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Rev. colomb. obstet. ginecol ; 74(2): 153-162, jun. 2023. ilus, graf, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1536065


Objetivos: Describir un caso de manejo con sutura de B-Lynch en una mujer con útero bicorne que presenta hemorragia posparto (HPP), y realizar una revisión de la literatura acerca de las estrategias de control quirúrgico de la HPP en pacientes con malformaciones müllerianas, los resultados maternos en términos de control de la hemorragia, así como las complicaciones tempranas y tardías. Materiales y métodos: Se reporta el caso de una paciente con útero bicorne, atendida en un hopsital de referencia regional, que, posterior a parto por cesárea, presenta hemorragia posparto, la cual es controlada con éxito empleando la sutura de B-Lynch. Se realizó una búsqueda en las siguientes bases de datos: PubMed, Embase, Medline, Google Scholar y LILACS. Se emplearon los términos MeSh: "Uterine Atony", "Postpartum Hemorrhage", "Immediate Postpartum Hemorrhage", "Bicornuate Uterus", "Mullerian Anomalies", "Mullerian Ducts Abnormalities", "Uterine Compression Suture". Se incluyeron reportes y series de casos que hubieran incluido pacientes con malformaciones müllerianas con HPP que no respondieran al manejo farmacológico inicial, con uso de procedimientos quirúrgicos conservadores para el control de la hemorragia. Se hace análisis narrativo de los hallazgos respecto a las características de los estudios, técnicas utilizadas y complicaciones. Resultados: Se seleccionaron 5 estudios, 4 de tipo reporte de caso y 1 serie de casos, que corresponden a 12 mujeres con malformación uterina que desarrollaron HPP, en las cuales se empleó manejo quirúrgico (suturas de compresión uterina), y con dispositivo (tipo balón intrauterino) para el control de la hemorragia, logrando controlar el sangrado en 11 casos, solo una (8,3 %) requirió histerectomía. No se reportan complicaciones a largo plazo. Conclusiones: El manejo de la HPP en mujeres con malformaciones uterinas müllerianas cuenta con una literatura limitada a reportes de casos, con uso tanto de suturas compresivas como dispositivos médicos tipo balones intrauterinos. La sutura compresiva tipo B-Lynch parece ser una buena alternativa en el control de la HPP en estas mujeres con el fin de preservar la fertilidad, con baja tasa de complicaciones. Se requiere continuar documentando este tipo de casos con el fin de consolidar evidencia de la utilidad de esta técnica en el control del sangrado uterino posparto en esta población.

Objectives: To describe the use of the B-Lynch suture in a case of postpartum hemorrhage of a woman with bicornuate uterus, and to carry out a review of the literature on PPH control strategies in patients with müllerian anomalies, maternal outcomes in terms of hemorrhage control, as well as early and late complications. Material and methods: Case report of a patient with bicornuate uterus who presented to a regional referral hospital with postpartum hemorrhage following a cesarean section, which was successfully controlled using the B-Lynch suture. A search was conducted in the PubMed, Embase, Medline, Google Scholar and LILACS databases. The MeSh terms used were: "Uterine Atony," "Postpartum Hemorrhage," "Immediate Postpartum Hemorrhage," "Bicornuate Uterus," "Müllerian Anomalies," "Müllerian Duct Abnormalities". Case reports and case series of patients with müllerian malformations and PPH not responding to initial pharmacological management in whom conservative surgical procedures were used to control bleeding were included. A narrative analysis of the findings was carried out based on study characteristics, techniques used and complications. Results: Five studies were selected, 4 case reports and 1 case series which included 12 women with uterine malformations who developed PPH and in whom surgical management (uterine compression sutures) or devices (intrauterine balloon) were used for hemorrhage control. Bleeding was successfully controlled in 11 cases, with hysterectomy required only in one case (8.3 %). No long-term complications were reported. Conclusions: The literature on PPH management in women with müllerian uterine malformations is limited to case reports in which either compression sutures or medical devices such as intrauterine balloons were used. The B-Lynch-type compression suture appears to be a good option for controlling PPH in these women in order to preserve fertility, with a low rate of complications. Further documentation of these types of cases is needed in order to build the evidence regarding the usefulness of this technique for controlling postpartum uterine bleeding in this population.

Humanos , Feminino , Gravidez , Útero Bicorno
Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-218936


Background: A full-term pregnant Ongole cow was presented to the Large Animal Obstetrical Ward with a history of reduced feed intake, dull and ruptured foetal membranes 24 hours before presentation without progress in parturition. The temperature was within the normal physiological range. Per-vaginal examination revealed second-degree cervical dilation, lack of uterine and abdominal contractions and the vaginal discharges were reddish brown and putrid. Methods: The case was diagnosed as secondary uterine inertia and treated with an intracervical application of misoprostol and intravenous calcium therapy. Results: Three hours after the application of misoprostol and calcium therapy, full dilatation of the cervix was achieved to facilitate the delivery of the dead male emphysematous foetus by traction. Uneventful recovery of the dam was noticed. Conclusion: Usage of misoprostol along with CMC massage and calcium therapy resulted in speedy recovery of dystocia suffering with incomplete cervical dilation.

Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1424309


La hemorragia postparto (HPP) es la patología de mayor transcendencia con respecto a mortalidad materna, siendo esta una de las principales preocupaciones de la salud pública. La atonía uterina es la principal causa de HPP. Objetivo : Determinar los factores asociados al desarrollo de atonía uterina. Métodos : Estudio observacional analítico de casos y controles de 4,148 pacientes puérperas inmediatas atendidas en el servicio de Obstetricia del Hospital Regional Docente de Trujillo, Perú, entre los años 2009 y 2019; 1,037 pacientes presentaron atonía uterina y 3,111 fueron los controles. Resultados : Al realizar el análisis bivariado, las variables que presentaron significancia estadística como factores asociados para el desarrollo de atonía uterina fueron el parto por cesárea [OR 1,98 (IC 95%: 1,71 a 2,29)], proceder de la sierra [OR 1,38 (IC 95%: 1,12 a 1,70)], el embarazo múltiple [OR 4,48 (IC 95%: 3,43 a 5,83)], parto disfuncional [OR 1,82 (IC 95%: 1,44 a 2,31)] y feto macrosómico [OR 1,37 (IC 95%: 1,08 a 1,73)]. Por otro lado, se mostraron como factores no asociados con significancia estadística el haber sido primípara [OR 0,79 (IC 95%: 0.65 a 0,94)] y el ser multípara [OR 0,82 (IC 95%: 0,69 a 0,97)]. Conclusiones : Los factores asociados al desarrollo de atonía uterina fueron la cesárea como vía de culminación del parto, el ser procedente de la sierra, y haber tenido un feto macrosómico, polihidramnios y embarazos múltiples.

Postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) is the most important pathology in terms of maternal mortality, being one of the main public health concerns. Uterine atony is the main cause of PPH. Objective : To determine the factors associated with the development of uterine atony. Methods : Observational analytical case-control study of 4,148 immediate postpartum patients attended at the Obstetrics Department of the Hospital Regional Docente de Trujillo, Peru, between 2009 and 2019; 1,037 patients presented uterine atony and 3,111 were controls. Results : When performing the bivariate analysis, the variables that presented statistical significance as associated factors for the development of uterine atony were cesarean delivery [OR 1.98 (95% CI: 1.71-2.29)], being from the highlands [OR 1.38 (95% CI: 1.12-1.70)], multiple pregnancy [OR 4.48 (95% CI: 3.43-5.83)], dysfunctional delivery [OR 1.82 (95% CI: 1.44-2.31)] and macrosomic fetus [OR 1.37 (95% CI: 1.08-1.73)]. On the other hand, having been primiparous [OR 0.79 (95% CI: 0.65-0.94)] and being multiparous [OR 0.82 (95% CI: 0.69-0.97)] were shown as factors not associated with statistical significance. Conclusions : Factors associated with the development of uterine atony were cesarean section as the route of delivery, being from the highlands, and having had a macrosomic fetus, polyhydramnios and multiple pregnancies.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-219027


A nondescript sow with the history of delivering eight piglets and one remain in uterus since three days but unable to deliver was reported. The case was diagnosed as dystocia due to uterine inertia and laparohysterotomy was performed under general anesthesia, one male dead piglet was recovered successfully. The animal showed uneventful recovery.

Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences ; : 367-370, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-988231


@#This case report illustrates how a primary care physician managed a 60-year-old woman with severe obesity, uncontrolled diabetes mellitus, and low self-esteem for many years. Through a primary care physician, bariatric surgery is recommended for patients with severe obesity, which is then co-managed in a tertiary hospital through a multidisciplinary team. Primary care physicians are on the front lines when treating patients with severe obesity. A number of studies have shown that primary care physicians have low success rates in counselling and managing patients with severe obesity.(1,2) There is also a debate about bariatric surgery being unsuitable for the elderly age. It is crucial to intervene early to prevent obesity progression and its complications. Clinical inertia is one factor that hinders patients with severe obesity. Therefore, it is essential to address the problem of severe obesity early and should not miss the opportunity to counsel the treatment options and refer these patients to bariatric surgery if indicated. Primary care physicians are also crucial in providing continuity of care after bariatric surgery.

Braz. j. biol ; 82: 1-8, 2022. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1468495


Reproductive diseases have been well documented in domestic livestock such as sheep, goat, cattle and pigs. However, there is very little information on these diseases in the agouti (Dasyprocta leporina). The agouti is used for its meat in South America and the Caribbean. More recently, intensive farming of this animal is being practiced in the Neotropics. There is dearth of information on dystocia and vaginal prolapses in the agouti. This document reports on three cases of reproductive diseases in captive reared agoutis in Trinidad and Tobago. The first case was a female agouti weighing approximately 3 kg that was in the last stage of pregnancy, which was found dead in its cage. The vulva of the mother had the protruding hind-limbs of the fetus. Necroscopic evaluation of carcass revealed little fat tissue and the mother had two fetuses in the right horn of the uterus. Each fetus weighed approximately 200 g. The fetuses were well formed with fur, teeth and eyes. The placenta was attached to each fetus. The pathological findings suggested that dystocia resulted from secondary uterine inertia which was the cause of death of the adult female agouti. The second case was that of an adult female agouti weighing 2.5 kg. This female had given birth to an offspring three weeks prior and was observed to have had a vaginal prolapse. Surgery was performed and the prolapsed vagina was placed back into the pelvic cavity. Further to this intervention, the vagina prolapsed twice. Subsequent to the re-insertion of the vaginal tissue the agouti was euthanized. The third case was also that of a dystocia. However, the fetuses weighed 235 g and 165 g respectively and were in normalpresentation, posture and positioning. The fetus however was unable to pass via the vagina and was trapped in the pelvic cavity. This caused secondary uterine inertia which was the cause of death. The causes of reproductive diseases in these cases are unknown but the feeding [...].

As doenças reprodutivas têm sido bem documentadas em rebanhos domésticos, como ovinos, caprinos, bovinos e suínos. Porém, há muito pouca informação sobre essas doenças na cutia (Dasyprocta leporina). A cutia é usada como carne na América do Sul e no Caribe. Mais recentemente, a criação intensiva desse animal está sendo praticada na região neotropical. Há escassez de informações sobre distocia e prolapsos vaginais na cutia. Este documento relata três casos de doenças reprodutivas em cutias criadas em cativeiro em Trinidad e Tobago. O primeiro caso foi de uma cutia de aproximadamente 3 kg que estava na última fase de gestação, encontrada morta em sua gaiola. A vulva da mãe tinha as patas traseiras salientes do feto. A avaliação necroscópica da carcaça revelou pouco tecido adiposo e a mãe tinha dois fetos no corno direito do útero. Cada feto pesava aproximadamente 200 g. Os fetos eram bem formados com pelos, dentes e olhos. A placenta foi presa a cada feto. Os achados patológicos sugeriram que a distocia resultou de inércia uterina secundária, que foi a causa da morte da cutia adulta. O segundo caso foi ode uma cutia adulta pesando 2,5 kg. Essa fêmea deu à luz uma cria três semanas antes e foi observado que tinha prolapso vaginal. A cirurgia foi realizada e a vagina prolapsada foi colocada de volta na cavidade pélvica. Após essa intervenção, a vagina prolapsou duas vezes. Após a reinserção do tecido vaginal, a cutia foi eutanasiada. O terceiro caso também foi de distocia. No entanto, os fetos pesavam 235 g e 165 g e estavam em apresentação, postura e posicionamento normais. O feto, entretanto, não conseguiu passar pela vagina e ficou preso na cavidade pélvica. Isso causou inércia uterina secundária, que foi a causa da morte. As causas das doenças reprodutivas nesses casos são desconhecidas, mas o manejo da alimentação e o espaço concedido à cutia no final da gestação podem ser fatores contribuintes.

Feminino , Animais , Gravidez , Dasyproctidae , Distocia/veterinária , Inércia Uterina/mortalidade , Inércia Uterina/veterinária , Prolapso Uterino/complicações , Prolapso Uterino/veterinária
Braz. j. biol ; 822022.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1468682


Abstract Reproductive diseases have been well documented in domestic livestock such as sheep, goat, cattle and pigs. However, there is very little information on these diseases in the agouti (Dasyprocta leporina). The agouti is used for its meat in South America and the Caribbean. More recently, intensive farming of this animal is being practiced in the Neotropics. There is dearth of information on dystocia and vaginal prolapses in the agouti. This document reports on three cases of reproductive diseases in captive reared agoutis in Trinidad and Tobago. The first case was a female agouti weighing approximately 3 kg that was in the last stage of pregnancy, which was found dead in its cage. The vulva of the mother had the protruding hind-limbs of the fetus. Necroscopic evaluation of carcass revealed little fat tissue and the mother had two fetuses in the right horn of the uterus. Each fetus weighed approximately 200 g. The fetuses were well formed with fur, teeth and eyes. The placenta was attached to each fetus. The pathological findings suggested that dystocia resulted from secondary uterine inertia which was the cause of death of the adult female agouti. The second case was that of an adult female agouti weighing 2.5 kg. This female had given birth to an offspring three weeks prior and was observed to have had a vaginal prolapse. Surgery was performed and the prolapsed vagina was placed back into the pelvic cavity. Further to this intervention, the vagina prolapsed twice. Subsequent to the re-insertion of the vaginal tissue the agouti was euthanized. The third case was also that of a dystocia. However, the fetuses weighed 235 g and 165 g respectively and were in normal presentation, posture and positioning. The fetus however was unable to pass via the vagina and was trapped in the pelvic cavity. This caused secondary uterine inertia which was the cause of death. The causes of reproductive diseases in these cases are unknown but the feeding management and space allowance given to the agouti in late gestation may be contributing factors.

