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Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-220672


One can use time to make an economic good which transferable but it cannot be sold or oven to somebody. It cannot be stealing. Time goes with each individual. It includes time used for personal are, eating, sleep and rest, medical care and related activities like cooking and shopping etc, these activities are needed for more subsistence. It includes time required to make a living or to keep a house. It is important, because, a substantial part of our lives is spent in working, whether we enjoy it or not “work is life and life is work” says Batten. Time used for work is not available for other activities. Work related time includes time used for such activities as travelling daily to and from work and growing one does for work. The researcher takes survey in the OMEGA ZIPS Company and impact of time usage in the production system.

Artigo em Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-656227


The purpose of this study was to examine the causes of career interruptions among dental hygienists, institutional measures required for their long service and ways of creating a stable employment culture for them in determine how to resolve labor shortage, create stable jobs, and step up the reemployment of idle manpower. In addition, the following suggestions are made for the establishment of a stable employment culture for dental hygienists by analyzing related literature, research materials, and information such as forums for establishing appropriate jobs for female dental workers. First, a system should be set up to prevent career interruption among dental hygienists. The work environment should be improved to prevent career breaks, and the wages, working hours, and working style should be efficiently structured to maintain the tenure of employees. Second, a plan should be devised to make use of idle manpower, and a variety of necessary programs should be developed. With respect to regular working hours, the time conversion system should be used, which reduces the amount of time one would want to work while receiving a national subsidy. Third, dental hygienists working in different occupations for marriage, childbirth, childcare, school and personal hygiene should make a way to return to the dental system immediately when they want. Fourth, the government should take institutional measures and offer down-to-earth support and benefits for women consideration their social characteristics to guarantee a balance between work and childcare.

Feminino , Humanos , Higienistas Dentários , Emprego , Higiene , Casamento , Ocupações , Parto , Salários e Benefícios , Fatores Sociológicos
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-660203


Objective To discuss the technical specifications of current high-frequency electrotome detection,to avoid the hidden danger of high-frequency electrotome power detectors,and to measure the leakage current of different kinds of highfrequency electrotome accurately.Methods The power and leakage current of the high frequency electrotome were measured by FLUCK QA-ES Ⅱ high frequency electrotome analyzer.The safety of the two methods was compared before and after the improvement of the power measurement.Four parameters of leakage current were repeatedly measured with the ways of high frequency earthing and high frequency isolation respectively.The maximum measurement of leakage current was recorded.Results The improved connection method was safe in the power measurement.For the high-frequency electrotome in the model of high frequency earthing,the values of leakage current were restrained within the range of error with two ways of monopolar loading operation electrode and neutral electrode.For the high-frequency electrotome in the model of high frequency isolation,the values of leakage current were limited within the range of error withtwo ways of monopolar empty operation electrode and neutral electrode.Conclusion The improved high-frequency electrotome power detection method is safe for detectors.The data obtained from the leakage current detection method using the national standard correction method reflect the actual state of the high-frequency electrotome,when the electrotome with earth as the reference is used to detect the leakage current with loading or the insulated electrotome is applied to measuring the leakage current with no loading.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-662519


Objective To discuss the technical specifications of current high-frequency electrotome detection,to avoid the hidden danger of high-frequency electrotome power detectors,and to measure the leakage current of different kinds of highfrequency electrotome accurately.Methods The power and leakage current of the high frequency electrotome were measured by FLUCK QA-ES Ⅱ high frequency electrotome analyzer.The safety of the two methods was compared before and after the improvement of the power measurement.Four parameters of leakage current were repeatedly measured with the ways of high frequency earthing and high frequency isolation respectively.The maximum measurement of leakage current was recorded.Results The improved connection method was safe in the power measurement.For the high-frequency electrotome in the model of high frequency earthing,the values of leakage current were restrained within the range of error with two ways of monopolar loading operation electrode and neutral electrode.For the high-frequency electrotome in the model of high frequency isolation,the values of leakage current were limited within the range of error withtwo ways of monopolar empty operation electrode and neutral electrode.Conclusion The improved high-frequency electrotome power detection method is safe for detectors.The data obtained from the leakage current detection method using the national standard correction method reflect the actual state of the high-frequency electrotome,when the electrotome with earth as the reference is used to detect the leakage current with loading or the insulated electrotome is applied to measuring the leakage current with no loading.

