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Med. infant ; 31(2): 163-166, Junio 2024.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, UNISALUD, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1567186


El acceso a una salud integral de calidad a lo largo de la vida es un derecho de todos los adolescentes y jóvenes; pero sobre todo resulta relevante en aquellos pacientes con enfermedades complejas crónicas como el mielomeningocele pues de no realizarse tiene repercusión notoria sobre su estado de salud con mayor riesgo de morbimortalidad. En este artículo se comenta la experiencia sobre transición de pacientes con mielomeningocele que se realizó en forma organizada entre los servicios de Consultorio de Mielomeningocele y Hospital de día Polivalente del Hospital Garrahan y el Servicio de Adolescencia del Hospital Ramos Mejía. Se trata de un nuevo modelo asistencial de trabajo interdisciplinario y colaborativo teniendo como eje una fluida comunicación interinstitucional. Este acuerdo formal entre ambos hospitales contó con el recurso humano especializado y la estructura física adecuada para el abordaje integral de esta compleja enfermedad crónica. Este programa propició un entorno al paciente que aseguró el seguimiento por equipos interdisciplinarios. Esta es la mejor opción para brindar un cuidado integral, equitativo, coordinado y accesible mejorando la calidad de vida de los pacientes con mielomeningocele a largo plazo (AU)

Access to quality comprehensive health throughout life is a right of all adolescents and young people; but above all it is relevant in those patients with complex chronic diseases such as myelomeningocele because if it is not performed it has a notable impact on their health status with a greater risk of morbidity and mortality. This article discusses the transition experience of patients with myelomeningocele that was carried out in an organized manner between the Myelomeningocele Clinic and Multipurpose Day Hospital services of the Garrahan Hospital and the Adolescence Service of the Ramos Mejía Hospital. It is a new care model of interdisciplinary and collaborative work with fluid inter-institutional communication as its axis. This formal agreement between both hospitals had specialized human resources and the appropriate physical structure for the comprehensive approach to this complex chronic disease. This program provided an environment for the patient that ensured follow-up by interdisciplinary teams. This is the best option to provide comprehensive, equitable, coordinated and accessible care, improving the quality of life of patients with myelomeningocele in the long term (AU)

Humanos , Adolescente , Equipe de Assistência ao Paciente , Disrafismo Espinal/terapia , Meningomielocele/terapia , Transição para Assistência do Adulto/organização & administração , Doença Crônica
Rev. psiquiatr. Urug ; 87(2): 85-91, dic. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, UY-BNMED, BNUY | ID: biblio-1555458


Cerca del 20 % de niños en todo el mundo experimentan trastornos mentales, independientemente de su procedencia o cultura. La manifestación de un trastorno mental durante la infancia puede ocasionar alteraciones en el desarrollo, impactando negativamente en la calidad de vida, la dinámica familiar, y en el progreso académico y social. En nuestro país los problemas de salud mental en la infancia y adolescencia están entre los principales problemas de salud en este grupo de edades, y las consultas y hospitalizaciones de niños, niñas y adolescentes se encuentran con una oferta de servicios limitada. En 2017, se aprueba la Ley de Salud Mental, que promueve la atención de los problemas en el ámbito comunitario, y la implementación de distintos dispositivos de atención alternativos a la hospitalización a tiempo completo. Uno de los dispositivos intermedios es el hospital de día, para la atención de trastornos mentales en forma ambulatoria diurna, como alternativa a la hospitalización. En el 2021 se abre el primer Hospital de Día para niños, niñas y adolescentes con trastornos psiquiátricos severos en el Centro Hospitalario Pereira Rossell. Con un equipo interdisciplinario con recursos de la Administración de los Servicios de Salud del Estado y la Facultad de Medicina, brinda la oportunidad de pasantías para estudiantes de distintas disciplinas. El Hospital de Día enriquece la formación de residentes de Psiquiatría Pediátrica para enfrentar desafíos clínicos y desarrollar estrategias de tratamiento interdisciplinarias, complementarias al abordaje tradicional, una atención de mayor calidad y una oportunidad de aprendizaje en trabajo en equipo.