Resumo As doenças reprodutivas têm sido bem documentadas em rebanhos domésticos, como ovinos, caprinos, bovinos e suínos. Porém, há muito pouca informação sobre essas doenças na cutia (Dasyprocta leporina). A cutia é usada como carne na América do Sul e no Caribe. Mais recentemente, a criação intensiva desse animal está sendo praticada na região neotropical., Há escassez de informações sobre distocia e prolapsos vaginais na cutia. Este documento relata três casos de doenças reprodutivas em cutias criadas em cativeiro em Trinidad e Tobago. O primeiro caso foi de uma cutia de aproximadamente 3 kg que estava na última fase de gestação, encontrada morta em sua gaiola. A vulva da mãe tinha as patas traseiras salientes do feto. A avaliação necroscópica da carcaça revelou pouco tecido adiposo e a mãe tinha dois fetos no corno direito do útero. Cada feto pesava aproximadamente 200 g. Os fetos eram bem formados com pelos, dentes e olhos. A placenta foi presa a cada feto. Os achados patológicos sugeriram que a distocia resultou de inércia uterina secundária, que foi a causa da morte da cutia adulta. O segundo caso foi o de uma cutia adulta pesando 2,5 kg. Essa fêmea deu à luz uma cria três semanas antes e foi observado que tinha prolapso vaginal., A cirurgia foi realizada e a vagina prolapsada foi colocada de volta na cavidade pélvica. Após essa intervenção, a vagina prolapsou duas vezes. Após a reinserção do tecido vaginal, a cutia foi eutanasiada. O terceiro caso também foi de distocia. No entanto, os fetos pesavam 235 g e 165 g e estavam em apresentação, postura e posicionamento normais. O feto, entretanto, não conseguiu passar pela vagina e ficou preso na cavidade pélvica. Isso causou inércia uterina secundária, que foi a causa da morte. As causas das doenças reprodutivas nesses casos são desconhecidas, mas o manejo da alimentação e o espaço concedido à cutia no final da gestação podem ser fatores contribuintes.

Braz. j. biol ; 82: e237869, 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1249268


Reproductive diseases have been well documented in domestic livestock such as sheep, goat, cattle and pigs. However, there is very little information on these diseases in the agouti (Dasyprocta leporina). The agouti is used for its meat in South America and the Caribbean. More recently, intensive farming of this animal is being practiced in the Neotropics. There is dearth of information on dystocia and vaginal prolapses in the agouti. This document reports on three cases of reproductive diseases in captive reared agoutis in Trinidad and Tobago. The first case was a female agouti weighing approximately 3 kg that was in the last stage of pregnancy, which was found dead in its cage. The vulva of the mother had the protruding hind-limbs of the fetus. Necroscopic evaluation of carcass revealed little fat tissue and the mother had two fetuses in the right horn of the uterus. Each fetus weighed approximately 200 g. The fetuses were well formed with fur, teeth and eyes. The placenta was attached to each fetus. The pathological findings suggested that dystocia resulted from secondary uterine inertia which was the cause of death of the adult female agouti. The second case was that of an adult female agouti weighing 2.5 kg. This female had given birth to an offspring three weeks prior and was observed to have had a vaginal prolapse. Surgery was performed and the prolapsed vagina was placed back into the pelvic cavity. Further to this intervention, the vagina prolapsed twice. Subsequent to the re-insertion of the vaginal tissue the agouti was euthanized. The third case was also that of a dystocia. However, the fetuses weighed 235 g and 165 g respectively and were in normal presentation, posture and positioning. The fetus however was unable to pass via the vagina and was trapped in the pelvic cavity. This caused secondary uterine inertia which was the cause of death. The causes of reproductive diseases in these cases are unknown but the feeding management and space allowance given to the agouti in late gestation may be contributing factors.

As doenças reprodutivas têm sido bem documentadas em rebanhos domésticos, como ovinos, caprinos, bovinos e suínos. Porém, há muito pouca informação sobre essas doenças na cutia (Dasyprocta leporina). A cutia é usada como carne na América do Sul e no Caribe. Mais recentemente, a criação intensiva desse animal está sendo praticada na região neotropical., Há escassez de informações sobre distocia e prolapsos vaginais na cutia. Este documento relata três casos de doenças reprodutivas em cutias criadas em cativeiro em Trinidad e Tobago. O primeiro caso foi de uma cutia de aproximadamente 3 kg que estava na última fase de gestação, encontrada morta em sua gaiola. A vulva da mãe tinha as patas traseiras salientes do feto. A avaliação necroscópica da carcaça revelou pouco tecido adiposo e a mãe tinha dois fetos no corno direito do útero. Cada feto pesava aproximadamente 200 g. Os fetos eram bem formados com pelos, dentes e olhos. A placenta foi presa a cada feto. Os achados patológicos sugeriram que a distocia resultou de inércia uterina secundária, que foi a causa da morte da cutia adulta. O segundo caso foi o de uma cutia adulta pesando 2,5 kg. Essa fêmea deu à luz uma cria três semanas antes e foi observado que tinha prolapso vaginal., A cirurgia foi realizada e a vagina prolapsada foi colocada de volta na cavidade pélvica. Após essa intervenção, a vagina prolapsou duas vezes. Após a reinserção do tecido vaginal, a cutia foi eutanasiada. O terceiro caso também foi de distocia. No entanto, os fetos pesavam 235 g e 165 g e estavam em apresentação, postura e posicionamento normais. O feto, entretanto, não conseguiu passar pela vagina e ficou preso na cavidade pélvica. Isso causou inércia uterina secundária, que foi a causa da morte. As causas das doenças reprodutivas nesses casos são desconhecidas, mas o manejo da alimentação e o espaço concedido à cutia no final da gestação podem ser fatores contribuintes.

