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Rev. Asoc. Méd. Argent ; 137(1): 19-34, mar. 2024. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1552860


Con motivo del Día Mundial de la Ciencia y la Tecnología, se realizó en la Casa Museo Bernardo Houssay un conversatorio en el que expertos biógrafos resaltaron algunos aspectos de la trayectoria profesional del Premio Nobel de Medicina de 1947, destacando su actividad como investigador en fisiología y sus cualidades humanas. Estos importantes estudiosos del tema compartieron sus conocimientos en un selecto auditorio. (AU)

On the occasion of World Science and Technology Day, a discussion was held at the Bernardo Houssay House Museum in which expert biographers highlighted some aspects of the professional career of the 1947 Nobel Prize in Medicine, highlighting his activity as a researcher in physiology and his human qualities. These important scholars of the subject shared their knowledge in a select audience. (AU)

História do Século XIX , História do Século XX , Fisiologia/história , Pesquisa Biomédica , Academias e Institutos/história , Argentina , História da Medicina , Prêmio Nobel
Rev. colomb. cir ; 39(1): 132-137, 20240102.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1526861


Introducción. Los traumatismos cardíacos son lesiones graves y con elevado índice de letalidad, aspecto que influye en el interés mostrado por los lectores cada vez que aparecen reportados en publicaciones científicas. En ocasiones existe cierto grado de incongruencia a la hora de establecer el origen histórico de sucesos o eventos ocurridos y relacionados con la historia de la medicina. En el caso del trauma cardíaco penetrante han sido descritos diversos orígenes en algunos de los artículos científicos publicados, lo cual puede generar un grado de duda en los lectores. Métodos. Se realizó una revisión de la literatura, médica y no médica, para buscar información que ayudara a esclarecer el verdadero origen histórico de esta entidad. Resultados. El trauma cardíaco penetrante fue descrito por primera vez en la obra griega titulada La Ilíada, escrita por Homero en el siglo VIII A.C., y no en El papiro quirúrgico de Edwin Smith, como varios autores mencionan. Conclusiones. De todos los eventos de trauma cardíaco penetrante descritos, el más irrefutable es el narrado en el canto XIII, donde se cuenta la muerte de Alcátoo, producto de una herida cardíaca ocasionada por una lanza arrojada por Idomeneo durante una batalla

Introduction. Cardiac traumatic injuries are serious injuries with a high lethality rate, an aspect that influences the interest shown by readers each time they appear reported in scientific publications. Sometimes there is a certain degree of inconsistency when it comes to establishing the historical origin of occurrences or events related to the history of medicine. In the case of penetrating cardiac trauma, different origins have been described in some of the published scientific articles, which may generate a degree of doubt in the readers. Methods. A review of the medical and non-medical literature was carried out to seek information that would help to clarify the true historical origin of this entity. Results. Penetrating cardiac trauma was first described in a Greek work entitled The Iliad, written by Homer in the 8th century B.C., and not in The Surgical Papyrus of Edwin Smith as several authors mention. Conclusions. Of all the events of penetrating cardiac trauma described, the most irrefutable is the one narrated in canto XIII, where it recounts the death of Alcathous product of a cardiac wound caused by a spear thrown by Idomeneo during a battle.

Humanos , Ferimentos Penetrantes , História da Medicina , Ferimentos e Lesões , Traumatismos Cardíacos , História
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1551007


Introducción: La especialidad de alergología compite entre las más caras de la práctica médica en los países desarrollados, donde se promueve el criterio de que la alergia es una enfermedad de ricos y que los pobres no la padecen, cuando en realidad se trata de un problema de posibilidades de acceso a ese servicio. En Cuba, la alergología tiene una organización social diferente, comparada con otros países. Objetivo: Desarrollar un bosquejo histórico de la especialidad de alergología en la provincia de Matanzas. Materiales y métodos: Fueron utilizados los métodos teóricos histórico-lógico y analítico-sintético, y los empíricos entrevista y análisis documental. Resultados: Se describe el comienzo de la especialidad de alergología en Matanzas en 1961, enfatizando en la figura del Dr. Gonzalo Álvarez Rodríguez como el primer alergólogo de la provincia. Se evidencia el desarrollo y salto cualitativo del servicio, y se recogen apuntes relacionados con su origen, formación de especialistas, progreso científico, condiciones de trabajo y ampliación de la cobertura a la población en estos años. Conclusiones: Con este trabajo se inició un recuento del origen y desarrollo de la alergología en Matanzas, que enriqueció la historia de la especialidad, como parte de los servicios de salud en la provincia.

