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Estilos clín ; 29(2)2024.
Artigo em Português | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1568304


Esta pesquisa investigou narrativas maternas sobre a hospitalização de seus bebês cronicamente adoecidos em uma maternidade pública do município de São Paulo, no ano de 2022, a partir da análise temática de quatro entrevistas semiestruturadas. O material coletado foi discutido em articulação com as contribuições da psicanálise, organizado em três eixos centrais. As mães entrevistadas parecem ter encontrado caminhos possíveis para o exercício da função materna e constituição do laço com seus bebês. Suas experiências foram marcadas por sentimentos ambivalentes e relatos de sofrimento psíquico que demandam cuidados em saúde mental. Buscou-se criar aproximações com a realidade estudada, lançando um olhar para experiências originais de maternagem e para aimportância da construção de dispositivos de cuidado atentos às necessidades das figuras parentais e de seus bebês em contexto de hospitalização e adoecimento

Se investigó narrativas maternas sobre la hospitalización de sus bebés crónicamente enfermos, en una maternidad pública de la ciudad de São Paulo, en el año 2022, desde el análisis temático de cuatro entrevistas semiestructuradas. El material recopilado fue discutido en articulación con los aportes del psicoanálisis, organizado en tres ejes centrales. Las madres entrevistadas parecen haber encontrado posibles formas de ejercer la función materna y construir un vínculo con su bebé. Sus vivencias estuvieron marcadas por sentimientos ambivalentes y relatos de sufrimiento psíquico que demandan atención en salud mental. Se intentó crear aproximaciones con la realidad estudiada, mirando experiencias originales de la maternidad y la importancia de construir dispositivos de cuidado atentos a las necesidades de las figuras parentales y sus bebés en el contexto de hospitalización y enfermedad

This study investigated mothers' narratives about their chronically ill babies' hospitalization at a public maternity hospital in São Paulo, during 2022, based on thematic analysis of four semi-structured interviews. The main qualitative data from interviews were analyzed concerning its psychoanalytic contribution, organized by three central themes. Interviewed mothers seemed to have found possible ways to perform the maternal function and bond with their babies. Their experiences were affected by ambivalent feelings and psychic suffering that demands mental health care. The aim was to come closer to this reality, remarking original motherhood experiences and the importance of developing caregiving practices worried about the needs of parental figures and their babies in the context of hospitalization and illness

Cette recherche étudie les récits maternels sur l'hospitalisation de leurs bébés souffrant de maladie chronique, dans une maternité publique de la ville de São Paulo, en 2022, à partir de l'analyse thématique de quatre entretiens semi-structurés. Le matériel collecté a été discuté en articulation avec les apports de la psychanalyse, organisés en trois axes centraux. Les mères interrogées semblent avoir trouvé des moyens possibles d'exercer la fonction maternelle et de créer un lien avec leur bébé. Leurs expériences ont été marquées par des sentiments ambivalents et des rapports de souffrance psychique qui exigent des soins de santé mentale. Nous avons cherché à créer des rapprochements avec la réalité étudiée, en s'intéressant aux expériences originales de la maternité et à l'importance de construire des dispositifs de soins attentifs aux besoins des figures parentales et de leurs bébés dans le cadre de l'hospitalisation et de la maladie

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Recém-Nascido , Lactente , Adolescente , Adulto , Criança Hospitalizada , Doença Crônica , Angústia Psicológica , Lactente , Comportamento Materno/psicologia , Relações Mãe-Filho , Unidades de Terapia Intensiva Neonatal , Saúde Mental , Afeto , Narração
Rev. colomb. psiquiatr ; 52(1)mar. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536121


Objetivo: Caracterizar el impacto de la pandemia por COVID-19 en las internaciones psiquiátricas en la región de América Latina y el Caribe. Métodos: Estudio descriptivo. Se realizaron 85 entrevistas semiestructuradas con trabajadores de hospitales generales (HG) y hospitales especializados (HE) en salud mental en 18 países de la región de América Latina y el Caribe entre el 8 de mayo y el 30 de junio de 2020. Los datos se analizaron cuantitativa y cualitativamente. Resultados: Se reporta una disminución inicial en la demanda de internación, atribuida al temor de la población a acercarse a los servicios, así como a restricciones en la movilidad. Se indican criterios más estrictos para internar con una doble focalización de lo agudo dentro de lo agudo. Los tiempos de internación presentaron un comportamiento mixto, tanto de aumento como de disminución en HG y en HE. La oferta terapéutica durante la internación se vio drásticamente reducida, y se restringió la interacción de las personas internadas con sus redes de apoyo. Conclusiones: La internación pareciera estar siendo no la última, sino la única alternativa de tratamiento psiquiátrico en el contexto de la pandemia. La reducción de camas en los HE podría ser un aspecto positivo para la reforma de la atención, pero es puesto en duda, ya que dicha reducción también se produce en los HG.

Objetive: To characterise the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on psychiatric hospitalisations in the Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) region. Methods: Descriptive study. 85 semi-structured interviews were conducted with health workers involved with psychiatric hospitalizations in general hospitals (GHs) and specialised psychiatric hospitals (SHs) from 18 LAC countries. The interviews were done between 8 May and 30 June 2020. The data were analysed quantitatively and qualitatively. Results: An initial decrease in the demand for hospitalization is reported, attributed to the population's fear of approaching health services as well as restrictions on mobility. Stricter criteria for hospitalization were reported with a double focus on the acute within the acute. The length of hospitalizations were mixed, with both increases and decreases in GHs and SHs. The therapeutic offer was drastically reduced, and interaction between hospitalised people and their support networks was restricted. Conclusions: In the COVID-19 context, hospitalization seems to be not the last but the only alternative for psychiatric treatment. The decrease in the number of beds in SHs could be a positive aspect for the reform of psychiatric care, but it is questioned since this reduction also occurs in GHs.

