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Rev. chil. obstet. ginecol. (En línea) ; 89(3): 152-157, jun. 2024. graf, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569781


Introducción: La enfermedad trofoblástica gestacional (ETG) corresponde al espectro de lesiones proliferativas del tejido trofoblástico placentario. Presenta una incidencia mundial variable; en Chile no existen estudios nacionales, por lo que las cifras se deben extrapolar de estudios extranjeros. Objetivo: Caracterizar clínica y epidemiológicamente a las pacientes diagnosticadas con embarazo molar en el periodo 2013-2022 en el Hospital Regional de Talca (HRT). Método: Estudio observacional transversal, se consideró el recuento total de pacientes de la base de datos del Servicio de Onco-Ginecología (n = 100) y la cantidad de embarazos ocurridos entre 2013-2022 en el HRT. Resultados: La edad promedio de presentación fue de 32 años, obteniéndose una incidencia de ETG de 2,1 casos por cada 1.000 embarazos. El 54% de los casos corresponde a mola parcial. Los principales síntomas fueron metrorragia (67%) y dolor abdominal (40%). El principal tratamiento efectuado fue aspiración uterina (92%). En el 48% de los casos se sospechó la ETG con la clínica previo al diagnóstico por biopsia y solo en un 13% únicamente con estudio ecográfico. Conclusiones: Es necesario realizar más investigaciones nacionales que permitan recopilar información actualizada sobre ETG, sobre todo por la variabilidad clínica de la enfermedad, que hace difícil su sospecha diagnóstica.

Introduction: Gestational trophoblastic disease (GTO) corresponds to the spectrum of proliferative lesions of placental trophoblastic tissue. It has a variable global incidence; in Chile there are no national studies so it must be extrapolated from foreign studies. Objective: To clinically and epidemiologically characterize patients diagnosed with molar pregnancy in the period 2013-2022, at the Talca Regional Hospital (HRT). Method: Cross-sectional observational study, the total count of patients from the Onco-Gynecology Service database (n = 100) and the number of pregnancies that occurred between 2013-2022 in the HRT were considered. Results: The average age of presentation was 32 years, obtaining an incidence of GTO of 2.1 cases per 1000 pregnancies; 54% of cases correspond to partial mole. The main symptoms were metrorrhagia (67%) and abdominal pain (40%). The main treatment performed was uterine aspiration (92%). In 48% of the cases, GTO was suspected with clinical symptoms prior to diagnosis by biopsy, and only 13% with an ultrasound study alone. Conclusions: It is necessary to carry out more national research to collect updated information on GTO, especially due to the clinical variability of the disease that makes its diagnostic suspicion difficult.

Humanos , Feminino , Gravidez , Mola Hidatiforme/diagnóstico , Mola Hidatiforme/terapia , Doença Trofoblástica Gestacional/diagnóstico , Doença Trofoblástica Gestacional/terapia , Coriocarcinoma/diagnóstico , Epidemiologia Descritiva , Diagnóstico por Imagem
Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-220131


Background: Gestational trophoblastic diseases (GTD) consist of a group of neoplastic disorders arising from placental trophoblastic tissue after normal or abnormal fertilization. The WHO classification of GTD includes hydatidiform mole, invasive mole, choriocarcinoma, placental site trophoblastic tumor, and miscellaneous and unclassified trophoblastic lesions. This study aimed to analyze the risk factors related to the gestational trophoblastic disease. Material & Methods: This prospective study was conducted at the Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology in Uttara Adhunik Medical College & Hospital, Dhaka, Bangladesh for 1 year; from April 2020 to March 2021. A total of 100 subjects were included in this study. Informed written consent was taken from the study subjects. Data was collected using a pre-formed data sheet. Data processing and analysis were done by using SPSS version 17. The test statistics used to analyze the data were descriptive statistics, the McNemar Chi-square test, and Repeated Measure ANOVA statistics. All patients underwent necessary investigations. All information was kept confidential and used only for this study purpose. The ethical Clearance Certificate was obtained from Bangladesh Medical College. Results: The majority of the patients were more than of 38 years age (53, 53.0%). Out of these patients, 50 (50.0%) were para one, while 40 (40.0%) were para more than four, most of the patients (63, 63.9%) were illiterate and 5 (5.0%) were graduates, most of the subjects (73, 73.0%) belonged to the low socioeconomic group. The most common presenting symptom was bleeding per vagina (35, 35.0%) followed by pain in the lower abdomen (24, 24.0%), the passage of moles (16, 16.0%), hyperemesis gravidarum (14, 14.0%) and dyspnea in 11 (11.0%) subjects. Conclusion: The disease was common in extremes of ages, low para, and grand multiparous women. The hydatidiform mole was the commonest type of trophoblastic disease in these patients. The most common presenting complaint was bleeding per vagina followed by pain in the lower abdomen. The hydatidiform mole was diagnosed in 65 (65.0%) patients, the invasive mole in 28 subjects (28.0%), and choriocarcinoma in 7 (7.0%) patients. No patient had a placental site trophoblastic tumor.