Introduction: The specialty of Allergology competes among the most expensive in medical practice in developed countries, where the criterion is promoted that allergy is a disease of the rich and that the poor do not suffer from it, when in fact it is a problem of access possibilities to that service. In Cuba, the allergy specialty has a different social organization compared with other countries. Objective: To elaborate a historical outline of allergology in the province of Matanzas. Materials and methods: Historical-logical and analytical-synthetic theoretical methods were used, as well as interview and documentary analysis empirical ones. Results: The beginning of the specialty of Allergology is described, emphasizing the role of Dr. Gonzalo Álvarez Rodríguez as the first allergist in the province. The development and qualitative leap of the service was evidenced, and notes are collected related to its origin, training of specialists, scientific progress, working conditions and expansion of coverage to the population in these years. Conclusions: With this work, an account of the origin and development of allergology in Matanzas began, which enriched the history of the specialty as part of the health services in the province.

Edumecentro ; 162024.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550231


Introducción: el conocimiento de la historia es necesario para dejar constancia del origen y desarrollo de las diferentes especialidades en Villa Clara. Objetivo: exponer una síntesis de elementos históricos sobre la especialidad de Laboratorio Clínico en Villa Clara, posterior al triunfo de la Revolución cubana y la evolución de dicha especialidad. Métodos: se realizó una revisión bibliográfica con análisis crítico-reflexivo sobre el contenido de los documentos. Fueron revisados los archivos de la especialidad, libros y materiales afines al tema tratado, se realizaron entrevistas al personal de laboratorio clínico para indagar sobre años anteriores y hasta la actualidad; se incluyeron las tesis de doctorado, maestrías, artículos originales y de revisión publicados entre 2005 y 2019 en español e inglés. La búsqueda fue realizada en las bases de datos SciELO y Google académico entre enero y marzo de 2020. Desarrollo: se expuso el devenir histórico de la referida especialidad en Villa Clara y los profesionales que participaron, se mostraron aspectos sobre la formación de los recursos humanos, la evolución de la especialidad y los nuevos retos. Conclusiones: se socializaron algunos elementos históricos sobre la especialidad de Laboratorio Clínico en Villa Clara, en la etapa posterior al triunfo de la Revolución cubana como reconocimiento a todos aquellos que contribuyeron al inicio y desarrollo de dicha especialidad que hoy cumple con los estándares de calidad exigidos.

Introduction: knowledge of history is necessary to record the origin and development of the different specialties in Villa Clara. Objective: present a synthesis of historical elements about the specialty of Clinical Laboratory in Villa Clara, after the triumph of the Cuban Revolution and the evolution of said specialty. Methods: a bibliographic review was carried out with reflective critical analysis of the content of the bibliographies. The files of the specialty, books and materials related to the topic discussed were reviewed, interviews were conducted with clinical laboratory personnel to inquire about previous years and up to the present; Doctoral theses, master's degrees, original and review articles published from 2005 to 2019 in Spanish and English were included. The search was carried out in the SciELO and Google academic databases from January to March 2020. Development: the historical development of the specialty in Villa Clara and the professionals who participated were explained, aspects of the training of human resources, the evolution of the specialty and the new challenges were shown. Conclusions: some historical elements were socialized about the specialty of Clinical Laboratory in Villa Clara, in the stage after the triumph of the Cuban Revolution in recognition of all those who contributed to the beginning and development of said specialty that today meets the required quality standards.

Laboratórios Clínicos , Estudantes , Educação Médica , Docentes , História da Medicina
Rev. medica electron ; 45(6)dic. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536631


Introducción: Si bien la radiología es ineludiblemente dependiente de la tecnología, otras aristas menos conocidas han favorecido su crecimiento como especialidad en Matanzas. A pesar del importante papel que han jugado durante su desarrollo, no se ha encontrado documentación que les caracterice, y asimismo acontece con sus principales actores, lo que desarticula la memoria. El rescate de esa información, por el contrario, integra memoria e identidad. Objetivo: Caracterizar aspectos significativos en la evolución histórica de la radiología en Matanzas. Materiales y métodos: Se utilizaron los métodos analítico-sintético, deductivo-inductivo, así como los submétodos cronológico y geográfico. Se realizaron entrevistas a informantes clave y revisión documental. Resultados: Se describen elementos relacionados con la docencia, sus directivos, y otros aspectos como el capítulo matancero de la Sociedad Cubana de Imagenología y la constitución de la Sección de Radiología Pediátrica y de la Cátedra Honorífica Dr. Francisco Domínguez Roldán. Conclusiones: La radiología en Matanzas ha experimentado un sostenido progreso a lo largo de los años ―amén de la esfera tecnológica, el fortalecimiento del claustro, la formación continua del capital humano, el trabajo del capítulo y la constitución de la Cátedra Honorífica Dr. Francisco Domínguez Roldán―, a pesar de limitaciones externas e internas. Desde sus inicios, ha contado con actores que han logrado mantenerla y desarrollarla.

