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Gac. méd. espirit ; 20(3): 121-127, set.-dic. 2018. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-989852


RESUMEN Fundamentación: El síndrome Gilles de la Tourette es un proceso neuropsiquiátrico de causa desconocida caracterizado por múltiples tics. Los desórdenes relacionados al gluten cubren múltiples manifestaciones clínicas inmunológicas ante el consumo de gluten; incluyen la enfermedad celíaca y la sensibilidad al gluten no celíaca. Se han publicado casos de síndrome Gilles de la Tourette con sensibilidad al gluten no celíaca, pero ninguno relacionado con la enfermedad celíaca clásica. Reporte de caso: Paciente masculino de 20 años, con diagnóstico de EC desde la infancia y cuadro típico de Tourette diagnosticado recientemente. Mostró excelente respuesta y remisión clínica neurológica y conductual después de establecerse rigurosamente una dieta libre de gluten. Conclusiones: Es necesario incluir entre los grupos de riesgo de sensibilidad al gluten los niños con trastornos neuropsicológicos como los aquí referidos. La enfermedad celíaca clásica debe incluirse entre las posibles asociaciones con el síndrome Gilles de la Tourette. La dieta restrictiva también mejora en estos casos la evolución de ambas enfermedades.

ABSTRACT Background: The Gilles de la Tourette syndrome is a neuropsychiatric process of unknown cause characterized by multiple tics. Disorders related to gluten cover multiple immunological clinical manifestations when eating gluten; they include celiac disease and non-celiac gluten sensitivity. There have been cases of Gilles de la Tourette syndrome with sensitivity to non-celiac gluten, but none related to classic celiac disease. Case report: A 20-year-old male patient, with a CD diagnosis from childhood and typical GTS pattern recently diagnosed. He showed excellent response and clinical neurological and behavioral remission after rigorously establishing a gluten-free diet. Conclusions: Children with neuropsychological disorders such as those referred here need to be included among the risk groups with gluten sensitivity. Classical celiac disease should be included among the possible associations with the Gilles de la Tourette syndrome. The restrictive diet also improves the evolution of both diseases in these cases.

Síndrome de Tourette , Doença Celíaca , Dieta Livre de Glúten
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-426356


ObjectiveTo investigate the association between catechol-O-methyl transferase (COMT)gene polymorphism and Gilles de la Tourette' s syndrome(GTS).MethodsUsing Amplification Refractory Mutation System(ARMS) PCR genotyping assay method,a polymorphism (val158met) of COMT gene was genotyped in 112 of all GTS patients ( total GTS group) including 54 GTS-alone patients group,48 GTS + ADHD patients group among of them and 71 healthy controls.The correlation between positive association of polymorphism (val158met)of COMT gene in GTS and the age of onset in patients with GTS was also analyzed.ResultsCompared with healthy controls group,genotype of val158met did not differ in total GTS patients group or alone-GTS patients group (χ2 =0.56,P=0.756;χ2 =1.05,P=0.600 respectively).There was also no significant difference (P>0.05)in allele distribution of val158met in total GTS patients group or alone-GTS patients group compared with controls group respectively (χ2 =0.18,P=0.669;χ2 =0.29,P=0.593 respectively).However,genotype distribution of val158met was significantly different between GTS + ADHD patients group and controls group( χ2 =6.35,P =0.041 ).The frequency of the val allele of this locus was significantly higher in GTS + ADHD patients group than those in controls group ( χ2 =5.49,P =0.019 ).The mean age of onset (6.80 ± 1.54 ) in 36 children within GTS + ADHD patients group with the val/val geantype of COMT gene val158met polymorphism was significantly earlier than the mean age of onset (8.04 ± 1.54)in 12 children in val/val genotype (P =0.016 ).ConclusionPolymorphism (val158met) of COMT gene may be associated with GTS children with comorbid ADHD,which may play an important role to make the age of onset in children with GTS become earlier.

