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Rev. salud pública Parag ; 14(2)ago. 2024.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1570048


Introducción: Las patologías tiroideas se encuentran entre los trastornos endocrinológicos más frecuentes reportados durante el embarazo, en parte debido a los cambios fisiológicos que ocurren generalmente en el primer trimestre y que puede llevar a la pérdida de este. Objetivo: El objetivo fue determinar la prevalencia de hipotiroidismo en mujeres con diagnóstico de aborto espontaneo en el Hospital Distrital de Presidente Franco durante el periodo 2019 a 2021. Materiales y Métodos: Estudio observacional, descriptivo, retrospectivo de corte transversal con muestreo no probabilístico de casos consecutivos, se estudiaron a todas las mujeres que tuvieron aborto espontáneo en el hospital distrital de presidente franco durante los años 2019 a 2021. Se utilizo el software estadístico Stata®12.0 para los cálculos estadísticos. Resultados: Se estudiaron a 432 mujeres que tuvieron abortos espontáneos. En dicho periodo se registró una prevalencia de 3,9%, la mayoría con hipotiroidismo subclínico con un 3,4%. El 52,9% en las edades comprendidas entre 20 a 35 años, 52,9% presentaron unión libre y 47% escolaridad primaria. El 52,9% proceden de zonas urbanas. Conclusión: Se determinó que aquellas perdidas de embarazo relacionado a hipotiroidismo corresponden con mayor frecuencia a Alto Paraná comparado con otra región de nuestro país y a nivel internacional. Además, se encontró el hipotiroidismo subclínico con mayormente en adultos jóvenes, con nivel de escolaridad primaria, la mayoría proveniente de zona rural.

Introduction: Thyroid pathologies are among the most common endocrinological disorders reported during pregnancy, partly due to the physiological changes that typically occur in the first trimester, which can lead to pregnancy loss. Objective: determine the prevalence of hypothyroidism in women diagnosed with spontaneous abortion at the Hospital Distrital de Presidente Franco from 2019 to 2021. Materials and Methods: This observational, descriptive, retrospective, cross-sectional study utilized non-probabilistic sampling of consecutive cases, examining all women who experienced spontaneous abortion at the Hospital Distrital de Presidente Franco during the years 2019 to 2021. Stata®12.0 statistical software was employed for statistical calculations. Results: A total of 432 women who had miscarriages were analyzed. During this period, a prevalence of 3.9% was recorded, with most cases being subclinical hypothyroidism (3.4%). Among these, 52.9% of the 20-35 age group were in a common-law union, and 47% had completed primary school. Additionally, 52.9% were from urban areas. Conclusion: Those pregnancy losses related to hypothyroidism were determined to correspond more frequently in Alto Paraná compared to other regions of our country and internationally. Also, subclinical hypothyroidism was found in young adults, with primary schooling, most of them coming from rural areas.

Perinatol. reprod. hum ; 38(1): 7-11, ene.-mar. 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569377


Resumen Antecedentes: El incremento seminal de especies reactivas de oxígeno (ERO) se ha vinculado con la oxidación del ADN y anormalidades en la morfología espermática. La enzima 8-oxoguanina ADN glucosilasa 1 (OGG1) repara la oxidación del ADN. Sin embargo, la presencia del polimorfismo en la OGG1 que involucra cambio de citocina (C) por guanina (G), resultando la sustitución de una cisteína por una serina en el codón 326 (Ser326Cis), ha demostrado disminución en la reparación del ADN oxidado. Estudios del polimorfismo Ser326Cis en hombres españoles y asiáticos con infertilidad demostraron que el alelo G(Cis) incrementa las ERO, impactando en la infertilidad y en la teratozoospermia. Objetivo: Conocer la prevalencia del polimorfismo Ser326Cis de OGG1 en pacientes con teratozoospermia. Método: Se analizaron parámetros espermáticos y el polimorfismo Ser326Cis de OGG1 de 81 muestras de semen con teratozoospermia. Resultados: Los genotipos detectados fueron Ser326Ser(CC) 43%, Ser326Cis(CG) 41% y Cis326Cis(GG) 16%. La frecuencia del alelo G(Cis) fue de 0.4, valor mayor a la frecuencia reportada en las bases de datos disponibles para poblaciones americanas (0.21-0.29), los parámetros espermáticos no se relacionaron con el polimorfismo Ser326Cis. Conclusión: El alelo G(Cis) es un factor que contribuye a la infertilidad.

Abstract Background: The increase in seminal reactive oxygen species (ROS) has been linked to DNA oxidation and abnormalities in sperm morphology. The enzyme 8-oxoguanine DNA glycosylase 1 (OGG1) repairs DNA oxidation. However, the presence of the polymorphism in OGG1 that involves a change of cytokine (C) to guanine (G) resulting in the substitution of a cystine for serine at codon 326 (Ser326Cys) has shown a decrease in the repair of oxidized DNA. Studies of the Ser326Cys polymorphism in Spanish and Asian men with infertility demonstrated that the G(Cys) allele increases ROS, impacting infertility and teratozoospermia. Objective: To know the prevalence of the Ser326Cys polymorphism of OGG1 in patients with teratozoospermia. Method: Sperm parameters and the Ser326Cys polymorphism of OGG1 were analyzed from 81 semen samples. Results: The genotypes detected were Ser326Ser(CC) 43%, Ser326Cys(CG) 41%, and yis326Cys(GG) 16%. The frequency of the G allele (Cys) was 0.4, a value higher than the frequency reported in the databases available for American populations (0.21-0.29), the sperm parameters were not related to the Ser326Cys polymorphism. Conclusion: The G (Cys) allele is a factor that contributes to infertility.