Introduction: Although radiology is unavoidably dependent on technology, other, lesser-known edges, have favored its growth as a specialty in Matanzas, and despite the important role they have played during its development, no documentation has been found that characterizes them, and it also happens with its main actors which favors the destruction of memory. The rescue of this information, on the contrary, integrates memory and identity. Objective: To characterize significant aspects in the historical evolution of radiology in Matanzas. Materials and methods: The analytical-synthetic, deductive-inductive methods of historical research were used and also the chronological and geographical sub-methods. Interviews were conducted with key informants, and documentary review. Results: Elements related to teaching, its managerial staff and other aspects such as the Matanzas chapter of the Cuban Society of Imaging, the constitution of the Pediatric Radiology Section and the Honorary Chair Dr. Francisco Domínguez Roldán are described. Conclusions: Radiology in Matanzas has experienced sustained progress over the years―in addition to the technological sphere, the strengthening of its teaching staff, the continuous training of its human capital, the work of the chapter and the constitution of the Honoforific Chair Dr. Domínguez Roldán―, despite external and internal limitations. Since its beginning, it has had actors who have managed to maintain and develop it.

Medisan ; 27(5)oct. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1529013


El Hospital Civil de Santiago de Cuba fue fundado en 1863 y, desde entonces, se ha mantenido prestando asistencia a pacientes de esta provincia y de toda la región oriental. En 1960 fue trasladado a su sede actual y se convirtió en pilar fundamental del inicio de la docencia médica superior para todo el oriente de Cuba. Es mencionado en varios textos desde el siglo XIX, mas se desconoce su creación y trayectoria. En ese sentido, luego de una revisión exhaustiva de documentos y periódicos de la época, se realizó el presente artículo con el objetivo de describir la evolución de este centro y los contextos históricos fundamentales.

The Civil Hospital of Santiago de Cuba was founded in 1863 and, since that time, it has given assistance to patients of this province and of all east region. In 1960 it was transferred to the current head office and became fundamental column in the beginning of higher medical teaching for the whole east of Cuba. It is mentioned in several texts from the XIX century, but its creation and trajectory is not known. In that sense, after an exhaustive review of documents and newspapers of that time, the present work was carried out aimed at describing the evolution of this center and the fundamental historical contexts.

História da Medicina , Cuba
Saúde debate ; 47(138): 590-600, jul.-set. 2023. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1515581


RESUMO Este trabalho resgatou a passagem do médico sanitarista e professor universitário Antônio Sérgio da Silva Arouca pela Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp), entre 1967 e 1975, mediante estudo de três documentos importantes conservados nessa instituição, a saber, seu Processo de Vida Funcional, a Revista Comemorativa dos 25 anos do Departamento de Medicina Preventiva e Social da Faculdade de Ciências Médicas, onde consta depoimento seu, e o Relatório Final da Comissão da Verdade e Memória "Octávio Ianni". No Departamento de Medicina Preventiva e Social da Unicamp, encontrou ambiente propício para atuar conforme suas convicções. Integrou-se à disciplina de Ciências Sociais Aplicadas à Medicina, cujo conteúdo teórico dialogava com ações extramuros desenvolvidas pelos alunos em bairro pobre da cidade, com o intuito de lhes propiciar a oportunidade de reconhecer a importância e a influência dos fatores sociais sobre o estado de saúde dos indivíduos e das populações. Tal experiência, muito provavelmente, influenciou sobremaneira o jovem docente que, anos depois, produziria uma tese de extrema relevância para formulação e consolidação da saúde coletiva brasileira e presidiria a VIII Conferência Nacional de Saúde, que estabeleceu as bases do Sistema Único de Saúde.

ABSTRACT This work recovers the passage of the public health physician and university professor Antônio Sérgio da Silva Arouca through the State University of Campinas (UNICAMP), between 1967 and 1975, through the study of three important documents kept in this institution, namely, his Functional Life File, the Commemorative Magazine of the 25th anniversary of the Department of Preventive and Social Medicine of the Faculty of Medical Sciences, where his statement is included, and the Final Report of the "Octávio Ianni" Truth and Memory Commission. At the UNICAMP's Department of Preventive and Social Medicine, he found a favorable environment to act according to his convictions. He joined the discipline of Social Sciences Applied to Medicine, whose theoretical content dialogued with extramural actions developed by students in poor neighborhoods of the city, in order to give them the opportunity to recognize the importance and influence of social factors on the health status of individuals and populations. This experience probably had a great influence on the young professor who, years later, would produce a thesis of extreme relevance for the formulation and consolidation of Brazilian Public Health, and preside over the 8th National Health Conference, which established the bases for the Unified Health System.

