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Chinese Herbal Medicines ; (4): 463-469, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-982515


OBJECTIVE@#To investigate the chemical constituents from the leaves of Jatropha curcas and evaluate their inhibition on lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-activated BV-2 microglia cells.@*METHODS@#The n-BuOH extract of the leaves of J. curcas was isolated by macroporous adsorption resin, silica gel, ODS, column chromatography and semi-preparative HPLC. The structures of the compounds were identified by MS, NMR, ECD, and other spectroscopic methods. In addition, anti-neuroinflammatory effects of isolated compounds were evaluated by measuring the production of nitric oxide (NO) in over-activated BV-2 cells.@*RESULTS@#Seventeen compounds, including (7R,8S)-crataegifin A-4-O-β-D-glucopyranoside ( 1), (8R,8'R)-arctigenin ( 2), arctigenin-4'-O-β-D-glucopyranoside ( 3), (-)-syringaresinol ( 4), syringaresinol-4'-O-β-D-glucopyranoside ( 5), (-)-pinoresinol ( 6), pinoresinol-4'-O-β-D-glucopyranoside ( 7), buddlenol D ( 8), (2R,3R)-dihydroquercetin ( 9), (2S,3S)-epicatechin ( 10), (2R,3S)-catechin ( 11), isovitexin ( 12), naringenin-7-O-β-D-glucopyranoside ( 13), chamaejasmin ( 14), neochamaejasmin B ( 15), isoneochamaejasmin A ( 16), and tomentin-5-O-β-D-glucopyranoside ( 17) were isolated and identified. Compounds 2, 4 and 8 significantly inhibited the release of NO in BV-2 microglia activated by LPS, with IC50 values of 18.34, 29.33 and 26.30 μmol/L, respectively.@*CONCLUSION@#Compound 1 is a novel compound, and compounds 2, 3, 8, 14- 17 are isolated from Jatropha genus for the first time. In addition, the lignans significantly inhibited NO release and the inhibitory activity was decreased after glycosylation.

Biosci. j. (Online) ; 37: e37078, Jan.-Dec. 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1359215


Biodiesel is a clean and cyclical energy resource that is derived from animal and/or vegetable fat. As it blends well with petrodiesel, biodiesel is added to Brazilian commercial diesel. The main raw materials used to produce biodiesel in Brazil include soybean, corn, and sunflower oils. However, these are also used for human consumption and hence, have a high market value. Therefore, pinhão manso oil, which exhibits high productivity at low cost, is a promising alternative. However, the high acidity index of this oil results in a low transesterification yield and the produced biofuel does not meet the requirements imposed by the ANP. Thus, this study intends to demonstrate that a large part of the free fatty acids in pinion oil are present in the seed endocarp. For the development of the project, the oil was extracted by hot solvent, using the soxhlet equipment and the hexane solvent, to determine the acidity index, the titration technique was used, the titrant used was sodium hydroxide. So the acidity index of the oil extracted from the seed with its shell is 10.9 mgKOH/g, while the lipid obtained without the shell exhibits a value of 0.95 mgKOH/g, proving the influence of the endocarp.

Sementes , Óleos de Plantas , Jatropha , Ácidos Graxos
Biosci. j. (Online) ; 36(3): 702-712, 01-05-2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1146497


The aluminum in high levels in the soil affects the emergence, growth, and development of various species. Therefore, the objective of this study was to evaluate the emergence and physiological behavior of four provenances of Jatropha curcas subjected to different levels of aluminum. The experiment was performed in a greenhouse in a completely randomized design, with four levels of aluminum in the soil (8.2, 16.5, 24.0 mmolc·dm-3 and control) and four provenances of J. curcas seeds (P1 = Dourados-MS, P2 = Montes Claros-MG, P3 = Alta Floresta-MT, and P4 = Petrolina-PE); the effects of aluminum toxicity were investigated in 25, 50, 75, and 100 days after emergence. The levels of aluminum in the soil were collected from the initial soil correction, which featured an aluminum level of 24.0 mmolc dm-3. The seedling emergence was not affected by treatment with aluminum; however, the height and leaf area of P1, P2, and P3 were reduced with increasing levels of aluminum. The emergence and vigor of J. curcas seeds were not influenced by the differences in the origins of the seeds or by the aluminum levels evaluated. Gas exchanges were affected negatively by aluminum and the responses of the chlorophyll a fluorescence indicate harmful effect in the photosynthetic apparatus. The seeds of origin P4 (Petrolina-PE) has increased tolerance to stress conditions.

O alumínio em níveis elevados no solo afeta a emergência, o crescimento e o desenvolvimento de diversas espécies. Diante disso, o objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar a emergência e o comportamento fisiológico de quatro procedências de Jatropha curcas submetidas a diferentes níveis de alumínio. O experimento foi conduzido em casa de vegetação, em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com quatro níveis de alumínio no solo (8,2; 16,5 e 24,0 mmolc dm-3 e o controle) e quatro procedências de sementes de J. curcas (P1 = Dourados-MS P2 = Montes Claros-MG, P3 = Alta Floresta-MT e P4 = Petrolina-PE), e os efeitos da toxicidade do alumínio foram investigados aos 25, 50, 75 e 100 dias após a emergência. A emergência das plântulas não foi afetada pelo tratamento com alumínio; no entanto, a altura e a área foliar de P1, P2 e P3 foram reduzidas com níveis crescentes de alumínio. A emergência e o vigor das plântulas das procedências não foram afetados pelos níveis de alumínio avaliados. A taxa fotossintética, taxa de transpiração e condutância estomática também foram reduzidas quando as plantas foram cultivadas em solo contendo altas níveis de alumínio. As plantas P4 foram menos sensíveis aos níveis crescentes de alumínio.

