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Rev. peru. biol. (Impr.) ; 29(1): e21497, ene.-mar. 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1377190


Abstract Isla Santay is an important Ecuadorian conservation area for native species, but with little information on mammals. Between August 2018 and January 2019, the richness and abundance of medium and large mammals was studied in two areas with different land use: undisturbed, and disturbed. We used a combination of camera trapping, direct observation, and indirect evidence (i.e. tracks, scat) for quantifying species richness. We recorded a total of six species, all observed in both zones, and three of them are currently included on the Red List of Mammals in Ecuador. In the undisturbed zone, Leopardus pardalis was the most frequently observed species and showed the highest activity; in the disturbed zone, L. pardalis and Procyon cancrivorus were the most active. Additionally, we reported the presence of Lontra longicaudis and Philander melanurus for the first time in this reserve. Several species that we expected to observe, such as Didelphis marsupialis, Nasua nasua, Eira barbara, Galictis vittata, and Herpailurus yaguarondi, were not recorded. Isla Santay presented low species richness, probably due to environmental pollution and geographic isolation. Nonetheless, Isla Santay is a critical area for the preservation of mammalian species from western Ecuador, especially for species at risk. Future research should prioritize both the preservation of ecological processes and the understanding of the negative effects of human impacts on local biodiversity.

Resumen Isla Santay es una importante área ecuatoriana de conservación para especies nativas, pero que posee poca información sobre mamíferos. Entre agosto de 2018 y enero 2019, la riqueza y abundancia de mamíferos medianos y grandes fue estudiada en dos zonas con diferente uso de suelo: no disturbada, y disturbada. La riqueza de especies fue cuantificada mediante una combinación de fototrampeo, observación directa y evidencias indirectas (rastros, heces, etc.). Registramos seis especies en ambas zonas, de las cuales tres están incluidas en la lista roja de mamíferos del Ecuador. En la zona no disturbada, Leopardus pardalis fue la especie más frecuente y mostró más actividad; mientras que esta misma especie junto con Procyon cancrivorus lo fueron en la zona intervenida; Lontra longicaudis y Philander melanurus fueron registradas por primera vez para la reserva. Especies esperadas como Didelphis marsupialis, Nasua nasua, Eira barbara, Galictis vittata, y Herpailurus yaguarondi estuvieron ausentes. Isla Santay presentó una baja riqueza de especies, probablemente debido a amenazas como la contaminación ambiental y aislamiento geográfico. A pesar de esto, Isla Santay ayuda en la protección de mamíferos en la región, especialmente para especies amenazadas. Futuras investigaciones deben priorizar la preservación de los procesos ecológicos y a entender el efecto negativo de los impactos antropogénicos en su biodiversidad.

Genet. mol. biol ; 33(2): 220-223, 2010. mapas, tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-548800


A new autosomal recessive genetic condition, the SPOAN syndrome (an acronym for spastic paraplegia, optic atrophy and neuropathy syndrome), was recently discovered in an isolated region of the State of Rio Grande do Norte in Northeast Brazil, in a population that was identified by the IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics) as belonging to the Brazilian communities with the highest rates of "deficiencies" (Neri, 2003), a term used to describe diseases, malformations, and handicaps in general. This prompted us to conduct a study of consanguinity levels in five of its municipal districts by directly interviewing their inhabitants. Information on 7,639 couples (corresponding to about 40 percent of the whole population of the studied districts) was obtained. The research disclosed the existence of very high frequencies of consanguineous marriages, which varied from about 9 percent to 32 percent, suggesting the presence of a direct association between genetic diseases such as the SPOAN syndrome, genetic drift and inbreeding levels. This fact calls for the introduction of educational programs for the local populations, as well as for further studies aiming to identify and characterize other genetic conditions. Epidemiological strategies developed to collect inbreeding data, with the collaboration of health systems available in the region, might be very successful in the prospecting of genetic disorders.

Neotrop. ichthyol ; 8(2): 361-368, 2010. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-553670


Three populations of the group Hoplias malabaricus from the hydrographic basins of the São Francisco, Araguaia/Tocantins and Xingu Rivers in Brazil were analyzed using classic cytogenetic methods (Giemsa staining, C-banding and Ag-NORs) and molecular methods (fluorescent in situ hybridization with 18S rDNA, 5S rDNA and 5SHindIII satellite DNA probes). The chromosome markers allowed the characterization of these populations as belonging to karyomorph A and the detection of inter-population divergences. These differences likely stem from different evolutionary histories resulting from geographic isolation between populations associated to the dispersive mode of these organisms, reinforcing genetic diversity in the group Hoplias malabaricus.

Três populações do grupo Hoplias malabaricus das bacias hidrográficas dos rios São Francisco, Araguaia/Tocantins e Xingu foram analisadas citogeneticamente utilizando-se métodos clássicos (coloração com Giemsa, bandamento-C e Ag-RONs) e moleculares (hibridização in situ fluorescente com sondas de rDNA 18S, rDNA 5S e DNA satélite 5SHindIII). Os marcadores cromossômicos foram fundamentais para a caracterização destas populações como pertencentes ao cariomorfo A e para detecção de claras divergências interpopulacionais. Estas diferenças são provavelmente oriundas de diferentes histórias evolutivas do isolamento geográfico entre as populações associado ao modo dispersivo destes organismos, reiterando a diversidade genética do grupo Hoplias malabaricus.

Animais , Análise Citogenética , Peixes , Marcadores Genéticos , Variação Genética