Biosci. j. (Online) ; 31(1): 227-233, jan./fev. 2015.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-963848


Objetivou-se avaliar o efeito de diferentes inclusões da torta do babaçu sobre o consumo e comportamento ingestivo de ovinos. Vinte ovinos machos não castrados foram distribuídos em delineamento inteiramente ao acaso em quatro tratamentos com cinco repetições por tratamento. Os animais receberam dietas experimentais isofibrosas, isoenergéticas e isonitrogenadas contendo o subproduto em teores crescentes (zero; 7,5%; 15%; 22,5%). Não houve diferença estatística, para os dados de consumo de matéria seca. O consumo de fibra em detergente neutro em porcentagem do peso vivo e gramas por peso metabólico dos animais apresentaram um efeito quadrático obtemos os pontos máximos de 18,00% e 12,52 % respectivamente de inclusão da torta do babaçu na dieta destes animais. Não se observou diferença significativa entre a eficiência na alimentação pelo consumo de matéria seca e a eficiência na alimentação pelo consumo de fibra em detergente neutro. Houve efeito linear decrescente quanto aos tempos de ócio com as maiores inclusões da torta do babaçu em minutos/dia. Em um programa de criação de ovinos, recomenda-se como alternativa alimentar o uso da torta do babaçu até 15% na dieta total. A fibra em detergente neutro da torta de babaçu aumenta o tempo de mastigação e ruminação dos cordeiros.

The objective was to evaluate the effect of different inclusions of babassu cake over the intake and ingestive behavior of lambs. Twenty male lambs were distributed in a randomized design in four treatments with five repetitions per treatment. The animals received isofiber, isocaloric and isonitrogen diets with increasing levels of babassu cake (zero; 7,5%; 15%; 22,5%). There was no statistical difference for the dry matter intake. The neutral detergent fiber intake of percentage of body weight and of grams per metabolic weight presented a quadratic effect which maximum points were 18,00% and 12,52 % respectively of inclusion of babassu cake in the diet. There was no difference between efficiencies in the feeding of dry matter and neutral detergent fiber intakes. There was a decreasing linear effect for the idling time in minutes/day with the higher inclusions of babassu cake. In a production system of sheep, it is recommended as an alternative feeding the use of babassu cake at 15% of the diet. The neutral detergent fiber of the babassu cake increases the chewing and ruminating rates of lambs.

Ovinos , Dieta , Arecaceae , Gorduras Vegetais , Ruminação Digestiva
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec ; 66(1): 229-234, fev. 2014. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-704028


O experimento foi realizado com o objetivo de avaliar o comportamento ingestivo de cordeiros em confinamento, alimentados com dieta exclusiva de concentrado com diferentes porcentagens de proteína (14, 16, 18 e 20%). Foram utilizados 24 cordeiros mestiços da raça Santa Inês, não castrados, com aproximadamente 180 dias de idade, peso vivo médio de 25kg, confinados, num delineamento experimental inteiramente ao acaso, com quatro tratamentos e seis repetições. O tempo despendido na atividade de alimentação decresceu linearmente em 0,20 hora/dia para cada 1% de aumento na porcentagem de proteína na dieta; o de ócio aumentou linearmente em 0,25 hora/dia; e o de mastigação total reduziu linearmente em 0,25 hora/dia. A elevação da porcentagem de proteína na dieta elevou linearmente a eficiência de alimentação (kg MS e FDN/hora), em 0,038 e 0,005kg/hora, respectivamente, para as frações MS e FDN. Contudo, os consumos de matéria seca (MS) e fibra em detergente neutro (FDN), a eficiência de ruminação (kg MS e FDN/hora), assim como o período (nº/dia) e o tempo (min) gasto por período de alimentação, ruminação e ócio não foram influenciados pelas diferentes porcentagens de proteína na dieta.

