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Biosci. j. (Online) ; 33(5): 1284-1294, sept./oct. 2017. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-966328


Green iguana has arboreal and terrestrial habits. It is widely distributed in Central and South America, inhabiting several biomes in Brazil. Some researches were focused on this species, however, morphological information are still limited. With that in sight, we aimed to add data to the anatomical knowledge. Two post mortem specimen of Iguana i. iguana were acquired, donated by a scientific breeding, and dissected. To describe the muscles we refuted the skin and removed the fascias, individualizing the muscles. We identified the following muscles: pectoralis, deltoideus clavicularis, deltoideus scapularis, trapezius, latissimus dorsi, coracobrachialis brevis, coracobrachialis longus, serratus thoracis, levator scapulae, biceps brachii and triceps brachii. Some of them, like coracobrachialis brevis, present conservative anatomy, originating from the ventral surface of the coracoid and inserting onto the proximal humerus. Some, like trapezius and biceps brachii, are similar to other reptile species, trapezius takes its origin from the thoracodorsal fascia and biceps arises by two heads and inserts on the radial tuberosity. Deltoideus clavicularis and deltoideus scapularis share a common insertion tendon. Pectoralis varies its origin and divisions, however, the insertion always occur on the deltopectoral crest. Triceps brachii is comprised of four heads. Its long medial head originates via a tendinous arc, feature described only in crocodilians. We conclude that Iguana i. iguana forelimb musculature is similar to other reptiles, presenting its own characteristics that reflect its habits.

Iguanas verdes tem hábitos arbóreos, terrestres e aquáticos, e são totalmente herbívoras. Tem ampla distribuição na América Central e do Sul, habitando vários biomas no Brasil. Investigações diversas tiveram esta espécie como foco, embora informações morfológicas sejam ainda escassas. Objetivando adicionar dados ao conhecimento anatômico, dois espécimes de Iguana i. iguana foram obtidos post mortem, por doação de um criadouro científico, e dissecados. Os músculos foram individualizados para identificação e descrição das origens, inserções e características. Alguns músculos, como o coracobraquial curto, apresentam morfologia conservativa, sua origem ocorre na superfície ventral do coracóide e inserção na epífise proximal do úmero. O trapézio, o bíceps braquial e o deltóide clavicular se apresentam similares à outros répteis, com a origem do trapézio na fáscia toracodorsal e o bíceps, com duas cabeças, se inserindo no tubérculo do rádio. O deltóide clavicular possui o tendão de inserção unido ao do músculo deltóide escapular. O músculo peitoral apresenta variações em sua origem e divisões, mas a inserção sempre ocorre na crista deltopeitoral. A origem da cabeça longa caudal do tríceps ocorre por meio de arco tendíneo, característica antes descrita apenas em crocodilianos. A musculatura de Iguana i. iguana se apresenta similar à de outros répteis no geral, com características próprias refletindo seus hábitos.

Músculos Peitorais/anatomia & histologia , Répteis , Iguanas , Músculos
Braz. j. biol ; 77(3): 514-518, July-Sept. 2017. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-888781


Abstract Nematodes were analyzed in Iguana iguana, a large lizard Iguanidae that is widely distributed throughout the Americas. The aims of the study were investigate the helminths associated with the lizard, I. iguana in semi-arid areas of northeastern Brazil and analyze the parasitological indices (prevalence, and mean intensity of infection). A total of 18 specimens of I. iguana were examined (8 males and 10 females). The overall prevalence of infection was 66.6% (12/18), while in males, it was 75% (6/8) and in females, 60% (6/10). Iguana iguana was identified as a new host for Physaloptera sp., Atractis sp., Piratuba sp. and Subulura sp. This registered contributes to the knowledge of helminth diversity associated with this host.

Resumo Foram analisados os nematóides em Iguana iguana, um grande lagarto Iguanidae que possui ampla distribuição pelas Américas. Os objetivos do estudo foram investigar os helmintos associados ao lagarto I. iguana e seus índices parasitológicos (prevalência e intensidade média de infecção). Foram examinados 18 espécimes (oito machos e 10 fêmeas). A prevalência total foi de 66,6% (12/18), nos machos foi de 75% (6/8) e nas fêmeas 60% (6/10). Iguana iguana foi identificado como um novo hospedeiro para Physaloptera sp., Atractis sp., Piratuba sp., e Subulura sp. Este registro contribui para o conhecimento da diversidade de helmintos associados a este hospedeiro.