Rev. bras. educ. espec ; 14(3): 337-346, sept.-dic. 2008.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-509524


A perturbação Gilles de la Tourette é um distúrbio neuropsicológico crónico, que resulta de anomalias ao nível dos neurotransmissores cerebrais. É caracterizada por fenómenos compulsivos, que originam tiques motores e vocais e origina problemas a nível social, emocional e particularmente na adaptação e integração no meio escolar. Este artigo procura promover um melhor conhecimento desta perturbação, da sintomatologia associada e essencialmente elaborar estratégias de intervenção educativa destinadas aos diversos agentes educativos, de modo a promover uma integração escolar e social mais eficiente.

Gilles de la Tourette syndrome is a neuropsychological condition, caused by multiple disorders in brain neurotransmitters. It is characterized by compulsive phenomena that give rise to motor and vocal tics, resulting in social and emotional problems, especially in integration and adaptation in school. The present article aims to improve knowledge of this disorder, including related symptoms, as well as to develop educational intervention strategies for various educational agents, so as to foster more efficient school and social integration.

Educação Inclusiva , Relações Interpessoais , Estratégias de Saúde , Síndrome de Tourette/diagnóstico , Síndrome de Tourette/patologia , Tiques
Salud ment ; 31(2): 103-110, Mar.-Apr. 2008.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-632726


Tourette syndrome (TS) was named after Georges Albert Edouard Brutus Gilles de la Tourette, who made its first formal description at the end of the 19th century. Nevertheless, some evidence indicates the disorder may have been recognised at least two thousand years ago. Tic like behaviours were recorded by Aretaeus of Cappadocia and several centuries later by Sprenger and Kraemer, followed by other descriptions. The English writer Samuel Johnson, author of the first English Language Dictionary, showed repetitive body twitches, facial grimaces, barks and grunts, among other tics. He was observed in situations such as going in or out at a door using a certain number of steps, from a certain point, which indicated he had also obsessive-compulsive behaviour. There was some evidence of features of TS as well as co-morbid conditions such as hyperactivity, obsessive-compulsive behaviour or rage attacks in other famous artists and world leaders. Some authors have even proposed that the creative, determined, competitive, and persistent nature of certain people may be related to the presence of TS. Clinicians have observed that some patients are particularly sensitive to the feelings and experiences of others, and more prone to outside stimuli. In this way, empathy could be a common quality in these patients. In 1825, Jean Marc Gaspard Itard made the first known medical description of TS based on two cases, one of which was later followed by Jean-Martin Charcot. In 1885 Gilles de la Tourette put together information from previous fragmented reports and wrote a complete and formal description, thus establishing a novel clinical entity. Behavioural abnormalities such as obsessions, compulsions, inattentiveness and hyperactivity, commonly observed in TS patients, were considered mental tics at the time. Current diagnostic criteria are very similar to Gilles de la Tourette's description. TS is characterized by the presence of multiple motor and one or more vocal tics. In this disorder, tics are not caused by the direct physiologic effects of a substance or a general medical condition. Tic symptomatology is persistent for over a year, and in this period, tics are not absent for more than three consecutive months. There is no exact consensus between the DSM-IV and the Tourette Syndrome Classification Study Group of whether the age of onset should be prior to 18 or 21 years of age, how cases of onset after 21 years should be diagnosed, and if marked distress or significant impairment caused by tics is necessary to define the condition as definite TS. However, the text revision of the DSM-IV (TR) no longer specifies that TS symptoms have to cause distress or impair the functioning of the patients. With respect to the age of onset, the ICD-10 Classification of Mental and Behavioural Disorders describes the onset almost always in childhood or adolescence, and in this way it would no longer exclude cases with later onset. Numerous studies confirmed in the 20th century that genetics plays an important role in the etiology of TS. Family studies proved that the disease runs in families. First-degree relatives of TS patients are indeed in greater risk for TS than the general population. Twin and adoption studies demonstrated that genes have an important role in the etiology of TS, and as much as 90% of the vulnerability to this syndrome could be affected by genes. In addition, environmental, epigenetic and even stochastic factors may affect the susceptibility to TS. At the molecular level, linkage in families and association in unrelated TS subjects have been the main methods used to search for vulnerability genes. Sequencing of almost the entire human genome made it possible to assess the gene expression of thousands of genes on a single chip; recent studies reported a preliminary specific profile in the blood of TS patients. If confirmed, this finding could be useful in the identification of genetic factors related with TS. Given the multi-factorial nature of TS, a thorough clinical description in large samples should be considered; besides association, linkage and sequencing studies, possible gene-gene and gene-environment interactions would also need to be analysed, as well as epigenetic factors, and gene expression patterns.

