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Rev. medica electron ; 45(5)oct. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1522058


Introducción: La lepra es una entidad de expresión florida con afectación frecuente en el tegumento cutáneo y los nervios periféricos, por la predisposición que presenta el Mycobacterium leprae a estas estructuras. Las reacciones leprosas pueden aparecer en el curso de la enfermedad. Estas interrumpen la evolución crónica usual y la estabilidad clínica de los pacientes que la padecen. Objetivo: Caracterizar los estados reaccionales de la lepra. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo en el período de enero de 2019 a septiembre de 2022, en pacientes que acudieron a la Consulta Provincial de Lepra en el Hospital Universitario Clínico Quirúrgico Comandante Faustino Pérez Hernández, de Matanzas. El universo estuvo constituido por 8 pacientes que presentaron estados reaccionales en la etapa mencionada. Se recogieron de las historias clínicas variables como: edad, sexo, clasificación de la lepra según Ridley-Jopling, tipo de estado reaccional, forma clínica y momento de aparición. Resultados: La mayor frecuencia estuvo entre el rango de 50 a 64 años, con un 50 %. El sexo masculino representa el 62,5 %. Se mostró prevalencia de la lepra lepromatosa en el 62,5 %. La reacción tipo II y las formas graves fueron las más frecuentes, con un 62,5 % y 75 % respectivamente. Existió predominio de las reacciones leprosas durante y después del tratamiento, sin diferencias entre estas, con un 37,5 %. Conclusiones: La reacción tipo II y las formas graves de presentación fueron las predominantes en pacientes masculinos, representados en el grupo etario de 50 a 64 años. La forma clínica preponderante en estos eventos fue la lepromatosa.

Introduction: Leprosy is a floridly expressed entity with frequent involvement of the cutaneous integument and peripheral nerves due to the predisposition of Mycobacterium leprae to these structures. Leprosy reactions may appear during the course of the disease. These interrupt the usual chronic course and the clinical stability of patients suffering from the disease. Objective: To characterize the reactional states of leprosy. Materials and methods: A descriptive study was carried out from January 2019 to September 2022 in patients who attended the Provincial Leprosy Clinic at the Clinical Surgical University Hospital Comandante Faustino Pérez Hernández, in Matanzas. The universe consisted of 8 patients who presented reactional states in the aforementioned stage. The variables, collected from the clinical records, were: age, sex; classification of leprosy according to Ridley-Jopling, type of reactional state, clinical form and time of onset. Results: The highest frequency was between 50 and 64 years, with 50%. The male sex represents 62.5%. Lepromatous leprosy prevalence was shown in 62.5%. The type II reaction and severe forms were the most frequent with 62.5% and 75% respectively. There was predominance of leprosy reactions during and after treatment without differences between them, with 37.5%. Conclusions: The type II reaction with severe forms of presentation was predominant in male patients represented in the age group of 50 to 64 years. The predominant clinical form in these events was the lepromatous one.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-218872


Introduction: Leprosy is a chronic granulomatous disease presents variedly depending on the patient's immune status at the time of infection. In this study, we are planning to perform a retrospective analysis to characterise the trend of Lepromatous spectrum of Hansen's disease cases registered in Tertiary care centre. To analyse the incidence,Aim: clinical patterns and variants of Lepromatous spectrum of Hansen's disease cases registered in Tertiary care centre. Objectives: To describe the epidemiological trend of Lepromatous Spectrum of Hansen's Disease and its clinical variants. A Retrospective observational study involving Lepromatous spectrum of Hansen's diseaseMethodology cases registered in leprosy clinic in last 5 years (2017-2021). Patient demographic details, duration of disease, clinical presentations , investigation details like slit skin smear, biopsy reports, treatment data was extracted from the Leprosy case register and data analysis was done in this study. 129 leprosy patients (BL-69, LL-43, Histoid-15, PureResults neuritic-2) reported during the period of 2017 to 2021[ 5 years]. 2018and 2019 had maximum number of cases approximately 30 new cases of leoromatous leprosy . Hypopigmented patches and glove & stocking anaesthesia seen in 59.8% cases, skin nodules seen in 45.7%, earlobe infiltration seen in 21.7%, epistaxis &saddle nose deformity seen in 4.3%, gynaecomastia seen in 2.2%, trophic ulcer seen in 26.1% at the time of presentation mainly involving the foot followed by hands, only nerve involvement without skin lesion present in 1.1% of cases. Claw hand was the most common deformity witnessed . The presence of Wartenberg sign was observed in 10 patients. Apart from ulnar and common peroneal nerve involvement present in 100 %of the patients, other peripheral nerves were involved in significant number of patients.All these patients showed positive acid fast bacilli in slit skin smear . Active surveillanceConclusion and early detection of the disease are imperative to prevent the spread of M. leprae. It is essential for timely implementation of treatment which will prevent deformities and disabilities. Active case detection plays the major role in early diagnosis of leprosy.

