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Rev. biol. trop ; 66(2): 908-917, abr.-jun. 2018. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-977354


Abstract The Mexican tropical wetland is a coastal system with capacity to support the contamination derived from the extractive industry and the transformation of crude oil, due to its high plant biodiversity and the presence of rhizospheric reducing sulphate bacteria from plants tolerant to crude oil. A field experiment was carried out for nine months to evaluate the adaptation of aquatic plants Leersia hexandra grass and Eleocharis palustris spikerush reintroduced in a wetland contaminated with 75 560 to 118 789 mg kg-1 of weathered petroleum and also with sulfate, derived from oil and gas pipeline leaks, and gaseous emissions. The effect of the weathered oil and sulfate on the dry matter production and the population density of the bacterium Desulfovibrio spp, isolated from the rhizosphere and soil of both plants, were evaluated. The means of the variables had statistical differences (p< 0.05). Weathered oil inhibited dry matter production of L. hexandra but not E. palustris; the effect of petroleum on Desulfovibrio density was very significant negative in the rhizosphere and in the soil of both plants. Sulfate reduced the dry matter of grass. The exposure of Desulfovibrio to sulfate significantly reduced its density in rhizosphere and soil (p< 0.01). We recommend the use of E. palustris for the decontamination of flooded soils contaminated with weathered oil and sulfate. Rev. Biol. Trop. 66(2): 908-917. Epub 2018 June 01.

Resumen El humedal tropical mexicano es un sistema costero con capacidad para resistir la contaminación derivada de la industria extractiva y la transformación del petróleo crudo, debido a su alta biodiversidad de plantas y la presencia de bacterias rizosféricas reductoras de sulfato de plantas tolerantes al petróleo crudo. Se realizó un experimento en campo durante nueve meses para evaluar la adaptación de las plantas acuáticas Leersia hexandra y Eleocharis palustris reintroducidas en un humedal contaminado con 75 560 a 118 789 mg kg-1 de petróleo intemperizado y también con sulfato, derivados de fugas de oleoductos y de emisiones gaseosas crónicas. Se evaluó el efecto del petróleo intemperizado y del sulfato en la producción de materia seca vegetal y en la densidad poblacional de la bacteria Desulfovibrio spp, aislada de la rizosfera y del rizoplano de ambas especies vegetales. Las medias de las variables tuvieron diferencias estadísticas (p< 0.05). El petróleo intemperizado inhibió la producción de materia seca de L. hexandra pero no de E. palustris; el efecto del petróleo en la densidad de Desulfovibrio fue negativo muy significativo en la rizosfera y en el rizoplano de ambas plantas. El sulfato redujo la materia seca de L. hexandra. La exposición de Desulfovibrio a sulfato redujo muy significativamente (p< 0.01) su densidad en rizosfera y en rizoplano. Recomendamos el uso de E. palustris para la descontaminación de suelos inundables afectados con petróleo intemperizado y con sulfato.

Bactérias , Petróleo/efeitos adversos , Poluição por Petróleo , Eleocharis , Áreas Alagadas , Rizosfera , México
Ciênc. rural ; 44(3): 400-406, mar. 2014. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-704135


A utilização do herbicida glyphosate para o controle químico das espécies de gramas-boiadeiras nas lavouras orizícolas não tem se mostrado eficiente. Nesse contexto, a investigação do controle dessas espécies com o glyphosate torna-se de fundamental importância, uma vez que não estão disponíveis no mercado herbicidas seletivos para o controle dessas em pós-emergência na cultura do arroz irrigado. Em vista do exposto, o objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar a suscetibilidade das gramas-boiadeiras a diferentes formulações de glyphosate. Foram conduzidos dois experimentos em casa de vegetação em esquema fatorial. No primeiro experimento, o fator A constituiu-se de duas formulações de glyphosate (sal potássico e isopropilamina) e o fator B de nove doses dos herbicidas (zero; 175; 350; 700; 1400; 2800; 5600; 11200; 22400g e.a. ha-1). No segundo experimento, o fator A constituiu-se de duas espécies de gramas-boiadeiras (Leersia hexandra e Luziola peruviana), o fator B de três formulações do glyphosate (sal amônio, potássico e isopropilamina) e o fator C de nove doses dos herbicidas (zero; 87,5; 175; 350; 700; 1400; 2800; 5600; 11200g e.a. ha-1). Com base nos resultados obtidos, foi possível observar que as espécies apresentaram diferença de suscetibilidade ao herbicida glyphosate. Além disso, Leersia hexandra foi mais sensível em comparação a Luziola peruviana. As formulações de glyphosate influenciaram na suscetibilidade das espécies ao controle, sendo que, Roundup Transorb R® e Roundup Ultra® proporcionam melhor controle das espécies de gramas-boiadeiras.

The use of glyphosate to chemical control of Cutgrass and Peruvian Watergrass with the use of non-selective herbicides has not been efficient. In this context, the investigation of chemical control of these species to glyphosate is very important, since there are not available commercially selective herbicides to control these species in post-emergence of irrigated rice. Therefore, the objective of this study was to evaluate the susceptibility of Cutgrass and Peruvian Watergrass to different formulations of glyphosate. Two factorial experiments were conducted in a greenhouse, in the first the A factor were two formulations of glyhposate (potassium and isopropylamine salt) and the B factor were nine doses of the herbicide (zero; 175; 350; 700; 1400; 2800; 5600; 11200; 22400g a.e. ha-1). In the second experiment, the A factor were two species (Leersia hexandra and Luziola peruviana), the B factor were three formulations of glyphosate (amoniun, potassium e isopropylamine salt) and the C factor were nine doses of herbicides (zero; 87,5; 175; 350; 700; 1400; 2800; 5600; 11200g a.e. ha-1). Based on the results obtained, it was observed that these species exhibit differential susceptibility to glyphosate. Moreover, Leersia hexandra was more sensitive when compared to Luziola peruviana. Glyphosate formulation influenced control efficiency, where Transorb Roundup R® and Roundup Ultra® provided the best control of the two species.