Animais , Feminino , Gravidez , Dasyproctidae , América do Sul , Suínos , Trinidad e Tobago , Bovinos , Ovinos , Região do Caribe
Rev. bras. hipertens ; 28(4): 293-296, 10 dez. 2021.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1367468


A doença hipertensiva é o principal fator de risco para a mortalidade cardiovascular no mundo. Para tentar melhorar esse cenário, podem-se vislumbrar três ações estratégicas: melhorar o acesso aos cuidados em saúde, aumentar a adesão ao tratamento anti-hipertensivo e quebrar os paradigmas da inércia terapêutica. A hipertensão arterial é doença cujo diagnóstico é rápido, de baixo custo e relativamente fácil. Entretanto, apenas uma em cada cinco pessoas hipertensas está com a pressão arterial controlada. Logo, se as metas pressóricas recomendadas não forem atingidas e mantidas, há maior risco de desfechos cardiovasculares ruins. Estratégias de educação em saúde podem acarretar em maior adesão ao tratamento. Para tanto, deve-se incentivar o esclarecimento da população sobre essa doença, fornecendo-lhe informações pertinentes. Além disso, o profissional médico deve estabelecer estratégias para atingir a meta pressórica, para seus pacientes, por meio do tratamento efetivo. As diretrizes médicas se propõem a oferecer as melhores evidências em diagnóstico e tratamento. No entanto, por vezes, podem ser um tanto confusas e até mesmo complexas para serem utilizadas rotineiramente. A fim de tornar mais simples e objetiva a busca de informações, baseadas em evidências científicas atuais, na conduta dos pacientes hipertensos, propõe-se um fluxograma para consulta rápida. Nele, a hipertensão arterial é conduzida desde o diagnóstico até o tratamento

Hypertensive disease is the main risk factor for cardiovascular mortality worldwide. To improve this scenario, three strategic actions can be envisaged: improving access to health care, increasing adherence to antihypertensive treatment, and breaking the paradigms of therapeutic inertia. Hypertension is a disease whose diagnosis is quick, inexpensive, and relatively easy. However, only one in five people with hypertension has controlled blood pressure. Therefore, if the recommended blood pressure goals are not met and maintained, there is an increased risk of poor cardiovascular outcomes. Health education strategies can lead to greater adherence to treatment. Therefore, the population should be informed about this disease, providing them with pertinent information. In addition, the medical professional must establish strategies to reach the blood pressure goal, for their patients, through effective treatment. Medical guidelines purport to provide the best evidence in diagnosis and treatment. However, sometimes they can be quite confusing and even complex to use routinely. To make the search for information, based on current scientific evidence, in the management of hypertensive patients simpler and more objective, a flowchart for quick consultation is proposed. In it, arterial hypertension is conducted from diagnosis to treatment

Humanos , Adesão à Medicação , Hipertensão/diagnóstico , Hipertensão/tratamento farmacológico
Chinese Journal of Primary Medicine and Pharmacy ; (12): 1601-1604, 2021.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-909254


Objective:To investigate the clinical efficacy of uterine compression suture in the treatment of postpartum hemorrhage resulting from uterine atony.Methods:100 patients with postpartum hemorrhage due to uterine atony who received treatment between May 2017 and May 2018 in the First People's Hospital of Yongkang were included in this study. They were randomly assigned to undergo either conventional uterine suture (control group, n = 50) or uterine compression suture (observation group, n = 50). Clinical efficacy was compared between the observation and control groups. Results:Total effective rate in the observation group was significantly higher than that in the control group [94.0% (47/50) vs. 68.0% (34/50), χ2 = 12.421, P < 0.01]. There was no significant difference in operative time between observation and control groups [(62.99 ± 10.87) minutes vs. (60.98 ± 8.12) minutes, t = 1.048, P > 0.05]. The amount of blood loss within 2 and 24 hours postpartum, abdominal circumference, and uterine height in the observation group were (216.85 ± 16.85) mL, (356.19 ± 25.71) mL, (98.56 ± 5.86) cm and (35.17 ± 2.33) cm respectively, which were significantly less or lower than those in the control group [(485.29 ± 28.41) mL, (596.38 ± 34.18) mL, (108.59 ± 2.65) cm, and (38.45 ± 4.19) cm, t = 85.652, 65.325, 16.584, 3.256, all P < 0.05]. The incidence of complications in the observation group was significantly lower than that in the control group [4.0% (2/50) vs. 28.0% (14/50), χ2 = 12.032, P < 0.01]. Conclusion:Uterine compression suture for the treatment of postpartum hemorrhage resulting from uterine atony has greater clinical efficacy and leads to lower incidence of complications than conventional suture technique.

Journal of Acupuncture and Tuina Science ; (6): 67-71, 2021.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-885984


Objective: To observe the effect of Anrou-pressing and kneading Hegu (LI 4) and Sanyinjiao (SP 6) on uterine inertia during painless parturition. Methods: A total of 100 cases of patients with uterine inertia during painless parturition were randomized into an acupoint group and a medicine group by the SPSS programming, with 50 cases in each group. Patients in the acupoint group received the treatment of Anrou-pressing and kneading bilateral Hegu (LI 4) and Sanyinjiao (SP 6), while patients in the medicine group received intravenous oxytocin. The labor time and maternal-child safety were evaluated, and the labor stage was compared. Results: The latent and active phases in the 1st labor stage and the 2nd labor stage in the acupoint group were substantially shorter than those in the medicine group, and the between-group comparisons showed statistical significance (all P<0.05). The between-group comparison of the 3rd labor stage showed no statistical significance (P>0.05). The postpartum hemorrhage amount in both groups was within the safe range, and the between-group comparison showed no statistical significance (P>0.05). The newborn 1 min Apgar score was ranged 8-10 points, and the between-group comparison showed no statistical significance (P>0.05). The between-group comparison of the labor stage efficacy showed statistical significance (P<0.01), with a better progression in the acupoint group. Conclusion: Anrou-pressing and kneading Hegu (LI 4) and Sanyinjiao (SP 6) is both effective and safe for uterine inertia during painless parturition.

Rev. Soc. Argent. Diabetes ; 54(2): 31-38, mayo-ago. 2020. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | BINACIS, LILACS | ID: biblio-1119318