Animais , Masculino , Feminino , Iguanas , Nematoides/fisiologia , Infecções por Nematoides/veterinária , Brasil/epidemiologia , Prevalência , Interações Hospedeiro-Parasita , Infecções por Nematoides/parasitologia , Infecções por Nematoides/epidemiologia
Braz. j. biol ; 77(3)July-Sept. 2017.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1468386


Abstract Nematodes were analyzed in Iguana iguana, a large lizard Iguanidae that is widely distributed throughout the Americas. The aims of the study were investigate the helminths associated with the lizard, I. iguana in semi-arid areas of northeastern Brazil and analyze the parasitological indices (prevalence, and mean intensity of infection). A total of 18 specimens of I. iguana were examined (8 males and 10 females). The overall prevalence of infection was 66.6% (12/18), while in males, it was 75% (6/8) and in females, 60% (6/10). Iguana iguana was identified as a new host for Physaloptera sp., Atractis sp., Piratuba sp. and Subulura sp. This registered contributes to the knowledge of helminth diversity associated with this host.

Resumo Foram analisados os nematóides em Iguana iguana, um grande lagarto Iguanidae que possui ampla distribuição pelas Américas. Os objetivos do estudo foram investigar os helmintos associados ao lagarto I. iguana e seus índices parasitológicos (prevalência e intensidade média de infecção). Foram examinados 18 espécimes (oito machos e 10 fêmeas). A prevalência total foi de 66,6% (12/18), nos machos foi de 75% (6/8) e nas fêmeas 60% (6/10). Iguana iguana foi identificado como um novo hospedeiro para Physaloptera sp., Atractis sp., Piratuba sp., e Subulura sp. Este registro contribui para o conhecimento da diversidade de helmintos associados a este hospedeiro.

Pesqui. vet. bras ; 34(supl.1): 69-73, dez. 2014. ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: lil-778357


O crânio representa o segmento com conspícuas adaptações que, nos lagartos, podem ser conservativas ou impulsionadas por pressões seletivas. Objetivando subsidiar o conhecimento morfológico dos répteis, fornecemos uma descrição detalhada dos ossos que formam o neurocrânio de Iguana iguana iguana com base na análise de três esqueletos secos de espécimes adultos. O crânio da referia espécie possui características basais entre os lagartos sem o fechamento das aberturas cranianas e formato geral triangular. As estruturas ósseas que formam a base craniana apresentam muitas fusões, principalmente no assoalho. Na face caudal o exoccipital e o opistótico estão fundidos e formam o otoccipital, que contribui para a formação dos terços laterais do côndilo occipital. A parte central do côndilo é formada pelo supraoccipital. Fusões e estruturas esqueléticas presentes em Iguana são similares aos demais lagartos. Não foram descritas autapomorfias no neurocrânio para esta espécie.(AU)

Skull represents the segment with conspicuous adaptations that, in lizards, may be conservative or promoted by selective pressures. The aim of assisting the morphological knowledge of reptiles, we provide a detailed description of the neurocranium of Iguana iguana iguana based on analysis of three dried adult skeletons. The skull of this species has basal characteristics in lizards without closure of cranial openings and general triangular shape. Bony structures that form the caudal base have many fusions, especially on the floor. In the caudal face the exoccipital and the opisthotic are fused and form the otooccipital, which contributes to the formation of the lateral part of the condyle. The central part is formed by the condyle supraocciopital. Fusions and skeletal structures in Iguana are similar to other lizards. There are no autopomorphies in the neurocranium for this species.(AU)

Animais , Esqueleto/anatomia & histologia , Crânio/anatomia & histologia , Iguanas/anatomia & histologia
Rev. cient. (Maracaibo) ; 20(5): 467-472, oct. 2010. ilus, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-631098


Para obtener los parámetros reproductivos de la iguana verde (Iguana iguana) criada en condiciones de cautiverio, se utilizaron 71 hembras (669,1 g) y 17 machos ( 652,2 g), con edad de 1,5 a 7,5 años, las cuales se alojaron en jaulas de 5 x 6 m, donde se observó y registró la actividad reproductiva durante tres años, considerando como variable independiente la edad de los reproductores. Se utilizó estadística descriptiva. El peso de las hembras fue diferente (P<0,01) de acuerdo con la edad. La proporción hembras machos fue mayor (P<0,01) en las hembras de mayor edad. El periodo de celo, gravidez y mortalidad de las hembras fueron similares (P>0,05) a cualquier edad. El peso de nidada, número total de huevos, peso y ancho de huevo fueron diferentes (P<0,01), mientras que la longitud de los huevos fue similar (P>0,05) en todas las posturas estudiadas. El éxito de eclosión de los huevos y porcentaje de supervivencia fueron semejantes (P>0,05); no obstante, la masa relativa de nidada fue diferente (P<0,05). Se concluye que en las hembras de la Iguana iguana mantenidas en cautiverio, es posible escoger como posibles reproductores, a aquellas que presentan un rango de 4,5 a 7,5 años de edad, ya que presentan los mejores parámetros reproductivos.

