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Rev. argent. dermatol ; 99(2): 1-10, jun. 2018. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-957910


El liquen plano es una alteración que afecta la piel, mucosas oral y genital, el cuero cabelludo y uñas. Su etiología incluye factores genéticos, inmunológicos y estrés; puede evolucionar por años y adquirir carácter crónico, presenta alta resistencia a los tratamientos de todo tipo. Se presentan dos casos con diagnósticos de liquen plano múltiple, sometidos a tratamiento de hipnosis con sugerencias terapéuticas directas, en tres direcciones: eliminación de las lesiones, marcas y prevención de nuevos brotes. Se administró una sesión por semana. El tratamiento fue de diez y seis sesiones, respectivamente. Se logró la remisión de los síntomas en ambos casos, el seguimiento no fue suficiente para evaluar la eliminación de las máculas residuales. Aún cuando el control de variables y el número de casos, no permite asegurarlo de manera científica, la hipnosis se perfila como un proceder que puede ser efectivo, en el tratamiento del liquen plano crónico.

Lichen planus is an alteration that affects the skin, oral and genital mucous membranes, the scalp and nails. Its etiology is imprecise, it includes genetic, immunological and stress-related factors, it can evolve for years and acquire the characteristic of a chronic disorder, it has a high resistance to treatments, psychotherapeutic methods have not shown efficiency either. Two cases with a diagnosis of multiple lichen planus submitted to hypnosis treatment with direct therapeutic suggestions, in three directions: elimination of lesions, marks, and prevention of new outbreaks are presented. One session per week was administered. The treatment lasted ten and six sessions respectively, the evolution was favorable, the remission of the symptoms was achieved in both cases, which had not been achieved with any previous treatment. The follow-up was not long enough to evaluate the elimination of residual spots. The importance of the cases presented lies in the favorable evolution of both under hypnotherapy, if taken into account their chronic nature and the lack of response to other treatments. Although it can not be ensured scientifically, by the small sample and by the impossibility of controlling variables, that the evolution is a result of the intervention performed, hypnosis is emerging as a procedure that can be effective in the treatment of chronic lichen planus, used as a single procedure or combined with other treatments.