Ginecol. obstet. Méx ; 91(5): 377-381, ene. 2023. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1506271


Resumen ANTECEDENTES: La mola hidatiforme se divide en completa y parcial. La primera se origina en la fecundación de un óvulo anucleado por dos espermatozoides con carga genética independiente y la manifestación clínica predominante son las hemorragias. El tamaño uterino suele ser mayor al normal, con síntomas subjetivos del embarazo. La importancia de este tipo de tumoración es su carácter premaligno que puede evolucionar hasta convertirse en una neoplasia trofoblástica, de tal manera que en la mola completa se transformará en neoplasia. CASO CLÍNICO: Paciente de 43 años que acudió a consulta debido a la caída de su plano de sustentación 3 días antes, con dolor pélvico en el hipogastrio, tipo cólico de intensidad moderada, sin sangrado transvaginal. Refirió estar embarazada, sin recordar la fecha de la última menstruación; sin control prenatal ni ultrasonido previo. A la exploración física el abdomen se encontró globoso, a expensas de útero hipertrófico de 16 x 12 x 10 cm, concentraciones de HGCß mayores de 150,000 mUI/mL. El ultrasonido endovaginal y pélvico reportaron: útero en anteversoflexión, central, aumentado de tamaño por imagen ecográfica en copos de nieve. Diagnóstico: mola hidatiforme. Se indicó la histerectomía abdominal, con hallazgos de útero aumentado de tamaño a expensas de mola completa y anexos sin alteraciones. CONCLUSIÓN: El diagnóstico de la paciente fue fortuito, advertido en el ultrasonido. La conducta terapéutica establecida para este tipo de casos en pacientes mayores con paridad satisfecha permitió que la evolución fuera satisfactoria y continuar en seguimiento.

Abstract BACKGROUND: Hydatidiform mole is divided into complete and partial. The former originates from fertilization of an anucleate ovum by two spermatozoa with independent genetic load and the predominant clinical manifestation is hemorrhage. The uterine size is usually larger than normal, with subjective symptoms of pregnancy. The importance of this type of tumor is its premalignant character that can evolve into a trophoblastic neoplasm, so that in the complete mole it will transform into a neoplasm. CLINICAL CASE: 43-year-old patient who came for consultation due to the fall of her support plane 3 days earlier, with pelvic pain in the hypogastrium, cramping of moderate intensity, without transvaginal bleeding. She reported being pregnant, without remembering the date of her last menstrual period; no prenatal check-up or previous ultrasound. On physical examination the abdomen was found to be globose, at the expense of a hypertrophic uterus measuring 16 x 12 x 10 cm, HGCß concentrations greater than 150,000 mIU/mL. Endovaginal and pelvic ultrasound reported: anteverted, central, enlarged uterus with snowflake-shaped ultrasound image. Diagnosis: hydatidiform mole. Abdominal hysterectomy was indicated, with findings of an enlarged uterus at the expense of complete mole and unaltered adnexa. CONCLUSION: The patient's diagnosis was fortuitous, noticed on ultrasound. The therapeutic approach established for this type of case in older patients with satisfactory parity allowed for a satisfactory evolution and continued follow-up.

Ginecol. obstet. Méx ; 91(6): 462-467, ene. 2023. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1506283


Resumen ANTECDENTES: El embarazo molar parcial, con feto vivo sano coexistente, es una forma rara de las molas hidatiformes. Debido a los pocos casos reportados se carece de guías que marquen la pauta para la atención médica de estas pacientes. Si bien el riesgo de complicaciones obstétricas en estos casos es alto, un gran porcentaje de las pacientes puede llegar a tener un recién nacido sano. CASO CLÍNICO: Paciente de 29 años, primigesta, con embarazo espontáneo. A las 23.3 semanas se detectó, por ultrasonido, que la placenta tenía múltiples imágenes anecoicas en su interior, un patrón en "racimo de uvas" que sugería un posible embarazo molar. La paciente decidió continuar con el embarazo a pesar de haberle explicado los riesgos obstétricos. Durante el resto del embarazo cursó con hipertensión gestacional y trombocitopenia, quizá gestacional. Se decidió la finalización del embarazo por vía abdominal a las 38 semanas. El reporte histopatológico corroboró el diagnóstico de mola hidatiforme parcial. CONCLUSIÓN: El momento de finalización del embarazo se determina con base en las complicaciones de la madre o el feto. Es importante la adecuada comunicación con la paciente.

Abstract BACKGROUND: Partial molar pregnancy with coexisting healthy living fetus is a rare form of hydatidiform molas. Due to the few reported cases, there is a lack of guidelines for the medical care of these patients. Although the risk of obstetric complications in these cases is high, a large percentage of patients may go on to have a healthy newborn. CLINICAL CASE: A 29-year-old primigravida patient with a spontaneous pregnancy. At 23.3 weeks, the placenta was detected by ultrasound to have multiple anechoic images in its interior, a "cluster of grapes" pattern suggesting a possible molar pregnancy. The patient decided to continue with the pregnancy after the obstetric risks were explained to her. During the remainder of the pregnancy she presented with gestational hypertension and thrombocytopenia, perhaps gestational. It was decided to terminate the pregnancy by abdominal approach at 38 weeks. The histopathological report corroborated the diagnosis of partial hydatidiform mole. CONCLUSION: The timing of termination of pregnancy is determined based on maternal or fetal complications. Adequate communication with the patient is important.

