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Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-964951


By reviewing ancient materia medica, medical and prescription books, combined with modern literature, the textual research of Stephaniae Tetrandrae Radix has been conducted to verify the name, origin, producing area, harvesting and processing methods. Through textual research, the results show that the mainstream name of this herb recorded in the past dynasties is Fangji, which is also called Hanzhong Fangji because it is produced in Hanzhong city, and after the Tang dynasty, it was gradually divided into Hanfangji and Mufangji, and there is the saying that Han Zhushuiqi, Mu Zhufengqi. The names of Fenfangji and Guangfangji were first seen in the republic of China. In addition, Fenfangji was once distributed in Hankou, so it was also known as "Hanfangji", which is easily confused with the traditional Hanzhong Fangji for short. Based on the original research, it is concluded that Aristolochia heterophylla(Hanzhong Fangji)is the mainstream of Stephaniae Tetrandrae Radix used in the Qing dynasty and before, and the application history of Cocculus orbiculatus can be traced back to before the Tang dynasty. After the Ming dynasty, Stephania tetrandra gradually became another main origin, and in the Republic of China, A. fangchi was used as a medicine for Stephaniae Tetrandrae Radix, but in modern times it was banned because it contained aristolochic acid as a toxic ingredient, and S. tetrandra has become the mainstream legal origin. The traditional production area of Hanzhong Fangji is Hanzhong, Shaanxi province, while today the mainstream of S. tetrandra is manly produced in Jiangxi and other places. Based on the quality evaluation research, the quality of Hanzhong Fangji is better with the radial texture of section used as radial solution, yellow solid and fragrant. Fenfangji with solid quality, white inside, powdered enough, less fiber and radiating texture is better. From the harvesting and processing research, the root of Fangji is mostly harvested in spring and autumn, and the outer bark should be removed in some literature. Before the Ming dynasty, this herb was dried in the shade, and after the Ming dynasty, it was dried in the sun. The modern production processing of Fangji is to harvest it in autumn, wash it, remove the rough bark, dry it to half dry, cut it into sections, and then cut it longitudinally if it is large, and dry it. Based on the results, combined with current studies on the toxicity of aristolochic acid and influencing factors such as commercial circulation, it is suggested that S. tetrandra should be used as the origin of Fangji, the processed products are selected according to the prescription requirements, and those without specified requirements can be processed by referring to the raw products in the 2020 edition of Chinese Pharmacopoeia.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-973127


Through the textual research and analysis of the variety, origin, processing, quality evaluation and clinical application of Moslae Herba in ancient and modern literature, its origin of materia medica was clarified. Moslae Herba has experienced variety changes in history. Elsholtzia ciliata was the mainstream variety during and before the Song dynasty, however, during the Ming and Qing dynasties, emerging variety of Mosla chinensis rose to the mainstream status due to its remarkable efficacy and the formation of cultivation, and differentiated into two commodities(wild variety of Qingxiangru and cultivated variety of Jiangxiangru), cultivated products formed an authentic producing area in Jiangxi. The three varieties coexisted during the Ming and Qing dynasties, and the Elsholtzia varieties were gradually eliminated. Variety changes have caused changes in the functions and indications of drugs. E. ciliata had the effect of clearing heat and was mainly used to treat heatstroke and cholera, while M. chinensis was used for exogenous wind cold and dampness in the summer because of its warm and strong sweating properties, but not for cholera. Traditional Moslae Herba is mainly harvested in the summer and autumn (flowering to fruiting stage) and the above-ground parts are dry in the shade and used as medicine. Modern Qingxiangru is mostly harvested before the flowering period, and Jiangxiangru is harvested after flowering and fruiting in late summer and early autumn. In summary, according to the 2020 edition of Chinese Pharmacopoeia, the dried above-ground parts of Moslae Herba should be selected for Xinjia Xiangruyin in the Catalogue of Ancient Famous Classical Formulas(The First Batch), mainly the cultivated variety of Jiangxiangru, and the raw products is cut into segments and used as medicine. It is suggested that when applying and developing famous classical formulas containing Moslae Herba at different periods of time today, the origin should be established in conjunction with clinical efficacy.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-940315