Revue Africaine de Médecine Interne ; 10(1-2): 40-45, 2023. figures, tables
Artigo em Francês | AIM | ID: biblio-1511907


Introduction : L'hospitalisation en néphrologie n'avait pas fait l'objet de plusieurs études au Sénégal et les données sont limitées. Notre travail avait pour but de déterminer les facteurs associés à l'hospitalisation prolongée et à la mortalité en néphrologie. Patients et méthodes : Il s'agissait d'une étude observationnelle prospective de 5 mois incluant tous les patients hospitalisés dans le service durant au moins 24H. La durée d'hospitalisation (la période allant du jour d'admission dans la chambre d'hospitalisation au jour de sortie du patient) était dite prolongée si > 12 jours. Résultats : Quatre-vingt-dix-neuf patients ont été analysés durant cette période avec une durée moyenne en hospitalisation de 11,14 ± 9,89 jours. L'âge moyen était de 45,22 ± 18,03 ans avec un sex-ratio (H/F) de 0,62. Les anomalies biologiques étaient : l'hyponatrémie (62,36%), l'hypokaliémie (23,91%), l'hypocalcémie (25%), l'hyperphosphatémie (51,21%), l'anémie (92,30%), la CRP élevée (90,90%) et l'hypoalbuminémie (80,76%). La protéinurie moyenne était de 3,38 ± 3,35 g/24h avec 34,61% de protéinurie néphrotique. La mortalité hospitalière était de 25,25%. En analyse univariée, l'hospitalisation prolongée était associée à l'âge ≤ 45 ans (p = 0,018), aux patients non dialysés chroniques (p=0,034), à la transfusion sanguine (p=0,008) tandis que la mortalité était liée à l'âge de plus de 45 ans (p=0,032), le diabète (p=0,014), l'hypokaliémie (p=0,045) et l'hospitalisation prolongé (p=0,007). En analyse multivariée, les patients présentant des œdèmes et ceux ayant été transfusés avaient respectivement 2,89 et 3,9 fois plus de risque d'avoir une hospitalisation prolongée. Les patients diabétiques avaient 4,63 fois plus de risque de décès et ceux ayant été hospitalisés de plus de 12 jours avaient 0,14 fois de risque de décès. Conclusion : La durée d'hospitalisation était relativement prolongée avec une mortalité élevée. Cependant l'impact de certains facteurs a été démontré permettant ainsi de réduire la durée d'hospitalisation et le nombre de décès.

Introduction: Hospitalization in nephrology had not been the subject of several studies in Senegal and the data are limited. Our work aimed to determine the factors associated with prolonged hospitalization and mortality in nephrology. Patients and methods: This was a 5-month prospective observational study including all patients hospitalized in the department for at least 24 hours. The duration of hospitalization (the period from the day of admission to the hospital room to the day of the patient's discharge) was said to be prolonged if > 12 days. Results: Ninety-nine patients were analyzed during this period with an average hospital stay of 11.14 ± 9.89 days. The mean age was 45.22 ± 18.03 years with a sex ratio (M/F) of 0.62. The biological abnormalities were: hyponatremia (62.36%), hypokalemia (23.91%), hypocalcemia (25%), hyperphosphatemia (51.21%), anemia (92.30 %), elevated CRP (90.90%) and hypoalbuminemia (80.76%). The mean proteinuria was 3.38 ± 3.35 g/24h with 34.61% nephrotic proteinuria. Hospital mortality was 25.25%. In univariate analysis, prolonged hospitalization was associated with age ≤ 45 years (p = 0.018), chronic non-dialysis patients (p = 0.034), blood transfusion (p = 0.008) while mortality was related to age over 45 (p=0.032), diabetes (p=0.014), hypokalaemia (p=0.045) and prolonged hospitalization (p=0.007). In multivariate analysis, patients with edema and those who had been transfused were respectively 2.89 and 3.9 times more likely to have prolonged hospitalization. Diabetic patients had a 4.63 times greater risk of death and those who had been hospitalized for more than 12 days had a 0.14 times greater risk of death. Conclusion: The duration of hospitalization was relatively prolonged with high mortality. However, the impact of certain factors has been demonstrated, thus making it possible to reduce the duration of hospitalization and the number of deaths

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Nefrologia
Psicol. USP ; 34: e220043, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1422356


Abstract This case study analyzes the implications of deficit discourse on the daily conversations of a mother who requested forced treatment for her son. Data were analyzed drawing on social construction, with an emphasis on positioning theory and deficit discourse. Two episodes displaying deficit discourse were analyzed: one about the son as someone who is powerless, coping with drug use and another about the mother as someone unable to help her son. A sample letter was constructed using relational discourse, which provided new understandings for practice. Results support the benefits of collaborative and relational approaches for people who use drugs and for the emotional support of families.

Resumo Este estudo de caso analisa as implicações do discurso do déficit nas conversas cotidianas de uma mãe que solicitou tratamento forçado para seu filho. Os dados foram analisados a partir da construção social, com ênfase na teoria do posicionamento e do discurso do déficit. Dois episódios foram analisados a partir do discurso do déficit: um sobre o filho como alguém que é impotente no enfrentamento do uso de drogas e outro sobre a mãe como alguém incapaz de ajudar seu filho. Foi construída uma carta ilustrativa a partir do discurso relacional, que proporcionou novos entendimentos para a prática. Os resultados corroboram os benefícios das abordagens colaborativas e relacionais para o suporte emocional de pessoas que usam drogas e suas famílias.

Résumé Cette étude de cas analyse les implications du discours déficitaire sur les conversations quotidiennes d'une mère qui a demandé traitement forcé pour son fils. Les données ont été analysées en s'appuyant sur la construction sociale, en mettant l'accent sur la théorie du positionnement et le discours déficitaire. Deux épisodes ont été analyses utilisant le discours déficitaire: l'un sur le fils en tant que personne impuissante face à l'usage de drogue, et l'autre sur la mère en tant que personne incapable d'aider son fils. Une lettre illustrative a été construit utilisant le discours relationnel, qui a fourni de nouvelles compréhensions pour la pratique. Les résultats confirment les avantages des approches collaboratives et relationnelles pour le soutien émotionnel des personnes qui consomment des drogues et leurs familles.

Resumen Este estudio de caso analiza las implicaciones del discurso del déficit en las conversaciones diarias de una madre que solicitó tratamiento forzado para su hijo. Los datos fueron analizados a partir de la construcción social, con énfasis en la teoría del posicionamiento y el discurso del déficit. Se analizaron dos episodios a partir del discurso del déficit: uno sobre el hijo como alguien que es impotente frente al uso de drogas y otro sobre la madre como alguien incapaz de ayudar a su hijo. Se construyó una carta ilustrativa utilizando el discurso relacional, que proporcionó nuevas comprensiones para la práctica. Los resultados respaldan los beneficios de los enfoques colaborativos y relacionales para el soporte emocional de las personas que usan drogas y sus familias.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Usuários de Drogas/psicologia , Internação Involuntária , Família , Interação Social
Acta Paul. Enferm. (Online) ; 36: eAPE017332, 2023. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1447018


