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Psicol. teor. prát ; 21(2): 192-210, May-Aug. 2019.
Artigo em Inglês, Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1020260


This article aims to motivate reflection on the need to manage risks and psychosocial risk factors within the health and safety systems in Cuban organizations. It is based on the critical analysis of the authors about the Cuban regulatory framework on health and safety, the bibliographic review and the experiences accumulated in consulting work. Several arguments support the need to manage risks and psychosocial risk factors in Cuban organizations. These include: its prevalence as a result of the changes engendered by the organization of work, the harmful consequences for the health of the workers and the organization, the complexity of their management and the lack of knowledge about them displayed by the labor community. All this forces us to give them greater visibility and importance in safety and health management practices, in order to guarantee the sustainability of our organizations.

Este artigo tem como objetivo incentivar a reflexão sobre a necessidade de gerenciar riscos e fatores de risco psicossociais no âmbito dos sistemas de segurança e saúde em organizações cubanas. Baseia-se na análise crítica dos autores sobre o quadro regulamentar cubano para a segurança e a saúde, revisão da literatura e experiência acumulada no trabalho de consultoria. Vários argumentos sustentam a necessidade de gerenciar riscos e fatores de risco psicossociais nas organizações cubanas, incluindo sua prevalência, produto das modificações engendradas pela organização do trabalho, as consequências nefastas para a saúde dos trabalhadores e da organização, a complexidade de sua gestão e a falta de conhecimento sobre eles mostrado pela comunidade de trabalho. Tudo isso requer dar-lhes maior visibilidade e importância nas práticas de gestão de segurança e saúde, a fim de garantir a sustentabilidade das nossas organizações.

El presente artículo persigue motivar la reflexión acerca de la necesidad de gestionar los factores y riesgos psicosociales dentro de los sistemas de seguridad y salud en organizaciones cubanas. Se basa en el análisis crítico de los autores acerca del marco regulatorio cubano en materia de seguridad y salud, la revisión bibliográfica y las experiencias acumuladas en labores de consultoría. Varios argumentos sostienen la necesidad de gestionar los factores y riesgos psicosociales en las organizaciones cubanas. Entre ellos: su prevalencia producto de las modificaciones engendradas por la organización del trabajo, las consecuencias nocivas que conllevan para la salud de los trabajadores y la organización, la complejidad de su gestión y el desconocimiento sobre ellos mostrado por la comunidad laboral. Todo ello obliga a otorgarles mayor visibilidad e importancia en las prácticas de gestión de seguridad y salud, en aras de garantizar la sostenibilidad de nuestras organizaciones.

Humanos , Adulto , Cuba
Interdisciplinaria ; 35(2): 395-408, dic. 2018.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1019914


El presente artículo hace una reflexión sobre la implementación del enfoque de desarrollo humano en las organizaciones laborales. Se explicarán los elementos socio-históricos que originaron su creación, el papel del Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo (PNUD) y los principales pilares del paradigma a partir de una discusión teórica del concepto de capacidades. Propone que el enfoque de desarrollo humano, y en particular el de capacidades humanas, tiene diversas aplicaciones en el contexto organizacional, no limitado al desarrollo de competencias laborales. Se reconoce que las capacidades para la vida en común y para la ciudadanía también pueden fortalecerse en el entorno laboral, siendo las organizaciones espacios de interacción social. Una implementación vigorosa de dichos enfoques requiere superar la mirada economicista de las relaciones laborales, dando lugar a que las organizaciones ofrezcan oportunidades reales, incluyendo la libertad de agencia y la decisión subjetiva, como responsabilidad compartida con el desarrollo de las personas.