The name, origin, place of origin, medicinal parts, harvesting and processing of lotus are verified by consulting ancient Chinese herbal medicines and medical books, combined with modern literature, providing a basis for the development of famous classical formulas containing lotus. According to textual research, the original base of lotus is Nelumbo nucifera since ancient times, rhizome (Nelumbinis Rhizomatis Nodus), leaf (Nelumbinis Folium), seed (Nelumbinis Semen), embryo (Nelumbinis Plumula), receptacle (Nelumbinis Receptaculum), stamen (Nelumbinis Stamen) and other medicinal parts of N. nucifera can be used as medicine and have different clinical effects. Nelumbinis Semen was originally produced in Henan, and then gradually expanded to Jiangnan. Today, it can be cultivated and planted throughout the country, with Fujian, Hunan, and Jiangxi as the authentic production areas. After combing the medicinal parts of N. nucifera and the historical evolution of its processing, it is suggested that the dried and mature fruits of N. nucifera taking in autumn and removing the shell and Nelumbinis Plumula should be used in Qingxin Lianziyin. Nelumbinis Folium in Erdongtang should be harvested in summer and autumn, and the raw products was used as medicine and processed in accordance with the provision of the 2020 edition of Chinese Pharmacopoeia.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-940326


In this paper, the name, origin, producing area, quality evaluation, harvest and processing methods of Cyperi Rhizoma used in the famous classical formulas are researched by consulting related herbal medicines, medical books, modern documents. The results showed that although some fake products such as Cyperus stoloniferus and Scirpus plants were used as Cyperi Rhizoma, the main source in the past generations is still C. rotundus. It is recommended to use C. rotundus in the famous classical formulas. Since the Tang dynasty, Guangdong, Guangxi and Zhejiang have always been high-quality production areas of Cyperi Rhizoma. Among them, those from western Guangdong are known as Guangxiangfu, Nanxiangfu is produced in Zhejiang province. Since the modern times, the quality of Cyperi Rhizoma is best if it has a big, firm physique and strong fragrant. The common processing method is vinegar processing. It is suggested that raw materials should be used as medicine in the famous classical formulas which do not clearly indicate the processing requirements, and different processed products should be selected according to the formulas with the processing requirements.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-940332


Through consulting the ancient herbal and medical books, combined with the field investigation, the name, origin, collection and processing of Dendrobium medicinal materials were researched, which provided a basis for the development of famous classical formulas containing this kind of herbs. Due to the wide distribution of D. officinale, the Dendrobium species represented by D. officinale and D. huoshanense, which are short, fleshy and rich in mucus, should be the most mainstream of Dendrobium medicinal materials in previous dynasties. Compared with Shihu, Muhu with loose texture, long and hollow is born on trees. According to the characteristic description, it should be D. nobile, D. fimbriatum and so on, of which D. nobile was the mainstream. The Chinese meaning of Jinchai was confused in the past dynasties, so it was not suitable to be treated as a plant name. The production areas of Dendrobium medicinal materials in the past dynasties have changed with the discovery of varieties, artificial cultivation and other factors. Lu'an, Anhui province, was the earliest recorded in the Han and Wei dynasties. Since the Tang and Song dynasties, it had been extended to Guangdong and Guangxi, and it was considered that "Dendrobii Caulis in Guangnan was the best". In the Ming dynasty, Sichuan and Zhejiang products were highly praised, and in the Qing dynasty, Huoshan products were highly praised. Dendrobium medicinal materials had been used as medicine by stems in all dynasties. The medicinal materials were divided into fresh products and dry products. The fresh products can be used immediately after removing the sediment from the roots. The dry products need further processing, most of them used wine as auxiliary materials for steaming, simmer to paste or decoction into medicine. D. officinale and D. huoshanense have special processing specifications since the middle of Qing dynasty, that is, "Fengdou". According to the research results, in Ganluyin, the effect of Dendrobium medicinal materials is mainly heat clearing, and D. nobile with bitter taste can be selected. The main effect of Dendrobium medicinal materials in Dihuang Yinzi is tonic, D. officinale or D. huoshanense can be selected.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-940333


