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Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-829260


@#Introduction: Determination of learning needs is central for holistic patient education, to sustain behavior changes and to control patient’s risk factor. However, patients often sense that their learning needs are unmet and information provided was too general. Thus, this study aimed to determine the perceived learning needs and their level of importance among Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) patients. Methods: The current investigation is a descriptive, cross-sectional study for which all CAD patients were selected using the cencus method. The data was collected using Cardiac Patients Learning Needs Inventory. The questionnaire was delivered to 140 CAD patients who had their follow-up in a cardiology clinic. The instrument is reliable with a Cronbach’s alpha coefficient of 0.96. The study design followed STROBE cross-sectional design process guideline. Results: Participants’ mean age was 58.96 ± 9.42 years. More than half of the participants were males (62.9%), employed (52.0%) and had attained secondary level education (69.3%). Around two-thirds (60.7%) of the patients perceived to have high learning needs. Gender and highest educational achievement were significantly associated with perceived learning needs. The most significant perceived learning needs were medication information, risk factors for CAD, information on diet, physical activity, anatomy and physiology, and other related information. Conclusion: This study has identified the important domains of learning needs among CAD patients. Findings from the present study will provide important input for future cardiac educational strategies to reduce the rate of hospital readmission and death.

Educ. med. super ; 32(3): 195-207, jul.-set. 2018. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-989743


Introducción: En Cuba, le corresponde a la atención primaria de salud asegurar una adecuada provisión de servicios sanitarios a los trabajadores. Objetivo: Identificar las necesidades de aprendizaje en materia de salud ocupacional por el especialista en Medicina General Integral del municipio de Santa Clara, para la atención médica integral a los trabajadores dispensarizados en su comunidad. Métodos: Se realizó una investigación descriptiva transversal, que incluyó a 30 especialistas en Medicina General Integral del municipio de Santa Clara, provincia de Villa Clara, en el periodo enero-abril del 2017. Del nivel teórico se utilizaron los métodos: análisis documental, analítico-sintético e inductivo-deductivo; y como empíricos una guía para la revisión del Análisis de la Situación de Salud y una prueba de desempeño. Resultados: En la revisión de los 30 informes de Análisis de la Situación de Salud se identificó la ocupación en el Componente 1 solo en un 30,0 por ciento (nueve documentos) y los factores de riesgo laboral en el Componente 2 en 13 informes (43,3 por ciento). Los resultados de la prueba de desempeño del 43,3 por ciento (13 médicos) fue de poco suficiente; sin embargo, las dimensiones formación-superación y atención médica obtuvieron como categoría predominante medianamente suficiente, a diferencia de las dimensiones promoción de salud y prevención de riesgo, que los mayores por ciento de calificación correspondieron a poco suficiente. Conclusiones: Los métodos y procedimientos utilizados permitieron identificar las necesidades de aprendizaje de los especialistas en Medicina General Integral en materia de salud ocupacional para la atención médica integral a la salud del trabajador(AU)

Introduction: In Cuba, primary health care must guarantee adequate healthcare services to workers. Objective: To identify the learning needs in occupational health of the Family Medicine specialist of Santa Clara Municipality, for comprehensive medical care of workers classified within the community. Methods: A cross-sectional descriptive research was carried out including 30 Family Medicine specialists of Santa Clara Municipality, Villa Clara Province, in the period from January to April 2017. We used, from the theoretical level, the following methods: document analysis, analysis and synthesis, and induction-deduction. The empirical methods included guidelines for the analysis of the health situation and a performance test. Results: In the review of the 30 reports of health situation analysis, occupation was identified in component 1 only in 30.0 percent (nine documents) and the occupational risk factors in Component 2 was identified in 13 reports (43.3 percent). The results of the performance test for 43.3 percent (13 doctors) was not enough. However, the dimensions of training-improvement and medical care obtained, as a predominant category, fairly enough, unlike the dimensions of health promotion and risk prevention, whose highest assessment percentages corresponded to scarcely enough. Conclusions: The methods and procedures used allowed to identify the learning needs of the Family Medicine specialists in the field of occupational health for comprehensive medical attention of the worker's health(AU)

Saúde Ocupacional , Medicina de Família e Comunidade/educação , Aprendizagem , Epidemiologia Descritiva , Estudos Transversais
Palliative Care Research ; : 297-303, 2018.
Artigo em Japonês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-688370