Solo , Jatropha , Alumínio , Fotossíntese , Análise do Solo , Crescimento e Desenvolvimento , Toxicidade , Clorofila A
J Environ Biol ; 2019 Sep; 40(5): 1109-1114
Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-214634


Aim: To evaluate tolerance of two tree species, Jatropha curcas and Acacia burkei, to an acidic and highly Cu/Ni-contaminated soil. Methodology: Above-ground growth of Jatropha and Acacia were monitored for six months in two different soil types; a typical field soil (FS) and acidic and Cu/Ni-rich soil (ACNS), the latter containing 58- and 14-fold higher levels of Cu and Ni, respectively, than FS. Results: Growth of Acacia was markedly inhibited in ACNS, as evidenced by low number of petioles and branches, thinner stem diameter, and low chlorophyll content compared with plants grown in FS. In contrast, tree height, stem diameter and length of emerged branches of Jatropha showed no significant differences between growth in FS and ACNS. In Jatropha, foliar Cu content grown in ACNS was not statistically different from that in FS whereas a small increase in foliar Ni content was observed in ACNS. Interpretation: These observations suggested that Jatropha possess strong resistance to acidic and Cu/Ni-enriched soil. This trait might be advantageous for dual-purpose, utilization of Jatropha for renewable energy production and afforestation of Cu/Ni-polluted wastelands.

Biosci. j. (Online) ; 34(6 Supplement 1): 97-107, nov./dec. 2018.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-968875


This study aimed at comparing the growth and physiological changes in Jatropha curcas L. (jatropha or physic nut) young plants fertilized or not with a commercial product based on a micronutrient delivery system (MDS), under different doses of NPK. Measurements of growth, chlorophyll content, and leaf gas exchange were performed in the greenhouse, where plants were arranged in a split-split plot design. Plants were grown for 120 days in 3.9 L pots containing local soil, with or without MDS (main plot), combined with NPK doses (0; 1.8; 4.7 and 7.4 g L-1) in subplots. Dose-response curves showed that most variables were positively responsive to NPK doses in plants growing without MDS, whereas slight responses or even opposite behavior was observed in MDS-fertilized plants. MDS application under low NPK doses resulted in higher biomass allocation in leaves and roots, increases in number of leaves and chlorophyll content, plant height, stem diameter, shoot and root dry weight, stomatal conductance, photosynthesis, leaf transpiration, and water use efficiency, as well as decreases in intercellular CO2 in the leaf and vapor-pressure deficit. The enhanced biomass allocation, photosynthesis and gas exchange in MDS-supplemented plants indicates the relevant role played by this fertilizer in jatropha metabolism, resulting in more vigorous plants.

Este estudo teve como objetivo comparar o crescimento e as mudanças fisiológicas em plantas jovens de Jatropha curcas L. (pinhão manso), fertilizadas ou não, com um produto comercial baseado em um sistema de fornecimento de micronutrientes (MDS), sob diferentes doses de NPK. Medidas de crescimento, teor de clorofila e troca gasosa foliar foram realizados em casa de vegetação, onde as plantas foram arranjadas em um delineamento de blocos casualizados com parcela subdividida. As plantas foram cultivadas por 120 dias em potes de 3,9 L contendo solo local, com ou sem MDS (parcela principal), combinado com doses de NPK (0; 1,8; 4,7 e 7,4 g L-1) nas subparcelas. Curvas doseresposta mostraram que a maioria das variáveis responderam positivamente às doses de NPK em plantas crescendo sem MDS, enquanto respostas fracas ou mesmo comportamento oposto foi observado em plantas fertilizadas com MDS. A aplicação de MDS em doses baixas de NPK resultaram em maior alocação de biomassa nas folhas e raízes, aumento no número de folhas e teor de clorofila, altura da planta, diâmetro do caule, pesos secos da parte aérea e raiz, condutância estomatal, fotossíntese, transpiração foliar e eficiência no uso da água, bem como na redução do CO2 intercelular na folha e déficit de pressão de vapor. O aumento na alocação de biomassa, fotossíntese e troca gasosa em plantas suplementadas com MDS indica o papel relevante deste fertilizante no metabolismo de pinhão manso, resultando em plantas mais vigorosas.

Fotossíntese , Biomassa , Micronutrientes , Jatropha , Biocombustíveis , Fertilizantes
Biosci. j. (Online) ; 34(6 Supplement 1): 17-27, nov./dec. 2018.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-967631


Studies approaching jatropha (Jatropha curcas L.) growth through quantitative analysis parameters are limited, especially regarding the response to different fertilizer types and doses. In order to investigate the effects of a micronutrient delivery system (MDS) fertilizer, a full quantitative analysis of growth in jatropha young plants was performed, comparing this system effectiveness under different NPK doses. Plants were grown in 3.9 L pots containing local soil, with or without MDS (main plot), combined with NPK doses (0; 1.8; 4.7 and 7.4 g L-1) in subplots. Dose-response curves of quantitative analysis variables were generated for three periods of time (40, 80 and 120 days after sown) as a sub-subplot. Quantitative analysis of growth showed that most parameters evaluated in this study were improved by MDS application, resulting in benefits for jatropha initial development, regardless of NPK doses. Even without NPK supplementation or under the lowest dose evaluated (1.8 g L-1), MDS provided better growth of J. curcas plants, being usually equivalent to the highest doses of NPK (4.7 and 7.4 g L-1) without MDS. The effective response of jatropha young plants to MDS supplementation indicates that this kind of fertilizer played a relevant role in the species metabolism, resulting in faster growth and enhanced biomass allocation.