Perinatol. reprod. hum ; 38(1): 12-18, ene.-mar. 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569378


Abstract Background: Hyperprolactinemia is increased in women with infertility and recurrent pregnancy loss; the prevalence of hyperprolactinemia in Mexican women with infertility is unknown. Objective: To know the prevalence of hyperprolactinemia and the clinical-biochemical characteristics in Mexican women with infertility. Methods: This cross-sectional study included infertile women attending in a third-level hospital. All women had prolactin determination and a complete hormonal profile. Women with TSH > 2.5 mlU/L or those taking dopaminergic drugs were excluded. The prevalence of hyperprolactinemia was calculated with a 95% confidence interval (95% CI). Results: A total of 869 women were included in the study. The prevalence of hyperprolactinemia was 9.6% (95% CI 7.7-11.7%). Of the 83 women with hyperprolactinemia, 52 (62.2%) had serum prolactin values between 25 and 40, 17 (20.4%) between 41 and 60, and 14 (16.8%) > 60 ng/m. The prevalence of one or more miscarriages in women with hyperprolactinemia versus those without hyperprolactinemia among women with secondary infertility was 19/20 (95%) versus 116/197 (58.9%), respectively, p = 0.002. The prevalence of anovulation and clinical hyperandrogenism was significantly higher in women without hyperprolactinemia. Conclusion: Hyperprolactinemia affects one of ten Mexican women with infertility. Women with hyperprolactinemia and secondary infertility showed a higher frequency of a history of one or more miscarriage.

Resumen Antecedentes: La hiperprolactinemia se incrementa en mujeres con infertilidad y pérdida gestacional recurrente. Se desconoce la prevalencia de hiperprolactinemia en mujeres mexicanas con infertilidad. Objetivo: Conocer la prevalencia de hiperprolactinemia y las características clínico-bioquímicas en mujeres mexicanas con infertilidad. Método: Estudio transversal que incluyó a mujeres con infertilidad en un hospital de tercer nivel. Todas las mujeres tenían determinación de prolactina y perfil hormonal completo. Se excluyeron mujeres con hormona estimulante de la tiroides > 2.5 mUI/l o que tomaban medicamentos dopaminérgicos. Se calculó la prevalencia de hiperprolactinemia con intervalo de confianza al 95% (IC95%). Resultados: En total se incluyeron 869 mujeres. La prevalencia de hiperprolactinemia fue 9.6% (IC95%: 7.7-11.7%). De 83 mujeres con hiperprolactinemia, 52 (62.2%) tenían valores de prolactina entre 25-40, 17 (20.4%) entre 41-60 y 14 (16.8%) > 60 ng/ml. La prevalencia de uno o más abortos espontáneos en mujeres con hiperprolactinemia vs. sin hiperprolactinemia entre mujeres con infertilidad secundaria fue: 19/20 (95%) versus 116/197 (58.9%), respectivamente (p = 0.002). La prevalencia de anovulación e hiperandrogenismo clínico fue significativamente mayor en mujeres sin hiperprolactinemia. Conclusiones: La hiperprolactinemia afecta a una de cada diez mujeres mexicanas con infertilidad. Las mujeres con infertilidad secundaria e hiperprolactinemia mostraron mayor frecuencia de antecedente de uno o más abortos.

Rev. chil. obstet. ginecol. (En línea) ; 89(1): 10-17, feb. 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1559715


Introducción: La infertilidad es una enfermedad presente en el 17.5% de la población adulta. La COVID-19 provocó sobrecargas en atención de salud, generando un impacto incierto en unidades de salud reproductiva que realizan terapias de reproducción asistida. Objetivos: Comparar características clínicas y tiempos de atención de pacientes sometidas a fertilización in vitro de la Unidad de Medicina Reproductiva del Hospital Gustavo Fricke entre los periodos 2017-2019 y 2020-2022. Método: Estudio observacional descriptivo, utilizando base de datos anonimizada de la Unidad de Medicina Reproductiva del Hospital Gustavo Fricke con 82 pacientes sometidas a fertilización in vitro. Resultados: La media de edad fue de 34.2 ± 4.2 años. El tiempo de infertilidad fue de 5.1 ± 4.3 años. Los factores de infertilidad más frecuentes son el tuboperitoneal (59,8%) y masculino (46,3%). Durante los primeros 20 meses en prepandemia hubo mayor tendencia a derivación precoz al Centro de Reproducción Humana de la Universidad de Valparaíso (odds ratio: 3.84). Conclusiones: En pandemia se evidenció un aumento en el tiempo de infertilidad, mediana de gestaciones, abortos previos y frecuencia de factor masculino. No hubo cambios significativos en tiempos de derivación a fertilización in vitro, no obstante, durante la pandemia disminuyeron las derivaciones precoces.