Objectives: To explore background factors contributing to learning needs among physicians in palliative care specialty training. Methods: We conducted a questionnaire survey of physicians in specialty training in palliative care who were within 15 years after medical school graduation. The unmet learning needs (referred to as “needs”) were evaluated on a 5-point scale. Factor analysis was performed to identify underlying subscales of needs. Univariate analysis was performed using an average score of each subscale as a dependent variable and background factors as independent variables. Results: Of 284 physicians, 253 (89%) responded, and 229 were eligible after we had excluded resident physicians with less than 2 years of clinical experience and board-certified palliative care physicians. Factor analysis identified six subscales of the unmet learning needs: research, time, specialist, network, quality, and comprehensiveness. Background factors with significant between-group differences with the effect size of 0.4 or more included: 1) not working at a certified training facility, 2) not working or training at a big hospital, and 3) the number of palliative care physicians being 2 or less in the facility. Conclusion: Improvement of the training system is urgently needed for young physicians who are working at small or non-certified facilities for specialty training, or who have few palliative care colleagues.

Rev. habanera cienc. méd ; 16(2): 268-279, mar.-abr. 2017. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-845281


Introducción: El profesional de la salud que se desempeñe como docente y dirija los colectivos de asignatura requiere entrenamientos metodológicos que permitan su preparación para la adecuación de los contenidos, el tratamiento político-ideológico y la implementación de las estrategias curriculares, así como el seguimiento a las dificultades encontradas en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje. Objetivo: Diseñar una propuesta metodológica para el perfeccionamiento del trabajo de los colectivos de asignatura en las carreras de Medicina y Estomatología. Material y Métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo de corte transversal con 22 profesores principales de asignaturas de las carreras de Medicina y Estomatología, del ICBP Victoria de Girón. El estudio se dividió en tres etapas. En la primera se analizaron los documentos que rigen el proceso docente y el trabajo de los colectivos de asignatura. Se diseñó una encuesta que evaluó los conocimientos acerca del trabajo de estos colectivos y una guía de observación. En la segunda se aplicó la encuesta para la identificación de las necesidades de aprendizaje de los profesores principales que participaron en el estudio y la observación al desarrollo de estos colectivos. En la tercera se desarrolló el taller y la actividad práctica para darles solución a las necesidades de aprendizaje identificadas, así como para debatir la propuesta para el perfeccionamiento del trabajo metodológico en este subsistema. Resultados: Con las observaciones realizadas a los colectivos de asignatura y la encuesta aplicada a los profesores principales se determinaron las necesidades de aprendizaje, se diseñó e implementó el taller, la actividad práctica y la propuesta metodológica para el desarrollo de estos colectivos. Conclusiones: Se diseñó una propuesta metodológica para el perfeccionamiento de los colectivos de asignatura que atiende las necesidades develadas y homogeniza el trabajo en sistema con el resto de los subniveles de organización metodológica(AU)

Introduction: The health professional that acts as a teacher and guides the subject's groups must have a methodological training that allows his preparation for the adequacy of the contents, the political and ideological treatment and the implementation of the curriculum strategies, as well as follow up the difficulties found during the teaching learning process. Objective: To design a methodological proposal for the improvement of the work of the subject's groups in the Medicine and Dentistry careers. Materials and Methods: A transversal - descriptive study was carried out with 22 leading professors of the Medicine and Dentistry careers, from the ICBP Victoria de Girón. The study was divided in three phases. In the first phase the documents that rule the teaching process and the work of the subject's groups were analyzed. A survey was designed to evaluate the knowledge about the work of these groups and also an observation guide. In the second phase a survey was applied for the identification of the learning needs of the leading professors that participate in the study and the observation to the development of these groups. In the third phase a workshop and practical activities were developed in order to solve the learning problems that were identified, as well as to discuss proposals for the improvement of the methodology work in this subsystem. Results: With the observations carry out to the subject's groups and the survey applied to the leading professors, learning needs were identified, the workshop, practical activity and the methodology proposal, was designed and implemented for the development of these collectives. Conclusions: A methodological proposal was designed for the improvement of the work of the subject's collectives that attend the disclose necessities, and also homogenize work by systems in association with the rest of the methodological organization sub levels(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Medicina Bucal , Metodologia como Assunto , Capacitação Profissional , Aprendizagem/ética , Medicina , Epidemiologia Descritiva , Estudos Transversais
Educ. med. super ; 31(1): 137-152, ene.-mar. 2017. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-891159


