrates in the environment, it could feed on them.

Se han realizado numerosos estudios acerca de la dieta del oso andino, sin embargo poco se conoce sobre los pequeños vertebrados que consume. El presente trabajo da a conocer nueve especies de vertebrados (siete roedores y dos aves) como presas del oso andino, por medio del análisis de seis fecas provenientes de dos localidades Upa (Amazonas) y Lagunas Arreviatadas (Cajamarca) en el norte de Perú. Seis de estos registros son nuevos ítems alimenticios y una nueva familia Caviidae. Tan solo en la localidad de Upa se encontraron restos de vertebrados. Adicionalmente los pequeños mamíferos no voladores fueron muestreados en esa localidad. Nuestros resultados sugieren que el oso andino sería una especie generalista, si bien puede tener preferencias en la ingesta de plantas, en el caso de los vertebrados pareciera consumirlos según los encuentra en el ambiente.

Rev. habanera cienc. méd ; 13(1): 72-84, ene.-feb. 2014.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-706710


Introducción: los cambios del contexto de trabajo en los hospitales para los internistas exigen perfeccionar el funcionamiento de sus servicios. Objetivos: identificar problemas que afectan a la especialidad Medicina Interna y los cambios organizativos necesarios para su solución, en un hospital clínico-quirúrgico. Material y Métodos: se realizó investigación cualitativa, basada en la actividad de un grupo nominal que dio salida a tareas propias de la dirección estratégica. Resultados: se definió la misión, visión y líneas estratégicas de trabajo del Servicio de Medicina Interna, se caracterizó el contexto y definieron como problemas en orden de prioridad: Deterioro del método clínico; práctica de una Medicina biologicista; insuficiente disponibilidad de camas; limitaciones en los recursos humanos, materiales y financieros para la máxima calidad de la atención y sobrecarga de los servicios clínicos. Se definieron las fortalezas, debilidades, amenazas y oportunidades. De ellas se derivaron propuestas de acciones ofensivas, adaptativas, defensivas y de supervivencia para lograr un cambio positivo en el trabajo de esta especialidad. Conclusiones: la gestión del capital humano en Medicina Interna implica una estructura colaborativa más eficiente para el hospital, que depare mejor utilización de los internistas como médico generalista e integrador, lo que contribuiría a disminuir las fronteras físicas de las salas y centrar el trabajo en los enfermos.

Introduction: the work context changes of the internists demand to make perfect the functioning of their services. Objectives: identify problems that affect the Internal Medicine and the necessary organizative changes to solve them, at a clinical-surgical hospital. Material and Methods: it was a qualitative research based on the activity of a nominal group that gave vent to own tasks of the strategic direction. Results: the mission, vision and the Internal Medicine service's strategic lines of work were defined; the context was assigned priority to its problems: Deterioration of the clinical method; the practice of a biologist medicine; insufficient availability of beds; Limitations in human, materials and financiers resources for the maximum quality of attention; Overload of the clinical services. It was defined fortresses, weaknesses, threats and opportunities. The offensive, adjustatives, defensives and survival actions to achieve a positive change were derived. Conclusions: the management of the human capital in internal medicine implies a collaborative structure more efficient for the hospital, that better utilization of the internists like generalist and integrative doctor that would contribute to diminish the physical frontiers of the wards and centering the work in the sick persons.

Artigo em Japonês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-375319


In Japan, young generalists work in various clinical settings depending on the needs ; they work as family physicians, geriatricians, and hospitalists/general internists. In this symposium, four young generalists from different backgrounds discussed the future of primary care medicine in Japan. First, they presented their dream of primary care. Secondly, geriatric end-of-life issues were discussed, and the suggestion was made that the obtaining of informed consent at an earlier time in an outpatient setting while including patients' families is important in terms of successful advanced care planning. Finally, the issues of career planning for young generalists were focused on. It was revealed that most young generalists understand the importance of obtaining various work-related experiences to develop their skills, but they find it difficult to set their career plan because of the lack of a support system. A stronger support system provided by the JPCA and enhanced solidarity among young generalists are needed.<br>-Report of a symposium held as part of the 8 th Winter Seminar of Family Medicine for Young Doctors, 3rd March, 2013 at Tokyo University.