Rev. cuba. med ; 62(1)mar. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1450013


La lepra o enfermedad de Hansen es una infección crónica causada por Mycobacterium leprae (M. leprae) o Mycobacterium lepromatosis (M. lepromatosis), es una enfermedad infecciosa curable que es endémica en más de 140 países de todo el mundo. La Organización Mundial de la Salud lo declaró eliminado como un problema mundial de salud pública en el año 2000, sin embargo, en 2017 se informaron aproximadamente 200 000 casos nuevos en todo el mundo. A pesar de la terapia farmacológica combinada disponible, continúa como un importante problema de salud pública, que conlleva un fuerte estigma. En Cuba, según el Anuario Estadístico de Salud de 2020, se reportaron durante ese año 116 casos, las provincias más afectadas fueron Santiago de Cuba con 25 nuevos casos y Guantánamo con 17 nuevos casos. La presentación de caso se trata de una joven de 20 años, en edad reproductiva, con manifestaciones generales de astenia, pérdida del cabello, adenopatías, poliartritis, lesiones cutáneas y fiebre, que hizo sospechar en una enfermedad del colágeno. En estos momentos con buena evolución y en seguimiento por atención primaria de salud de su provincia(AU)

Leprosy or Hansen's disease is a chronic infection caused by mycobacterium leprae (M. leprae) or mycobacterium lepromatosis (M. lepromatosis). It is a curable infectious disease, endemic in more than 140 countries around the world. Despite being declared eradicated as a global public health problem by the World Health Organization in 2000, approximately 200,000 new cases were reported worldwide in 2017. Despite available combination drug therapy, it remains a major public health problem, carrying strong stigma. In Cuba, according to 2020 health statistical yearbook, 116 cases were reported during that year. The most affected provinces were Santiago de Cuba (25 new cases) and Guantánamo (17 new cases). The case to be reported concerns a 20-year-old young woman of reproductive age, with general manifestations of asthenia, hair loss, adenopathies, polyarthritis, skin lesions, and fever; she suspected was a collagen disease. Currently, she is well and she is followed up by primary health care in her province(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Hanseníase/epidemiologia , Mycobacterium leprae , Cuba
Indian J Lepr ; 2022 Dec; 94: 349-354
Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-222617


In highly endemic countries like India, where tuberculosis (TB) and leprosy infection may coexist, screening the other disease before initiating treatment is important to prevent Rifampicin resistance since both diseases are treated with and sensitive to Rifampicin. Here, we report a leprosy case involving the unmasking of leprosy in a treated patient with Pulmonary TB. In this case, a high index of suspicion of Erythema Nodosum Leprosum (ENL) in a patient with no history of leprosy disease or treatment with anti-leprosy drugs was observed. He, however, had a history of taking anti-tuberculous medicine 1.5 years earlier. This case report also acknowledges the physician’s prompt referral of this patient to a dermatologist. Taking a detailed family history and screening helped us diagnose leprosy in the patient’s daughter. It also emphasises the atypical presentation of leprosy, which (although described in textbooks) is being reported here.

Rev. Assoc. Med. Bras. (1992, Impr.) ; 68(10): 1389-1393, Oct. 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1406573


SUMMARY OBJECTIVE: Leprosy is a disabling infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium leprae. This study aimed to investigate the prevalence of leprosy among household contacts of leprosy patients. METHODS: This study is a serological survey in household contacts of leprosy patients who had been treated or were undergoing treatment in the city of Presidente Prudente, São Paulo, Brazil, from 2006-2016, using clinical examination and screening for anti- Phenolic glycolipid-I antibodies with Mycobacterium leprae-flow serology. RESULTS: A total of 263 index cases of leprosy were identified during the study period. Of these, 53 were approached, and among their household contacts, 108 were examined. The ML-flow test was positive in 2 (1.85%) individuals, but clinical examination revealed no signs or symptoms of leprosy in them. Therefore, they were considered to have a subclinical infection. Leprosy was not confirmed in any household contacts. In this study, a lower percentage of household contacts, when compared to that in the literature, had a positive Mycobacterium leprae-flow test result. CONCLUSION: The use of Mycobacterium leprae-flow should be encouraged during the follow-up of at-risk populations, such as the household contacts of leprosy patients.

Indian J Lepr ; 2022 Sep; 94: 279-285
Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-222606


Discrimination against persons affected by leprosy or Hansen’s disease has deep roots, marginalizing individuals and communities. In September 2019, “Global Forum of People’s Organization on Hansen’s Disease (POs)” was organized in Manila, the Philippines, as a pre-event of the 20th International Leprosy Congress, which was the largest-ever international gathering of persons affected by the disease and led to “the Manila Declaration” to present the collective voice of all the participants. However, how to realize them was not thoroughly discussed during the forum and thus remains an issue for the future. In light of the fact that the second Global Forum is scheduled to be held in conjunction with the 21st International Leprosy Congress in November 2022, this article aims at clarifying what the forum should strive for in order to put the Manila Declaration into action by 1) examining the significance and impact of the first Global Forum, 2) identifying challenges currently faced by the POs from four domains (performance, staff capacity, internal organization, and external relationships), and 3) providing recommendations in three areas (strengthening and networking of POs, promoting their participation in leprosy related activities through effective advocacy, and sustained support by governments and donor agencies for POs).

Rev. méd. Urug ; 38(3): e38313, sept. 2022.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, BNUY | ID: biblio-1409859


Resumen: Introducción: la enfermedad de Hansen es una enfermedad infecciosa crónica, causada por Mycobacterium leprae, que afecta principalmente piel y nervios periféricos. Las reacciones leprosas son eventos agudos que se asocian a un aumento de la morbimortalidad de la enfermedad. Objetivo: presentar el caso clínico de un paciente con fenómeno de Lucio, a través del cual se llegó al diagnóstico de enfermedad de Hansen, y remarcar la importancia de tener presente esta enfermedad, poco frecuente en nuestro país, para su correcto diagnóstico. Discusión: el fenómeno de Lucio es un tipo de reacción leprosa mediada por inmunocomplejos. Se caracteriza clínicamente por máculas o placas eritematovioláceas, de aparición súbita, que evolucionan a úlceras necróticas y curan dejando cicatrices estrelladas atróficas. De no mediar tratamiento, puede ser fatal, debido a sobreinfección y sepsis. Este se basa en el tratamiento específico de la infección, asociado a prednisona y un correcto manejo de las heridas.

