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Acta investigación psicol. (en línea) ; 3(2): 1122-1135, ago. 2013. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-706799


One result of the intake and settlement of migrants and the presence of indigenous peoples is the formation of culturally plural societies. In these societies, the domain of intercultural relations is ripe for social psychological research. Such research can provide a knowledge basis for the development and implementation of policies and programmes in plural societies. There are three hypotheses bearing on intercultural relations being examined in much current psychological research: the multiculturalism hypothesis; the integration hypothesis; and the contact hypothesis. These hypotheses are derived in part from statements in the Canadian multiculturalism policy. The multiculturalism hypothesis is that when individuals and societies are confident in, and feel secure about their own cultural identities and their place in the larger society, more positive mutual attitudes will result; in contrast, when these identities are threatened, mutual hostility will result. The integration hypothesis is that there will be more successful psychological and social outcomes for individuals and societies when strategies and policies that support double cultural engagement (ie., with both the heritage and national cultures) are pursued. The contact hypothesis is that greater contact between cultural groups will lead to more positive mutual regard, under most contact circumstances. This paper reviews research that is relevant to all three hypotheses, and concludes that research supports the continuation of the Multiculturalism policy and programmes that are intended to improve intercultural relations.

Un resultado de la llegada y establecimiento de los migrantes y la presencia de indígenas es la formación de sociedades culturalmente plurales. En dichas sociedades, el dominio de relaciones interculturales es propicio para la investigación psicosocial. Tal investigación puede proveer una base de conocimiento para el desarrollo e implementación de políticas y programas en sociedades plurales. Existen tres hipótesis apoyándose en relaciones interculturales que están siendo examinadas en mucha de la investigación psicológica actual: la hipótesis de multiculturalismo, la hipótesis de integración, y la hipótesis de contacto. Estas hipótesis se derivan en parte de declaraciones de la política canadiense de multiculturalismo. La hipótesis de multiculturalismo se refiere a cuando individuos y sociedades confían y se sienten seguros acerca de su propia identidad cultural y de su lugar en una sociedad más amplia, resultando en actitudes mutuas más positivas; en contraste, cuando estas identidades se ven amenazadas, hostilidad mutua será el resultado. La hipótesis de integración se refiere a que habrá mejores consecuencias psicológicas y sociales más exitosas para individuos y sociedades cuando las estrategias y políticas que apoyan el compromiso bicultural (herencia y culturas nacionales) son perseguidas. La hipótesis de contacto habla acerca de que el mayor contacto entre grupos culturales llevará hacia mayor consideración mutua positiva en la mayoría de las circunstancias de contacto. Este trabajo revisa investigaciones relevantes para las tres hipótesis, y concluye que la investigación apoya la continuación de políticas multiculturales y programas que están diseñados para mejorar las relaciones interculturales.

Interdisciplinaria ; 29(1): 0-0, jul. 2012.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-672015


Este trabajo tuvo como objetivo el diseño y la validación de un inventario en idioma español (Inventario de Competencias Competencias Culturales - ICC) que evaluase las dimensiones relativas al contacto intercultural relevantes para la adaptación cultural y psicológica de residentes temporarios (soujourners). Se tomó como base su predecesor, el IAC (Inventario de Adaptación Cultura - Castro Solano, 2011) que constaba de tres dimensiones. La versión final del ICC consta de cinco dimensiones, tres correspondientes al IAC: Apertura a Experiencias Nuevas, Autonomía e Independencia, Aceptación de la Diversidad Cultural, y dos que se incluyen en este estudio: Inestabilidad Emocional y Vínculos. Participaron 334 sujetos (150 hombres y 184 mujeres) que tenían en promedio 33.86 años (DE = 13.84) y residían en la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires (n = 228, 68%) y en el Conurbano Bonaerense (n = 106, 32%). Los resultados obtenidos permiten afirmar que el ICC presenta propiedades psicométricas satisfactorias (fiabilidad y validez). En cuanto a su validez interna, los análisis pudieron verificar que el ICC estaba compuesto por cinco dimensiones. En cuanto a su validez externa el ICC presenta evidencias de validez convergente con el BFI (Big Five Inventory), con el CAO (Cuestionario de Apertura al Otro) y con el SWLS (Satisfacción Con La Vida).

The global dimension of the contemporary world has led to an increase of the migration and contact between people of different nations and cultural backgrounds. While globalization has facilitated contact it also generated unrest among the various actors as a result of the conflict between systems of values, beliefs and customs. Different groups of migrants must face the daily challenge of trying to understand the language spoken by members of the host culture, interact with different people in a context of prevailing values, traditions and customs other than their own. International students, expatriates leaders, diplomats, soldiers serving on peacekeeping missions must adapt effectively to the host culture and succeed in their assigned task. Migrant populations are called temporary residents (sojourners) because they are people who migrate to a different cultural context for a relatively long time (6 months to 5 years) to perform a certain task bringing into play the skills of socio-cultural adaptation, which is defined as cultural competence. These skills are central to the effective performance of temporary residents who have to perform tasks in a different setting other than their own. There are a number of psychological instruments that predict the effective adaptation of the sojourners to a culturally diverse environment, evaluating specific traits that predict success or the global competence itself in a direct way. This study is part of the evaluation of cultural competence related to more stable traits linked to personality traits. This study aimed to design and validate a Spanish-language inventory (Inventory of Cultural Competence, ICC) to assess the dimensions of intercultural contact relevant to socio-cultural and psychological adaptation of temporary residents (sojourners). It was based in a previous inventory: IAC (Inventory of Cultural Adaptation, Castro Solano, 2011) consisting of three dimensions. The final version of the ICC consisted of five dimensions (three belonged to the IAC: Openness to New Experiences, Autonomy and Independence, Acceptance of Cultural Diversity and two were included in this study: Emotional Instability and Relationships). 334 subjects participated of this study (150 male and 184 female) who had an average of 33.86 years (SD = 13.84). All of them were residents of the City of Buenos Aires (n = 228, 68%) and the suburbs (n = 106, 32%). The results support the conclusion that the ICC has satisfactory psychometric properties (reliability and validity). We could verify evidences of internal validity. The ICC was composed of five dimensions. Of the eight original scales proposed for the ICC analysis only five could be retained in the final analysis. Regarding external validity, the ICC has evidence of convergent validity with the BFI (Big Five Inventory), with the CAO (Questionnaire Openness to Others) and the SWLS (Satisfaction With Life Scale). The results suggested that in the background underlies a unique dimension related to the degree of interest and willingness to get in contact with groups of different cultural backgrounds, called for some authors multicultural strength (Fowers & Davidov, 2006). Bennett and Bennett (2004) called this competence cultural sensitivity (cultural mindset) and it was considered the awareness that your values are different from the host cultural group. This representational domain includes attitudes such as curiosity about diversity and tolerance of ambiguity.