Ginecol. obstet. Méx ; 91(3): 210-217, ene. 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1448334


Resumen ANTECEDENTE: La neoplasia trofoblástica gestacional forma parte del grupo de afecciones derivadas de la proliferación anómala del trofoblasto con capacidad para invasión y metástasis. CASO CLÍNICO: Paciente de 42 años, asintomática, con sospecha ecográfica de mola hidatiforme. El legrado uterino y el estudio anatomopatológico confirmaron el diagnóstico de mola hidatiforme completa. Con la cuantificación consecutiva de tres elevaciones de la β-HCG se diagnosticó: neoplasia trofoblástica gestacional. Se estadificó en estadio I, bajo riesgo y ante el deseo genésico satisfecho la paciente aceptó la histerectomía más salpingectomía bilateral. En el seguimiento posterior la paciente se encontró asintomática, con determinaciones seriadas de b-HCG negativa y ecografías vaginales sin hallazgos. CONCLUSIÓN: La histerectomía con salpingectomía bilateral puede ser el tratamiento definitivo en casos seleccionados de neoplasia trofoblástica. La evidencia disponible es escasa, por lo que es necesario seguir investigando en este campo.

Abstract BACKGROUND: Gestational trophoblastic neoplasia is one of a group of conditions resulting from abnormal trophoblast proliferation with capacity for invasion and metastasis. CLINICAL CASE: 42-year-old asymptomatic patient with ultrasound suspicion of hydatidiform mole. Uterine curettage and anatomopathological study confirmed the diagnosis of complete hydatidiform mole. With the consecutive quantification of three elevations of β-HCG a diagnosis of gestational trophoblastic neoplasia was made. It was staged as stage I, low-risk, and the patient agreed to hysterectomy plus bilateral salpingectomy. At subsequent follow-up the patient was found to be asymptomatic, with negative serial determinations of β-HCG and vaginal ultrasound scans without findings. CONCLUSION: Hysterectomy with bilateral salpingectomy may be the definitive treatment in selected cases of trophoblastic neoplasia. The available evidence is scarce and further research is needed in this field.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-219156


Introduction: Clinically, all trophoblastic lesions are frequently combined under a broad spectrum of gestational trophoblastic diseases (GTDs)without the use of specific pathological terms. However, studies now demonstrate that various forms of GTDs demonstrate differences in etiology, histogenesis, morphology, and clinical behavior. Thus, the need for diagnostic histopathology of these lesions to distinguish gestational trophoblastic neoplasms from nonneoplastic lesions and molar pregnancies and also for early anticipation for early anticipation, risk category stratification, prognostication, management, and prediction of persistent GTD. Our study aimed to study the histomorphological patterns of various types of GTD with light microscopy and the pattern of occurrence of GTDs in relation to age, parity, and gestation. MaterialsandMethods: The present study was conducted in the department of pathology, from January 2020 to April 2022. All GTDs confirmed by histopathological examination by hematoxylin‑ and eosin‑stained slides were included. Results: The spectrum of GTDs found in this study was seventy cases of hydatidiform mole (92.10%), three cases of exaggerated placental site (EPS) reaction (3.94%), and two cases of choriocarcinoma (2.63%) and one case (1.31%) of placental site trophoblastic tumor (PSTT). The most common presenting symptom was vaginal bleeding (93.42%). Conclusion: Hydatidiform mole forms the most common type of GTD with an incidence of complete moles more than partial moles. Histomorphological examination and analysis are helpful for confirmatory diagnosis. The most common clinical presentation of GTD was vaginal bleeding followed by amenorrhea. Emphasis on detailed descriptive morphological assessment can help in the histological distinction of benign lesions such as EPS reaction and placental site nodule and avert such cases from being erroneously diagnosed as neoplastic. The Ki‑67 proliferation index helped in distinguishing the EPS reaction from neoplastic lesions such as PSTT which requires surgical intervention and chemotherapy.

Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1534157


Introduction: Hydatidiform mole is a type of gestational trophoblastic disease that results from the abnormal fertilization of an oocyte and causes nonspecific symptoms such as amenorrhea, metrorrhagia, and enlarged uterus. Although rare, its most characteristic symptoms include hyperemesis, early-onset pre-eclampsia, anemia, and respiratory distress. Case presentation: A 47-year-old Moroccan woman consulted the emergency department of the Hospital Clínico Universitario in Valladolid (Spain) after a month of persistent coughing and emesis. The patient reported epigastralgia and amenorrhoea for two months, as well as scant vaginal bleeding two days prior to consultation. Taking into account that the patient tested positive for pregnancy, that a heterogeneous intrauterine mass measuring 124x120mm was observed on transvaginal ultrasound, that no abnormal findings were reported on Doppler ultrasound, and that her serum ßhCG levels reached a value of 772.110 mIU/mL, a diagnosis of hydatidiform mole was suspected. Once informed about the possible therapeutic options, the patient decided to undergo a total hysterectomy, as she stated that she had already fulfilled her desire to be a mother. After the procedure, the patient's clinical condition improved, and the pathology report of the mass confirmed the diagnosis of partial hydatidiform mole. Conclusion: Early diagnosis of hydatidiform mole is paramount in order to provide adequate treatment and improve the prognosis of these patients. Therefore, despite its low incidence and non-specific clinical manifestations, it should be considered as a differential diagnosis for first-trimester metrorrhagia.

