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J. venom. anim. toxins incl. trop. dis ; 27: e20210011, 2021. tab, graf, mapas, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1346438


Humankind has always been fascinated by venomous animals, as their toxic substances have transformed them into symbols of power and mystery. Over the centuries, researchers have been trying to understand animal venoms, unveiling intricate mixtures of molecules and their biological effects. Among venomous animals, Latrodectus Walckenaer, 1805 (widow spiders) have become feared in many cultures worldwide due to their extremely neurotoxic venom. The Latrodectus genus encompasses 32 species broadly spread around the globe, 14 of which occur in the Americas. Despite the high number of species found in the New World, the knowledge on these spiders is still scarce. This review covers the general knowledge on Latrodectus spp. from the Americas. We address widow spiders' taxonomy; geographical distribution and epidemiology; symptoms and treatments of envenomation (latrodectism); venom collection, experimental studies, proteome and transcriptome; and biotechnological studies on these Latrodectus spp. Moreover, we discuss the main challenges and limitations faced by researchers when trying to comprehend this neglected group of medically important spiders. We expect this review to help overcome the lack of information regarding widow spiders in the New World.(AU)

Animais , Venenos de Aranha/toxicidade , Aranhas , Viúva Negra , Agentes Neurotóxicos
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1484773


Abstract Humankind has always been fascinated by venomous animals, as their toxic substances have transformed them into symbols of power and mystery. Over the centuries, researchers have been trying to understand animal venoms, unveiling intricate mixtures of molecules and their biological effects. Among venomous animals, Latrodectus Walckenaer, 1805 (widow spiders) have become feared in many cultures worldwide due to their extremely neurotoxic venom. The Latrodectus genus encompasses 32 species broadly spread around the globe, 14 of which occur in the Americas. Despite the high number of species found in the New World, the knowledge on these spiders is still scarce. This review covers the general knowledge on Latrodectus spp. from the Americas. We address widow spiders taxonomy; geographical distribution and epidemiology; symptoms and treatments of envenomation (latrodectism); venom collection, experimental studies, proteome and transcriptome; and biotechnological studies on these Latrodectus spp. Moreover, we discuss the main challenges and limitations faced by researchers when trying to comprehend this neglected group of medically important spiders. We expect this review to help overcome the lack of information regarding widow spiders in the New World.

Acta toxicol. argent ; 26(3): 113-117, Dec. 2018. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1001123


Latrodectus geometricus (Araneae: Theridiidae), es una araña llamada vulgarmente "viuda marrón". Originaria de África, es una especie sinantrópica y cosmopolita, muy frecuente en varias ciudades del centro y norte de Argentina. A diferencia de otras especies del género no suele causar envenenamientos graves, habiéndose registrado en el mundo muy pocos casos que requirieron tratamiento los cuales evolucionaron siempre de forma favorable. Todos los casos registrados hasta la fecha fueron atribuidos a hembras, asumiendo que los machos no causan casos clínicos e incluso serían incapaces de atravesar con sus quelíceros la piel humana debido a su pequeño tamaño. Este trabajo presenta el primer registro de un accidente causado por un macho de L. geometricus describiendo los síntomas. El accidente ocurrió a una mujer de 21 años en Villa Gobernador Gálvez (33°01'31" S, 60°38'01" O), Santa Fe, Argentina, en marzo 2016. El ejemplar murió en el momento siendo conservado y luego identificado según su genitalia como un macho adulto de L. geometricus. Los síntomas se relevaron desde el accidente hasta el cese de las manifestaciones sin intervención terapéutica. En el momento la joven advirtió una sensación punzante seguida inmediatamente de ardor y eritema. Luego de 10 minutos el ardor aumentó, disminuyendo a los 20 minutos. Luego de una hora el ardor y el eritema disminuyó considerablemente. Los resultados observados respaldan que L. geometricus no reviste peligrosidad en Argentina y evidencian que los quelíceros de los machos pueden atravesar la piel humana, al menos en zonas de piel delgada.

Latrodectus geometricus (Araneae: Theridiidae) is a spider commonly known as "Brown widow". Originally from Africa, is a synanthropic and cosmopolitan spider, very common in several cities in central and northern Argentina. Unlike other species of the genus, this spider does not cause serious poisoning, very few have been registered that required treatment and always evolved favorably. All cases listed to date were attributed to females, assuming that males do not cause clinical cases and would even be unable to pass through human skin due to the small size of their chelicerae. This work presents the first record of an accident by a male of L. geometricus and describes the symptoms. The accident occurred to a 21 year old woman from Villa Gobernador Gálvez (33°01'31" S, 60°38'01" W), Santa Fe, Argentina, in March 2016. The specimen died at the time, being preserved and then identified as an adult male of L. geometricus according to its genitalia. The symptoms were relieved from the accident to its end without applying treatments. At the time, the woman felt a sting followed immediately by burning sensation and erythema in the area. After 10 minutes the burning increased, decreasing at 20 minutes. One hour later, burning sensation disappeared and the erythema diminished considerably. The observed results support L. geometricus as not dangerous in Argentina and show that males actually are able to penetrate the human skin, at least in areas of thin skin.

