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Biosci. j. (Online) ; 30(3 Supplement): 112-118, 2014. ilus, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-947517


O niger (Guizotia abyssinica Cass.) é uma oleaginosa com potencial para a produção de biodiesel com poucas informações a respeito da qualidade fisiológica com que suas sementes são produzidas. Objetivou-se avaliar a germinação e o crescimento das plântulas de niger sob diferentes temperaturas e disponibilidades hídricas no substrato. O primeiro experimento foi conduzido em câmaras de germinação do tipo B.O.D. com temperaturas constantes (5, 10, 15, 20 e 25 °C) e uma temperatura alternada (20-30 °C). Para o segundo experimento as sementes foram semeadas sobre substrato de papel umedecido com soluções de Polietileno Glicol 6000 em diferentes potenciais osmóticos (0,0; -0,2; -0,4; -0,8 e -1,2 MPa) e mantidas em câmara de germinação do tipo B.O.D. na temperatura de 25°C. Avaliou-se a porcentagem, o índice de velocidade e o tempo médio de germinação, os comprimentos da parte aérea e da raiz e as massas fresca e seca das plântulas. As temperaturas de 20, 25 e 20-30 °C aumentaram a porcentagem e a velocidade de germinação das sementes de niger, que são sensíveis a temperaturas inferiores a 15 °C. A redução da disponibilidade hídrica do substrato a partir do potencial osmótico de -0,2 MPa prejudica a germinação e o crescimento de plântulas.

Niger (Guizotia abyssinica Cass.) is an oilplant with biodiesel potential production. However, there is little information about the seeds physiological quality production. This work aimed to evaluate niger germination and seedlings growth submitted to different temperature and substrate water availability. The first experiment was carried out in a germination chamber as B.O.D. with constants temperatures (5, 10, 15, 20 e 25 °C) and an alternated temperature (20-30 °C). For the second experiment seeds were sowed on paper substrate Polyethylene Glicol 6000 different osmotic potentials moisture solutions (0.0; -0.2; -0.4; -0.8 e -1.2 MPa) and it were kept in the germination chamber as B.O.D. at 25°C. Evaluated the germination percentage, germination speed index, germination medium time, aerial part and root length and fresh and dry seedlings mass. Results showed the 20-30, 25 e 20 °C temperatures favored the niger seeds germination percentage and speed index. Niger seeds are sensitive to temperatures below 15 °C and the substrate water availability decrease from -0.2 MPa prejudice seeds germination and seedlings growth.

Sementes , Substratos para Tratamento Biológico , Germinação , Asteraceae , Plântula
Braz. arch. biol. technol ; 56(3): 365-370, May-June 2013. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-679182


The use of bee attractants, Bee-Q and Fruit BoostTM in the pollination of niger was evaluated. Bee visitations to niger flowers were observed for two weeks and an estimation of seed yield was determined. Different concentrations of Bee-Q and Fruit boostTM were evaluated to understand honeybee visitation patterns on the target crop and pollination efficiency. Results indicate that applications of Bee-Q at 12.5 g/l and Fruit boost at 0.75 ml/l on niger plots significantly increased the number of bee foragers over control plots. In addition, plots sprayed with these bee attractants significantly enhanced the seed set, seed weight, and germination of niger. This study suggests that pheromone-based bee attractants applied to niger can increase the marginal percentage of bee visitation, seed yield, and percent germination.