Introducción. La mola hidatiforme es un tipo de enfermedad trofoblástica gestacional que se presenta como resultado de la fertilización anormal de un ovocito y que ocasiona síntomas inespecíficos como amenorrea, metrorragia y aumento del tamaño del útero. Aunque infrecuentes, sus síntomas más característicos incluyen hiperémesis, preeclampsia de inicio temprano, anemia y distrés respiratorio. Presentación del caso. Mujer marroquí de 47 años que consultó al servicio de urgencias del Hospital Clínico Universitario de Valladolid debido a que había presentado tos y vómitos por un mes. La paciente refirió haber sufrido epigastralgia y amenorrea por dos meses, así como escaso sangrado vaginal en los últimos dos días. Teniendo en cuenta que la paciente dio positivo en una prueba de embarazo, que en la ecografía transvaginal se observó una masa intrauterina heterogénea de 124x120mm, que no se reportaron hallazgos anormales en la ecografía Doppler y que sus niveles séricos de ßhCG alcanzaron un valor de 772.110 mUI/mL, se sospechó un diagnóstico de mola hidatiforme. Una vez informada sobre las posibles alternativas terapéuticas, la paciente decidió someterse a una histerectomía total, pues refirió que ya había cumplido su deseo de ser madre. Luego de realizar procedimiento, la condición clínica de la paciente mejoró; además, el informe de patología de la masa permitió confirmar el diagnóstico de mola hidatiforme parcial. Conclusiones. El diagnóstico temprano de la mola hidatiforme es de gran importancia para ofrecer un tratamiento adecuado y, de esta forma, mejorar el pronóstico de estas pacientes. Por tanto, a pesar de su baja incidencia y sus manifestaciones clínicas inespecíficas, se debe considerar como diagnóstico diferencial de las metrorragias del primer trimestre.

Health Sciences Journal ; : 138-143, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-961147


@#Gestational trophoblastic neoplasia (GTN), a malignancy arising from trophoblastic tissue of pregnancy, is an aggressive disease process with a high probability of metastasis if left untreated. This is a case report on metastatic invasive mole arising from a molar pregnancy. Four months after suction curettage, a mass was noted in the left broad ligament on exploratory laparotomy with intact uterine serosa. Clinical presentation, biochemical, and radiological parameters led to a diagnosis of persistent trophoblastic disease. Histopathological findings also confirmed the diagnosis. Prompt chemotherapy was given after removal of the left intraligamentary mass, and subsequent response to treatment was documented. We report a case demonstrating a different clinical presentation of invasive mole and its potential to metastasize to the broad ligament without uterine perforation or direct extension.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-911951


We describe a case of spontaneous conception following ovarian stimulation, in which a singleton pregnancy was revealed by ultrasound at 17 gestational weeks, with a multi-cystic "honeycomb" pattern in part of the placenta. With close monitoring, the patient delivered a healthy male neonate through cesarean section at 38 gestational weeks. The clinical findings, combined with ultrasound, laboratory, pathological, and immunohistochemistry examination, and short tandem repeat genotyping, confirmed a twin pregnancy consisting of a complete mole and coexisting fetus. No obvious abnormalities were found in the mother or the boy during a four-and-a-half-year's follow-up.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-911978


Objective:To investigate the diagnosis and management of partial or complete hydatidiform mole with coexistent intrauterine pregnancy.Methods:Clinical data of 10 cases of hydatidiform mole with coexistent intrauterine pregnancy admitted to the Third Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University, from September 2009 to May 2019 were retrospectively described.Results:(1) During the same period, 65 960 women were delivered at our hospital, and hydatidiform mole with coexistent intrauterine pregnancy was accounted for 1/6 596, among which complete hydatidiform mole and coexisting fetus (CHMCF) and partial hydatidiform mole and coexistent fetus (PHMCF) were found in four and six cases, respectively. The mean age of the ten patients were (30.9±4.1) years old, ranging from 26 to 35 years old, with 2.5 (1-4) times of pregnancies. Nine cases were identified at 22 +3 (12 +3-32 +3) gestational weeks and one at 9 + weeks. (2) Recurrent vaginal bleeding during pregnancy occurred in six cases, nausea and vomiting in three cases, and hyperthyroidism in mid- and late pregnancy in two cases. One patient developed preeclampsia and one case of severe mitral regurgitation with mild pulmonary hypertension. (3) In the 10 patients, the summit serum β -hCG level was 139 935 (16 990-546 033) U/L, and CHMCF and PHMCF patients were 212 500 (200 000-546 033) U/L and 60 768 (16 990-225 000) U/L, respectively. (4) The ultrasound results revealed a dark honeycomb area of the placenta in five cases, placental thickening in two cases, and vesicular placenta in one case. One case was found with bilateral giant luteinized ovarian cyst by ultrasound, multiple metastases in the left lower lobe of the lung by chest CT, multiple nodules in the pleural wall of the left lung by lung MRI, and CHMCF by pelvic MRI. In one case, ultrasound at 14 weeks of gestation showed interrupted fetal abdominal wall, visible mass, gastric bubble, liver, part of the intestinal echoes, and omphalocele. One case was found with embryo arrest. (5) The karyotype analysis of one case through amniocentesis was 46,XX with no anomalies, and chromosome microarray analysis was arr[hg19](1-22)×2. Prenatal diagnosis was refused in the remaining cases. (6) Among the ten patients, three were terminated by rivanol intra-amniotic injection, two received drug abortion, and uterine evacuation, and two with spontaneous abortion followed by curettage with a visible fetus and hydatidiform tissue. Total hysterectomy was performed in one patient due to partial invasion of the uterus by hydatidiform mole. One patient underwent a cesarean section on account of the left lower lung metastasis. One case developed preeclampsia at 33 +4 weeks of gestation and delivered two premature infants by cesarean section. Pathology examination found a complete and partial vesicular fetal mass in four and six cases, with P57 (-) and P57 (+), respectively. (7) During the follow-up, two women developed the persistent trophoblastic disease and received chemotherapy, while the remaining eight cases did not. Conclusions:When hydatidiform mole with coexistent intrauterine pregnancy is found, a timely differential diagnosis between CHMCF and PHMCF is needed. CHMCF is at a higher risk of abortion, intrauterine death, premature delivery, preeclampsia, and other maternal complications. Therefore, termination of CHMCF should be individualized. Most PHMCF patients have fetal malformation or fetal loss; thereby, timely termination is recommended.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-910169