Estudos abordando o desenvolvimento do pinhão manso (Jatropha curcas L.) através de análises de parâmetros quantitativos são limitados, especialmente em relação à resposta a diferentes tipos e doses de fertilizantes. Para investigar os efeitos de um sistema de fornecimento de micronutrientes (MDS), realizou-se uma análise quantitativa completa do crescimento de plantas jovens de pinhão manso comparando a eficácia deste sistema sob diferentes doses de NPK. As plantas foram cultivadas por 120 dias em potes de 3,9 L contendo solo local, com ou sem MDS (parcela principal), combinado com doses de NPK (0; 1,8; 4,7 e 7,4 g L-1) nas subparcelas. Curvas dose-resposta das análises quantitativas das variáveis foram geradas para três períodos (40, 80 e 120 dias após semeadura), como uma subsubparcela. As análises quantitativas de crescimento mostraram que a maioria dos parâmetros avaliados neste estudo foi melhorada pela aplicação do MDS, resultando em benefícios para o crescimento inicial do pinhão-manso, independemente da dose de NPK. Mesmo sem suplementação de NPK ou sob a dose mais baixa avaliada (1,8 g L-1), o MDS proporcionou melhor crescimento do pinhão manso, sendo geralmente equivalente às maiores doses de NPK (4,7 e 7,4 g L-1) sem MDS. A resposta efetiva das plantas jovens do pinhão manso à suplementação com MDS indica que este tipo de fertilizante desempenhou um papel relevante no metabolismo desta espécie, resultando em um crescimento mais rápido e melhor alocação de biomassa.

Alimentos , Biomassa , Micronutrientes , Jatropha , Fertilizantes
Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-200646


Aims: Diabetes mellitus is a growing problem worldwide entailing enormous financial burden and medicinal policy issues. It is presently considered among the top ten leading causes of death globally resulting in a raised level of alanine aminotransferase (ALT) (the most sensitive marker of liver cell damage). This study was therefore aimed at evaluating the effect of ethanol-methanol extracts of leaf, stem bark and the root of Jatropha curcas on serum aminotransferases (aspartate amino transferase (AST)and ALT) and total protein (TP) of streptozotocin -induced diabetic rats.Methodology:Fifty-four (54) male Wistar rats weighing 150-200 g were assigned according to body weight into nine (9) groups of six (6) rats each. Group I was the normal control and given water and rat chow only, groups II, III, IV, V and VI were induced with diabetes using streptozotocin. Group II served as the diabetic control and was therefore,left untreated, while groups III, IV and V were treated with leaf, stem bark, root extracts of Jatropha curcas,respectively and group VI was given astandard drug (Glibenclamide). The remaining groups VII, VIII and IX were not inducedwith diabetes but were given normal leaf, stem bark and root extracts,respectively. The animals were sacrificed after 14 days and blood was collected for the study.Results:The result obtained showed a significant (p<0.05) decrease in serum AST of groups III, IV, VII, VIII and IX compared with the diabetic control (DC). The serum ALT showed a significant (p<0.05) increase in group II (DC) compared with the normal control, while groups VII, VIII and IX were significantly (p<0.05) decreased compared with the normal control. All the test groups showed a significant (p<0.05) decrease in serum ALT compared with the diabetic control. There was no significant (p?0.05) difference in serum TP of all the test groups compared with the normal control, however, there was significant (p<0.05) increase in the TP of diabetic control.Conclusion:This study revealed that Jatropha curcasplant extracts might confer protection against diabetic-induced hepatocellular damage as evidenced by normalisation of serum levels of total protein and ALT of treated diabetic groups. The Jatropha curcasleaf extract appeared to have exhibited a better protection against hepatocellular diabetic-induced damage than the stem bark and root

Electron. j. biotechnol ; 34: 76-82, july. 2018. ilus, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1047373


Background: Jatropha curcas L., as an important strategic biofuel resource with considerable economic potential, has attracted worldwide attention. However, J. curcas has yet to be domesticated. Plant height, an important agronomic trait of J. curcas, has not been sufficiently improved, and the genetic regulation of this trait in J. curcas is not fully understood. Zinc finger proteins (ZFPs), a class of transcription factors, have previously been shown to play critical roles in regulating multiple aspects of plant growth and development and may accordingly be implicated in the genetic regulation of plant height in J. curcas. Results: In this study, we cloned JcZFP8, a C2H2 ZFP gene in J. curcas. We found that the JcZFP8 protein was localized in the nucleus and contained a conserved QALGGH motif in its C2H2 structure. Furthermore, ectopic expression of JcZFP8 under the control of the 35S promoter in transgenic tobacco resulted in dwarf plants with malformed leaves. However, when JcZFP8 was knocked out, the transgenic tobacco did not show the dwarf phenotype. After treatment with the gibberellic acid (GA) biosynthesis inhibitor paclobutrazol (PAC), the dwarf phenotype was more severe than plants that did not receive the PAC treatment, whereas application of exogenous gibberellin3 (GA3) reduced the dwarf phenotype in transgenic plants. Conclusions: The results of this study indicate that JcZFP8 may play a role in J. curcas plant phenotype through GA-related pathways. Our findings may help us to understand the genetic regulation of plant development in J. curcas and to accelerate breeding progress through engineering of the GA metabolic pathway in this plant. How to cite: Shi X,Wu Y, Dai T, et al. JcZFP8, a C2H2 zinc-finger protein gene from Jatropha curcas, influences plant development in transgenic tobacco.