This article reflects on the implementation of the human development approach in labor organizations. We will explain the socio-historical elements that led to its creation, the role of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and the main pillars of the paradigm, base on a theoretical discussion of the concept of capabilities. We propose that the human development approach, and in particular that of human capacities, has diverse applications in the organizational context, not limited to the development of labor competencies. We recognize that the capacities for life in common can be strengthened in the work environment, since the organizations are also spaces of social interaction. Accepting these premises, employees can be educated for citizenship, while acquiring skills for productive life. A vigorous implementation of these approaches requires overcoming the economicist view of labor relations, giving organizations the chance to offer real opportunities, including agency freedom and subjective decision, as a shared responsibility for the development of people. The paradigm of human development has been widely applied in community work because of its impact on the design of public policies and social programs. In the 1980s, the ideas of the Pakistani economist Mahbub ul Haq were materialized in the first Human Development Report. Since 1990, to date, UNDP has continued to publish annual reports. Indian philosopher and economist Amartya Sen contributed to the creation of the Human Development Index; along with the American philosopher Martha Nussbaum have developed proposals to develop capabilities. The authors' work proves a high commitment to freedom, human rights and democracy, bringing the welfare economy to political science, economics and ethics. Although the focus has gained attention in government policies and social institutions, its application in labor organizations has not achieved the same diffusion. Recently, the UNDP Human Development Report 2015 has addressed this issue in studying work and its impact on people. Perhaps its lack of application in the labor organizations is that in these the subject is usually conceived as a means of production, not as an end in itself. Hence, development opportunities are usually measured in criteria of productivity and economic growth of the organization, instead of growth and development of people. This approach initially emerges as a critique of the economic model focused on the production of consumer goods, which sought to bring the benefits of increased output to the lower income groups. Far from enumerating the errors and neglects of the models that have sustained injustice, the approach proposes alternatives to pay for this "social debt" that has left great inequality gaps in the vulnerable population. Since its first report, UNDP has emphasized the importance of offering people and Communities options to economic alternatives for empowerment and the expansion of human freedoms. In this sense, the Human Development approach does not deny the important role that the economic conditions of individual, group or collective subjects fulfill, but its message is broader. While it is true that economic factors help meet the essential needs of men, economic growth has no automatic link with human progress (UNDP, 1990). It does not mean neglecting the GDP indicator, but how to translate that growth into the strengthening of human capabilities. We consider it is the development of the subjects that drives the organization, not viceversa. Therefore, the interest that people have in this proposal is special. The central issues for its implementation require defining this paradigm and its main foundations. For this it is necessary to contrast the concept of human capabilities and their possible equivalent in organizations: labor competencies. Finally, we present the implications of free agency and co-responsibility of organizations, since human development obeys a subjective decision.

Rev. psicol. polit ; 16(37): 349-365, set.-dez. 2016.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-961960


El presente artículo busca aportar a la discusión sobre el Fortalecimiento Institucional de procesos asociativos rurales en Uruguay. Desde la década del '90 los gobiernos uruguayos han trabajado en fortalecer este sector de la producción a través de diversas políticas que llegan hasta la actualidad. En este sentido cabe preguntarse ¿De qué forma se busca fortalecer la institucionalidad de los procesos asociativos? Y ¿Como impacta en las organizaciones los efectos de estas políticas públicas? Para buscar dar respuesta a estas problemáticas se realizó un abordaje desde un enfoque territorial de las ruralidades y desde la Psicología de las Organizaciones y el Trabajo (POT). La invitación es, además, a realizar un recorrido por más de dos décadas de políticas de apoyo a los procesos asociativos de productores familiares y asalariados, teniendo en cuenta los aspectos macro-políticos, económicos y sociales que afectan al agro uruguayo.

This article seeks to contribute on the discussion of Institutional Strengthening of rural associative processes in Uruguay. Since the 90s, Uruguayan governments have worked to strengthen this sector of production through various policies that have reached the present day. In this sense, it is necessary to ask: How is it sought to strengthen the institutionality of associative processes? And how do the effects of these public policies impact on organizations? In order to answer these problems, an approach will be taken from a territorial focus of the ruralities and from the Psychology of Organizations and Work (POT). The invitation is also to make a journey through more than two decades of policies to support the associative processes of family producers and wage earners, taking into account the macro-political, economic and social aspects that affect Uruguayan agriculture.

Este artigo busca contribuir para a discussão sobre fortalecimento institucional dos processos associativos rurais no Uruguai. Desde 1990 os governos uruguaios trabalharam para fortalecer este setor de produção através de várias políticas que vão ter continuidade até a atualidade. Neste sentido, é necessário perguntar-se: como se busca fortalecer a institucionalidade dos processos associativos? E como estas políticas públicas afetam as organizações? Para responder a esses questões, realizou-se uma abordagem territorial das ruralidades e da Psicologia das Organizações e o Trabalho (POT). O convite também é fazer um recorrido através de mais de duas décadas de políticas orientadas a apoiar os processos associativos dos produtores familiares e assalariados, levando em consideração os aspectos macro-políticos, econômicos e sociais que afetam o agro uruguaio.

L article présente cherche apporter la discussion sur le renforcement de processus associatifs rural en Uruguay. Depuis les années 90 les gouvernements uruguayens ont travaillé pour ce secteur de la production à travers de divers politiques jusqu'à la actualité. Dans ce cas il faut se demander de De quelle façon on cherche fortifier linstutinnalité des processus associatifs? Et Comment percute dans les organisations les effets de ces politiques publiques? Pour pouvoir répondre ce problème on fera un abordage a partir d'un point de vue territorialité des ruralités et de la Psychologie des Organisations et du Travail (POT)