About 20% children experience mental disorders worldwide, regardless of background or culture. Mental disorders appearing during childhood can cause developmental changes, with negative impact on quality of life, family dynamics, as well as on academic and social progress. In our country, Mental Health problems in childhood and adolescence are among the main health problems in this age group, increasing consultations and hospitalizations of children and adolescents, stressing a limited supply of services. In 2017, the Mental Health Law was passed, which promotes mental health care at the community level, and the implementation of different care strategies as alternatives to fulltime hospitalization. One of the intermediate strategies is the day hospital, for the care of mental disorders on a daytime outpatient basis, as an alternative to conventional hospitalization. In 2021, the first day hospital for children and adolescents with severe psychiatric disorders was opened in Uruguay at the Pereira Rossell Hospital Center. With an interdisciplinary team with resources from ASSE and the Faculty of Medicine, it provides opportunity for internships for students from different disciplines. The Day Hospital enriches the training of Pediatric Psychiatry residents. They learn how to cope with clinical challenges, have a teamwork learning opportunity, and develop interdisciplinary treatment strategies, complementary to the traditional approach, providing higher quality care in the management of serious childhood mental disorders.

Equipe de Assistência ao Paciente , Psiquiatria Infantil , Hospitais Públicos , Internato e Residência/organização & administração , Serviços de Saúde Mental/organização & administração , Uruguai
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-958665


Objective:Take Xi′an Jiaotong University as an example, to analyze the funding status of the National Natural Science Foundation of the Comprehensive University in the field of medicine-Engineering integration, with a view to revealing the general picture of interdiscipline of medicine and engineering research of Xi′an Jiaotong University, and gaining a glimpse of the development of the interdiscipline of medicine and engineering research in universities.Methods:Descriptive statistics were used to analyze the basic situation of the National Natural Science Foundation of China approved in the field of medicine-Engineering integration.Results:A total number of 692 projects were funded in the field of medicine-Engineering integration, with a total funding of 420 million yuan. Funding types are mainly general projects, followed by Youth Science Foundation projects. The number of key and major projects is small, but it is of great significance to the growth of the funding amount. The Department of Medical Science and the Department of Engineering Science are the departments with the largest total number of funding projects and funding amounts. In terms of funding disciplines, the core disciplines of imaging medicine and biomedical engineering, mechanical design and manufacturing, mechanics, biomaterials, imaging and tissue engineering, optics and optoelectronics, and oncology have been formed.Conclusions:The research shows that the interdiscipline of medicine and engineering research of Xi′an Jiaotong University has continued to grow, attracting scholars in science, engineering, medicine, management and other fields to participate, forming an advantageous discipline group. For the development of the integration of medicine and engineering in domestic universities, it is recommended to strengthen the top-level design, increase support for young people, and pay attention to the advanced layout of key and major projects.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-958697


Objective:Under the background of extensive interdisciplinary studies, this article aims to provide references for other domestic universities by analyzing the current situation and exploration of universities to promote the development of interdisciplinary studies.Methods:Taking Xi′an Jiaotong University as a typical case, it was summarized from three aspects: background, specific measures, and results.Results:Measures such as strengthening top-level design, improving organizational management systems, consolidating research platforms, establishing cross-funds, and strengthening talent training modes, were adopted by Xi′an Jiaotong University to promote the development of interdisciplinary studies from all aspects of structure, system, human resources, financial resources, and incentive mechanisms. It has promoted the depth and extension of the school's science, engineering, medicine, literature, and other disciplines, improved academic influence, and serving national and regional development.Conclusions:Interdisciplinary studies is a systematic project that requires the cooperation of the government, universities, medical institutions, industry, and academia to create a policy and institutional environment for multidisciplinary collaboration, truly allowing disciplines to move from mechanical integration to knowledge fusion. Therefore, in the process of interdisciplinary development in universities, it is necessary to straighten out the guiding concepts and basic principles of interdisciplinarity, grasp the characteristics of interdisciplines, and focus on promoting the discipline structure, supporting systems, talent training, funding, and incentive mechanisms.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-991204