Objective:To investigate the clinical characteristics and perinatal outcomes of pregnancy with placental cystic lesions.Methods:A retrospective study was carried out on 48 pregnant women diagnosed as pregnancy complicated with placental cystic lesions from January 2000 to January 2020 at the Women′s Hospital, Zhejiang University School of Medicine. The clinical features, pathological diagnosis and perinatal outcome were analyzed.Results:The age of 48 cases was (30±5) years, and the diagnostic gestational week of ultrasound was (24±8) weeks. Twenty-five cases in which showed a cystic mass at the fetal surface were diagnosed as placental cyst. The live birth rate was 100% (25/25) and the premature birth rate was 20% (5/25). Twenty-three cases showed “honeycomb like” cystic echo. Cystic lesions of 10 cases were located in the uterine cavity connected with the margin of the normal placenta, and finally diagnosed as hydatidiform mole and coexisting fetus (HMCF). Six cases of HMCF terminated pregnancy, and the live birth rate was 4/10, the premature delivery rate was 2/4. Cystic lesions of 13 cases were located in the placenta substance, and finally diagnosed as 4 cases of placental mesenchymal dysplasia (PMD) and 9 cases of focal chorionic edema; the live birth rate was 6/13 and the premature delivery rate was 4/6. The median hCG was lower in focal chorionic edema group [80 kU/L (60-110 kU/L)] than in the groups of HMCF [240 kU/L (180-430 kU/L)] and PMD [360 kU/L (210-700 kU/L)], and the differences were statistically significant (all P<0.01). Conclusions:For pregnancy complicated with placental cystic lesions, prenatal ultrasound should be performed to evaluate the shape, location and blood flow of the lesions. Maternal serological examination and invasive prenatal diagnosis are helpful for prenatal diagnosis and treatment. Due to the difference of perinatal outcomes, maternal and fetal complications, individualized pregnancy management should be carried out.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-215230


The term ‘gestational trophoblastic disease’, includes lesions, some of which are categorized as true neoplasms, and others that are representative of placentas that are malformed. It refers to various lesions that accompany the premalignant type, some of which are hydatidiform moles of the partial or the whole variety. The malignant type of lesions (GTD / GTN), include the following: choriocarcinoma, epithelioid trophoblastic tumour, placental site trophoblastic tumour, and invasive moles. METHODSA total number of thirty-four cases of GTD during the last two years at a tertiary care hospital was studied, relevant data was collected, and histological features studied. RESULTS79.41% of GTDs in the present study were complete mole, 58.82% of GTDs occurred in nullipara, 52.94% cases had GTDs seen in the third decade, 14.70% cases had history of previous GTD, 5.88% cases had history of previous abortion, 2.94% cases had a history of previous ectopic pregnancy, and case with choriocarcinoma had the highest HCG levels. In contrast, case with epithelioid trophoblastic tumour had the least HCG levels. CONCLUSIONSIn this particular study, it was found that most of the GTDs occurred in nulliparous women in their thirties and their occurrence increased with risk factors like a previous history of GTD, abortions, or ectopic pregnancy.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-207960


Background: Gestational Trophoblastic Diseases (GTD) encompass a wide spectrum of proliferative disorders of trophoblast tissue, which hold a good prognosis if diagnosed and treated on time. A close understanding of the disease spectrum is therefore needed to reduce morbidity and mortality.Methods: This is an observational study (both prospective and retrospective analysis) conducted in Rajendra Institute of Medical Sciences, a tertiary care teaching hospital in Ranchi, Jharkhand over a period of 2 years from 1st January 2017 to 31st December 2018.Results: A total of 162 cases of GTD were identified during the study period. Disease spectrum comprised of complete molar pregnancy in 146 (90.12%) and partial molar pregnancy in 7 (4.3%), GTN in 9 out of 162 cases (5.5%). Bleeding per vaginum preceded by amenorrhea was the most common symptom, observed in 95.4% of the cases. Uterine size was more than period of amenorrhea in almost 50% of the cases. Theca lutein cysts were found in 39.8% of the cases, hypertension in 21.5%, hyperthyroidism in 6.5% cases. Overall, there were nine (5.56%) cases of choriocarcinoma and six (3.7%) cases of Invasive mole. Remission rate in GTN was 86.7% with chemotherapy.Conclusions: Women complaining of vaginal bleeding in first half of pregnancy with uterine size more than period of amenorrhea must be evaluated for GTD by ultrasound and serum beta HCG. For cases of molar pregnancies, suction and evacuation remains the treatment of choice but need for regular follow-up and strict compliance to contraception during entire follow up has to be emphasized. Cases of GTN have excellent remission with chemotherapy.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-207870