Introduction: Infertility is a disease present in the 17.5% of the adult population. COVID-19 caused overload in health centers, producing an unclear impact in the reproductive health units that perform assisted reproduction therapies. Objectives: To compare clinical characteristics and the attention times of patients subjected to in vitro fertilization in the Reproductive Medicine Unit of the Gustavo Fricke Hospital between the 2017-2019 and 2020-2022 periods. Method: Descriptive observational study in which an anonymized database of 82 patients subjected to in vitro fertilization in the Reproductive Medicine Unit of the Gustavo Fricke Hospital was used. Results: The average age was 34.2 ± 4.2 years old. The infertility time was 5.1 ± 4.3 years. The most frequent infertility factors were tuboperitoneal (59.8%) and male factors (46.3%). During the first pre-pandemic 20 months, there was a higher tendency towards early referral to the Center for Human Reproduction of the Valparaiso University (odds ratio: 3.84). Conclusions: In the course of the pandemic, there was an increase of the infertility time, the pregnancies median, prior abortions, and male factor frequency. On the other hand, there were not considerable changes when it comes to referral times to in vitro fertilization, however, early referrals decreased during the pandemic.

Humanos , Feminino , Adulto , Fertilização in vitro/estatística & dados numéricos , COVID-19 , Infertilidade Feminina , Encaminhamento e Consulta , Fatores de Tempo , Técnicas de Reprodução Assistida/estatística & dados numéricos , Estimativa de Kaplan-Meier , Pandemias , Hospitais Públicos , Infertilidade Masculina
Medisur ; 22(1)feb. 2024.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558537


Fundamento: la infertilidad es un problema de salud, que afecta cada vez con mayor incidencia, a ambos sexos. La endometriosis es una de las afecciones ginecológicas más frecuentes y una de las principales causas de infertilidad femenina. Objetivo: determinar los conocimientos sobre endometritis crónica que poseen las féminas del cantón de Ambato, Ecuador. Método: se realizó un estudio descriptivo de corte transversal en mujeres con endometritis crónica, pertenecientes al cantón de Ambato, durante el período de julio a diciembre de 2022. La muestra fue de 30 pacientes seleccionadas mediante muestreo no probabilístico de bola de nieve. Se realizó un análisis de contenido temático y se empleó el método de Mapas Cognitivos Difusos. Para la recolección de la información se realizó una entrevista semiestructurada. Resultados: existió un predominio de pacientes entre 26 a 30 años de edad. El 76,7 % de las pacientes refirieron no poseer conocimientos sobre el tema, el 86,7 % no había recibido educación sexual y reproductiva formal y el 70 % había sido estigmatizado. El 83,3 % de las féminas refirieron no visitar periódicamente un profesional de salud reproductiva y el 76,7 % no había accedido a información sobre la temática. El 100 % de las pacientes consideraron necesario realizar talleres, charlas y realizar intervenciones comunitarias para sensibilizar sobre el impacto de la endometritis crónica en la fertilidad femenina. Conclusiones: la endometritis crónica estuvo presente en féminas en edad reproductiva, por lo que resulta necesario desarrollar estrategias de prevención de salud para minimizar su incidencia.

Foundation: infertility is a health problem that affects both sexes with increasing incidence. Endometriosis is one of the most common gynecological conditions and one of the main causes of female infertility. Objective: determine the knowledge about chronic endometritis that women in the canton of Ambato, Ecuador, have. Methods: a descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out in women with chronic endometritis, belonging to the canton of Ambato, during the period from July to December 2022. The sample was 30 patients selected through non-probabilistic snowball sampling. A thematic content analysis was carried out and the Fuzzy Cognitive Maps method was used. To collect the information, a semi-structured interview was carried out. Results: there was a predominance of patients between 26 and 30 years of age. 76,7 % of the patients reported not having knowledge on the subject, 86,7 % had not received formal sexual and reproductive education and 70 % had been stigmatized. 83,3 % of the women reported not periodically visiting a reproductive health professional and 76,7 % had not accessed information on the subject. 100 % of the patients considered it necessary to hold workshops, talks and carry out community interventions to raise awareness about the impact of chronic endometritis on female fertility. Conclusions: chronic endometritis was present in women of reproductive age, so it is necessary to develop health prevention strategies to minimize its incidence.

Int. braz. j. urol ; 50(1): 20-27, Jan.-Feb. 2024. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558049


ABSTRACT In 2007 the Nordic group came to the following unanimous conclusions: In general, hormonal treatment is not recommended, considering the poor immediate results and the possible long-term adverse effects on spermatogenesis. Thus, surgery is to be preferred. However, defective mini puberty inducing insufficient gonadotropin secretion is one of the most common causes of nonobstructive azoospermia in men suffering from congenital isolated unilateral or bilateral cryptorchidism. The extent of alteration in the unilateral undescended testis correlate with the contralateral descended testis, indicating that unilateral cryptorchidism is a bilateral disease. Idiopathic central hypogonadism explains the phenomenon of defective mini puberty in otherwise healthy cryptorchid boys. We therefore recommend hormonal treatment for cryptorchid boys with defective mini puberty. Gonadotropin releasing hormone agonist (GnRHa) treatment following surgery to correct cryptorchidism restores mini puberty via endocrinological and transcriptional effects and prevents adult infertility in most cases. Several genes are important for central hypogonadotropic hypogonadism in mammals, including many that are transcribed in both the brain and testis. At the molecular level, there is no convincing evidence that heat shock is responsible for the observed pathological testicular changes. Thus, impaired transformation of gonocytes is not the result of temperature stress but rather a hormonal imbalance. Cryptorchidism should therefore be considered a serious andrological problem that cannot be successfully treated by early orchidopexy alone.