Introducción: la diabetes mellitus tipo 2 (DM2) es una enfermedad metabólica de alta prevalencia que constituye un importante factor de riesgo cardiovascular, en la cual los pacientes no sólo se diagnostican tardíamente, sino que permanecen por tiempos prolongados con mal control de la glucemia y de los demás factores de riesgo cardiovascular. Se registra una significativa inercia terapéutica en la implementación de drogas antidiabéticas en la segunda línea de tratamiento. Objetivos: el objetivo principal del estudio DISCOVER fue proporcionar datos del mundo real para evaluar la terapéutica antidiabética y los resultados clínicos prospectivos en pacientes con DM2 que inician una terapia farmacológica de segunda línea para la reducción de la glucemia. El objetivo secundario fue informar los datos de referencia de Argentina comparados con pacientes del mundo global, incluyendo variables metabólicas, edad, antigüedad de la enfermedad y riesgo cardiovascular. Materiales y métodos: DISCOVER es un estudio observacional, prospectivo, de tres años de duración, en el cual participaron pacientes de 37 países con DM2, con mal control glucémico, que requerían una terapia antidiabética de segunda línea. Argentina participó con 14 centros urbanos. Los criterios de inclusión fueron: pacientes con diagnóstico de DM2 mayores de 18 años que requerían segunda línea de tratamiento para control de la glucemia luego del tratamiento de primera línea oral, con una monoterapia, o terapia doble o triple administrada como combinación de dosis fija. Resultados: se presentan los datos correspondientes a la Argentina. Se enrolaron 299 pacientes con diagnóstico de DM2 (51,3% hombres) que estaban fuera del objetivo de control glucémico (el control glucémico se estableció de acuerdo al valor de HbA1c de <7% según los criterios de la Asociación Americana de Diabetes, ADA 2020). La edad media fue de 59 años±10 años. El valor medio de la HbA1c fue de 8,8%±1,9% con glucemia en ayunas promedio de 182,9 mg/dl±59,6 mg/dl. Se registró una media de índice de masa corporal (IMC) de 32,2kg/m2 ± 6,0kg/m2. Argentina tuvo un porcentaje alto de sujetos mayores de 25 años con IMC elevado (90%). Un importante porcentaje de los parámetros lipídicos estaba fuera de los objetivos de control para pacientes con diabetes. La guía ADA 2020 recomienda el uso de estatinas de moderada potencia con los siguientes valores de LDL colesterol (LDLc): <100 mg/dl para pacientes con diabetes sin enfermedad cardiovascular y de <70 mg/dl para pacientes con diabetes y enfermedad cardiovascular, uso de estatinas de alta potencia y valores de triglicéridos <150 mg/dl siguiendo los criterios de ADA 2020. Los valores medios de colesterol total fueron de 188 mg/dl± 44 mg/dl para LDLc 114,39 mg/dl±10 mg/dl y los triglicéridos con una media 180,1mg/dl±97,6mg/dl. En el seguimiento a dos años se verificó un descenso estadísticamente significativo de los niveles de glucemia y HbA1c, así como de los parámetros lipídicos, aunque no se lograron los objetivos de tratamiento recomendados, a pesar de lo cual sólo aproximadamente el 52% de los pacientes recibía tratamiento con estatinas. Las drogas antidiabéticas más utilizadas en la segunda línea fueron los inhibidores de DPP-4 y las sulfonilureas. Conclusiones: se reconoció un alto grado de inercia en cuanto a la progresión para establecer una segunda línea de tratamiento, a partir del nivel alto de HbA1c con que se inició el mismo. Este estudio puso de manifiesto la situación del control metabólico, factores de riesgo cardiovascular asociados y el tratamiento de la DM2 en el mundo real de nuestro país, a partir de lo cual deben tomarse las medidas necesarias con el objetivo de mejorar los parámetros presentados y evaluarlos con estudios similares al actual. Es importante continuar trabajando para evitar la progresión de la diabetes hacia las complicaciones crónicas en aquellos pacientes que ya desarrollaron la enfermedad.

Introduction: type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is a highly prevalent metabolic disease, which constitutes an important cardiovascular risk factor, in which patients are not only diagnosed late, but remain for prolonged times, with glycemic and other cardiovascular risk factors poorly controlled. There is a significant therapeutic inertia in the implementation of antidiabetic drugs in the second line of treatment. Objectives: the main objective of the DISCOVER study was to provide real-world data to assess antidiabetic therapy and prospective clinical outcomes in patients with T2DM who initiate a second line pharmacological therapy for blood glucose reduction. The secondary objective was to obtain data from Argentina on glycemic control, metabolic control, comorbidities, cardiovascular risk factors and the concomitant therapeutic approach compared to the global world. Materials and methods: DISCOVER is a prospective 3-year observational study in which patients from 37 countries with T2DM with poor glycemic control who required second line antidiabetic therapy were involved. Argentina participated with 14 urban centers. Inclusion criteria were: patients with a diagnosis of T2DM over 18 years of age who require a second line of treatment for glycemic control after oral first line treatment, with monotherapy, or double or triple therapy administered as a fixed dose combination. Results: Argentina data are presented. 299 patients with a diagnosis of T2DM, were enrolled (51.3% men) who were outside the objective of glycemic control (glycemic control was established according to the HbA1c value of <7% according to the criteria of the American Diabetes Association, ADA 2020). Mean age was 59 years±10 years. The mean HbA1c value was 8.8%±1.9% with an average fasting glucose of 182.9 mg/dl ±59.6 mg/dl. An average body mass index (BMI) of 32.2kg/m2 ±6.0 kg/m2 was recorded. Argentina had a high percentage of subjects over 25 years with high BMI (90%). A high percentage of lipids parameters were outside the control objectives for diabetic patients. The ADA 2020 guidelines recommends the use of moderately potent statin with the following LDL colesterol (LDLc) values <100 mg/dl for patients without cardiovascular disease and LDLc <70 mg/dl for patients with cardiovascular disease and use of high potency statin and trygliceride values <150 mg/dl following the criteria ADA 2020 guidelines. The average total cholesterol values were 188 mg/dl±44 mg/dl, for LDLc 114.39 mg/dl±10 mg/dl. Triglycerides with a mean 180.1 mg/dl±97.6 mg/dl. A two year follow up showed a statistically significant decrease in blood glucose and HbA1c levels, as well as lipids parameters, although the recommended treatment goals were not achieved, in despite of which only 25% of patients received statin treatment. The most used antidiabetic drugs in the second line were sulfonylureas and DPP-4 inhibitors. Conclusions: a high degree of inertia was recognized in terms of progression to establish a second line of treatment, based on the high level of HbA1c with which it was initiated. This study showed the situation of metabolic control, associated cardiovascular risk factors and the treatment of T2DM in the real world of our country. Necessary measures must be taken in order to improve the parameters presented and they must be able to be evaluated with studies similar to the current one. It is important to continue working to prevent the progression of diabetes toward chronic complications in those patients who have already developed the disease.

Humanos , Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 2 , Terapêutica , Doenças Cardiovasculares , Fatores de Risco
Rev. bras. hipertens ; 27(2): 59-63, 10 jum. 2020.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1368077


Introdução: Conhecer as taxas de controle da pressão do Ambulatório Escola da Universidade Iguaçu, as estratégias terapêuticas e a taxa de inércia terapêutica frente aos pacientes não controlados, são fundamentais para estabelecer estratégias de alcance de metas pressóricas. Objetivo: Determinar a taxa de pacientes na meta e fora da meta de pressão arterial, a estratégia terapêutica em uso e a taxa de inércia terapêutica frente aos pacientes não controlados. Metodologia: Estudo observacional, prospectivo e analítico através de análise dos prontuários e entrevista com pacientes consecutivos atendidos no ambulatório escola da Universidade Iguaçu, com >18 anos, no período de agosto a dezembro de 2019. Análise de dados demográficos, condições clínicas associadas e presença de outros fatores de risco. Resultados: 202 pacientes estudados na pesquisa, faixa etária de 18 a 85 anos, com 91,08% dos pacientes com hipertensão arterial (40 e 79 anos). Analisando as taxas de controle, 61,38 % encontram-se na meta de pressão arterial de acordo com o risco cardiovascular, segundo a Sociedade Brasileira de Cardiologia, e 38,6%, dos pacientes não se encontram na meta. A adesão terapêutica elevada foi observada em 29,83% dos pacientes na meta vrs 26,92% dos pacientes fora da meta. A taxa de inercia terapêutica foi de 41,03% pacientes com conduta mantida. Conclusão: Dos pacientes atendidos, 38,61% estão fora da meta de pressão arterial, e a inercia terapêutica é um importante problema. Como a maioria dos pacientes hipertensos sem comorbidades são acompanhados nas unidades básicas de saúde por generalistas, a capacitação desses profissionais é de grande importância para um melhor controle da pressão arterial.