Introducción: las necesidades de aprendizaje resultan de contrastar un desempeño ideal o propuesto con el real, bien sea para un individuo o un grupo determinado. Constituyen el punto de partida para la búsqueda de una solución pedagógica, a fin de contribuir a la transformación cualitativa de los servicios de salud, y su oportuna identificación una trascendental herramienta de la educación permanente. Objetivo : identificar las necesidades de aprendizaje de los médicos que laboran en los Equipos de Atención Primaria de Salud, del municipio Playa, sobre la conducta violenta. Métodos: como método empírico se aplicó un cuestionario con carácter anónimo, en forma de examen escrito, a 22 especialistas de Medicina General Integral, seleccionados al azar, que laboran en tres policlínicas del extremo Este, del municipio Playa. Resultados: se puntualizaron las deficiencias e insuficiencias de los conocimientos y habilidades profesionales sobre el fenómeno de la violencia, fundamental, en lo que respecta a su dimensión cognitiva y su manifestación en niños, mujeres y ancianos. Conclusiones: a pesar de que el fenómeno de la violencia constituye, en el primer nivel de atención, uno de los Programas priorizados, en lo que a Salud Mental se refiere, la mayoría de los especialistas no lo identifican como es debido, por lo que persiste como un comportamiento infradiagnosticado, cuyo riesgo es, en lo habitual, poco explorado y su evaluación adolece, en ocasiones, de elementos de obligatoria indagación y conocimiento, lo que afecta su calidad y su adecuado seguimiento(AU)

Introduction: The learning needs result from contrasting an ideal or proposed performance with the real, either for an individual or a particular group. They constitute the starting point for seeking a pedagogical solution, in order to contribute to the qualitative transformation of health services, and their timely identification constitutes a transcendental tool of lifelong education. Objective: To identify the needs of learning on violent behavior of the physicians who work in the primary health care teams of Playa Municipality. Methods: As an empirical method, a questionnaire was conducted, with an anonymously character and as a written examination, on 22 family medicine specialists randomly chosen and who work in three polyclinics of the East end of Playa municipality. Results: The deficiencies and inadequacies of professional knowledge and skills on the phenomenon of violence were pointed out, fundamentally with regard to their cognitive dimension and their manifestation in children, women and the elderly. Conclusions: Although the phenomenon of violence constitutes, in primary health care, one of the priority programs, as far as it is about mental health, most specialists do not identify it correctly. It persists as an underdiagnosed behavior, whose risk is sometimes scarcely explored and its evaluation often suffers from elements of obligatory inquiry and knowledge, which affects its quality and its adequate update(AU)

Humanos , Competência Clínica , Medicina de Família e Comunidade/métodos , Aprendizagem , Médicos de Atenção Primária/educação , Violência , Educação Continuada/métodos , Inquéritos e Questionários
Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-627058


The type of specific learning needs of women with breast cancer using the Information Needs Questionnaire (INQ) had been identified prior to developing a breast cancer education package. It is also important to determine the types of patient factors such as demographic and clinical factors that influence women’s specific learning needs on breast cancer. This study thus reports the findings on what type of patient factors influence women’s specific learning needs related to the types of INQ. A total of 140 women with breast cancer who sought treatment at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Centre participated in this cross sectional study. Age showed a significant relationship with specific learning needs on sexual attractiveness (p=0.001) and self-care (p=0.048). Duration of illness was related to information on spread of breast cancer (p=0.040) and self-care (p=0.047). Education level showed a significant relationship with cure (p=0.001), sexual attractiveness (p=0.007) and spread of breast cancer (p=0.003). Occupation showed a significant relationship with specific learning needs on sexual attractiveness (p=0.005), chemotherapy (p=0.043), radiotherapy (p=0.039) and hormonal therapy (p=0.043). On treatment received, a significant relationship was noted with sexual attractiveness (p=0.009), radiotherapy (p=0.029), hormonal therapy (p=0.038) and targeted therapy (p=0.047). Ethnicity and Marital status showed no significant relationship with all the specific learning needs. Findings of this study concluded that certain patient factors had significant relationship with certain specific learning needs. All the patient factors studied and their influence on the specific learning needs were taken into consideration prior to developing the breast cancer education package.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-470088


Objective To understand the training status and learning requirement of nursing personnel for the aged from the perspective of nursing targets and their relatives in the city of Nanjing.Methods The questionnaire involved six categories,80 questionnaires were sent out,57 of them were recollected.The effective recovery rate was 71.3%(57/80).All the data were input into Excel to do statistical analysis.Results The nursing personnel did not fully grasp the skills of transfusion nursing and muscle injection [45.6%(26/57) and 33.3%(19/57)] in the basic theory of basic care,knowledge and skills from the perspective of nursing targets and their relatives.The Chinese medicine nursing skills such as scrapping [needing very much 40.4% (23/57)] and burying seeds [needing very much 40.4% (23/57)] in the ear acupuncture point were also needed to be enhanced.A total of 75.4% (43/57) of respondents chose online examination as the way of nursing personnel's evaluation.Conclusions Nursing personnel are in great need of on-job professional training.