Resumo Objetivo Avaliar a associação entre os determinantes sociais de saúde e a ocorrência de reinternação hospitalar de pessoas vivendo com HIV. Métodos Estudo transversal, com dados de 262 prontuários de pessoas com HIV, que foram internadas no período de 12 meses, em Fortaleza, Ceará. Foram incluídos prontuários disponíveis na íntegra no arquivo hospitalar. A variável de desfecho foi analisada de duas formas: reinternação como variável dicotômica (sim/não) e de forma multinomial, por meio do número de reinternações (nenhuma, 1-2, 3 ou ≥4 reinternações). Foi considerado significante p<0,05 com nível de confiança de 95%. Resultados Das pessoas que faziam uso de drogas ilícitas, 63% (n=51) apresentavam reinternação, em comparação aos 47,3% (n=71) daqueles não faziam uso (p=0,02). Houve reinternação em 66,7% (n=36) das pessoas que recebiam até um salário mínimo e 48% (n=71) das que recebiam entre um e dois salários mínimos. Ocorreu percentual de 30,8% (n=12) de reinternação em afastados do trabalho, 41,3%; (n=26) em pessoas que estavam exercendo atividades laborais e 60,9% (n=70) de reinternação em desempregados (p=0,001). Conclusão O determinante social de saúde individual relacionado às reinternações que obteve destaque foi idade ≥ 40 anos; quanto aos determinantes proximais, uso de drogas ilícitas esteve mais relacionado às reinternações registradas. O determinante intermediário com maior evidência de reinternação esteve relacionado à situação de trabalho, uma vez que os desempregados apresentaram maior percentual de três ou mais internações. Assim, os determinantes sociais de saúde com impacto na ocorrência de reinternação hospitalar de pessoas vivendo com HIV, foram: uso de drogas ilícitas, pessoas que recebiam valor menor ou igual a um salário mínimo e os desempregados.

Resumen Objetivo Evaluar la relación entre los determinantes sociales de la salud y los episodios de reinternación hospitalaria de personas que viven con el VIH. Métodos Estudio transversal, con datos de 262 historias clínicas de personas con VIH que fueron internadas durante un período de 12 meses en Fortaleza, Ceará. Se incluyeron historias clínicas disponibles en su totalidad en el archivo hospitalario. La variable de resultado fue analizada de dos formas: reinternación como variable dicotómica (sí/no) y de forma multinomial, mediante el número de reinternaciones (ninguna, 1-2, 3 o ≥4 reinternaciones). Se consideró significante p<0,05, con nivel de confianza de 95 %. Resultados De las personas que consumían drogas ilícitas, el 63 % (n=51) presentó reinternación, comparado con el 47,3 % de los que no consumían (p=0,02). Hubo reinternación en el 66,7 % (n=36) de las personas que ganaban hasta un salario mínimo y en el 48 % (n=71) de las que ganaban entre uno y dos salarios mínimos. Se observó un porcentaje de 30,8 % (n=12) de reinternaciones en personas con licencia laboral, un 41,3 % (n=26) en personas que estaban ejerciendo actividades laborales y un 60,9 % (n=70) de reinternaciones en personas desempleadas (p=0,001). Conclusión El determinante social de la salud individual relacionado con las reinternaciones que predominó fue la edad ≥ 40 años. Respecto a los determinantes proximales, el consumo de drogas ilícitas se vio más relacionado con las reinternaciones registradas. El determinante intermedio con mayor evidencia de reinternación se relacionó con la situación laboral, dado que las personas desempleadas presentaron un porcentaje mayor de tres internaciones o más. De esta forma, los determinantes sociales de la salud con impacto en los episodios de reinternación hospitalaria de personas que viven con el VIH fueron: consumo de drogas ilícitas, personas que ganaban un valor menor o igual a un salario mínimo y personas desempleadas.

Abstract Objective To assess the association between social determinants of health and occurrence of hospital readmissions of people living with HIV. Methods This is a cross-sectional study, with data from 262 medical records of people with HIV who were hospitalized within a 12-month period, in Fortaleza, Ceará. Medical records available in full in the hospital file were included. The outcome variable was analyzed in two ways: readmission as a dichotomous variable (yes/no) and in a multinomial way, through the number of readmissions (none, 1-2, 3 or ≥4 readmissions). P<0.05 was considered significant with a confidence level of 95%. Results Of the people who used illicit drugs, 63% (n=51) were readmitted, compared to 47.3% (n=71) of those who did not use them (p=0.02). There was readmission in 66.7% (n=36) of people who earned up to one minimum wage and 48% (n=71) of those who earned between one and two minimum wages. There was a percentage of 30.8% (n=12) of rehospitalization in those away from work; 41.3% (n=26) in people who were performing work activities; and 60.9% (n=70) of readmission in unemployed. Conclusion The individual social determinant of health related to readmissions that stood out was age ≥ 40 years. Regarding the proximal determinants, illicit drug use was more related to the readmissions recorded. The intermediate determinant with the highest evidence of rehospitalization was related to the employment situation, since unemployed individuals had a higher percentage of three or more hospitalizations. Thus, the social determinants of health with an impact on the occurrence of hospital readmissions of people living with HIV were illicit drug use, people who received less than or equal to a minimum wage and who were unemployed.

Rev. latinoam. psicopatol. fundam ; 25(4): 668-689, out.-dez. 2022.
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1424095


A operação de suposição de sujeito compreende um dos quatro eixos que fundamentam a pesquisa IRDI e consiste em uma antecipação realizada pelo agente da função materna de um sujeito no bebê, que não se encontra ainda constituído. Este trabalho se propõe a apresentar um relato de caso que teve como objetivo investigar como a operação de suposição de sujeito ocorre em um contexto de internação em uma Unidade de Terapia Semi-Intensiva Neonatal. Para isso, foram realizadas uma entrevista semiestruturada, a aplicação do protocolo IRDI (Indicadores Clínicos de Risco para o Desenvolvimento Infantil) e do instrumento Denver II. Observou-se que a suposição de sujeito pode ocorrer, mas neste caso clínico apresenta dificuldades para se sustentar e operar, já que a relação mãe-bebê possivelmente foi influenciada pela limitação física do bebê, sua internação prolongada e aspectos emocionais da mãe.

Subject assumption operation is one of the four axes that underlie research using Clinical Indicators of Risk for Child Development (IRDI) and consists of an anticipation performed by the maternal agent on the behalf of a not yet constituted subject - the baby. This paper presents a case report that aimed to investigate how the subject assumption operation occurs in a neonatal semi intensive care unit. To do so, a semi-structured interview was conducted followed by application of the IRDI protocol and the Denver II instrument. Results showed that the subject assumption can occur, but, in this clinical case, it was unsustainable and non-operational, since the mother-child relation was possibly influenced by the physical limitation of the baby, their prolonged hospitalization, and emotional aspects of the mother.

L'opération d'"assomption sujet" comprend l'un des quatre axes qui sous-tendent la recherche utilisant les indicateurs cliniques de risque pour le développement de l'enfant (IRDI) et consiste en une anticipation effectuée par l'agent maternel pour le compte d'un sujet qui n'est pas encore constitué. Cet article présente un rapport de cas qui visait à étudier comment cette opération se déroule dans une unité de soins semi-intensifs néonatals. Pour ce faire, un entretien semi-directif a été mené, suivi de l'application du protocole IRDI et de l'instrument Denver II. Les résultats ont montré que l'hypothèse du sujet peut se produire, mais, dans ce cas clinique, elle était insoutenable et non opérationnelle, puisque la relation mère-enfant était probablement influencée par la limitation physique du bébé, son hospitalisation prolongée et les aspects émotionnels de la mère.

