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Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1031009


@#Nevoid hyperkeratosis of the nipple and areola (NHNA) is a rare, asymptomatic skin condition characterized by verrucous, hyperpigmented papules, and plaques. It predominantly affects the nipple and areola, often bilaterally. Less than 50 cases have been reported worldwide, with only 39% showing unilateral breast involvement. In the Philippines, a single medical literature from 2014 describes two cases of adolescent‑onset NHNA. We report a rare case of a 40‑year‑old, Filipino woman with a 1‑year history of a mildly pruritic, solitary, well‑demarcated, irregularly shaped, black papule that progressed into a plaque on her right areola. There was suspicion of cutaneous malignancy due to some of the clinical features of the lesion and lack of response to initial treatment. With a correlation between clinical presentation and histopathologic findings, the features were consistent with NHNA. This is a benign skin condition that can mimic and must be differentiated from malignant tumors. Various treatment modalities were described in different medical literatures, some resulting in recurrence or treatment failure, but there is no standard management for this condition. Skin biopsy is crucial to rule out malignancy in cases presenting with persistent and progressively solitary pigmented lesions that do not respond to topical medications. The usual treatment options based on literature include various topicals, lasers, and surgical procedures. In our case, clobetasol propionate ointment was used. While most published cases show varied responses to topical corticosteroids, the result in our case was significant.

Mamilos , Clobetasol , Mamilos
Rev. cuba. pediatr ; 94(2)jun. 2022.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1409135


RESUMEN Introducción: La lengua vellosa negra es un trastorno benigno adquirido, de presentación inusual en pediatría. Consiste en una glositis benigna caracterizada por una hipertrofia de las papilas filiformes linguales, con aumento de su queratinización, lo cual condiciona que la superficie adquiera un aspecto velloso con un color que varía de pardo negruzco a negro, debido a la presencia de microorganismos productores de sustancias cromógenas. Objetivo: Describir las principales características de esta entidad y revisar los conceptos más actuales. Presentación del caso: Lactante de 10 meses que es llevado a consulta al notar la madre que el niño presentaba una lengua de color negro, con antecedentes de haber sido tratado con cefalexina debido a un impétigo contagioso 10 días antes. El examen físico mostró un aumento de volumen de las papilas filiformes linguales, posiblemente vinculada al uso del antibiótico, asociada a una defectuosa limpieza de la lengua. En el estudio microbiológico se aisló Cándida albicans, que se consideró como hallazgo concomitante. El tratamiento consistió en medidas de limpieza de la lengua con buena respuesta. Conclusiones: La lengua vellosa negra es una enfermedad autolimitada rara en lactantes, de diagnóstico clínico y buen pronóstico. El tratamiento debe ir encaminado al empleo de medidas higiénicas, como terapéutica de primera línea. El tratamiento antifúngico por lo general es innecesario. Hasta donde conocemos, este es el primer caso en Cuba, documentado en la literatura médica.

ABSTRACT Introduction: Black hairy tongue is an acquired benign disorder, of unusual presentation in pediatrics. It consists of a benign glossitis characterized by a hypertrophy of the lingual filiform papillae, with increased keratinization, which conditions that the surface acquires a hairy appearance with a color that varies from blackish brown to black, due to the presence of microorganisms that produce chromogenic substances. Objective: Describe the main characteristics of this entity and review the most current concepts. Case Presentation: A 10-month-old infant who is taken to the consultation when the mother notices that the child had a black tongue, with a history of having been treated with cephalexin due to a contagious impetigo 10 days before. Physical examination showed an increase in volume of the lingual filiform papillae, possibly linked to the use of the antibiotic, associated with a defective cleaning of the tongue. In the microbiological study, Candida albicans was isolated, which was considered as a concomitant finding. The treatment consisted of tongue cleaning measures with good response. Conclusions: Black hairy tongue is a rare self-limiting disease in infants, with a clinical diagnosis and a good prognosis. Treatment should be aimed at the use of hygienic measures, as first-line therapy. Antifungal treatment is usually unnecessary. As far as we know, this is the first case in Cuba, documented in the medical literature.