China Pharmacy ; (12): 1118-1122, 2024.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1017147


OBJECTIVE To explore the effects of letrozole combined with methylprednisolone on clinical outcomes, ovarian reserve function, serum sex hormones, and safety in infertile patients with polycystic ovary syndrome resistant to clomiphene. METHODS The clinical data of 78 infertile patients with polycystic ovary syndrome resistant to clomiphene in the Department of Gynecology of Qingdao Central Hospital from February 2021 to January 2022 was analyzed retrospectively, and all patients were divided into control group (42 cases) and observation group (36 cases) based on the treatment methods. The control group took letrozole 5 mg/d orally on the 5th to 9th day of the menstrual cycle. Vaginal ultrasound was used to monitor the development of the endometrium and follicles; estradiol valerate was used to correct endometrial thickness, and measures such as inducing ovulation with follicle-stimulating hormone were taken to promote pregnancy. On the basis of treatment in the control group, the observation group began taking methylprednisolone orally at a dose of 4 mg/d starting from the third day of natural menstruation or withdrawal bleeding. Both groups were treated for 6 menstrual cycles. The ovulation and pregnancy within one year, serum levels of sex hormones [estradiol (E2), luteinizing hormone (LH), follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), testosterone] and anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH), ovulation indicators (follicle growth time, the number of ovulations, and the number of dominant follicles), and the occurrence of adverse drug reactions were compared between the two groups. RESULTS After treatment, the biochemical pregnancy rate (72.22%) and clinical pregnancy rate (47.22%) of the observation group were significantly higher than those of control group (47.62%, 19.05%); the serum levels of E2, LH, FSH, testosterone and AMH were significantly lower than the control group; the follicle growth time was significantly shorter than the control group; the number of ovulation and dominant follicles were significantly higher than the control group (P<0.05). There was no statistically significant difference in ovulation rate (94.44% vs. 83.33%) and total incidence of adverse drug reactions (8.33% vs. 9.52%) between the observation group and the control group (P>0.05). CONCLUSIONS Compared with letrozole alone, the combination of letrozole and methylprednisolone can significantly improve the pregnancy rate, the sex hormone levels and ovarian reserve function in infertile patients with polycystic ovary syndrome resistant to clomiphene, with high safety profiles.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1018279


Objective:To evaluate the effect of Qishi Tongguan Prescription on pregnancy outcomes after interventional recanalisation in patients with tubal infertility (TFI).Methods:This was a retrospective study based on real-world and propensity score matching. Totally 260 patients with TFI from January 2020 to October 2021 in Shuguang Hospital of Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Maternal and Child Health Hospital of Pudong New Area were selected as observation subjects, and were divided into 123 cases in the TCM combination group and 137 cases in the control group based on whether they were treated with Qishi Tongguan Prescription in combination with interventional revascularization. Propensity score matching (PSM) was used as a covariate to obtain a new sample of inter group covariate equilibrium, and confounding factors that may affect the pregnancy outcome of TFI patients undergoing interventional recanalization surgery were used as covariates. The intrauterine pregnancy rate, ectopic pregnancy rate, biochemical pregnancy rate, early abortion rate and adverse reactions of the two groups of patients within 12 months of follow-up were compared, and the influence of TFI intervention and recanalization combined with Qishi Tongguan Prescription on intrauterine pregnancy rate was evaluated.Results:Age, years of infertility, type of infertility, history of miscarriage, history of ectopic pregnancy, history of biochemical pregnancy, history of uterine surgery, history of pelvic laparotomy, and degree of tubal patency had an effect on whether intrauterine pregnancy was achieved after interventional reversal in patients with TFI ( P<0.05), with age [ OR (95% CI) was 0.843 (0.769, 0.926)], history of pelvic laparotomy [ OR (95% CI) was 0.477 (0.248, 0.920)] and the degree of tubal obstruction [ OR (95% CI) was 0.152 (0.046, 0.500)] were independent factors ( P<0.01 or P<0.05). 81 patients were seen in each of the 2 groups after PSM, of whom the intrauterine pregnancy rates in the combined herbal group at 9 and 12 months after recanalisation were 48.1% (39/81) and 58.0% (47/81) respectively, compared with 32.1% (26/81) and 35.8% (29/81) in the control group, with statistical significance between the 2 groups ( χ2 values of 4.34 and 8.03, respectively, P<0.01); there was no statistical significance in the ectopic pregnancy rate, biochemical pregnancy rate and early abortion rate between the 2 groups ( P>0.05). There were no significant adverse reactions during the treatment. Conclusion:Qishi Tongguan Prescription combined with interventional recanalization can effectively improve the intrauterine pregnancy rate and shorten the waiting time for pregnancy in patients with TFI with higher safety.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1018416


Based on the literature study,the thoughts and possible therapeutic mechanism in treating male infertility from the perspective of spleen and kidney by regulating intestinal flora were explored.Disturbance of intestinal flora is one of the important factors leading to the development of male infertility,and the spleen and kidney have certain similarities to intestinal flora in the physiological function and pathological changes.Moreover,tonifying the kidney and strengthening the spleen can regulate the intestinal flora by fostering the growth of beneficial bacteria,inhibiting the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria,and protecting the barrier of the intestinal mucosa.Therefore,the possible therapeutic mechanisms in treating male infertility with the prescriptions for tonifying the kidney and strengthening the spleen to regulate intestinal flora are as follows:inhibiting the expression of inflammatory factors to reduce the inflammatory reaction of testicular tissues;improving the antioxidant capacity to alleviate the damage of spermatozoa caused by oxidative stress,and improving the bad mood to alleviate the impact of psychological stress on the reproductive system.The exploration of the thoughts for treating male infertility from the perspective of spleen and kidney by regulating intestinal flora may provide a new entry point for modern Chinese medicine clinical treatment of male infertility.

