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Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 41: e219501, 2021.
Artigo em Português | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1340421


Resumo O presente estudo propôs analisar, sob a perspectiva feminista de pesquisa e da psicologia social do trabalho, os sentidos do trabalho e de gênero que emergiram das narrativas de adoecimento de trabalhadoras da indústria do vestuário de Criciúma, Santa Catarina. Trata-se de uma pesquisa do tipo empírica - com a realização de entrevistas -, de caráter exploratório e qualitativa, que parte da perspectiva do construcionismo social e da análise narrativa. Os sujeitos da pesquisa foram quatro trabalhadoras da indústria do vestuário. Evidenciou-se que o trabalho se apresenta como via de socialização e subjetivação de trabalhadoras, bem como de adoecimento, seja nos meios fabril, doméstico ou de cuidado. Com base na perspectiva de gênero, postula-se que a divisão sexual do trabalho ainda é um entrave à equidade nos contextos laborais, mediante uma atualização do caráter exploratório das atividades realizadas por mulheres, sobretudo pela invisibilidade, no âmbito reprodutivo, e pela precarização do trabalho produtivo.(AU)

Abstract Based on a feminist perspective and on the social psychology of work, this study aimed to analyze the meanings of work and gender arising from illness narratives of female workers of the garment industry of Criciúma, Santa Catarina. This exploratory empirical research was conducted from the social constructionism perspective, with qualitative data collected by means of interviews conducted with four garment workers. The results indicate that the work in the garment industry comprises a means of socialization and subjectivation of workers, besides triggering illness in the relation between factory, domestic, and care work. From a gender perspective, the sexual division of labor remains as an obstacle to reaching equity in the labor context before the constant maintenance of the exploratory nature of activities performed by women, the invisibility in the reproductive scope, and the precarization of productive work.(AU)

Resumen El presente estudio propuso analizar, desde la perspectiva feminista de investigación y de la psicología social del trabajo, los sentidos del trabajo y de género que emergieron en los relatos de enfermedad de las trabajadoras de la industria indumentaria de Criciúma, Santa Catarina (Brasil). Esta es una investigación empírica - con la realización de entrevistas -, de carácter exploratorio y cualitativo, que parte de la perspectiva del construccionismo social y del análisis narrativo. Los sujetos de la investigación fueron cuatro trabajadoras de este ramo. Se evidenció que el trabajo es una vía de socialización y subjetivación de las trabajadoras, así como de enfermedad, producida entre la fábrica, el hogar y el trabajo de cuidado. Con base en la perspectiva de género, se postula que la división sexual del trabajo sigue siendo un obstáculo a la equidad de género en los contextos laborales, bajo una actualización del carácter exploratorio de las actividades realizadas por mujeres, especialmente por la invisibilidad, en el ámbito reproductivo, y la precarización del trabajo productivo.(AU)

Humanos , Feminino , Adulto , Psicologia Social , Mulheres , Mulheres Trabalhadoras , Doença , Indústrias , Vestuário , Narração , Pesquisa Empírica , Sujeitos da Pesquisa , Empatia , Emprego , Equidade , Equidade de Gênero , Categorias de Trabalhadores
Interdisciplinaria ; 31(2): 227-237, dic. 2014.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-734358


Se parte de la hipótesis de que la indumentaria funcionaría como metáfora de la propia personalidad y de los vínculos que establece el sujeto con su entorno y la sociedad en su conjunto. Se informa un recorrido bibliográfico proponiendo la creación y búsqueda de conceptos ordenadores. La construcción de yuxtaposiciones de conceptualizaciones provenientes de distintas disciplinas que dan cuenta de un fenómeno común, permitiría producir visiones novedosas sobre la temática estudiada. A partir del rastreo bibliográfico realizado se concluye que la indumentaria, en su relación con el cuerpo puede pensarse más que como una metáfora, como una dialéctica. Puede aventurarse que el vestido formaría parte constitutiva de la o las imágenes corporales que se tienen de sí mismo, por lo cual integraría la identidad de los sujetos e intervendría en la regulación de los intercambios sociales que los individuos establecen con otros y con su entorno.