In this study, name, origin, producing areas, harvesting time and processing methods of ancient Alismatis Rhizoma were systematically researched by consulting the literature of ancient herbs, medical and prescription books, so as to provide a basis for the development of famous classical formula containing this herb. According to textual research, the main base of ancient Alismatis Rhizoma was Alisma plantago-aquatica and A. orientale. A. canaliculatum and A. gramineum and other genera were sometimes used as the source of Alismatis Rhizoma, there was a confusion of medicinal varieties. The earliest producing area of Alismatis Rhizoma was in today's Henan province, and later Hanzhong, Shaanxi province, became the high-quality producing area of Alismatis Rhizoma. Since the Ming dynasty, its production area expanded to Fujian. In the Qing dynasty, Jian'ou in Fujian was the authentic production area of Alismatis Rhizoma. In the period of the Republic of China, Sichuan and Jiangxi were added to the production areas of Alismatis Rhizoma. Based on the research results, it is suggested that the dried tubers of A. orientale from Fujian and Jiangxi or A. plantago-aquatica from Sichuan should be used in the famous classical formulas. In ancient times, Alismatis Rhizoma was processed by wine, but most of the standards and specifications in modern times are no longer included the processing specifications of Alismatis Rhizoma with wine. Although salt-processed Alismatis Rhizoma is commonly used in modern times, it didn't become one of the main processing methods until the Qing dynasty. According to the relevant national documents, it is suggested that Alismatis Rhizoma without clear processing requirements in famous classical formulas should be used as raw products, and the formulas with processing requirements should be selected as processed products such as salt and wine according to the meaning of the formulas.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-940334


By consulting the ancient herbal and medical books, combined with modern literature, the name, origin, geoherbalism, harvesting and processing changes of Bambusae Caulis in Taenias in famous classical formulas were sorted out. According to the research, ancient doctors only approved three kinds of bamboo medicinal materials, namely, Jinzhu (䈽竹), Kuzhu (苦竹) and Danzhu (淡竹), and took bamboo leaves, made Bambusae Caulis in Taenias and Zhuli (竹沥) for medicine. Bamboo medicinal materials with different origins have different properties, tastes and effects, after clinical optimization, it is gradually considered that Danzhu is the best source of Bambusae Caulis in Taenias and Zhuli. According to the morphological description of the original plants and the attached drawings, it is considered that the Danzhu in ancient Chinese materia medica should be Phyllostachys nigra var. henonis, which has been included in the 2020 edition of Chinese Pharmacopoeia as one of the genuine sources of Bambusae Caulis in Taenias. Therefore, It is suggested that P. nigra var. henonis can be added as the source of Bambusae Caulis in Taenias in famous classical formulas, and the medicinal part is the dry middle layer of its stem. Ginger-processed can increase the anti emetic effect of Bambusae Caulis in Taenias, and the three formulas involving Bambusae Caulis in Taenias from The Catalogue of Ancient Famous Classical Formulas (The First Batch) all contain ginger, and the processing method of Bambusae Caulis in Taenias is not marked in the original formula, so it is suggested to use raw products in the three formulas of Jupi Zhurutang, Wendantang and Zhurutang.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-940336