Nicotiana/genética , Jatropha , Desenvolvimento Vegetal , Dedos de Zinco CYS2-HIS2/genética , Reguladores de Crescimento de Plantas/genética , Fatores de Transcrição , Triazóis , Plantas Geneticamente Modificadas/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Clonagem Molecular , Regulação da Expressão Gênica de Plantas , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase em Tempo Real , Giberelinas
Arq. Inst. Biol ; 85: e0212018, 2018. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-999199


The aim of the present study was to evaluate the spatial-temporal distribution of phytophagous and predatory mites in the canopy of Jatropha curcas L. Mite richness, diversity, and abundance were determined, and higher values were observed primarily in the top stratum. Mite population in J. curcas was higher during the rainy season. Phytophagous mites were mostly concentrated in the top stratum, and Brevipalpus sp. was the most abundant. Predatory mites from the family Phytoseiidae presented the highest richness and diversity, and Amblydromalus zannoui was the most abundant species. The present results indicate seasonal population dynamics for both predatory and phytophagous mites on J. curcas.(AU)

O presente estudo teve por objetivo avaliar a distribuição espaço-temporal de ácaros fitófagos e predadores no dossel de plantas de pinhão-manso. Parâmetros de riqueza, diversidade e abundância de ácaros foram determinados. Os resultados deste estudo demonstram que maiores valores de riqueza, diversidade e abundância de ácaros foram observados principalmente no estrato apical e que os níveis populacionais desses artrópodes em plantas de pinhão-manso são mais expressivos na estação chuvosa. Os ácaros fitófagos concentram-se distribuídos principalmente no estrato apical, sendo Brevipalpus sp. a espécie mais abundante. Ácaros predadores da família Phytoseiidae foram aqueles de maior riqueza e diversidade, sendo o ácaro predador Amblydromalus zannoui o mais abundante. Os resultados obtidos neste trabalho sugerem uma dinâmica sazonal tanto para populações de ácaros predadores quanto para ácaros fitófagos em pinhão-manso.(AU)

Jatropha , Ácaros , Controle de Ácaros e Carrapatos , Monitoramento Ambiental , Distribuição Temporal
Rev. MVZ Córdoba ; 22(3): 6241-6255, Sep.-Dec. 2017. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-957328


ABSTRACT Objective. To assess the economic and financial feasibility of traditional silvopastoral systems for the biofuels production as a contribution to the sustainability of "Piñón for Galapagos" project. Materials and methods. A survey was conducted to 450 small livestock producer in 10 cantons of the Manabí province in order to collect basic agronomic knowledge, management, establishment and costs involved in production of the Piñón ((Jatropha curcas L.)/Savoy (Megathyrsus maximus) silvopastoral systems. For Piñón CP041 production recording plantation in live fence were stablished and for the tradition Piñón, the production of 10 sites were recorded, both systems since 2009. With those data were calculated the following economic indicators: ratio benefit/cost, net present value (NPV), internal rate ratio (IRR) and land expectation value (LEV). Results. The study exhibited a production decrease of Piñón with the passage of time. The CP041 INIAP improved silvopastoral system Piñón showed a B/C 1.07, NPV of USD$ 404.11, LEV US$ 970.23 and IRR of 18%. Followed by silvopastoral system with a local Piñón with a B/C 1.06, NPV of USD$ 363.66, LEV USD$ 873.10 and IRR of 17% and finally silvopastoral system without harvesting Piñón with a B/C 1.05, NPV of USD$ 285.72, LEV USD$ 685.99 and IRR of 15%. Conclusions. The alternative biofuels production was the silvopastoral systems (INIAP CP041)/Savoya in Manabí and is economically feasible. This system does not compete for arable land for food production and would not affect food security.