Gac. méd. espirit ; 25(2): [12], ago. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1514157


Fundamento: Hans Hugo Bruno Selye, fisiólogo y médico austrohúngaro nació el 26 de enero de 1907, posteriormente se naturalizó canadiense, este hombre que vivió 75 años y llegó a ser director del Instituto de Medicina y Cirugía Experimental de la Universidad de Montreal, Canadá, hasta su retiro en 1970. Falleció en 1982, en esa misma ciudad. Objetivo: Describir la vida y obra del ilustre académico Hans Hugo Bruno Selye y la historia del estrés como hito en la historia de la Medicina moderna. Metodología: Se realizó un estudio retrospectivo de corte histórico donde se utilizaron métodos teóricos como el análisis documental y el histórico-lógico. Desarrollo: El doctor empezó a desarrollar su famosa teoría acerca de la influencia del estrés en la capacidad de las personas para enfrenarse o amoldarse a las consecuencias de lesiones o enfermedades en el segundo año de sus estudios de Medicina (1926). Esta investigación le permitió descubrir que los pacientes con variedad de dolencias manifestaban síntomas similares, los cuales podían ser atribuidos a los esfuerzos del organismo para responder a esta condición de estar enfermo. Él llamó a este conjunto de síntomas síndrome del estrés o síndrome de adaptación general (GAS). Conclusiones: Este médico es una de las personalidades más importantes de la historia de la Medicina; su teoría del estrés proporcionó un marco conceptual transcendental para cuestiones posteriores de los mecanismos y manifestaciones de las reacciones del mismo.

Background: Hans Hugo Bruno Selye, Austro-Hungarian physiologist and physician, born January 26, 1907, later naturalized Canadian citizen, this man who lived 75 years and became the Director of Experimental Medicine and Surgery Institute of Montreal University in Canada, until his retirement in 1970. He passed away in 1982, in the same city. Objective: Describe the life and achievements of the distinguished academic Hans Hugo Bruno Selye and the history of stress as a milestone in modern medical history. Methodology: A historical retrospective study was conducted using theoretical methods such as documental and historical-logical analysis. Methodology: The doctor began to build his famous theory about the influence of stress on the ability of persons to cope or adjust to the injury or illness consequences in the second year of his medical studies (1926). He discovered with this investigation that patients with a variety of ailments exhibited similar symptoms, which could be attributed to the organism efforts to respond to the condition of being sick. He named this set of symptoms stress syndrome or general adaptation syndrome (GAS). Conclusions: This physician is one of the greatest personalities in medical history; his stress theory provided a transcendental conceptual framework for later issues of the mechanisms and manifestations for stress reactions.

Estresse Psicológico , Características de História de Vida , História da Medicina
Rev. Bras. Neurol. (Online) ; 59(2): 22-27, abr.-jun. 2023. fig
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1443705


This article presents our historical research regarding Charles Brown-Séquard, a famous scientist with important contributions to the medical field, in particular for neurology, and endocrinology, and his relationship with Dom Pedro II, the second and last Brazilian Emperor, and an enlightened ruler. The Emperor contacted several illustrious personages in support of State policy, such as for the development of experimental physiology at the Imperial Museum of Natural History, but also for personal purposes given his health problems and those of the Empress. Charles Brown-Séquard and his pilgrimage between different worlds as a physician and physiologist are presented until his definitive establishment in Paris, where he replaces Claude Bernard in the chair of experimental medicine at the Collège de France. Jacques-Arsene d'Arsonval took over after this chair, and together with Brown-Séquard, he electrophysiologically examined the Emperor's diabetic peripheral neuropathy. In this article, the Emperor´s relationship with Brown-Séquard was studied mainly from the correspondence sent to Dom Pedro II and retrieved from the Imperial Museum in Petrópolis, Brazil, and from the accounts of his meetings that included scientific sessions and clinical consultations. This article can be used to understand the progress of knowledge in the field of neurology/clinical neurophysiology, the tracking of emerging ideas in the field of science in the past and the threat to the credibility of researchers.