Based on various ancient documents such as materia medica, prescription books, classics and history, combined with relevant research materials in modern times, this paper made a textual research on the name, origin, geoherbalism, harvesting time, processing methods of Chuanxiong Rhizoma, which provides a basis for the development of famous classical formulas containing this herb. According to the textual research, the original name of Chuanxiong is Xiongqiong (芎䓖), which was first recorded in Shennong Bencaojing , there are many aliases and trade names in the past dynasties. Since the Song dynasty, doctors all take Xiongqiong produced in Sichuan as the best medicine, so they take Chuanxiong as the rectification of name. In the early stage, the origin of Chuanxiong Rhizoma was relatively complicated, and the main origin was Ligusticum chuanxiong, which was a cultivated and domesticated species of Ligusticum. However, wild related plants of Ligusticum are still used as medicine. After the Ming dynasty, new cultivated varieties appeared in various places, such as Jiangxi L. sinense cv. Fuxiong, which gradually turned to self-production and self-marketing after the Republic of China. After several changes in the authentic producing area of Chuanxiong Rhizoma, Tianshui in Gansu province was highly praised in the Tang dynasty, and Dujiangyan in Sichuan province was the best place in the Song dynasty and later dynasties. Chuanxiong Rhizoma has been widely used in the past dynasties as raw products, and it has also been processed with excipients. For example, wine-processed products can enhance the effect of promoting blood circulation, promoting Qi circulation and relieving pain. There are other processing methods such as stir-frying and vinegar processing. Chuanxiong Rhizoma in the famous classical formulas can be selected according to this research conclusion.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-940341


Through consulting the ancient and modern literature, this paper makes a textual research on the name, origin, producing area, harvesting and processing methods of Asini Corii Colla, so as to provide a basis for the development of the famous classical formulas containing the medicinal material. Before the Tang dynasty, cow leather was the main source of Asini Corii Colla, and donkey was rare as an introduced species. From the end of Tang dynasty to Song dynasty, due to the development of doctors' understanding of the properties and effects of medicines, with the increase of the number of donkeys and the limitation of the use of cow leather, the source of Asini Corii Colla changed from cow leather to donkey skin. During the Ming and Qing dynasties, the theory of medicine property was further developed, and all doctors basically agreed that black donkey skin and E-well water were two essential factors for making genuine Asini Corii Colla. Therefore, it is suggested that Asini Corii Colla should take Equus asinus as the authentic origin in the development of the famous classical formulas, attach importance to the quality of water source, take Liaocheng in Shandong province as the authentic producing area, and the processing should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the 2020 edition of Chinese Pharmacopoeia.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-940342


Through consulting the ancient and modern literature, this paper makes a textual research on the name, origin, producing area, harvesting and processing of Poria, so as to provide a basis for the development of the famous classical formulas containing this medicinal material. The description of Poria and the characteristics of the attached figures in the Chinese herbal literature of the past dynasties are consistent with Poria cocos. The medicinal parts are dried sclerotia or P. cocos peel. Poria was originally produced in Taishan, Shandong province. In the Tang dynasty, along with the change of pine forest resources, producing area of Poria was transferred to Huashan area in Shaanxi province. In the Ming dynasty, the authentic producing area was transferred to Yunnan, and has continued to now. In ancient times, the processing methods of Poria were steaming, boiling, slicing, mashing and other subsequent processing after peeling. It is suggested that Poria in famous classical formulas should be sliced according to the 2020 edition of Chinese Pharmacopoeia.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-940343


Through consulting the ancient herbal medicine, prescription books and medical books, combined with modern relevant literature, standards and other information, this paper made a textual research on the name, origin, producing areas, harvesting and processing methods of Astragali Radix according to different historical development periods, providing a basis for the development of famous classical formulas containing Astragali Radix. According to the textual research, the original name of Astragali Radix is Huangqi, and "Qi" originally refers to the medicinal material Zhimu. Some people began to mistake it for Huangqi in the Ming dynasty, and then gradually used Astragali Radix as a medicinal material. The mainstream basis of Astragali Radix can be determined as the dried roots of Astragalus membranaceus var. mongholicus or A. membranaceus. In different historical periods, A. floridus, A. chrysopterus, A. emestii and other plants of Astragalus or even non-Astragalus were used as local Astragali Radix. The earliest production areas of Astragali Radix were Sichuan, Shaanxi, and Gansu, and then gradually expanded to the northeast. Since the Song dynasty, Mianqi in Shanxi province has been regarded as the genuine variety. In the Qing dynasty, besides Shanxi province, Inner Mongolia was also regarded as a genuine place. In the Republic of China, Huangqi produced in northeast China was praised highly. It is mainly produced in Shanxi, Inner Mongolia, Gansu, northeast and other provinces. The main commodity is cultivated products, and the quality of wild imitation cultivation in Datong and Xinzhou is better than other places. There are many processing methods of Huangqi recorded in the materia medica and prescription books, most of which are raw products, and honey processing is the mainstream of processed products. Based on the current situation of resource cultivation and production, 11 famous classical formulas in The Catalogue of Ancient Famous Classical Formulas (The First Batch) containing Huangqi suggested that all use A. membranaceus var. mongholicus, especially those from Datong and Xinzhou in Shanxi Province. In addition to honey processing of Qingxin Lianziyin, it is suggested to use raw products for other formulas.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-878871