The experiment was conducted to evaluate the ingestive behavior of feedlot lambs fed with an exclusive diet of concentrate with different percentages of protein (14, 16, 18, and 20%). A total of twenty four Santa Inês crossbred lambs, not castrated, with approximately 180 days of age, average live weight of 25kg, confined, in a completely randomized design, with four treatments and six repetitions. The time spent on feeding decreased linearly in 0.20 hours/day for each 1% increasing in protein percentage in the diet, the idleness increased linearly in 0.25 hours/day, and the total chewing decreased linearly in 0.25 hours/day. The increase in the protein percentage in the diet increased the feed efficiency linearly (kg DM and NDF/hour) in 0.038 and 0.005kg/hour, respectively, for DM and NDF fractions. However, the intake of dry matter (DM) and neutral detergent fiber (NDF), the rumination efficiency (kg DM and NDF/hour), as well as the period (nº /day) and the time (min) spent on feeding, ruminating and idling were not influenced by different protein percentages in the diet.

Animais , Dieta , Etologia/métodos , Ruminantes , Ovinos/classificação
Semina ciênc. agrar ; 27(4): 685-694, out.-dez. 2006. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-464871


O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar o consumo médio e a digestibilidade aparente dos nutrientes de rações contendo dois níveis de feno de capim coast-cross e soja crua moída, bem como estudar o comportamento de ovinos alimentados com essas rações. Foram utilizados dez ovinos machos, castrados, com peso vivo médio de 40,0 kg, em delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado com dois tratamentos (T) (T1=80 de feno de coast-cross picado + 20 de soja crua moída e T2=60 de feno de coastcross picado + 40 de soja crua moída) e cinco repetições. Os tratamentos foram avaliados em regimes de consumo voluntário e consumo restrito. O ensaio compreendeu um período de adaptação de 15 dias, seguido de dois períodos de coleta de sete dias cada. A ração foi fornecida em duas refeições diárias, cada qual contendo a metade da quantidade de alimento a ser fornecido ao dia. Foram feitas observações etológicas durante 12 horas seguidas, nos três últimos dias do período de consumo voluntário, onde foram coletados dados de tempo de ingestão de ração, de ruminação e de repouso. A coleta de fezes foi efetuada duas vezes ao dia através das bolsas coletoras. Observou-se que não houve diferença (P>0,05) entre tratamentos para o consumo médio diário (CMD) de nutrientes pelos animais, com exceção da proteína bruta e extrato etéreo. Os coeficientes de digestibilidade aparente (CDA) da matéria seca (MS), fibra bruta (FB) e carboidratos totais (CT) foram maiores (P<0,05) nos animais submetidos ao consumo restrito. Não houve diferença na digestibilidade dos nutrientes estudados entre os tratamentos. O tempo despendido em alimentação e ruminação não foi influenciado pelo nível de concentrado da ração, mas o tempo despendido em ócio foi maior no tratamento com maior teor de concentrado. Pode-se concluir que os animais alimentados com 80 de feno de Coast-cross e 20 de soja apresentaram maior CMD de PB e EE.

The aims of this experiment were to determine the average daily intake (ADI) and the apparent digestibilitycoefficient (ADC) of rations containing two levels of coastcross hay and ground soybean grain, as wellas, to study the behavior of sheep fed on these rations. Ten wethers averaging 40.0 kg of live weightwere allocated in feeding trial cages for this experiment. A completely randomized design with twotreatments (T1= 80% coastcross hay + 20% soybean grain and T2= 60% coast cross hay + 40% soybeangrain) and five replicates, were used. The treatments were evaluated under two feeding systems (voluntaryand restrict). There were two experimental periods of seven days with fifteen days of previous adaptationeach. The animals were fed twice a day with rations containing half of the estimated daily intake. Thebehaviours studied were times spent eating, ruminating and resting in a five minutes interval observationduring twelve hours. There were no significant differences (P>0.05) between treatments for nutrientsADI but for crude protein and ether extract (EE). The ADC for dry matter (DM), fiber (F) and totalcarbohydrates (TC) were significantly greater (P<0.05) for the restrict than for voluntary feeding system.There were no significant differences between treatments for digestibility of the nutrients evaluated.There were no effects of rations with different levels of concentrated on animals' times spent eating andruminating. However, time spent resting was significantly greater (P<0.05) for animals fed on rationscontaining higher levels of concentrate. In conclusion, sheep fed on 80% of coastcross hay plus 20% ofground soybean grain showed greater dry matter intake of CP and EE. The ADC for DM, F and TC weregreater in restrict feeding systems. The concentrate level in the ration just affected the time spent in idle

Digestão , Fenômenos Fisiológicos da Nutrição Animal , Ovinos , Ração Animal , Silagem