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Arch. cardiol. Méx ; 92(3): 390-398, jul.-sep. 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1393835


Abstract Evolutionary medicine studies the role of evolution in health problems. Diseases are considered as phenotypes generated by the expression of sets of genes and a complex interplay with the environment. The main mechanisms involved in evolutionary medicine are antagonistic pleiotropy, ecological antagonistic pleiotropy, atavisms and heterochrony. Antagonistic pleiotropism refers to genes that are beneficial during certain stages of development but become detrimental in others. Ecological antagonistic pleiotropy refers to the misadaptation to current lifestyle conditions which are different from those in which humans evolved. These mechanisms participate in the development of congestive heart failure, hypertension and atherosclerosis. Atavistic conditions or genes are expressed in our ancestors but have remained silent during evolution being suddenly expressed without an apparent cause during the appearance of a disease is another mechanism in evolutionary cardiology. The change in the heart metabolism from fatty acid to glucose dependent can be considered as an atavistic condition that appears in the heart after a stroke and may underlie impaired cardiomyocyte regeneration. Heterochrony is the expression of genes that cause the appearance of traits at a different timing during development and is therefore related to atavisms. Evolutionary medicine explains the interactions of pathogens and the host in infectious diseases where the cardiac tissue becomes a target. Mechanisms involved in evolutionary medicine participate in the generation of diseases and may be approached experimentally. Therefore, to better understand health problems and therapeutical approaches, an evolutionary medicine approach in experimental medicine may prove useful.

Resumen La medicina evolutiva estudia el papel de la evolución en los problemas de salud. Las enfermedades son fenotipos generados por la expresión de genes y una interacción compleja con el medio ambiente. Los principales mecanismos implicados son la pleiotropía antagonista, la pleiotropía antagonista ecológica, los atavismos y la heterocronía. El pleiotropismo antagonista se refiere a situaciones donde los genes que son beneficiosos durante ciertas etapas del desarrollo resultan perjudiciales en otras. La pleiotropía antagonista ecológica se refiere a la mala adaptación a las condiciones de vida actuales, que difieren de aquellas en las que los humanos evolucionaron. Estos mecanismos participan en el desarrollo de insuficiencia cardiaca congestiva, hipertensión y aterosclerosis. Las condiciones o genes atávicos fueron características que se expresaron en nuestros antepasados pero han permanecido silenciadas durante la evolución, expresándose repentinamente durante una enfermedad; un ejemplo es el cambio metabólico en el corazón de dependiente de ácidos grasos a dependiente de glucosa en condiciones de hipoxia que aparece después de un infarto y puede subyacer a la dificultad de la regeneración de los cardiomiocitos. La heterocronía es la expresión de genes que provocan la aparición de rasgos en un momento diferente durante el desarrollo. La medicina evolutiva también explica las interacciones entre los patógenos y el huésped en enfermedades infecciosas. Los mecanismos implicados en la medicina evolutiva participan en la generación de enfermedades y pueden abordarse experimentalmente. Por tanto, la medicina experimental puede enriquecer la medicina evolutiva y el origen de muchos problemas de salud.

Rev. biol. trop ; 65(4): 1347-1357, Oct.-Dec. 2017. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-897626


Resumen El orden Ciconiiformes incluye especies de aves zancudas de tamaño mediano a grande, con dinámicas de crecimiento corporal que pueden ser analizadas para esclarecer las tendencias microevolutivas del grupo. Las garzas (familia Ardeidae) provienen de un ancestro común, sin embargo, existen diferencias en la forma corporal de los adultos actuales y se ha sugerido un proceso de evolución por heterocronías. Sin embargo, los estudios de crecimiento previamente se han enfocado solo en las dimensiones lineales y no se han analizado los cambios alométricos. En el presente trabajo se describen los cambios de proporciones corporales durante el crecimiento en siete especies de ardéidos y se analizan bajo una hipótesis filogenética para identificar el patrón morfológico primitivo entre los géneros basales Butorides y Nycticorax. Para ellos se calcularon las proporciones pico / tarso en 353 pichones, medidos entre 1998 y 2006, y se evaluaron sus cambios en relación con la edad y el incremento del peso corporal. Las especies mostraron diferencias marcadas en la magnitud del cambio en las proporciones pico/tarso entre la eclosión y un momento análogo del crecimiento, excepto Bubulcus que tiende a crecer de forma casi isométrica. Los cambios alométricos al crecer conjuntamente con las proporciones al nacer, generan un crecimiento diferencial que produce las disímiles morfologías adultas que se expresan en el grupo de las garzas. La tendencia general de estos cambios es de un incremento ligero en el medio del crecimiento para luego descender a casi la misma proporción inicial. El crecimiento en las primeras etapas de vida tiende a ser más isométrico y las diferencias se acentúan en momentos más tardíos. La hipótesis de asumir a Nycticorax como morfotipo peramórfico es más parsimoniosa en las tendencias de cambio dentro del grupo, resultando en un alargamiento relativo con alometría positiva del pico y del tarso en todas las especies. Esta hipótesis sería consistente con una hipermorfosis gradual que alcanzaría su máxima expresión en Ardea.

