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Arq. Inst. Biol. (Online) ; 89: e00032022, 2022. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1416740


The lesser mealworm (LMW) is the most important pest in poultry production. Insects are associated to avian pathogens, mainly Salmonella. Its control is based on chemical insecticide, with limited efficacy in population reduction. Also, insect populations are resistant to the main active ingredients used. Diatomaceous earth (DE) is a mineral dust that has activity against the LMW when used in dust application. No information is available about DE liquid preparation against this insect. Thus, bioassays were conducted aiming to develop a strategy for DE liquid preparation to this insect control. In laboratory the ideal concentration for poultry house experiment was estimated and the effect of insect contact with poultry litter or chicken feed after application was checked. In the poultry house, DE liquid preparation (10% in water, 1 L·m­2) was applied on the dirt soil of a cleaned and empty poultry house. In the control poultry house, a chemical insecticide was used (cypermethrin 15 g + chlorpyriphos 25 g + piperonyl butoxide 15 g) (1 L·m­2). DE at all concentrations was efficient mainly when insects were dried for 24 h before contact with a substrate. In poultry house, both treatments obtained similar results at 15 days after treatment (94% of reduction of insect population). At 45 days after treatment, the insect population with DE treatment increased 39% while the insect population remained 17% smaller than the initial population with a chemical insecticide. DE liquid preparation has potential to be used as a safe treatment in LMW population management, as a shock treatment.

Animais , Tenebrio , Controle de Insetos/métodos , Terra de Diatomáceas/administração & dosagem , Pragas da Agricultura
Neotrop. entomol ; 37(6): 716-722, Nov.-Dec. 2008. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-507030


A terra de diatomácea (TD) é uma alternativa potencial para o controle do cascudinho-dosaviários, Alphitobius diaperinus (Panzer). O objetivo do presente estudo foi conhecer a interferência de alguns fatores ambientais e comportamentais dessa espécie sobre a efi ciência da terra diatomácea no seu controle. Para isso, avaliou-se o efeito da temperatura do ambiente e do substrato (ração parafrangos e cama do aviário) na atividade da TD, assim como a atividade repelente do produto sobre adultos. A 32ºC a mortalidade de insetos foi signifi cativamente maior (53 e 84%, respectivamente para as concentrações de 86 e 172 g/m2) (P < 0,05). Além disso, o substrato infl uenciou, obtendo-se mortalidade de 95% na ração, contra apenas 4% na cama de aviário. Parte dos resultados pode ser atribuída à remoção das partículas de TD pela cama de aviário, conforme indicado pela análise em microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV) e também pela determinação da concentração de rodamina na superfície dos insetos. Quanto ao comportamento dos insetos, as armadilhas com TD capturaramcerca de 50% menos insetos que aquelas contendo apenas ração, mostrando, assim, a ação repelentedo produto. Assim, os fatores ambientais infl uenciam a efi ciência de TD e, portanto, devem ser levados em consideração para orientar as estratégias de utilização de TD em campo.

Diatomaceous earth (DE) is a potential alternative to control the lesser mealworm of poultry farms Alphitobius diaperinus (Panzer). Our study aimed to understand the role of some of theenvironmental and insect behavioral factors play on DE effectiveness, such as the substrate (chicken food and poultry house litter), temperature and DE repellent activity on lesser mealworm adults. Mortality was higher at the highest temperature (32ºC), and it increased with DE concentration (53and 84% respectively, for concentrations of 86 and 172 g/m2) (P < 0.05). The substrate also infl uencedDE effectiveness: 95% mortality was observed in the feed, against 4% in the poultry litter. Part of these results can be attributed to the removal of DE particles by the poultry bedding, as supported by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) observations and rhodamine concentration on the surface of the insects. As to insect behavior, DE had a repellent effect, since trap capture decreased nearly 50% in traps containing DE as opposed to those containing only food. Therefore, environmental factors do affect the DE effectiveness, and they must be taken into consideration when looking into developing control strategies in the field.

Animais , Besouros , Terra de Diatomáceas , Controle Biológico de Vetores , Besouros/ultraestrutura , Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura
Rev. Inst. Adolfo Lutz ; 62(1): e34943, 2003. ilus


O uso de terra diatomácea e de outros pós inertes vem se tornando uma prática comum no controle de insetos de produtos armazenados. Elas podem ser usadas em associaçäo com fumigantes, criando uma barreira física que impede a infestaçäo das partes inferiores e superiores da massa de gräos com insetos vindos de fora da estrutura. A existência de uma metodologia que permita a detecçäo de pós inertes, no caso, terra diatomácea, em gräos é de grande importância para a indústria e para os laboratórios oficiais. Sendo assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi o desenvolvimento de uma metodologia para detectar a presença de terra diatomácea em gräos de trigo. Para isto, foram tomadas amostras de 1 kg de gräos de trigo tratados com diferentes dosagens de terra diatomácea: 250 g/t; 500 g/t; 750 g/t; 1000 g/t; 2000 g/t; 4000 g/t; 6000 g/t; 8000 g/t; 10000 g/t. O método proposto utilizou água filtrada para lavagem dos gräos e extraçäo das algas diatomáceas em substituiçäo ao álcool a 95 por cento utilizado no método original. Foram recuperadas carapaças/fragmentos de algas diatomáceas em todas as amostras analisadas, mesmo naquelas tratadas com pequenas quantidades de terras diatomáceas. O método proposto mostrou-se adequado para avaliar a presença de partículas de algas diatomáceas e sugere-se ser adotado como método oficial. (AU)

The use of diatomaceous earth (DE) and other inert dusts has become a common practicefor insect control in stored products. They may be used in association with fumigants, creating a physicalbarrier against infestation in the lower and upper grain mass by insects or coming from outside the storagestructure. A methodology, which permits the detection of inert dust, in this case, DE - in grains is of greatimportance for the industry and official laboratories. Thus, the objective of this work was to develop amethod for detecting the presence of DE particles on wheat kernels. Samples of 1 Kg of wheat grainswere treated with different dosages of DE: 250 g/t; 500 g/t; 750 g/t; 1000 g/t; 2000 g/t; 4000 g/t; 6000 g/t; 8000 g/t; 10,000 g/t. The best results were obtained using filtered water for washing the grains andextracting the DE particles, instead of using 95% alcohol as it is prescribed in the original method. Fragments/carapaces of diatomace algae were recovered from all samples, even those treated with small amounts ofthe product. The proposed method proved to be adequate for detecting the presence of DE fragments/carapaces and we suggest to be adopted as an official method. (AU)

Resíduos , Triticum , Farinha , Terra de Diatomáceas