Rev. medica electron ; 43(6): 1728-1737, dic. 2021.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1409674


RESUMEN La hiperqueratosis es un trastorno caracterizado por el engrosamiento de la capa externa de la piel, que está compuesta de queratina, una fuerte proteína protectora. Puede ser causada por fricción, conllevando la aparición de callosidades, inflamación crónica, eccema o trastornos genéticos, como la ictiosis ligada al cromosoma X. Se presentó el caso de un paciente de 47 años, que acudió al Servicio de Ortopedia por lesión escamosa a nivel de ambas regiones plantares con dificultad para la marcha. El tratamiento quirúrgico fue el empleado en este paciente para la obtención de la biopsia exerética. La evolución fue favorable en el postoperatorio mediato e inmediato, y el paciente se incorporó de forma rápida a su vida normal. Con este caso se identificaron las características clínicas de la hiperqueratosis plantar, así como el uso de la biopsia exerética como estándar de oro para el diagnóstico positivo en los tumores periféricos. Un diagnóstico adecuado por el médico inicial, la interrelación del Servicio de Ortopedia con la consulta de tumores periféricos, y el tratamiento quirúrgico seleccionado, constituyen factores determinantes en la evolución favorable de los pacientes con este diagnóstico (AU).

ABSTRACT Hyperkeratosis is a disorder characterized by thickening of the outer layer of the skin, which is composed of keratin, a strong protective protein. It can be caused by friction, leading to callosities, chronic inflammation, eczema or genetic disorders such as X chromosome-linked ichthyosis. We presented the case of a patient, aged 47 years, who attended the Orthopedic Service for scaly lesion at the level of both plantar regions with difficulties to walk. Surgical treatment was used in this patient to obtain an exeretic biopsy. The evolution was favorable in both the mediate and immediate postoperative period, and the patient quickly returned to his normal life. This case identified the clinical characteristics of plantar hyperkeratosis and the use of exeretic biopsy as a gold standard for positive diagnosis in the peripheral tumors. An adequate diagnosis by the initial physician, the interrelation of the orthopedic service with the consultation of peripheral tumors, and the chosen surgical treatment are determining factors in the favorable evolution of patients with this diagnosis (AU).

Humanos , Feminino , Neoplasias do Sistema Nervoso Periférico/diagnóstico , Ceratodermia Palmar e Plantar/diagnóstico , Ortopedia/métodos , Dermatopatias , Biópsia/métodos , Ceratodermia Palmar e Plantar/cirurgia , Ceratodermia Palmar e Plantar/genética , Ceratodermia Palmar e Plantar/epidemiologia
Acta ortop. mex ; 35(5): 411-416, sep.-oct. 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1393800


Resumen: Objetivo: Analizar los resultados clínicos de las metatarsalgias tratadas con osteotomías metafisarias metatarsales distales (DMMO) por vía percutánea. Material y métodos: Estudio prospectivo y continuo de 29 pacientes afectados de metatarsalgia mecánica aislada unilateral, intervenidas con una DMMO, con un seguimiento medio de 38 meses. La edad media de los pacientes fue 58 (rango: 50-67) años y sólo dos hombres. Utilizamos la escala AOFAS, anotamos la fórmula digital y metatarsiana sobre la radiografía. Registramos la valoración subjetiva del cirujano y del paciente al final del tratamiento. Resultados: La mejoría de la puntuación final superó los 80 puntos en todos los metatarsianos (p = 0.000), con una mejoría significativa del dolor (p = 0.000) y de las callosidades (p = 0.000), mejorando la estabilidad articular metatarso-falángica e interfalángica y la alineación de los metatarsianos. El tipo del calzado no cambió después de la cirugía, no encontramos variación de la movilidad, ni en las articulaciones metatarso-falángicas (p = 0.382), ni en las interfalángicas (p = 0.672). Después de la cirugía aumentaron los pies cuadrados (p = 0.027). La fórmula metatarsiana sufrió pocas modificaciones, 96% de los pacientes y de los cirujanos se mostraron «muy satisfechos¼ o «satisfechos¼. Conclusión: La DMMO consigue un alto grado de satisfacción en pacientes y también en el cirujano, elimina el dolor y la hiperqueratosis bajo la cabeza de los metatarsianos dolorosos que mejora significativamente la capacidad funcional de los pacientes.