National education, medical industry demand and external environment all put forward the demand of training "medical + X" compound medical talents. In recent years, the development of "medical + X" has provided a foundation for the establishment of related majors in the undergraduate stage. This paper analyzes the current situation of medical interdisciplinary development at home and abroad, summarizes the existing "medical + X" training model at the undergraduate level, and argues that the new "medical + X" majors should be supported by optimizing the system design and focusing on the interdisciplinary frontier. At the same time, the setting of new majors of "Medical + X" should also pay attention to the three characteristics of livelihood, faculty and employment.

ARS med. (Santiago, En línea) ; 45(4): 5-11, nov. 11, 2020.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1255372


Introducción: las dinámicas de atención en salud requieren que los profesionales que componen el equipo de salud trabajen en for-ma colaborativa. Sin embargo, durante su formación, las oportunidades de aprendizaje con otras disciplinas son escasas. Se reportan los resultados del primer proyecto para promover el aprendizaje interprofesional en los internos que rotan por el Hospital Josefina Martínez. Método: de marzo a julio 2018, se realizó un taller constituido por dos sesiones, en cada rotación de internado. Participaron internos de cinco carreras en forma conjunta (kinesiología, odontología, nutrición, fonoaudiología y terapia ocupacional). Se adaptó la encuesta de disposición al aprendizaje interprofesional, para ser aplicada antes y después de cada taller. Se calcularon las medianas, rangos intercuartílicos (Q1; Q3y se compararon los puntajes mediante test de Wilcoxon. Resultados: hubo una disposición positiva inicial al aprendizaje interprofesional, con mejoría significativa después de los talleres en todas las dimensiones de la encuesta: Trabajo en equipo y colaboración (<0,001), trabajo centrado en el paciente (<0,001), y sentido de identidad profesional (<0,05). La diferencia del puntaje global de la encuesta también fue significativa (<0,001). Conclusiones: se demostró un cambio favorable y significativo en las respuestas de los internos después de los talleres, en todas las dimensiones de la encuesta. En los comentarios, destacaron la relevancia de aprender con estudiantes de otras carreras, describiendo que aumentó su conocimiento sobre éstas y reforzando el impacto que dicha integración tiene en mejorar la atención y resolución de problemas en salud.

Background: The dynamics of health care require that the health professionals work collaboratively; however, during their training, learning opportunities with other disciplines are infrequent. The results of the first project to promote interprofessional learning in the clinical internship at Hospital Josefina Martínez are reported. Methods: From March to July 2018, two workshops for each internship rotation were carried. Students from fivecareers participated together (Kinesiology, Dentistry, Nutrition, Speech Therapy, and Occupa-tional Therapy). The readiness to interprofessional scale survey was adapted, to be applied before and after each workshop. Medians, interquartile range (Q1; Q3) were calculated, and the Wilcoxon test was used to compare the results. Results: There was an initial po-sitive readiness for interprofessional learning, with a significant improvement in all the dimensions of the survey, after the workshops: Teamwork and collaboration (<.001), patient-centered care (<.001), and sense of professional identity (<.05). The differences from the overall survey were also significant (<0.001). Conclusions: A favorable change was demonstrated in the responses of the students after the workshops, overalland in all the dimensions of the survey. In the comments, the students highlighted the relevance of learning with students from other careers, describing that it increased their knowledge about different professions and strengthening the impact that this integration has in improving attention and resolving health problems.