Abstract The order Ciconiiformes include wading bird species of sizes from medium to high, with body growth dynamic that can be analyzed to enlighten micro evolutionary trends. Egrets and herons (family Ardeidae) evolved from a common ancestor, but there are differences in adult body shapes, and their evolution has been suggested to be based on heterochronic processes. However, previous researches on growth have focused only in lineal dimension, and alometric changes have not been studied. In the current paper I described changes in body proportions during growth in seven ardeid species, and analyzed body growth under a phylogenetic point of view, to identify the primitive morphology pattern among genus Butorides and Nycticorax. For this purpose, I calculated bill/ tarsus rate in 353 nestlings, measured between 1998 and 2006, and assessed their changes with age and body weight. All species showed marked differences in proportion changes extension between hatching and an analogous growth moment, except Bubulcus that grows almost isometrically. Alometric changes during growth and at hatch, generate a differential growth that produced the different adult morphologies expressed among egrets and herons. The general trends were toward a slight increase in the middle of the growth period up to a lowering to almost the same initial proportions. Growth in the first life stages tends to be more isometric and differences get higher latter in growth. The hypothesis of Nycticorax as peramorphic morfotype is more parsimonious with changes trends in the group, resulting in a relative extremities extension with positive alometry in bill and tarsus in all species. This hypothesis is consistent with a gradual hipermorphosis that reaches a maximum expression in Ardea. Rev. Biol. Trop. 65 (4): 1347-1357. Epub 2017 December 01.

J Biosci ; 2016 Sept; 41(3): 331-339
Artigo em Inglês | IMSEAR | ID: sea-181595


Stressful environments are known to perturb developmental patterns in insects. In the purview of desiccation as a stressor, relatively little is known about the developmental consequences linked with desiccation tolerance. In this study, we have particularly focused on the exploration of the temporal profile of postembryonic development in response to desiccation exposure in Drosophila melanogaster and the associated trade-offs. We document a correlation between variations in 20-hydroxyecdysone levels and the altered timing of metamorphic events during the life cycle. Following desiccation, we observed an extension in the larval longevity whereas the duration of the pupal and adult stages was significantly shortened. Alternately, feeding of 20-hydroxyecdysone apparently led to the restoration of the normal temporal pattern of development in the desiccated group. In spite of the desiccation-responsive heterochronic shifts in development, the overall lifespan post recovery remained almost unaltered among the desiccated and undesiccated groups suggesting plasticity in developmental control. This observation reminisces ‘canalization-like’ phenomenon that buffers alterations in the overall lifespan. We thus identified a desiccationresponsive period in the lifespan of D. melanogaster during which variations in ecdysone levels are capable to alter the temporal course of development.

Neotrop. ichthyol ; 12(1): 53-60, Jan-Mar/2014. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-709822


Many species of freshwater fishes are considered miniatures, nevertheless, their identification as miniatures is frequently based only on an arbitrary criterion of small body size. Although some species of Otothyris had been suggested to be miniature, informations about the process and consequences of miniaturization in the genus are lacking. Here, we detail developmental events of loss, fusion, and modifications in several bones, the laterosensory system, and even the brain, that in sum demonstrate miniaturization in all species of the genus. Our results may be useful in the recognition of other miniature species of loricariids. Muitas espécies de peixes de água doce são consideradas miniaturas, entretanto, sua identificação é frequentemente baseada apenas no critério arbitrário que é seu reduzido tamanho corporal. Apesar de algumas espécies de Otothyris terem sido propostas como miniaturas, informações acerca do processo de miniaturização no gênero e suas consequências são escassas. Aqui detalhamos eventos de perda, fusão, modificações em muitos ossos, sistema laterossensorial e no cérebro, que juntos evidenciam a miniaturização em todas as espécies do gênero. Nossos resultados podem ser úteis na identificação de outras espécies miniaturas dentro de Loricariidae.

Animais , Peixes/anatomia & histologia , Especificidade da Espécie