Any disease pertaining to skin causes adverse impact on psychological and social well-being results in depression, social isolation, loneliness and reduce quality of life. WHO has classified skin diseases a psycho-cutaneous disease which emphasizes the relation between skin and psyche. Hence skin ailments are given high priority by the patients. Skin diseases are commonly observed thanks to altered lifestyle including improper and altered food habits, mental stress, improper sleeping habits and poor hygiene. In Ayurveda, the majority the skin diseases are incorporated under Kustharoga and are classified as Mahakustha (major skin disorders) and Kshudra kustha (minor skin disorders). Kitibha kustha is explained under Kshudra kustha in Ayurvedic Samhitas. The signs and symptoms of Kitibha kustha are same as that of psoriasis explained in modern science. Aim: The aim was to gauge the importance of Vamana karma (bio-purificatory measures) in Kustha. Materials and Methods: A male patient aged 18 years presented with the signs and symptoms of slightly raised well-defined brownish patches over upper middle back, behind both ears and around both alar nasal sulcus associated with itching diagnosed it as Kitibha kustha and was treated with Vamana karma (emesis) followed by prior Deepan karma and Bahya & Abhyantar snehan (internal & external oiling) followed by Swedan (fomentation). Results: At the conclusion of Vaman, Pittantik vamana was achieved. Patient had significant relief from Kandu (itching), scaling and reduction of erythema after the procedure. Photographic changes were kept for comparison. Conclusion: This present case study revealed the importance of Vamana karma in Kitibha kustha (Psoriasis).
Patients with skin conditions frequently endure physical, emotional, and socioeconomic forms of social embarrassment. Up to 3.5% of the global total and 0.44%-2.8% of Indians suffer with the unpleasant dermatological disorder psoriasis. It is a widespread, chronic, non-infectious skin condition that can affect either sexes and affect any age, with incidence rates ranging from childhood to age one. It is characterized by well-defined, slightly elevated, dry, erythematous macules with silvery scales and a characteristic extensor distribution. In contrast to other dermatological disorders, psoriasis manifests as systemic symptoms like arthritis. The prevalence is highest in the third and fourth decades of life, when patients become unable of doing daily tasks. For some patients, social humiliation is a significant factor which leads to an increase in suicidal ideation. To raise public awareness, the 29th October has been designated as World Psoriasis Day. The Ayurvedic term for skin is "Charma" or "Twacha." Twacha is derived from the word Dhatu-twacha samvarne, which means body covering. The broad categories of Kushtha have been used to discuss all skin conditions in Ayurveda. There are two types of Kustha in Ayurveda. Mahakustha and Kshudra Kustha. Kitibha kustha belongs to Kshudra kustha.
Skin disorder are common manifestation in present era and more so frequent in elder age. The patient of skin disease is more prone to experience physical, emotional and socio-economic embarrassment in the society due to disfigured appearance. Normally 10-15% of the general practitioners encounter with skin disorder in there day to day practice. Vaipadeeka and Charma kustha is a type of Kshudra kustha occurring mainly due to the imbalance of Vata and Kapha doshas resembling the Pityriasis Rubra Pilaris in its clinical manifestation. Pityriasis rubra pilaris is rare chronic disorder that causes hyper keratotic yellowing of the skin including trunk, extremities and particularly palm and sole. The palm and sole become thickened smooth and yellow fissure are common. Systemic corticosteroid, oral retinoid, immunosuppressive such as cyclosporine are the mainstay of treatment of Pityriasis rubra pilaris. The modern treatment modalities are not devoid from grave complication mainly in long term use. Owning these reasons, there is need for treatment having good efficacy and no toxic profile. So this case study was conducted considered ptyriasis rubra pilaris as Charma kustha and Vaipadeeka. Ayurvedic management was planned accordingly. Good result was witness by Virechan and shaman.
Psoriasis is one of the most common dermatologic diseases, affecting up to 1% of the world's population. It is a chronic inflammatory skin disorder clinically characterized by erythematous, sharply demarcated papules and rounded plaques, covered by silvery micaceous scale. It has poorly understood etiology and presence of 50% positive family history. Drugs used now a day are basically immunosuppressive which have severe side effects along with remission of disease as well therefore holistic approach of Ayurveda can be a better approach to such disease. Psoriasis due to its different manifestation in different types can be correlated to different types of Kustha mentioned in Ayurveda. So the case being presented here is a male patient with red demarcated patches with severe itching in armpits, groin and nipple. Material and method: The patient was administered with Virechana with Trivritaavaleha followed by Shamana drugs. Results: After Virechana there was the complete improvement in itching and redness of patches was reduced to some extent but after using Shamana drugs there was moderate reduction in all the symptoms along with mild remission. Conclusion: There is need to develop a management for psoriasis which can give benefit on a long run without any adverse effects so, Ayurvedic system of medicine could be answer to this question.