Summary: Introduction: Hansen disease is a chronic infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium leprae, which mainly affects the skin and peripheral nerves. Leprosy reactions are acute events associated to an increase in the morbimortality of the disease. Objective: the study aims to present the clinical case of patient with Lucio´s phenomenon, which allowed the diagnosis of Hansen disease, and to emphasize on the importance of having this disease in mind for an appropriate diagnosis, despite it being rather unusual in our country. Discussion: Lucio´s phenomenon is a kind of leprosy reaction mediated by immune complexes. Clinically, it is characterized by the sudden onset of macules or blue hemorrhagic plaques, with a rapid evolution to necrotic ulcers, and it heals leaving star-shaped atrophic scars. If it is not treated, it may be fatal due to superinfection and sepsis. Treatment is based on specific medication for the infection, associated to prednisone and the correct handling of injuries.

Resumo: Introdução: a hanseníase é uma doença infecciosa crônica causada pelo Mycobacterium leprae, que acomete principalmente pele e nervos periféricos. As reações hansênicas são eventos agudos que estão associados ao aumento da morbimortalidade da doença. Objetivo: apresentar o caso de um paciente com fenômeno de Lúcio, por meio do qual se chegou ao diagnóstico de hanseníase, e ressaltar a importância de se ter em mente esta doença, rara em nosso meio, para seu correto diagnóstico. Discussão: o fenômeno de Lúcio é um tipo de reação hansênica mediada por imunocomplexos. Caracteriza-se clinicamente por máculas ou placas eritêmato-violáceas de início súbito que evoluem para úlceras necróticas e cicatrizam, deixando cicatrizes estreladas atróficas. Sem tratamento pode ser fatal, devido a superinfecção e sepse; a terapia está baseada no tratamento específico da infecção, associado à prednisona e no manejo correto da ferida.

Humanos , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Hanseníase Virchowiana/complicações , Hanseníase/complicações
Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-223000


Background: Dapsone treatment may reduce HbA1c levels in patients with diabetes. Aims: To assess the prevalence and characteristics of dapsone associated reduction of HbA1c in patients with Hansen’s disease. Methods: A retrospective data review of outpatient and inpatient charts of consecutive patients with Hansen’s disease and type 2 diabetes mellitus was conducted over two years from January 2014 to January 2016 at the Department of Dermatology, CMC Vellore, India. Results: Of the 245 patients with a confirmed diagnosis of Hansen’s disease who were on oral dapsone 100 mg/day as part of their treatment regimen, 49 patients had diabetes and were eligible for the study as per predetermined inclusion criteria. Of these, 35 subjects (71%) had an HbA1c discordantly lower than the corresponding mean plasma glucose levels. Patients with discordant HbA1c levels were more likely to be male and to have a higher RBC mean corpuscular volume (MCV). A greater reduction in HbA1c levels was seen during the initial 3 months of therapy of dapsone treatment. Limitations: The small sample size and retrospective design were limitations of this study. Also, we did not analyze the role of methemoglobinemia or the utility of alternative measures of glycemic control in these patients. Conclusion: We describe a high prevalence of dapsone associated inappropriate HbA1c lowering in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients. This may have serious implications for the management of diabetes in patients on therapy with dapsone.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-222994


Background: More than four million people today live with Hansen’s disease, and 200,000 new cases are diagnosed every year. Lifetime effects of Hansen’s disease manifest as changes to bones of the face, hands and feet, resulting in physical impairment, secondary complications and facial changes that can be detrimental to quality of life, particularly among the elderly. Aims: This study aimed to perform a detailed characterization of rhinomaxillary syndrome and its clinical manifestations in older persons treated in the past for Hansen’s disease. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study to characterize rhinomaxillary syndrome among older persons (age 60+ years) resident at Pedro Fontes Hospital, Cariacica, Espírito Santo, Brazil. Computed tomography images were examined with three-dimensional reconstructions to assess alterations to maxillofacial bones according to criteria for radiological rhinomaxillary syndrome. Participants were examined to assess facial alterations according to criteria for clinical rhinomaxillary syndrome. Results: Rhinomaxillary syndrome was investigated in 16 participants (ten females and six males), median age 70 (range 60–89) years, age at diagnosis 20 (6–43) years and time since diagnosis 46 (26–70) years. Four participants fully met radiological rhinomaxillary syndrome criteria, four partially. All participants with full radiological rhinomaxillary syndrome presented with facial changes which met criteria for clinical rhinomaxillary syndrome, including “saddle nose” (loss of nasal dorsal height and shortened length of nose, due to cartilaginous and/or bone collapse), concave middle third of the face with sunken nose, maxillary retrognathia and inverted upper lip. Limitations: Clinical histories were incomplete for some participants because records were lost at the hospital over time. Conclusion: Until Hansen’s disease is eliminated from endemic countries, persons affected will continue to present with rhinomaxillofacial alterations caused by Mycobacterium leprae infection. Clinical protocols for assessment and long-term care need to include otorhinolaryngological evaluation, mainly to prevent secondary complications. When rhinomaxillofacial bone changes are suspected, this evaluation should be supported by computed tomography imaging, if available.