La operación de la suposición del sujeto es uno de los cuatro ejes que sostienen el estudio con indicadores clínicos de riesgo para el desarrollo infantil (IRDI) y consiste en una anticipación realizada por el agente de la función materna de un sujeto en el bebé, que todavía no se encuentra constituido. Este trabajo propone presentar el reporte de caso con el objetivo de investigar cómo la operación de suposición de sujeto ocurre en el contexto de hospitalización en una Unidad de Cuidados Semiintensivos Neonatal. Para eso, se realizaron una entrevista semiestruturada, la aplicación del protocolo IRDI y el instrumento Denver II. Se ha notado que la suposición de sujeto puede ocurrir, pero todavía en este caso clínico se muestran dificultades para que se sustente y opere, una vez que la relación madre-bebé posiblemente fue influenciada por limitaciones físicas del bebé, su hospitalización prolongada y aspectos emocionales de la madre.

Clinics ; Clinics;77: 100075, 2022. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1404296


Abstract Importance: Despite ambulation capacity being associated with a decreased level of physical activity and survival may be influenced by the functional capacity, studies have not addressed the association between ambulation capacity and death in patients hospitalized by COVID-19. Objective: To verify the functional, clinical, and sociodemographic risk factors associated with in-hospital death in individuals with severe COVID-19. Methods: It is a cohort retrospective study performed at a large tertiary hospital. Patients 18 years of age or more, of both sexes, hospitalized due to severe COVID-19 were included. Cases with dubious medical records and/or missing essential data were excluded. Patients were classified according to their ambulation capacity before the COVID-19 infection. Information regarding sociodemographic characteristics, in-hospital death, total hospital stays, Intensive Care Unit (ICU) stays, and the necessity of Mechanical Ventilation (MV) were collected from medical records and registered in a RedCap database. Multiple logistic regression analysis was used to identify possible factors associated with the in-hospital death rate. Results: Data from 1110 participants were included in the statistical analysis. The median age of the patients was 57 (46‒66) years, 58.42% (n = 590) were male, and 61.73% (n = 602) were brown or black. The case fatality rate during hospitalization was 36.0% (n = 363). In-hospital death was associated with ambulation capacity; dependent ambulators (OR = 2.3; CI 95% = 1.2-4.4) and non-functional ambulation (OR = 1.9; CI 95% = 1.1-3.3), age [older adults (OR = 3.0; CI 95% = 1.9‒4.), ICU stays (OR = 1.4; CI 95% = 1.2‒1.4), immunosuppression (OR = 5.5 CI 95% = 2.3‒13.5) and mechanical ventilation (OR = 27.5; CI 95% = 12.0-62.9). Conclusion and relevance: Decreased ambulation capacity, age, length of ICU stay, immunosuppression, and mechanical ventilation was associated with a high risk of in-hospital death due to COVID-19.

S. Afr. j. infect. dis. (Online) ; 37(1)2022. figures, tables
Artigo em Inglês | AIM | ID: biblio-1396018


Background: Gauteng province (GP) was one of the most affected provinces in the country during the first two pandemic waves in South Africa. We aimed to describe the characteristics of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) patients admitted in one of the largest quaternary hospitals in GP during the first two waves. Objectives: Study objectives were to determine factors associated with hospital admission during the second wave and to describe factors associated with in-hospital COVID-19 mortality. Method: Data from a national hospital-based surveillance system of COVID-19 hospitalisations were used. Multivariable logistic regression models were conducted to compare patients hospitalised during wave 1 and wave 2, and to determine factors associated with in-hospital mortality.Results: The case fatality ratio was the highest (39.95%) during wave 2. Factors associated with hospitalisation included age groups 40­59 years (adjusted odds ratio [aOR]: 2.14, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.08­4.27), 60­79 years (aOR: 2.49, 95% CI: 1.23­5.02) and ≥ 80 years (aOR: 3.39, 95% CI: 1.35­8.49). Factors associated with in­hospital mortality included age groups 60­79 years (aOR: 2.55, 95% CI: 1.11­5.84) and ≥ 80 years (aOR: 5.66, 95% CI: 2.12­15.08); male sex (aOR: 1.56, 95% CI: 1.22­1.99); presence of an underlying comorbidity (aOR: 1.76, 95% CI: 1.37­2.26), as well as being admitted during post­wave 2 (aOR: 2.42, 95% CI: 1.33­4.42). Conclusion: Compared to the recent omicron-driven pandemic waves characterised by lower admission rates and less disease severity among younger patients, COVID-19 in-hospital mortality during the earlier waves was associated with older age, being male and having an underlying comorbidity.

Admissão do Paciente , Sistema de Vigilância em Saúde , Pandemias , COVID-19 , Pacientes Internados , Mortalidade
S. Afr. med. j. (Online) ; 111(11): 1084-1091, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | AIM | ID: biblio-1344144


Background. There are limited in-depth analyses of COVID-19 differential impacts, especially in resource-limited settings such as South Africa (SA).Objectives. To explore context-specific sociodemographic heterogeneities in order to understand the differential impacts of COVID-19. Methods. Descriptive epidemiological COVID-19 hospitalisation and mortality data were drawn from daily hospital surveillance data, National Institute for Communicable Diseases (NICD) update reports (6 March 2020 - 24 January 2021) and the Eastern Cape Daily Epidemiological Report (as of 24 March 2021). We examined hospitalisations and mortality by sociodemographics (age using 10-year age bands, sex and race) using absolute numbers, proportions and ratios. The data are presented using tables received from the NICD, and charts were created to show trends and patterns. Mortality rates (per 100 000 population) were calculated using population estimates as a denominator for standardisation. Associations were determined through relative risks (RRs), 95% confidence intervals (CIs) and p-values <0.001. Results. Black African females had a significantly higher rate of hospitalisation (8.7% (95% CI 8.5 - 8.9)) compared with coloureds, Indians and whites (6.7% (95% CI 6.0 - 7.4), 6.3% (95% CI 5.5 - 7.2) and 4% (95% CI 3.5 - 4.5), respectively). Similarly, black African females had the highest hospitalisation rates at a younger age category of 30 - 39 years (16.1%) compared with other race groups. Whites were hospitalised at older ages than other races, with a median age of 63 years. Black Africans were hospitalised at younger ages than other race groups, with a median age of 52 years. Whites were significantly more likely to die at older ages compared with black Africans (RR 1.07; 95% CI 1.06 - 1.08) or coloureds (RR 1.44; 95% CI 1.33 - 1.54); a similar pattern was found between Indians and whites (RR 1.59; 95% CI 1.47 - 1.73). Women died at older ages than men, although they were admitted to hospital at younger ages. Among black Africans and coloureds, females (50.9 deaths per 100 000 and 37 per 100 000, respectively) had a higher COVID-19 death rate than males (41.2 per 100 000 and 41.5 per 100 000, respectively). However, among Indians and whites, males had higher rates of deaths than females. The ratio of deaths to hospitalisations by race and gender increased with increasing age. In each age group, this ratio was highest among black Africans and lowest among whites.Conclusions. The study revealed the heterogeneous nature of COVID-19 impacts in SA. Existing socioeconomic inequalities appear to shape COVID-19 impacts, with a disproportionate effect on black Africans and marginalised and low socioeconomic groups. These differential impacts call for considered attention to mitigating the health disparities among black Africans.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Fatores Socioeconômicos , Disparidades nos Níveis de Saúde , COVID-19 , Pacientes Internados , África do Sul , Mortalidade
E3 J. Med. Res ; 8(1): 1-16, 2021. figures, tables
Artigo em Inglês | AIM | ID: biblio-1368199