Abstract: Objective: To analyze the clinical results of metatarsalgia treated with percutaneous distal metatarsal metaphyseal osteotomies (DMMO). Material and methods: Prospective and continuous study of 29 patients with isolated unilateral mechanical metatarsalgia, operated on with DMMO, with a mean follow-up of 38 months. The mean age of the patients was 58 (range: 50-67) years and only two men. We use the AOFAS score, we obtained the digital and metatarsal formulas on the X-rays. We record the subjective assessment of the surgeon and the patient at the end of the treatment. Results: The improvement in the final score exceeded 80 points in all cases (p = 0.000), with a significant improvement in pain (p = 0.000) and calluses (p = 0.000), improving metatarsal-phalangeal joint stability and interphalangeal and metatarsal alignment. The type of footwear did not change after surgery, we found no variation in mobility, neither in the metatarsophalangeal joints (p = 0.382), nor in the interphalangeal joints (p = 0.672). After surgery increased the square foot morphology (p = 0.027) but the metatarsal formula underwent few modifications. Patients and surgeons were in 96% of the cases «very satisfied¼ or «satisfied¼. Conclusion: DMMO achieves a high degree of satisfaction in patients and in the surgeon, pain and hyperkeratosis under the head of the painful metatarsals disappear and that significantly improves the functional capacity of patients.

Ces med. vet. zootec ; 16(2): 103-112, mayo-ago. 2021. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1364668


Resumen La ictiosis canina es un trastorno queratoseborreico primario de carácter hereditario, el cual se ha reportado en Golden retriever, Bull dog americano, Jack Russell terrier, Cavalier King Charles spaniel y Gran danés. En el presente reporte se describe un caso clínico en un Boston terrier que desde cachorro ha presentado diferentes lesiones cutáneas, tiene años de evolución y varios tratamientos previos sin éxito. El diagnóstico se realizó mediante el descarte de otras dermatopatías y un estudio histopatológico. Se instauró un tratamiento multimodal de por vida para reestablecer la barrera cutánea y manejar el desorden de la cornificación.

Abstract Canine ichthyosis is a hereditary primary keratoseborreheic disorder, which has been reported in Golden retrievers, American bulldogs, Jack Russell terriers, Cavalier King Charles spaniel and Great danes. This report describes a clinical case in a Boston terrier that has presented multiples skin lesions since she was a puppy, has years of evolution and several previous unsuccessful treatments. The diagnosis was made by ruling out other dermatopathies and a histopathological study. Lifelong multimodal treatment was instaured to reestablish the skin barrier and manage the cornification disorder.

Resumo A ictiose canina é um transtorno queratosseborreico primário de caráter hereditário, sendo reportado em Golden retriever, Buldogue americano, Jack Russell terrier, Cavalier King Charles Spaniel e Dogue alemão. No presente relato se descreve um caso clínico em um Boston terrier que, desde filhote, apresentou diferentes lesões cutâneas, tendo evoluído por anos com tratamentos prévios sem êxito. O diagnóstico se realizou mediante o descarte de outras dermatopatias e um estudo histopatológico. Se instaurou um tratamento multimodal de uso contínuo, visando reestabelecer a barreira cutânea e manejar a desordem de cornificação.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-215097


Psoriasis is a chronic, immune mediated, relapsing, papulosquamous disease having a high prevalence. Since it affects other organ systems such as musculoskeletal system, gastrointestinal system and the eye, it can lead to considerable disability. Although only rarely life threatening, it has high morbidity due to its chronicity and absence of cure. MethodsThis study was conducted over a period of 2 years in the Department of Pathology, Medical College, Thiruvananthapuram. A total of 217 skin biopsy specimens in which a clinical diagnosis / differential diagnosis of psoriasis was made, was studied during this period. Results108 cases out of 217 which were histopathologically diagnosed as psoriasis were studied in detail. Male predominance was noted in the study population. The mean duration of disease in this study was 6.69 yrs. Fifty percentage of the patients had associated comorbidities with hypertension outnumbering others. Among male patients, 26 (32.5 %) had the habit of smoking. The most common presentation was as erythematous scaly plaques, with pruritus being the second most common presentation. Histopathology proved to be conclusive of psoriasis in all cases. Hyperkeratosis was seen in all cases which was the most consistent histopathological feature. Confluent parakeratosis which is one of the characteristic features of psoriasis was seen in 62 (57.4 %) cases with the rest being focal. Other epidermal features studied were papillomatosis, hypogranulosis, suprapapillary thinning, and basal mitotic figures. Spongiosis was seen in 83 (76.9 %), exocytosis of neutrophils in 66 (61.1 %) and Munro’s micro abscess in 42 (38 %) cases. Dilated blood vessel was the most common dermal change observed, seen in 105 (97 %). Lymphocytes were the most frequent upper dermal inflammatory infiltrate observed. Oedema was seen in 5 (4.6 %) of cases. ConclusionsPsoriasiform lesions pose diagnostic dilemma to the treating clinician. To provide a clear-cut diagnosis, histopathological evaluation is essential. It is also important to differentiate between the different variants of psoriasis in the context of treatment. It has an important role in the follow up of psoriatic patients.