Pessoal de Saúde , Local de Trabalho , Atenção à Saúde , Internato e Residência , Aprendizagem , Terapia Ocupacional , Cinesiologia Aplicada , Odontologia , Educação , Ciências da Nutrição , Fonoaudiologia
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1571001


El propósito del proyecto es reconocer las concepciones de agentes de salud ­técnicos y/o profesionales- en torno a la interdisciplina, e identificar factores que obstaculizan la práctica interdisciplinaria en los servicios de salud mental. El diseño de la investigación es de tipo exploratorio-descriptivo. El relevamiento de datos se efectuó mediante entrevistas individuales a informantes seleccionados, agentes de salud que actúan en establecimientos de salud mental, uno de carácter público y otro privado. Los principales hallazgos son; a) En la percepción de la alteridad disciplinaria de quienes integran los equipos profesionales subsisten concepciones que refuerzan la subalternidad de algunas profesionales respecto de otras; tales como la enfermería y la terapia ocupacional respecto de la psiquiatría y la psicología; b) Las prácticas interdisciplinarias se implementan a través de una cantidad restringida de disciplinas y con asimetría decisional entre los agentes que coordinan los espacios asistenciales; c) La mayoría de las prácticas reconocidas como interdisciplinarias por los agentes de salud son pasibles de ser clasificadas como acciones de interconsulta, o bien multidisciplinarias; d) La sectorización administrativa y las jerarquías profesionales obstaculizan el trabajo interdisciplinario; e) Se constata una brecha relevante entre lo formulado teóricamente como interdisciplina y la práctica efectiva de los servicios

The purpose of the project is to recognize the conceptions of health agents - technicians and / or professionals around interdisciplinarity, and to identify factors that hinder interdisciplinary practice in mental health services. The research design is of an exploratory-descriptive type. The data survey was carried out through individual interviews with selected informants, health agents working in mental health establishments, one public and the other private. The main findings are; a) In the perception of disciplinary alterity of those who make up the professional teams, concepts persist that reinforce the subalternity of some professionals with respect to others; such as nursing and occupational therapy with respect to psychiatry and psychology; b) Interdisciplinary practices are implemented through a restricted number of disciplines and with decisional asymmetry between the agents who coordinate the healthcare spaces; c) Most of the practices recognized as interdisciplinary by health agents are liable to be classified as interconsultation or multidisciplinary actions; d) Administrative sectorization and professional hierarchies hinder interdisciplinary work; e) There is a relevant gap between what is theoretically formulated as interdisciplinary and the effective practice of services

Humanos , Agentes Comunitários de Saúde , Serviços de Saúde Mental , Equipe de Assistência ao Paciente
Journal of Medical Postgraduates ; (12): 190-192, 2018.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-700800


In order to provide reference for development of the new curriculum for graduate students "The principle,technical and clinical practice of stem cell" and improve the quality of teaching and learning,we summarized some experiences and lessons for this course.This paper introduced some measures and achievements on the teaching reform from several aspects including curriculum design,selection of teaching content,teaching idea and mode,training the teaching groups and so on.Moreover,it especially emphasized that teaching contents should not only pay attention to the basic and clinical application,but also combine the present laws and keep abreast of scientific and technological developments.In the process of teaching,we need to value the quality of teachers and improve teaching standards,meanwhile we should pay attention to the culture of thought and the capacity of innovation,stimulating students' interests in studies,improving autonomous study and practices ability through multiple means and channels.This course teaching got satisfactory results and the acquired practice experiences were worth of being popularized in the further graduate students teaching.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-508003


Interdisciplinary research is one of the focus of sci-entific method discussion .In recent years a large number of interdiscipli-nary methods or engaged in interdisciplinary research and collaboration between scientists have won the Nobel prize , once again proved this point.Its profound, interdisciplinary research in the field of medicine it-self also embodies a new paradigm of modern medical science and explo-ration the cross disciplinary research applied to medical postdoctoral training work, aims to cultivate a group of clinicians is an excellent ex-perimental research and know the innovative medical amphibious expert.With the development of modern medicine and the current actual situation , the development of a single subject is far from enough .This article from the interdisciplinary talents cultivation idea or-igin, development of surgery and anatomy , informatics, imaging, such as the development of other disciplines and the close connection between the hot research in twenty-first century To expound the progress of medicine , the need for mutual cooperation between families , and by their respective areas of strengths together to carry out interdisciplinary research .