Introduction:Knowing the pressure control rates of the outpatient school at the Iguaçu University, therapeutic strategies and the rate of therapeutic inertia in the face of uncontrolled patients are essential to establish strategies to achieve pressure goals. Objective: Determine the rate of patients on and off the blood pressure target, the therapeutic strategy in use and the rate of therapeutic inertia compared to uncontrolled patients. Methodology:Observational, prospective and analytical study through analysis of medical records and interviews with consecutive patients over 18 years old seen at the outpatient school at Universidade Iguaçu, from August to December 2019. Analysis of demographic data, associated clinical conditions and the presence of others risk factors. Results:202 patients studied in the research, age range from 18 to 85 years, with 91.08% of patients with arterial hypertension (40 and 79 years). Analyzing the control rates, 61.38% are on the blood pressure target according to cardiovascular risk, according to the Brazilian Society of Cardiology, and 38.6%, of the patients are not on the target. High therapeutic adherence was observed in 29.83% of patients on target vs. 26.92% of patients off target. The therapeutic inertia rate was 41.3% of patients in the target. Conclusion: Of the patients seen, 38.61% are outside the blood pressure target, and therapeutic inertia is an important problem. As the majority of hypertensive patients without comorbidities are monitored in basic health units by general practitioners, the training of these professionals is of great importance for a better control of blood pressure

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Idoso , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Monitorização Ambulatorial da Pressão Arterial , Cooperação e Adesão ao Tratamento , Hipertensão/diagnóstico
Salud(i)ciencia (Impresa) ; 24(1/2): 19-24, jun. 2020. tab., graf.
Artigo em Espanhol | BINACIS, LILACS | ID: biblio-1129952


Objetivos: Se buscó estimar la prevalencia de hipertensión arterial no diagnosticada en pacientes con diabetes mellitus tipo 2 y las variables relacionadas. Métodos: Cohorte histórica mediante auditoría de historias clínicas (años 2012-2015), recogiendo los registros de presión arterial para cuantificar hipertensión arterial no diagnosticada (HTAND) según criterios de la American Diabetes Association (ADA) (presión arterial > 130/80 mm Hg) y criterios de la European Society of Hypertension/European Society of Cardiology (ESC/ESH) (presión arterial > 40/90 mm Hg) (año 2013). Otras variables: edad, sexo, frecuentación sanitaria, control metabólico, antecedentes personales, índice de masa corporal y formación previa a los médicos de familia sobre el tema. Análisis descriptivo, bivariado y multivariado (regresión logística). Aprobado por el Comité de Ética de la Investigación. Resultados: Setecientos treinta y dos pacientes (10% pérdidas) de 10 centros de salud (64 médicos), con una media de edad de 63.1 ± 12.4 años y 62% de mujeres. El 76% consulta a demanda de forma anual, con 72% de visitas programadas y 2.1 ± 2.3 de registros anuales de presión arterial. La duración de la diabetes fue de 6.3 ± 4.5 años, el 67% presentó control óptimo y el 15%, complicaciones vasculares, con el 77% con sobrepeso/obesidad. La incidencia de HTAND con criterios de la ADA fue del 43.2% y se relacionó con la obesidad (OR: 1.06) y las complicaciones vasculares (OR: 6.5). Con los criterios de la ESC/ESH fue del 13.4%, relacionada con polifarmacia (OR: 1.2) y con complicaciones vasculares (OR: 3.0), mientras que el mayor número de registros de presión arterial (OR: 0.9) y la atención programada (OR: 0.8) la evitan. Conclusión: Un elevado porcentaje de diabéticos no son correctamente diagnosticados de HTA, lo cual varía según el criterio diagnóstico empleado. La atención en programas, con especial atención a polifarmacia, complicaciones vasculares y obesidad, puede mejorar la inercia diagnóstica.

We sought to estimate the prevalence of undiagnosed hypertension in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and related variables. Methods: Historical cohort by auditing medical records (years 2012-2015), collecting blood pressure records to quantify undiagnosed arterial hypertension (HTAND) according to criteria of the American Diabetes Association (ADA) (blood pressure> 130/80 mm Hg ) and criteria of the European Society of Hypertension / European Society of Cardiology (ESC / ESH) (blood pressure> 40/90 mm Hg) (year 2013). Other variables: age, sex, health care, metabolic control, personal history, body mass index and previous training for family doctors on the subject. Descriptive, bivariate and multivariate analysis using logistic regression. Approved by the Research Ethics Committee. Results: Seven hundred thirty-two patients (10% losses) from 10 health centers (64 physicians), with a mean age of 63.1 ± 12.4 years and 62% women. 76% consult on demand annually, with 72% scheduled visits and 2.1 ± 2.3 annual blood pressure records. The duration of diabetes was 6.3 ± 4.5 years, 67% presented optimal control and 15% vascular complications, and 77% overweight or obesity. The incidence of undiagnosed arterial hypertension according to the ADA criteria was 43.2% and it was related to obesity (OR: 1.06) and vascular complications (OR: 6.5). With the ESC / ESH criteria prevalence it was 13.4%, related to polypharmacy (OR: 1.2) and with vascular complications (OR: 3.0), while the highest number of blood pressure records (OR: 0.9) and scheduled care (OR: 0.8) avoid it. Conclusion: A high percentage of diabetics are not correctly diagnosed with HT, which varies according to the diagnostic criteria used. Specific diabetic care programs, with special attention to polypharmacy, vascular complications, and obesity, can improve diagnostic inertia

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Atenção Primária à Saúde , Prontuários Médicos , Guia de Prática Clínica , Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 2 , Pressão Arterial , Hipertensão
Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-212123