Humanos , Picada de Aranha/classificação , Argentina/epidemiologia
Rev. ecuat. neurol ; 26(1): 35-39, ene.-abr. 2017.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1099132


Resumen Las arañas son artrópodos venenosos de distribución global. La mordedura de la mayoría de las arañas no tiene trascendencia clínica, debido a la dificultad que éstas tienen de inyectar veneno a los seres humanos por el pequeño tamaño de sus quelíceros. A pesar de esto, existen cientos de casos reportados con envenenamiento secundario a mordedura de arañas. El cuadro clínico es pleomórfico, aunque pueden distinguirse tres síndromes principales: latrodectismo, loxoscelismo y envenenamiento por la araña de "tela en embudo". El latrodectismo se debe a una neurotoxina llamada alfa-latrotoxina presente en el veneno de las "viudas negras" (latrodectus sp). El cuadro cursa con dolor intenso en el sitio de la mordedura, y la complicación sistémica más común es la hipertensión arterial. Las complicaciones neurológicas consisten en cefalea, letargia, irritabilidad, mialgias, temblor, fasciculaciones, ataxia o parestesias. Estas últimas se relacionan con liberación excesiva de neurotransmisores colinérgicos a nivel de la unión neuromuscular. El loxoscelismo es causado por arañas de la familia Sicariidae, géneros Loxosceles y Sicarius. Existen dos tipos de presentación, la cutánea (cambios limitados al área de piel afectada) y la víscerocutánea. En esta última, puede ocurrir coagulopatía severa, asociada o no a insuficiencia renal aguda, ictericia, fiebre, falla multiorgánica y shock. El veneno de las arañas "tela de embudo" tiene potentes neurotoxinas llamadas delta-atracotoxinas, las que simulan neurotransmisores liberados por vesículas pre-sinápticas, causando hiperestimulación de los receptores pos-sinápticos, lo que resulta en alteraciones sensitivas y parálisis muscular. También pueden desarrollarse alteraciones del sistema nervioso simpático y parasimpático, tales como diaforesis, sialorrea, hipotensión arterial y arritmias cardiacas.

Abstract Spiders are venomous arthropods with worldwide distribution. Most spider bites are clinically insignificant, as the size of their chelicerae is too small to inject enough amount of venom to human beings. Despite this, there are hundreds of reported cases of human envenoming related to spider bites. While clinical manifestations related to spider-bite envenoming are pleomorphic, three main clinical syndromes could be recognized: latrodectism, loxoscelism, and funnel-web spider envenoming. Latrodectism is caused by the potent neurotoxin (-latrotoxin present in the venom of widow spiders (Latrodectus sp.). Most cases present with severe pain at the site of the bite, with arterial hypertension being the most frequent systemic manifestation. Neurological complications mostly consist of headache, lethargy, irritability, generalyzed myalgia, tremor, fasciculations, ataxia, or paresthesias. The latter manifestations are related to an exhaustive release of cholinergic neurotransmitters at the neuromuscular junction. Loxoscelism is caused by envenoming by spiders of the family Sicariidae, genera Loxosceles and Sicarius. It presents in two different forms, cutaneous (with changes restricted to the affected skin) area and viscerocutaneous. In the latter, a severe coagulopathy may occur, associated or not with acute renal failure, jaundice, fever, multi-organ failure and shock. The venom of fennel-web spiders have potent neurotoxins, called (-atracotoxins, that stimulates neurotransmitter release from the presynaptic vesicle, causing hyperstimulation of post-synaptic receptors resulting in sensory disturbances and muscle paralysis. Also, sympathetic and parasympathetic manifestations, including diaphoresis, hypersalivation, arterial hypotension, and cardiac arrhythmias may occur.

Acta toxicol. argent ; 23(3): 118-124, dic. 2015. graf, mapas
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-837845


En Argentina, las especies de arañas de importancia sanitaria pertenecen a los géneros Loxosceles, Phoneutria y Latrodectus. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue relevar los accidentes producidos por el género Latrodectus atendidos en el centro de referencia y derivación provincial de animales venenosos de Jujuy (Hospital San Roque) en el período: 1 de enero de 1998 al 31 de diciembre de 2014. En los diecisiete años analizados se registraron 30 historias clínicas con diagnóstico de latrodectismo, el 83 % de los casos procede de zonas semiáridas y áridas de la provincia de Jujuy. Se registró un valor medio de 1.8 casos/año; la mayoría de los accidentados (63 %) fueron de sexo masculino y la franja etaria más afectada se ubicó entre 16-25 años (50 %). La visualización del arácnido fue confirmada por 18 pacientes, de los cuales el 67 % (n=12) lo identificó como "huayruro" o "viuda negra". Entre las manifestaciones clínicas predominaron: dolor local, dolor generalizado, dolor abdominal, diaforesis e hipertensión arterial. El periodo de internación fue corto (2,7 días) y no hubo complicaciones ni óbitos. Este es el primer estudio clínico-epidemiológico de latrodectismo en el noroeste argentino.