Basic & Clinical Medicine ; (12): 568-571, 2024.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1018657


The transmembrane protein(TMEM)family exhibits widespread distribution across both the plasma membrane and organelle membranes,actively participating in the intricate regulation of diverse pathophysiological processes.Contemporary investigations have uncovered the pivotal involvement of the TMEM family in the human reproductive system.This family is found to play a crucial role in regulating spermatogenesis,sperm-egg fusion,en-dometrial receptivity,as well as tumor invasion and migration.These findings highlight its intricate association with the onset and progression of various diseases.A comprehensive identification of the function of TMEM family in hu-man reproductive system holds significant importance,offering profound insights into the nuanced biological func-tions of this protein family.This in-depth examination not only supports our understanding about the complex mech-anisms controlling reproductive processes but also lay a foundation for potential advancements in medical research.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1019031


Objective To investigate the effect of smoking on the semen quality in infertile men.Methods A total of 360 male infertility patients were enrolled and divided into the smoking group(n=190)and non-smoking group(n=170)based on whether they smoked or not.Furthermore,the smoking group was subdivided into group A(≤10 sticks/d,n=63),group B(11~20 sticks/d,n=80),and group C(>20 sticks/d group,n=47)according to the amount of smoking.Semen volume,liquefaction time,sperm concentration,motility,DNA fragmentation rate and normal morphological rate were observed and compared between and within the groups.Results There were significant differences in semen volume,liquefaction time,sperm motility,normal morphological rate and DNA fragmentation rate between the smoking group and the non-smoking group(P<0.05).The semen volume,sperm motility and normal morphological rate of the smoking group were lower than those in the non-smoking group,and the DNA fragmentation rate and semen liquefaction time were higher than those in the non-smoking group.And with the increase of smoking volume,sperm motility and normal morphological rate decreased,semen liquefaction time and DNA fragmentation rate increased,and there was no significant difference in the sperm concentration between the smoking group and non-smoking group(P>0.05).There was no significant difference in the semen volume between the three groups with different smoking amounts(P>0.05).Conclusion Smoking has a negative impact on the sperm quality parameters such as semen volume,sperm motility,normal morphological rate,sperm motility,liquefaction time and DNA fragmentation,and the effect of heavy smoking is particularly obvious.We should strengthen the comprehensive health education,promote the healthy lifestyles and reduce smoking.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1019133


Objective To investigate the distribution of abnormal karyotypes and their associations with clinical manifestations of the infertile patients in southern Sichuan Province.Methods A total of 4 157 infertile patients who attended the Reproductive Medicine Center of our hospital from July 2018 to June 2021 were included.The chromosome karyotype in peripheral blood was detected by G-banding,and their semen analysis results,uterine development and other clinical data were collected.Results Among the 4 157 patients,chromosomal polymorphisms were found in 239 cases(5.75%),and abnormal karyotypes wee found 137 cases(3.30%).The abnormal karyotypes included 57 cases(41.61%)of sex chromosome aneuploidy,6 cases(4.38%)of Robertsonian transloca-tions,32 cases(23.36%)of balanced translocations,21 cases(15.33%)of chromosomal inversions,9 cases(6.57%)of mosai-cism,8 cases(5.84%)of marker chromosomes,3 cases(2.19%)of sex reversal and 1 case(0.73%)of sex chromosome deletion.In male patients with abnormal karyotypes,91.58%showed abnormal semen parameters,while in those with polymorphic karyotypes,55%had abnormal semen parameters.The patients with Turner syndrome had significantly smaller uterine dimensions(longitudinal,transverse,and anteroposterior)compared to the normal control group(P<0.01).Conclusion Chromosomal abnormalities should be the important cause of infertility.Conducting karyotype analysis combining with clinical manifestations is crucial examination for the di-agnosis and reproductive guidance of infertile patients.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1020766


Objective To explore the clinical effects of Tiaojing Zhuyun mixture combined with regulating menstration and promoting pregnancy by thirteen acupuncture in the treatment of Declining Ovarian Function(DOR)combined with follicular dysplasia infertility.Methods From January 1,2022 to January 1,2023,60 cases of infertility patients with DOR follicular dysplasia were treated in our hospital,and the above cases were randomly divided into experimental group:Tiaojing Zhuyun mixture+ regulating menstration and promoting pregnancy by thirteen acupuncture + Clomiphene group;Control group:Clomiphene group,30 cases each.The improvement of FSH,maximum follicle size and ovulation,uterine artery blood flow index,endometrial thickness and pregnancy were observed after treatment.Results The improvement of follicle stimulating hormone,maximum follicle size,endometrial thickness and uterine artery blood flow indexes in Tiaojing Zhuyun mixture+ regulating menstration and promoting pregnancy by thirteen acupuncture + Clomiphene group were better than clomiphene group.The difference between groups was statistically significant(P<0.05).The ovulation rate was 66.7%and the pregnancy rate was 40%.The ovulation rate was 40%higher than the control group,and the pregnancy rate was 20%.The difference between groups was statistically significant(P<0.05).Conclusion In the patients with DOR follicular dysplasia infertility,Tiaojing Zhuyun mixture combined with regulating menstration and promoting pregnancy by thirteen acupuncture can improve the level of follicle stimulating hormone,promote follicular maturation and ovula-tion,reduce the resistance of uterine artery blood flow,increase the thickness of endometrial,promote pregnancy,and have fewer adverse reactions.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1020852