An. bras. dermatol ; 95(4): 484-489, July-Aug. 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, ColecionaSUS | ID: biblio-1130920


Abstract Annular epidermolytic ichthyosis is a rare subtype of epidermolytic ichthyosis that is characterized by erythematous, polycyclic, and migratory scaly plaques accompanied by palmoplantar keratoderma. This report presents the case of an 8-year-old girl who developed migratory, erythematous, scaly plaques associated with palmoplantar keratoderma. The initial hypothesis was erythrokeratodermia variabilis et progressiva; however, the finding of epidermolytic hyperkeratosis in histopathological examination led to the diagnosis of annular epidermolytic ichthyosis.

Humanos , Feminino , Criança , Hiperceratose Epidermolítica , Pele , Ceratodermia Palmar e Plantar , Exantema
Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol ; 2019 Mar; 85(2): 169-170
Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-192472


Hyperkeratosis of the nipple and areola is a rare condition first described by Tauber in 1923. Less than 100 cases have been reported in the literature. Hyperkeratosis of the nipple and areola presents as hyperkeratotic, hyperpigmented plaques on the nipple and areola. It is more common in females. An 18-year-old female patient presented with hyperkeratotic, plaque-like, hard crusts on both nipples and areolas. The examining physician could successfully remove this crust using his finger. The crust had accumulated as a result of the patient's reluctance to touch or clean the breast area due to psychological issues. A crusted nipple and areola may occur as a secondary condition due to a patient's reluctance to touch or clean their breasts.

Rev. chil. dermatol ; 35(3): 102-105, 2019. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1116408


La tricodisplasia espinulosa es una patología viral infrecuente causada por un tipo de poliomavirus, el cual se da siempre en contexto de inmunosupresión. Existen reportes que estiman una seroprevalencia en adultos de 70%, y hasta 90% en inmu-nocomprometidos. El cuadro clínico se caracteriza por pápulas color piel hiperqueratósicas en zonas centro faciales, orejas y tronco, asintomáticas o con prurito escaso. Existen métodos de confirmación diagnóstica como PCR o test de Elisa, que no se encuentran disponibles en Chile. Por lo tanto, en nuestro contexto el estudio histopatológico es fun-damental, dada su accesibilidad y que los hallazgos de la biopsia son característicos. El manejo debe siempre considerar, de ser posible, disminuir la in-munosupresión del paciente. Otras medidas son: extracción manual de las lesiones y aplicación de cidofovir o valganciclovir tópicos

Trichodysplasia spinulosa is an infrequent viral pathology caused by a type of polyomavirus, which always occurs in context of immunosuppression. There are reports that estimate sero-prevalence in adults of 70%, and 90% in immunocompromised. Patients have numerous, mildly pruritic, folliculocentric, flesh-colored to pink papules with central keratinaceous spines. There are methods of diagnostic confirmation such as PCR or Elisa test, not available in Chile. The-refore, in our context the histopathological study is fundamental because biopsy findings are cha-racteristic. Management should always consider, if possible, decrease the immunosuppression of the patient. Other measures consist of manual extraction and cidofovir or topical valganciclovir.

Humanos , Feminino , Pré-Escolar , Dermatopatias/complicações , Dermatopatias/patologia , Infecções por Polyomavirus/complicações , Infecções por Polyomavirus/patologia , Leucemia-Linfoma Linfoblástico de Células Precursoras/complicações , Dermatopatias/diagnóstico , Hospedeiro Imunocomprometido , Infecções por Polyomavirus/diagnóstico
Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-192167


Angiokeratoma is a benign cutaneous lesion of capillaries. It is characterized by large dilated blood vessels in the superficial dermis and hyperkeratosis of extremities. It is mostly seen in generalized form affecting the extremity of the body, but we report this case of solitary angiokeratoma of the tongue which is a very rare type.