Este artigo apresenta nossa pesquisa histórica a respeito de Charles Brown-Séquard, famoso cientista com importantes contribuições para a área médica, em especial para a neurologia e endocrinologia, e sua relação com Dom Pedro II, segundo e último Imperador brasileiro, e governante esclarecido. O Imperador contactou várias personalidades ilustres no apoio à política de Estado, como para o desenvolvimento da fisiologia experimental no Museu Imperial de História Natural, mas também para fins pessoais dados os seus problemas de saúde e os da Imperatriz. Charles Brown-Séquard e sua peregrinação entre diferentes mundos como médico e fisiologista são apresentados até seu estabelecimento definitivo em Paris, onde substitui Claude Bernard na cadeira de medicina experimental no Collège de France. Jacques-Arsene d'Arsonval assumiu após esta cadeira e, juntamente com Brown-Séquard, examinou eletrofisiologicamente a neuropatia periférica diabética do imperador. Neste artigo, a relação do Imperador com BrownSéquard foi estudada principalmente a partir da correspondência enviada a Dom Pedro II e recuperada no Museu Imperial de Petrópolis, Brasil, e dos relatos de seus encontros que incluíam sessões científicas e consultas clínicas . Este artigo pode ser usado para entender o progresso do conhecimento no campo da neurologia/neurofisiologia clínica, o rastreamento de ideias emergentes no campo da ciência no passado e a ameaça à credibilidade dos pesquisadores.

Rev. Asoc. Méd. Argent ; 136(2): 26-38, jun. 2023. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1551246


En este artículo el autor primero relata su ingreso y su formación como cirujano en la Escuela Finochietto; comparte sus sentires íntimos, las anécdotas y las experiencias vividas junto a discípulos directos de Ricardo Finochietto, en particular con su maestro, Delfín Luis Vilanova. Más adelante, el relato cuenta sobre su especialización como cirujano plástico junto al Dr. José Alberto Cerisola, también discípulo directo de Finochietto. Y por último, el autor habla sobre su proceso de «mutación¼ de cirujano a terapeuta y sobre cómo influyó la formación como cirujano en la Escuela en el desarrollo de la técnica terapéutica que emplea. (AU)

In this article, the author first relates his admission and training as a surgeon at the Finochietto School. He shares his intimate feelings, anecdotes and experiences with direct disciples of Ricardo Finochietto, particularly with his teacher, Delfín Luis Vilanova. Later on, he talks about his specialization as a plastic surgeon together with Dr. José Alberto Cerisola, also a direct disciple of Finochietto. Finally, he refers to the process of "mutation" from surgeon to therapist and how his training as a surgeon at the School influenced the development of the therapeutic technique that he uses. (AU)

História do Século XX , Faculdades de Medicina/história , Cirurgia Geral/história , Cirurgiões , Argentina , História da Medicina , Hospitais , Internato e Residência
Rev. Asoc. Méd. Argent ; 136(2): 18-26, jun. 2023. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1551245


La Asociación Médica Argentina (AMA) reconoce el valor de la Escuela Quirúrgica de los hermanos Finochietto y por tal motivo efectúa un homenaje anual desde el año 2002. En este artículo se hace una breve reseña histórica del Hospital Rawson, donde se inició y desarrolló dicha escuela. Se resaltan dos hechos: por un lado, el término "diáspora finochiettista", porque la dispersión de los cirujanos fue obligada y tuvieron que abandonar su lugar de procedencia original, el Hospital Rawson y, por el otro, que dicho nosocomio nació y murió como consecuencia de movimientos políticos cívico-militares. (AU)

The Argentine Medical Association (AMA) recognizes the value of the Surgical School of the Finochietto brothers, and for this reason has paid an annual tribute since 2002. Tthis article provides a brief historical review of the Rawson Hospital, where the school was initiated and developed. Two facts are highlighted: on the one hand, the term "Finochiettista diaspora" because the dispersal of the surgeons was forced and they had to leave their original place of origin, the Rawson Hospital; and on the other hand, the fact that this hospital was born and died as a consequence of civil-military political movements. (AU)

História do Século XIX , História do Século XX , Faculdades de Medicina/história , Cirurgiões/história , Hospitais/história , Argentina , Sociedades Médicas , História da Medicina
Int. j. morphol ; 41(3): 711-716, jun. 2023. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1514285


Realizamos una reseña de los primeros años de la Asociación Argentina de Anatomía, que se creó en el año 2000 y que actualmente continúa vigente. Se describen sus orígenes, objetivos, primeros presidentes y congresos, así como publicaciones, además de sus relaciones inter-societarias, entre ellas se destaca la Sociedad Chilena de Anatomía.