Background: Gestational trophoblastic diseases (GTDs) had been associated with significant morbidity and mortality till recently. Wide variation in incidences have been reported worldwide. The present study was planned with the objective of determination of incidence, assessment of risk factors, clinical presentation, management protocols and outcomes in GTD cases in Indian population at a tertiary care centre.Methods: All the diagnosed cases of GTD reporting to study centre during study period of 1.5 years were included. Detailed history taking, examination and relevant investigations (Hb%, blood grouping, thyroid functions, serum ß-hCG, USG and chest X-ray) were undertaken. Suction and evacuation were done for all patients as primary mode of management and samples were sent for histopathological examination. Comprehensive follow ups were done, including weekly ß-hCG until normal for 3 consecutive weeks followed by monthly determination until the levels were normal for 6 consecutive months.Results: Total 22 cases out of 19500 deliveries were diagnosed as GTD (incidence rate-1.13/1000 deliveries). Mean age was 23.64±3.89 years with 50% participants being primigravida. The commonest symptom after amenorrhea 22 (100%) was bleeding per-vaginum 15 (68.2%). Maximum cases were of complete hydatidiform mole histopathology 16 (72.73%), USG 19 (86.4%). Clinical characteristics were statistically comparable between patients of complete mole and partial mole. Out of 22 cases, 1 (4.5%) was diagnosed as GTN.Conclusions: Early diagnosis and treatment along with regular follow up is the key in GTD. There is need to establish a centralized disease specific registry in future.

Rev. Ciênc. Méd. Biol. (Impr.) ; 19(1): 133-138, jun 17, 2020. tab, fig
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1358916


Introdução: perdas gestacionais esporádicas são comuns e estima-se que aproximadamente 30 a 50% de todas as concepções não terminem em um recém-nascido vivo. Patologia materna ou alteração genética de natureza cromossômica, em um dos progenitores, são fatores de risco favoráveis a esses acontecimentos. Outras situações que podem estar relacionadas às alterações cromossômicas são a infertilidade e a ocorrência de mola hidatiforme (neoplasia trofoblástica gestacional), caracterizada por interferência na formação e desenvolvimento do embrião. Embora haja um consenso sobre o caráter multifatorial das perdas gestacionais, incluindo componentes anatômicos, imunológicos, endócrinos, genéticos e ambientais, ainda assim, a causalidade pode permanecer desconhecida. Objetivos: analisar e quantificar achados de dificuldades reprodutivas relacionados a presença de alterações cromossômicas encontrados no serviço de genética realizado pelo programa Genética & Sociedade, do Instituto de Biologia da Universidade Federal da Bahia. Metodologia: estudo descritivo e analítico, realizado por meio de consulta a fichas de anamneses, preenchidas durante o atendimento de casais, que buscaram o serviço de genética comunitária para aconselhamento genético no período de vinte anos. Resultados: entre os 73 casais selecionados para estudo, 59 (80,8%) relataram abortos recorrentes, 9 (12,3%) tinham histórico de mola hidatiforme e 5 (6,8%) apresentaram infertilidade. Entre as alterações foram verificadas translocações, inversões, além de polimorfismos de regiões heterocromáticas. Conclusões: o presente estudo confirma a importância das alterações cromossômicas na etiologia das dificuldades reprodutivas, justificando a busca pelo aconselhamento genético. Em termos de saúde pública, traz contribuições para o entendimento das condições genéticas da comunidade beneficiada pelo programa Genética & Sociedade.

Introduction: sporadic gestational losses are common, it's estimated that approximately 30 to 50% of all conceptions don't end in a newborn alive. Maternal pathology or genetic alterations of chromosomal nature in one of the progenitors are risk factors favorable to these events. Other situations that may be related to chromosomal alterations are infertility and the occurrence of hydatidiform mole (gestational trophoblastic neoplasia), characterized by interference in the formation and development of the embryo. Although there is a consensus about the multifactorial nature of gestational losses, including anatomical, immunological, endocrine, genetic and environmental components, however, the causality may remain unknown. Objectives: analyze and quantify the findings of reproductive difficulties related to the presence of chromosomal alterations found in the genetics service performed by the Genética&Sociedade program of the Biology Institute of the Federal University of Bahia. Methodology: a descriptive and analytical study, carried out by consultation of anamnesis records, made during the care of couples, who sought the community genetic service for genetic counseling in the period of twenty years. Results: among the 73 couples selected, 59 (80.8%) reported recurrent abortions, 9 (12.3%) had a history of hydatidiform mole and 5 (6.8%) had infertility. Among all the alterations, were found translocations, inversions, and polymorphisms of heterochromatic regions. Conclusions: this study confirms the importance of chromosomal alterations in the etiology of reproductive difficulties, justifying the search for genetic counseling. In terms of public health, it contributes to the understanding of the genetic conditions in the community benefited by the Genética&Sociedade program.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Mola Hidatiforme , Aborto Espontâneo , Aberrações Cromossômicas , Infertilidade , Métodos de Análise Laboratorial e de Campo , Prontuários Médicos , Epidemiologia Descritiva
Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-207628


Partial hydatidiform mole can evolve into a metastatic trophoblastic tumor. A 36-year-old, multiparous woman, pregnant with a 22-week embryonic hydatidiform mole, having spontaneously expelled. Histopathological examination showed a non-invasive partial mole. During biological monitoring, a trophoblastic tumor was diagnosed with pulmonary metastasis on CT-scan and myometrial invasion by MRI. Authors opted for a monochemotherapy with a good evolution. The potential risk of malignant transformation of the partial hydatidiform mole requires an adequate therapeutic strategy with strict monitoring.