Rev. habanera cienc. méd ; 12(3): 430-437, jul.-set. 2013.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-685997


Introducción: diversos han sido los estudios pedagógicos en diferentes especialidades, disciplinas y esferas del conocimiento para determinar las necesidades de aprendizaje. La capacitación del personal de la salud en temas económicos constituye un reclamo permanente de sus directivos y trabajadores en diferentes escenarios. Objetivo: determinar las necesidades de aprendizaje y el impacto educativo del módulo de Preparación Económica en los Directivos de la provincia La Habana, quienes cursan el Diplomado de Dirección en Salud. Material y Métodos: se aplicó una encuesta -al inicio y al final del módulo- a los 43 diplomantes que asistieron a este. La información se analizó con el software SPSS, utilizando la estadística descriptiva, y el Test de McNemar para evaluar el impacto del módulo. Resultados: el promedio de la edad fue de 45,0±5,4 años, y trabajando en el sector fue de 20,1±6,9 años. En el cargo de dirección promediaban en 2,7±2,1 años. Fueron estadísticamente significativas las diferencias en las respuestas (antes y después) sobre la eficiencia económica (16,3 vs. 81,4), y su aplicación en la Atención Primaria (46,5 vs. 81,4). Las respuestas sobre el control interno fueron altas en ambos momentos. Conclusiones: se constatan (al inicio) carencias cognoscitivas en relación con los temas económicos. Luego de impartido el módulo, la mayoría de los cursistas elevaron sus conocimientos sobre estos temas. Lo relacionado al Control Interno, fue bien respondido tanto al inicio como al final, lo que pudo estar determinado por el uso que de este se viene realizando desde hace tiempo en el sector.

Introduction: various pedagogic studies in different specialties, disciplines and branch of knowledge have determined learning needs. The training of the health´s professional in economic themes constitutes a permanent need for them, at different scenarios. Objective: to determine the learning needs and the educational impact of the module about economic themes, in the Havana's professionals of health, who take a course in the Directing Graduate in Health. Material and Methods: a surveys was applied, to the start and at the end of the module, to 43 students that assisted the first day. Data were analyzed by SPSS software, and were used descriptive statistics, and McNemar's test to evaluate the impact of module. Results: mean of age was 45,0±5,4 years old, working at the sector was 20,1±6,9 years old, and as executives of health sector were 2,7±2,1 years old. It was statistically significant the answers (before and after) on the economic efficiency (16,3 vs. 81,4 ), and his application in the first attention level of health (46,5 vs. 81,4). The answers on the internal control were high in both moments. Conclusions: knowledge lacks in relation to the economic themes was verified at the beginning. After the economy module was given, the majority of the students raised their knowledge on these themes. The answers about aspects of internal control were good in both moments (before and after).

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-432664


Objective To understand the learning needs of nursing students for nursing English in senior high vocational school.Methods A survey was carried out among 982 three-year nursing students in grade 2007-2009 in Cangzhou medical college by questionnaire.The data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistics with SPSS 17.0.Results Most students (93.0%) believed that nursing English was important and had a strong desire for most English skills,especially speaking and listening ability.They (90.7%) expected nursing teachers to take charge of or participate in teaching work and some students (30.6%) were dissatisfied with teaching material.They depended on teachers' instruction and preferred learning in real situations.Conclusions Nursing students in senior high vocational school have strong needs for nursing English,but there is a gap between current teaching situation and learning needs,which the course designers and teachers should take into full consideration in order to make the teaching more effective.