The objective of this essay was to perform a bibliographic exploration that engages sources from different social science disciplines, aiming to establish some of the connections that occurs between culture and body image's construction, and between the latter and clothing. Body and clothing are taken as object of study with the purpose of continuing the work already carried on in a previous paper (Velázquez, 2011). Although the preceding investigation takes the hypothesis that the dress would work as a metaphor for the personality and the connections the subject establishes with its immediate environment and society as a starting point, the traditional hypothetico - deductive method was not used. The social sciences, among which are included some of the disciplines that will be taken here as a reference, can be considered multi-paradigmatic. They are not regulated by a single theoretical paradigm as Kuhn (1971) praised, but instead they rely on multiple theories or logic-bubbles (de Bono, 1992) that achieve partial statements, or attempts at explanations, reduced to the portion of reality that each of them take as object of study. In this context, the multiple theories that coexist in social sciences overlap explanations, arise conceptual conflicts and let, most certainly, gaps and blind spots in the limits of their conceptions. It is therefore proposed, for the sake of scientific progress out of conflict and creativity, the search and creation of organizing concepts according to Saltalamacchia (1997). The articulation of theories from different disciplines, understood as overlapping metaphors that try to explain the same reality, enables the production of novel insights about the studied subject and the creation of new theories. Given the bibliographic research done, it can be visualized that subjectivity and society are in fact a network of relationships which effect on actual practice and daily life is structured by imaginary significations (Castoriadis, 1975) that configure the way we act and think. It can be also be stated that body and clothing can become a privileged observable for the study of the workings of this web of interrelationships. Therefore, studying the field in which clothing, inextricably related to the body, intervenes, and the ways in which it does, involves analyzing the discourses, practices and institutions that shape the representations of body, identity and society. Clothing, in its relation to the body, can be conceived as dialectic rather than as a metaphor. If, in opposition to substantialism (Carpio, 2003), things cannot be considered in themselves but only in terms of their relations, it is possible to conceive the biological body as the thesis and clothing as the anti-thesis, the synthesis of which would be body image or images. In this line of thought, it can be ventured that clothing may be a constituent part of the body image that we form of ourselves, reason because it also would integrate the identity of subjects and intervene in the regulation of social exchanges that individuals establish with others and with their environment. The study of the specific ways in which clothing is involved in the relationships that individuals establish with their surroundings and society can be enriched from different disciplinary perspectives and under the scrutiny of various methods of analysis. All these lines of analysis will be stimulating and appropriate for the planned study. In this respect, this assay attempts to register a particular bibliographic tour, among many possible others, that is concerned with the issue under study and report on the significant contributions that may be useful for investigations of this nature. Un doubtedly, this task has an initial character and will achieve its full significance once the contributions collected are tested in the fieldwork.

Rev. bras. psicanál ; 48(3): 127-139, set. 2014. ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1138381


O texto aborda o papel de roupas, acessórios, cabelos e posturas corporais na construção da imagem de Caetano Veloso no período de 1967 a 1972. Nossa hipótese é que estes aspectos foram tão importantes quanto a sua música na conformação de sua identidade como artista, sendo responsáveis também por sua prisão e exílio entre 1969 e 1972. As fontes utilizadas são fotografias do jornal Correio da Manhã e documentos produzidos pelos órgãos de segurança e informação do regime militar.

The article examines the role of clothes, accessories, hair styles and body postures in the construction of Caetano Veloso's image between 1967 and 1972. Our hypothesis is that these aspects were as important as his music in the formation of his identity as an artist, being accountable, as well, for his arrest, in 1968, and later exile in London, between 1969 and 1972. The paper's sources are photographs from the Rio de Janeiro newspaper Correio da Manhã and documents produced by security and information bodies of the military regime.

En este trabajo se aborda el papel de la ropa, los accesorios, el cabello y las posturas corporales en la construcción de la imagen de Caetano Veloso en el periodo comprendido entre 1967 y 1972. Nuestra hipotesis es que estos aspectos fueron tan importantes como su música en la formación de su identidad como artista, siendo responsables además por su detención y el exilio entre 1969 y 1972. Las fuentes del artículo son las fotografías del periódico Correio da Manhã y los documentos producidos por los órganos de seguridad y de la información en el régimen militar.

Medisan ; 16(12): 1954-1977, dic. 2012.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-662282


Los accesorios son sumamente importantes, pues combinados con acierto permiten realzar la figura humana en su conjunto, transmiten una valiosa información acerca de quien los porta y constituyen un recurso ideal para cambiar la apariencia en muy pocos minutos. En el artículo se abordan, fundamentalmente, diversos aspectos relacionados con los complementos femeninos y masculinos, en aras de combatir la vulgaridad, el mal gusto y el erróneo concepto de modernidad en algunas mentes y posturas, pues la exposición oral de un trabajo científico es una circunstancia especial que exige de oradoras y oradores una conducta e imagen personal igualmente distintivas, a fin de evitar que puedan ser descalificados por el auditorio antes de comenzar a hablar por haber descuidado este básico elemento en su atavío

Accessories are extremely important, because combined with success they allow to enhance the human figure as a whole, they transmit a valuable information about their carriers and they constitute an ideal resource to change the appearance in very few minutes. In the article different aspects related to the female and male complements are approached, fundamentally aimed at combating vulgarity, the bad taste and the erroneous concept of modernity in some minds and positions, because the oral presentation of a scientific work is a special circumstance that demands from speakers a equally distinctive behavior and personal image, in order to avoid that they can be disqualified by the auditory before beginning to speak to have neglected this basic element in their attire

Humanos , Vestuário , Ética , Exposições Científicas