In Argentina, the species of spiders of sanitary importance belong to the Loxosceles, Latrodectus and Phoneutria genera. The objective of this study was to survey accidents caused by the spiders of Latrodectus genus treated at the Jujuy provincial venomous animal reference and referral center (San Roque Hospital) between January 1, 1998 and December 31, 2014. In the seventeen years analyzed, 30 medical records with a diagnosis of latrodectism were analyzed, 83% of the cases came from semi-arid and arid areas of the province of Jujuy. An average of 1.8 cases/year was established. Most of the injured (63%) were male and the most affected age group was between 16-25 years (50%). The arachnid depiction was confirmed by 18 patients, of which 67% (n=12) identified it as "huayruro" or "black widow". Predominant clinical manifestations were local pain, generalized pain, abdominal pain, diaphoresis and hypertension. The length of hospitalization was short (2,7 days) and there were no complications or deaths. This is the first clinical-epidemiological study of latrodectism in northwestern Argentina

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adolescente , Adulto , Viúva Negra , Picada de Aranha/epidemiologia , Argentina/epidemiologia , Venenos de Aranha
J. venom. anim. toxins incl. trop. dis ; 15(3): 562-571, 2009. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: lil-525822


Widow spiders (Latrodectus spp.), also known as "black widows", have a worldwide distribution and can cause latrodectism. To the best of our knowledge, in Brazil, only one case of Latrodectus geometricus (Koch, 1841) envenomation in a human has been reported. The aim of the present report is to describe a spider bite caused by Latrodectus geometricus in a patient who lives in Paranapanema, São Paulo state, Brazil.(AU)

Picada de Aranha , Intoxicação , Viúva Negra , Relatório de Pesquisa
Rev. Soc. Bras. Med. Trop ; 41(2): 202-204, mar.-abr. 2008.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-484229


The first case of envenoming by Latrodectus geometricus in Venezuela is described. The accident occurred at the victim’s home, in Aragua de Barcelona, Anzoátegui State. The 31-year-old female victim was bitten twice on the left scapular region, in quick succession (within seconds). She developed a hyperactive state of the central, autonomic and peripheral nervous systems with minor local symptoms.

Descreve-se o primeiro caso de envenenamento por Latrodectus geometricus na Venezuela. O acidente ocorreu na residência, em Aragua de Barcelona, Estado Anzoátegui. A paciente de 31 anos de idade foi picada, consecutivamente duas vezes, em segundos, na região escapular esquerda. Ela desenvolveu um quadro de hiperatividade do sistema nervoso central, autonômico e periférico com escassa sintomatologia local.

Adulto , Animais , Feminino , Humanos , Picada de Aranha/epidemiologia , Viúva Negra , Venenos de Aranha/intoxicação , Picada de Aranha/tratamento farmacológico , Venezuela/epidemiologia
Rev. Soc. Bras. Med. Trop ; 31(1): 95-98, jan.-fev. 1998.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-464113


Em 02/07/1995, foi atendido no Instituto de Medicina Tropical do Amazonas, paciente masculino, 11 anos, acidentado em Manaus, por picada na região retroauricular direita, clínicamente compatível com aquele causado por Latrodectus. Observavam-se abalos musculares, febre, calafrios e sudorese intensa. Instituída terapêutica com neostigmine precedido de atropina, gluconato de cálcio, cimetidina, diazepam e hidrocortisona. No terceiro dia apresentava-se melhorado, consciente, orientado e com diminuição importante do edema palpebral. A despeito de uma melhora progressiva diária, no quinto dia surgiu eritema máculo-pápulo-vesiculoso. Em 14/07/1995 teve alta, assintomático. O caso relatado é o primeiro descrito na região Amazônica, ocorrido na periferia de Manaus e pode ter sido uma consequência da expansão urbana das duas últimas décadas.

In July 2, 1995 arrived at the Instituto de Medicina Tropical do Amazonas as eleven-year-old male with complaining of spider bite on his right retroauricular region, presenting typical findings of latrodectism. The accident was reported as having occurred in the suburbs of Manaus. The patient was given neostigmine preceded by atropine, calcium gluconate, cimetidine, diazepan and hydrocortisone. Within three days the patient showed improvement, and was aware, orientated and with significant palpebral oedema reduction. Muscle spasms are still present, as well as fever, shivering, and intense sweating. In spite of a daily progressive improvement, at the fifth day appeared a spotted papular erythema. The patient was discharged without symptoms after the 13th day. This is the first such reported case which took place in Amazonian region, it might have been happened a consequence of the urban sprawl which has characterized the growth of the city of Manaus, in the last twenty years. It is not possible at this point to evaluate the epidemiological resound of the event, but in any case, it seems plausible to recommend that black widow antivenom become available.

Criança , Humanos , Masculino , Picada de Aranha/epidemiologia , Picada de Aranha/tratamento farmacológico , Picada de Aranha/etiologia , Brasil/epidemiologia , Crescimento Demográfico