Educ. med. super ; 24(4)oct.-dic. 2010.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-584419


Los facilitadores y profesores de la disciplina inglés de los municipios que pertenecen a la facultad Dr Miguel Enríquez imparten clases en el policlínico universitario a diferentes carreras de las Ciencias de la Salud. Este grupo es heterogéneo porque incluye además de profesores de Inglés a licenciados en otras especialidades (facilitadores) y debido a que trabajan en diferentes municipios, la comunicación y la superación metodológica se obstaculiza. Se realizó un entrenamiento que permitió conocer el nivel de preparación individual de profesores y facilitadores, durante su impartición se identificaron las necesidades de aprendizaje y se desarrolló una estrategia para dar respuesta a ellas. Se concluye que las necesidades de aprendizaje de ambos grupos son diferentes. Los facilitadores no graduados de la especialidad Lengua Inglesa requieren de la metodología de la enseñanza de la Clase Práctica Integral de la Lengua Inglesa, además de cursos sistemáticos que garanticen un nivel de eficiencia en el uso de esta lengua, mientras que los profesores graduados de Licenciados en Educación, especialidad Lengua Inglesa, demandan fundamentalmente entrenamiento metodológico

The providers and professor of English discipline of municipalities of the Dr Miguel Enríquez Faculty give classes in the university polyclinic to different careers of Health Sciences. This group is heterogeneous because it also includes the English language professors and Bachelors in other specialties (providers) and because they work in different municipalities, the communication and because the methodological overcoming is hampered. Authors carried out a training allowed to know the individual training level of professors and providers; during its implementation it was possible to identify the learning needs and a strategy to give answer to them was developed. We conclude that the learning needs of both groups are different. The non-graduate providers of the English Language specialty require of teaching methodology of the Integral Practical Class of this language and also of systemic courses guarantying an effectiveness level in the use of this language, whereas the professors graduated of Educational Degree, English Language specialty, need mainly a methodological training

Docentes/organização & administração , Estudos de Linguagem , Aprendizagem , Avaliação das Necessidades , Ensino
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-392512


Objective To develop the Chinese version of Patient Learning Needs Scale(PLNS), and evaluate the feasibility, validity and reliability of the developed scale. Methods The standard procedure of cross-culture adaptation was used to develop the Chinese version PLNS. A total of 385 adults hospitalized with a medical or surgical illness completed the Chinese version PLNS. The feasibil-ity and psychometric properties of the scale such as, internal consistency, split-half reliability, content validity and construct validity were evaluated. Results Questionnaire recovery rate of the investiga-tion was 98.5%,the completion rate was 97.7%. Average time of completing was (13.75±4.36) min. The overall Cronbaeh's α coefficient was 0.95 and the value of a in 5 subscales of PLNS ranged from 0.75 to 0.86. The overall split-half reliability coefficient was 0.95 and the value of split-half in 5 subscales of PLNS ranged from 0.802 to 0.876. The CVI for content validity was 0.86. The construct validity was con-finned by factor analysis with 55,08% variance was explained by 9 factors. Conclusions An accept-able psychometric property of the Chinese version of PLNS was indicated. PLNS could be used as positive aspects measurement of general patients'perceptions of learning needs while discharging.It might be help-ful for care and further clinical study.

Educ. med. super ; 22(3): [1-11], jul.-sept. 2008. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-515708


Se elaboró una metodología que sustentará la estrategia de formación en cascada de alcance nacional, para establecer un sistema de formación y/o perfeccionamiento de los recursos humanos del sistema nacional de salud en la temática de ensayos clínicos, teniendo en cuenta la identificación de necesidades de aprendizaje de los integrantes del equipo de investigación, las áreas temáticas a capacitar y las figuras organizativas a utilizar en la formación de los investigadores.

A methodology supporting the cascade training strategy of national scope was designed to establish a system of training and/or improvement of human resources of the national health system in the thematic of clinical assays, considering the identification of learning needs of the members of the research team, the topics that should be included in the upgrading course, and the organizational figures to be used in the training of the researchers.

Docentes , Avaliação das Necessidades , Desenvolvimento de Pessoal
Artigo em Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-117284