Psicol. soc. (Online) ; 28(3): 484-493, set.-dez. 2016.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-796928


RESUMEN "Territorio" es un concepto originado en el campo disciplinar de la Geografía, que a lo largo del siglo XX ha ido reformulándose según las distintas corrientes del pensamiento social. Es factible reconocer que en la actualidad dicho concepto ha trascendido su ámbito disciplinar y es utilizado profusamente en el campo de las ciencias sociales, en general, y en la Psicología Social y Comunitaria, en particular. Trascendiendo el encuadre disciplinar de la geografía, el presente trabajo se propone realizar un recorrido analítico para comprender las implicancias políticas y epistemológicas que supone el uso del concepto "territorio" para la Psicología Social y Comunitaria. Se sostendrá que lejos de lo que los recortes disciplinares efectúan, "territorio" es un concepto que no está ni ha estado alguna vez exento de determinados supuestos psicosociales; supuestos que desde el presente artículo serán evidenciados considerando las íntimas relaciones entre las disciplinas en cuestión.

RESUMO "Território" é um conceito originado no campo disciplinar da Geografia, que ao longo do século XX foi reformulado de acordo com as diferentes correntes do pensamento social. É possível reconhecer que hoje este conceito transcendeu seu campo disciplinar e é usado extensivamente no campo das ciências sociais em geral e na Psicologia Social e Comunitária, em particular. Transcendendo o enquadramento disciplinar da Geografia, este trabalho propõe uma viagem analítica para compreender as implicações políticas e epistemológicas envolvidas no uso do conceito "território" para a Psicologia Social e Comunitária. Argumentamos que longe de cortes disciplinares, "território" é um conceito que não é, nem nunca foi, isento de determinados pressupostos psicossociais; pressupostos que neste artigo serão evidenciados considerando as relações íntimas entre as disciplinas envolvidas.

ABSTRACT "Territory" is a concept originated in the disciplinary field of Geography, and that throughout the twentieth century has been reformulated according to the different frameworks of social thought. It could be said that, at present time, the concept has transcended its disciplinary field and is been used extensively in the field of social sciences in general, and in particularly, social psychology. Skipping the disciplinary framework, this paper proposes an analysis to understand the political and epistemological implications involved in using the concept of "territory" for the Social and Community Psychology. It will be argued that, far from what disciplinary approaches does, "territory" is a concept that is not and has not ever been exempted from certain psychosocial assumptions; Assumptions that from the present paper will be evident considering the intimate connections between the disciplines involved in it.

Estudos Interdisciplinares , Territorialidade , Psicologia Social
Psicol. conoc. Soc ; 5(2)nov. 2015.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1507114


Las reflexiones e interrogantes presentes en este artículo devienen del interés de analizar y problematizar al respecto de la construcción interdisciplinaria en la praxis desde la perspectiva de la Psicología Social Comunitaria. En esta comunicación lo propuesto es convocar al intercambio, en tanto este proceso de producción académica se plantea a partir de una investigación que definió como objetivo general comprender cómo se construye la interdisciplina en la praxis desde el análisis de un caso integrando la perspectiva de referentes calificados. Si bien este estudio cumplió con lo propuesto también potenció el interés en comprender y dialogar con otros, lo que se constituyó en motor para la escritura de este trabajo. Se definió como punto de partida de la reflexión teórica priorizar los enfoqueslatinoamericanos y realizar sin pretensión de exhaustividad una aproximación conceptual a los términos de interdisciplina y praxis. Se integran algunos principios de la Psicología Social Comunitaria en tanto se pretende identificar los aportes que desde esta perspectiva se puedan realizar a la construcción de la interdisciplinariedad en la praxis. Flexibilidad, incertidumbre, movimiento en clave en transformación, apertura, diálogo, hacen a la caja de herramientas a considerar si lo propuesto es trabajar con otros. Las consideraciones finales se plantean en clave de interrogantes en tanto el desafío es preguntarse para procurar generar alternativas transformadoras en los procesos de construcción interdisciplinar.