El síndrome de Gilles de la Tourette (SGT) se nombró asi en honor de Georges Albert Edouard Brutus Gilles de la Tourette, alumno de Charcot, quien realizó la primera descripción formal de esta entidad clínica a finales del siglo XIX. Sin embargo, hay evidencias que indican que probablemente el trastorno se había identificado de alguna manera desde hace por lo menos dos mil años. Areteo de Capadocia registró conductas similares a los tics, también descritas por Sprenger y Kraemer en el siglo XV y más adelante por otros. El escritor inglés Samuel Johnson, autor del primer Diccionario de la Lengua Inglesa, mostraba contorsiones en todo el cuerpo, muecas, ladridos y gruñidos, entre otros tics. Se le observaba entrando o saliendo por una puerta con un número determinado de pasos a partir de un punto dado, lo cual indica que también presentaba conducta obsesivo- compulsiva. Además, otros artistas y líderes mundiales han presentado características del SGT y de padecimientos comórbidos como el trastorno por déficit de atención e hiperactividad, el trastorno obsesivo-compulsivo o ataques de ira. Un grupo de autores ha llegado a considerar que la naturaleza creativa, determinada, competitiva y persistente en ciertas personas podría relacionarse con el SGT. Algunos especialistas del área médica han observado que ciertos pacientes con SGT son particularmente sensibles a los sentimientos y experiencias de otras personas y más propensos a los estímulos externos. Por lo tanto, la empatía podría ser una cualidad común en estos pacientes. En 1825, Jean Marc Gaspard Itard realizó la primera descripción médica conocida del SGT, basándose en dos casos, uno de los cuales fue estudiado más adelante por Charcot. En 1885, Gilles de la Tourette reunió fragmentos de información de reportes previos y redactó una descripción formal y completa del trastorno, con lo que estableció una nueva entidad clínica. Las anormalidades del tipo de obsesiones, compulsiones, inatención e hiperactividad se consideraban tics mentales en esa época. Los criterios diagnósticos actuales del SGT son muy similares a los publicados por Gilles de la Tourette. El SGT se caracteriza sobre todo por la presencia de dos o más tics motores y uno o más tics fónicos. En este trastorno, los tics no son causados por el efecto fisiológico directo de una droga o por una affeción médica general. La sintomatología de los tics persiste por más de un año y en este periodo los tics no se ausentan por más de tres meses consecutivos. No hay un consenso preciso entre el DSM-IV y el Grupo de Estudio de la Clasificación del Síndrome de Gilles de la Tourette en relación con la edad de inicio: si debe ser antes de los 18 o los 21 años, cómo deben considerarse casos de inicio posterior a los 21 años y si para definir un caso definitivo de SGT se requiere que la persona presente malestar o incapacidad importante a causa de los tics. Sin embargo, en el texto revisado del DSM-IV (TR) ya no se especifica que los síntomas del SGT deban causar necesariamente malestar o incapacidad en el funcionamiento diario de los pacientes. En cuanto a la edad de inicio, si la Clasificación de los Trastornos Mentales y de la Conducta (CIE-10) describe que la edad de inicio casi siempre es en la niñez o adolescencia, de esta manera ya no excluye la posibilidad de edades de inicio más avanzadas. Gracias a diversos estudios, durante el siglo XX se pudo confirmar que la genética es decisiva en la etiología del SGT. Por medio de estudios en familias se confirmó que el trastorno se concentra particularmente en ciertas familias. Los parientes en primer grado de un paciente con SGT se encuentran en mayor riesgo de presentar el trastorno que la población en general. Estudios realizados en pares de gemelos y personas adoptadas confirmaron que los genes tienen un peso importante en el aumento de la susceptibilidad al SGT. Se ha estimado que hasta 90% de la vulnerabilidad al trastorno podría estar afectada por los genes. Aunados a estos factores hereditarios que dependen directamente de la secuencia del ADN de nuestras células nucleadas, se encuentran otros factores que afectan en cierto grado la susceptibilidad al SGT, como los de tipo ambiental, epigenético o aleatorio. A nivel molecular, los principales diseños para el estudio del SGT y la búsqueda de genes de susceptibilidad han sido el enlace genético (linkage) en familias y los estudios de asociación en pacientes no emparentados. La secuenciación de prácticamente todo el genoma humano ha permitido, entre otras cosas, identificar la expresión de miles de genes en un solo chip. De acuerdo con estudios preliminares recientes, podría haber un patrón específico de expresión en sangre de pacientes con SGT. Si esto se llegara a confirmar, los hallazgos podrían emplearse para facilitar la identificación de factores genéticos de riesgo para el SGT. Tomando en cuenta la naturaleza multifactorial del SGT, se requiere además de estudios de enlace genético, asociación y secuenciación, análisis sobre interacciones de tipo gen-gen y gen-ambiente, así como la identificación de factores epigenéticos y de niveles de expresión genética en el SGT.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-562113