SUMMARY: We make a review of the first years of the Argentine Association of Anatomy, which was created in the year 2000 and which is currently still in force. Its origins, objectives, first presidents and congresses are described, as well as publications, in addition to its inter-societal relations, among them the Chilean Society of Anatomy stands out.

História do Século XX , História do Século XXI , Sociedades Médicas/história , Anatomia/história , Argentina
Rev. medica electron ; 45(2)abr. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1442027


Introducción: el 1 de enero de 1899 inició la ocupación militar de Cuba por Estados Unidos, cuyo objetivo fundamental fue sentar las bases de la futura República neocolonial. Objetivo: describir el comportamiento de la salud pública matancera durante el período de ocupación militar norteamericana 1899-1902. Materiales y métodos: se utilizó el método histórico descriptivo para estudiar el comportamiento de la salud pública matancera en el período de ocupación militar, y se realizó la revisión bibliográfica y documental. Resultados: no obstante los logros sociales -en especial en el ámbito de la salud pública-, las medidas y posiciones antinacionales que adoptó el gobierno interventor encontraron el rechazo de las clases y sectores interesados en lograr la absoluta soberanía de Cuba. Conclusiones: los matanceros realizaron notables esfuerzos para enfrentar la difícil situación sanitaria a través de la apertura de hospitales e instituciones, que brindaban servicios, sobre todo, a los sectores pobres de la población, y de la campaña de higienización para evitar la propagación de enfermedades y epidemias.

Introduction: the period of U.S. military occupation in Cuba officially began on January 1, 1899. Its main objective was to lay the foundation of the future neocolonial republic. Objective: to describe the behavior of Matanzas public health during the period of the US military occupation 1899-1902. Materials and methods: the historical descriptive method was used to study the behavior of Matanzas public health in the period of military occupation, and a bibliographic and documental review was conducted. Results: despite the social achievements- especially in the field of public health-, antinational measures and positions adopted by the intervening government found the rejection of the classes and sectors interested in achieving the absolute sovereignty of Cuba. Conclusions: the people of Matanzas made notable efforts to face the difficult sanitary situation opening hospitals and institutions which provided services, above all, to the poor sectors of the population, and to carry out a sanitation campaign to prevent the spread of diseases and epidemics.

Rev. medica electron ; 45(2)abr. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1442040


Introducción: la radiología, incluyendo las nuevas formas de obtener imágenes médicas para diagnóstico y guía de procederes, es una de las especialidades que más desarrollo científico-tecnológico ha experimentado a través de la historia de las ciencias médicas. En Matanzas, fue instaurada en la segunda década del siglo XX por un grupo de figuras e instituciones precursoras, a las que fueron sumándose otras que han mantenido la disciplina hasta el presente. Objetivo: rescatar elementos de la historia de la radiología en la provincia de Matanzas, relacionados con quienes continuaron la obra de los precursores. Materiales y métodos: se utilizaron métodos propios de la investigación histórica como el analítico-sintético y el deductivo-inductivo, al igual que los submétodos cronológico y geográfico. Resultados: se presentaron trece fichas y veintitrés anotaciones que constituyen una caracterización sintética del objeto de estudio. Conclusiones: en la historia de la radiología en Matanzas, destacan como continuadores, en la etapa inmediata posterior a la de los precursores, nombres como los de los doctores Mario Muñoz Monroy y Manuel García Suárez. El primero, sobresale por su dimensión como mártir, y el segundo, aunque se opuso también a dictaduras, por su proyección científico-pedagógica. La especialidad alcanzó su verdadero encargo social en la década de 1960, y ha experimentado un progreso sostenido, cuya magnitud ha dependido de limitaciones externas e internas.

Introduction: radiology, including the new ways of obtaining medical images for prognosis and procedures guidance, is one of the specialties that more scientific-technological development has experienced throughout the history of the medical sciences. It was established in Matanzas in the second decade of the 20th century by a group of precursor figures and institutions, to which were added others that have maintained the discipline up to these days. Objective: to rescue elements of the history of radiology in the province of Matanzas, related to those who continued the work of the precursors. Materials and methods: typical methods of the historical research such as analytic-synthetic and deductive-inductive were used, and well as chronological and geographic sub-methods. Results: thirteen records and twenty-three annotations were presented that constitute a synthetic characterization of the object of study. Conclusions: in the history of radiology in Matanzas, names such as those of doctors Mario Munoz Monroy and Manuel Garcia Suarez stand out in the immediate stage after precursors; the first, because of his dimension as a martyr, and the second, although he also opposed dictatorships, because of his scientific-pedagogical projection. The specialty reached its true social charge in the 1960's, and has experienced a sustained progress, the magnitude of which has depended on external and internal limitations.