Rev. latinoam. bioét ; 15(1): 64-79, ene.-jun. 2015. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-731765


Este trabajo busca cómo articular el psicoanálisis y la bioética. Para ello, se revisa cuáles marcos podrían ser adecuados, optando por la transdisciplina. Para una aproximación transdisciplinaria se requiere romper con algunos puntos de la ortodoxia de cada una de las disciplinas que intentan relacionarse, así como el requerimiento de un eje transdisciplinar que no se restrinja a reunir unas visiones de un modo reductible, ni sometible, ni complementario (en el sentido de agregable), sino que las reorganice en un nuevo nivel epistemológico, distinto. El trabajo propone que los puntos de ruptura de la ortodoxia de la relación entre psicoanálisis y bioética podrían ser la realidad tecnocientífica contemporánea y el papel del psicoanalista en un comité de ética. Finalmente, se propone que un posible eje transdisciplinario entre psicoanálisis y bioética puede ser la deliberación, metodología propuesta para la bioética (en cuanto ética de la responsabilidad) por Diego Gracia Guillén.

This paper seeks how to articulate psychoanalysis and bioethics. To do this, it is reviewed what might be an appropriate framework, choosing transdiscipline. For a transdisciplinary approach it is proposed that is required to break some orthodoxy points of each of the disciplines that try to relate, and also the requirement of a transdisciplinary axis that is not restricted to gather some insights in a reducible or bringing under, complimentary (in the sense of mere aggregation), but that reorganize into a new epistemological level, a different one. The paper proposesthat breakpoints of orthodoxy of the relationship between psychoanalysis and bioethics could be the actual contemporary technoscience, and the role of the psychoanalyst in an ethics committee. Finally, it is proposed that a possible transdisciplinary axis between psychoanalysis and bioethics can be deliberation, a proposed methodology for bioethics (understanding it as an ethics of responsibility) done by Diego Gracia Guillén.

Este artigo procura como articular a psicanálise e a bioética. Para fazer isso, se revê quais enquadramentos poderiam ser adequados, optando pela transdisciplina. Para uma abordagem transdisciplinar é necessário quebrar alguns pontos da ortodoxia de cada uma das disciplinas que tentam se relacionar, bem como a exigência de um eixo transdisciplinar que não se restringe a reunir visões de uma forma redutível, nem passíveis nem complementares (no sentido de agradável), mas que sejam reorganizadas num novo nível epistemológico, diferente. O documento sugere que os pontos de quebra da ortodoxia da relação entre psicanálise e bioética podem ser a realidade tecnociência contemporânea e o papel do psicanalista em um comité de ética. Finalmente, propõe-se que um possível eixo transdisciplinar entre a psicanálise e a bioética pode ser a deliberação, metodologia proposta para a bioética (como ética da responsabilidade) por Diego Gracia Guillén.

Humanos , Bioética , Consenso , Comissão de Ética , Comunicação Interdisciplinar , Pesquisa Interdisciplinar
Comunidad salud ; 12(2,supl.Supl): 46-54, dic. 2014.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-772690


To recognize the interdependence between human health and the environment from the perspective of ecohealth, involves a look from the complexity which incorporate the gender category, has represented an epistemological rupture with the universalizing essentialism. The article is divided into three major sections. A first development, which attempts to make visible as it has been the construction of the feminine as an expression of social and sexual division of work impacting relations of knowledge- power -submission and thus, differential forms of living, sick, dying women and their relationships with the ecosystem. The World Health Organization, points out that women are which support larger the impact of climate change and its effects on health, representing almost all of the global deaths from preventable diseases. A second aspect that has to do with the challenges of the approach of eco health, in relation to the construction of knowledge, involving a look ecosystem, transdisciplinary social, gender equity and the community actively participating. Finally, some key moments which allow to specify how have been the advances that have been achieved thanks to the feminist movement, who have been insisting on the need to empower women in such a way that the State and the health sector, to become aware of their right to participate in public affairs.