Indian J Lepr ; 2022 Jun; 94: 153-161
Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-222602


Leprosy is a chronic granulomatous infectious disease with a proven role of Mycobacterium leprae invasion into endothelial cells. Animal studies have shown evidence of involvement of vasa nervorum in the process of nerve invasion. Capillaries act as the mirror image of vascular involvement in any rheumatic disorder and holds good for leprosy also. Nailfold capillaroscopy (NFC) is a non-invasive, easily reproducible technique to study proximal nailfold capillaries. The aim of this study is to investigate morphological nailfold capillaroscopic alterations in patients with leprosy in its various forms and comparison with the normal individual. Total 20 Leprosy patients and 20 normal age and sex matched individuals recruited for nailfold capillaroscopic examination using video dermoscopye. Among 20 normal individuals, 3(15%) individuals showed tortuous capillaries and microhemorrhages each, 2(10%) showed meandering vessels, 1(5%) each showed megacapillaries, dilated/ectatic capillaries and bizarre vessels. Out of 20 leprosy patients, 11 (55%) patients showed bizarre and meandering capillaries, 10(50%) showed dilated vessels and avascular areas, 9(45%) showed capillary dropouts and neovascularisation, 8(40%) showed tortuous vessels, 6(30%) haemorrhages and 4 (20%) showed megacapillaries. Findings like avascular areas, capillary dropouts, haemorrhages were more noticed in lepromatous and borderline lepromatous leprosy, whereas early capillary abnormalities like dilated, meandering, bizarre vessels and neoangiogenesis were noticed more in borderline tuberculoid leprosy. However, statistical significant difference between clinical and dermoscopic observations was not seen in this study. Further studies with a large sample size are required to find out the same. Morphological changes may denote micro-vascular invasion by Mycobacterium leprae and may act as warning signs of fore- coming complications like loss of sensation and trophic ulcers. Follow-up studies are required to understand such correlation, if any.

Indian J Lepr ; 2022 Jun; 94: 163-178
Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-222601


Physiotherapy adds quality to the life of people. It provides support to people with disability. Leprosy is such a debilitating condition in which people suffer concerning their functionality and emotional parameters even after bacteriological cure. Leprosy is having several types of social stigmas attached to it which could be the reason for the discrimination among this population. Boosting the knowledge and building up a strong and positive attitude among physiotherapy students and practitioners against leprosy will be of help in overcoming the various multiple taboos associated with this condition. This research work aims at evaluating the knowledge and attitude towards leprosy among physiotherapy students and professionals in India. This study involves 300 voluntary participants from the physiotherapy field (students and professionals) above the age of 18 years from any gender from India, with a good hold on the English language. The response of all the participants was descriptively analyzed. Among study participants the mean score for the knowledge was estimated to be 65.47±14.69. Out of 300 participants, only 72 participants have shown a high level of knowledge with a mean score value of 84.54±5.23, and 228 participants showed a low level with a mean score value of 59.44±11.14. The mean score for the attitude related questions was 54.7±26.21. 189 respondents presented a favorable response with a mean of 71.16±16.56 whereas 111 respondents presented an unfavorable attitude with a mean value of 26.67±11.86. The findings of this research work gave us an insight into the “low-level knowledge” and a relatively “favorable behavior” towards the patient affected by leprosy among the physiotherapy students and practitioners in India. However, still, there is a need to enhance the knowledge and improve attitude among the Physiotherapy students and professionals by educating them and including leprosy in sufficient details in physiotherapy curriculum. Properly designed research cum intervention studies are necessary to understand the gaps in knowledge and attitudinal problems and take remedial measures.

Rev. Ciênc. Méd. Biol. (Impr.) ; 21(1): 60-66, maio 05,2022. fig
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1370675


Introdução: a hanseníase é uma doença de fácil diagnóstico, possuindo tratamento e cura. Quando diagnosticada tardiamente, pode trazer graves consequências para os portadores e seus familiares. Uma vez que o tratamento da hanseníase está inserido no componente estratégico da assistência farmacêutica, são exigidos cuidados e orientação. Há necessidade de intervenção clínica farmacêutica, com objetivo de acompanhar prescrições medicamentosas, analisando a adesão dos pacientes ao tratamento com a promoção de ações de educação em saúde, além de minimizar a ocorrência de eventos adversos relacionados aos fármacos do tratamento com possível redução de custos associados aos agravos. Objetivo: realizar o monitoramento para identificar e tratar as possíveis intercorrências que estão comumente presentes no tratamento de hanseníase. Metodologia: a realização do estudo deu-se com o acompanhamento dos pacientes atendidos no serviço de referência a partir da aplicação de questionários em consultas periódic as, vis to que a adesão ao tratamento, reduç ão dos eventos adver sos e controle dos comunic antes são de suma impor tância para o controle epidemiológico. Resultados: os principais sintomas dos indivíduos acometidos foram dormência e eritema nodoso hansênico. A maioria utilizava como tratamento o esquema multibacilar e talidomida. O acometimento relatado dos pacientes foi em nível moderado. Os pacientes possuíam comorbidades como hipertensão, artrose e diabetes. O acompanhamento clínico foi relatado como positivo pela maioria dos entrevistados. Conclusão: o desfecho do estudo mostra que a adesão do paciente é crucial para o êxito do tratamento e o acompanhamento do farmacêutico clínico constitui um pilar positivo, contribuindo para a prevenção de agravos e conscientização da comunidade.