RESUMEN Objetivo. Evaluar la viabilidad económica y financiera de los sistemas silvopastoriles tradicionales para la producción de Biocombustibles como aporte a la sostenibilidad del proyecto "Piñón para Galápagos". Materiales y Métodos. Se llevaron a cabo encuestas a 450 pequeños productores ganaderos de 10 cantones de la provincia de Manabí con la finalidad de colectar información agronómica, manejo, costos implicados en establecimiento y producción de los sistemas silvopastoriles vigentes de Piñón (Jatropha curcas L.)/Saboya (Megathyrsus maximus). Para recopilar datos de producción del Piñón establecido en cercas vivas de Piñón INIAP CP041 e igualmente se registró la producción de sistemas en 10 sitios, desde el año 2009. Con estos datos se calcularon los siguientes indicadores financieros radio beneficio/costo (B/C), valor actual neto (VAN), tasa interna de retorno (TIR) y valor de expectativa de la tierra (VET). Resultados. El estudio mostró una disminución de la producción del Piñón con el transcurso del tiempo. El sistema silvopastoril mejorado con Piñón INIAP CP041 mostró B/C 1.07, VAN de USD$ 404.11, VET USD$ 970.23 y TIR de 18%. Seguido del sistema silvopastoril con Piñón local con un B/C 1.06, VAN de USD$ 363.66, VET USD$ 873.10 y TIR de 17% y finalmente sistema silvopastoril sin cosecha del Piñón con un B/C 1.05, VAN de USD$ 285.72, VET USD$ 685.99 y TIR de 15%. Conclusiones. La alternativa de producción de biocombustibles con sistemas silvopastoriles Piñón (INIAP CP041)/Saboya en Manabí es el sistema de mayor rentabilidad y no competiría por superficies de cultivo para la producción de alimentos, sin afectar a la seguridad alimentaria.

Electron. j. biotechnol ; 25: 1-8, ene. 2017. graf, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1008175


Background: Ascorbic acid (Asc) is one of the most abundant antioxidants and it serves as a major contributor to protect plants against oxidative damage. Plants use two enzymes that participate in the metabolic recycling of Asc. One of these two enzymes is dehydroascorbate reductase (DHAR). It directly regenerates Asc from its oxidized state and thus prevents Asc from being irreversibly hydrolyzed to 2, 3-diketogulonic acid. This study aimed to examine whether over-expression of DHAR leads to an enhanced oxidative stress tolerance in tobacco plants. Results: In this study, we functionally characterized a novel JcDHAR gene from Jatropha curcas and found via quantitative RT-PCR analysis that JcDHAR can be induced with H2O2, salt and PEG stresses. The DHAR activities of transgenic tobacco plants increased from 2.0 to 5.3 fold compared to wild-type plants. As a result, the transgenic plants displayed enhanced tolerance to oxidative stress. Conclusions: Our results indicate that JcDHAR expression can effectively enhance the tolerance to oxidative stress in plants.

Oxirredutases/metabolismo , Ácido Ascórbico/administração & dosagem , Nicotiana/enzimologia , Plantas Geneticamente Modificadas/enzimologia , Antioxidantes/administração & dosagem , Oxirredutases/isolamento & purificação , Oxirredutases/genética , Ácido Ascórbico/metabolismo , Estresse Fisiológico , Nicotiana/efeitos dos fármacos , Western Blotting , Plantas Geneticamente Modificadas/efeitos dos fármacos , Espécies Reativas de Oxigênio , Estresse Oxidativo , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase Via Transcriptase Reversa , Tolerância ao Sal , Antioxidantes/metabolismo
Acta biol. colomb ; 21(1): 81-85, Jan.-Apr. 2016. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-769035


Physic nut (Jatropha curcas L.) is an oilseed, semi-evergreen shrub or small tree of the Euphorbiaceae family, whose seeds contain oil that can be processed into a high quality biofuel. However, there have been reports of arthropods feeding from its leaves, including the green leafhopper Empoasca sp. (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae). The large numbers of this insect, observed in certain periods of the year in many regions of Brazil, are causing damage to the oilseed crops. This study aims at evaluating the fluctuation in green leafhopper population in a physic nut crop in Dourados, Mato Grosso do Sul, to assess possible correlations with rainfall, maximum, average and minimum temperatures. This evaluation was conducted between March 2011 and July 2012. The largest Empoasca sp. populations were recorded in May and June, 2011, and between February and May, 2012. No significant correlation was observed between the weather parameters analyzed and the fluctuation in the Hemiptera population, but there was a trend toward higher population density during the warmer and rainier months.

El piñón manso (Jatropha curcas L.) es una oleaginosa de la familia Euphorbiaceae que se destaca por la producción de semillas cuyo aceite tiene características deseables para la producción de biocombustibles. Sin embargo, hay informes de algunos artrópodos que usan la planta como fuente de alimento, incluyendo la cigarrita verde Empoasca sp. (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae). La alta incidencia de este insecto se comprueba en varias regiones del Brasil, en ciertas épocas del año, causando lesiones a esta oleaginosa. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la fluctuación de la cigarrita verde en una plantación de piñón manso en Dourados, Mato Grosso do Sul, y la búsqueda de posibles correlaciones con las precipitaciones y las temperaturas máximas, medias y mínimas. Esta evaluación se realizó entre los meses de marzo 2011 hasta julio 2012. Poblaciones mayores de Empoasca sp. Se registraron en mayo y junio de 2011 y entre febrero y mayo de 2012. No hubo correlación entre los aspectos climáticos analizados y entre la fluctuación poblacional de los hemípteros, pero se observó una tendencia a una mayor densidad poblacional en los meses más cálidos y húmedos.