Reconocer la interdependencia entre la salud humana y el ambiente desde el enfoque de ecosalud, implica una mirada desde la complejidad donde incorporar la categoría de género ha representado una ruptura epistemológica con el esencialismo universalizante. El artículo se estructura en tres grandes apartes. Un primer desarrollo, que intenta visibilizar como ha sido la construcción de lo femenino como expresión de la división social y sexual del trabajo impactando unas relaciones de saber-poder- sumisión y de esta manera, formas diferenciadas de vivir, enfermar, morir de las mujeres y sus relaciones con el ecosistema. La Organización Mundial de la Salud, precisa que las mujeres son las que soportan en mayor magnitud el impacto del cambio climático y sus efectos en la salud, representando casi la totalidad de las muertes mundiales a consecuencia de enfermedades prevenibles. Un segundo aspecto que tiene que ver con los desafíos del enfoque de ecosalud, en lo referente a la construcción del conocimiento, implicando una mirada ecosistémica, transdisciplinaria con equidad social, de género y con la comunidad participando activamente. Finalmente, se hilvanan algunos momentos claves los cuales permiten precisar cómo han sido los avances que se han logrado gracias a los movimientos feministas, quienes han venido insistiendo en la necesidad de empoderar a las mujeres de forma que ellas, el estado y el sector salud, tomen conciencia de su derecho a participar en los asuntos públicos.

Saúde Soc ; 22(2): 590-602, abr.-jun. 2013. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, SES-SP | ID: lil-684190


El objetivo de este artículo es evidenciar la potencialidad que tiene el abordaje interdisciplinario en la comprensión integral del proceso salud/enfermedad/atención de poblaciones vulneradas de tres comunidades, una rural ubicada en el Estado de Oaxaca (Charco Redondo) y dos en la Ciudad de México (Xochimilco y Magdalena Contreras). La experiencia y los saberes (representaciones y prácticas sociales) se recuperan desde la perspectiva de sus habitantes, siguiendo la estrategia basada en aproximaciones multi método. Con base en referentes teóricos y metodológicos compartidos, se revisó el material empírico producido en tres investigaciones previas. El abordaje interdisciplinario se orientó hacia la reinterpretación histórica, antropológica y psicosocial de los saberes y de las trayectorias de búsqueda de atención de la población, para lograr una comprensión más amplia e integradora del proceso salud/enfermedad que contribuya a la elaboración de políticas públicas orientadas a mejorar las condiciones de salud de poblaciones vulneradas. Al final del trabajo se plantean algunas reflexiones sobre los alcances, limitaciones y los retos para impulsar la investigación interdisciplinaria.

Atenção Primária à Saúde , Equipe de Assistência ao Paciente , Fatores Socioeconômicos , Política Pública , Processo Saúde-Doença , Responsabilidade Social , Vulnerabilidade Social , Pobreza
Diversitas perspectiv. psicol ; 6(1): 37-49, jun. 2010.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-635529


Este artículo es producto de la investigación "El significado desde Lev Semionovich Vygotsky, Jerome Bruner y Kenneth Gergen". Su pretensión es comprender los conceptos de "significado" construidos por estos autores mediante la revisión de varias de sus obras más importantes. El método de investigación utilizado fue el análisis de contenido. También se realizó una meta-observación sobre el trabajo, una vez éste estuvo concluido, lo que requirió establecer nuevas relaciones entre los autores. El análisis permitió descubrir diferencias y puntos de consenso entre los tres autores, en cuanto a la definición de significado, la explicación de su origen y evolución y la delimitación de las funciones que cumple en los seres humanos. Como idea original en Vygotsky se resalta el paso de la significación interpsicológica a la intrapsicológica; en Bruner, la constante negociación de significados entre seres humanos inmersos en una cultura; y en Gergen, la construcción relacional de los significados.