Introduction: Hansen's disease is an easily diagnosed disease, with treatment and cure available. When diagnosed late, it can bring serious consequences for patients and their families. Since the treatment of Hansen's disease is part of the strategic component of pharmaceutical assistance, care and guidance are required. There is a need for clinical pharmaceutical intervention, aiming to monitor drug prescriptions, analyze patients' adherence to treatment while promoting health education actions, in addition to minimizing the occurrence of adverse events related to treatment drugs with possible reduction in costs associated to grievances. Objective:thus, the present study aimed to monitor, identify, and treat possible complications commonly present in the treatment of Hansen's disease. Methodology: The study was carried out with the follow-up of patients seen at the reference service, through the application of questionnaires in periodic appointments, since adherence to treatment, reduction of adverse events and control of communicants are of short importance for epidemiological control. Results:The main symptoms of Hansen's disease patients were numbness and leprosy nodosum erythema. Most used the multibacillary scheme and thalidomide as treatment. The reported involvement of patients was at a moderate level. Patients had other comorbidities such as hypertension, arthrosis and diabetes. The clinical assistance was reported as positive by most interviewees. Conclusion: The outcome of the study shows that patient's compliance is crucial for the success of treatment and the clinical pharmacist's accompaniment is a positive pillar, contributing to the prevention of complications and community awareness.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Assistência Farmacêutica , Talidomida/uso terapêutico , Hanseníase/tratamento farmacológico , Centros de Saúde , Estudos Transversais
Indian J Lepr ; 2022 Mar; 94: 33-48
Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-222626


This study aims to assess the continuity of medical care, the impact on disease condition and to highlight the major challenges faced by people affected by leprosy during the pandemic. Telephonic questionnaire-based survey was conducted among previously registered patients of leprosy at referral hospitals in India. Leprosy affected people aged >18 years, either on treatment or who had completed treatment with access to phone and willingness to participate were included. The questions were asked pertaining to demographic details, baseline disease characteristics and various problems faced during lockdown relating to livelihood, finances, treatment, and mental status. A total of 196 patients consented to participate in the study. Mean age of study participants was 37.31 (13.86) years, male participants (n=123, 62.7%) were more than females (n=73, 37.2%). Overall, 101 patients (51.5%) experienced exacerbation, 21 patients (10.7%) reported improvement and 74 patients (37.8%) reported no change in disease status during the pandemic. Most common difficulty faced was the procurement of medicines (115 patients, 58.6%) followed by difficulty in diagnostic testing (61 patients, 31.1%). Course of treatment was interrupted in 16 patients. Most of the patients (n=147, 75%), agreed that teleconsultation services would aid in management of their disease. The majority of patients (88.2%) were able to continue some form of treatment. Two patients (1%) tested positive for COVID-19. Nearly all patients (n=189, 96.4%) were informed regarding the risks and preventive measures related to COVID-19. Fifty percent of the patients reported deterioration in mental health due to the pandemic. The present study highlights the gaps in healthcare delivery and social inequalities along with their impact on the health, livelihood and mental status of people affected by leprosy during the current COVID-19 pandemic.

Pesqui. prát. psicossociais ; 16(3): 1-16, set.-dez. 2021. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1351262


Este estudo teve o objetivo de identificar e analisar as representações sociais dos moradores de um hospital colônia sobre a hanseníase, sobre o envelhecimento, bem como sobre a própria instituição. O estudo contou com a participação de 16 pessoas, com idade entre 48 e 85 anos (M = 67,0 anos; DP = 9,7). Para a coleta de dados, utilizou-se um questionário sociodemográfico e o Teste de Associação Livre de Palavras. Os resultados indicaram que o estímulo hanseníase associou-se a elementos negativos que remetem à representação social da lepra. O estímulo envelhecimento ancorou-se em um esquema conceitual associado à fase da velhice e à figura do velho. Já o estímulo hospital colônia ancorou-se mais em componentes positivos, dentre os quais se destacam a comunidade e a família. Almeja-se que este estudo contribua para uma mudança nos elementos associados à representação da hanseníase e do envelhecimento.

This study aimed to identify and analyze the social representations of the residents of a colony hospital about the Hansen's disease, about aging, as well as about the institution itself. There was a participation of 16 people, aged between 48 and 85 years (M = 67.0 years, SD = 9.7). For a data collection, we used a sociodemographic questionnaire and the Free Word Association Test. The results indicated that the Hansen's disease stimulus is associated with negative elements that refer to the social representation of leprosy. The aging stimulus was anchored in a conceptual scheme associated with the old age phase and the figure of the old. On the other hand, the stimulus Colony Hospital was more anchored in positive components, among which, community and family stand out. It is hoped that this study will contribute to a change in the elements associated to the representation of Hansen's disease and aging.

Este estudio tuvo como objetivo identificar y analizar las representaciones sociales de los habitantes de un hospital colonia sobre la hanseníasis, sobre el envejecimiento, así como sobre la propia institución. Se contó con una participación de 16 personas, con edad entre 48 a 85 años (M = 67,0 años, DP = 9,7). Para una recolección de datos, se utilizó un cuestionario sociodemográfico y la Prueba de Asociación Libre de Palabras. Los resultados indicaron que el estímulo hanseníasis se asociaba a elementos negativos que remiten a la representación social de la lepra. El estímulo envejecimiento se ancló en un esquema conceptual asociado a la fase de la vejez y la figura del viejo. El estímulo Hospital Colonia, se ancló más en componentes positivos, entre los cuales, comunidad y familia. Se espera que este estudio contribuya a un cambio en los elementos asociados a la representación de la lepra y del envejecimiento.

