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Interdisciplinaria ; 33(2): 267-282, Dec. 2016. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-841054


Esta revisión bibliográfica es un estudio teórico que presenta avances, actualización, comparación y análisis crítico de los resultados obtenidos en trabajos empíricos de autores nacionales e internacionales del campo de la Psicolingüística y referidos puntualmente al desarrollo infantil (Montero & León, 2007). Se hace hincapié en las cualidades de las interacciones madre-hijo en la etapa pre-lingüística, en situaciones de ausencia y presencia de indicadores de patología mental materna (específicamente depresión postparto- DPP). Se describe una serie de patrones y modalidades de comunicación que mamá y bebé adoptan durante dicha fase del desarrollo del lenguaje. En primer término, se presenta la caracterización acústica y kinestésica que el Habla Dirigida al Bebé (HDB) adquiere durante la etapa preverbal, diferenciando entre los patrones comunicacionales que corresponden tanto a los mensajes emitidos como recibidos y en segundo lugar, la caracterización acústica y kinésica de los patrones comunicacionales infantiles durante la primera etapa del desarrollo del lenguaje. Posteriormente, se plantea cómo resultan afectados dichos patrones en madres con indicios de DPP, identificando los patrones de comunicación del HDB en madres -con y sin DPP-, tanto los referidos a la emisión (aspectos acústicos, discursivos y kinestésicos) como a la recepción (aspectos perceptuales), así cómo se ven afectados los patrones comunicativos en los bebés de madres con DPP. Por último, se concluye sobre la trascendencia que tiene conocer las desviaciones observables en el proceso comunicativo mamá-bebé para el trabajo terapéutico en el vínculo diádico y para el desarrollo integral del infante.

This article is a theoretical review that analyzes the results of various psycholinguistic researches on language acquisition during the prelinguistic stage depending on the mother-child relationship in situations of absence and presence of mind pathology indicators-specifically maternal postpartum depression (PPD). It follows the description of a series of patterns and modes of communication that mother and son take during this phase of language development, following the findings of national and international renowned authors dedicated to this subject. This paper seeks, in the first instance, to conceptualize and establish the main properties of communicative exchanges that occur in the mother-child interactions during the preverbal stage in situations of no obvious pathology in the mother or the infant. Secondly, sought to focus on how these patterns and / or modes of interaction are affected when the mother shows signs of emotional involvement, timely postpartum depression. And also how, therefore, this affects these communicative exchanges. Indeed, this study will present a literature review of existing research data on the effects on the communication patterns between mother and baby-during preverbal stage- when the mother suffers PPD. This improvement is important because so far these data have not been found on one paper -but compiled partially written in various research- nor presented discriminating patterns that the various modes of communication that are acquired and used by each member of the dyad. Regarding the first objective, the results have been made by several scientific papers related to the characteristics that each of the modes in which communication between the preverbal child and primary adult caretaker-usually the mother- occurs. From this, one could envision that prosody is the feature of the HDB that has been studied through the objective measurement of various acoustic aspects such as fundamental frequency, melodic contours and pitch ranges. The combination, features and ways of using the various modes of communication depend intrinsically on the relationships between the biological, psychological, social and contextual conditions that occur and determine the course and the qualities of the mother-infant interaction. Regarding the second objective, it was possible to envision that when the mother is not emotionally available to the baby's demands behavior of the pair may be asynchronous. Even children of mother with PPD may get to use self-regulatory behaviors such as gaze aversion in order to reduce the negative affect arising from the lack of responsiveness and withdrawal that characterize the behavioral repertoire of their mothers (Tronick & Gianino, 1986). However, a substantial stand out in terms of the information gathered at this point of theoretical review, it was found that most of the data and reported results derived from research in developed European countries (mainly Germany and England) and United State. And samples were made up of middle-class mothers and / or high average, with a minimum level of higher education at age 13, adults, gilts or just another child without complications in pregnancy and childbirth and with healthy term infants. Just one research formed a heterogeneous sample of mothers from different races, belonging to lower social strata and lower education level -Kaplan, Burgess, Sliter, & Moreno, 2009). This implies that this investigation results can be generalized to the type of population, culture, language and race that has been studied. In the section dedicated to discussing matters relating to the socio-demographic characteristics of the sample and biases found, make impossible to universalize the results of detailed research group here treated. Finally, it concludes on the importance of knowing the observable deviations in the communication process mom-baby has for therapeutic work on the dyadic relationship, in general, and for the development of the infant, particularly.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-569721


Objective To investigate the postnatal developmental rule of TrkA and ChAT\|immunoreactive(ChAT\|ir) neurons and the relationship between TrkA and ChAT\|ir neurons in the horizontal limb of diagonal band(HDB) of rats. Methods Immunohistochemistry technique combined with image analyser were used. Results TrkA and ChAT\|ir neurons localized in the neurons of basal forebrain of rats. TrkA immunostaining was present at postnatal day 1(PD1), but ChAT immunostaining was present at PD5 Most densely stained TrkA and ChAT neuronal bodies and fibers were present at PD20, while the mean grey degrees of TrkA and ChAT\|ir neurons reached to the peak. Both TrkA and ChAT began to decline at PD30 and maintain a relatively higher level in the adult. However, during aging both TrkA and ChAT\|ir neurons atrophied and became smaller than that of adult. The number of TrkA and ChAT\|ir neurons decreased 39 8% and 33 3%;the mean areas 15 7% and 12 8%; the mean grey degree values were 29 9% and 9 9%, respectively. The mean areas, grey degrees and numbers of TrkA and ChAT\|ir neurons from PD5 to aged rats had positive correlation. Conclusion The results indicate that the expression of TrkA was earlier than ChAT. The expression of TrkA and ChAT followed a very similar temporal pattern in HDB from PD5 to aged rats, suggesting that TrkA may participate in the regulation of ChAT\|ir neuronal development, differentiation, maturation and aging. The down\|regulation of TrkA and ChAT of aged rats is associated with neuronal atrophy and loss and may contribute to the pronounced vulnerability of these neurons to degeneration in aging animals and Alzheimer disease.\;