The primary objective of this study was to assess the characteristics of patients admitted for COVID-19, 'J18.9 Pneumonia, unspecified organism' and other types of diagnoses. The aim was to assess as to what extent do COVID-19 related admissions changed to pneumonia, and as to what extent do 'J18.9 Pneumonia, unspecified organism' related admissions that changed to COVID-19 diagnosis at discharge stage. The secondary objective of the study was to assess' predictors of readmissions in private hospitals. The review period was private hospital claims received by the scheme between January and August 2020. The inclusion criteria for COVID-19 admissions were patients that had a laboratory-confirmed (RT ? PCR assay) COVID-19. Predictors of readmissions were modelled using logistic regression. The study found that restricted scheme patients admitted for a COVID-19 diagnosis changed to a 'J18.9 Pneumonia, unspecified organism' diagnosis. The converse was found to be true in that some patients that were admitted as J18.9 Pneumonia, unspecified organism' diagnosis changed to a COVID-19 diagnosis. This study showed underlying factors associated with hospital admissions and predictors of readmissions in private hospitals.

Admissão do Paciente , Pneumonia , Fatores de Risco , Diagnóstico , COVID-19
Rev. colomb. cardiol ; 27(6): 517-525, nov.-dic. 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1289267


Resumen Introducción: El síncope es un síntoma complejo de evaluar, que además representa un reto diagnóstico; la estratificación inadecuada del riesgo de los pacientes puede conllevar mal uso de los recursos en salud y aumentar así el costo derivado de la atención. Objetivo: Comparar la incidencia de desenlaces a un año en pacientes con síncope de alto y bajo riesgo en cuatro hospitales de Bogotá. Metodología: Estudio de cohorte retrospectiva, en el que se incluyeron pacientes mayores de 18 años que consultaron a urgencias por síncope, y que fueron seguidos desde febrero de 2013 hasta julio de 2015. Fueron clasificados en bajo y alto riesgo según la escala de Martin et al. Se hizo seguimiento telefónico para evaluar los desenlaces a un año. Resultados: Los pacientes de alto riesgo tienen mayor frecuencia de mortalidad, recurrencia del síncope, requerimiento de hospitalización, eventos neurológicos y necesidad de intervención cardiovascular. La mortalidad global está alrededor del 6% y en el subgrupo de pacientes de mayor puntaje (4 puntos) asciende al 16,6%. La mayoría de eventos se presentaron en los primeros 6 meses de seguimiento. La mortalidad y la necesidad de intervención cardiovascular tuvieron un incremento de su frecuencia a medida que aumentó el puntaje de la escala. Conclusión: Los pacientes clasificados en alto riesgo según la escala de Martin et al. tienen mayor frecuencia de desenlaces adversos a un año de seguimiento, y por tanto podrían beneficiarse de un estudio más amplio y expedito de la causa del síncope.

Abstract Introduction: Syncope is a complex symptom to assess, and is a diagnostic challenge. The inadequate risk stratification can lead to the inappropriate use of health resources and to an increase in the costs arising from the care. Objective: To compare the outcomes at one year in patients with high and low risk syncope in four Bogota hospitals. Material and method: A retrospective cohort study was conducted that included patients over 18 years-old that were seen in the Emergency Department due to a syncope. They were followed-up from February 2013 until July 2015. They were classified into low and high risk according to the score on the scale of Martin et al. At one year, a telephone call follow-up was made to assess the outcomes. Results: The high risk patients had higher rates of mortality and recurrence of syncope, required more hospital admissions, had more neurological events, and a greater need for cardiac intervention. The overall mortality was 6%, and in sub-group of patients with a higher score (4 points) it increased to 16.6%. The majority of events occurred in the first 6 months of follow-up. The mortality and the need for cardiovascular intervention were associated with the increase in the score on the scale. Conclusion: Patients classified as high risk according to the scale of Martin et al. are more likely to have adverse outcomes at one year of follow-up, and thus could benefit from a larger study and directed at the cause of the syncope.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Síncope , Recidiva , Risco , Mortalidade , Emergências
Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-204485


Background: Study of the clinical profile and no. of admissions of adolescents admitted in pediatric ward and other than Pediatric ward.Methods: A Prospective Study, conducted during August 2018 to March 2019, at a tertiary care teaching hospital, including age group 10-19 years.Results: Out of 1645, highest adolescents' admissions'' 749 (46.37%) were to medical ward, 2nd highest in the Pediatric ward which was 317 (19.6%), followed by general surgical ward which was 312(19.3%).'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Highest among late adolescents, infectious diseases were still the leading cause of hospitalization of adolescents as it constituted 68.4% (902) of admissions to other than pediatric ward followed by surgical cause[135(10.2%)] followed by accidents [5%(66)].Conclusions: Infectious diseases are more common in adolescents compared to developed countries. The shift in hospitalisation of adolescents from pediatrics to general medicine at about 14 years is illustrated in present study and reflects the need of better implementation of clinical policy on the age divide.