Hanseníase , Psicologia Social , Envelhecimento , Sistemas de Apoio Psicossocial , Hospitais
Rev. baiana saúde pública ; 45(2): 37-49, 20211010.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1379618


A hanseníase é uma doença infecciosa crônica causada pelo Mycobacterium leprae, considerada um grave problema de saúde pública. A adesão à terapia farmacológica contribui para a qualidade de vida do paciente e para a interrupção da cadeia de transmissão da doença. Este trabalho objetivou analisar a adesão à poliquimioterapia em pacientes com hanseníase acompanhados em um serviço de atendimento especializado do município de Rondonópolis (MT). Trata-se de um estudo descritivo de abordagem quantitativa. Participaram da pesquisa 63 pacientes com diagnóstico de hanseníase, acompanhados no Serviço de Atendimento Especializado do Município de Rondonópolis. Para analisar a adesão, utilizou-se o teste de Morisky-Green. Foram classificados como aderentes ao tratamento 31 pacientes (49,2%) no total. As menores frequências de adesão foram observadas em mulheres, na faixa etária de 51 a 59 anos, de cor autodeclarada branca, renda familiar superior ou igual a dois salários mínimos, com até oito anos de estudo, sem companheiros e que possuíam rede de esgoto em suas residências. Observou-se diferença estatística para as variáveis sexo (p = 0,036), modo de detecção (p = 0,008) e forma clínica (p = 0,028). Os resultados indicaram baixa adesão à poliquimioterapia. Mulheres, pacientes com modo de detecção do tipo encaminhamento ou exames de coletividade, com forma clínica indeterminada, tuberculoide ou virchowiana são menos aderentes à poliquimioterapia. Os resultados indicam a necessidade de adoção de medidas que busquem promover melhor aceitação à terapia farmacológica entre os pacientes com hanseníase.

Hansen's disease, a chronic infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium leprae, is considered a major public health issue. Adherence to pharmacological therapy contributes to the patient's quality of life and to interrupting the disease transmission chain. Hence, this study analyzes adherence to multidrug therapy in patients with Hansen's disease treated at a specialized care service in Rondonópolis, Mato Grosso, Brazil. A quantitative, descriptive research was carried out with 63 patients diagnosed with Hansen's disease and treated at the Specialized Care Service of the municipality of Rondonópolis. Adherence was analyzed using the Morisky-Green test. A total of 31 (49.2%) patients were classified as adherent to treatment. The lowest frequency of adherence was observed in women, aged 51 to 59 years, white, family income ≥ 2 minimum wages, with up to eight years of schooling, without partners, and with a sewage system in their homes. Statistical difference was observed for the variables gender (p=0.036), detection mode (p=0.008), and clinical form (p=0.028). Results showed low adherence to multidrug therapy. Women, patients with referral detection or collective exams, with undetermined clinical form, tuberculoid or Lepromatous leprosy, are less adherent to polychemotherapy. The findings indicate the need to adopt measures that seek to promote better adherence to pharmacological therapy among patients with Hansen's disease.

La lepra es una enfermedad infecciosa crónica causada por Mycobacterium leprae y considerada un grave problema de salud pública. La adherencia a la terapia farmacológica contribuye a la calidad de vida del paciente y a la interrupción de la cadena de transmisión de la enfermedad. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo analizar la adherencia a la poliquimioterapia en pacientes con lepra seguidos en un servicio de atención especializado en la ciudad de Rondonópolis, en Mato Grosso (Brasil). Se trata de un estudio descriptivo, de tipo cuantitativo. Participaron en la investigación 63 pacientes diagnosticados de lepra, seguidos en el Servicio de Atención Especializado del Municipio de Rondonópolis. Para analizar la adherencia se utilizó la prueba de Morisky-Green. Un total de 31 (49,2%) pacientes fueron clasificados como adherentes al tratamiento. La menor frecuencia de adherencia se observó en mujeres, en el grupo de edad de entre 51 y 59 años, de color autodeclarado blanco, renta familiar mayor o igual a 2 salarios mínimos, con nivel de educación hasta ocho años, sin pareja y que tenían red de alcantarillado en sus hogares. Hubo diferencia estadística para la variable sexo (p = 0,036), modo de detección (p = 0,008) y forma clínica (p = 0,028). Los resultados indicaron una baja adherencia a la poliquimioterapia. Las mujeres, los pacientes con modo de detección por derivación o exámenes colectivos, con forma clínica indeterminada, tuberculoide o virchowiana fueron los menos adherentes a la poliquimioterapia. Los resultados indican la necesidad de adoptar medidas que busquen promover una mejor aceptación de la terapia farmacológica entre los pacientes con lepra.