Objective Explore the relationship between semen quality and trace element levels in seminal plasma,as well as miR-184 levels in exosomes of male infertility patients.Methods 155 male infertility patients in our hospital from January 2022 to July 2023 were selected as the infertility group,and another 155 male patients with normal physical examination during the same period were selected as the normal group.Compare the general information,semen quality parameters,trace elements,and miR-184 levels in exosomes between two groups,and analyze the correlation between male infertility patients and the above laboratory indicators through Spearman rank correlation analysis.Results The sperm concentration,total sperm motility(PR + NP),forward motility sperm(PR),average curve velocity,average linear velocity,average path velocity,and average lateral amplitude of sperm head(ALH)in the infertile group were lower than those in the normal group(P<0.05);The levels of Zn,Mg,and Ca in the infertile group were lower than those in the normal group,while the levels of Cu,Pb,and relative expression of miR-184 were higher than those in the normal group(P<0.05);The levels of Zn and Cu elements in male infertility patients are positively and negatively correlated with sperm concentration,total sperm motility(PR+NP),and forward motility sperm(PR),respectively.The levels of Pb elements are negatively correlated with the average lateral amplitude of sperm head(ALH),and P<0.05.The relative expression level of miR-184 in male infertility patients is negatively correlated with sperm concentration,total sperm motility(PR + NP),forward motility sperm(PR),and average sperm curve velocity,with P<0.05.Conclusion The quality of semen in male infertility patients is closely related to the levels of trace elements in semen and miR-184 levels in exosomes.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1021510


BACKGROUND:Unexplained infertility is associated with a higher abortion rate and lower fertilization rate,implantation rate,clinical pregnancy rate and cumulative live birth rate.It is urgent to establish a clinical prediction model related to infertility of unknown cause to solve the problems of clinical prognosis and individualized medical services,and finally achieve the purpose of increasing the cumulative live birth rate of patients with infertility of unknown cause. OBJECTIVE:To construct and verify the prediction model of high-quality blastocyst formation in patients with unexplained infertility during in vitro fertilization. METHODS:A total of 419 patients with unknown infertility who underwent in vitro fertilization in the Assisted Reproduction Department of Changzhou Maternal and Child Health Care Hospital from March 2017 to June 2022 were retrospectively analyzed,including 317 patients with high-quality blastocysts and 102 patients without high-quality blastocysts.A prediction model was established and used as the model group.The model group was sampled 1 000 times by the Bootstrap method as the validation group.Firstly,the univariate analysis was used to screen the influencing factors of high-quality blastocyst formation of unknown infertility,and the best matching factors were selected by the least absolute shrinkage and selection operator(LASSO)algorithm.Multiple factors were included in the progressive Logistic regression to find out the independent influencing factors and draw a column graph.Finally,the subject working curve,calibration curve,clinical decision curve and clinical impact curve were used to verify the differentiation and accuracy of the prediction model as well as the clinical application efficiency. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:(1)Univariate analysis of the factors influencing the formation of high-quality blastocyst of unknown infertility were age,insemination method,antimullerian hormone level,basal follicle-stimulating hormone level,basal luteinizing hormone level,human chorionic gonadotropin injection day follicle-stimulating hormone level,human chorionic gonadotropin day estradiol level,progesterone level on human chorionic gonadotropin day,the number of high-quality cleavage embryo(day 3)and the number of blastocyst formation(P<0.05).(2)The best matching factors further screened by LASSO regression were age,insemination method,antimullerian hormone level,basal luteinizing hormone level,human chorionic gonadotropin injection day follicle-stimulating hormone level,human chorionic gonadotropin day estradiol level,the number of high-quality cleavage embryo(day 3)and the number of blastocyst formation(P<0.05).Multifactor stepwise Logistic regression results showed that independent influencing factors on the formation of high-quality blastocysts for unexplained infertility were age,insemination method,antimullerian hormone level,the number of high-quality cleavage embryo(day 3),and the number of blastocyst formation.(3)Receiver operating characteristic curve exhibited that the area under the curve was 0.880(0.834,0.926)in the model group and 0.889(0.859,0.918)in the validation group.It showed that the prediction model had good differentiation.The average absolute error of the calibration curve was 0.036,indicating that the model had good accuracy.The Hosmer-Lemeshow test showed that there was no statistical difference between the prediction probability of blastocyst formation and the actual probability of blastocyst formation(P>0.05).The clinical decision curve and clinical impact curve showed that the model group and the validation group had the maximum clinical net benefit when the threshold probability value was(0.16-0.96)and(0.08-0.93),respectively,and had better clinical application efficacy within the threshold probability range.These findings concluded that age,insemination method,antimullerian hormone,the number of high-quality cleavage embryos(day 3),and the number of blastocyst formation were independent factors influencing the formation of the fine blastocyst in patients with unexplained infertility.The clinical prediction model constructed by these factors has good clinical prediction value and clinical application efficiency and can provide a basis for clinical prognosis and intervention as well as the formulation of individual medical programs.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1026830