Dao-di herbs, which are widely recognized as medicinal materials with a high quality and good efficacy in clinic, are now facing the dilemma of absence of standard. This study focused on a pivotal scientific problem of design and application of quality standard of Dao-di herbs, and systematically illustrated the general rules for the quality standard of Dao-di herbs involving "four rules, six core contents, and three key methods". The quality standard of Dao-di herbs shall be fully based on literatures as well as habitat, planting/breeding, processing, characters, chemical-pharmacological/toxic data. The common requirements for the quality standard of Dao-di herbs contain "clear source, explicit origin, rational indicator, gradable quality, and multiple detection methods". Notably, traditional experiences and modern techniques, quality tracing management system, "quality determination by distinguishing characters" method, rapid detection technology, effective/toxic substances control method, were comprehensively applied in this standard to purse the objectification, automation, and intellectualization of detection technology. Appearance characters, chemical components, and bioactive parameters, unified effective/toxic indicators, quality markers, and pharmacopeial control indicators and reasonable ranges were included in rigorous quality standards for Dao-di herbs. Besides, simple grading method shall be developed to guide the implementation of "high quality-high price" policy. Eventually, the new quality standards for Dao-di herbs will lead international standards and promote the high-quality development of Dao-di herbs.

Medicamentos de Ervas Chinesas , Medicina Tradicional Chinesa , Plantas Medicinais , Padrões de Referência , Tecnologia
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1008337


Microecology was directly or indirectly involved in the growth and development, metabolism process, and component accumulation of traditional Chinese medicine(TCM) in various ways, which affected the formation and changes of the geoherbalism of TCM. It was one of the main tasks of traditional Chinese medical microecology(TCMM) to reveal the relationship among microecological structure and its change rule and the quality effect of TCM. The heterogeneity of soil environment caused by geographical and climatic factors, as well as the discreteness limitation caused by isolation factors such as distance and host selection, were the main causes of the differentiation of microecological geography of TCM. The microecology of TCM had important influences and contributions on the distinctive origin and quality of Dao-di herbs, which was mainly reflected in the formation of excellent germplasm(including disease and insect resistance, drought resistance, salt resistance, cold resistance, etc.), the increase of yield, the formation of medicinal parts, the metabolism and accumulation of effective components, the time limit of harvesting, and the toxicity, increasing efficiency or reducing toxicity of TCM in the processing, the changes of product efficiency after introduction, and the authenticity of fungus medicine. With the vigorous development of metabonomics and modern information technology, the following aspects would become the future research trends, including the microecologically mediated biogenic pathway of chemical components, the metabolic synthesis reactor of TCM based on the microecological quantitative effect relationship, the cultivation of genuine Chinese medicine based on reconstruction of microecological structure, the origin identification barcode traceability technology, and the toxicity reduction and efficiency enhancement technology of TCM based on the microecological.

Clima , Medicamentos de Ervas Chinesas , Geografia , Medicina Tradicional Chinesa , Metabolômica , Solo/química
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-850993


Objective: To analyze and compare the contents of 12 effective chemical constituents in Aurantii Fructus from different areas, and identify their source of origin by using principal component analysis and discriminant analysis. Methods: Using isonaringin, narigin, hesperidin, neohesperidin, meranzin hydrate, naringin, hesperidin, meranzin, marmin, nobiletin, tangeretin, and auraptene as index, HPLC method was used to determine the content, and the average percentage content was analyzed by principal component analysis and discriminant analysis. Results: Principal component analysis results showed that Aurantii Fructus from different areas had certain similarities, and the content of Aurantii Fructus from Jiangxi Province was relatively stable. Discriminant analysis results showed that the samples from Zhangshu, Yichun, Yuanjiang, Huaihua, Jinhua, and Lanxi could be distinguished, while the samples from Xin’gan in Jiangxi, Jinhua, and Lanxi in Zhejiang overlapped. Conclusion: This method is simple, convenient and reliable, which can be used to screen out the suitable areas for the growth of Aurantii Fructus, so as to lay a foundation for explaining the authenticity of Aurantii Fructus.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-775382