Biosci. j. (Online) ; 32(1): 132-139, jan./fev. 2016. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-965264


Seedlings of high quality are essential for the deployment of homogeneous plants. Thus, was evaluated the formation of seedlings of Jatropha (Jatropha curcas L.) in different substrates fertilized with fertilizer-based lithothamnium. It was used substrates I) mixed of: never cultivated soil, cattle manure and sand in proportions: 3:1:1 volume/volume (v/v); II) commercial substrate Tropstrato®; III) cattle manure and carbonized rice straw in proportions: 1:1 (v/v); IV) birds manure, carbonized rice straw and never cultivated soil in proportions: 1:1:4, and V) fine vermiculite. Lithothamnium fertilizer levels used were 0%, 5% and 10% (v/v), respectively. The experimental design used was randomize blocks with factorial of 5x3 (five different substrates and three different lithothamnium doses) and four replication. Lithothamnium doses and substrates influenced the seedling growth of Jatropha. Seedlings fertilized with the substrates soil with mineral fertilizers (substrates 1); compost with manure and carbonized rice hulls (Substrate 3); soil with hatchery compost (Substrate 4) fertilized with a dose of 6.8% (v/v) lithothamnium showed the best result.

A qualidade da muda é fundamental para implantação de lavouras homogêneas. Desta forma, avaliou-se o crescimento de mudas de pinhão manso (Jatropha curcas L.,), em diferentes substratos adubados com fertilizante à base de lithothamnium. Foram utilizados os substratos: I) terra de barranco, esterco bovino curtido e areia nas proporções 3:1:1 volume/volume (v/v), respectivamente; II) substrato comercial denominado Tropstrato®; III) esterco de curral e palha de arroz carbonizada na proporção de 1:1 (v/v); IV) compostagem de incubatório de aves, palha de arroz carbonizada e terra de barranco na proporção 1:1:4; e V) vermiculita pura de granulação fina. As doses do fertilizante à base de lithothamnium utilizadas foram: 0%, 5% e 10% (v/v), respectivamente. O desenho experimental foi o delineamento em blocos casualisados, em esquema bifatorial 5x3 (cinco substratos e três doses de fertilizante) e quatro repetições. Cada unidade experimental (parcela) foi composta por doze mudas. As doses de lithothamnium e os substratos influenciaram o crescimento de mudas de pinhão manso. As mudas produzidas com os substratos composto por terra de barranco, esterco bovino curtido e areia; esterco de curral e palha de arroz carbonizada e Compostagem de incubatório de aves, palha de arroz carbonizada e terra de barranco adubadas com a dose média de 6,8% (v/v) de lithothamnium, apresentaram o melhor resultado.

Produção Agrícola , Jatropha , Fertilizantes , Esterco
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-504645


Objective: To evaluate antimicrobial activities as well as the phytochemical and lav-icidal properties of different parts of Jatropha curcas L. (J. curcas) growing in Mauritius. Methods: Determination of the presence of phytochemicals in the crude plants extracts by test tube reactions. Disc diffusion method and microdilution method were used to detect the antimicrobial sensitivity and activity (minimal inhibitory concentration). The crude solvent extracts were also tested on the larvae of two insects, Bactrocera zonata and Bactrocera cucurbitae (Diptera, Tephritidae). Results: The antimicrobial activities were significantly dependent for the different crude plant extracts on the thirteen microorganisms tested. For the Gram-positive bacteria, the crude ethyl acetate extract was more efficient compared to the Gram-negative bacteria with both solvents being effective. The crude ethyl acetate extract of J. curcas bark and mature seed oil showed the highest efficacy. The highest mortality percentage was observed after 24 h for both Diptera flies with (66.67 ± 2.89)%of Bactrocera cucurbitae larvae killed by ethyl acetate extract of J. curcas bark. Conclusions: This paper compared the different J. curcas plant sections with respect to the effectiveness of the plant as a potential candidate for new pharmaceuticals. The lar-vicidal effect was also studied in order to demonstrate the dual purpose of the plant.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-950700


Objective To evaluate antimicrobial activities as well as the phytochemical and lavicidal properties of different parts of Jatropha curcas L. (J. curcas) growing in Mauritius. Methods Determination of the presence of phytochemicals in the crude plants extracts by test tube reactions. Disc diffusion method and microdilution method were used to detect the antimicrobial sensitivity and activity (minimal inhibitory concentration). The crude solvent extracts were also tested on the larvae of two insects, Bactrocera zonata and Bactrocera cucurbitae (Diptera, Tephritidae). Results The antimicrobial activities were significantly dependent for the different crude plant extracts on the thirteen microorganisms tested. For the Gram-positive bacteria, the crude ethyl acetate extract was more efficient compared to the Gram-negative bacteria with both solvents being effective. The crude ethyl acetate extract of J. curcas bark and mature seed oil showed the highest efficacy. The highest mortality percentage was observed after 24 h for both Diptera flies with (66.67 ± 2.89)% of Bactrocera cucurbitae larvae killed by ethyl acetate extract of J. curcas bark. Conclusions This paper compared the different J. curcas plant sections with respect to the effectiveness of the plant as a potential candidate for new pharmaceuticals. The larvicidal effect was also studied in order to demonstrate the dual purpose of the plant.