Objective To investigate the distribution and clinical characteristics of TCM syndromes in infertility patients with autoimmune thyroiditis(AIT).Methods By referring to the relevant literature on the distribution of TCM syndromes of AIT and infertility in women of childbearing age,the TCM Syndromes Survey of Infertility Patients with Autoimmune Thyroiditis was formulated.256 cases of infertility patients with AIT who underwent in vitro fertilization-embryo transfer(IVF-ET)at the Reproductive Center of The First Affiliated Hospital of University of Science and Technology of China from June 2019 to December 2020 were retrospectively analyzed.The data of basic information,TCM syndromes,basic thyroid-stimulating hormone(TSH),thyroid peroxidase antibody(TPO-Ab)and thyroglobulin antibody(TG-Ab)were collected.By means of frequency analysis and systematic cluster analysis,the distribution regularity of TCM syndromes in infertility patients with AIT were concluded.Results After analysis,the following 5 common syndrome elements were obtained,namely,qi deficiency,liver depression,spleen deficiency,kidney deficiency and blood stasis.In addition,it was concluded that this disease was more common in complex syndromes.Through systematic clustering analysis,main TCM syndromes of this disease were obtained,which were qi deficiency and liver depression syndrome(69 cases,26.9%),spleen and kidney deficiency syndrome(45 cases,17.6%),spleen qi deficiency syndrome(38 cases,14.8%),qi deficiency and blood stasis syndrome(36 cases,14.1%),kidney deficiency and liver depression syndrome(32 cases,12.5%)and other syndrome types(36 cases,14.1%).The basic TSH level was higher in patients with qi deficiency and liver depression syndrome,spleen qi deficiency syndrome,qi deficiency and blood stasis syndrome than other syndrome types,with statistical significance(P<0.05).There was no significant difference in TPO-Ab and TG-Ab titers among different syndromes(P>0.05).Conclusion TCM syndromes of infertility patients with AIT can be clustered into qi deficiency and liver depression syndrome,spleen and kidney deficiency syndrome,spleen qi deficiency syndrome,qi deficiency and blood stasis syndrome,kidney deficiency and liver depression syndrome and other syndrome.The main element of syndrome is qi deficiency,and the pathological sites involved spleen,kidney and liver.Stasis blood is a main pathological product.It is required to pay close attention to the thyroid function in AIT patients with qi deficiency.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1028767


AIM To explore the effects and mechanism of verbascoside on adenine-induced infertility in rats.METHODS Rats randomly divided into the blank group,the model group,the positive control group(100 mg/kg Compound Xuanju Capsule)and low and high dose groups of verbascoside(50 and 100 mg/kg)were given 150 mg/kg adenine daily for 14 days to establish the rat model of infertility,except those of the blank group,followed by the 28 days corresponding gavage of the drugs.The rats had their general activities observed;their indexes levels of liver,kidney,testis and epididymis calculated;their sperms checked under the microscope;their pathological morphology of the liver,the kidney and the testis observed by HE staining;their spermatogenesis evaluated using the Johnsen scoring method;their serum levels of T,LH,FSH and GnRH detected by ELISA;and their testicular mRNA and protein expressions of mTOR,LC3B and ULK1 detected by RT-qPCR and Western blot.RESULTS Compared with the blank group,the model group displayed increased index level of the kidney(P<0.05),decreased sperm count,sperm activity rate and sperm index level(P<0.05),decreased serum levels of T and GnRH(P<0.05),increased levels of LH and FSH(P<0.05),obviously pathological damage of the kidney and testis,increased testicular expressions of mTOR mRNA and protein(P<0.05),decreased expressions of LC3B and ULK1 mRNA and protein(P<0.05),and decreased expression of p-mTOR protein(P<0.05).Compared with the model group,the high-dose verbascoside group demonstrated decreased renal index level(P<0.05),increased sperm count and sperm activity rate(P<0.05),increased serum T level(P<0.05),decreased LH and FSH levels(P<0.05),improved pathological damage of the kidney and the testis at different levels,decreased testicular expressions of mTOR mRNA and protein(P<0.05),increased expressions of LC3B,ULK1 mRNA and protein(P<0.05),and increased expression of p-mTOR protein(P<0.05).The high-dose verbascoside group displayed the same effects as those of the positive control Compound Xuanju Capsule.CONCLUSION Verbascoside can effectively improve the sperm quality,sex hormone disorder,reproductive function and pathological damage of kidney and testis in infertile rats,and its mechanism may be related to the enhanced positive regulation of autophagy and regulated hypothalamus-pituitary-testis axis disorder.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1030241