Rev. argent. dermatol ; 99(3): 91-100, set. 2018.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-977225


RESUMEN La dermatosis neglecta es una entidad benigna poco frecuente, con predominio en pacientes adultos, secundario a una hiperalgesia. Presentamos una paciente de 78 años con antecedente de herpes zoster en rostro, con lesiones características de esta enfermedad.

SUMMARY Dermatosis neglecta is a rare benign entity with predominance in adult patients, secondary to a hyperalgesia. We present a 78-year-old patient with a history of herpes zoster on the face, with characteristic lesions of this disease.

rev. udca actual. divulg. cient ; 21(1): 137-146, ene.-jun. 2018. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1094714


RESUMEN El objetivo de este trabajo fue estudiar los aspectos clínicos, histopatológicos e histoquímicos de la papilomatosis cutánea (PC) en bovinos (Bos taurus), del departamento de Córdoba, Colombia. Dicho estudio fue de tipo descriptivo, no probabilístico, en animales de conveniencia. Se utilizaron 24 bovinos con PCB, diagnosticados clínica e histopatológicamente. Las lesiones, se observaron a modo de masas exofíticas e hiperpigmentadas; en algunos casos, pediculadas o en forma de coliflor; en otros e inclusive en los papilomas planos, se evidenciaron los pedículos a la compresión. De igual forma, los papilomas de gran tamaño pendulantes fueron extraídos quirúrgicamente que, al ser diseccionados, se evidenció la hiperplasia epitelial, la hiperqueratosis y la proyección de la epidermis hacia la dermis. A nivel de cabeza, la mayor presentación se dio en boca, en orejas, en frente y en párpados. Histopatológicamente, en la coloración de H-E, se observó hiperplasia epitelial, acantosis, proyecciones digitales hacía la dermis e hiperqueratosis. En la coloración de T-G, se observó marcada proliferación dérmica de colágeno desorganizado, con escasa presencia de tejido conjuntivo difuso y en la coloración de P-R/P, se observaron marcadas áreas de birrefringencia rojiza y escasa birrefringencia verdeamarillenta. El diagnóstico definitivo de la enfermedad, se fundamentó en las características clínicas, diagnóstico diferencial y en los hallazgos histopatológicos, siendo concluyentes, como métodos de diagnóstico de la PC en bovinos, del Departamento de Córdoba.

SUMMARY The objective of this study was to study the clinical, histopathological and histochemical aspects of cutaneous papillomatosis (CP) in cattle (Bos taurus) of the department of Córdoba, Colombia. This study was descriptive, not probabilistic, in animals of convenience. Were used Twenty four bovines with BCP diagnosed clinically and histopathologically. In describing the lesions exophytic and hyperpigmented masses were observed in some cases, pedicled or in the form of cauliflower in others and even in the flat papillomas showed the pedicles to the compression. Similarly, large pendulum papillomas were surgically removed, which when dissected revealed epithelial hyperplasia, hyperkeratosis and the projection of the epidermis to the dermis. At head level, the largest presentation was given in mouth, ears, forehead and eyelids. Histopathologically in the H-E staining, were observed epithelial hyperplasia, acanthosis, digital projections to the dermis and hyperkeratosis. In the T-G staining, marked dermal proliferation of disorganized collagen with little diffuse connective tissue was present, and in the P-R / P staining, marked areas of reddish birefringence and scarce birefringence were observed. The definitive diagnosis of the disease was based on the clinical characteristics, differential diagnosis and histopathological findings, being conclusive as diagnostic methods for CP in bovines in the Department of Córdoba.

Artigo em Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-716120


Focal acral hyperkeratosis (FAH) is a rare genodermatosis inherited by autosomal dominant transmission; however, some sporadic cases have also been reported. FAH is characterized by multiple late-onset crateriform hyperkeratotic papules with a yellow color on the border of the hands and feet. A 31-year-old man presented with yellowish discrete flat-topped papules on the lateral side of his palms and fingers. The patient had a family history of similar lesions throughout three generations. The histological findings revealed hyperkeratosis with mild hypergranulosis in the epidermis, and the dermis showed no specific changes including elastorrhexis. These clinicopathologic findings were consistent with the diagnosis of FAH. Herein, we report a rare case of FAH with autosomal dominant inheritance.