Arq. Inst. Biol ; 83: e1002014, 2016. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1006521


A cochonilha-da-roseta, Planococcus citri (Risso, 1813) (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae), constitui um problema fitossanitário na cultura do café. O controle mais usual dessa praga é o químico, o que pode acarretar, além de problemas socioambientais, a seleção de indivíduos resistentes. Com isso, torna-se necessário o controle alternativo. Dessa forma, o objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar, em condições de laboratório, o potencial inseticida de diferentes partes da planta de Jatropha curcas , em variadas concentrações, sobre P. citri . Discos de folhas de café conilon com 10 cochonilhas (ninfas e adultos) foram pulverizados direta e indiretamente com auxílio da torre de Potter, com pressão de 15 Lb/pol2, aplicando 6 mL de solução por repetição. Testaram-se sete concentrações do óleo e de extratos, tanto na aplicação direta quanto na indireta, com 10 repetições por tratamento, sendo avaliada a mortalidade em função do tempo. Todas as estruturas de pinhão-manso, em ambas as vias de aplicação, apresentaram índices de mortalidade satisfatórios de P. citri , alcançando 91,6% de mortalidade nas concentrações de 1,5, 2,0 e 3,0% do óleo na aplicação direta.(AU)

The Planococcus citri (Risso, 1813) (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) is a phytosanitary problem in the coffee's cultivation. The most used type of control for this pest is the chemical one, which leads to the selection of resistant individuals, as well as social and environmental problems. Therefore, it is necessary to control the alternative. Thus, this paper had the aim of studying the potential insecticide in different parts of the plant Jatropha curcas , in some concentrations, over the P. citri . Dices of leaf containing 10 P. citri (nymphs and adults) were directly and indirectly sprayed with the Potter Tower's assistance, on the pressure at 15 Lb/pol2, applying 6 mL of solution per repetition. Seven concentrations of oil and extracts were tested, and the mortality was evaluated in function of time. All physic nut's structures in both routes of administration showed satisfactory mortality P. citri , reaching 91.6% mortality at the concentrations of 1.5, 2.0 e 3.0% oil in the direct application.(AU)

Café , Jatropha , Hemípteros , Controle de Pragas
Braz. arch. biol. technol ; 59: e16150396, 2016. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-951378


Jatropha curcas L represent a potential source of raw material for the production of biodiesel. The aim this study was to find potential candidate reference genes in J. curcas tissues. Three softwares were utilized to verify which would be the most stable reference genes in qPCR assay: GeNorm, NormFinder and BestKeeper. The most stable reference genes in developing J. curcas seeds suggested by GeNorm were GAPDH, UCP, actin. However, the best combinations of stable genes in each tissue were identified separately under stress conditions: EF1-α, PP2A2 and GAPDH in total stress, however, in SA stress, four genes were required for normalization: PP2A2, EF1-α, GAPDH and PUB. In PEG stress, four genes also were required: PP2A2, EF1-α, GAPDH and PUB, while in NaCl stress, five genes were necessary: PP2A2, GAPDH, EF1-α, PUB and Tβ2. These results are in accordance with two other programs used in this study (NormFinder, BestKeeper). In addition, the transcript levels of Jc-SRG-2 seem to be more correlated with stress responses than changes in transcript levels of Jc-SRG-1, mainly of leaves in exposure to 3-12 h on PEG and NaCl stress. Taken together, GAPDH and PP2A2 were regarded as being the best reference to provide guidelines for the selection of potential references genes under these study conditions.

Rev. bras. plantas med ; 18(2): 391-398, 2016. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-787942


ABSTRACT Jatropha curcas L. is a plant species with many potential applications, especially medicinal uses (hypoglycemic, anti-inflammatory, haemostatic, healing, anti-tumor). The objective of this study was to test germination in moist paper rolls for whole seeds and in vitro for excised embryonic axes, in an attempt to identify the best method to assess the quality of J. curcas seed germplasm, cryopreserved with different water contents. The experimental sample with a 6.2% moisture content (MC) was divided in subsamples which were hydrated and dehydrated for 0 (control), 4, 8, 11 and 24h. The initial germination percentages were 63% for whole seeds and 81% for excised embryonic axes. After exposure to liquid nitrogen (LN), germination percentages were 48% (whole seeds) and 57% (excised embryonic axes). There was no significant difference between germination percentages in embryonic excised from seeds subjected or not subjected to freezing, with different MC. In contrast, there was a reduction of the whole seed germination percentage when exposed to LN (contrast = 0.17, standard error = 0.04, t = 4.09, p = 0.001) and not for the hydration and dehydration treatments. The methodology based on in vitro cultures of the embryonic axis isolated from seeds stored in LN with distinct MC values was more efficient than the standard germination test to evaluate the viability of J. curcas seeds before and after LN storage.

RESUMO Jatropha curcas L., é uma espécie com várias aplicações potenciais, principalmente para usos medicinais (hipoglicemina, anti-inflamatório, homeostático, cicatrizante, antitumoral). O objetivo deste estudo foi testar a germinação em rolo de papel para sementes inteiras e in vitro para eixos embrionários excisados visando identificar o melhor método para avaliar a qualidade de germoplasma semente de J. curcas, criopreservado com diferentes teores de água. A amostra experimental com 6,2% de teor de água foi dividida em subamostras que foram hidratadas e desidratadas por 0 (controle), 4, 8, 11 e 24 h. Os percentuais de germinação inicial foram de 63% para sementes inteiras e de 81% para eixos embrionários excisados. Após exposição ao nitrogênio líquido (NL) os percentuais de germinação foram de 48% (sementes inteiras) e 57% (eixos embrionários). Não houve diferença significativa entre os percentuais de germinação de eixos embrionários excisados de sementes com diferentes umidades e submetidas ou não ao congelamento. Em contraste, houve redução de percentuais de germinação das sementes inteiras expostas ao NL (contraste = 0.17, erro padrão = 0.04, t = 4.09, p = 0.001), mas não aos tratamentos de hidratação e desidratação. A metodologia baseada em cultura de eixos embrionários in vitro isolados de sementes armazenadas em NL, com distintos teores de água foi mais eficiente que a germinação padrão para avaliar a viabilidade de sementes J. curcas antes e após a armazenamento em NL.

