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Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 26(6): 2183-2194, jun. 2021. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1278688


Abstract A scoping literature review to identify the multilevel HIV serosorting related elements was developed. Articles from EBSCO, PubMed, PsyNET and Science Direct with serosort* or serosorting at the tittle or abstract, written in English or Spanish were included. No restriction in type of population or design were applied. 239 records were retrieved after duplicates removed, but 181 references were extracted for full-text review. Individual level: HIV knowledge, serostatus, risk perceptions, abilities to disclose and for condom use negotiation, motivations, use of drugs, stigma, attitudes toward condom use, and perceptions/beliefs about the HIV and related treatments, HIV infection rates/testing and behavioral factors. Interpersonal level: social networks, abilities (sexual behavior negotiation, and communication). Community level: stigma, social norms, access to HIV related services. Structural level: political context, HIV related funding and public policies. HIV Serosorting is not solely an interpersonal behavior it involves multilevel elements that must be acknowledged by professionals and stakeholders.

Resumen Se desarrolló una revisión de alcance de la literatura para identificar elementos multinivel relacionados a la seroclasificación de VIH. Se incluyeron artículos de EBSCO, PubMed y Science Direct con serosort* o serosorting en título o resumen, escritos en Inglés o Español. No se aplicaron restricciones por tipo de población y diseño. Después de remover duplicados, se recuperaron 239 records, solo 181 referencias se extrajeron para revisión a texto completo. Nivel individual: Conocimiento del VIH, seroestado, percepciones de riesgo, habilidades para develar el seroestado y negociar el condón, motivaciones, uso de drogas, estigma, actitudes sobre uso del condón, y percepciones/ creencias acerca del VIH y tratamientos, tasas de infección y tamizaje de VIH, factores conductuales. Nivel interpersonal: redes sociales, habilidades (negociación de la conducta sexual, y comunicación). Nivel comunitario: Estigma, normas sociales, acceso a servicios de VIH. Nivel estructural: contexto político, políticas públicas y financiamiento relacionado al VIH. La seroclasificación de VIH no es solamente una conducta interpersonal, incluye elementos multinivel que deben ser reconocidos por los profesionales de salud y tomadores de decisiones.

Humanos , Masculino , Infecções por HIV/epidemiologia , Comportamento Sexual , Parceiros Sexuais , Preservativos , Homossexualidade Masculina , Sexo Seguro , Seleção por Sorologia para HIV
Braz. j. infect. dis ; 21(6): 596-605, Nov.-Dec. 2017. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-888921


ABSTRACT Brazil is characterized by a concentrated AIDS epidemic, it has a prevalence of less than 1% in the general population. However, there are higher rates in specific populations, especially in men who have sex with men. The study's aim was to analyze the association between sociodemographic characteristics, sexual practices, sexual behaviors and the HIV infection in a group of men who have sex with men. Secondary data was collected between June 2014 and September 2015 in a research of cross-sectional design in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Volunteers answered an online computerized questionnaire and took HIV test. Chi-squared distribution and multiple logistic regression was used. There were 341 participants. Most of them were racially mixed, single, average age of 30.6 years and with a higher education level. The HIV prevalence was 13.9%. Two logistic models were fit (insertive or receptive anal intercourse). Both models showed an association with HIV among those who had a HIV positive sexual partner (Odds Ratio ≈ 2.5) and a high self-perception of acquiring HIV (Model 1: Odds Ratio ≈ 7/Model 2: Odds Ratio ≈ 10). Low condom usage in receptive anal intercourse with casual partners had a direct association with HIV seropositivity, whereas insertive anal intercourse with casual partners with or without condoms were inversely related. The study identified a high prevalence of HIV infections among a group of men who sex with men with a high self-perception risk of acquiring HIV. The findings also showed a relation with sociodemographic and sexual behavior variables.

Humanos , Masculino , Adulto , Infecções por HIV/epidemiologia , Homossexualidade Masculina/estatística & dados numéricos , Fatores Socioeconômicos , Brasil/epidemiologia , Parceiros Sexuais , Prevalência , Estudos Transversais , Fatores de Risco
Rev. bras. epidemiol ; 18(supl.1): 43-62, Jul.-Sep. 2015.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-770676


ABSTRACT A spectrum of diverse prevention methods that offer high protection against HIV has posed the following challenge: how can national AIDS policies with high coverage for prevention and treatment make the best use of new methods so as to reverse the current high, and even rising, incidence rates among specific social groups? We conducted a narrative review of the literature to examine the prevention methods and the structural interventions that can have a higher impact on incidence rates in the context of socially and geographically concentrated epidemics. Evidence on the protective effect of the methods against sexual exposure to HIV, as well as their limits and potential, is discussed. The availability and effectiveness of prevention methods have been hindered by structural and psychosocial barriers such as obstacles to adherence, inconsistent use over time, or only when individuals perceive themselves at higher risk. The most affected individuals and social groups have presented limited or absence of use of methods as this is moderated by values, prevention needs, and life circumstances. As a result, a substantial impact on the epidemic cannot be achieved by one method alone. Programs based on the complementarity of methods, the psychosocial aspects affecting their use and the mitigation of structural barriers may have the highest impact on incidence rates, especially if participation and community mobilization are part of their planning and implementation.

RESUMO A existência de diferentes métodos preventivos que oferecem elevado grau de proteção contra o HIV tem trazido à luz um desafio: como países que proporcionaram ampla cobertura de prevenção e tratamento poderão utilizar novos métodos preventivos para reverter taxas de incidência que permanecem elevadas, até mesmo crescentes, em grupos sociais específicos? Realizamos uma revisão narrativa da literatura com a finalidade de examinar os métodos preventivos e as intervenções estruturais que, no contexto de epidemias concentradas populacional e geograficamente, podem ter maior impacto nas taxas de incidência. Com isso, analisamos o conhecimento acerca do grau de proteção dos diferentes métodos, seus limites e suas potencialidades. O alcance e a efetividade dos métodos têm sido minimizados, notadamente, por barreiras estruturais e psicossociais, como falhas de adesão, uso inconsistente ao longo do tempo ou apenas em situações em que as pessoas se percebem em maior risco. Indivíduos e grupos sociais mais atingidos pela epidemia têm limitado o uso e o não uso de métodos de acordo com seus valores, necessidades identificadas de prevenção e condições de vida. Isso impede que um método isoladamente venha a promover um forte impacto de redução na epidemia. Políticas baseadas na oferta conjunta e na complementaridade entre os métodos, na atenção aos aspectos psicossociais que interferem no seu uso e na redução das barreiras estruturais de acesso poderão ter maior impacto na incidência, especialmente se forem planejadas e implantadas com participação e mobilização social.

Humanos , Infecções por HIV/prevenção & controle , Comportamento Sexual , Preservativos Femininos , Fatores de Risco