Rev. peru. ginecol. obstet. (En línea) ; 66(2): 00010, abr-jun 2020. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1145000


RESUMEN Comunicamos el caso de una gestante referida por sospecha de mola parcial. Las imágenes ultrasonográficas mostraban un feto normal unido a placenta pequeña, adyacente a una masa tumoral en 'panal de abejas'. Se realizó amniocentesis, con resultado de cariotipo normal. Debido a valores de hCG-β superiores a 800 000 UI y crecimiento de la masa de 11% a la resonancia magnética, se realizó biopsia tumoral percutánea guiada por ecografía, la cual alejó la posibilidad de coriocarcinoma. La paciente hizo síntomas de hipertiroidismo que requirieron tratamiento y, al superar la hCG-β el millón de unidades, se decidió dar un curso de quimioterapia. A las 29 semanas inició trabajo de parto; se realizó cesárea-histerectomía, obteniéndose recién nacido vivo, con Apgar 5 y 7. Al examen anatomopatológico, la masa placentaria resultó mola invasiva. De acuerdo con nuestra búsqueda, se comunica el primer caso en la literatura de coexistencia de mola invasiva con feto sano, y resaltamos la importancia de usar las herramientas diagnósticas y de manejo necesarias para lograr la viabilidad del producto de la concepción, sin incrementar el riesgo materno.

ABSTRACT We report the case of a pregnant woman referred to our hospital for suspected partial hydatidiform mole. Ultrasound images showed a normal fetus attached to a small placenta adjacent to a honeycomb-like tumor mass. Amniocentesis revealed a normal karyotype. Due to β-hCG values greater than 800 000 IU and a mass growth of 11% by magnetic resonance imaging, an ultrasound-guided percutaneous tumor biopsy was performed; it ruled out the possibility of choriocarcinoma. The patient had symptoms of hyperthyroidism that required treatment; when the β-HCG levels exceeded one million IU, a course of chemotherapy was prescribed. At 29 weeks, the patient started labor; a cesarean hysterectomy was performed, obtaining a live newborn with Apgar 5 and 7. The pathology report informed the placental mass as an invasive mole. According to our literature search, this is the first case report where an invasive mole coexisted with a healthy fetus. We highlight the importance of using all diagnostic and management tools necessary to achieve fetal viability, without increasing the maternal risk of complications.

Rev. Fac. Med. Hum ; 20(1): 64-69, Jan-Mar. 2020.
Artigo em Inglês, Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1048877


Objetivo: Determinar los factores de riesgo asociados a enfermedad trofoblástica gestacional en pacientes atendidas en consultorio externo del servicio de Ginecobstetricia del Hospital Nacional Hipólito Unanue entre enero 2014 y diciembre del 2018. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio observacional, retrospectivo, analítico de tipo casos y controles. Se tomó como muestra un total de 60 casos y se revisaron 120 historias como grupo control. La información obtenida de la revisión de historias clínicas fue registrada en la ficha de recolección de datos. Se determinó el odds ratio con sus respectivos intervalos de confianza (IC=95%). Para el análisis multivariado se empleó un modelo de regresión logística binaria. Resultados: En el análisis bivariado los factores asociados a enfermedad trofoblástica gestacional fueron el antecedente de aborto (OR 6,54; IC 95% 3.12 - 13.74; p <0.001) y la multiparidad (OR 3.35; IC 95%: 1.47 - 7.65; p <0,001). La edad menor a 20 años se asoció a una menor frecuencia (OR: 0.13; IC: 0.03-0.48 p<0.001). En el análisis multivariado las únicas variables que mostraron significancia fueron el antecedente de aborto (OR 4.85; IC95% 1.82-12.91; p=0.002) como factor de riesgo y la edad menor a 20 años como factor protector (OR 0.08; IC95% 0.02-0.32; p<0.001). Conclusión: El antecedente de aborto y la multiparidad se asociaron a la presencia de enfermedad trofoblástica gestacional, mientras que la edad menor a 20 años se comportó como un factor protector.