Rev. colomb. ortop. traumatol ; 34(2): 129-136, 2020. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1372386


Introducción El pie diabético infectado es una complicación frecuente de la diabetes y un marcador de deterioro del paciente. Existe escasa información en Colombia sobre características de los pacientes que ingresan a los servicios de urgencias de alta complejidad con esta patología y desenlaces como amputación y perfil microbiológico. Materiales y Métodos Serie de casos de pacientes que ingresaron al servicio de urgencias del Hospital Pablo Tobón Uribe con motivo de consulta principal pie diabético infectado. Se analizaron las historias clínicas de manera retrospectiva y se utilizaron herramientas de estadística descriptiva para la caracterización de la población y de variables relacionadas con diagnóstico, tratamiento y resultados tempranos intrahospitalarios. Resultados Entre enero de 2009 y diciembre de 2013 ingresaron 118 pacientes con 145 úlceras infectadas por pie diabético, el 90% con HbAc>6.5, el 52% con disfunción renal, el 51% con enfermedad arterial periférica. El 57% tenía úlceras grado 3 o mayor en la clasificación de Wagner, la infección fue polimicrobiana en el 63%. El 58% requirió amputación, el 62% de las amputaciones fueron amputaciones menores. La mortalidad fue del 10%, la mortalidad atribuible a infección del pie diabético o complicaciones derivadas de la amputación fue del 1,7%. Discusión Los pacientes con pie diabético que ingresaron a urgencias de un hospital de alta complejidad en Colombia tienen una enfermedad sistémica avanzada, relacionada con disfunción renal y vascular periférica, lesiones locales graves con compromiso óseo y articular avanzado; dada la gravedad de estas condiciones, la prevalencia de amputaciones mayores puede ser superior a la reportada en la literatura. Nivel de Evidencia: IV

Background Infected diabetic foot is a frequent complication of diabetes and a marker of patient deterioration. There is little information in Colombia on the characteristics of patients that enter the highly complex emergency services with this condition and their outcomes, such as amputation and microbiological profile. Materials Case series of patients admitted to the emergency department of Pablo Tobón Uribe Hospital whose main consultation was infected diabetic foot. The medical records were retrospectively analysed and descriptive statistical tools were used to characterise the population, as well as the variables related to diagnosis, treatment, and early in-hospital outcomes. Results Between January 2009 and December 2013, 118 patients with 145 ulcers due to an infected diabetic foot were admitted. The HbA1c was> 6.5 in 90%, and 52% had renal dysfunction, 51% with peripheral arterial disease, and 57% had ulcers grade 3 or higher in the Wagner classification. The infection was polymicrobial in 63%, and 58% required amputation, with 62% of amputations being classed as minor. Mortality was 10%, and mortality attributable to diabetic foot infection or complications derived from amputation was 1.7%. Discussion Patients with diabetic foot admitted to the emergency room of a high complexity hospital in Colombia have an advanced systemic disease, related to renal and peripheral vascular dysfunction, and serious local injuries with advanced bone and joint involvement. Given the severity of these conditions, the prevalence of major amputations may be higher than that reported in the literature. Evidence Level: IV

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Idoso , Infecção da Ferida Cirúrgica/microbiologia , Pé Diabético/cirurgia , Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 2/cirurgia , Hospitalização , Estudos Retrospectivos , Úlcera do Pé/classificação , Pé Diabético/microbiologia , Tratamento de Emergência , Amputação Cirúrgica
Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-204120


Background: Previously mechanical ventilation was primary modality of treatment in preterm neonates with respiratory distress. With the introduction of continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP), the need of mechanical ventilation is reduced. The present study was done to know the therapeutic effects of CPAP as compared to mechanical ventilation in preterm neonates with respiratory distress. To study the duration of oxygen requirement and duration of hospitalisation in preterm neonates treated with CPAP compared to invasive mechanical ventilationMethods: Hospital based prospective study was conducted from November 2013 to November 2014 in Dr. B. R. Ambedkar medical college, Bangalore. All the preterm babies admitted in neonatal intensive care unit with respiratory distress requiring CPAP or mechanical ventilation during study period were included. Total 50 cases were included, out of which 20 (40%) were on CPAP treatment and 30 (60%) were on mechanical ventilation. Outcome was assessed by reduction of respiratory distress with SpO2 more than 88% with FiO2 of 21%.Results: Out of 50 preterm neonates studied, 20 (40%) were on CPAP treatment and 30 (60%) were on mechanical ventilation. Mean duration of oxygen treatment was less in neonates on CPAP (4.8'0.9 days) compared to mechanical ventilated neonates (7.12'0.8days) and it is statistically significant (p value<0.05). Mean duration of hospitalisation was less in neonates on CPAP (19.3'0.76 days) compared to mechanical ventilated neonates (21'1.2 days) but it was statistically not significant (P value >0.05).Conclusions: CPAP as a mode of treatment for preterm babies with respiratory distress reduces the duration of oxygen dependency compared to invasive mechanical ventilation. Difference in duration of hospital stay was statistically not significant in these neonates treated with CPAP and mechanical ventilation.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-201527


Background: Alcohol use is associated with serious public health problems thereby raising the global morbidity and mortality. The main aim of this study is to estimate the prevalence of alcoholism and its co morbidity pattern among urban adult population in Salem district, Tamil Nadu.Methods: A community based cross-sectional study was carried out among urban adult population in Salem district involving 493 participants. Convenient sampling method was used. Informed consent was obtained from each participant and information was collected by using a predesigned structured questionnaire. Microsoft Excel 2007 was used for data entry and SPSS version 24 was used for data analysis.Results: It was found from the study that the prevalence of alcoholism was high. Alcohol use in any form was found in 38% of the study participants. 8% of the participants confessed that alcohol is an eye opener to them. 6% of the participants lost their job and 15% of the participants were hospitalised due to alcohol.Conclusions: The study showed higher prevalence of alcohol use among urban adult population in Salem district. Awareness about the ill effects of alcoholism among the population and necessary rehabilitation will help to reduce alcoholism consumption and its related disorders.

Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-625515


Background: In Vietnam, dengue fever is a major health concern, yet comprehensive information on its economic costs is lacking. The present study investigated treatment costs associated with dengue fever from the perspective of health care provision. Methods: This retrospective study was conducted between January 2013 and December 2015 in Cu Chi General Hospital. The following dengue-related treatment costs were calculated: hospitalisation, diagnosis, specialised services, drug usage and medical supplies. Average cost per case and treatment cost across different age was calculated. Results: In the study period, 1672 patients with dengue fever were hospitalised. The average age was 24.98 (SD = 14.10) years, and 47.5% were males (795 patients). Across age groups, the average cost per episode was USD 48.10 (SD = 3.22). The highest costs (USD 56.61, SD = 48.84) were incurred in the adult age group (> 15 years), and the lowest costs (USD 30.10, SD = 17.27) were incurred in the paediatric age group (< 15 years). Conclusion: The direct medical costs of dengue-related hospitalisation place a severe economic burden on patients and their families. The probable economic value of dengue management in Vietnam is significant.