Background: Daytime sleepiness impairs academic performance in college students. Napping is a counter to daytime sleepiness, but often causes sleep inertia on waking up. Caffeine absorption from beverages peaks 30 minutes after their ingestion presenting a window of opportunity to have a short nap such that the time of waking up is in synchrony with onset of action of caffeine; thereby abolishing post-nap inertia and achieving synergistic mitigation of fatigue.Objective of this study to assess effect of nap, coffee, ‘coffee and nap’ and ‘wakeful break without coffee’ on daytime sleepiness using Psychomotor Vigilance Tests (PVTs) and Karolinska Sleepiness Scale (KSS) score.Methods: After Institutional Review Board clearance, 10 subjects (aged 19-21 years) were selected using their Epworth Sleepiness Scale score (ESS >5) and called to the study site 8 times on different days to be exposed to these four conditions twice - only coffee (standardized), only nap (30min), coffee immediately followed by 30min nap, wakeful break (30min) without coffee or nap. Pre and post scores were recorded for electronic PVT (Reaction Time and Motor Responsiveness) and KSS for each attempt.Results: Test outcome was associated with intervention used (p=0.00001). ‘Nap only’ group was associated with deterioration in outcomes (p=0.00001), accounting for highest percentage (41%) of all deteriorated test outcomes. ‘Coffee only’ group was associated with improvement in test scores (p=0.00001), responsible for highest share (38.8%) of all improved test outcomes. ‘Nap only’ and ‘Coffee-nap’ group showed improvement in 11.67% and 21.67% of outcomes respectively. Conclusions: Pre-nap coffee is a proactive counter-measure to post nap sleep inertia.

Cienc. Salud (St. Domingo) ; 4(1): 11-16, 20200303. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1378866


Antecedentes: la población mundial envejece de manera acelerada. Una tercera parte de los mayores de 65 años se cae por lo menos una vez al año, y esta prevalencia se incrementan a la mitad cuando se superan los 69 años. Objetivo: establecer la sensibilidad del uso de sensores inerciales para determinar la marcha y las rotaciones del tronco en un grupo de individuos sanos. Materiales: utilizamos tres sensores inerciales de nueve ejes, junto a un mismo número de microcontroladores, los cuales enviaron la información vía bluetooth al ordenador, el procesamiento de los datos fue realizado mediante un programa de análisis desarrollado en MATLAB. Para analizar la sensibilidad de los sensores utilizamos el protocolo de Akram et al.,5 modificado, el cual consta de cinco actividades. Resultados: en nuestro estudio participaron seis voluntarios, con una media de edad de 29 años, con un rango de edad de 25 a 33 años. Los sensores fueron capaces de detectar múltiples variables, entre ellas la elevación máxima y mínima de las piernas, número de pasos, el grado de inclinación del tronco, giro, velocidad y cadencia. Conclusión: los resultados hasta ahora obtenidos son prometedores y consideramos que el uso de múltiples sensores inerciales para valorar la marcha y el equilibrio podrían resultar en una nueva herramienta para el diagnóstico y seguimiento de personas con trastorno de la marcha y equilibrio

Introduction: The world population is aging rapidly. A third of those over 65 years of age falls at least once a year, and this prevalence increases by half when they exceed 69 years. Objective: To determine the sensitivity of the use of inertial sensors to determine the gait and rotations of the trunk in a group of healthy individuals. Materials: We use 3 inertial sensors of 9-axis together with the same number of microcontrollers, that sent the information via bluetooth to the computer, the data processing was carried out through an analysis program developed in MATLAB. To analyze the sensitivity of the sensors we use the protocol of Akram et al,5 modified, which consists of 5 activities. Results: In our study 6 volunteers participated, with an average age of 29 years, with an age range 25 to 33 years. The sensors were able to detect multiple variables, including the maximum and minimum elevation of the legs, number of steps, the degree of inclination of the trunk, rotation, speed and cadence. Conclusion: The results obtained are promising and we believe that the use of multiple inertial sensors to assess gait and balance could result in a new tool for the diagnosis and monitoring of people with gait and balance disorder.

Humanos , Adulto , Vertigem , Transtornos Neurológicos da Marcha , Equilíbrio Postural
Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology & Nutrition ; : 137-145, 2020.
Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-811417


PURPOSE: The Oral-anal Transit Test (OTT) is a simple method of obtaining information about colonic transit. We aim to assess the correlation of OTT with the neuromuscular integrity of the colon determined by colonic manometry (CM).METHODS: All patients who had OTT followed by CM were evaluated. Less than 6 of 24 markers remaining on OTT was considered normal. CM was performed per previously published guidelines. A normal CM was defined as at least one High Amplitude Propagating Contraction progressing from the most proximal sensor through the sigmoid colon.RESULTS: A total of 34 patients underwent both OTT and CM (44% male, age 4–18 years, mean 11.5 years, 97% functional constipation +/− soiling, Hirschsprung's Disease). Of normal and abnormal OTT patients, 85.7% (6/7) and 18.5% (5/27) respectively had normal CM. When all markers progressed to at least the sigmoid colon, this was 100% predictive against colonic inertia. Greater than 50% of patients with manometric isolated sigmoid dysfunction had markers proximal to the recto-sigmoid.CONCLUSION: OTT and CM are both valuable studies that assess different aspects of colonic function. OTT can be used as a screening test to rule out colonic inertia. However, the most proximal extent of remaining markers does not predict the anatomical extent of the manometric abnormality, particularly in isolated sigmoid dysfunction.

Criança , Humanos , Masculino , Colo , Colo Sigmoide , Constipação Intestinal , Incontinência Fecal , Manometria , Programas de Rastreamento , Métodos , Solo
Rev. Fac. Med. Hum ; 19(2): 82-88, Apr-June. 2019.
Artigo em Inglês, Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1025847


Objetivo: Determinar la asociación entre indicadores clínico ­ epidemiológicos materno - fetales y la presencia de atonía uterina en puérperas post cesárea primaria en la clínica privada durante el período de Agosto 2017 ­ Agosto 2018. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio observacional, analítico, retrospectivo y cuantitativo, tipo casos y controles. La variable dependiente fue la atonía uterina, y las variables independientes fueron edad materna, gestación múltiple, polihidramnios, gestación, paridad, anemia materna, enfermedades concomitantes, peso fetal, presentación fetal e indicación de cesárea. La población estuvo conformada por 106 casos y 212 controles (ratio 2:1). Para la estadística inferencial se utilizó el análisis bivariado para hallar los Odds Ratio, intervalos de confianza al 95%. Se consideró a los valores p<0,05 como estadísticamente significativos. Resultados: De los 318 pacientes del estudio, la media de la edad fue de 30,87 ± 0,298 años, de los controles fue de 28 ± 0,423 años mientras que de los casos 33 ± 0,168 años. Las variables asociadas en el análisis bivariado a atonía uterina fueron la edad mayor de 30 años, gestación múltiple, polihidramnios, bajo peso al nacer y macrosomía. Mientras que en análisis multivariado fueron polihidramnios (OR: 5,973 IC95%: 2,443-14,603) y macrosomía (OR: 6,280 IC95%: 2,307-17,095). Conclusión: Se concluye que, se encontró asociación de atonía uterina con los indicadores de polihidramnios y macrosomía fetal.