The active treatment phase in preparation for bone marrow transplantation(BMT) of che- motherapy regimen and total body irradiation (TBI) containing regimen requires considerable teaching. There have been researches that are related to treatment onto BMT patients and to psychological change during BMT process. However, it was hard to find researches focused on learning needs of patients undergoing BMT. The purpose of this study was to provide the basic data for effective educational program about BMT by investigating the learning needs in patients undergoing BMT. The subjects consisted of 90 BMT patients who have been admitted to the department of BMT at three university hospitals. Data were obtained from October 1998 to March 1999 and analyzed by SAS program for unpaired t-test, ANOVA, Duncan test. The results were as follows : 1. Learning needs related to demographic characteristics was identified as below. That of male was higher than that of female. That of under age 29, unmarried, religious and university graduated group was higher than that of opposite group but it didn't show significant difference. Learning needs of group of patients who were employed was significantly higher then that of unemployed patients. 2. According to types of diagnosis, learning needs of myelodysplastic syndrome(MDS) patients was the higher than that of others, but admission frequency was the least. Learning needs of unrelated matched BMT(UBMT) patients was higher than that of autologous BMT patients. However, it didn't show significant difference. With regard to learning needs according to process of BMT, learning needs of Pre- BMT period or Post-BMT period was significantly higher than that of BMT day. 3. Learning needs related to BMT was relatively high (total mean: 3.11 of 4.0). The order of the mean score of leaning needs was shown as follows : Restricted activities after discharge, Relapse symptom, Complications of BMT, Kinds of available drugs at home. Therefore the learning needs that is related to life after discharge and to relapse and complications after BMT was high. 4. Learning needs related to radiation therapy was high (total mean: 3.35 of 4.0). The highest learning needs in radiation therapy items was the Skin care of radiation therapy and Purpose of radiation therapy. 5. Learning needs related to graft versus host disease(GVHD) therapy was high (total mean: 3.55 of 4.0). The highest learning needs in GVHD therapy items was the Preventive method GVHD. As the result above, individualized educational program is required for MDS patients who have less admission frequency and UBMT patients. It is necessary that education for BMT patients should be focused on life after discharge and on relapse and complications after BMT. Especially education for allogeneic BMT patients should be emphasized on GVHD. For all of these, it is necessary to develop systematic and concrete educational program.

Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Transplante de Medula Óssea , Medula Óssea , Diagnóstico , Educação , Hospitais Universitários , Aprendizagem , Recidiva , Pessoa Solteira , Higiene da Pele , Transplantes , Irradiação Corporal Total
Artigo em Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-644112


This study was conducted between October 1, 1998, and December 31, 1998, in order to provide basic data to develop better self-management educational programs for systemic lupus erythematosus (lupus) patients. In the study, the extent of each patients knowledge on the disease and their learning needs about it were examined for 100 lupus inpatients and outpatients at the Kangnam St. Marys Hospital. Data were collected by using questionnaires to those patients. Frequencies, percentage, average, standard deviation, t-test, ANOVA, and Duncans multiple range test were examined through the SAS program. The result of study follows: 1) The average score of patients knowledge on the disease was 15.7 (range, 7-20; standard deviation, 2.74). Subjects scored higher as far as the extent of their knowledge in the following categories : management of daily life, diet, characteristics of the disease, risk factors, and medication. Two categories shared the highest percentage of correct answers: 99% of subjects correctly identified that fatigue and stress aggravate symptoms of lupus and symptoms of lupus vary among individuals in range and type. However, when subjects were asked if patients should get a regular examination by an ophthalmologist every 4-6 months while they are on medication to treat rashes, lupus can be completely cured, and contraceptives that include a female hormone (estrogen) are good as contraceptive methods, the percentages of correct answers were low (32%, 31%, and 20%, respectively). In terms of subjects knowledge about the disease by their general characteristics, single subjects had more knowledge about the disease than married subjects did (t=2.14, p=0.0353). The extent of knowledge also varied by monthly income (F=4.96, p=0.0097). Those with more formal education had more knowledge about lupus than those who had less formation education did (t=2.95, 0.0039). Additionally, those who were satisfied with their education about the disease had better knowledge about it than those who were dissatisfied with their education did (t=2.71, p=0.0090). 2) The extent to which lupus patients wanted to be educated about the disease was, on average, 64.5 (range, 46-75; standard deviation, 7.91). Areas for which patients requested education are listed here in order : risk factors, sexual lives and patients associations. Patients who had been hospitalized demonstrated wanting more education than those who had not been did (t=3.73, p=0.0003). The extent to which they wanted the information was different by the number of educational sessions they had (F=3.98, p=0.0249). In conclusion, the results above would be considered when the education programme is planned for SLE patients.

Feminino , Humanos , Anticoncepção , Anticoncepcionais , Dieta , Educação , Exantema , Fadiga , Pacientes Internados , Aprendizagem , Lúpus Eritematoso Sistêmico , Pacientes Ambulatoriais , Inquéritos e Questionários , Fatores de Risco , Autocuidado