Rev. bras. entomol ; 55(2): 241-246, June 2011. ilus, graf, tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-593274


Polybia scutellaris (White, 1841) is a social wasp of biological interest for its role as pollinator and maybe as biological control agent of sanitary and agricultural pests. This study examines the digestive tract contents of the larvae of P. scutellaris from four nests in Magdalena (Buenos Aires province, Argentina). Contents included both animal (arthropod parts) and plant (pollen, leaf and fruit epidermis) parts. The pollen content analysis showed that the wasps visited 19 different taxa of plants during the last active period of the colony before the nests had been collected. The range of sources used by P. scutellaris allows us characterizing the species as a generalist flower visitor. Wasps visited both native and exotic plants located nearby the nest. Most of the epidermal plant remains found in the larval digestive tract belonged to Malvaceae, a family not exploited by the studied colonies as pollen source.

Polybia scutellaris (White, 1841) é uma vespa social de interesse biológico devido ao seu papel como polinizador e possível agente de controle biológico de pragas sanitárias e agrícolas. O presente estudo analisou o conteúdo do trato digestivo de larvas de P. scutellaris de quatros ninhos em Magdalena (província de Buenos Aires, Argentina). O conteúdo inclui restos animais (partes de artrópodos) e vegetais (pólen, epiderme de folhas e frutos). A análise do conteúdo polínico mostrou que as vespas visitaram 19 táxons durante o último período ativo da colônia antes dos ninhos serem coletados. A diversidade de recursos utilizados por P. scutellaris permite caracterizá-la como um visitante generalista de flores. As vespas visitaram plantas nativas e exóticas localizados nas proximidades do ninho. A maioria dos restos de epiderme encontradas no trato digestivo das larvas pertence às Malvaceae, uma família não explorada pelas colônias estudadas como fonte de pólen.

Artigo em Japonês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-376608


 Our hospital comprises nine departments of internal medicine that specialize in different organs, and the Department of General Internal Medicine is one of these departments. The inpatient department has 30 beds for providing medical care, and education is provided for junior and senior residents. We examined the diagnoses in 593 cases (289 men, 304 women ; mean age, 64.2±21.2 years old) who were hospitalized in the Department of General Internal Medicine at this hospital between April 2007 and March 2008. The major diseases included pneumonia, 111 cases ; urinary tract infections, 44 cases ; infectious enteritis, 34 cases ; bronchial asthma, 24 cases ; fever of unknown origin, 12 cases ; heart failure, 11 cases ; viral infections 9 cases, diverticulitis, 8 cases ; malignant lymphoma, 7 cases ; infectious mononucleosis, 7 cases ; polymyalgia rheumatica, 6 cases ; and others. In order to provide diagnoses and treatments for cases in which no diagnosis could not be obtained on the first outpatient visit, for example, it is necessary to have a ward for general internal medicine as a location for providing medical care that is not limited to any specialized field.

Medical Education ; : 377-381, 2005.
Artigo em Japonês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-369954


1) All the medical schools in France are public, and the admission is open to almost all the qualifieds tudents. However, the number of students allowed to advance to the clinical education is strictly limited.<BR>2) Clerkship similar to the one in the USA is mandatory in the last two years of medical school. The students take care of inpatients under meticulous supervision by residents and attending staff.<BR>3) Postgraduate training of generalists emphasizes the importance of experiencing sufficient number of outpatients under supervision, so that the residents become competent to work as independent practitioners in three years.<BR>4) Specialty trainings are balanced with mixtures of inpatient care, outpatient care and procedures. The number of residency positions is determined to provide of enough opportunities in each aspect of the education