The research is aimed to study of the influence of environmental factors on the yield and quality traits, and find out the regularity of the growth and development of perilla. The main environmental factor data in six ecological area in Guizhou province were collected, and the correlation analysis with yield and quality traits of 15 perilla strains was conducted. The results showed that the cultivation environment has significant effects on the yield and quality traits of perilla. The effect of environment on main yield composed traits, contained grain number in top spike, effective panicle number per plant, plant height, top spike length, growth period, and thousand seed weight was degressive. In the different environmental factors, the latitude showed positive correlation with yield, growth period and effective panicle number per plant, and negative correlation with top spike length and grain number in top spike. Elevation showed negative correlation with the growth period of perilla. The perilla yield increased at first and then decreased with altitude rising, with the maximum in the 800 m altitude. The 600-900 m altitude is suitable area for perilla. Except for positive correlation with the plant height, and negative correlation with top spike length, the longitude showed in apparent impact on other traits. Sunshine duration, temperature and rainfall accumulation showed different effect on the different perilla strains. For yield composed traits, the sunshine duration was negatively correlation with the plant length. The accumulated temperature and mean temperature showed negative correlation with the main spike length, the rainfall showed negative correlation with the precipitation and growth period, plant height, ear number. The environmental impact on the oil compounds decreased with oleic acid, stearic acid, linoleic acid, -linolenic acid, palmitic acid and oil content. Correlation analysis showed that the significantly negative correlation between the oil content and palmitic acid and linoleic acid content, and the positive correlation between linolenic acid content, -linolenic acid content showed significant negative correlation with other fatty acids composition, and palmitic acid, stearic acid, oleic acid, linoleic acid showed significant positive correlation with each other. The influence of different environmental factors on the quality of perilla were as follows: the oil content was positively associated with elevation and sunshine duration. -Linolenic acid content showed negative correlation with longitude, latitude, accumulated temperature and mean temperature, but positive correlation with altitude, sunlight and rainfall capacity. The correlation between palmitic acid, stearic acid, oleic acid, linoleic acid and environmental factors showed contrast character of -linolenic acid. This study detailed discussed the influence of environmental factors on the quality of perilla, which provided the foundation of ecological planting technology and geoherbalism research of perilla.

Meio Ambiente , Ácidos Graxos , Perilla frutescens , Química , Compostos Fitoquímicos , Óleos de Plantas
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-667878


Based on the researches of herbal literature of Salvia miltiorrhiza, the trend of orthotopic migratory and functional changes of Salvia miltiorrhiza were summarized. The main authentic producing areas of Salvia miltiorrhiza are Shandong, Henan, Hubei, Shanxi and Sichuan, and its mainly effect is promoting blood circulation for removing blood stasis. The pharmacological active ingredients of Salvia miltiorrhiza mainly promots blood circulation for removing blood stasis of effect with lower blood pressure, improves myocardial ischemia and expands coronary artery, protects liver , promotes fracture healing, improves spinal cord microcirculation, anti-tumor and other effects. And the main application of Salvia miltiorrhiza are cardiovascular system, digestive system, central nervous system, and immune system.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-852536


