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Chinese Journal of Veterinary Science ; (12): 1589-1593,1604, 2017.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-615349


Thymus is an important immune organ in mammals.FoxN1 plays an important role in regulating the development of thymic epithelial cells.Pig is a domestic animal of meat type,and is also a new kind of experimental animal model.In order to better understand the development characteristics of pig own immunity,the expression pattern of Minzhu FoxN1 in 2 month,4 month,6 month and 8 month thymus were detected by real-time PCR and Western-blot.At the same time,the changes of FoxN1 expression in Minzhu and Large white pig after cold stress were also detected.The results showed that FoxN1 expression level reached the highest level in 4 month,and declined in 6 month.This expression pattern is consistent with human and mouse.Cold stress could rise the expression level of Minzhu FoxN1,while have no effect on the Large white pig.

Rev. Fac. Cienc. Vet ; 50(1): 43-51, jun. 2009. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-631460


Uno de los índices de productividad de la cerda es el número de partos al año, dependiendo éste de la duración de la gestación, lactancia e intervalo destete-preñez. El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar el perfil endocrino reproductivo en cerdas mestizas F1 de la raza Landrace x Large White, durante el preparto, durante la lactancia y hasta el destete, mediante la concentración sérica de LH y FSH, y del 17β-Estradiol (E2). Se seleccionaron por muestreo aleatorio simple, 15 cerdas gestantes mestizas Landrace x Large White de una explotación porcina, ubicada en el estado Yaracuy. Se les extrajo mediante punción de la vena yugular, una muestra de sangre 7 d antes del parto, 1, 7, 14 y 21 d posparto y 1 y 3 d posdestete. Se determinó la concentración sérica de las hormonas mediante la prueba de ELISA. El análisis estadístico se realizó utilizando el programa SPSS versión 10,0 para Windows, aplicándose una prueba descriptiva, seguida de comparación múltiple (P<0,05). La concentración de LH aumentó durante la lactancia hasta un valor máximo el tercer día posdestete (7,40±0,97 mU/mL), debido a la recuperación de la ciclicidad ovárica. Los niveles de FSH fueron menores durante el posparto, en comparación al preparto (6,30±1,10 mU/mL) mientras que la concentración máxima de E2 se observó al d 3 posdestete (2139,67±125,2 µg/mL), simultánea a la conducta propia del estro. En las cerdas evaluadas el perfil hormonal respondió a un coordinado y sensible balance de regulación endocrina, que permitió que ocurriera el parto, la lactancia y el reinicio precoz de la actividad ovárica, al d 3 durante el destete.

One of the indexes of productivity of the sow is the number of suckling pigs along the year and depends on the length of gestation, lactation and weaning-pregnancy interval. The objective of this study was to determine the profile of LH, FSH and 17β-estradiol during the pre-farrowing, lactation and post-weaning periods, of 15 pregnant cross-bred sows (Landrace x Large White), belonging to a farm in Yaracuy State. By punction of the jugular vein a blood sample was drawn on d 7 before the farrowing, on d 1, 7, 14 and 21 post-farrowing on d 1 and 3 post-weaning. Hormone quantification was performed using an ELISA test. The statistical analysis was made by the program SPSS version 10.0 for Windows. A descriptive test followed by multiple comparison, was applied (P<0.05). LH increased during the lactation until a maximum value on d 3 post-weaning (7.40±0.97 mU/mL). FSH levels were lower (P>0.001) during the post-farrowing period in comparison to the pre-farrowing period (6.30±1.10 mU/mL), whereas at weaning the levels increased. The maximum concentration of the E2 was observed on the third day post-weaning (2139.67±125.2 µg/mL) and it was simultaneous with the proper estrous behavior. In the cross-bred sow the hormonal profile is a fine balance of endocrine regulation that allows the farrowing, the lactation and the recovery of the cyclic activity of the ovary, during the early post-weaning period.