Humanos , Serviços de Atendimento , Tratamento Farmacológico , Quimioterapia Combinada , Hanseníase , Mycobacterium leprae
Rev. bras. promoç. saúde (Impr.) ; 34: [10], 17/02/2021.
Artigo em Inglês, Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1254467


Objetivo: Descrever os registros de internação no Sistema Único de Saúde por hanseníase e sequelas de hanseníase no estado de Minas Gerais no período de 2008 a 2019. Métodos: Estudo descritivo e observacional realizado em Minas Gerais, Brasil, no período de 1 de janeiro de 2008 a 31 de dezembro de 2019. A coleta dos dados se deu a partir de informações do Sistema de Internação Hospitalar do Sistema Único de Saúde. A população compreendeu todos os registros de hospitalização por hanseníase (A30) e sequelas de hanseníase (B29) de pessoas residentes no estado. Foram calculadas as taxas de internação (por 100 mil habitantes) e letalidade hospitalar. Procedeu-se a análise dos dados por estatística descritiva utilizando os softwares Microsoft Excel® e Epi Info 7.2TM. Resultados: Minas Gerais registrou 3.172 internações, com taxa média anual de internação e de letalidade hospitalar de 1,3 e 1,7%, respectivamente. Entre 2011 e 2013, foram registradas as maiores taxas de internação. Já para a letalidade hospitalar, em 2008 e 2010 apresentaram-se os valores mais expressivos. A macrorregião de saúde Leste do Sul apresentou a maior taxa de internação. Quanto ao perfil, 68% (n=1855) eram pessoas do sexo masculino, 47,4% (n=1294) da cor/raça parda e 18,2% (n=500) com idade entre 50 e 59 anos. Conclusão: O estudo mostrou que os registros de internação por hanseníase e suas sequelas em Minas Gerais seguem o padrão epidemiológico da ocorrência da doença. Verificou-se a necessidade do fortalecimento da atenção primária à saúde para ações de diagnóstico, tratamento e prevenção.

Objective: To describe the records of admissions to the Unified Health System (Sistema Único de Saúde) for Hansen's disease and Hansen's disease sequelae in the state of Minas Gerais from 2008 to 2019. Methods: A descriptive observational study was carried out in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil, from 1 January 2008 to 31 December 2019. Data were collected from the Hospital Admission System of the Uni-fied Health System. The study population comprised all records of hospitalization for Hansen's disease (A30) and sequelae from Hansen's disease (B29) from people liv-ing in the state. Hospitalization rates (per 100,000 inhabitants) and in-hospital lethality were calculated. Data analysis was performed using descriptive statistics on Microsoft Excel® and Epi Info 7.2TM. Results: Minas Gerais recorded 3,172 admissions, with an annual mean hospitalization and in-hospital lethality rates of 1.3 and 1.7%, respec-tively. The highest hospitalization rates were recorded between 2011 and 2013. With regard to in-hospital lethality, the most significant values were observed in 2008 and 2010. The health macro-region of the Eastern portion of the South had the highest rate of hospitalization. As for the profile, 68% (n=1855) were male, 47.4% (n=1294) were Black people, and 18.2% (n=500) were aged between 50 and 59 years. Conclusion: The study showed that the records of hospitalization for Hansen's disease and its sequelae in Minas Gerais follow the epidemiological pattern of the occurrence of the disease. There was a need to strengthen primary health care for diagnostic, treatment and prevention actions.

Objetivo: Describir los registros de hospitalización en el Sistema Único de Salud por lepra y sus secuelas en el estado de Minas Gerais entre el periodo de 2008 y 2019. Métodos: Estudio descriptivo y observacional realizado en Minas Gerais, Brasil, en el período entre 1 de enero de 2008 y 31 diciembre de 2019. La recogida de datos se dio a partir de informaciones del Sistema de Hospitalización del Sistema Único de Salud. La población ha sido de todos los registros de hospitalización por lepra (A30) y sus secuelas (B29) en personas que viven en el estado. Se ha calculado las tasas de hospitalización (por 100 mil habitantes) y letalidad hospitalaria. El análisis de los datos se dio por la estadística descriptiva utilizándose los softwares Microsoft Excel® y el Epi Info 7.2TM. Resultados: Minas Gerais registró 3.172 hospitalizaciones con la tasa media anual de hospitalización y de letalidad hospitalaria del 1,3% y el 1,7%, respectivamente. Entre 2011 y 2013 se ha registrado las mayores tasas de hospitalización. Para la letalidad hospitalaria entre 2008 y 2010 se presentaron los valores más expresivos. La macro región de salud Leste del Sur presentó la mayor tasa de hospitalización. Respecto el perfil de los participantes, el 68% (n=1855) eran personas del sexo masculino, el 47,4% (n=1294) del color/raza parda y el 18,2% (n=500) con edad entre 50 y 59 años. Conclusión: El estudio mostró que los registros de hospitalización por la lepra y sus secuelas en Minas Gerais siguen el patrón epidemiológico de la ocurrencia de la enfermedad. Se verificó la necesidad del fortalecimiento de la atención primaria de salud para las acciones de diagnóstico, tratamiento y prevención.

Epidemiologia Descritiva , Sistemas de Informação em Saúde , Hanseníase
Medisan ; 25(1)ene.-feb. 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1154843


Introducción: La lepra es una enfermedad infectocontagiosa crónica, producida por el Mycobacterium leprae, y constituye uno de los males más antiguos de la humanidad. Objetivo: Describir algunas características clínicas y epidemiológicas de los pacientes con lepra pertenecientes al Policlínico Docente Ramón López Peña de Santiago de Cuba. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo y retrospectivo de los 11 pacientes diagnosticados con la enfermedad de Hansen en la mencionada área de salud en el período 2005-2019. Para el procesamiento de la información se creó una base de datos mediante el sistema SPSS, versión 11.5 para Windows, donde se tabularon los datos de las encuestas. El análisis de los resultados se expresó en números absolutos y porcentajes para su mejor interpretación. Resultados: Predominaron el grupo etario de 35-44 años (54,5 %), el sexo masculino (54,6 %) y la lepra dimorfa, en su forma clínica multibacilar. La mayoría de los pacientes fueron diagnosticados precozmente y solo se observó algún grado de discapacidad en los diagnósticos tardíos; asimismo, las condiciones higiénicas desfavorables y el hacinamiento fueron los factores de riesgo de mayor relevancia. Conclusiones: A pesar de la existencia de pacientes con lepra en dicha área de salud, se observó un período de silencio epidemiológico, que unido a los factores de riesgo presentes, aumenta la posibilidad de contagio y pone en peligro los objetivos establecidos para su erradicación.