[Objective]To summarize the academic experience of Director ZHAO Hongli in the treatment of male infertility with six meridians syndrome differentiation.[Methods]By summarizing the clinical cases of male infertility treated by Director ZHAO and combining his interpretation of the six meridians syndrome differentiation,this paper summarizes Director ZHAO's experience in treating this disease with six meridians syndrome differentiation,fully elaborates the characteristics of the disease and the diagnosis and treatment ideas,and verifies and analyzes it with a typical medical case.[Results]Director ZHAO believes that male infertility has many clinical symptoms and can be treated with six meridians syndrome differentiation.The first step in syndrome differentiation is to distinguish between deficiency and excess.Those who belong to the excess category are based on the disease of the six Fu organs and Yang meridians,which are mostly three Yang disease patterns.Those who belong to the deficiency category are based on the disease of the five Zang organs and Yin meridians,which are mostly three Yin disease patterns.Director ZHAO carefully observes the pathogenesis and also establishes cold-heat complex type of male infertility,using Banxia Xiexin Decoction to communicate Yin and Yang.In terms of drug application,attention should be paid to patients'innate physique,combining Chinese and western medicine according to the characteristics of laboratory tests,advocating food therapy at the same time as medication,and paying attention to psychological counseling.In the case presented,the patient experienced erectile dysfunction after marriage,symptoms differentiation was of Yangming Channel syndrome.Treatment involved modified Gegen Qinlian Decoction to clear the Yangming heat,combined with Simiao Powder to clear damp-heat in lower-Jiao.After more than three months of comprehensive treatment based on the evolving symptoms,the patient's wife was successfully conceived.[Conclusion]Director ZHAO deeply verses in the classics,applies the six meridians syndrome differentiation to the treatment of male infertility innovatively,emphasizing individualized treatment based on syndrome differentiation,receiving remarkable efficacy,which offers a new perspective for both the clinical application of classical prescriptions and the treatment of male infertility.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1036235


ObjectiveTo evaluate the clinical efficacy and safety of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) suppository combined with Yishen Tongluo Qingkang decoction in the treatment of immune infertility. MethodA total of 116 patients meeting the inclusion criteria of this study were randomly divided into an observation group (58 cases) and a control group (58 cases). The observation group was treated with TCM suppository combined with Yishen Tongluo Qingkang decoction,and the control group was treated with prednisone acetate tablets. Both groups were treated for 12 weeks and followed up six months after treatment. Semen samples of the patients were collected before and after treatment,and the pregnancy status of their spouses,negative conversion rate of seminal plasma anti-sperm antibody (AsAb),sperm concentration,motility,percentage of forward motile sperm,sperm acrosin activity, and incidence of adverse reactions were compared between the two groups. ResultA total of 104 patients completed the study,including 53 cases in the observation group and 51 cases in the control group. Before treatment,the baseline data of the two groups were balanced. After treatment,the total effective rate of the observation group was 92.45%,which was higher than that of the control group (76.47%)(P<0.05),and the negative conversion rate of AsAb in the observation group was higher than that in the control group,but the difference was not statistically significant. After treatment,the sperm motility, percentage of forward motile sperm, and sperm acrosin activity increased in the two groups(P<0.05),and the sperm concentration in the observation group increased (P<0.05). There was no significant difference in sperm concentration in the control group. After treatment,the sperm concentration,motility,percentage of forward motile sperm, and acrosin activity in the observation group were better than those in the control group (P<0.05). During the trial,the incidence of adverse reactions in the observation group was lower than that in the control group (P<0.05). ConclusionTCM suppository combined with Yishen Tongluo Qingkang decoction can significantly increase the negative conversion rate of AsAb and improve the quality of semen in patients with immune infertility.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1036339


Background Pesticide exposure may impact the reproductive health of women undergoing assisted reproductive technology (ART). However, data on pesticide exposure levels in women undergoing ART in China are scarce, and current research on influencing factors is limited. Objective To evaluate the preconceptional pesticide exposure levels and identify potential determinants among women undergoing ART. Methods This study was designed as a cross-sectional survey and recruited 508 women undergoing ART from July 2017 to December 2018 at the fertility clinic of the International Peace Maternity and Child Health Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine. Gas chromatography/liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry was used to determine the metabolite concentrations of organophosphate pesticides (OPs), pyrethroid pesticides (PYRs), and neonicotinoid pesticides (NEOs) in urine. The sum of molar concentrations of the three pesticide classes (∑2OPs, ∑2PYRs, and ∑2NEOs) were calculated. A questionnaire was used to collect demographic characteristics, dietary habits, and behavioral information. Multiple linear regression was employed to analyze the associations of demographic characteristics, dietary habits, and behavioral variables with the concentrations of pesticide metabolites in urine among the participants. Results The median creatinine-adjusted concentrations of ∑2OPs, ∑2PYRs, and ∑2NEOs in this study were 419.77, 2.95, and 20.36 nmol·g−1, respectively. The multiple linear regression results showed that the urinary concentration of ∑2OPs was 42.88% higher in the participants with daily vegetable intake than in those who consumed vegetables ≤3 d per week (P<0.05), and the urinary concentration of ∑2PYRs was 37.24% higher in the participants with daily fruit intake than in those who consumed fruits ≤3 d per week (P<0.01). Similarly, the urinary concentrations of ∑2NEOs were 24.51% and 29.30% higher in the participants who consumed fruits daily and 4-6 d per week, respectively, than in those who consumed fruits ≤3 d per week (P<0.05). Besides, we also found that the urinary concentration of ∑2PYRs was negatively correlated with body mass index (BMI) in the participants (P<0.05). Furthermore, the urinary concentration of ∑2NEOs was not only positively correlated with age (P<0.05), but also significantly associated with pet ownership and infertility causes among the participants. Specifically, the participants who continued to own pets after conception had a 30.11% higher urinary concentration of ∑2NEOs than those who never owned pets (P<0.05), and the participants with infertility due to female factors had a 24.10% lower urinary concentration of ∑2NEOs than those who received ART treatment for infertility caused by male factors (P<0.05). Conclusion The women undergoing ART in Shanghai are widely exposed to pesticides. Age, BMI, frequency of vegetable and fruit intake, pet ownership, and infertility causes may be related to the pesticide exposure levels in this population. However, more human data are needed to confirm these findings.