Rio de Janeiro; s.n; 20160000. 96 p. graf, ilus.
Tese em Português | BDENF, LILACS | ID: biblio-1026685


Este trabalho está associado à pesquisa de mestrado profissional intitulada JOGOS TEATRAIS NA PEDIATRIA, BRINCANDO COM OS OBJETOS DO TEATRO: dispositivos para cuidar. A pesquisa foi realizada a partir das questões norteadoras: Como identificar nos jogos teatrais o significado das imagens produzidas pelas crianças no vídeo ou nos desenhos sobre a experiência de internar? Os significados das imagens ou desenhos podem ser indicadores de respostas para o cuidado em pediatria? Os objetivos foram: Identificar o que os jogos teatrais provocam na criança, ao criarem cenas e/ou desenhos sobre suas experiências da internação; destacar, nas cenas/imagens produzidas pelas crianças depois das atividades do jogo teatral, informações sobre sua experiência de internação. A metodologia da pesquisa é descritiva, observacional com caráter qualitativo, por produção de dados que indicassem significados sobre a experiência do brincar/jogar das crianças internadas. O jogo foi realizado com treze crianças, no qual 11 crianças estavam tristes e com dor, e duas estavam indiferentes antes de jogar/brincar. Depois das atividades do jogo, 12 crianças se apresentaram alegres e uma se manteve indiferente. Após a realização da organização da análise, destacam-se duas categorias centralizadas em relação ao estado emocional: a) as crianças se mostraram tristes antes de jogar; b) as crianças mostram alívio da dor após o jogar/brincar na internação. A conclusão deste estudo é que o brincar dentro de um hospital torna-se elemento importante para o desenvolvimento, saúde e bem-estar da criança enferma; as imagens produzidas falam do espaço de casa e do hospital, onde o segundo só é bom porque podem brincar/jogar e pintar como se estivessem em sua própria casa. Verificou-se também que os jogos cênicos podem contribuir atuando como ferramenta facilitadora no processo de cuidar da criança, além de auxiliar no resgate de algo tão natural e necessário na infância: o brincar. O jogo teatral favorece a liberação de conteúdos ocultos e emergentes, por meio da brincadeira, não se constituindo somente como instrumento para brincar, mas como ação terapêutica para diminuir a tensão, estresse e sofrimento decorrente da hospitalização. E, por fim, percebeu-se que a arte compõe o conjunto de ações do cuidado na saúde

Ce travail est lié au programme de recherche du Master professionnel intitulé LES JEUX THÉÂTRAUX À LA PÉDIATRIE, JOUER AVEC LES OBJETS DU THÉÂTRE: dispositifs pour le soin. Il a été réalisé à partir de questionnements spécifiques: Comment identifier dans les jeux théâtraux, la signification des images produites par les enfants dans la vidéo ou dans les dessins autour de l'expérience de l'internation ? Les significations des images ou des dessins peuvent être des indicateurs de réponses pour le soin dans la pédiatrie ? Et par rapport aux objectifs: identifier ce que les jeux théâtraux provoquent chez l'enfant à partir de la création de scènes et/ou de dessins sur leurs expériences d'internation; Remarquer dans les scènes/images produites par les enfants, les informations sur l'expérience de l'internation après les activités du jeu théâtral. La méthodologie de la recherche a eu un caractère qualitatif par production de données qui indiquent des significations sur l'expérience du jeu par les enfants hospitalisés. Le jeu a été réalisé avec treize enfants, dont onze étaient tristes et avec douleur et deux étaient indifférents avant de jouer. Après les jeux, douze enfants sont devenus contents et un enfant a continué indifférent. Après l'organisation de l'analyse, nous avons défini deux catégories par rapport à l'état émotionnel: a) Les enfants sont tristes avant de jouer. b) Après avoir joué dans l'internation, les enfants présentent un soulagement par rapport à la douleur. Nous arrivons ainsi à la conclusion que jouer dans un hôpital est un élément important pour le développement, la santé et le bien-être de l'enfant malade ; les images produites montrent un discours sur la maison et sur l'hôpital, où le deuxième est seulement agréable parce qu'ils peuvent y jouer et peindre comme s'ils étaient à la maison. On a pu vérifier aussi que les jeux scéniques peuvent contribuer comme outil facilitateur dans le processus de soin de l'enfant, et aussi comme auxiliaire dans la récupération de ce qui est si naturel et nécessaire à l'enfance : le jouer. Le jeu théâtral favorise la libération des contenus ocultés et emergents à travers l'acte de jouer, non seulement comme un instrument pour cet acte, mais également comme action thérapeutique pour la diminution de la tension, du stress et de la souffrance issus de l'hospitalisation. Enfin, l'art compose l'ensemble d'actions de soin dans le domaine de la santé

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Criança , Ludoterapia/métodos , Recursos Audiovisuais , Criança Hospitalizada/psicologia , Ludoterapia/educação
Rev. chil. neuro-psiquiatr ; Rev. chil. neuro-psiquiatr;53(2): 100-109, jun. 2015. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-753503


Introduction: The psychiatric hospitalization of children and adolescents suffering from anorexia nervosa (AN) has important implications in their developmental stage, but its impact has been scarcely reported, particularly from the subjective individual experience. Objective: To describe the experiencing meanings constructed by anorectic children and adolescents about their hospitalization process. Method: A qualitative descriptive study based on the Grounded Theory was conducted. The sample was intentionally composed by6 patients (5 females and 1 male) with and without previous hospitalization background. A semi-structured in-depth interview was applied. The data were transcribed and analysed by using open coding and triangulation of specialists. Results: Four categories are described: (A) Impressions on mental health professionals and psychiatric hospitalization units before inpatient treatment: reported experiences were negative, influencing future interventions; (B) Impressions and experiences at admission: anguish, sadness and fear (symptomatology impairment, abuse and weight gain); (C) Therapeutic effects of hospitalization: emphasis in therapeutic alliance and symptoms remission and (D) Critical assessment concerning psychiatric hospitalizations during the adolescence: reinforcement of individual capabilities for the disorder management, benefits of the isolation from family issues, development illness awareness. Conclusion: Hospitalization in AN is a positive therapeutic resource in certain cases. Improvement process was facilitated by constructive dialogues throw the acknowledgement of the patient particular affective needs and the institutional plasticity in offering appropriate tools for their experiencing, emphasising the relevance of therapeutic alliance.

Introducción: La hospitalización psiquiátrica en anorexia nerviosa (AN) infanto-juvenil posee importantes implicancias en el vivenciar de su etapa del desarrollo, pero su impacto ha sido escasamente reportado, particularmente desde la experiencia individual subjetiva. Objetivo: Describir los significados experienciales construidos por niños y adolescentes anorécticos en torno a su proceso de hospitalización. Método: Estudio cualitativo descriptivo basado en la Grounded Theory. La muestra se constituyó intencionadamente por un total de 6 pacientes (5 mujeres y 1 hombre) con y sin antecedentes de hospitalización psiquiátrica. Se utilizó la entrevista en profundidad semi-estructurada, analizando los datos mediante triangulación de especialistas y codificación abierta. Resultados: Se describen cuatro categorías: (A) Impresiones sobre los profesionales de la salud mental y las unidades de hospitalización psiquiátrica previas a la internación: las vivencias informadas fueron negativas, influyendo en futuras intervenciones; (B) Impresiones y experiencias al momento del ingreso: angustia, tristeza y temor (empeoramiento sintomático, maltrato y aumento ponderal); (C) Efectos terapéuticos de la hospitalización: énfasis en la alianza terapéutica y en la remisión sintomática y (D) Apreciación crítica sobre las hospitalizaciones psiquiátricas durante la adolescencia: fortalecimiento de habilidades individuales para el manejo del trastorno, beneficio del distanciamiento de las problemáticas familiares, desarrollo de consciencia de enfermedad. Conclusión: La hospitalización en AN es un recurso terapéutico positivo en determinados casos. El proceso de mejoría se facilitó estableciendo diálogos constructivos mediante el reconocimiento de las necesidades afectivas particulares del paciente y la plasticidad de la institución para ofrecerle herramientas atingentes a su vivenciar, enfatizando la relevancia de la alianza terapéutica.