Rev. Fac. Med. UNAM ; 66(2): 49-57, mar.-abr. 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1449220


Resumen El Museo de la Medicina Mexicana es un lugar dedicado a la divulgación de la historia de la medicina, en especial la de nuestro país. El museo se ubica en el Palacio de la Escuela de Medicina en la ciudad de México. En este trabajo se presentan los antecedentes del Museo de la Medicina Mexicana, elemento clave que fue del Departamento de Historia y Filosofía de la Medicina (DHyFM) de la UNAM en la enseñanza y divulgación de la historia de la medicina. Por ello, indicaremos los antecedentes, información de sus promotores, los trabajos a favor del museo, el origen de la colección museográfica y las primeras exposiciones.

Abstract The Museum of Mexican Medicine is a place dedicated to the divulgation of the history of medicine especially Mexico's history. The museum is located in the Palace of the School of Medicine in Mexico City. In this work we present the background of the Museum of Mexican Medicine, a key element of UNAM's Department of History and Philosophy of Medicine (DHyFM) for teaching and divulgating the history of medicine. Therefore, we will indicate the background, information of its promoters, works for the museum, the origin of the museographic collection and the first exhibitions.

Rev. Asoc. Méd. Argent ; 136(1): 26-35, mar. 2023. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1553762


Los autores describen los hechos que dieron lugar al nacimiento, en 1872, de la SCA, que cumplió 150 años de existencia. Se señalan sus fundadores, sus objetivos y los principales hitos a lo largo de ese tiempo. El análisis hace hincapié en que durante la primera mitad de ese período solo un presidente fue médico: los demás fueron ingenieros, físicos, químicos, militares, abogados e investigadores naturalistas. En cambio, durante la segunda mitad 8 médicos, de distintas especialidades, ocuparon la presidencia, todos con una destacada actuación profesional, tanto nacional como internacional, y que aportaron una característica especial a la institución, propia de esta profesión. (AU)

The authors describe the events that led to the birth, in 1872, of the SCA, which celebrated 150 years of existence. Its founders, its objectives and the main milestones throughout that time are indicated. The analysis emphasizes that during the first half of that period only one president was a doctor: the others were engineers, physicists, chemists, soldiers, lawyers, and naturalistic researchers. On the other hand, during the second half, 8 doctors, from different specialties, held the presidency, all with an outstanding professional performance, both nationally and internationally, and who contributed a special characteristic to the institution, typical of this profession. (AU)

História do Século XIX , História do Século XX , Médicos/história , Sociedades Científicas/história , Argentina , História da Medicina , Aniversários e Eventos Especiais
Arq. neuropsiquiatr ; 81(1): 95-98, Jan. 2023. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1429876


Abstract Rita Levi-Montalcini was a researcher in the field of neuroscience, Italian and Jewish in origin, who discovered the nerve growth factor and rightfully earned the 1986 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, alongside her collaborator Stanley Cohen. She was persecuted by the fascist dictatorship of Benito Mussolini and experienced gender and religious discrimination throughout her entire life. Despite these obstacles, she carried out her activities with diligence and grace, becoming a role model in the field. This paper reviews the life and career of Rita Levi-Montalcini.

Resumo Rita Levi-Montalcini foi uma pesquisadora no campo das neurociências, de origem Italiana e Judia, que descobriu o fator de crescimento neural e merecidamente recebeu o Prêmio Nobel de Fisiologia ou Medicina de 1986, em conjunto ao seu colaborador Stanley Cohen. Ela foi perseguida pela ditadura fascista de Benito Mussolini, e sofreu discriminação de gênero e religião durante sua vida inteira. A despeito desses obstáculos, sempre exerceu suas atividades com diligência e graça, tornando-se um exemplo nesse campo de estudo. O presente artigo faz uma revisão sobre a vida e carreira de Rita Levi-Montalcini.

Chinese Medical Ethics ; (6): 102-107, 2023.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1005489


Spirit of Great Physician, puts forward relevant requirements on the moral standards and humanistic qualities that doctors should possess. By tracing the formation background of Spirit of Great Physician, analyzing its rich ideological connotation, reflecting on the needs of contemporary society for medical ethics on the basis of the medical ethics standard of Spirit of Great Physician, combining the background of social development and medical reform in the new era, as well as the moral dilemma in the medical environment, this paper proposed that contemporary society should take the combination of the internal requirements of "moral self-discipline" and the external constraints of "moral heteronomy" as the new path of medical ethics construction. The purpose of this study was to provide theoretical reference for improving the construction system of contemporary medical ethics, enhancing the moral character of medical staff and building a good medical environment.