Introduction: Leprosy is an infectious chronic disease, produced by the Mycobacterium leprae, and constitutes one of the oldest ills of humanity. Objective: To describe some clinical and epidemiological characteristics of the patients with leprosy belonging to Ramón López Peña Teaching Polyclinic in Santiago de Cuba. Methods: A descriptive and retrospective study of the 11 patients diagnosed with Hansen disease in the mentioned health area during 2005-2019 was carried out. A database was created by means of the SPSS system, version 11.5 for Windows, for processing the information, where the data of the surveys were tabulated. The analysis of the results was expressed in absolute numbers and percentages for its best interpretation. Results: There was a prevalence of the 35-44 age group (54.5 %), the male sex (54.6 %) and the borderline lepromatous leprosy, in its multibacilar clinical form. Most of the patients were early diagnosed and certain degree of disability was just observed in the late diagnoses; also, the unfavorable hygienic conditions and overcrowding were the risk factors of more relevance. Conclusions: In spite of the existence of patients with leprosy in this health area, a period of epidemiological silence was observed that along with the existing risk factors, increases the infection possibility and puts in danger the established objectives for its eradication.

Doenças Transmissíveis , Hanseníase/epidemiologia , Atenção Primária à Saúde , Mycobacterium leprae
Interface (Botucatu, Online) ; 25: e200640, 2021. ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1250112


Destacam-se casos novos de hanseníase com grau de incapacidade física 2 (GIF 2) que demonstram a ineficiente detecção oportuna. O artigo é um relato de casos e propõe analisar o diagnóstico tardio sob a perspectiva do itinerário terapêutico (IT), com base em um estudo qualitativo. O cenário foram dois municípios da Região Metropolitana da Baixada Santista: Praia Grande e São Vicente. Realizou-se análise documental e entrevista em profundidade com quatro participantes. O material foi submetido à análise de conteúdo e definiram-se as categorias temáticas: cuidado em saúde; corpo na hanseníase; incapacidades na hanseníase; e diagnóstico tardio. Revelaram-se intrincados itinerários terapêuticos, marcados pela fragilidade do cuidado com erro e atraso no diagnóstico, que potencializaram os riscos individuais e coletivos e impactaram negativamente o cotidiano dos sujeitos. (AU)

Se subrayan casos nuevos de enfermedad de Hansen (lepra) con grado de discapacidad física 2 (GIF 2), que demuestran la ineficiente detección oportuna. El artículo es un relato de casos y propone analizar el diagnóstico tardío bajo la perspectiva del itinerario terapéutico (IT), con base en un estudio cualitativo. El escenario fueron dos municipios de la Región Metropolitana de la Baixada Santista: Praia Grande y São Vicente. Se realizó el análisis documental y entrevista en profundidad con cuatro participantes. El material se sometió a análisis de contenido y se definieron las categorías temáticas: cuidado de salud, cuerpo en la enfermedad de Hansen; discapacidades en la enfermedad de Hansen y diagnóstico tardío. Se revelaron intricados itinerarios terapéuticos, señalados por la fragilidad del cuidado, con error y atraso en el diagnóstico, que potencializaron los riesgos individuales y colectivos e impactaron negativamente el cotidiano de los sujetos. (AU)

There are remarkable numbers of new leprosy cases with 2 (GIF 2) degree of physical disability, demonstrating the inefficient timely detection. This article presents case reports, based on a qualitative study, regarding four patients with Hansen's disease and a GIF 2 level at the time of diagnosis, analyzing the late diagnosis from the perspective of therapeutic itineraries (TI). The cases came from two municipalities in the Metropolitan Region of Baixada Santista: Praia Grande and São Vicente. Three men and one woman participated, between 45 and 61 years old. The researcher performed documentary analysis and in-depth interviews. Resulting data was submitted to content analysis and four thematic categories were identified: health care; body in leprosy; disabilities in leprosy; late diagnosis. The results reveal intricate therapeutic itineraries with obstacles for reaching a diagnosis. Lack of information about Hansen's disease and professional inability to diagnose increased both individual and collective risks, in addition to the negative impact on the subjects' daily lives. Thus, a late diagnosis due to the frailty of care strongly concurs to keep Hansen's disease as a stigmatizing and disabling disease. (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Idoso , Pessoas com Deficiência , Diagnóstico Tardio , Itinerário Terapêutico , Hanseníase , Saúde Pública/estatística & dados numéricos
Rev. Soc. Bras. Med. Trop ; 54: e02512021, 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1288066


Abstract INTRODUCTION: Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has limited the access of patients with Hansen's disease (HD) to care due to changes in routine health services. METHODS: To ascertain this, we compared the number of HD cases diagnosed before and after the COVID-19 pandemic. RESULTS: The decrease in HD cases in Brazil reached 18,223 (-48.4%), corresponding to an average reduction of 1,518 cases per month during the COVID-19 pandemic. CONCLUSION: Therefore, effective measures should be implemented to minimize the damage and the consequent negative health impact of COVID-19 on the care of HD patients.

Humanos , COVID-19 , Hanseníase/epidemiologia , Brasil/epidemiologia , Pandemias , SARS-CoV-2