The objective of this study was to obtain the reproductive parameters of the green iguana (Iguana iguana) in captivity. Seventy one females (669.1 g) and 17 males (652.2 g) were used. The ages of the iguanas were from 1.5 to 7.5 years old which were kept captivity in a 5 x 6 m cages, where the reproductive activities were observed and recorded over three years. Age was considered as an independent variable within the reproductive parameters. Descriptive statistic was determined. The weight of the females was different (P<0.01) according to age. The proportion of female:male intromission was greater (P<0.01) in older females. The periods of estrus, pregnancy and mortality of the females were similar (P>0.05) at all ages. The clutch weight, number of eggs, weight and width of eggs were different (P<0.01) for each female, whereas the length of eggs was similar (P>0.05) in all ovipositions. The successful hatching of the eggs and the enlivening the hatchlings were similar (P>0.05) for each female; however, the relative mass of each clutch was different (P<0.05). It was concluded that in female Iguana iguana raised in captivity, it is possible to select as potential reproductive individuals to those who have a range of 4.5 to 7.5 years of age, since they have the best reproductive parameters.

Rev. biol. trop ; 55(2): 709-715, jun. 2007. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-637618


Displacements of the green iguana (Iguana iguana) (Squamata: Iguanidae) during the dry season in La Palma, Veracruz, Mexico. The green iguana (Iguana iguana) is said to be primarily sedentary, although the females travel long distances to nest. Displacement patterns must be known to help predict the effects of environmental disturbance on iguanas’ survival. We studied nesting season (February-July) movements in La Palma, Los Tuxtlas, Veracruz, Mexico (18°33’ N, 95°03’ W). Individual movements and activity were monitored by radio tracking. The transmitters were implanted surgically in eight adult iguanas (four males and four females). Snout vent length (SVL) was used to determine the relationship between size of the body and size of home range. To estimate the size of home range, three or more points were used. Minimum convex polygons estimates of home range were calculated with McPAAL. The iguanas were radio-located between 23 and 30 occasions, mainly in trees (56 % between 3-9 m); only 4 % were localized under a height of 3 m (forest floor). The occupation area mean was larger for males (9 158.06±3 025.3m² vs. 6 591.24±4 001.1 m²) although the differences were not significant (t= 0.51, p>0.05). SVL was correlated with home range (r= 0.76; gl= 7; p<0.05). Breeding males defended their home range vigorously against other adult males. We observed one separate male home range and large portions of overlap between the sexes. The home range generally formed a conglomerate of polygons and only two had linear shapes along the river: apparently iguanas use the riparian vegetation for foraging. The females display two strategies for nesting: 1) moving to the sandy area near the sea or, 2) laying eggs near the river, in loam. Iguanas responded to habitat fragmentation and reduction by modifying their nesting strategy. Rev. Biol. Trop. 55 (2): 709-715. Epub 2007 June, 29.

Usamos radiotransmisores para determinar los desplazamientos de la iguana verde (Iguana iguana) en el periodo de anidación (febrero-julio) en La Palma, Los Tuxtlas, Veracruz, México (18°33’ N, 95°03’ W). Las iguanas fueron radiolocalizadas entre 23 y 30 ocasiones, principalmente en árboles (56 % entre 3-9 m); sólo 4 % fueron localizadas en el suelo. El tamaño del ámbito hogareño de machos y de hembras fue similar (9 158.06±3 025.3 m² vs. 6 591.24±4 001.1 m², respectivamente; t= 0.51, p>0.05). Se encontró una correlación significativa entre la LHC y el ámbito hogareño (r= 0.76, gl= 7, p<0.05). Las hembras tienen dos estrategias para anidar: 1) viajan para depositar los huevos a la arena de la playa, o 2) permanecen cerca de su ambiente ribereño y anidan en suelo arenoso-arcilloso. Al parecer, el ambiente fragmentado de la zona de la Palma, influye en la estrategia de anidación de la iguana verde.

Animais , Feminino , Masculino , Iguanas/fisiologia , Comportamento de Nidação/fisiologia , Estações do Ano , Sistemas de Identificação Animal , Migração Animal/fisiologia , Iguanas/classificação , México , Dinâmica Populacional , Telemetria