Humanos , Masculino , Adolescente , Feminino , Anorexia Nervosa/psicologia , Hospitalização , Estudos de Avaliação como Assunto
CES med ; 29(1): 89-99, ene.-jun. 2015. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-765483


Introducción: tradicionalmente, el paciente hospitalizado con diabetes tipo 2 (DT2) se trata con insulina en un esquema basal/bolo, pero han surgido investigaciones en las que se muestra similar control metabólico con agentes orales, como sitagliptina. Basado en un ensayo clínico aleatorizado en el que se pudo comprobar esta hipótesis se plantea en este estudio las consecuencias en el costo para instituciones en Colombia de esta alternativa. Objetivo:determinar, a partir de un ensayo clínico aleatorizado publicado, los costos derivados de la utilización de sitagliptina o sitagliptina más insulina basal o insulina basal/bolo, en pacientes hospitalizados con diagnóstico de diabetes tipo 2. Métodos: partiendo de un ensayo clínico aleatorizado de referencia se evaluaron tres brazos: 1) sitagliptina + correcciones, 2) sitagliptina + basal + correcciones y, 3) insulina basal/bolo. Se diseñó una matriz de costos con casos tipo para cada brazo. Se tuvo en cuenta la posibilidad de fallo terapéutico y la necesidad de correcciones con insulina de acción rápida. Se realizó un análisis de sensibilidad de una vía, evaluando la influencia de los cambios en el costo de sitagliptina. Resultados: en el caso base, se observó una diferencia de COL $2 cuando se comparó sitagliptina + correcciones contra insulina basal/bolo. El modelo fue sensible al cambio de precio de la sitagliptina. La estrategia sitagliptina + basal siempre se comportó como la más costosa. Conclusión: en los escenarios evaluados no existen diferencias entre el uso de sitagliptina + correcciones o el esquema basal/bolo en pacientes con diabetes hospitalizados y que ingresan sin medicación, usando un agente oral o usando dosis de insulina inferiores a 0,4 UI/kg. El modelo es sensible al cambio en el costo de sitagliptina.

Patients with type 2 diabetes admitted to the hospital have traditionally been treated with basal/bolus insulin. A study published by Umpierrez et al., has shown that the same glucose control can be achieved with Sitagliptin (DPP IV inhibitor) compared to insulin glargine and glulisine. Based on this data a cost analysis was made to assess if this strategy would change inpatient diabetic care in Colombia. Objectives: To determine, from a published randomized clinical trial, the cost of utilizing Sitagliptin or Sitagliptin and basal insulin or basal / bolus insulin in patients hospitalized with a diagnosis of T2DM. Methods: The study evaluated three arms: 1) Sitagliptin + supplemental insulin, 2) Sitagliptin + basal insulin + supplemental insulin and 3) Insulin basal / bolus + supplemental insulin. A Cost matrix was designed with type cases for each arm. It took into account the possibility of therapeutic failure and the need for corrections with a fast-acting insulin. A sensitivity analysis was performed in a platform, evaluating the influence of changes in the cost of Sitagliptin. Results: In the base case, a difference of $2 COP (Colombian pesos) was observed between the use of Sitagliptin + supplemental insulin compared with the basal/bolus + supplemental insulin strategy. The model is sensitive to the change in price of Sitagliptin. The Sitagliptin + Basal insulin strategy was the most expensive. Conclusion: In the 3 scenarios analyzed there was no difference between using Sitagliptin + supplemental insulin or basal / bolus + supplemental insulin in diabetic patients admitted to the hospital who were being treated with diet and exercise, oral agents or insulin at doses less than 0.4 IU / kg. The model is sensitive to changes in the cost of Sitagliptin.

Rev. latinoam. psicopatol. fundam ; 17(2): 342-356, 06/2014.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-718491


Este artigo procura relembrar a trajetória de exclusão provocada pelos tratamentos de dependência química no Brasil e apresenta as formas atuais de tratamentos que objetivam a reinserção social do usuário. Ademais, demonstra que o não cumprimento da política pública sobre o assunto, crenças irreais da população sobre uma forma milagrosa de cura e desconhecimento sobre a legislação e formas alternativas de tratamento, retomam, com novas roupagens, a segregação das pessoas que sofrem com a dependência química, permitindo internações desnecessárias, por ordem judicial e sem o devido processo legal.

This article seeks to re-discuss the process of exclusion caused by drug addiction treatments in Brazil and describes current forms of treatment that focus on the social integration of users. Furthermore, the authors show that failure to comply with public policies in the area, unrealistic beliefs of the population in miraculous cures and their unfamiliarity with alternative forms of treatment and the legislation, are repeating, in new garb, the age-old segregation of persons suffering from such dependence. Among other realities are frequent and unnecessary hospitalization, sometimes by court order and without due process of law.

Cet article vise à rappeler le cheminement vers l'exclusion provoquée par les types de traitement des toxicomanes au Brésil et présente les traitements actuels qui ont comme but l'intégration sociale de l'utilisateur. En outre, il démontre que la non-conformité avec les réglementations, les croyances irréalistes de la population sur une façon miraculeuse de guérison, la méconnaissance des lois et d'autres formes de traitement, reprennent, sous autre forme, la ségrégation des toxicomanes. Ces phénomènes finissent par légitimer des hospitalisations inutiles par ordonnance du tribunal et sans actions judiciaire correcte.

Este artículo busca recordar la trayectoria de exclusión causada por los tratamientos de dependencia química en Brasil y presenta las formas actuales de tratamientos que tienen como objetivo la reinserción social del usuario. Además, demuestra que el incumplimiento de la legislación sobre el tema, creencias irreales de la población en una forma milagrosa de cura y desconocimiento sobre la legislación y las formas alternativas de tratamiento, retoman con una nueva apariencia, la segregación de las personas que sufren de dependencia química, permitiendo internaciones desnecesarias, por orden judicial y sin el debido proceso jurídico.

Humanos , Usuários de Drogas , Política Pública , Discriminação Social , Transtornos Relacionados ao Uso de Substâncias