This article is a product of the investigation "The meaning from Lev Semionovich Vygotsky, Jerome Bruner and Kenneth Gergen ". The pretension is to understand the concepts of "meaning" constructed by these authors, by means of the review of some of his works. The method of investigation used was the analysis of content; in addition, there was realized a goal - observation of this work of degree that allowed to establish new relations between the authors. The realized analysis allowed to discover differences and points of consensus between three authors, as for the definition of the meanings, the explanation of his origin and evolution and the delimiting of the functions that these fulfill in the human beings. Since original idea in Vygotsky highlights the step of the interpsychological meaning to the intrapsychologica; in Bruner, the constant negotiation of meanings between human immersed beings in a culture; and in Gergen, the relational construction of the meanings.

São Paulo; s.n; 2005. 114 p
Tese em Português | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1353774


O presente estudo tem por objetivos identificar os conhecimentos adquiridos pela enfermeira em sua formação acadêmica, viabilizando a sua prática nos serviços de atenção psicossocial, determinar os conhecimentos por ela apreendidos no cotidiano dos serviços junto à equipe de saúde mental, compreender a articulação de suas ações com as dos demais profissionais da equipe, bem como analisar os componentes que configuram o seu saber no trabalho em equipe. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa fundamentada no referencial teórico-metodológico do Materialismo Histórico e Dialético, uma vez que seus pressupostos possibilitam olhar o fenômeno, dado o caráter histórico, processual e de transformação da prática da enfermeira e de seu saber no contexto de serviços de atenção psicossocial. Para o conhecimento do objeto de estudo, foram estabelecidas como balizas as categorias analíticas práxis e interdisciplinaridade. Os cenários do estudo foram três Centros de Referência em Saúde Mental (CERSAM) da rede pública do município de Belo Horizonte - MG, que constituem campos de estágio e/ou de extensão da disciplina enfermagem psiquiátrica da Escola de Enfermagem da UFMG. A coleta de dados constou de entrevistas semiestruturadas com sete enfermeiras que atuam em cada um desses locais. Para a análise, foi utilizada a técnica de Análise do Discurso. Nesse percurso, revelaram-se temas que possibilitaram o reconhecimento de três categorias empíricas: o trabalho em equipe interdisciplinar, que se configurou como um espaço de saber partilhado e de troca; a identidade profissional da enfermeira, evidenciando-se a indefinição de seu papel e também a afirmação da especificidade pela supervisão de enfermagem e pelo saber clínico; saber/fazer, configurando uma prática assistencial que transita, de modo contraditório, entre a formação acadêmica e as novas propostas que se apresentam nos serviços de atenção psicossocial. A superação dar-se-á a partir da afirmação da especificidade profissional, mas expandindo-a e recompondo-a em novas bases teóricas e práticas.

This thesis is meant to identify the knowledge acquired by a nurse in her academic education, making it possible that knowledge in the psychosocial service. It also determines the abilities she got in the daily work on a mental health team, showing to what extent her own job is connected with the jobs of other people on the team, as well as analyzing the components of her own abilities on the team work. It is a qualitative that is based on the theorical methodological reference of the Dialectical Historic Materalism, since the phenomenon of a nurse´s practice and knowledge in the context of psychosocial service is described in its presupposition, showing its historical and transforming character. The two landmarks of the subject of this work are praxis and interdiscipline. The three Public Mental Health Centers where the research was done are used as places for training nursing students. Data were gotten from interviewing seven nurses who work in each of the three places. The approach used was Discourse Analysis. From the interviews, three empirical categories were found. The first is the interdiscipline team work, which requires sharing and interchanging know-how. The second is the professional identity of a nurse, whose role is sometimes hard to be defined, but at the same time is specific when it requires nursing supervising and clinic knowledge. The third is learning x practicing, showing the paradox between the academic knowledge and the new challenges that appear in the practice of psychosocial service. It is necessary to define the job specifically, but we have also to be prepared for its expansion and redefinition according to new bases that will come from theory and practice

Equipe de Assistência ao Paciente , Enfermagem Psiquiátrica , Educação em Enfermagem , Saúde Mental