Objective: To determine the risk factors associated with gestational trophoblastic disease in patients treated in an outpatient office of the Gynecobstetrics service of the National Hospital Hipólito Unanue between January 2014 and December 2018. Methods: An observational, retrospective, analytical study of cases and controls was conducted. A total of 60 cases were taken as a sample and 120 stories were reviewed as a control group. The information obtained from the review of medical records was recorded in the data collection form. The odds ratio was determined with their respective confidence intervals (CI = 95%). For the multivariate analysis, a binary logistic regression model was used. Results: In the bivariate analysis, the factors associated with gestational trophoblastic disease were the history of abortion (OR 6.54; 95% CI 3.12 - 13.74; p <0.001) and multiparity (OR 3.35; 95% CI: 1.47 - 7.65; p <0.001). Age under 20 years was associated with a lower frequency (OR: 0.13; CI: 0.03-0.48 p <0.001). In the multivariate analysis, the only variables that showed significance were the history of abortion (OR 4.85; 95% CI 1.82-12.91; p = 0.002) as a risk factor and age under 20 years as a protective factor (OR 0.08; 95% CI 0.02 -0.32; p <0.001). Conclusion: The history of abortion and multiparity were associated with the presence of gestational trophoblastic disease, while the age under 20 years behaved as a protective factor.

Rev. Fac. Med. Hum ; 20(1): 64-69, Jan-Mar. 2020. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1143738


RESUMEN Objetivo : Determinar los factores de riesgo asociados a enfermedad trofoblástica gestacional en pacientes atendidas en consultorio externo del servicio de ginecobstetricia del Hospital Nacional Hipólito Unanue entre enero 2014 y diciembre del 2018. Métodos : Se realizó un estudio observacional, retrospectivo, analítico de tipo casos y controles. Se tomó como muestra un total de 60 casos y se revisaron 120 historias como grupo control. La información obtenida de la revisión de historias clínicas fue registrada en la ficha de recolección de datos. Se determinó el odds ratio con sus respectivos intervalos de confianza (IC=95%). Para el análisis multivariado se empleó un modelo de regresión logística binaria. Resultados : En el análisis bivariado los factores asociados a enfermedad trofoblástica gestacional fueron el antecedente de aborto (OR 6,54; IC 95% 3,12 - 13,74; p <0,001) y la multiparidad (OR 3,35; IC 95%: 1,47 - 7,65; p <0,001). La edad menor a 20 años se asoció a una menor frecuencia (OR: 0,13; IC: 0,03-0,48 p<0,001). En el análisis multivariado las únicas variables que mostraron significancia fueron el antecedente de aborto (OR 4,85; IC95% 1,82-12,91; p=0.002) como factor de riesgo y la edad menor a 20 años como factor protector (OR 0,08; IC95% 0,02-0,32; p<0,001). Conclusiones El antecedente de aborto y la multiparidad se asociaron a la presencia de enfermedad trofoblástica gestacional, mientras que la edad menor a 20 años se comportó como un factor protector.

ABSTRACT Objective : To determine the risk factors associated with gestational trophoblastic disease in patients treated in an outpatient office of the Gynecobstetrics service of the National Hospital Hipólito Unanue between January 2014 and December 2018. Method : An observational, retrospective, analytical study of cases and controls was conducted. A total of 60 cases were taken as a sample and 120 stories were reviewed as a control group. The information obtained from the review of medical records was recorded in the data collection form. The odds ratio was determined with their respective confidence intervals (CI = 95%). For the multivariate analysis, a binary logistic regression model was used. Results : In the bivariate analysis, the factors associated with gestational trophoblastic disease were the history of abortion (OR 6.54; 95% CI 3.12 - 13.74; p <0.001) and multiparity (OR 3.35; 95% CI: 1.47 - 7.65; p <0.001). Age under 20 years was associated with a lower frequency (OR: 0.13; CI: 0.03-0.48 p <0.001). In the multivariate analysis, the only variables that showed significance were the history of abortion (OR 4.85; 95% CI 1.82-12.91; p = 0.002) as a risk factor and age under 20 years as a protective factor (OR 0.08; 95% CI 0.02 -0.32; p <0.001). Conclusions : The history of abortion and multiparity were associated with the presence of gestational trophoblastic disease, while the age under 20 years behaved as a protective factor.

Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-876592


Background@#Administration of chemotherapy to prevent postmolar gestational trophoblastic neoplasia was first implemented in the 1960’s. However, its use has remained controversial.@*Objectives@#This study aimed to describe the effect of chemoprophylaxis in preventing progression of hydatidiform mole to gestational trophoblastic neoplasia among patients managed in a tertiary hospital in Davao City from 2011 to 2015.@*Materials & Method@#This retrospective cross-sectional study evaluated 123 cases of hydatidiform mole who were managed at a tertiary hospital in Davao City from the years 2011 to 2015. The patients’ charts were retrieved to get the clinicodemographic profile, progression to gestational trophoblastic neoplasia, and occurrence of adverse effects secondary to chemoprophylaxis. Patients with rising or plateauing beta human chorionic gonadotropin titer were identified within the 3-year period from molar evacuation. Collected data were analyzed using frequency and percentage distribution.@*Results@#The mean age of the patients was 30.5 years, 24% of whom were noted in women more than 40 years of age. The average age of gestation on admission was 14.89 weeks. All patients had a histopathologic diagnosis of complete mole and at least one risk factor for developing postmolar gestational trophoblastic neoplasia. Patients did not experience any significant side effect to chemoprophylaxis. None of the patients developed gestational trophoblastic neoplasia within the 3-year period of monitoring.@*Conclusion@#The administration of chemoprophylaxis to patients diagnosed with hydatidiform mole may be effective against the development of postmolar gestational trophoblastic neoplasia.

Gravidez , Feminino , Doença Trofoblástica Gestacional , Mola Hidatiforme , Neoplasias , Quimioprevenção