Sementes/classificação , Criopreservação/métodos , /análise , Estudos de Viabilidade , Germinação
Electron. j. biotechnol ; 18(5): 368-375, Sept. 2015. ilus, graf, tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-764024


Background Cysteine proteinase inhibitor (cystatin, CPI) is one of the most important molecules involved in plant development and defense, especially in the regulation of stress responses. However, it is still unclear whether the Jatropha curcas CPI (JcCPI) gene functions in salinity response and tolerance. In this study, the sequence of the JcCPI gene, its expression pattern, and the effects of overexpression in Escherichia coli and Nicotiana benthamiana were examined. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the regulatory role of JcCPI in salinity stress tolerance. Results The CPI gene, designated JcCPI, was cloned from J. curcas; its sequence shared conserved domains with other plant cystatins. Based on a transcription pattern analysis, JcCPI was expressed in all tissues examined, but its expression was highest in the petiole. Additionally, the expression of JcCPI was induced by salinity stress. A potential role of JcCPI was detected in transgenic E. coli, which exhibited strong CPI activity and high salinity tolerance. JcCPI was also transferred to tobacco plants. In comparison to wild-type plants, transgenic plants expressing JcCPI exhibited increased salinity resistance, better growth performance, lower malondialdehyde (MDA) contents, higher anti-oxidase activity, and higher cell viability under salinity stress. Conclusions Based on the results of this study, overexpression of JcCPI in E. coli and N. benthamiana conferred salinity stress tolerance by blocking cysteine proteinase activity. The JcCPI gene cloned in this study will be very useful for the development of stress-tolerant crops.

Inibidores de Cisteína Proteinase/metabolismo , Jatropha , Tolerância ao Sal , Análise de Sequência , Biologia Computacional , Cisteína Proteases , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase em Tempo Real , Estresse Salino
Biosci. j. (Online) ; 31(5): 1378-1387, sept./oct. 2015.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-964876


Ever since the government began providing incentives for biofuel production, physic nut has appeared to be a promising plant, due to the high oil content of the seeds. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the nutrition of physic nut seedlings and changes in the chemical attributes of soil, based on the doses of domestic and industrial sewage sludge. Two experiments were conducted in a design with casualized blocks with four replicates using samples of a "Latossolo Amarelo" that received five doses of each sludge, equivalent to 0; 100; 150; 200 and 300 kg N total ha-1. The domestic sewage sludge raised the calcium and magnesium contents in the dry mass of the aerial part and root, and nitrogen and phosphorus in the dry mass of the aerial part of physic nut seedlings, whereas the industrial sludge raised the calcium and nitrogen in the dry mass of the aerial part and root of the physic seedlings, but did not affect the phosphorus, nitrogen, magnesium and potassium contents in the dry mass of the aerial part and root. The domestic sludge did not alter the soil pH but raised the amounts of phosphorus, calcium + magnesium, cation exchange capacity, organic matter and reduced the exchangeable aluminum, while the industrial one raised the pH and the cation exchange capacity of the soil, increased the amounts of phosphorus, calcium + magnesium, and organic matter and reduced the exchangeable aluminum present in the soil. The domestic and industrial sludges may be used to produce physic nut seedlings; however is necessary studies to evaluate the presence of heavy metals or potentially pathogenic microorganisms.

Com os incentivos governamentais para produção de biocombustíveis, o pinhão-manso surgiu como uma planta promissora, devido ao alto teor de óleo nas sementes. Objetivou-se, com este estudo, avaliar a nutrição de mudas de pinhão-manso e alterações nos atributos químicos do solo, em função de doses de lodos de esgoto doméstico e industrial. Dois experimentos em um delineamento em blocos casualizados, com quatro repetições, foram conduzidos utilizando amostras de um Latossolo Amarelo que recebeu cinco doses de cada lodo, equivalentes a 0; 100; 150; 200 e 300 kg N total ha-1. O lodo de esgoto doméstico elevou os teores de cálcio e magnésio na massa seca da parte aérea e raiz e de nitrogênio e fósforo na massa seca da parte aérea das mudas de pinhão-manso, enquanto o lodo industrial elevou os teores de cálcio e nitrogênio na massa seca da parte aérea e raiz das mudas de pinhão-manso, porém não afetou os teores de fósforo, nitrogênio, magnésio e potássio na massa seca da parte aérea e raiz. O lodo doméstico não alterou o pH do solo, contudo elevou as quantidades de fósforo, cálcio + magnésio, a capacidade de troca catiônica, a matéria orgânica e reduziu o alumínio trocável, enquanto o industrial elevou o pH e a capacidade de troca catiônica do solo, aumentou as quantidades de fósforo, cálcio + magnésio e matéria orgânica e reduziu o alumínio trocável presentes no solo. Os lodos domésticos e industriais podem ser utilizados na produção de mudas de pinhão-manso, contudo é necessário estudos sobre a presença de metais pesados ou micro-organismos patogênicos.

Plantas , Esgotos , Características do Solo , Alimentos , Jatropha