Adulto , Humanos , Derme , Diagnóstico , Epiderme , Características da Família , Dedos , , Mãos , Testamentos
Chinese Journal of Endemiology ; (12): 102-106, 2018.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-701276


Objective To detect retinoid X receptor α (RXRα) mRNA expression in blood of subjects exposed to different concentrations of arsenic via drinking water, to analyze the relationship between RXRα mRNA expression and skin lesion caused by arsenic,and further to explore the skin lesion mechanism of arsenic. Methods Study sites were selected by molecular epidemiology method from high arsenic drinking water area of Bayannur City. Two hundred and thirty-five subjects who had been lived in high arsenic area for more than 10 years were selected;blood samples and water samples were collected from the subjects; according to arsenic concentration in drinking water,they were divided into four groups,<10 μg/L(control group),10-<100 μg/L(low dose group),100- <200 μg/L (middle dose group), and ≥200 μg/L (high dose group). Skin hyperkeratosis and pigment abnormity examination were conducted. The RXRα mRNA expression level in blood samples was detected by real-time quantitative PCR, and then the relationship between expression of RXRα mRNA and different levels of arsenic exposure,and skin lesion induced by arsenic were analyzed. Results ①The results showed that there was a dose-effect relationship between the prevalence of hyperkeratosis, pigment abnormity and arsenic exposure (χ2= 14.597, 12.825, P < 0.05); ②With increasing of arsenic exposure, RXRα mRNA expression in blood decreased firstly and then increased (F = 8.312, P < 0.05), which were significantly different statistically from those of control [(1.20 ±0.53)×10-3]and low dose groups[(0.92 ± 0.49)×10-3,P<0.05];RXRα expression was significantly higher in high dose group[(1.40 ± 0.45)×10-3]than those of middle and low dose groups [(1.12 ± 0.58,0.92 ± 0.49)×10-3,P<0.05]; ③The RXRα mRNA expression in people with different level of skin damage (hyper keratosis and pigment abnormity)were statistically significant(F=4.206,4.389, P< 0.05); degree Ⅲ[(1.98 ± 0.38) × 10-3] hyperkeratosis patients compared with degree Ⅰ [(1.11 ± 0.52) × 10-3] and degree Ⅱ [(1.13 ± 0.42) × 10-3], RXRα mRNA expression was significantly different (P < 0.05), degree Ⅱ and higher degrees [(1.61 ± 0.54) × 10 -3] pigment abnormity patients compared with control [(1.15 ± 0.52)×10-3],RXRα mRNA expression was significantly different (P < 0.05). Conclusions Chronic arsenic exposure has an effect on RXRα mRNA expression in blood. There is a relationship between abnormal expression of RXRα mRNA and skin lesion induced by arsenic.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-186087


Papillon-Lefevre syndrome is a rare autosomal recessive trait characterised by palmoplantar hyperkeratosis and precocious loss of both deciduous and permanent teeth. The aetiology is multifactorial with genetic, immunological, microbiological factors being considered a main etiopathogenic factors. We present here two cases of two siblings affected with Papillon-Lefevre syndrome.

Gac. méd. espirit ; 18(1): 99-105, ene.-abr. 2016.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-780689


Fundamento: La hiperqueratosis epidermolítica es una genodermatosis con patrón de herencia autosómico dominante, afecta a ambos sexos, es una enfermedad rara y se estima un caso cada 300 000 personas en las que predominan las ampollas al nacer y la hiperqueratosis subsiguiente. Objetivo: Describir el caso de un paciente con hiperqueratosis epidermolítica que representa una situación clínica infrecuente por su incidencia. Presentación de caso: Adolescente de 17 años, con lesiones de hiperqueratosis y presencia de escamas grandes de color oscuro, que se desprenden fácilmente en grandes colgajos epidérmicos, y que se acompaña de olor fétido. Conclusiones: Este caso constituye una ictiosis ampollosa de Siemens desde el punto de vista clínico, un subtipo de hiperqueratosis epidermolítica, aunque la histología solo confirmó este último diagnóstico.

