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Rev. med. Risaralda ; 28(2): 86-99, jul.-dic. 2022.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1424166


Resumen Introducción: En Colombia, la investigación sobre el VIH en Personas que se Inyectan Drogas (PID) es escaso, pese a ser un grupo clave para el control de la infección. Objetivo: Determinar la prevalencia de VIH y sus factores asociados en PID atendidos en una Institución Prestadora de Servicios de salud (IPS) de Medellín-Colombia. Métodos: Estudio de prevalencia en 293 PID en una IPS especializada en la atención de enfermedades infecciosas. Se aplicó una encuesta para recolectar datos sociodemográficos y de salud, una inmunocromatografía para la tamización de la infección y los casos positivos se confirmaron con Western blot. Los análisis se realizaron en SPSS 27.0. Resultados: La edad mediana 29 años, 84% hombres, 52% sin escolaridad y alta frecuencia de factores de riesgo sexual. La prevalencia del VIH fue de 5,5%, de estos 87,5% coinfectados con virus de la hepatitis C y 53,6% con la B. La prevalencia de VIH fue estadísticamente más elevada en sujetos mayores de 29 años de edad (10,4%), quienes viven en condición de calle (25,5%), sin escolaridad (9,9%) y quienes reciben dinero o drogas a cambio de sexo (11,6%). Conclusión: Se obtuvo una prevalencia de VIH mayor a la reportada en estudios previos de la ciudad, alta proporción de coinfección con virus de las hepatitis B y C, y se identificaron grupos con mayor ocurrencia de VIH. Estos resultados, además de permitir disponer de una línea base para evaluar intervenciones posteriores en este grupo, demuestra la interseccionalidad en el riesgo de VIH, consumo de drogas inyectables, hepatitis virales, baja escolaridad, condición de calle, y otros que muestran la complejidad clínica, epidemiológica y social para impactar el VIH en este grupo.

Abstract Introduction: In Colombia, research on HIV in people who inject drugs (PID) is scarce, despite being a key group for infection control. Objective: To determine the prevalence of HIV and its associated factors in PID treated in a health service provider institution (IPS) in Medellín-Colombia. Methods: Prevalence study in 293 PID from an IPS specialized in the care of infectious diseases. A survey was applied to collect sociodemographic and health data, immunochromatography for infection screening, and positive cases were confirmed with Western blot. Analyzes were performed in SPSS 27.0. Results: The median age was 29 years, 84% men, 52% without schooling and high frequency of sexual risk factors. HIV prevalence was 5.5%, of these 87.5% co-infected with hepatitis C virus and 53.6% with hepatitis B virus. HIV prevalence was statistically higher in subjects older than 29 years of age (10.4%), those who live on the streets (25.5%), without schooling (9.9%) and those who receive money or drugs in exchange for sex (11.6%). Conclusion: A higher prevalence of HIV was obtained in comparison with previous studies of the city; a high proportion of co-infection with hepatitis B and C viruses, and groups with a higher occurrence of HIV were identified. These results, in addition to providing a baseline to evaluate subsequent interventions in this group, demonstrate the intersectionality in the risk of HIV, injecting drug use, viral hepatitis, low schooling, homelessness, and others social and health conditions, that show the clinical, epidemiological and social complexity to impacting HIV in this group.

Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-188359


BACKGROUND: Propofol has been widely used for an induction and/or maintenance of general anesthesia, or for sedation for various procedures. Although it has many ideal aspects, there have been several cases of drug abuse and addiction. The authors investigated whether there are abuse liable groups among the general population. METHODS: We surveyed 169 patients after gastric endoscopic examination, which used propofol as a sedative, with the Addiction Research Center Inventory (ARCI) questionnaire. Other characteristics of the patients, such as past history, smoking habits, depression, anxiety, alcohol abuse liability and sleep disturbance, were recorded by history taking and several questionnaires before the exam. RESULTS: Propofol had a high Morphine-Benzedrine Group (MBG) score (representative value for euphoria) of 6.3, which is higher than marijuana, and a Pentobarbital-Chlorpromazine-Alcohol Group (PCAG) score (representative value of sedation) of 8.1, which is lower than most opioids. The MBG score showed no statistically significant correlation between any of the characteristics of the groups. In females, the PCAG score showed a correlation with age, and in males, it showed a correlation with a sleeping problem. CONCLUSIONS: Propofol had relatively high euphoria and low residual sedative effects. It had a more potent sedative effect in the female group who were young, and in the male group who had a low sleep quality index. There were differences in the abuse liability from a single exposure to propofol in the general population. Further study is needed to evaluate the abuse liability of repeated exposure.

Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Alcoolismo , Analgésicos Opioides , Anestesia Geral , Ansiedade , Comportamento Aditivo , Cannabis , Depressão , Endoscopia , Euforia , Hipnóticos e Sedativos , Propofol , Inquéritos e Questionários , Fumaça , Fumar , Abuso de Substâncias por Via Intravenosa , Transtornos Relacionados ao Uso de Substâncias
Rev. psiquiatr. Rio Gd. Sul ; 31(3): 138-144, set.-dez. 2009. tab
Artigo em Inglês, Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-549182


OBJETIVO: Explorar relatos de utilizadores de heroína sobre seus comportamentos de risco para transmissão do vírus da imunodeficiência humana (HIV) no distrito de Vila Real, Portugal, já que a heroína é a droga predominante no que se refere ao uso problemático de drogas em Portugal, e 48 por cento de todas as notificações de infecção por HIV no país são associadas à dependência de drogas. MÉTODO: Utilizadores de heroína recebendo tratamento ambulatorial para dependência em clínica pública foram selecionados aleatoriamente e convidados a participar do estudo. A coleta de dados foi realizada através de entrevista qualitativa semiestruturada, desenvolvida para explorar os relatos dos participantes sobre seu comportamento de risco associado ao uso de heroína. RESULTADOS: Vinte e cinco entrevistas foram realizadas. A idade média foi de 32 anos, e 92 por cento eram homens. Os participantes relataram um tempo médio de uso de heroína de 14,7 anos, e 64 por cento deles mencionaram uso diário da droga. Dois terços relataram uso de heroína e 16 por cento referiram uso intravenoso da droga nos 30 dias anteriores à entrevista. 75 por cento referiram compartilhamento de seringas ou parafernália de injeção. Front-loading ou back-loading foram técnicas comuns e não reconhecidas como comportamento de risco. 84 por cento referiram ter sido testados anteriormente para o HIV. CONCLUSÕES: O desenvolvimento de melhores programas de prevenção ao HIV para este grupo de risco é essencial através do uso de informações sobre movimentos demográficos e padrões de comportamento de utilizadores de heroína, abordando seus comportamentos de risco nas práticas sexuais e no compartilhamento de parafernália de injeção.

OBJECTIVE: To explore heroin users' accounts of risk behavior in relation to the transmission of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) in the district of Vila Real, northern Portugal, since heroin is the predominant drug in problematic drug use in Portugal and 48 percent of the total notifications of HIV infection in the country are associated with drug addiction. METHOD: Heroin users in an outpatient addiction treatment public center, randomly selected, were invited to participate. Data collection was via semi-structured qualitative interview designed to explore participants' accounts of health risk behavior associated with heroin use. RESULTS: Twenty-five interviews were conducted. Mean age was 32 years and 92 percent were men. A mean of 14.7 years of heroin use was reported, and 64 percent in total referring daily drug use. Two-thirds reported use of heroin and 16 percent reported intravenous drug use over the previous 30 days. Seventy-five percent reported having shared needles or paraphernalia. Front-loading or back-loading was common and not recognized as risk behavior. Eighty-four percent reported being tested for HIV at least once in their lifetime. CONCLUSIONS: It is essential to design better HIV prevention programs for this high risk group, using information on demographic movements and behavioral patterns of heroin users and addressing their risk behaviors in sexual practices and in sharing injection paraphernalia.