Objective: To determine the association between maternal - fetal clinical - epidemiological indicators and the presence of uterine atony in post - caesarean primary puerperae at the Good Hope clinic during the period of August 2017 - August 2018. Methods: An observational, analytical, retrospective and quantitative study, type of cases and controls was carried out. The dependent variable was uterine atony, and the independent variables were maternal age, multiple gestation, polyhydramnios, pregnancy, parity, maternal anemia, concomitant diseases, fetal weight, fetal presentation and indication of cesarean section. The population consisted of 106 cases and 212 controls (ratio 2: 1). For the inferential statistics, the bivariate analysis was used to find the Odds Ratio, 95% confidence intervals. The values p <0.05 were considered statistically significant. Results: Of the 318 patients in the study, the mean age was 30.87 ± 0.298 years. Associated variables to uterine atony in the bivariate analysis were age over 30 years, multiple gestation, polyhydramnios, low birth weight and macrosomia. In multivariate analysis were polyhydramnios (ORa: 5,973, 95% CI: 2,443-14,603) and macrosomia (ORa: 6.280, 95% CI: 2.307-17.095). Conclusion: It is concluded that, association of uterine atony with polyhydramnios indicators and fetal macrosomia was found.

Gac. méd. Méx ; 155(2): 156-161, mar.-abr. 2019. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1286477


Resumen Introducción: Poco se ha evaluado el rechazo de los médicos a prescribir insulina a sus pacientes; el retraso en intensificar el tratamiento impide una atención adecuada y de calidad. Objetivo: Identificar la percepción de los médicos acerca de las barreras para iniciar la insulina en los pacientes con diabetes. Método: Por Índice Smith y análisis multivariado, en 81 médicos familiares se evaluó la relevancia y agrupación de los conceptos relacionados con las barreras para la prescripción de insulina. Resultados: 35.8 % de los médicos mostró confianza en prescribir insulina; casi la mitad calificó la intensificación del tratamiento entre moderadamente y poco importante (39.5 y 6.2 %). Las barreras se relacionaron con el médico (39.5 %), el paciente (37 %), el tratamiento con insulina (11.1 %) y la institución (6.2 %); 6.2 % de los médicos no percibió ninguna barrera. Las barreras se agruparon en cinco factores, que explicaron 62.48 % de la varianza: cultura de los pacientes, falta de habilidades, miedo a los eventos adversos, inseguridad y falta de capacitación. Conclusión: La inercia clínica no resultó de una condición clínica compleja o comorbilidades del paciente, sino de la percepción del médico y de su confianza en sus habilidades clínicas y comunicativas.

Abstract Introduction: Refusal of physicians to prescribe insulin to their patients has been scarcely evaluated; the delay in treatment intensification hinders adequate and quality care. Objective: To identify the perception of primary care physicians about barriers to initiate insulin treatment in patients with diabetes. Method: Using the Smith Index and multivariate analysis, the relevance and grouping of concepts related to barriers to insulin prescription were assessed in 81 family doctors. Results: Only 35.8% of physicians showed confidence for prescribing insulin; almost half of them rated treatment intensification between moderately and little important (39.5% and 6.2%). Barriers were related to the physician (39.5%), the patient (37%), insulin treatment (11.1%) and the institution (6.2%); 6.2 % of physicians did not perceive any barrier. The barriers were grouped in 5 factors that explained 62.48% of the variance: patient cultural level, lack of medical skills, fear of adverse events, insecurity and lack of training. Conclusion: Clinical inertia was not the result of a complex medical condition or patient comorbidities, but of doctor’s perception and confidence in his/her clinical and communication skills.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Padrões de Prática Médica/estatística & dados numéricos , Médicos de Atenção Primária/estatística & dados numéricos , Hipoglicemiantes/administração & dosagem , Insulina/administração & dosagem , Qualidade da Assistência à Saúde , Atitude do Pessoal de Saúde , Competência Clínica , Comunicação , Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 2/tratamento farmacológico
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1390184


RESUMEN Se presenta la segunda parte de las recomendaciones latinoamericanas para el manejo de la Hipertensión Arterial (HTA) en adultos. En una primera fase se han descripto los aspectos más relevantes de la epidemiología, aspectos fisiopatológicos, cómo hacer diagnóstico, pautas terapéuticas, urgencias y emergencias hipertensivas, poblaciones especiales, hipertensión refractaria y la aplicación de las guías en la vida real. En esta segunda parte, se emiten recomendaciones respondiendo a preguntas específicas para prevención primaria, secundaria, terciaria y cuaternaria. En general pocas recomendaciones al respecto del manejo de la hipertensión arterial surgen desde la clínica médica/ medicina interna, a pesar de dos situaciones: la mayoría de los pacientes con hipertensión arterial son evaluados y manejados por los clínicos, y la clínica médica es la especialidad que permite la mirada holística e integrada de los problemas de salud del adulto, permitiendo agregar el enfoque biográfico al biológico, comprender e interpretar no solo el problema de salud sino sus causas y consecuencias (que muchas veces suelen corresponder a diferentes parénquimas, lo cual en el modelo fragmentado haría transitar al paciente por distintas especialidades). El bajo porcentaje de pacientes hipertensos controlados obliga a todos los profesionales involucrados en el manejo de los mismos a optimizar recursos y detectar problemas que se asocien a un control deficitario como la sub utilización del tratamiento farmacológico, baja tasa de pacientes tratados con estrategia combinada (la mayoría de los pacientes actualmente recibe monoterapia), falta de prescripción adecuada de los cambios en el estilo de vida, baja adherencia terapéutica e inercia clínica. En la presente publicación se presentan recomendaciones efectuadas por especialistas en clínica médica / medicina interna para el manejo de la hipertensión arterial en adultos, respondiendo preguntas de prevención primaria, secundaria, terciaria, y cuaternaria.

ABSTRACT The second part of the Latin American recommendations for the management of Arterial Hypertension (HTA) in adults is presented. In a first phase, the most relevant aspects of epidemiology, physiopathological aspects, how to diagnose, therapeutic guidelines, hypertension emergencies, special populations, refractory hypertension and the application of guides in real life have been described. In this second part, recommendations are issued answering specific questions for primary, secondary, tertiary and quaternary prevention. In general, few recommendations regarding the management of arterial hypertension arise from the medical clinic / internal medicine, despite two situations: the majority of patients with hypertension are evaluated and managed by the clinicians, and the medical clinic is the specialty that allows the holistic and integrated look of the health problems in adults, allowing to add the biographical approach to the biological, to understand and interpret not only the health problem but its causes and consequences (which often correspond to different parenchyma, which in the fragmented model would make the patient move through different specialties). The low percentage of controlled hypertensive patients forces all the professionals involved in the management of them to optimize resources and detect problems that are associated with a deficit control such as the under utilization of pharmacological treatment, low rate of patients treated with combined strategy (the most patients currently receive monotherapy), lack of adequate prescription of changes in lifestyle, low therapeutic adherence and clinical inertia. This publication presents recommendations made by specialists in medical clinic/internal medicine for the management of hypertension in adults, answering primary, secondary, tertiary and quaternary prevention questions.