Background: The Epidermolytic hyperkeratosis is a genodermatosis with pattern of inheritance dominant autosomal ,it affects equally to both sexes, it is a strange illness and he/she is considered a case each 300 000 people in those that the bladders prevail when being born and the subsequent hyperkeratosis. Objective: To describe the case of a patient with Epidermolytic hyperkeratosis that represents an uncommon clinical situation for their incidence. Case presentation: 17 year-old adolescent, with hyperkeratosis lesions and he/she witnesses of big flakes of dark color that come off easily in big epidermal torn pieces, and that he/she accompanies of fetid scent. Conclusions: This case constitutes an ICHTHYOSIS bullous of Siemens from the clinical point of view, a subtype of Epidermolytic hyperkeratosis, although the alone histology confirms this last one diagnostic.

Hiperceratose Epidermolítica/diagnóstico
Arch. argent. dermatol ; 66(1): 9-11, ene.-feb. 2016. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-914852


La lengua negra vellosa es una patología benigna relativamente frecuente, caracterizada por una coloración pardo-negruzca de la superficie lingual asociada a hipertrofia de papilas filiformes dando aspecto de vellosidades. Los factores de riesgo son amplios y de exposición cotidiana (antibióticos, alcohol, tabaco, higiene dental deficiente). Entre sus diagnósticos diferenciales es útil recordar aquellos asociados con neoplasias o inmunocompromiso (acantosis nigricans oral, leucoplasia vellosa, etc.). Su diagnóstico es clínico; sin embargo, cuando las causas o historia no son claras, la exploración clínica es atípica o hay refractariedad sistemática a los tratamientos habituales, se debe plantear un estudio ampliado (AU)

Black hairy tongue is a relatively common benign disease, characterized by brown-black discoloration and hypertrophic tongue surface, giving aspect of villi. Risk factors are broad and from daily exposure (antibiotics, alcohol, tobacco, poor dental hygiene). Among its differential diagnoses it is useful to recall those associated with malignancies or immunocompromise (oral acanthosis nigricans, hairy leukoplakia, etc.). Diagnosis is clinical, but when the causes are unclear, history or clinical examination is atypical, or treatment is refractory, it should be considered an extended study (AU)

Humanos , Feminino , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Língua Pilosa/diagnóstico , Língua Pilosa/patologia , Tretinoína/uso terapêutico
An. bras. dermatol ; 90(6): 888-891, Nov.-Dec. 2015. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-769522


Abstract: Epidermolytic hipercetarose is a rare genodermatosis, with a prevalence of 1:100.000 to 1:300.000, with autosomal dominant inheritance. We report the case of a 5 year old girlwho presented an hypertrophic verrucous plaques in the neck, under arm, buttocks, knees, pelvis, legs, dorsum of the right foot and elbows. Histological examination of the skin lesions showed typical changes of epidermolytic hyperkeratosis. Because it is an autosomal dominant disorder with complete penetrance, the individual carrying the mutation will necessarily develop the disease. However, in 50% of cases postzygotic mutation occur. The case report emphasizes early diagnosis and differential diagnoses with ichthyosis and other bullous diseases of childhood, as well as discussing the therapeutic possibilities.

Pré-Escolar , Feminino , Humanos , Hiperceratose Epidermolítica/patologia , Diagnóstico Diferencial , Hiperceratose Epidermolítica/terapia , Ictiose/patologia , Dermatopatias Vesiculobolhosas/patologia , Pele/patologia
Rev. Asoc. Méd. Argent ; 128(3): 20-22, sept. 2015. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-835474


La hiperqueratosis nevoide de areola y pezón es una entidad patológica de la dermatología escasamente presentada en la literatura. Descrita por primera vez en 1938 por Levy – Frankel,2 quien además establece una clasificación etiológica de la misma. En este trabajo se presenta un caso de hiperqueratosis nevoide bilateral de areola y pezón, y su tratamiento con galvanocauterio que da muy buenos resultados no solo estéticos sino primordialmente por la nula recidiva.

Hyperkeratosis of the nipple and the areola is a pathological entity of dermatology sparsely reported, first described in 1938 by Levy - Frankel, who established an etiological classification of that entity. In this paper a case of bilateral hyperkeratosis of the nipple and the areola and its successful treatment with galvanocautery surgery with no long-term recurrence is reported.

Humanos , Feminino , Adolescente , Eletrocoagulação/métodos , Ceratose/terapia , Doenças Mamárias , Mamilos