[Objective] To elucidate the effects and mechanism of Naoqingling Decoction(ND)on Gilles de la Tourette syndrome(TS).[Method] Central nervous system of mice was stimulated by amphetamine(AMP)to develop the model of experimental tourette syndrome(ETS).Then we observed the stereotypia and autonomic activities of mice,and determined the levels of monoamine neurotransmitters such as dopamine(DA),norepinephrine(NE),5-hydroxytryptamine(5-HT)and 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid(5-HIAA)in the brains.[Result] To compare with model group,three-dose ND groups can resist the determinate activities stimulated by AMP;can obviously decrease the autonomic activities of mice and degrade the levels of DA,NE,5-HT and 5-HIAA in the corpora striates.[Conclusion] ND has therapeutical effect on ETS model and it's mechanism may be its effects on the secretion or metabolism of neurotransmitter in the brains.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-576907


Objective To investigate the effect and the safety of Chouhuiping on Gilles de la Tourette Syndrom (TS) with syndrome of hyperactivity of liver-yang and spleen-asthenia with upstirring of windphlegm. Methods 66 cases patients with TS were selected and randomly divided into 3 groups:group A (n =22) was treated with Chouhuiping,group B (n =22) was treated with Haloperide and group C (n =22) was treated with combination of Chouhuiping and Haloperide,with a course of 4 weeks. Result All schemes were effective on the YGTSS score and the Chinese medicine syndrome score after treatment (P

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-516399


long -term effect.All therapeutic modalities, including acu - moxibus-tion, Chinese materiamedica, and both acu - moxi-bustion and Chinese medicament, are all superiorte western drugs. The last modality is especially satisfactory due to its safety, free from side effect and stable

Yonsei Medical Journal ; : 76-82, 1983.
Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-63726


The data on 24 Korean patient with Gilles de la Tourette's syndrome are described. Main symptoms and other clinical data and EEG findings were generally consistent with those on Caucasian and other Asian patients reported by many authors and reviewers. The effectiveness of haloperidol treatment was also good. These data are thought to suggest organic etiology of this syndrome, but emotional components should not be neglected in understanding and helping patients with varied symptoms other than tic movements.

Adolescente , Adulto , Criança , Pré-Escolar , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Haloperidol/uso terapêutico , Síndrome de Tourette/terapia