Edumecentro ; 152023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1534325


Fundamento: desde sus inicios, la Revolución cubana estimuló la excelencia académica en sus universidades, lo cual constituyó uniformidad en el discurso y accionar de funcionarios del Ministerio de Educación Superior. Objetivo: caracterizar la evaluación de la calidad universitaria como vía para el logro de la excelencia académica en diferentes momentos históricos de la Revolución cubana. Métodos: se realizó una investigación cualitativa en la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Villa Clara, en septiembre 2023. Se utilizaron métodos teóricos: histórico-lógico, análisis-síntesis y generalización; empíricos: análisis documental y entrevista a informantes clave. Resultados: se analizaron varias intervenciones de funcionarios del Ministerio de Educación Superior que fueron estableciendo una política vinculada hacia la búsqueda de la excelencia académica universitaria en Cuba, las que unidas a criterios de estudiosos latinoamericanos fueron conformando un tránsito hacia procesos de evaluación estipulados por la Junta de Acreditación Nacional, en los cuales se evalúa la calidad universitaria a partir de la acreditación y reacreditación de sus instituciones. Los informantes clave confirmaron la validez de estos procesos en el contexto de la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Villa Clara. Conclusiones: los conceptos de universidad y calidad se han ido modificando a través de la vida revolucionaria cubana; expresados en el vínculo constante con la sociedad, los valores humanistas del pueblo y su tradición de lucha. La universidad debe estar inmersa en un ambiente de búsqueda de su pertinencia y calidad; de ahí la importancia de implicarse en procesos de evaluación y revaluación por la Junta Nacional de Acreditación.

Background: from its beginnings, the Cuban Revolution stimulated academic excellence in its universities, which constituted uniformity in the speech and actions of officials of the Ministry of Higher Education. Objective: analyze the involvement of the Cuban Revolution in the search for academic excellence and its derivation towards university accreditation and reaccreditation processes. Methods: a qualitative investigation was carried out at Villa Clara University of Medical Sciences , in September 2023. Theoretical methods were used: historical-logical, analysis-synthesis and generalization; Empirical ones: documentary analysis and interviews with key informants. Results: several interventions by officials of the Ministry of Higher Education were analyzed that were shaping and establishing a policy linked to the search for university academic excellence in Cuba, which, together with criteria from Latin American scholars, were granting a transition towards evaluation processes stipulated by the National Accreditation Board, in which university quality is strengthened through the accreditation and reaccreditation of its institutions. Key informants confirmed the validity of these processes, in the context of the Villa Clara University of Medical Sciences. Conclusions: the concepts of university and quality have been modified throughout Cuban revolutionary life; expressed in the constant link with society, the humanist values of the people and their tradition of struggle. The university must be immersed in an environment of search for its relevance and quality; hence its importance of getting involved in evaluation and reevaluation processes by the National Accreditation Board.

Qualidade da Assistência à Saúde , Educação Médica , Estudos de Avaliação como Assunto , Programas Governamentais , História da Medicina
Edumecentro ; 152023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1534315


Las ideas del Comandante en Jefe Fidel Castro Ruz y la implementación del programa de la Revolución cubana colocaron como principios centrales de la política educacional la universalización de la enseñanza y dentro de ella, la de las ciencias médicas con un amplio acceso en todo el país. La impartición de las Ciencias Básicas Biomédicas en la provincia de Villa Clara comenzó en el curso 1973-1974 con la apertura del primer año de la facultad de Medicina. Al cumplirse en 2024 cincuenta años de este acontecimiento social y docente en la provincia, los autores pretenden socializar algunos elementos históricos sobre el inicio de la docencia médica en esa provincia, haciendo énfasis en la Histología, entre 1974 y 1982, así como reconocer a todos aquellos que contribuyeron al inicio y desarrollo de la docencia de las Ciencias Básicas Biomédicas en la región central de Cuba.

The ideas of Commander in Chief Fidel Castro Ruz and the program implementation of the Cuban Revolution placed the universalization of education as central principles of educational policy and within it, that of medical sciences with wide access throughout the country. The teaching of Basic Biomedical Sciences in the Villa Clara province began in the 1973-1974 academic year with the opening of the first year at the Faculty of Medicine. As 2024 marks the fiftieth anniversary of this social and teaching event in the province, authors intend to socialize some historical elements about the beginning of medical teaching in that province, emphasizing on Histology subject, from 1974 to 1982, as well as give recognition to all those who contributed to the teaching beginning and development of Basic Biomedical Sciences in the Cuban central region.

Histologia , Educação Médica , Docentes , História da Medicina