Objective To investigate the contents of major five functional components (echinacoside, verbascoside, galactitol, betaine, soluble polysaccharide, and extractums) in Cistanche deserticola harvested in spring and autumn from genuine producing area in Alax Banner of Inner Mongolia. Methods HPLC-UV was applied to measuring the contents of echinacoside and verbascoside. HPLC-ELSD was used for determining the contents of galactitol and betaine. UV-VIS was utilized for analyzing the content of soluble polysaccharide. Results The index components of two samples' harvested in spring and autumn were all up to the standard of Chinese Pharmacopoeia. The samples harvested in spring contain 12.21 mg/g, which was twice of the autumn samples and fourfold of the standard of Chinese Pharmacopoeia. Based on verbascoside and betaine, the content of spring samples was significantly higher than the autumn samples, which was up to thirtyfold and it had great fluctuation among samples; Based on soluble polysaccharide, the content of spring and autumn samples were all at a high level, especially autumn samples was up to 13.7%; Based on galactitol and extractums, the content of autumn samples was significantly higher than the spring samples. Conclusion The content of verbascoside in C. deserticola has great fluctuation among samples. C. deserticola, that is rich in galactitol and soluble polysaccharide that authentic inner quality characteristics are "Glossy, Heavy, Fleshy, Quality soft, Sweet". Nevertheless, the ample galactitol and soluble polysaccharide is the material basis of quality formation, it is more reasonable to add the soluble polysaccharide as one of the index component to evaluate its quality characteristics. The standard of Chinese Pharmacopoeia points out the moisture limit of succulent herb is 10% may not be reasonable. The further improvement of the standard of C. deserticola's quality or separation of C. deserticola was discussed in this manuscript.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-335725


An HPLC method was established to determine the contents of catalpol, acteoside, rehmaionoside A, rehmaionoside D, leonuride in three part of Rehmanni glutinosa in Beijing No.1 variety R. glutinosa during the growth period, This method, in combination with its HPLC fingerprint was used to evaluate its overall quality characteristics.The results showed that:① the content of main components of R. glutinosa varied in different growth stages ;② there was a great difference of the content of main components between theradial striations and the non-radial striations; ③ the two sections almost have the same content distribution of catalpol, acteoside and rehmaionoside D; ④the content of rehmaionoside A in non-radial striations was higher than that in radial striations,while the content of leonuride in radial striations was higher than that in non-radial striations.; ⑤the HPLC fingerprint of radial striations, non-radial striations and whole root tuber were basically identical, except for the big difference in the content of chemical components. The result of clustering displayed that the radial striations, non-radial striations, and whole root were divided into two groups. In conclusion, there was a significant difference in the quality characteristics of radial striations and non-radial striations of R. glutinosa. This research provides a reference for quality evaluation and geoherbalism of R. glutinosa.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-579960


Objective To establish the basis of molecular systematics of Angelica from different areas of Gansu province so as to offer molecular basis of identification Gansu-produced Angelica with geoherbalism. Methods The ITS gene of Angelica was obtained by PCR and sequenced to be analyzed by DNAStar software to calculate the genetic distance among different specimens. Results The ITS sequence of Angelica between Min County and Zhang County of Gansu Province shows trivial differences with the range of 0.000 0~0.008 3. All 5 Min County-produced Angelica specimens have same bases at 586 site with "C" and 589 site with "T" with Zhang County-produced Angelica DG9 specimen, whereas the 586 site and 589 site bases of the other 3 Zhang County-produced Angelica specimens are "T" and "G" respectively. Conclusion The ITS sequence characteristics can be recognized as effective molecular marker of Angelica, and both 586 site base and 589 site base of the ITS sequence of Angelica can be recognized as identification bases of Min County-produced Angelica.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-681283


Object To study the formation of geoherbalism of Flos Lonicerae on the molecular level Methods Genomic DNAs from different populations of Lonicera japonica Thunb , outgroup Lonicera similis Hemsl , and Lonicera confusa DC were extracted, the 5S rRNA gene spacer region amplified, sequuenced, and analysed with Mega 1 02 Results The fragments of 5S rRNA gene spacer region in Lonicera L was about 210 bp with G+C content up to about 70% The sequences were different in various populations, and can be identified by sequencing The genetic distance between L confusa and L japonica was larger Conclusion The genuine distance between species was larger than that within species; the genetic distance among genuine crude drugs was smaller; the genetic distance among genuine and ungenuine crude drugs were bigger than that among genuine crude drugs